
=== Techman_ is now known as Techman
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pdxwebdevHow would I go about testing the wizard? Given that I have already completed it.03:30
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lotuspsychjemorning to all06:35
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
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derek-gdoes is say from december: http://www.mobileos.it/2014/09/ubuntu-touch-arrivera-dicembre-per-meizu-mx4/14:20
derek-gcan someone confirms?14:20
popeyderek-g: you won't get a confirmation from anyone at canonical.14:22
derek-gpopey, there is another one: http://linuxg.net/meizu-mx4-running-ubuntu-touch-and-flyme-in-dual-boot-will-be-released-in-december/14:23
popeywoah, nice spec14:23
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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sergiusenspdxwebdev: phablet-config welcome-wizard --enable15:57
sergiusenspopey: mzanetti do you know of any issue on the latest devel-proposed? I see this on unity8 logs and the dash never starts: file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Settings/Components/StatusIcon.qml:46:5: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///usr/share/icons/suru/status/scalable/indicator-messages-offline.svg16:08
sergiusensthe indicator icon doesn't exist btw16:08
sergiusensmeh, couple of reboots did the trick16:09
sergiusensI'll see if it happens again if not a known isue16:09
mzanettisergiusens: I don't know anything about it, but didn't try today. Yesterday's image worked fine for me16:09
popeysergiusens: just updated my flo today, taking a while to do the apport thing16:13
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pdxwebdevWhen I make the image writable, change "let's get started" to a just a simple test change of "let's get foobar", I build it, install it. all goes well. I restart the phone and it hangs on the google logo18:10
pdxwebdevthat change being made the welcome wizard qml18:11
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Guest50502 is now known as steev
pdxwebdevDoes making the image writable cause the phone not to reboot?20:36
ulrichard_Does anybody here know when I can buy a phone with ubuntu installed?22:11
pdxwebdevulrichard: phones with ubuntu touch pre-installed will not be available until later this year.22:25
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pdxwebdevI run out of space during 'apt-get build-dep ubuntu-system-settings' on mako. Any ideas ideas how to make this work?22:32
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shank233anyone installed ununtu touch on moto g23:21
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