
pdxwebdevI keep running out of space because the image is only 2GB. Does anyone know how to increase the image size so I can do 'apt-get build-dep ubuntu-system-settings'?  It fails every time.03:12
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anpokhm usb host mode on nexus10 just works07:47
anpoknow terminal is just a bit too laggy07:47
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=== aaron3 is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunmhall119: is this the only channel or is there a channel for porting talk16:23
ahoneybundoes anyone have the m7vzw (verizon htc one m7?16:29
diogo_just a little question, does the nexus 4 consume much energy??16:49
diogo_beucase my nexus can handel 1 day with playing around with him with out charging him16:50
anpokdiogo_: you mean whether ubuntu will consume a lot of energy?17:04
anpokdiogo_: there is currently a regressions while display is off, but on most other use cases ubuntu touch does better than 'the android baseline'17:09
anpoknot sure how that baseline was picked..17:09
diogo_anpok_: i need to charge it at least 1 time a day for about 3h to use the phone for about 3,4h17:10
anpokwhat os and if ubuntu touch build are you running?17:11
diogo_i'm using ubuntu touch lg nexus 417:11
anpokthen you might be affected by this bug:17:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1339883 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-dash on the phone has unreasonable CPU usage when system is idle with screen off" [High,In progress]17:12
diogo_Nexus 4   occam   mako17:13
anpokthat bug is independent of the phone17:13
ahoneybunhello all17:13
diogo_and i've found some other bugs, like then your phone is in standby and then you enter the phone again the time isnt the same17:14
ahoneybunhey diogo_17:16
anpokhm yes that one is #1359802 and currently in progress17:19
diogo_any one here with an nexus 4 ?17:21
diogo_anpok_ does your phone consume much energy?\17:22
anpokright now - more than it used to17:23
diogo_and how many time can you use it, like 5h top?17:24
diogo_and how much does it take you to charge him17:24
anpokno statistics at hand.. but thats a known bug that will be hopefully be fixed in the coming week17:25
diogo_i hope so17:31
=== plars_ is now known as plars
pdxwebdevI keep running out of space when when I do 'apt-get build-dep ubuntu-system-settings' on nexus 4 16GB.17:57
pdxwebdevwhen I try to resize /dev/loop0 resize2fs says the kernel doesn't support online resizing.18:02
diogo_guys i have a huge problem18:33
diogo_just conected my defice with the sdk18:33
diogo_and then i downloaded the image to run my defice on the sdk18:34
diogo_then i frezed, i turnd him off and now it is taking like 5 mins to start up and still nothing18:35
=== _morphis is now known as morphis
szymon_WHi! anyone could help me with setting up SDK on my desktop ? I have created kit for armhf, and enabled developer mode on device. I'm trying to run app on nexus4 and I get this error: No packaging directory available, please check if the deploy configuration is correct. any ideas how to correct this error ?20:05
ahoneybunI need help with this section https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Enabling_a_new_device20:12
ahoneybunmy device has CM support but I don't know much about git20:13
ahoneybunI don't have local_manifests/roomservice.xml in my .repo directory20:20
labsinahoneybun, just create the folder local_manifests20:27
labsinevery file inside this folder is used20:27
labsinyou can name it whatever20:28
labsinahoneybun, If you need some repo's rom cyanogenmod, then add <remote name="github" fetch="https://github.com" review="review.cyanogenmod.org" /> to the start of that manifest20:29
labsinthen you can just do <project remote="github" path="external/f2fs-tools" name="CyanogenMod/android_external_f2fs-tools" revision="refs/heads/cm-11.0" />20:30
ahoneybuncm 11?20:30
ahoneybunI thought 10.120:30
labsinahoneybun, It's just a copy from my local manifest20:31
ahoneybunthose two are the top things I need?20:31
labsinthat manifest based on cm could be outdated.20:32
ahoneybunthere is a exp on the wiki20:32
ahoneybunshould I grab the cm11 device and kernel gits for my device>20:32
labsinI actually don't know20:34
ahoneybunI'm grabing 1120:34
labsinthe build instructions get updated more often then the porting guide. They differ a bit20:34
ahoneybunthe last bits are for supported devices20:35
ahoneybunthere is no build for m7vzw20:35
ahoneybunthe verizon htc one m720:35
labsinon the building page of the wiki, they say to use the phablet-4.4.2_r1 branches20:35
labsinI don't know wich are used to build the current images and if they differ much20:36
ahoneybunwell I think 11 is 4.4.420:36
ahoneybunwell 4.420:36
ahoneybun10.1-10.3 is jellybean20:36
ahoneybunI thnk20:36
labsinAnd the building pages suggests phablet-4.4.2_r1 and if you use phablet-dev-bootstrap to set up the repo this branch is used20:37
ahoneybunI'm still cloning the kernel20:37
ahoneybunI used that command20:37
labsinok, then you get the phablet-4.4.2_r1 branch20:37
ahoneybun4.4.2 is 1120:37
ahoneybunguess we will see20:38
ahoneybunI mean it is not a big jump like 4.4 - 520:38
ahoneybunkitkat vs L20:38
ahoneybunI think 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 are bug fixes mostly20:38
labsinand you need to add the github remote to you local manifest like I said20:38
labsinahoneybun, yes20:39
ahoneybunwell I'm cloning the device and kernel into their own folders20:39
ahoneybunand the .repo dir was made with the kernel git20:39
ahoneybundo I have to make the .repo dir too?20:42
ahoneybunit was there before20:42
labsinwhat have you done?20:43
ahoneybunthere it is20:43
ahoneybunyea I got the folder20:46
ahoneybunthe problem I am having it that it did not download the source code for my device so I can't get the nonfree blobs for radio21:02
ahoneybunthe wiki says I can just pull them from the zip file that is the rom21:03
ahoneybunI got all the blobs by hand but where do they go in the Ubuntu Touch>21:13
ahoneybunI need help please21:15
=== Guest99333 is now known as jose
nhainesahoneybun: there are a lot more people in here during EU working hours on the weekdays.  Although they're also really busy working on Ubuntu for the first devices hitting in December.22:13
nhainesSo you might want to check in again about 10 hours from now.22:13
ahoneybunnhaines: I'll be asleep/work though but thanks22:24
nhainesahoneybun: wish I knew the answers.  :)22:24
ahoneybunyea me too nhaines22:25

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