
bluesabre_Hi Laney, if you're about, can you review https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2014-September/000717.html ?02:14
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smoserslangasek, the local-finished is just to say "cloud-init-local already ran". which it could have run to completion before cloud-init-blocknet started.02:35
smoseri'm out til monday, just figured i'd respond.02:35
smoserlater all.02:35
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derek-gWhat do you guys think about new Poettering idea about changing the way OS is being packaged: http://0pointer.net/blog/revisiting-how-we-put-together-linux-systems.html06:47
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ihashacksderek-g: vommit on that and anything systemd related07:45
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Laneybluesabre_: should get to it tomorrow10:29
Laneysorry nobody else did10:29
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ScottKmitya57: How come you didn't just sync pyqt5?18:06
camtronIs it possible to write Unity lenses in C? (instead of C++ or Python)18:12
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slangaseksmoser`: ah.  so the idiomatic way of doing that with wait-for-state would be to make sure cloud-init-local is in state 'started' once it finishes running, so that dependent jobs can key on the state19:11
mapreriumh.. I'm unable to find any documentation about the differences between the amd64 and am64+mac isos. Any hint?20:48
Logan_mapreri: http://askubuntu.com/a/4048021:29
mapreriLogan_: thanks21:32
ubuntouristI'm a newbie following the Ubuntu packaging guide and got the following error message:22:05
ubuntouristdpkg-genchanges: error: badly formed line in files list file, line 122:05
ubuntouristThe git repository I started with compiled and installed w/o incident.  All I'm trying to do is wrap it in Debian frosting.22:07
ubuntourist(Specifically, I'm following http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html)22:07
maxbThat sounds like the "debian/files" file (which is supposed to be autogenerated) has somehow had bad data written to it22:09
ubuntouristmaxb: I forgot to mention, upon receiving the error I did "find . -name "*files*" and got no hits (other than two files in the source repository: files.html and files.js)22:12
maxbWell that's odd.22:16
maxbIs your packaging already in a git repository somewhere that I could clone and look at?22:16
ubuntouristmaxb: https://github.com/w3c/tidy-html522:17
maxbI don't see a debian/ directory in there22:18
ubuntouristmax: according to the documentation "bzr dh-make" should generate it, and it did. I don't use pastebin often. Is it just http://pastebin.com/ or is there a preferred other pastebin?  I can paste the console log/22:21
ubuntouristmaxb: according to the documentation "bzr dh-make" should generate it, and it did. I don't use pastebin often. Is it just http://pastebin.com/ or is there a preferred other pastebin?  I can paste the console log.22:21
maxbpastebin.com is pretty heavy with ads22:23
maxbpaste.ubuntu.com is less so22:23
maxbThe thing you really need to bear in mind about dh-make is it just generates a starting point which will have *way* too much distracting boilerplate22:24
maxbExpect to need to delete lots22:24
maxbFrom all that "warning: ignoring deletion" stuff, I infer you've ended up with an .orig.tar.gz which contains the results of a previous build22:25
maxbIt would be a good idea to clean that up22:25
ubuntouristmaxb: Ah. The documentation only mentioned getting rid of the *.ex and *.EX example files.22:26
maxbThat's certainly part of it. A good principle to follow is the end result shouldn't contain anything you don't understand what it's there for :-)22:26
ubuntouristmaxb: That would leave me with an empty directory. ;-) I will pursue the purging.22:27
maxbI am still somewhat confused by the ultimate error - I can't see what would be causing that22:27
maxbThere are four files in debian/ which are truly core: changelog, compat, control and rules22:28
maxbYou'll probably also have one named install by the time you're done.22:28
maxbBut limiting yourself to that subset to start with should help you cut through the distractions whilst you work on initial packaging22:29
ubuntouristI have copyright, which was boilerplate but I copied the text of the distributed git into it.22:31
maxbcopyright is certainly required if you're aiming for official Debian/Ubuntu eventually, but doesn't have any functional influence on the package build22:32
ubuntouristmaxb: I'll get rid of the docs, README.*, source/format (and source/) and try again.22:33
ubuntouristmaxb: Other than those, everything else is in your list of core files.22:33
maxbThis package has a really quite weird Makefile install target22:34
maxbubuntourist: https://github.com/maxb/tidy-html5/commit/2ce2511c25a0dc6e017fca389654df4ff060f7b922:45
ubuntouristmaxb: Thanks. I'll have a look and compare to what I've ended up with, to learn.22:46
maxbI still don't understand how the "files list" error you had would have been caused - so all I can do is tell you that that commit results in a reasonable looking .deb for me22:48

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