=== lilstevie_ is now known as lilstevie | ||
Bashing-om | camtron: Corrupted "/etc/apt/sources.list file or in the .d directory ? cat /etc/apt.sources.list | pastebinit , tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | pastebinit. to see the tale that will be told. | 00:02 |
camtron | I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 i386. Installing from the command line with apt-get works fine, but trying to install anything, doesn't matter what it is, using USC, gives me that error. | 00:02 |
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=== Guest9389 is now known as g0tcha | ||
xar | how do I display skype's icon on the status bar, please ? I'm on Ubuntu/Unity | 00:05 |
xar | how do I display skype's icon on the status bar, please ? I'm on Ubuntu/Unity | 00:06 |
daftykins | don't repeat yourself. | 00:07 |
lastent | Hi, I want to install php5.2.10 in precise but it says that there is not a candidate package, what should I do? | 00:07 |
daftykins | you can't be that specific about version numbers in package names | 00:07 |
daftykins | !info php5 precise | 00:07 |
ubottu | php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.14 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB | 00:07 |
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=== SleePy is now known as Guest24098 | ||
lastent | daftykins, so I can't install a previous version of a package? | 00:09 |
xar | how do I display skype's icon on the status bar, please ? I'm on Ubuntu/Unity | 00:09 |
xangua | lastent: only if you compile it yourself | 00:10 |
Hilikus | how can i install flash on chromium? i have flash working fine in firefox (installed it via apt-get) but chromium doesn't recognize it | 00:10 |
xangua | ! Info pepperflash-plugin | Hilikus | 00:10 |
Hilikus | ?? | 00:11 |
Hilikus | didn't work | 00:11 |
=== Guest24098 is now known as SleePy | ||
Hilikus | how can i install flash on chromium? i have flash working fine in firefox (installed it via apt-get) but chromium doesn't recognize it | 00:17 |
=== TheSojourner is now known as mjulian | ||
daftykins | Hilikus: you need pepperpot flash nonfree | 00:19 |
daftykins | Hilikus: pepperflashplugin-nonfree | 00:20 |
sssilver_ | Hey guys, is there a repository browsable on the web that would have all files of a default ubuntu install? | 00:20 |
daftykins | why don't you tell us what you're trying to achieve? | 00:20 |
Hilikus | daftykins: is that in the ubuntu repos? | 00:20 |
daftykins | rather than ask the weird questions ;) | 00:20 |
sssilver_ | like I’ve accidentally overwritten /usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop | 00:20 |
sssilver_ | and I don’t wanna bother people by asking what was in it | 00:20 |
daftykins | Hilikus: possibly, i don't use it | 00:20 |
daftykins | !info pepperflashplugin-nonfree | 00:20 |
ubottu | pepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 00:20 |
daftykins | Hilikus: yep ^ | 00:21 |
sssilver_ | so is there a standard way to recover distro files? | 00:21 |
daftykins | not that i know of. | 00:21 |
sssilver_ | but why? | 00:21 |
daftykins | why what | 00:22 |
sssilver_ | why is there no way to solve that seemingly common issue | 00:22 |
sssilver_ | there has to be a way | 00:22 |
daftykins | there's nothing common about deleting a file without backing it up | 00:22 |
daftykins | you sir, made a grave error | 00:22 |
sssilver_ | I didn’t delete it, I wrote stuff into it starting at 0 byte offset | 00:22 |
sssilver_ | which effectively overwrote the contents | 00:23 |
trism | sssilver_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus; will bring the file back | 00:23 |
daftykins | irrelevant, end result is the same | 00:23 |
Hilikus | daftykins: thank you | 00:23 |
sssilver_ | trism: so there’s no repository of default ubuntu installation filesystem? | 00:24 |
daftykins | someones beginning to sound like a broken record | 00:25 |
OerHeks | sssilver_, reinstall nautilus could solve that i guess | 00:27 |
Alberto89 | Ç¡ÃôÔô Ç¡ÃôÔô | 00:27 |
sssilver_ | OerHeks: the problem is that reinstalling is more of a hack than a solution | 00:27 |
sssilver_ | and an ugly one | 00:27 |
sssilver_ | because what if other files were modified with purpose | 00:28 |
sssilver_ | and I only need to restore this one file | 00:28 |
sssilver_ | any source control system allows that, why doesn’t apt-get? | 00:28 |
OerHeks | sssilver_, then open the .deb package, grab that file and put it back... | 00:28 |
OerHeks | sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus | 00:28 |
sssilver_ | OerHeks: that should have been something like sudo apt-get —restore /usr/bla/bla/myfile | 00:29 |
sssilver_ | let apt-get identify which package it belongs to and do the job | 00:29 |
daftykins | sssilver_: you are welcome to submit a patch to add that functionality. | 00:29 |
daftykins | sssilver_: this is not the place for your little ideas to be shared however | 00:30 |
sssilver_ | daftykins: I’m busy writing a tetris with Rust, http://github.com/sssilver/tetrust | 00:30 |
daftykins | that has no relevance to this channel. | 00:30 |
eeee | tetris, *puke* | 00:31 |
sssilver_ | daftykins: I guess this isn’t the place to talk about apt-get, you’re right. Afterall #debian people write it, and Ubuntu is just a bunch of repos and some marketing | 00:31 |
daftykins | nope #ubuntu is a bunch of volunteers getting their time wasted by some idiot who thinks he can do better. | 00:32 |
sssilver_ | so is #debian. But they also actually write shit, like apt-get | 00:32 |
* eeee takes away tetris from sssilver_ and points to the corner | 00:32 | |
daftykins | that language isn't appropriate here. | 00:32 |
sssilver_ | what language, English? | 00:32 |
SchrodingersScat | since reinstalling nautilus should recreate anything, isn't that the answer to if there's a repo out there for it | 00:33 |
rww | neither of you are appropriate here. take the arguing elsewhere. | 00:33 |
sssilver_ | I’m trying to be appropriate rww but daftykins got all defensive and started attacking me :'( | 00:33 |
sssilver_ | I had no choice | 00:33 |
rww | sssilver_: uh huh. back to support, thanks | 00:34 |
sssilver_ | SchrodingersScat: the problem with that is that you end up restoring all files of that package, not just the one you want | 00:34 |
daftykins | and so the same topic goes for a 10th spin... | 00:34 |
vicsar | . | 00:34 |
=== tac_ is now known as _tac | ||
jgar0605 | is there any way to link my private server's webpage to my other server which is public? | 00:40 |
SchrodingersScat | jgar0605: http://nginx.com/resources/admin-guide/reverse-proxy/ ? maybe? | 00:41 |
jorge2 | keep it real with ya niggas | 00:42 |
jorge2 | fosho | 00:42 |
renan | fepogreththik0o | 00:49 |
renan | fgghwrhtrh | 00:49 |
renan | fkkghthlkmwakpthopirykjlrlys | 00:50 |
explodes | Ayyy; Ubuntu 14.04: My ath9k PCIe wifi adapter is not working, anyone know where I can download new drivers? I found one package but it wont "make" (compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-su.tar.bz2) | 00:51 |
jakesyl | whats a non-zero exit status | 00:52 |
eeee | jakesyl: what's 1+1 ? | 00:52 |
jakesyl | 3 | 00:52 |
eeee | well, there's your answer | 00:52 |
jakesyl | is it an error or? because i got it on a subprocess check_output | 00:54 |
explodes | non zero = error | 00:54 |
explodes | the number's meaning is app-dependent | 00:54 |
explodes | er, process dependent. | 00:54 |
eeee | jakesyl: check the docs | 00:55 |
=== Gasseus is now known as Rallias | ||
Jinny23 | You can find funny videos here. http://tinyurl.com/ozfvxy3 | 01:04 |
jon__ | can some one help me please | 01:05 |
jon__ | HELLO HELO ME | 01:06 |
somsip | jon__: just ask your question | 01:06 |
jon__ | SOME ONE HELP ME OUT | 01:09 |
jon__ | HELLO | 01:10 |
eeee | jon__: what's the problem? | 01:10 |
eeee | jon__: just saw your msg above, you want to install ubuntu without a dvd or usb? | 01:11 |
melio | please don't type in all capital letters | 01:11 |
eeee | which os are you running right now? | 01:11 |
melio | unless your a cop and your writing a murder report | 01:11 |
melio | I do that some times, i dono why they want it like that | 01:11 |
jon__ | pepperment linux 4 need 5 | 01:11 |
eeee | ok, i'm not sure about your os's method of upgrading | 01:12 |
melio | I like the guys who made peppermint | 01:12 |
eeee | jon__: try sudo apt-get update && sudo do-release-upgrade in the terminal | 01:12 |
=== caio is now known as Guest56949 | ||
melio | jon__, Peppermint versions typically release in May or June of each year due to them being based on the April release of Ubuntu. As such, Peppermint Five will follow this particular trend. | 01:14 |
melio | Because Peppermint Five will be based on the LTS package base, it will be strongly recommended that fresh installations be performed as opposed to any attempts to upgrade. We will try and publish some form of guide to help ease the pain as much as possible. For the most part it simply involves backing up data to an external source, getting a list of installed software, and saving some configuration files. | 01:14 |
jon__ | i did what yall said to do but i have 404 not found | 01:15 |
melio | jon http://forum.peppermintos.com/index.php?topic=54.0 | 01:15 |
eeee | jon__: do you have an iso of peppermint 5? | 01:16 |
jon__ | no | 01:16 |
jorge2 | what is peppermint? | 01:16 |
eeee | jorge2: i think it's an ubuntu based os | 01:17 |
SonikkuAmerica | !ot | melio, jon__, eeee - also, Peppermint is not supported here | 01:17 |
ubottu | melio, jon__, eeee - also, Peppermint is not supported here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 01:17 |
melio | jorge2, ubuntu based distro | 01:17 |
SonikkuAmerica | !derivative | 01:17 |
SonikkuAmerica | !derivatives | 01:17 |
ubottu | Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 01:17 |
=== Mathieu is now known as Guest12737 | ||
melio | thanks SonikkuAmerica | 01:17 |
jon__ | i need to upgrade to pepperment 5 now | 01:17 |
jon__ | with out dvd or usb | 01:18 |
melio | jon__ have you tried Ubuntu 14.04? | 01:18 |
jon__ | no i have not tried ubuntu 14 .will it work on a intel core i3 | 01:19 |
melio | yes | 01:19 |
jon__ | how | 01:19 |
melio | the same way peppermint uses ubunutu to run | 01:19 |
sabel | anyone know of a linux audio driver for intel vallyview HD audip controller | 01:19 |
sabel | ? | 01:19 |
jon__ | i dont want to use dvd's or usb | 01:19 |
melio | jon__, want or can't? | 01:20 |
eeee | jon__: you can use virtualbox to install it | 01:20 |
eeee | ( install it on the actual hard disk ) | 01:20 |
jon__ | my pepperment os 4 is now out of date i cant get anything | 01:20 |
eeee | but using a usb or dvd would be more straight forward.. | 01:20 |
eeee | jon__: you can still open a browser and download though right? | 01:21 |
jon__ | yes i can' | 01:21 |
IdleOne | jon__: This channel does not support pepermint os | 01:21 |
eeee | ok download the ubuntu iso, and go to virtualbox's website and download the .deb file | 01:22 |
IdleOne | please seek support in the appropriate support channel | 01:22 |
melio | IdleOne, does it support people asking him to just run regular ubuntu? | 01:22 |
jon__ | well i dont care if yall dont | 01:22 |
jon__ | W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-proposed/universe/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 01:22 |
jon__ | W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-proposed/restricted/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 01:22 |
jon__ | W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-proposed/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 01:22 |
jon__ | W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-security/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 01:22 |
jon__ | W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-security/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 01:22 |
jon__ | W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-security/universe/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 01:22 |
melio | don't paste!! | 01:22 |
unopaste | jon__ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 01:22 |
IdleOne | melio: This channel supports Ubuntu. | 01:23 |
ku0 | daym jon | 01:23 |
melio | yeah they have a bot to mute you if you paste too much | 01:23 |
melio | idleOne, so it supports but doesnt promote ubuntu? | 01:23 |
SonikkuAmerica | jon__: (1) Use a pastebin, (2) we've told you again and again that we only support Ubuntu itself here. | 01:23 |
IdleOne | melio: As a channel op I can tell you that we promote Ubuntu and we don't force anybody to use Ubuntu. Now if you want to keep questioning me on the use of this channel you can join #ubuntu-ops. | 01:24 |
melio | sabel, vallyview hd audio? | 01:24 |
jon__ | ok if i down lound unbuntu can u guys help me | 01:25 |
jon__ | witch one do i need | 01:25 |
SonikkuAmerica | jon__: What's your CPU? (Processor?) | 01:25 |
SonikkuAmerica | jon__: Also does your computer have a Windows 8 logo? | 01:25 |
jon__ | intel core i3 | 01:25 |
jon__ | win 7 | 01:26 |
SonikkuAmerica | Get the 64-bit image. | 01:26 |
SonikkuAmerica | Select "Try Ubuntu without installing," connect to the Internet, and rejoin the channel | 01:26 |
jon__ | ok down lounding it now | 01:27 |
SonikkuAmerica | Oh, get out a USB stick and use the Universal USB Installer to write the image, and reboot | 01:27 |
jon__ | i dont know how do do all what yall r saying to me | 01:27 |
jon__ | i need walk throws | 01:28 |
ku0 | loads of tutorials on the internet | 01:28 |
melio | Jon, do you have a usb thumbdrive? | 01:28 |
jon__ | no | 01:28 |
melio | and you can't burn a cd/dvd? | 01:29 |
jon__ | no | 01:29 |
OerHeks | not cd, iso is too big | 01:29 |
melio | you don't have any friends that can? | 01:29 |
jon__ | as i have said my pep 4 is out of date | 01:29 |
=== ragnarok is now known as NigelGarage | ||
ku0 | usbs are really inexpensive | 01:30 |
ku0 | 4gb is cheap | 01:30 |
melio | i give them away at conferences | 01:30 |
jon__ | i get that ok | 01:30 |
jon__ | i lost my usb | 01:32 |
jon__ | melio | 01:32 |
Bashing-om | jon__: IF you are handy in terminal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot , will give a means to install ubuntu from a linux install . | 01:32 |
cpp_ | hello | 01:32 |
ku0 | hey cpp | 01:33 |
cpp_ | does anyone know how to run a program from the terminal | 01:33 |
jon__ | sorry i am not good at this stuff | 01:33 |
ku0 | @cp like, for example, firefox? | 01:34 |
jon__ | i have 1 min for ubuntu to downlound | 01:35 |
cpp_ | well let's say i have an executable file on the desktop, what would i punch into the console to run it | 01:35 |
ku0 | if its marked executable, you can run it by typing "./filenamehere.run | 01:36 |
ku0 | without the quotes | 01:36 |
ku0 | and if its on the desktop | 01:36 |
Bashing-om | jon__: Than, as suggested, find a friend, and burn you a DVD, Or do lots of home work in Perpermint and find a means to release upgrade from an End-Of-Life install. ( it can be done in ubuntu, but NOT easily). | 01:37 |
jon__ | iso ubuntu is done now what | 01:37 |
jon__ | some one pm me | 01:38 |
Bashing-om | jon__: Burn the .iso to disk ( DVD), 1st verify the .iso : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM . | 01:39 |
camtron | Is there any way to speed up Ubuntu Software Center? It takes a whole minute to start up and is very sluggish. | 01:39 |
ku0 | @cpp did it work for you? | 01:39 |
ku0 | i believe someone linked this for you, jon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot | 01:40 |
jon__ | OK I FOUND A USB | 01:40 |
camtron | jon__: Floppy disks, then? | 01:40 |
jon__ | NOW WHAT DO I DO | 01:41 |
ku0 | very good | 01:41 |
ku0 | now | 01:41 |
ZZRMike | Is there built in documentation for the syntax for changing shell prompt? Or is it something I'll have to scour a book/the web for? | 01:41 |
Bashing-om | jon__: Then you are going to have to get handy with a terminal. | 01:41 |
jon__ | SOME ONE PM ME | 01:41 |
ku0 | you want to download universal usb installer | 01:41 |
OerHeks | !caps | 01:41 |
SolarisBoy | you could configure your grub to boot the iso from the disk assuming you are using a linux distro now. | 01:41 |
Bashing-om | jon__: solar, suggested https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot . | 01:44 |
gr33n7007h | ZZRMike, type: PS1=">>> " in terminal | 01:44 |
SolarisBoy | ZZRMike: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Printing-a-Prompt | 01:46 |
camtron | Will Ubuntu install from a flash drive that was simply dd'ed with the installation .iso image? | 01:47 |
rww | camtron: yes | 01:47 |
rww | camtron: (assuming you mean the regular desktop ISO) | 01:48 |
KLVTZ | Would anyone know how to zoom-in within a guake term? | 01:48 |
ZZRMike | SolarisBoy: Exactly what I was looking for, but that doesn't come available in any distribution? It's just something that I'm going to have to either memorize or keep a reference handy? | 01:49 |
SolarisBoy | ZZRMike: i believe it is available in some man page - possibly for bash, i forget off top | 01:49 |
ZZRMike | SolarisBoy: Okay, perfect! I'll do some more digging around, I just didn't want to go on some wild goose chase looking for some internal documentation for it :-P Thanks! | 01:50 |
ZZRMike | SolarisBoy: Indeed, I was able to find it in the man page for bash. Thanks! | 01:51 |
SolarisBoy | ZZRMike: no worries anytime =) | 01:51 |
thoonai | good evening | 01:52 |
thoonai | I could need some help on my iso-boot-stick | 01:52 |
Helsinkiii | hi. I just installed a sci/eng app from a university website (red flags) and although installation went without a hitch, now anything software-center, or update related doesn't work | 01:52 |
Helsinkiii | running update-manager gives a seg fault | 01:52 |
=== NigelGarage is now known as luckybunny | ||
eeee | KLVTZ: ctrl + scroll with the mouse maybe? that works in nautilus for zooming | 01:53 |
thoonai | I tried to boot the ubuntu iso but it tells me "boot kernel first" | 01:54 |
KLVTZ | eeee: so in my terminal, i do Ctrl+shift + plus-sym and that works, but it doesn't for this. Ctrl+scroll didn't either --any other alt. wayS? | 01:55 |
thoonai | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8339174/ | 01:55 |
thoonai | this is my grub.cfg file | 01:55 |
Helsinkiii | any ideas why running update-manager gives a Segmentation Fault (Core dump)? | 01:55 |
thoonai | I have no clue, why its not working, it seems pretty simple | 01:57 |
SolarisBoy | thoonai: how did you create the usb drive installer? | 01:57 |
SolarisBoy | thoonai: seems like it may not have the file where expected or atleast can't find it with that name | 01:58 |
thoonai | SolarisBoy: I followed this tutorial: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-via-grub2-using-linux/ | 01:58 |
thoonai | SolarisBoy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot#grml-rescueboot | 01:58 |
thoonai | SolarisBoy: this one I have to vor comparison | 01:58 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: ^^ What I see there is the file from the installer's booting. // Is your medium to install with good ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM . | 01:59 |
thoonai | this is my grub.cfg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8339174/ | 01:59 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: I'll check, sec | 01:59 |
samthewildone | This is becoming very annoying now. | 02:00 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: Roger, you link is the liveDVD's .cfg file . | 02:00 |
samthewildone | Can someone help me correct my bluetooth problem ? | 02:00 |
Helsinkiii | I know the package that is causing synaptic and update-manager to fail, but i can't remove it | 02:01 |
samthewildone | !bluetooh | 02:01 |
Helsinkiii | any ideas? | 02:01 |
samthewildone | !bluetooth | 02:01 |
ubottu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 02:01 |
SonikkuAmerica | (( Oh wow, people pick weird nicks in here, like someone and too )) | 02:02 |
KLVTZ | in reality, this channel probably has people from all over the world | 02:02 |
KLVTZ | I sometimes like to imagine everyone has no pants, just to make this room exciting | 02:02 |
KLVTZ | you know, to spice up the night | 02:02 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: ? I wrote that myself Minutes ago ^^ | 02:03 |
Bashing-om | Helsinkiii: 'sudo apt-get remove --purge <pckage_name>' gives errors ? | 02:03 |
KLVTZ | Still facing that 'can't zoom text' in guake issue | 02:03 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: the problem is: its not working | 02:03 |
Helsinkiii | Bashing-om, lies. I have the .sh file, and it installed a few things | 02:03 |
Helsinkiii | Bashing-om, can i get the package names from the .sh | 02:03 |
SolarisBoy | thoonai: check within the iso and ensure that the efi file referenced is present | 02:03 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: What we are seeing is the boot code from the installer, not the boot code from the installed system. | 02:03 |
SolarisBoy | that error generally comes from the kernel not being where grub says it is @ thoonai | 02:04 |
thoonai | just downloaded a new iso, old seemed corrupt :/ | 02:04 |
OerHeks | KLVTZ, i can't find zoom support either | 02:04 |
eeee | thoonai: did you checksum the old iso? | 02:05 |
Bashing-om | Helsinkiii: IF installed manually, the package manager has verry limited application to the installed package, Is there no (UN-)install derections with the .sh package ? | 02:05 |
thoonai | eeee: yes and this one differed from the md5sums from the site Bashing-om linked | 02:06 |
Helsinkiii | literally, the guys who wrote it only supply a .sh. absolutely nothing else | 02:06 |
KLVTZ | OerHeks: I'll submit a question on the stackexchange ubuntu network. | 02:06 |
thoonai | eeee: though I downloaded it 5hours ago ... | 02:06 |
eeee | thoonai: you can repair the old iso, without having to download it again | 02:06 |
thoonai | eeee: no need, internet is fast enough here | 02:07 |
thoonai | atm I'm copying the iso to the pen drive | 02:07 |
Helsinkiii | Bashing-om, freak out in 3,2... | 02:08 |
Helsinkiii | I'm an idiot, I should have run this in an emulator | 02:08 |
Helsinkiii | fuck me | 02:08 |
eeee | Helsinkiii: what did you install? | 02:09 |
K4wkz | opa | 02:09 |
Helsinkiii | eeee some random materials engineering application from a university | 02:09 |
eeee | cool | 02:09 |
eeee | ( i only say that cuz im a mech eng ) | 02:09 |
eeee | :D | 02:09 |
Helsinkiii | eeee seg fault when i try to run updates, and synaptic crashes | 02:10 |
eeee | so what did it do to your pc? | 02:10 |
Helsinkiii | ^ | 02:10 |
thoonai | Helsinkiii: I know it's too late, but take a look at VirtualBox if your box supports virtualization | 02:10 |
Helsinkiii | Helsinkiii, I HAVE IT INSTALLED. that's why i'm a moron | 02:11 |
eeee | Helsinkiii: paste the .sh in paste.ubuntu.com | 02:11 |
Helsinkiii | what do i do now? | 02:11 |
SolarisBoy | Helsinkiii: are you able to post the installer file to show what the contents are? | 02:11 |
SolarisBoy | oops - ignore that =) | 02:11 |
Helsinkiii | SolarisBoy, it's paid, I'm not even sure i'm allowed | 02:12 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, might not be permitted to? | 02:12 |
eeee | i'm sure the app is more than an install script.. | 02:12 |
eeee | + how much did it run you btw | 02:12 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, $75 | 02:12 |
eeee | what's it find? | 02:13 |
thoonai | ok, i feel stupid, I looked into the correct iso and vmlinuz.efi is in /casper/ | 02:13 |
Helsinkiii | stuff man | 02:13 |
Helsinkiii | waste of money | 02:13 |
eeee | did you run it as root? | 02:15 |
K4wkz | anyone want to enter in my team? | 02:16 |
K4wkz | Culargo Team | 02:16 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, i don't think so? but not sure | 02:16 |
thoonai | K4wkz: --> #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:16 |
eeee | well it couldn't have caused too much damage then | 02:16 |
SolarisBoy | Helsinkiii: it should be ok to view the file and see the actions it performed, you aren't redistributing it or modifying the code etc. | 02:16 |
K4wkz | oh sorry boss | 02:16 |
eeee | Helsinkiii: did you do sudo ./script.sh to run it? | 02:17 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, i don't think so | 02:17 |
rww | Tr3v0r: Do you have an Ubuntu support question we can help with? | 02:18 |
cfhowlett | Tr3v0r, wrong channel | 02:18 |
thoonai | eeee: SolarisBoy Bashing-om ok, im stupid | 02:18 |
thoonai | it just runs *shrugs* | 02:19 |
eeee | thoonai: what do you mean? | 02:19 |
SonikkuAmerica | !pt | Tr3v0r: Por favor, não spam do canal, também | 02:19 |
ubottu | Tr3v0r: Por favor, não spam do canal, também: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 02:19 |
SolarisBoy | thoonai: if the old copy didn't have the efi file within the casper folder that would explain the error (Assuming the new one does have that file present) | 02:19 |
eeee | thoonai: nevermind just saw your msg above | 02:19 |
Tr3v0r | _unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOO | 02:19 |
Tr3v0r | OOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDo | 02:19 |
Tr3v0r | N_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU | 02:19 |
Tr3v0r | _unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOO | 02:19 |
SonikkuAmerica | !ops | 02:20 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 02:20 |
Tr3v0r | _unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOOOOOOOOOOOOOT DO SATANAIS VOLTOU_unreal_, _jack_ _NiC _skule aaearon aau AaronCampbell _GoRDoN_ _gypsy_ _tac acidrain_ O BOO | 02:20 |
SonikkuAmerica | Danke rww | 02:20 |
cfhowlett | rww, ban please | 02:20 |
rww | cfhowlett: :| | 02:20 |
SonikkuAmerica | ... He did. | 02:20 |
cfhowlett | rww, doh! | 02:20 |
thoonai | well sometimes I hate linux for giving me all this possibillities, I have the urge to follow :( | 02:20 |
cfhowlett | rww still working on the first cup of coffee. didn't notice that you're 2 steps ahead of me, as ususal. | 02:21 |
thoonai | well thanks guys | 02:21 |
rww | cfhowlett: no problem :) | 02:21 |
thoonai | im off to offtopic | 02:21 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: Stupidilty is a condition. Thougtlessness happens more often. We all on the good side now ? | 02:21 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, yo i think i figured it out | 02:23 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, it installed an old version of java | 02:23 |
Helsinkiii | Bashing-om, trying to remove purge doesn't work, it hangs at 96 | 02:24 |
Helsinkiii | Bashing-om, 96% | 02:24 |
Helsinkiii | Bashing-om, the thing installed an old version of Java, i think that's the problem | 02:24 |
Bashing-om | Helsinkiii: And you are "hanging" trying to remove 'java' ?? | 02:25 |
eeee | Helsinkiii: how are you removing java anyways? | 02:25 |
Helsinkiii | oh man | 02:25 |
Helsinkiii | i tried purging jre 1.5.0 or something | 02:25 |
Helsinkiii | the one it installed | 02:26 |
eeee | how did the script install java? apt-get? | 02:26 |
Helsinkiii | it says it installed jre_1.5.0-22_i386.deb | 02:26 |
=== gorelative is now known as Guest92233 | ||
Helsinkiii | eeee, no ideas? | 02:30 |
eeee | Helsinkiii: well, it couldn't have installed anything without sudo | 02:30 |
eeee | i'm thinking maybe try a different username or something? | 02:30 |
mikangjelo | !l hit and run | 02:30 |
ubottu | mikangjelo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:30 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, to log into my machine? | 02:31 |
eeee | sudo useradd -m <newuser> | 02:31 |
Helsinkiii | ill try | 02:31 |
mikangjelo | !m hit and run | 02:33 |
ubottu | mikangjelo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:33 |
rww | mikangjelo: something we can help you with? | 02:33 |
Daryl_ | Hey i was just wondering is there a program or tutorial on how to make your Ubuntu Desktop able to have 2 mouses and keyboards on it so 2 people are able to do 2 different things on 1 desktop | 02:36 |
eeee | like a siamese ubuntu? | 02:36 |
eeee | :D | 02:36 |
Daryl_ | Not 100% what that is but ill look it up | 02:37 |
eeee | lol | 02:37 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, nope | 02:37 |
OerHeks | Daryl_, sure, it is called multiseat https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX ( little outdated) | 02:38 |
OerHeks | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multiseat | 02:38 |
oldskoool | I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 and I want to upgrade to the latest version without reformatting. I think my version is no longer supported, as it can't find any of the repositories. Can someone tell me a web page with instructions or something to update my system software? | 02:38 |
rww | !eolupgrades | 02:39 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 02:39 |
Daryl_ | wow thanks exactly what i was looking for... thank u kindly | 02:39 |
oldskoool | should I modify my /etc/apt/sources.list to include the lines listed in the "code" block on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades ?? | 02:40 |
=== Zeus is now known as Guest40366 | ||
eeee | Helsinkiii: try to reinstall apt maybe ? sudo apt-get install --reinstall apt | 02:40 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, i just remembered that right after i installed the thing, i got a popup that said something along the lines of an unmet dependency and how its count was now >0 | 02:41 |
Helsinkiii | got the update-manager red stop sign icon in the notifications bar | 02:41 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, "reading package lists" hangs at 96% | 02:42 |
OerHeks | oldskoool, yes, and save it and run update | 02:43 |
eeee | ok, try to apt-get update | 02:43 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, gets to the very end, hangs at 96 | 02:43 |
eeee | Helsinkiii: sudo apt-get update ? | 02:44 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, yeah, hung at 96% then crashed | 02:44 |
eeee | paste /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:44 |
eeee | what is it downloading when it hangs? | 02:44 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, some heroku shit? | 02:45 |
eeee | heroku? | 02:45 |
eeee | pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:46 |
cfhowlett | Helsinkiii, language ... please | 02:46 |
Helsinkiii | cfhowlett, what happened? | 02:46 |
Helsinkiii | oh dear, i'm sorry | 02:46 |
Helsinkiii | some heroku fecal matter? | 02:47 |
eeee | Helsinkiii: also cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | pastebinit | 02:47 |
=== mfisch` is now known as mfisch | ||
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OerHeks | seems like "heroku" isn't in our repos, what manual do you follow? | 02:48 |
=== Guest17883 is now known as mfishc | ||
Guest40366 | heroku fecal matter :'P hahaha | 02:49 |
Helsinkiii | I DID IT | 02:50 |
Daryl_ | Gratz | 02:50 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, i removed that heroku software source, which then told me that i had a broken dependency and i removed it | 02:50 |
Helsinkiii | it was the java they bundled | 02:50 |
samthewildone | omg | 02:50 |
samthewildone | Still not working. | 02:50 |
Helsinkiii | bastardi! | 02:50 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, i was about to pastebin you everything but i wanted to try my hand at it first | 02:51 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, seriously appreciate it though | 02:51 |
eeee | np | 02:51 |
Helsinkiii | eeee, i wanted to impress you | 02:51 |
Helsinkiii | are you impressed? | 02:51 |
eeee | glad it worked out | 02:51 |
Helsinkiii | Bashing-om, thanks for the hlp, fixed it | 02:51 |
thoonai | ok, im back, this thing just boots until initramfs | 02:52 |
Bashing-om | Helsinkiii: Great, however, little help from me, ya done all the heavy lifting. | 02:52 |
thoonai | I guess I'm missing something, do I? | 02:52 |
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thoonai | eeee: ? | 02:53 |
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Bashing-om | thoonai: What is booting to initramfs ? ..while trying to install, or booting into the installed operating system ? | 02:53 |
=== Guest41508 is now known as mfisch | ||
thoonai | Bashing-om: im trying to build a multi install usb stick | 02:55 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: so I wanted to modify the grub to boot the isos | 02:55 |
thoonai | now i build a grub config, downloaded a non corrupt iso of ubuntu and tried to boot it: now im stuck at initramfs | 02:56 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: OK, where did you download the .iso file to, and where did you tell grub the .iso file was located ? | 02:58 |
Basketball | how can i get something like manycams to spoof my webcam | 02:58 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: I copied the iso into / on the drive, and I configured /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 02:58 |
thoonai | i used the official canonical download and veryfied it with md5sum | 03:00 |
oldskoool | I am trying to update 12.10 (quantal). Instructions say to use "sudo aptitude install..." command, but aptitude is not on my computer. Was it superceded by apt-get? | 03:01 |
cfhowlett | oldskoool, I believe so | 03:01 |
samthewildone | !blueman | 03:01 |
OerHeks | aptitude was removed for some time, due to 32/64 bit dependencie issues | 03:02 |
rww | oldskoool: either should work | 03:02 |
cfhowlett | !info blueman | 03:02 |
ubottu | blueman (source: blueman): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.23-git201403102151-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 375 kB, installed size 2514 kB | 03:02 |
eeee | oldskoool: sudo apt-get update && sudo do-release-upgrade | 03:02 |
xangua | !eol | oldskoool | 03:02 |
ubottu | oldskoool: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 03:02 |
thoonai | !xkcd | 03:03 |
ubottu | xkcd is possibly the greatest geeky webcomic ever. It even makes jokes about Ubuntu. http://www.xkcd.com/ and especially the one about 'sudo make me a sandwich' - http://xkcd.com/c149.html | 03:03 |
=== sins-_h is now known as sins- | ||
Bashing-om | thoonai: "the user must decide where to store the file" ; Where did you store the .iso file ? | 03:04 |
eeee | oldskoool: run this sudo do-release-upgrade , that will upgrade your release | 03:04 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: i put it in the parent folder to /boot | 03:04 |
cfhowlett | eeee, from 12.10? no. | 03:05 |
thoonai | directly in the root folder of the devicde | 03:05 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: And, in grub.cfg you have the correct path and file name ? | 03:05 |
thoonai | sec | 03:05 |
eeee | cfhowlett: it won't go to 13.04 then 13.10... ? | 03:05 |
oldskoool | eeee: cfhowlett : It said my version is not supported but now it's downloading a bunch of stuff. | 03:06 |
thoonai | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8339174/ | 03:06 |
cfhowlett | eeee, end of life upgrade. you've go to reset the sources first. | 03:06 |
=== arrrghhhAWAY is now known as arrrghhh | ||
cfhowlett | oldskoool, correct. your version ISN'T supported, but you can upgrade via the EOL upgrade wiki - as you have done! :) | 03:06 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: Look'n at your link // considering "sudo mount -o loop /<path>/<filename>.iso /mnt/iso" next . | 03:07 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: an then? | 03:07 |
oldskoool | cfhowlett: I did? Was that when I modified the /etc/apt/sources.list file? | 03:08 |
cfhowlett | oldskoool, exactly. now your system knows to look in the oldreleases repo | 03:09 |
oldskoool | cfhowlett: ah, cool. Thank you. It's still downloading (I have a really slow connection). Fingers crossed! | 03:09 |
cfhowlett | oldskoool, you can always torrent 14.04 and just clean install directly. with your method, you must follow 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 > 14.04 | 03:11 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: If you mount the .iso file, can you inspect the files ? .. OK, then we also know the .iso file is good ( you did md5sum the .iso file, yes ? ) .. next is to edit a grub control file that is parsed to make up grub.cfg; "gksu gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom" . | 03:11 |
oldskoool | ugh....maybe I will do that. If I get the 14.04 iso on a USB drive, can I install it and save all my settings and programs and what not? | 03:12 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: oh, I missed this step | 03:12 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: i'tt try thanks :) | 03:12 |
eeee | oldskoool: you can get a list of your installed packages, and install them after the fresh install | 03:12 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: lol. happens to the best of us. slow down and think your way through this. | 03:13 |
cfhowlett | oldskoool, assuming you have your /home in its own partition and you don't format /home during resinstall, you settings don't change. you will need to list and install your extra programs | 03:13 |
cfhowlett | !home | oldskoool | 03:13 |
ubottu | oldskoool: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 03:13 |
cfhowlett | oldskoool, and latest .iso = 14.04.1 | 03:13 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: but I have no /etc on the usb stick ... | 03:14 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: so I have to change this in the iso-image? | 03:15 |
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oldskoool | cfhowlett: thank you. Yes...home lives on it's own partition I already copied it to another disk. Is there a command that lists the programs that I have installed already? | 03:16 |
oldskoool | so I can put them back afterwards | 03:16 |
cfhowlett | oldskoool, there is a script for same ... wait 1 | 03:16 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: No change at all to the .iso image. You make the 1st change to the file on the installed system at /etc/grub.d/40_custom . | 03:17 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: this makes no sense | 03:18 |
cfhowlett | oldskoool, http://ur1.ca/i6n5m | 03:18 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: how am I supposed to run the iso on another machine, if I need to change this conf file on my installed system | 03:18 |
thoonai | ? | 03:19 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: You are making this more difficult than it is. You are booting perpermint right ? and in Perpermint make the change in " /etc/grub.d/40_custom" . | 03:20 |
eeee | cfhowlett: that's a very crude way of installing the packages | 03:20 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: Im not booting perpermint. | 03:20 |
eeee | as it will mess up the dependencies | 03:20 |
cfhowlett | eeee, if you have a more pristine way ... | 03:21 |
cfhowlett | please share | 03:21 |
eeee | (as in everything will be installed not according to any dependency hierarchy) | 03:21 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: I want to build a multi-iso drive for choosing between ubuntu, lubuntu, gnomuntu, grml, memtest | 03:21 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: Now I am confused. What is the operating system and version you presenly have installed ? THAT installed version is what we are going to be operating on. From the installed operating system you will boot the .iso file to "install ubuntu" and once that is booted, then you do install ubuntu . | 03:22 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: I'm building a MULTI LIVE MEDIUM | 03:22 |
cfhowlett | thoonai, this is the tool I've seen repeatedly recommended http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ | 03:23 |
thoonai | I want to have one usb key which has the selectio of multiple distros | 03:23 |
Basketball | how can i get something like manycams to spoof my webcam | 03:23 |
eeee | oldskoool: cfhowlett dpkg --get-selections | cut -f1 | sort -u > allpackages | 03:23 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: Sorry, I was the one confused here. I have never built a multi-boot USB, others will have to advise . | 03:23 |
eeee | oldskoool: run that first | 03:23 |
thoonai | Bashing-om: thank you for your time :) | 03:24 |
thoonai | cfhowlett: Exectly this I'm doing right now manually | 03:24 |
Bashing-om | thoonai: :), willing to try and help, standing by. | 03:24 |
thoonai | cfhowlett: but I now some spcae on the drive for an ext4 partition | 03:25 |
eeee | cfhowlett: you'd download the manifest, sort it, and then use comm -23 to get the list of installed packages (without any dependencies) just the programs that dont come originally on ubuntu | 03:26 |
cfhowlett | eeee, not seeing how this addresses the dependencies deficiency you cited ... | 03:26 |
eeee | ^^ | 03:26 |
xangua | thoonai: just use multibootusb.org or multisystem | 03:26 |
eeee | wget http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.manifest | 03:26 |
cfhowlett | eeee, ah,..nvrmnd | 03:26 |
eeee | run it through cut -f1 | sort -u as well, | 03:26 |
cfhowlett | eeee, can this be done *without* installing aptitude? | 03:27 |
eeee | then comm -23 allpackages ubuntumanifest | 03:27 |
eeee | cfhowlett: it has nothing to do with aptitude | 03:27 |
eeee | just getting the list of ubuntu packages on a fresh install (from the manifest) and comparing them with the installed ones | 03:27 |
thoonai | xangua: thanks | 03:28 |
thoonai | is there no decent way to do this manually? | 03:28 |
cfhowlett | eeee, hmm. so how would one (eeee!) rewrite the short script I found at http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/11/how-to-backuprestore-your-installed.htm | 03:28 |
thoonai | I don't trust these things much | 03:28 |
eeee | cfhowlett: page not found | 03:31 |
eeee | nevermind, was missing the l | 03:32 |
cfhowlett | eeee, http://fpaste.org/133454/ | 03:32 |
eeee | .html | 03:32 |
ashadiqi | hello guys | 03:34 |
thoonai | now my debian wants to install thousands of python packages | 03:34 |
thoonai | Im too tired | 03:34 |
thoonai | thanks | 03:34 |
thoonai | im off for today | 03:35 |
FailFarm | ashadiqi:hello | 03:36 |
ashadiqi | I'm using PCmanFM now as default file and desktop manager, Can i add the terminal inside PCmanFM like the plugin in nemo (nemo-terminal)? | 03:37 |
somsip | ashadiqi: press F4 | 03:38 |
ashadiqi | somsip: it opens separate terminal, I want to see it combined with the file manager window like pressing F4 in nemo-terminal | 03:40 |
DoverMo | ashadiqi: i've never heard of that for pcmanfm | 03:40 |
somsip | ashadiqi: I have no knowledge of nemo-terminal so I don't know what you mean. I'm missing the subtle distinction. You get the directory open in a terminal. Job done surely... | 03:41 |
ashadiqi | DoverMo: I've googled also, no result | 03:42 |
ashadiqi | somsip: I mean something like this http://alv.me/wp-content/img/2014/04/nemo-terminal.png | 03:42 |
somsip | ashadiqi: I get it. I don't know of PCManFM doing that. | 03:44 |
Basketball | how can i get something like manycams to spoof my webcam | 03:44 |
eeee | cfhowlett: this is pretty cool comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) | 03:46 |
cfhowlett | eeee, thanks. | 03:47 |
eeee | then use for i in .. ;do ...; to install | 03:48 |
eeee | np | 03:48 |
HideMe | I'm trying to get the PCI address of my USB controller (keyboard and mouse attached to) The command lspci -nn | grep USB displays USB xHCI, USB EHCI #1 and USB EHCI #2. How do I know which is the keyboard and which is the mouse? | 03:48 |
Hankmccoy | I had a portable Ubuntu OS on a flashdrive noe I have a pertition I formated the drive fat 32 windows does not recognise so what is the sudo CMD to wipe and reformat my flashdrive? | 03:56 |
Hankmccoy | so anyone know the terminal command I an looking for? | 03:58 |
eeee | Hankmccoy: what are you trying to do exactly? | 03:58 |
jon__ | does anyone know how to upgrade from 12.10 to 14.04 | 03:58 |
jon__ | in ubuntu | 03:59 |
jon__ | im me or pm me please | 03:59 |
Hankmccoy | I had a linux os on my flashdrive formatted it fat 32 want to wipe it so I can use for windows again windows won't format it because it does not recognise Linux | 03:59 |
jon__ | hello | 03:59 |
cfhowlett | jon__, sudo do-release-upgrade | 04:00 |
Hankmccoy | so i'm looking for the sudo terminal CMD | 04:00 |
eeee | Hankmccoy: so you want to format as ntfs? | 04:00 |
cfhowlett | jon__, no! | 04:00 |
xangua | !eol | jon__ a fresh install would be faster | 04:00 |
ubottu | jon__ a fresh install would be faster: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 04:00 |
Hankmccoy | yes | 04:00 |
cfhowlett | jon__, as you are EOL eolupgrade | 04:00 |
eeee | Hankmccoy: man mkntfs | 04:00 |
cfhowlett | jon__, but a fresh install of 14.04.1 would indeed be faster | 04:01 |
Hankmccoy | want ti to work with windows again I made a partition so don't need the portable Ubuntu anymore | 04:01 |
Hankmccoy | eeee ? what? | 04:01 |
eeee | Hankmccoy: it's something like sudo mkntfs -Q -L <label> /dev/sdxY | 04:01 |
Hankmccoy | i'll try it | 04:01 |
FailFarm | hankmccoy: have you tried windows disk manager yet to delete the ubuntu partition | 04:02 |
Metaliinuxite | hi guys so i formatted my drive but i remember there were a few important so now i installed ubuntu on the first 20GB of my drive. There are partitions defined after the 20GB limit, but my pictures are further onto the drive | 04:02 |
Metaliinuxite | I'm using photorec | 04:02 |
Metaliinuxite | Should i write a partition to the free space? | 04:02 |
eeee | Metaliinuxite: wait a second | 04:02 |
Metaliinuxite | My data was on NTFS | 04:02 |
sivik | anyone know how to install gstvideo in ubuntu | 04:02 |
ashadiqi | Hankmccoy: you can also use gparted in linux and re-format | 04:02 |
=== _unreal_ is now known as laptop | ||
eeee | Metaliinuxite: are you trying to recover your files? | 04:03 |
Metaliinuxite | yes eeee | 04:03 |
eeee | Metaliinuxite: well you could have just used a liveusb, no need to install ubuntu | 04:03 |
eeee | on the drive you're trying to recover stuff from | 04:03 |
eeee | Metaliinuxite: sudo apt-get install testdisk | 04:03 |
Metaliinuxite | eeee it was too late when i realized | 04:03 |
Metaliinuxite | i have testdisk | 04:04 |
eeee | so did you find the partitions ? | 04:04 |
Metaliinuxite | No test disk didn't recognize the NTFS partition | 04:05 |
jon__ | i dont know how to do anything with unbuntu | 04:05 |
eeee | Metaliinuxite: did you try a deeper search? | 04:05 |
Metaliinuxite | eeee | 04:05 |
Metaliinuxite | it atakes hours | 04:05 |
eeee | it just takes a minute | 04:05 |
eeee | don't leave it running, | 04:05 |
eeee | if it finds it it finds it in the first minute or so, i guess | 04:06 |
Metaliinuxite | oh ok lemme try | 04:06 |
eeee | what did you choose as the partition table type? | 04:06 |
jon__ | can some help me up grading to from old to new | 04:06 |
eeee | ( Intel, GPT, ... ) | 04:06 |
Metaliinuxite | intel | 04:06 |
ashadiqi | <jon__> many resources are available online, you can just google it | 04:06 |
Metaliinuxite | eeee^ | 04:06 |
eeee | is your partition table gpt ? | 04:06 |
Metaliinuxite | i think it's intel | 04:07 |
eeee | was Intel the default selection when testdisk loaded? | 04:07 |
Metaliinuxite | yes | 04:07 |
eeee | Metaliinuxite: is this a uefi machine? | 04:07 |
Metaliinuxite | yes sir | 04:07 |
jon__ | i need one on one help i dont have time to spend looking thing up | 04:07 |
eeee | then you probably have gpt | 04:07 |
eeee | try gpt in testdisk | 04:07 |
jon__ | i have school work that needs to be done | 04:07 |
Metaliinuxite | ok | 04:07 |
eeee | you can confirm with sudo gdisk in the terminal | 04:08 |
jon__ | what | 04:08 |
xangua | jon__: someone spend time writing all these instructions | 04:08 |
Metaliinuxite | oh i might have found something | 04:08 |
eeee | ok, use p to list files | 04:09 |
jon__ | 'well i have no time | 04:09 |
eeee | c to copy | 04:09 |
jon__ | past do school work ok | 04:09 |
Metaliinuxite | eeee i get things like m^E as filenames | 04:10 |
Metaliinuxite | it that a encoding problem? | 04:10 |
eeee | no idea | 04:10 |
jon__ | so some one need to help me out | 04:10 |
eeee | check the file sizes | 04:10 |
ashadiqi | jon__: if you wanna upgrade, there is the indicator on the right side of your desktop, choose about this computer, and a window will appear | 04:10 |
jon__ | ok i need to upgrade to the newer ver i have 12.10 | 04:11 |
jon__ | hello | 04:13 |
ashadiqi | jon__: i'll recommend to backup your data, and reinstall the latest version of ubuntu | 04:13 |
jon__ | i dont have dvds or it | 04:14 |
jon__ | i just install a new update iso file of ubuntu | 04:14 |
jon__ | can yall help me out | 04:16 |
cfhowlett | jon__, make a choice: 12.10 > 13.04 > 13.10 > 14.04.1 OR torrent 14.04.1 and clean install. | 04:16 |
benbro | to record audio on a server I need to create a dummy soundcard? | 04:16 |
ashadiqi | jon__: do you mean you just downloaded it? 12.10 is fine actually, you don't need to upgrade it just for your homework | 04:16 |
cfhowlett | jon__, true. 12.10 gets no security updates. if you never go online with it, you're safe. | 04:17 |
sivik | anyone know how to get gstvideo installed in ubuntu? | 04:17 |
cfhowlett | !info gstvideo | 04:17 |
ubottu | Package gstvideo does not exist in trusty | 04:17 |
jon__ | i do go online | 04:17 |
sivik | cfhowlett, yes, I already searched for it | 04:18 |
jon__ | so i need a upgrade | 04:18 |
sivik | its apparently in gstreamer somewhere but I cannot find it | 04:18 |
jon__ | i just install it | 04:18 |
sivik | - 'gstvideo-1.0' ........... MISSING, TRYING ALTERNATIVE INCLUDE | 04:18 |
jon__ | but i have a ubuntu 14 04 on a usb | 04:19 |
cfhowlett | jon__, ... you are not making this easy by giving partial information ... | 04:19 |
cfhowlett | jon__, boot the usb. install ubuntu | 04:19 |
jon__ | i did install the old ubuntu on dvd | 04:20 |
xangua | jon__: you'll spend a whole day if you follow the upgrade instructions or just a few hours if you decide for a fresh install, if you already have ubuntu 14.04 just half an hour as minimum for install | 04:20 |
cfhowlett | jon__, we don't CARE how you installed OLD ubuntu. if your system supports USB boot, boot the USB and install. | 04:20 |
jon__ | i dont know how to install the new one from my usb | 04:21 |
ashadiqi | jon__: make your usb bootable first, and then reboot, install ubuntu from your USB | 04:21 |
jon__ | how | 04:21 |
cfhowlett | sivik, unfamiliar with gstvideo, but I did find http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-base-libs/html/gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideo.html | 04:21 |
ashadiqi | jon__; how? google it. i still think that you don't need upgrade | 04:22 |
sivik | cfhowlett, now the question is, how to install it | 04:22 |
cfhowlett | jon__, reboot. your computer will message "to change boot/setup options, press *THIS KEY* press that key, change boot priority to #1 choice is USB. save the option and continue booting | 04:22 |
cfhowlett | sivik, gstvideo is part of gstreamer so if you have gstreamer installed ... | 04:23 |
sivik | I do have gstreamer installed along with gstreamer-dev | 04:23 |
ashadiqi | jon__: how did you install ubuntu 12.10? | 04:23 |
sivik | cfhowlett, looks to be part of GStreamer Base Plugins | 04:23 |
sivik | but I'm not finding that in the repos | 04:23 |
cfhowlett | sivik, ah, wai, it's a plugin. | 04:23 |
sivik | but whats weird, I have the plugins-base installed | 04:24 |
sivik | Thats why I'm confused | 04:24 |
cfhowlett | sivik, it's not a "base" plugin I suspect. see this though: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1658232 | 04:25 |
cfhowlett | sivik, note the old age and change your package search specifics accordingly | 04:25 |
sivik | yea | 04:25 |
sivik | sweet, got it. | 04:25 |
cfhowlett | sivik, and http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ | 04:26 |
jon__ | i insatll 12.10 from a old dvd | 04:26 |
sivik | cfhowlett, got it installed finally | 04:26 |
cfhowlett | sivik, test it?? | 04:26 |
jon__ | now i have a usb with 14.04 | 04:26 |
sivik | Had to install the libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev | 04:26 |
sivik | Got past the install thing I was doing | 04:26 |
cfhowlett | sivik, should be sudo apt-get intall libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev | 04:27 |
cfhowlett | jon__, how did you create the USB??? | 04:27 |
jon__ | some one in here help me | 04:27 |
jon__ | about a 1 her ageo | 04:28 |
cfhowlett | jon__, HEY!!! how did you create the USB | 04:28 |
cfhowlett | *HOW* | 04:28 |
jon__ | i just tould u | 04:28 |
eeee | lol :) | 04:28 |
jon__ | some one help me out | 04:28 |
sivik | cfhowlett, yea, thats what I did | 04:28 |
ashadiqi | jon__; did you do this? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu | 04:28 |
cfhowlett | jon__, what language do you speak?? | 04:28 |
jon__ | what do u think i speak' | 04:29 |
jon__ | en | 04:29 |
cfhowlett | jon__, what - tool - did - you - use - to - create - the - usb? | 04:29 |
jon__ | i for got ok | 04:30 |
cfhowlett | jon__, you made the usb today but you forgot? riiiiiiiight? | 04:30 |
jon__ | yes | 04:30 |
ashadiqi | lol | 04:30 |
cfhowlett | jon__, unetbootin or ubuntu usb creator are the tools you need - assuming you're not trolling us. | 04:31 |
pd921 | a92 | 04:34 |
cfhowlett | pd921, eh??? | 04:35 |
cfhowlett | !ping | 04:40 |
ubottu | pong! | 04:40 |
cfhowlett | so ... netsplit? | 04:40 |
Ceninant | ok folks | 04:45 |
Ceninant | EFI boot. What's the deal? | 04:45 |
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
cfhowlett | !uefi |ceninant | 04:46 |
ubottu | ceninant: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 04:46 |
Ceninant | That's odd | 04:46 |
OerHeks | EFi is supported, not for 32 bit | 04:46 |
Ceninant | because I have a BIOS | 04:46 |
OerHeks | Ceninant, so what is your issue then? | 04:47 |
ubuntuuser | Hi there. Is there a way to replace the Konqueror file manager for something like Thunar in Kubuntu? | 04:47 |
out_of_color | where to get safe ubuntu packages? | 04:48 |
Ceninant | I used unetbootin to create a boot disk. | 04:48 |
cfhowlett | out_of_color, from ubuntu repos | 04:48 |
OerHeks | ubuntuuser, sure, you might want to join #kubuntu too | 04:48 |
cfhowlett | !repos | out_of_color | 04:48 |
ubottu | out_of_color: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. | 04:48 |
lotuspsychje | where can i disable cups to boot? | 04:48 |
xangua | ubuntuuser: you can use any file manager you want and KDE uses dolphin by default, no longer konqueror but you can also use it if you want | 04:48 |
sivik | turn off the cups service from starting on boot | 04:48 |
lotuspsychje | sivik: ive tryed all startup items, admin jobs,bum cups show nowhere | 04:49 |
ubuntuuser | xangua how do i make Thunar my default? (I'm using Project Neon) | 04:49 |
out_of_color | where to get safe ubuntu packages besides from repos? | 04:49 |
Ceninant | it reads it as (uefi sandisk cruzer) but when i set it as the only boot option (disabling hard drive boot) i get kicked back to bios without ever seeing anything but the default... | 04:49 |
sivik | lotuspsychje, what version of ubuntu? | 04:49 |
lotuspsychje | sivik: trusty | 04:49 |
cfhowlett | out_of_color, nope. the packages in the repo are safe. if not, you take your chances. | 04:49 |
sivik | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1701098 check it | 04:50 |
cfhowlett | out_of_color, what are you looking for that is NOT in the repos | 04:50 |
Ceninant | There's an option in the bios "path for boot option" asking for the syntax "fsx\path\filename.efi" | 04:50 |
out_of_color | cfhowlett , is http://manpages.ubuntu.com safe? | 04:51 |
AlbinoGeek | Getting https://db.tt/7lnOv5mu grub failure on VirtIO devices under KVM virtualization, for Ubuntu 14.04.1 Server amd64 . | 04:51 |
lotuspsychje | sivik: tnx lemme try | 04:51 |
OerHeks | lotuspsychje, ¨ to disable the cups service via upstart, try running the following as root: echo "manual" > /etc/init/cups.override | 04:51 |
cfhowlett | out_of_color, yes. that site is official ubuntu. | 04:51 |
lotuspsychje | OerHeks: you know a gui to disable alternate deamons like cups? | 04:52 |
AlbinoGeek | Any ideas why the Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 amd64 installer might not work under standard KVM Virtualization with VirtIO attached disks? | 04:53 |
sivik | AlbinoGeek, what doesn't work about it? | 04:53 |
OerHeks | lotuspsychje, no | 04:53 |
lotuspsychje | OerHeks: ok tnx | 04:53 |
AlbinoGeek | sivik: Nice big https://db.tt/7lnOv5mu | 04:54 |
cfhowlett | AlbinoGeek, might want to ask #ubuntu-server | 04:54 |
AlbinoGeek | That's given this very standard partitioning : https://db.tt/44ChesAI | 04:54 |
AlbinoGeek | cfhowlett: Thanks, just did. | 04:56 |
Ceninant | huh: | 04:58 |
rainbowwarrior | hello | 04:59 |
AlbinoGeek | For clarifications sake, the installation was carried out over VNC on KVM, where the host machine is a RedHat 6 KVM hypervisor using kvm-intel.ko on an E5-2620 v2 with vt-x and vt-d enabled. CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Debian 7.6, ArchLinux, FreeBSD, they all installed perfectly fine. Only Ubuntu is having this issue. | 04:59 |
Ceninant | i did verify | 05:02 |
Ceninant | secure boot control is disqbled | 05:02 |
Ceninant | my keyboqrd thinks its in qnother lqyout | 05:03 |
Ceninant | oddly only in ,irc | 05:03 |
Ceninant | azerty but thqtùs co,pletely unrelqted | 05:03 |
lotuspsychje | sivik, OerHeks i found something interesting: sysv-rc-conf | 05:04 |
lotuspsychje | !info sysv-rc-conf | 05:05 |
ubottu | sysv-rc-conf (source: sysv-rc-conf): SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-7 (trusty), package size 22 kB, installed size 83 kB | 05:05 |
Ceninant | There we go. | 05:07 |
Ceninant | How can I boot from USB? What do I need to do that I haven't? | 05:08 |
sivik | now i'm trying to get python 2.7 and 3.2 installed at the same time | 05:10 |
Ceninant | I have secure boot disabled | 05:11 |
Ceninant | Am I going to have to install Windows 8 on this thing to unlock the bootloader? | 05:13 |
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jozefk | anybody tried to install linux as the only OS on mac book pro? without OS X | 05:25 |
Lewoco | How do I renew my DHCP lease without bringing the interface down/up? | 05:25 |
=== xamin is now known as XAMIN | ||
=== XAMIN is now known as _Xamin_ | ||
noxchi | Hello ... anyone ? | 05:28 |
brophat | upgraded to 14.04 and now it keeps prompting me to sign into my wifi during my signin screen when it should sign in automatically. | 05:28 |
brophat | and if I don't sign into me wifi at the sign into my computer screen, when I manually try to sign into my wifi I get the following error msg: Connection activation failed | 05:29 |
brophat | Creating object for path '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/3' failed in libnm-glib. | 05:29 |
=== MasterPiece is now known as _Xamin_ | ||
brophat | is this a known bug with 14.04 | 05:30 |
noxchi | i have a question ... in ubuntu 14.04... Is it possible to have the GNOME Flashback Session with the Unity, both at the same time in the Ubuntu Desktop? | 05:31 |
SDr | hi guys, running ubuntu 14, I have a displaylink asus mb168b external USB monitor; how can I enable & extend X to it? | 05:31 |
SDr | dmesg | grep usb gives successful product recognition, and there was a flickering during boot, but no display? | 05:31 |
ubuntuuser | why is terminal stuck at Witing for headers? | 05:32 |
ubuntuuser | *Waiting | 05:33 |
maslen | How can I set up Vino as a VNC server? I installed it and enabled it, and it claims to be listening on all interfaces (, but is coming up as 'filtered' to another host on the network. | 05:34 |
Ceninant | Ergh. | 05:34 |
Ceninant | I might as well just try tomorrow. | 05:34 |
SDr | okay, neither udl, nor udlfb have done anything | 05:41 |
benbro | how can I know if alsa-base or alsa-utils build the snd-dummy kernel module | 05:41 |
benbro | ? | 05:41 |
SDr | but it's USB2, so have been reported to work in 13.10 | 05:41 |
=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath | ||
sivik | anyone had luck getting enlightenment 17 installed in ubuntu 14.04 | 05:48 |
neutrino | is 14.04 stable yet ? | 05:53 |
sivik | has been stable for a while. | 05:53 |
neutrino | okay | 05:53 |
sivik | oh, I though 14.10 was not | 05:53 |
sivik | maybe its not stable yet | 05:53 |
sivik | ok, i'm not crazy | 05:53 |
sivik | that was 2014 | 05:53 |
sivik | It was released in april this year | 05:54 |
sivik | neutrino, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/ | 05:54 |
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ashadiqi | Hi guys, Please help, using gparted I divided the partition in 16Gb usb flashdrive into 3 parts, 2Gb, 5Gb, the rest is for storage, I burned ubuntu disk image on the first, windows 7 on the second with startup disk creator (in ubuntu), when rebooting, the flash drive is not detected, the computer keeps restarting but no boot from the flash drive, | 05:59 |
SDr | hi guys, running ubuntu 14, I have a displaylink asus mb168b external USB monitor; how can I enable & extend X to it? dmesg: http://pastebin.com/gQ2bPbCR | 05:59 |
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=== Omicron is now known as Guest30765 | ||
coventry | In ubuntu unity, something broke during screen wakeup and now all my windows are grey and kind of dark. The dock and the top menu bar (where the clock is) is still bright and colorful. Is there any way to fix this short of logging out? | 06:17 |
coventry | *are still | 06:18 |
JDAIII | My issue is quite complex and I already posted on a forum, but was going to try here anyway. Has anyone installed 14.04 on a laptop with UEFI and had it find your install of Ubuntu after your reboot a second time after install? | 06:27 |
=== Yoda|BNC is now known as `Yoda | ||
JDAIII | complex in that it has to be freaking possible, but for some reason, I'm too thick to get it to work | 06:28 |
JDAIII | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244148&p=13121466#post13121466 | 06:28 |
=== neutrino is now known as neutrino-- | ||
guardian_ | how do i kill a terminal session with it killing a active process that is running? pressing "X" killed the process that was running in the terminal | 06:41 |
derek-g | What do you guys think about new Poettering idea about changing the way OS is being packaged: http://0pointer.net/blog/revisiting-how-we-put-together-linux-systems.html | 06:49 |
manuel | hola XD | 06:53 |
guardian_ | how do i kill a terminal session with it killing a active process that is running? pressing "X" killed the process that was running in the terminal | 06:55 |
guardian_ | *without it | 06:55 |
gr33n7007h | !help | 06:58 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:58 |
gr33n7007h | oops... | 06:59 |
Sierra | guardian_: Afaik, without using screen or something similar, anything running in a terminal will be stopped if you close the terminal (As if you'd done CTRL+C). I'd suggest running screen for anything you want to keep running, or using something like tmux | 06:59 |
gr33n7007h | guardian_, (program &) probably | 07:00 |
gr33n7007h | with the perentheses | 07:01 |
PrincessXena | When calculating the force of something that includes uncertainties in both mass and angle, how should it be done? Example: N = 0.167±0.0005 * 9.8 * cos((22.867±1.15)) | 07:06 |
helmut_ | hi | 07:06 |
gr33n7007h | PrincessXena, haven't a scooby doo | 07:07 |
Sierra | PrincessXena: Tried ##math? | 07:09 |
PrincessXena | Sierra, I'll ask, thanks | 07:09 |
guillaume_ | hello | 07:18 |
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cmishra | my SATA link speed is limiting to 1.5 gbps | 07:28 |
ubottuXtra | ubottuXtra Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:28 |
cmishra | but i think i have sata 2 | 07:28 |
cmishra | how can i check for sure? | 07:28 |
ubottuXtra | holger Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:29 |
cmishra | from forums i am in a fix.. because dmesg shows speed is limited to 1.5gbps but motherboard supports upto sata 3 | 07:29 |
cmishra | any command to know for sure which sata drive is it? | 07:29 |
cmishra | ST3500413AS model number on googling shows sata 3 | 07:30 |
ubottuXtra | Trendrrrr Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:30 |
ubottuXtra | kirikiri Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:30 |
ubottuXtra | Secret-Sheep Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:30 |
ubottuXtra | Trendrrrr Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:31 |
ubottuXtra | llutz Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:31 |
ubottuXtra | havingFun Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:31 |
ubottuXtra | Trendrrrr Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:31 |
ubottuXtra | kognizan2 Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:32 |
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
Sierra | Why is there a bot here with an autogreet | 07:32 |
ubottuXtra | xrosnight Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:32 |
Sierra | Thats gonna get reeeeeal spammy real quick | 07:32 |
ubottuXtra | yg Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:33 |
ubottuXtra | Guest95738 Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:33 |
ubottuXtra | slide Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:33 |
ubottuXtra | Anfo Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:34 |
slide | Does anyone have any idea why user 'irc' with home /var/run/ircd can't execute anything in that dir? | 07:34 |
slide | I have a file that is +x, but runing ./ircd gives me 'permission denied' | 07:34 |
Anfo | Hello | 07:34 |
cmishra | feels more unwelcoming with this bot | 07:35 |
ubottuXtra | wheezy123 Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:35 |
ubottuXtra | presonic Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:35 |
ubottuXtra | Xethron Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:35 |
ubottuXtra | Trendrrrr Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:35 |
ubottuXtra | mk3548208 Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:36 |
ubottuXtra | CarlFK Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:36 |
ubottuXtra | cl_martin Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:36 |
wheezy123 | is that some kinda spam bot? O.o | 07:36 |
slide | ignored regardless heh | 07:36 |
ubottuXtra | raymond Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:37 |
Sierra | slide: Have you checked ownerships of the folder/files? I.e., if ircd and its files are owned by irc or a group irc is a member of? | 07:37 |
neutrino-- | l | 07:37 |
ubottuXtra | Ubuntu Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:37 |
ubottuXtra | BQ Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:37 |
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest29399 | ||
ubottuXtra | K_ Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:37 |
slide | Sierra, yea, i chowned them all to irc:irc | 07:37 |
zubairahmed | what irc client are you using? slide | 07:38 |
ubottuXtra | Zenn Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:38 |
Sierra | Sounds more like he's working with an irc server (ircd) | 07:38 |
ubottuXtra | CarlFK Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:38 |
ubottuXtra | wizzywoZzy Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:38 |
ubottuXtra | cyphase Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:38 |
slide | yea, server | 07:38 |
ubottuXtra | Zenn Welcome to the official #ubuntu help channel | 07:38 |
neutrino-- | unkn-error: kick the bot pls | 07:38 |
neutrino-- | unopaste: | 07:39 |
Sierra | Maybe it'll get flooded out if there's a lot of joins | 07:39 |
Zenn | Im keep getting package has no installation candidate | 07:39 |
Sierra | (That was not an invitation for a joinflood) | 07:39 |
Zenn | : Unable to locate package lib32readline-gplv2-dev | 07:39 |
Zenn | E: Package 'gperf' has no installation candidate | 07:39 |
Zenn | whats is this ? | 07:39 |
slide | even just making a test.sh and chmoding it +x gives me permission denied | 07:40 |
wheezy123 | hey guys, I am trying to install this package called nautilus-actions from repos, it has ksh as one of its dependency, anyone got any idea if its safe or not? | 07:40 |
Sierra | Zenn: I probably won't be able to help much, but I do know the people who can will want to see a full log of the command output, not just the errors | 07:40 |
Zenn | how do I copy everything from the terminal | 07:40 |
wheezy123 | Zenn, with your cursor | 07:41 |
Zenn | http://pastie.org/private/va0xdfg6o9e8pbulwhgqwg | 07:41 |
Sierra | Zenn: Also, don't paste it into IRC. | 07:41 |
Sierra | Ah good, I'd forgotten to mention that, and sometimes people flood the channel | 07:41 |
Zenn | http://docs.omnirom.org/Setting_Up_A_Compile_Environment#Ubuntu_13.10 | 07:41 |
wheezy123 | yep use pastebin or something | 07:41 |
Zenn | Odd | 07:41 |
wheezy123 | Sierra, yep really annoying | 07:42 |
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geirha | Zenn: looks like the mirror you are using, sg.archive.ubuntu.com is having problems | 07:42 |
Sierra | Might be related to those connections. Also, isnt 13.10 no longer supported? Or does that still get support? | 07:42 |
nusr | hi what is a good simple paint program like in windows. something i can do to save screen caps | 07:43 |
melio | inkscape | 07:43 |
nusr | any recommendations? | 07:43 |
nusr | inkscape? thanks i'll have a look | 07:43 |
melio | screen caps are part of ubuntu. just hit print screen | 07:43 |
melio | it'll even popup a window to help you save it | 07:44 |
nusr | but where do i save it? | 07:44 |
melio | in your home dir with everything | 07:44 |
melio | maby in your pictures folder | 07:44 |
nusr | lol awesome | 07:44 |
nusr | i just tried it | 07:44 |
geirha | slide: the filesystem may be mounted with noexec flag | 07:44 |
nusr | thanks a lot melio | 07:44 |
wheezy123 | "screen cap"? screenshot you mean? | 07:44 |
nusr | yes | 07:44 |
nusr | if i want to do simple edits | 07:44 |
nusr | gimp is too complicated | 07:45 |
wheezy123 | nusr, use Pinta | 07:45 |
nusr | ok i'll have a look at that one too | 07:45 |
slide | geirha, hrm yea. Why would /var/run symlinked to /run be noexec? hah that seems... counterintuitive to me | 07:45 |
nusr | thank you wheezy123 melio | 07:45 |
geirha | slide: it is uncommon to put executable files in /var/run | 07:46 |
iKillCypher | geirha: how do I change it? | 07:46 |
wheezy123 | ok guys anyone got any idea about nautilus-actions or ksh? | 07:46 |
slide | this does seem to be a "tmpfs" | 07:46 |
iKillCypher | how do I change the mirror | 07:46 |
wheezy123 | BTW is nautilus scripts are not supported anymore? | 07:46 |
geirha | slide: Yes, so it gets wiped every boot | 07:47 |
=== melio_ is now known as Melio_ | ||
Melio_ | yep, lightnin shut off the power momentarily | 07:48 |
geirha | iKillCypher: In Software Sources | 07:49 |
cmishra | pastebin.com/kB5YMRjh so is it sata 1 2 or 3? | 07:50 |
cmishra | it says sata rev 3.. so why is ubuntu limiting link speed to 1.5gbps? | 07:51 |
cmishra | pastebin.com/attkKhFX | 07:52 |
wheezy123 | not a lot of volunteers to help in here right now ;) | 07:52 |
cmishra | okay.. can you temme this.. if i have a faulty dvd drive.. will it decrease sata link speed? | 07:54 |
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gr33n7007h | cmishra, dmesg | grep -i sata | grep 'link' what does this say? | 07:56 |
cmishra | it gives sata link limited to 1.5 gbps | 07:57 |
cmishra | pastebin.com/attkKhFX | 07:58 |
gr33n7007h | cmishra, sudo smartctl -a /dev/s** to check for errors possibly | 08:02 |
cmishra | the output of smartctl is pastebin.com/hDFC55rS | 08:05 |
gr33n7007h | paste been removed :( | 08:06 |
cmishra | the output of smartctl is pastebin.com/hDFC55rS | 08:07 |
cmishra | now its fine | 08:07 |
neutrino-- | is ubuntu using systemd now ? | 08:07 |
gr33n7007h | no same | 08:07 |
=== hxm- is now known as hxm | ||
cmishra | pastebin.com/hDFC55r5 | 08:08 |
cmishra | now? | 08:08 |
gr33n7007h | a ok :) | 08:08 |
cmishra | my dvd drive is not working | 08:09 |
cmishra | so may be its causing errors/ | 08:09 |
cmishra | ? | 08:09 |
=== Mike_____ is now known as Mike__ | ||
pumba | hello | 08:10 |
gr33n7007h | could well be the dvd drive, nothing wrong with your HDD | 08:10 |
cmishra | need to change the drive then.. thanks :) | 08:11 |
scampi | "xam ,9081 sresu lacol tnerruC" reversed for the backard | 08:15 |
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ubuntuspy | tepper.freenode.net 001 ubuntuspy Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network ubuntuspy | 08:25 |
andreasg | hey there! I installed kubuntu 14.04 (fresh) yesterday and setup some nfs mounts (client) and ldap auth after doing dist-upgrade to update all packages and the kernel. Now my machine is terrible slow on boot (after clocksource tsc) and complains about some mounts not being ready | 08:25 |
andreasg | does someone know a reason/solution for this problem? | 08:26 |
sanchezzz | Привет | 08:26 |
geirha | andreasg: did you include the _netdev option for the nfs mounts? | 08:31 |
nusr_ | hi i installed enthought canopy and then uninstalled it by deleting all references to canopy folders...now my drop down menu in classic indicator still shows 2 mentions of canopy..how can i remove it? i tried searching but unity search does not show any more instances | 08:31 |
andreasg | geirha, no, but i have commented them out completly | 08:33 |
geirha | andreasg: oh, and boot is still slow? don't know what that could be, then | 08:38 |
geirha | andreasg: Anyway, adding _netdev option to a line in fstab will avoid mounting that filesystem before networking is up | 08:39 |
geirha | during boot, that is | 08:40 |
andreasg | geirha, ok, thanks! I will add it | 08:40 |
frib | anyone know how can i save a PDF with annotations using okular/or at least know where the annotations are saved if not directly in the PDF file? thanks | 08:46 |
MonkeyDust | µ | 08:49 |
Slart | Hi, I've installed a new hard drive into my 14.04-system and I figured I would give lvm a try. Everything seems to work just fine with one small exception.. my logical volumes aren't mounted at boot.. after googling a while I've found lots of strategies to fix this but some seem old and some come from other distros.. How do I do this on ubuntu? automounting of lvm-volumes at boot | 08:50 |
Slart | frib: this thread ( https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=164553 ) seems to suggest it is saved in a pdf if you do a "Save As"... and that thread is from 2013 so it shouldn't be a version-problem | 08:52 |
frib | Slart, ok, i wasn't sure because when I first started using the annotations okular gave me a popup saying the annotations would be saved in the home directory and not in the file. but there is no other option other than Save As .. so in what case would it be referring to that it would save the annotations only in the home folder and how can I be sure that's not what I'm doing?? (complicated) | 08:55 |
Slart | frib: I have never used okular myself so I don't really know.. but it mentions that it doesn't "change documents it opens" so if you make annotations it it makes sense to not alter the original pdf. The annotations don't stay if you save the document as a new pdf? | 08:57 |
Slart | frib: I just tried it myself and if I save the pdf to a new name the annotations are saved.. I tried opening the new pdf with another pdf-viewer and the annotations are there | 09:00 |
nick07 | I cannot get the native 1280x1024 in ubuntu, see output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8341341/ | 09:04 |
frib | Slart, awesome thank you so much | 09:04 |
Slart | frib: you're welcome | 09:05 |
frib | i should have thought to open it in another viewer | 09:05 |
nick07 | I use the nvidia-304 driver | 09:05 |
Angelique23 | You can find funny videos here. http://tinyurl.com/ozfvxy3 | 09:05 |
nick07 | Anyone any idea to enable 1280x1024? | 09:05 |
nick07 | anyone here? | 09:08 |
Slart | nick07: yup.. but xrandr is black magic if you ask me =/ | 09:08 |
nick07 | ehm, so what can I do? | 09:09 |
Slart | nick07: those numbers ... the modeline.. are you sure those are correcT? | 09:10 |
nick07 | yes,because I did a xrandr 1280 1024 | 09:10 |
Slart | nick07: ok, sounds good enough.. and the next line? it's not supposed to be MyMode instead of MyModeX? | 09:11 |
nick07 | I tried everything, like --newmode "1280x1024_60.00″, addmode 1280x1024_60.00 ect | 09:12 |
=== Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Away | ||
arto | i have aspire 9300 laptop(2007 jan.) and i installed Lubuntu. everything seems to work with 3.13.0-32-generic boot, but if i try the latest 3.13.0-35 busybox says that it can't find my hard disk | 09:13 |
ubuntuspy | Hobbyboy changed his nick to i have aspire 9300 laptop(2007 jan.) and i installed Lubuntu. everything seems to work with 3.13.0-32-generic boot, but if i try the latest 3.13.0-35 busybox says that it can't find my hard disk | 09:13 |
Slart | nick07: are you sure your vga output is called VGA-0 ? | 09:13 |
nick07 | yes, very sure | 09:13 |
nick07 | VGA-0 connected primary 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) | 09:14 |
arto | hmm | 09:14 |
matty_r | Whats a good Virtual Machine emulator that I can run on Ubuntu 14.04? I wish to run a Rasp Pi vm. | 09:14 |
Slart | matty_r: virtualbox? | 09:15 |
matty_r | Slart: I don't know. Is that what you recommend? | 09:16 |
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arto | and i have that 14.04 lubuntu | 09:16 |
Slart | nick07: can you try the same command with the --verbose switch, perhaps it will tell us a little more information | 09:16 |
Hayfa152 | Hi | 09:17 |
nick07 | let me try | 09:17 |
Hayfa152 | #help | 09:17 |
Slart | matty_r: that's what I use when I need a virtual machine.. not sure about other architectures though.. isn't the raspberry pi an ARM cpu? | 09:17 |
Novice201y | Hello. How can I install this: https://studio.zerobrane.com/download.html?not-this-time shell archive ? | 09:17 |
matty_r | Slart: Ok cool, yes the RPi is ARM. | 09:17 |
Slart | Hayfa152: just ask your question.. if someone knows the answer they will answer | 09:18 |
nick07 | It gives the same output as before | 09:18 |
Slart | matty_r: ah.. a quick google tells me virtualbox can't do ARM cpus.. then I don't really know.. perhaps have a look at QEMU? | 09:19 |
matty_r | Slart: Yea, I was doing some googling at the same time. | 09:19 |
matty_r | Slart: I'll check out QEMU | 09:19 |
arto | i could try to make permanent setting to grub, that it will always use 3.13-0-32-generic boot, but is that real fix? | 09:20 |
Slart | nick07: have you tried looking at this? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/47749/cannot-add-new-mode-in-xrandr-for-external-monitor | 09:24 |
nick07 | let me check | 09:24 |
Slart | nick07: that first answer seems like a good start | 09:24 |
nick07 | always get the same result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8341437/ | 09:26 |
hammad321 | hi.. i have a query.. can someone please help me? | 09:29 |
hammad321 | first time on this channel and don't have much experience with IRC support.. so i don't know how this works.. | 09:30 |
hammad321 | is there someone who can help me? | 09:30 |
MonkeyDust | hammad321 start with a question | 09:30 |
Slart | nick07: have you tried other resolutions? other vertical refresh frequencies | 09:31 |
hammad321 | :) okay.. i didn't know if someone was listening.. | 09:31 |
hammad321 | i have ubuntu 13.10.. i wan't to change the window border theme | 09:31 |
MonkeyDust | hammad321 13.10 is dead, upgrade to a supported release, then ask again | 09:31 |
hammad321 | i used to do that gnome-tweak-tool but now it doesn't show those settings.. | 09:31 |
hammad321 | i tried 14.04 but mosts themes don't work.. | 09:31 |
MonkeyDust | hammad321 then try 12.04 | 09:32 |
nick07 | Which resolution would you try? Every resolution is in the display mode, except 1280x1024.. | 09:32 |
hammad321 | so that means i'll have to reinstall the whole operating system again?? | 09:32 |
hammad321 | oh man!!.. | 09:32 |
=== sins-_h is now known as sins- | ||
MonkeyDust | hammad321 are you serious, just for themes? | 09:33 |
Slart | nick07: so it works with something like 1024 x 768 ? | 09:33 |
hammad321 | yes.. can't live without a bearable theme.. | 09:33 |
hammad321 | please help me.. :( | 09:33 |
nick07 | I could try it, but I'm running 1024, 768 right now.. Should I try it? | 09:33 |
arto | is there any other harm if but old kernel default, than just security issue? i would want to use latest, but it doesn't work in my old laptop :/ so i have to use that 3.13.0-32-generic | 09:33 |
Caramoan | guys, how to disabled the sleep/blanking on ubuntu 14.04, because ever time i watch movie it goes in blank screen and always login in every 15 mins i guess anyone please help me.. | 09:33 |
MonkeyDust | Caramoan what program do you use to watch movies? | 09:35 |
nick07 | I tried it, and I seems that adding the mode 1024x768, is also giving the same error | 09:35 |
Slart | nick07: what's the output of just "xrandr" ? | 09:36 |
Caramoan | MonkeyDust, vlc | 09:36 |
nick07 | here are the results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8341510/ | 09:36 |
Slart | nick07: some threads I found suggested not to use quotes on the addmode line but use quotes on the newmmode line.. not sure if it's reliable but it might be worth a try | 09:37 |
Caramoan | MonkeyDust,i mean my ubuntu its kinda screensaver mode but its blank, how to disabled that.. | 09:38 |
nick07 | I see now, that the modes I input, are listed under DVI-D-0, any idea why it would do that? Is that the issue? | 09:38 |
MonkeyDust | Caramoan i don't understand that last question, please rephrase | 09:38 |
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Slart | nick07: I have no idea... but these things aren't saved across reboots, right? might be worth it to do a reboot and work on a fresh system | 09:39 |
Caramoan | MonkeyDust, i want to disable my screensaver | 09:40 |
gomaaz | can someone highlight me for testing purposes | 09:40 |
bazhang | gomaaz, | 09:40 |
Slart | gomaaz: there is a #test channel with bots that can say your name all day long if you want.. and other stuff | 09:42 |
Caramoan | MonkeyDust, i get it its a dim screen thanks anyway.. | 09:43 |
AndroUser | Can i use a previous version s package? | 09:44 |
bazhang | AndroUser, dont mix distro version repo | 09:45 |
AndroUser | bazhang , can i do it manually? | 09:46 |
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tarelerulz | Well, I'm wanting to use Midi on my computer. I don't want to play a midi file like I would a songs . I want to have a virtual keyboard and use my real keyboard to make sound come out of the speakers | 09:46 |
bazhang | AndroUser, what package | 09:47 |
AndroUser | bazhang , mma | 09:48 |
bazhang | !find mma | 09:49 |
ubottu | Found: command-not-found, command-not-found-data, libmono-custommarshalers4.0-cil, libnet-dns-resolver-programmable-perl, libtommath-dev, libtommath-docs, libtommath0, modemmanager, modemmanager-dbg, modemmanager-dev (and 79 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mma&searchon=names&suite=trusty§ion=all | 09:49 |
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nick07 | I rebooted | 09:52 |
nick07 | without the " did gave the same result | 09:52 |
siwica | How can I bookmark a directory to appear on the left sidebar of nautilus? | 09:54 |
MonkeyDust | siwica ctrl-D | 09:55 |
anandh | hello | 09:57 |
anandh | guys this is the first time i am using xchat .. also i am a new to ubuntu | 09:58 |
siwica | MonkeyDust: thanks | 09:58 |
MonkeyDust | anandh great, this is the support channel, where you can ask questions | 09:59 |
anandh | :)Thanks | 09:59 |
anandh | i have a small query .. i am not able to download youtube vedios . even after installing youtube-dl | 10:01 |
anandh | can anybody help me in resolving this issue | 10:01 |
TheRedCoa | lolololololol | 10:02 |
bafflebox | anandh: I'm pretty new myself, but perhaps I could be of assistance regardless; what's your problem, specifically? Any error messages? | 10:02 |
anandh | when i try to install youtube-dl with sudo get-apt install youtube-dl | 10:03 |
MonkeyDust | TheRedCoa stop | 10:04 |
* TheRedCoa wiggles his bum in baffleboxs face | 10:04 | |
anandh | i am facing E:\ could not get the lock | 10:04 |
ikonia | TheRedCoa: please stop that | 10:04 |
TheRedCoa | no | 10:04 |
bafflebox | Classy, TheRedCoa. | 10:04 |
* TheRedCoa shits whilst wiggling | 10:05 | |
anandh | how do i make sure that it is installed properly ? | 10:05 |
bafflebox | Thank you, ikonia :) | 10:05 |
bafflebox | You're facing E:\? I.. don't know how that works. You're using Ubuntu, right? | 10:06 |
anandh | yes | 10:06 |
bafflebox | Are you using a virtual machine, or dualbooting and trying to write to what would be your E:\ drive under windows? | 10:06 |
anandh | nope | 10:06 |
AndroUser | bazhang, i want to install http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/mma on 12.04. Is that possible? | 10:07 |
anandh | i think the installation is done . this error is due to reinstalltion attempt | 10:07 |
bafflebox | Ah, then perhaps you should try to remove the package first. | 10:07 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock | 10:07 |
anandh | but then if i consider that and try to execute the command youtube-dl url | 10:08 |
anandh | getting keyError:'sig' | 10:08 |
anandh | gr33n7007h: | 10:08 |
anandh | i will try that command | 10:09 |
AndroUser | Can i install http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/mma on ubuntu 12.04 | 10:09 |
ralpheeee | yeah | 10:10 |
bafflebox | Alright, in the mean while: My own thing-to-be-fixed is that, when I leave my home I like leaving my computer on sometimes to use as my personal remote storage space. I make a point of stopping lightdm when I leave, but I don't see why that would also turn off my graphics card. Is there a way to disable and enable it on the fly like one would do with services and if so, how? | 10:10 |
anandh | Thanks i removed the lock gr33n7007h:) | 10:12 |
anandh | now | 10:12 |
anandh | [youtube] VgQ87b7muWs: Extracting video information | 10:12 |
anandh | Traceback (most recent call last): | 10:12 |
anandh | File "/usr/bin/youtube-dl", line 4645, in <module> | 10:12 |
anandh | main() | 10:12 |
anandh | File "/usr/bin/youtube-dl", line 4636, in main | 10:12 |
unopaste | anandh you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 10:12 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 10:12 |
bafflebox | Morning BluesKaj :) | 10:13 |
MonkeyDust | !othertimezone | BluesKaj | 10:13 |
bafflebox | It's only moderately blue where I'm at, though. | 10:13 |
anandh | when i try to execute the command youtube-dl url link | 10:13 |
anandh | i am getting the error File "/usr/bin/youtube-dl", line 1406, in <genexpr> | 10:14 |
anandh | <anandh> url_map = dict((ud['itag'][0], ud['url'][0] + '&signature=' + ud['sig'][0]) for ud in url_data) | 10:14 |
anandh | <anandh> KeyError: 'sig | 10:14 |
anandh | can any one help me | 10:14 |
anandh | @Blueskaj :- Good morning | 10:14 |
MonkeyDust | anandh use a pastebin for multiple lines | 10:14 |
anandh | pastebin ?? | 10:14 |
BluesKaj | hi bafflebox, MonkeyDust :) | 10:14 |
bafflebox | http://pastebin.com/ | 10:14 |
BluesKaj | hi anandh | 10:15 |
bafflebox | it's a site where you can paste lots of lines of text so you don't end up spamming the channel :) | 10:15 |
anandh | hello | 10:15 |
Caramoan | how to install electric sheep in terminal? | 10:15 |
bafflebox | It's a free service. | 10:15 |
=== PsiOmega is now known as AlphaBeta | ||
* bafflebox blinks, "Bladerunner reference." | 10:16 | |
bafflebox | Ahh, now I remember what that is. Apt name. | 10:16 |
gr33n7007h | Caramoan, sudo apt-get install electricsheep | 10:16 |
MonkeyDust | Caramoan what's electric sheep, apart from ph k dick thingy? | 10:17 |
anandh | yes i have created the account in pastebin now and it says it is fully activated | 10:17 |
bafflebox | Great! Now, you can make a new paste by simply pasting your wall of text in the textbox | 10:17 |
neutrino-- | anandh: dont use pastebin .,.. use paste.ubuntu.com | 10:18 |
neutrino-- | or ix.io | 10:18 |
bafflebox | Ah, apologies. | 10:18 |
bafflebox | neutrino--: Why no pastebin? | 10:18 |
Caramoan | MonkeyDust, screensaver electric sheep | 10:18 |
Caramoan | gr33n7007h, thanks | 10:19 |
neutrino-- | bafflebox: Ads, Spamfilters, Captcha, Adds whitespace, Slow, Ugly, No comment/fork/annotate, Breaks copy/paste, Blocked for some people, etc. | 10:19 |
gr33n7007h | np | 10:20 |
anandh | neutrino | 10:20 |
anandh | ok | 10:20 |
neutrino-- | anandh: you can tab complete names | 10:20 |
bafflebox | I had no idea, thanks :) | 10:20 |
anandh | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8341757/ | 10:20 |
letmedanz | hi guys... looking for some help setting up sound on xubuntu on an imac | 10:21 |
anandh | please check the link and let me know what's happening | 10:21 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, remove youtube-dl and download it from the website http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html | 10:26 |
anandh | hello neutrino what do you mean by "tab complete names"? | 10:26 |
anandh | thanks gr33n7707h:) command to remove the youtube-dl | 10:27 |
MonkeyDust | anandh type mon and then hit tab, see what happens | 10:27 |
anandh | :) | 10:28 |
anandh | MonkeyDust, | 10:28 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, sudo apt-get --purge remove youtube-dl | 10:28 |
anandh | :) | 10:28 |
anandh | thanks | 10:28 |
nodedfree | does anyone has experience with lightworks? specificly about making smooth slow-motion? | 10:35 |
aoa_ | how i add longman dict 5th to goldendict ? | 10:36 |
brophat | ever since I upgraded to 14.04 it makes me enter my wifi password at boot up before I have even entered my password to sign into the computer. | 10:38 |
letmedanz | need some help with enabling sound on xubuntu via headphones | 10:39 |
letmedanz | anyone? | 10:39 |
anandh | gr33n7007h, | 10:42 |
anandh | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8341843/ | 10:42 |
anandh | none of the commands worked | 10:43 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, sudo apt-get install curl && sudo curl https://yt-dl.org/downloads/2014.09.12/youtube-dl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl | 10:45 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, scrap that | 10:45 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, sudo wget --no-check-certificate https://yt-dl.org/downloads/2014.09.12/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl | 10:46 |
anandh | gr33n7007h, | 10:52 |
anandh | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8341907/ | 10:52 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, now type: sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl | 10:53 |
anandh | done | 10:53 |
anandh | nothing happenned | 10:54 |
gr33n7007h | now, youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgQ87b7muWs | 10:54 |
anandh | bash: /usr/bin/youtube-dl: No such file or directory | 10:55 |
anandh | youtube-dl is not located in this directory | 10:55 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, find / -name youtube-dl | 10:57 |
anandh | gr33n7007h, it didnot showed me the path but this command instead throwing errors . | 10:59 |
anandh | find: `/proc/1329/task/1337/ns': Permission denied | 10:59 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, wtf? | 11:00 |
anandh | gr33n7007h, | 11:03 |
anandh | i dont know | 11:03 |
anandh | these folders are locked it seems | 11:03 |
anandh | i just need to access the path of youtube-dl to launch the application | 11:03 |
anandh | right | 11:03 |
anandh | so after giving the command find / -name youtube-dl | 11:04 |
anandh | i did not got the path nam | 11:04 |
=== amir_ is now known as Guest73869 | ||
anandh | perhaps it displayed | 11:06 |
anandh | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8341988/ | 11:06 |
anandh | i am absolutely new to ubuntu forum :( | 11:07 |
opensan | is there another way to encrypt my Ubuntu install without having to choose 'Erase disk and install ubuntu', I'm on a Macbook Air so I need to setup the install via the 'Something else' install menu but I don't see anything there regarding installation encryption | 11:07 |
bafflebox | So, is there a way to disable my graphics card while I'm out? I'd like to be able to reenable it once I come home, though. While it's on it has an SSH service running, so I can access it and have a terminal window. | 11:07 |
lello | hello | 11:07 |
MonkeyDust | !encrypt | opensan start here | 11:07 |
ubottu | opensan start here: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory | 11:07 |
bafflebox | lello hello | 11:07 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, does this work /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl | 11:08 |
opensan | MonkeyDust: this documentation is either outdated, or doesn't refer to what I'm talking about. | 11:09 |
anandh | Thanks | 11:10 |
opensan | I'm talking about the encrypt ubuntu option during install of 14.04 | 11:10 |
anandh | that works | 11:10 |
=== Zarthuss is now known as Zarthus | ||
anandh | and now i can able to download vedio | 11:10 |
anandh | if i give url infront of it | 11:10 |
anandh | :) | 11:10 |
opensan | full disk encryption | 11:10 |
MonkeyDust | anandh don't hit enter too often | 11:10 |
anandh | Thanks a lot :) gr33n7007h | 11:10 |
anandh | okay ..... else i will be muted right | 11:11 |
Z1T1TTT | I'd like to partition hdd | 11:12 |
gr33n7007h | anandh, ok, glad it works | 11:12 |
Z1T1TTT | I'd like to partition hdd, but GParted fails on me. Can someone help me do it manually? | 11:12 |
anandh | thank you guys .. i really love and appreciate what is open source :) | 11:12 |
bafflebox | Z1T1TTT: I'm not sure how GParted failed, but if you have your mind set on doing it manually, you could try using fdisk? I'd really suggest burning GParted to a disk and booting with that, though. | 11:15 |
bafflebox | anandh: It really is nice, innit? ^.^ | 11:15 |
reversiblean | I'm having hard time with ubuntu since my package manger is broken. Any help would higly appreciated. All my logs, errors and outputs can be found on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/254471 | 11:16 |
Z1T1TTT | bafflebox: http://picpaste.com/screenshot_2014-09-14_13_16_19-baDWvqMz.png | 11:17 |
Z1T1TTT | this is how gparted fails | 11:17 |
anandh | :) one question :- how where will be the video saved? . and also how to open the directory /usr/local/bin/ | 11:17 |
brent | has anyone managed to get windows RDP to connect to 14.04? | 11:17 |
Timoty | ntu :ncan I get my screen resolution in ubuntu ? | 11:18 |
Timoty | anyone ? | 11:19 |
=== `Yoda is now known as Yoda | ||
=== Yoda is now known as `Yoda | ||
MonkeyDust | reversiblean what is that in human language? | 11:20 |
gr33n7007h | Timoty, xrandr | 11:20 |
MonkeyDust | reversiblean ok, i picked up a repair-script on this channel, moment | 11:21 |
Timoty | Thanks MonkeyDust | 11:21 |
bony | is something wrong with drupal? | 11:22 |
bony | website | 11:22 |
reversiblean | MonkeyDust: sorry about my English. My apt-get doesn't work and it throws errors. It's as simple as that :) | 11:22 |
bony | we are unable to download any modules since last 5 hours | 11:22 |
dustylinux | helo | 11:23 |
parapan | hi folks ..I have a problem with a USB modem on a live USB ubuntu 14.04 ..with persistence ....can anyone assist ? | 11:24 |
MonkeyDust | reversiblean paste this as a text file and make it executable, then execute it ... I picked it up in this channel and have been using this for months now http://paste.ubuntu.com/8342124/ | 11:25 |
MonkeyDust | picked this up* | 11:25 |
bafflebox | Ah, Z1T1TTT: sorry for the wait | 11:27 |
=== jbw is now known as JohanBenjamin | ||
reversiblean | MonkeyDust: It seems to me that I've already tried all those commands. Terminal outputs are on /apt/+question/254471. I followed the whole https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure | 11:27 |
bafflebox | I got a little sidetracked. I only see two partitions in that list, are those your only drives? Are either of them mounted? | 11:28 |
MonkeyDust | reversiblean if you have really tried everything imaginable, consider a backup and reinstall | 11:31 |
brent | anyone here use vino and managed to connect from windows using rdp? its doing my head in.. i like to use the preinstalled ubuntu software first before downloading thirdparty but it just doesnt work | 11:32 |
Z1T1TTT | can I get help with partitioning? | 11:33 |
brent | whats up Z1T1TTT | 11:33 |
Z1T1TTT | brent: Gpart fails on me | 11:33 |
parapan | hi folks ..I have a problem with a USB modem on a live USB ubuntu 14.04 ..with persistence ....can anyone assist ? | 11:33 |
Z1T1TTT | brent: here... http://picpaste.com/screenshot_2014-09-14_13_16_19-baDWvqMz.png | 11:34 |
reversiblean | MonkeyDust: Oops this is a very new install. I tried from step 1 to step 6. but none of them works. | 11:34 |
anandh | Have a great day.. :) Thanks for your support | 11:35 |
anandh | bye for now | 11:35 |
bafflebox | Cheers, stay safe :) | 11:36 |
Z1T1TTT | brent: any idea as of why gparted does not create the partitions? | 11:36 |
brent | no idea, perhaps setting the disks in the vm settings? ive never used vm so no idea | 11:36 |
Z1T1TTT | ok | 11:36 |
varunendra | parapan, 3G modem? | 11:37 |
MonkeyDust | reversiblean sometimes it's faster / easier / more efficient to start over, instead of repairing things | 11:37 |
brent | sorry :/ | 11:37 |
Shurtagul | How do I run adobe air installer as root? | 11:37 |
loa | how i can get firefox nightly in ubuntu? | 11:37 |
parapan | varunendra: yes man | 11:38 |
varunendra | parapan, a general checklist for settings : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1831649 | 11:38 |
=== jack is now known as Guest14883 | ||
parapan | varunendra: 3G USB modem ...I set it up ..finally showed on the connections ..and worked once ...after that even if I start the OS with modem plugger or fi I plug -it later on ....is not showing on the list ... | 11:39 |
varunendra | parapan, did it work on a fresh install then stopped working after an update? | 11:40 |
parapan | varunendra: nope, just fresh install ..but no update or upgrades ...may be an issue from the checklist ...the live OS doesn't seem to have a User account ....it's an My account on the User interface .... | 11:41 |
=== musca` is now known as musca | ||
cfhowlett | double wifi indicator: how the heck did i do this? how do I fix it? I deleted the indicator from the panel. xubuntu 14.04.1: http://www.picpaste.com/doublewifi-BtgiznU7.png | 11:48 |
nispr0 | hey, if I have understood bridge and routing vpn correctly, I need to configure a bridged vpn to be able to access my esxi server without setting up static routes etc? | 11:52 |
jongosnglesot | hello | 12:02 |
eeee | jongosnglesot: hello | 12:03 |
jongosnglesot | how are you all | 12:03 |
=== Hobbyboy_ is now known as Hobbyboy | ||
eeee | great you | 12:04 |
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD | ||
html | hi | 12:09 |
ri | hi html | 12:09 |
ashadiqi | cfhowlett: remove that panel and reassign a new one, (well, if the indicator setting doesn't work) | 12:10 |
cfhowlett | ashadiqi, OK ... will try. thanks. | 12:11 |
cfhowlett | ashadiqi, wait ... "indicator settings"??? | 12:11 |
otmane | hello | 12:11 |
ashadiqi | cfhowlett: i mean the panel setting options appearing when you right-click the network indicator | 12:12 |
cfhowlett | ashadiqi, yep. all appears normal. no double entry. for fun I cleared out known indicators. still doubled | 12:18 |
Matombo | Hello | 12:20 |
rom1504 | I've got exactly this issue https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?65498-Stop-quot-plasma-desktop-quot-taskbar-button-appearing-after-login | 12:20 |
rom1504 | any clue how to get rid of that ? | 12:20 |
=== Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs | ||
cfhowlett_ | ashadiqi, aaaaaaaaaaaaand a logout/login >>> reset as proper. not quite sure what I did and don't truly want to reproduce it. thanks for the suggestion. | 12:23 |
ashadiqi | cfhowlett: :) | 12:24 |
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mustafa_ | new user | 12:24 |
MonkeyDust | rom1504 i can't open links on this machine, what's on that page? | 12:24 |
mustafa_ | i faced some problem as i install matlab on ubuntu 14 | 12:25 |
mustafa_ | any help | 12:25 |
mustafa_ | please | 12:25 |
mustafa_ | i am from iraq | 12:25 |
Romance | mustafa_: what problem, state it | 12:26 |
mustafa_ | path | 12:26 |
Romance | os.path? | 12:26 |
mustafa_ | yes dear Romance | 12:26 |
mustafa_ | I can not set up the correct path | 12:27 |
mustafa_ | from the terminal | 12:27 |
mustafa_ | every time shows error | 12:28 |
=== gonyere__ is now known as gonyere | ||
mustafa_ | I can not | 12:28 |
mustafa_ | fix it | 12:28 |
mustafa_ | tillnow | 12:28 |
MonkeyDust | !enter | mustafa_ | 12:29 |
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rom1504 | MonkeyDust: at each login there's a "plasma-desktop" task showing up in the taskbar, and a empty small window in the top-left of the screen | 12:31 |
rom1504 | it can be closed, but it's annoying | 12:32 |
rom1504 | (I'm using kubuntu) | 12:32 |
rom1504 | I've tried to google it (hence above link) but with not much success | 12:33 |
=== Yoda is now known as Guest11158 | ||
=== Guest11158 is now known as `Yoda | ||
=== derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA | ||
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
Zenn | humm guys I need some urgent help | 12:41 |
Serrin | #join quakenet | 12:41 |
Zenn | it seems I keep getting this error someone told that mirror site is down or something | 12:41 |
Zenn | http://pastie.org/private/zxo69dgttq9popyl3le1vw | 12:42 |
Zenn | how do I change the mirror site or something | 12:42 |
Zenn | no one here can provide help at all :( | 12:44 |
sakamop | How reliable is resizing the root system partition (from a liveCD). I am running out of disk space and want to extend the partition to include some of the unpartitioned space on the SSD. | 12:45 |
sakamop | Zenn: Did you have a question? It's usually quiet on weekends. | 12:45 |
rom1504 | you can resize | 12:46 |
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf | ||
Zenn | humm | 12:49 |
Zenn | my mirror is failing | 12:49 |
Zenn | http://pastie.org/private/zxo69dgttq9popyl3le1vw | 12:49 |
Zenn | I cant install anything at all | 12:49 |
Zenn | someone here would really help me would be nice | 12:50 |
MonkeyDust | Zenn anything at all? try installing leafpad, with apt-get | 12:50 |
Zenn | I cant install anything at all | 12:50 |
Zenn | I cant | 12:50 |
Zenn | it is failing | 12:50 |
zigsphere | Zenn, you need to fix your repositories | 12:50 |
zigsphere | in /etc/apt | 12:51 |
MonkeyDust | Zenn what's the outcome of: sudo apt-get install leafpad | 12:51 |
Zenn | well what is happening ? | 12:51 |
rom1504 | Zenn: read the errors already | 12:51 |
Zenn | cause I dont really understand | 12:51 |
rom1504 | stop using http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com | 12:51 |
Zenn | that is the issue how do I change it | 12:51 |
zigsphere | and fix the dl.google.com | 12:51 |
letmedanz | can someone help with sound issues? | 12:51 |
Zenn | zigsphere: how? | 12:52 |
rom1504 | hmm | 12:52 |
rom1504 | what's sg ? | 12:52 |
Zenn | all I did was to install chrome | 12:52 |
Zenn | sg == singapore | 12:52 |
rom1504 | oh ok | 12:52 |
Zenn | I dont know how ubuntu works but no idea why is it getting traffic from there | 12:52 |
Zenn | rom1504: how do I change it | 12:52 |
rom1504 | seems it's down | 12:53 |
Zenn | and zigsphere what wrong with dl.google.com | 12:53 |
rom1504 | vim /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:53 |
Zenn | yeah I want to change it | 12:53 |
MonkeyDust | sg site seems to be down, yes | 12:53 |
zigsphere | There are two files wile the same repository - duplicates | 12:53 |
Zenn | The program 'vim' can be found in the following packages: | 12:53 |
rom1504 | gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:54 |
rom1504 | nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:54 |
rom1504 | emacs /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:54 |
Zenn | well can someone provide me tutorial on getting this fix | 12:54 |
zigsphere | there is more than just sources.list | 12:54 |
Zenn | how terrible of the site to be down | 12:54 |
zigsphere | there is also sources.list.d | 12:54 |
rom1504 | just open /etc/apt/sources.list somehow and change sg to something else | 12:54 |
zigsphere | Zenn, I sent you a msg | 12:54 |
sakamop | Zenn: You can change the repo from the software updater in the gui, if you can't manage it from terminal | 12:54 |
rom1504 | zigsphere: sources.list contains the principal repos | 12:55 |
Zenn | :S | 12:55 |
Zenn | I already open gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:55 |
Zenn | now what ? | 12:55 |
rom1504 | change sg to something else | 12:55 |
MonkeyDust | or put a # before the sg line | 12:55 |
rom1504 | for example en | 12:55 |
zigsphere | or use another country. | 12:56 |
zigsphere | just would be slower | 12:56 |
Zenn | http://pastie.org/private/syqmdglylgwf124tvkgcqq | 12:56 |
Zenn | slower? | 12:56 |
Zenn | I have 300mbps speed over here fiber optic | 12:56 |
rom1504 | there's plenty sg, change them all to en | 12:56 |
Zenn | :S | 12:56 |
rom1504 | or maybe jp or something close of you | 12:56 |
MonkeyDust | or to cn (for china) | 12:56 |
rom1504 | http://zh.archive.ubuntu.com/ | 12:57 |
Zenn | oh wow | 12:57 |
cfhowlett_ | Zenn, repositories go up and down for maintenance... usually the problems self-correct. meanwhile software settings > sources. | 12:57 |
Zenn | the file is read only | 12:57 |
Zenn | cfhowlett_: it has been down for half a day | 12:57 |
rom1504 | oh yes | 12:57 |
Zenn | and I cant do anything | 12:57 |
rom1504 | you need to sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:57 |
cfhowlett_ | Zenn, so ... change your repo. | 12:58 |
matty_r | How do I get the start sector of a file? using the file command doesn't return the startsector | 12:58 |
* Zenn has only two hands and 10 fingers | 12:58 | |
Zenn | hold on mate | 12:58 |
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Zenn | :\ | 12:58 |
madoka | how to use arm-gcc | 12:58 |
xubuntu | hola | 12:59 |
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Guest80496 | una consulta | 12:59 |
Zenn | cfhowlett_: if the repo went down for maintence do you think they should redirect it or something | 13:00 |
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Guest80496 | para añadir repositorios kali a xubuntu hay alguna aplicacion | 13:00 |
zubairahmed | #ubuntu-es Guest80496 | 13:01 |
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zubairahmed | #xubuntu-es Guest80496 | 13:01 |
* RedDeath Back | 13:02 | |
cfhowlett_ | !arm | madoka, | 13:02 |
ubottu | madoka,: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel. | 13:02 |
* RedDeath Back | 13:03 | |
=== Zarthuss is now known as Zarthus | ||
eyad | ls | 13:03 |
eyad | ls | 13:03 |
eyad | sl | 13:03 |
eyad | exit | 13:03 |
Guest80496 | exit | 13:03 |
* RedDeath Back | 13:04 | |
deepak | hi | 13:10 |
Zenn | thanks | 13:13 |
Zenn | :D works | 13:13 |
Zenn | zigsphere, thank yoi | 13:13 |
Zenn | you | 13:13 |
zigsphere | Np Zenn | 13:34 |
jtagg82 | ll | 13:47 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest33951 | ||
sydney1 | Ok,so i try to install my printer/scanner all/in/one,but ubutnu installs it as a printer only? Ubuntu 12.04 worked fine with it? | 13:55 |
sydney1 | I cannot scan through it from my computer,but printing works fine. :-/ | 13:56 |
maslen | Any ideas why my almost-clean install of Ubuntu is having ports in "filtered" mode ? | 13:56 |
sydney1 | Hp photosmart D110a? | 13:56 |
Jesse__ | Hey im wondering if anyone could help me with a question. I installed Ruby 2.1.2 through rbenv, when I type Ruby -v this is also the version that is displayed. However A gem i installed through ruby(compass) produces this error when i launch it:"bash: /usr/local/bin/compass: /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1: bad interpreter: No such file or directory" as you can see it's trying to make use of ruby 1.9.1 which must have been on my system earlier or something. | 14:00 |
Jesse__ | How do I get compass to use my new version of Ruby, is this in the PATH variable? | 14:00 |
Adrian1908 | I have a brief question. When compiling programs on Windows, I used an alias "run" which ran make and then the *.exe file in the current directory. What would I use on linux/bash? | 14:08 |
=== tcpman is now known as Guest35239 | ||
Adrian1908 | I tried the "find" command, but I can't figure out how to make it run the executable it find in the local directory. | 14:08 |
LucaLumetti | Adrian1908, for execute an .exe, you must use wine | 14:08 |
teward | Adrian1908: depends on the programming language | 14:08 |
teward | Adrian1908: and the runtime compile arguments that need to be included/ran | 14:09 |
LucaLumetti | else you can use . (ex. ./Directory/program.sh | 14:09 |
teward | LucaLumetti: they're asking what commands to run to compile | 14:09 |
teward | LucaLumetti: not how to run a .sh or executable | 14:09 |
Adrian1908 | It's a compiled binary file (C++ in this case) | 14:09 |
LucaLumetti | tewar ah oh, sorry | 14:09 |
Adrian1908 | i.e. I would simply run it as ./program | 14:10 |
teward | Adrian1908: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7005713/how-to-compile-a-c-program-in-linux is how to compile | 14:10 |
Adrian1908 | but I can't figure out how to automate this, so that e.g. the path returned by "find" gets executed. | 14:10 |
teward | (or one method for it) | 14:10 |
teward | Adrian1908: you still have to run the compiler via `g++ [arguments] -o blah.foo.bar blah.cpp | 14:11 |
teward | (without the `) | 14:11 |
Adrian1908 | I know how to compile, check out my original question. I want to create an alias for "make && .\myprogram", that's all. | 14:11 |
Padawan | does any of you guys use homeshick? | 14:12 |
Adrian1908 | "myprogram" has to be searched though, since I can't do .\*.exe, as I would on windows. | 14:13 |
teward | Adrian1908: you didn't make that clear | 14:13 |
teward | Adrian1908: I don't think `alias` can do that, you'd maybe need to create a shell script to execute the commands | 14:13 |
teward | and then set the alias to execute that script. | 14:14 |
teward | (a simple Bash script could do it, or a sh script) | 14:14 |
Adrian1908 | I see, I'll look into that. Thanks! | 14:14 |
teward | Adrian1908: note your bash script would need edited if the `cpp` files change and such | 14:15 |
overjoyedpulp | anyone know how to prevent grub from updating and installing when i upgrade a kernel in 14.04? I use my other distribution for grub purposes | 14:17 |
overjoyedpulp | (dual boot) | 14:17 |
ikonia | this is a core problem with grub2 | 14:18 |
ikonia | the inability to co-exist with other distros | 14:18 |
overjoyedpulp | ikonia: how? if ubuntu didn't update and install its own grub then I wouldn't have this problem at all | 14:18 |
ikonia | overjoyedpulp: right, so it's a problem | 14:19 |
overjoyedpulp | yeah but it's not a grub problem, it's an ubuntu problem. Although i suspect my search terms into google aren't good enough | 14:19 |
ikonia | which is a weak solution | 14:19 |
ikonia | the only way I see it working "ok, is to chain load grub on partitions rather than the disk | 14:19 |
ikonia | overjoyedpulp: of course it's a grub problem | 14:19 |
ikonia | overjoyedpulp: grub2 now lives in /etc which means distros can't share it like they could with grub 1 on a shared /boot partition | 14:20 |
overjoyedpulp | ikonia: oh now i get what you're saying | 14:20 |
thomedy | okay i have a question. | 14:21 |
thomedy | wait maybe i will wait because this may not be the active room | 14:21 |
ikonia | seems a bad idea, but "ok" | 14:21 |
ikonia | you have no way to judge who/what is active until you ask | 14:21 |
thomedy | im good i was writing about the wrong type of code for this room anyway | 14:21 |
thomedy | diff room | 14:21 |
thomedy | im already there | 14:21 |
thomedy | thank you though | 14:22 |
dididodo | hi ... is there a tool or tutorial for making offline system updates? what i mean is: you generate a list with packages to b updated on box1. then you take this list and download the packages on box2. then you copy the packages from box2 to box1 and finally you run the update on box1. | 14:22 |
German_Pyro | Hello @ all | 14:22 |
somsip_ | !offline | dididodo | 14:24 |
ubottu | dididodo: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD | 14:24 |
dididodo | somsip ... ok, thanks | 14:25 |
dididodo | somsip ... actually, thats not what i have asked for. its about system update, not installing new packages | 14:25 |
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Guest70846 | how to install new system sound theme in ubuntu | 14:27 |
Adrian1908 | teward: I just figured out a solution. I was close, but added more arguments than necessary. The follow finds one (or more) executables in the current directory and runs them: find -executable -type f -exec {} \; | 14:27 |
zigsphere | I think there is a way to have box1 download all the updates and have box 2,3,4,5,6,7 etc download all the updates from box1 on the local network | 14:27 |
zigsphere | dididodo ^ | 14:28 |
Adrian1908 | Have a good one folks! :) | 14:28 |
Guest70846 | how to install new system sound theme in ubunt | 14:28 |
dididodo | zigsphere ... sure | 14:28 |
qanadin | I am having issues with smb working correclty. I have edited the conf file pointing to the correct folder, but when I get on my windows machine it isn't able to access the share drive | 14:29 |
zigsphere | dididodo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=981085 | 14:30 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest70927 | ||
=== Guest70927 is now known as EriC^^ | ||
Guest70846 | can anyone tell me....how to install new system sound theme in ubunt | 14:30 |
dididodo | zigsphere ... thnx | 14:32 |
Guest70846 | can anyone tell me....how to install new system sound theme in ubuntu.................................................................... | 14:33 |
zigsphere | What sound theme? | 14:33 |
ikonia | Guest70846: no need for all the ..... | 14:33 |
Guest70846 | zigshere: sound theme means sound effect.. | 14:35 |
zigsphere | Doesn't the OS already have the sound themes installed? | 14:35 |
Guest70846 | <zigsphere>: yes,but they are not working...like click sound etc... | 14:37 |
Guest70846 | <zigsphere>: like mac has | 14:38 |
zigsphere | Does the main sound work? | 14:38 |
Guest70846 | <zigsphere>: like mac has | 14:38 |
zigsphere | I dont think Ubuntu has click sounds...unless I'm mistaken. Anyone else know? | 14:38 |
qanadin | I am having issues with smb working correclty. I have edited the conf file pointing to the correct folder, but when I get on my windows machine it isn't able to access the share drive. Anybody have any ideas? | 14:39 |
Istalantar | i am trying to find some files, here is my first approach, which does exactly what it's supposed to do: find . -type f | egrep '(\.exe|\.cpp|\.h)$' ... but, i am trying to do it differently like this: find -type f -regextype posix-egrep -regex '(\.exe|\.cpp|\.h)$' .. why does regex not work for the find command, am i doing something wrong? | 14:39 |
Guest70846 | <zigsphere>: that the problem...noone want to give answer... | 14:40 |
zigsphere | I think people just dont have the answer to give. | 14:40 |
qanadin | zigsphere I was afraid of that | 14:42 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest30214 | ||
EriC^^ | Istalantar: did you get it working yet | 14:51 |
roadtrip | h | 14:53 |
Istalantar | EriC^^: yes, find -regex needs to fit whole path like '.*(|| | 14:53 |
Istalantar | EriC^^: ehhh, i hit enter to soon, but do you know what i mean? | 14:53 |
=== vemacs|ded is now known as vemacs | ||
EriC^^ | so it's working now? | 14:54 |
EriC^^ | Istalantar: didn't quite get what you menat | 14:54 |
EriC^^ | *meant | 14:54 |
Istalantar | EriC^^: yes its working. regex needs to be '.*(\.exe|\.cpp|\.h)$' instead of '(\.exe|\.cpp|\.h)$' | 14:55 |
EriC^^ | ok | 14:57 |
ma | .help | 14:58 |
ma | ?help | 14:59 |
ma | !help | 14:59 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:59 |
neutrino-- | !help | 14:59 |
ma | !patience | 14:59 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 14:59 |
EriC^^ | ma, what do you need help with? | 14:59 |
neutrino-- | is ubottu a bot ? | 14:59 |
john_345 | evening all | 15:00 |
EriC^^ | yes | 15:00 |
fwaokda | evening!? i kid i kid | 15:00 |
john_345 | how ya doin there | 15:01 |
=== jottr_ is now known as jottr | ||
paskl | is there something like "DisplayFusion" for ubuntu? | 15:03 |
tommaso | hi there, how can i get an input value from a text file using a bash script (i.e *.sh)? | 15:10 |
regreg | hello | 15:10 |
tommaso | hi | 15:10 |
regreg | i have a package installing problem | 15:10 |
OldSkoool | I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 from a live USB. The purple desktop screen is up, but it's blank. In the past, with other Live USBs, this is because the computer thought I had a dual monitor setup and had all the info I needed on a screen that didn't exist. Are there any clever tricks to get to the other screen? It would have to be a keyboard shortcut since I can't see what I'm typing on the keyboard and can't get into settings. | 15:11 |
regreg | my power stopped and the computer restarted. upon reboot the .dev database seems damaged | 15:11 |
regreg | .deb | 15:11 |
regreg | i was trying to install ocaml package | 15:11 |
regreg | now i get this: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq --remove camlp4:amd64 | 15:12 |
regreg | dpkg: warning: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should | 15:12 |
regreg | reinstall it before attempting a removal | 15:12 |
regreg | dpkg: error processing package camlp4 (--remove): | 15:12 |
regreg | unable to delete control info file `/var/lib/dpkg/info/camlp4.md5sums': Stale file handle | 15:12 |
daftykins | !pastebin | 15:12 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:12 |
EriC^^ | regreg: so try to reinstall it | 15:13 |
regreg | i get the same stale file handle if i try to reinstall it | 15:13 |
regreg | dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/camlp4_4.01.0-3ubuntu3_amd64.deb (--unpack):, unable to install (supposed) new info file `/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/md5sums': Stale file handle | 15:14 |
regreg | i'm using btrfs on / if it's of any use | 15:15 |
regreg | any idea? | 15:16 |
OldSkoool | I got it somehow....Alt-F7. Who Knew?? | 15:17 |
EriC^^ | regreg: try to reinstall via apt-get install --reinstall | 15:18 |
EriC^^ | should fix it | 15:18 |
EriC^^ | nevermind | 15:18 |
regreg | EriC^^, i get the same error | 15:19 |
EriC^^ | regreg: try to fsck it | 15:20 |
regreg | EriC^^, how do i fsck the root / FS? | 15:22 |
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Vampire-bill | unknown error <class error>("The cache has no package named wine1.7-i386 how to find what is causing this error and remove it 14.04 | 15:23 |
Istalantar | when i umount my second harddrive it gets automatically locked onto the launcher, how can i disable that? | 15:23 |
EriC^^ | regreg: sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo reboot | 15:24 |
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regreg | EriC^^, i get the same error | 15:28 |
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sungrazer | Sup | 15:31 |
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clikclik | \quit #ubuntu | 15:35 |
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Guest11441 | can any one tell me how to install mac like click sound effect in ubuntu | 15:49 |
Guest11441 | can any one tell me how to install mac like click sound effect in ubuntu | 15:50 |
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Timoty | Hey! | 15:55 |
Timoty | Anyone here ? | 15:55 |
teward | Timoty: instead of asking if anyone is here just ask your question | 15:55 |
teward | Timoty: then have patience | 15:55 |
Timoty | Oh sorry. thanks. It was like I was disconnected. | 15:56 |
lifeworks | Hey everybody. I was wondering if there's someone available to answer questions about installation | 15:56 |
teward | lifeworks: rather than ask if anyone's available, just ask your real questoin | 15:57 |
teward | and then have patience | 15:57 |
lifeworks | Can do. | 15:57 |
=== DGJones is now known as DJones | ||
lifeworks | I'm in the process of installing Xen Hypervisor on a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 | 15:57 |
lifeworks | I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen but I'm a little bit confused on the partitioning and selection. I'm guessing I need to do "Something Else" on the Installation Type | 15:58 |
Timoty | ntu :n to use gcc instead of g++ to compile a C++ program? | 15:59 |
user4 | hi guys, which file format saves the url? The reason therefor is because I would like to save my bookmarks on my directory. | 16:00 |
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HikaruBG | hi all | 16:04 |
Timoty | Hi HikaruBG | 16:04 |
camtron | Are the Unity lenses written in Python? | 16:05 |
HikaruBG | lame question - when perform "ls -la" what does the second column represent? | 16:05 |
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theadmin | camtron: I beleive so. | 16:05 |
HikaruBG | the first is the permissions level, and the second one? some numbers... | 16:05 |
camtron | They must be, considering how slow the dash is. | 16:06 |
theadmin | Oi. Python is a great language, has nothing to do with Unity being slow | 16:06 |
theadmin | HikaruBG: inode number | 16:07 |
theadmin | HikaruBG: Ignore if you don't understand what that means | 16:07 |
theadmin | camtron: If Unity is slow, try updating your graphic drivers or using proprietary ones. | 16:08 |
theadmin | Usually helps. | 16:08 |
felixonmars | or adjust your sense of fast (runs | 16:08 |
camtron | theadmin: How do I do that? | 16:08 |
camtron | update them. | 16:08 |
theadmin | camtron: Just run the update manager | 16:09 |
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HikaruBG | theadmin, i have to know, because I have an issue with a file that I need to write in and it gives me "permission denied" error | 16:09 |
theadmin | HikaruBG: Gib owner, group and permissions | 16:10 |
camtron | Most things in Unity are fast for me. But it's just that the dash, the software center, and the unity-2d-spread effects are slow as molasses. | 16:10 |
HikaruBG | I must write in a log file from a server app, which uses user www-data to operate, and I have been playing with the file ownership and permissions so far to be able to make it happen. | 16:11 |
theadmin | HikaruBG: Still... give me the permissions of that file, it's owner and group | 16:11 |
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HikaruBG | theadmin, -rwxrwxrw- 1 svetoslav svetoslav 0 Sep 14 11:51 debug.log | 16:16 |
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Android | hi, i have a problem on installing ubuntu aon an old pc, is there somebody who is willing to try to help me? | 16:17 |
theadmin | HikaruBG: Right, okay, everyone should be able to write to this file. The issue may be with permissions on the directory the file's in, then | 16:17 |
HikaruBG | theadmin, and the error message from the server: "fopen(./data/log/debug.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied" | 16:17 |
cfhowlett | Android, old PC? try lubuntu or xubuntu | 16:17 |
theadmin | Android: Have you tried to use Xubuntu or Lubuntu? Those are more suitable for older PCs. | 16:17 |
Gue______ | hello | 16:18 |
Android | yes, and the same happens | 16:18 |
cfhowlett | Android, details ... | 16:19 |
HikaruBG | theadmin, the error still exists ... let me check the paths... | 16:19 |
theadmin | Android: Same what? | 16:19 |
Android | the installation is sucessful, but and works great until i loggin on any user, than it shows the background img without controlles and crashes after 30minutes. in textmode it shows some unreadable characters. | 16:21 |
cfhowlett | Android, installs successful and then starts crashing? + scrambled display? suggests hardware failures to me ... | 16:22 |
Android | ubuntu runns besides xp and xp works great. the gfx-chip is the same than an old nvidia gforce fx 16XX | 16:23 |
rocio | hola | 16:24 |
rocio | hay alguien? | 16:24 |
cfhowlett | Android, dmesg may give some guidance here. hopefully the crash messages | 16:24 |
cfhowlett | !es | rocio | 16:24 |
ubottu | rocio: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 16:24 |
Android | it not actually crashes, the pc got a wierd powersaving feature, that turns of the pc if it hang up 4 s certain time. | 16:26 |
OldSkoool_ | I am upgrading Ubuntu 12.10 to 14.04 via Live USB. I have a "fatal error" saying that it was not possible to install the bootloader. BTW, this is a dual boot Windows 7 / Ubuntu machine. I think I was using the Windows bootloader because when I start the computer, a DOS Prompt comes up (not linux prompt) asking me what OS I want to use. So can I just choose "continue without a bootloader" and hope the Microseft BL finds the new Ubun | 16:28 |
Android | and ive tryed most of the available variations | 16:29 |
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Lingo | yo | 16:32 |
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OctetStream | hello everyone, nautilus is getting nostalgic in the last few days..it reverts to a different typography (possibly from 10.04) and makes honking sound when I open folders. also the menu tab disappears. how can I bring it back to current appearance without having to restart? | 16:39 |
OerHeks | OctetStream, the 'menu-tab' is moved to the top panel, only visable when you focus on nautilus | 16:42 |
OctetStream | OerHeks, I am not sure if you mean the same thing, but I mean to say that nautilus changes look | 16:43 |
OctetStream | and I want it to resume to its 14.04. look | 16:43 |
OctetStream | not only menu, the whole look is altered | 16:43 |
OerHeks | OctetStream, howcome? did you install a theme or something? | 16:44 |
xangua | Maybe you could share an image and point what's wrong with it OctetStream | 16:44 |
funkster | I have ClientAliveCountMax 2 and ClientAliveInterval 100 in my /etc/ssh/sshd_config - and my ssh idle connections still drop from home -> remote server. What else am i missing? | 16:44 |
OctetStream | Xangua, sure, coming | 16:45 |
jash_ | Hello, I'm having trouble with generating R.java file in my project. Tried all the possible solutions. Anyone facing the same issue in #UBUNTU? | 16:46 |
OctetStream | xangua, OerHeks, it looks like this: http://is.gd/SMb3B9 | 16:47 |
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OctetStream | and it honks when I click on foldres | 16:48 |
OctetStream | folders* | 16:48 |
OctetStream | and menu items dont appear on top panel (menu-edit-view-tools-help) as they normally do in 14.04. | 16:49 |
xangua | OctetStream: it looks normal | 16:49 |
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Caramoan | how to install xshockwave-flash in ubuntu 14.04 using terminal? | 16:49 |
OerHeks | OctetStream, what ubuntu version are you using now, 14.10? | 16:49 |
OerHeks | Caramoan, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 16:50 |
xangua | Caramoan: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 16:50 |
OctetStream | OerHeks, is there 14.10. for end users already? no, I am using 14.04.1. xangua, no, it is not the 'normal' I have on 14.04. | 16:50 |
Caramoan | OerHeks, is that ok for chromium? | 16:51 |
fwaokda | how can i check to see if i have an odbc driver install on ubuntu? | 16:51 |
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OerHeks | Caramoan, chromium want pepperflash if i remember correctly | 16:51 |
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OerHeks | Caramoan, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash | 16:52 |
Caramoan | OerHeks, i try that one its not work for me.. | 16:52 |
OctetStream | end user is not a term that suits free software, but I meant to differentiate developer editions | 16:52 |
OerHeks | Caramoan, after install, run: sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install | 16:52 |
netlar | Does the google music rhythmbox plug in work in 14.04? | 16:53 |
Caramoan | OerHeks, ok i try thanks | 16:53 |
Guest11441 | does any one know...how to install mac like click sound effect in ubuntu | 16:54 |
OctetStream | anyway, I will turn off the machine now, and next time I use it everything will be fine.. | 16:54 |
OctetStream | thank you for your time, enjoy your weekend | 16:54 |
OerHeks | OctetStream, have fun | 16:55 |
netlar | Is it bad to keep adding ppa's to my system? | 16:56 |
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OerHeks | netlar yes, one time is enough | 16:56 |
netlar | One time? | 16:56 |
netlar | Or to mess me up you mean? | 16:57 |
xangua | netlar: that's more like a personal question, but when upgrade time comes you need to remove all ppa and the packages it installed | 16:57 |
netlar | xangua: I am going LTS to LTS, I heard it just turns off your ppa's during installation | 16:58 |
cfhowlett | netlar, on my machine, if somethings not good enough for repos, it's not good enough for my machine. Exception: linux graphics driver | 16:58 |
unclescratchie | lost my wifi....how do I get it working again...Ubuntu 14.04 | 16:58 |
xangua | Turning off won't remove the installed packages netlar | 16:58 |
xangua | !ppa-purge | netlar | 16:59 |
ubottu | netlar: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 16:59 |
OctetStream | OerHeks, thank you, likewise | 16:59 |
Caramoan | OerHeks, thanks it works now | 17:00 |
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unclescratchie | need help with wifi please | 17:02 |
unclescratchie | Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) : | 17:02 |
unclescratchie | SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device.....how to fix...help | 17:02 |
OerHeks | unclescratchie, is this on a laptop ? | 17:03 |
unclescratchie | OerHeks, yes | 17:03 |
unclescratchie | OerHeks, I rebooted and lost wifi | 17:03 |
OerHeks | unclescratchie, check you keyboard layout, do you see a FN key and wireless printed in the same colour on the F1-F12 keys? | 17:04 |
OerHeks | that would be a hardwareswitch, pressing it should enable it again | 17:04 |
unclescratchie | OerHeks, nope, its a Dell inspiron 1721...F12 is "pause/break" | 17:04 |
novato-linux | Hi all from spain | 17:04 |
OerHeks | unclescratchie, it is one of the keys between F2 and F12 | 17:05 |
Laurence23 | Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://tinyurl.com/ozfvxy3 | 17:05 |
OerHeks | or F1-F12 | 17:05 |
cfhowlett | Laurence23, no porn, no spam, go away and stay away | 17:05 |
unclescratchie | OerHeks, the FN key is at bottomm left next to ctrl key | 17:06 |
novato-linux | I am new in Linux and I am looking for a good "graphical IDE" for linux to program applications for Android.... Anyone knows any really good graphical IDE to do this? | 17:07 |
unclescratchie | OerHeks, still here? | 17:08 |
cfhowlett | novato-linux, www.xdadevelopers.com would know all your optoins | 17:08 |
cfhowlett | *options* | 17:08 |
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novato-linux | sorry cfhowlett I don't understand you, what means "know all my options?" | 17:09 |
cfhowlett | novato-linux, xda developers are android developers . | 17:09 |
cfhowlett | http://www.xda-developers.com/category/android/ | 17:10 |
novato-linux | ah! ok... so i understand that you recommend me to xda developers...isn't true? | 17:11 |
cfhowlett | novato-linux, true | 17:11 |
=== Hobbyboy|Away is now known as Hobbyboy | ||
novato-linux | ok thank you very much!!! I am going there right now! thnxs again! Cheers!!!1 | 17:12 |
OerHeks | unclescratchie, i just took a look at a example of your keyboard, but they are all blury. see your manual to discover any wifi key, i think your issue is with this key as wifi worked before, right? | 17:14 |
unclescratchie | OerHeks, no wifi key | 17:16 |
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unclescratchie | OerHeks, I an not use the key board to turn the wifi on or off | 17:16 |
eliezer | alguem | 17:19 |
OerHeks | unclescratchie, maybe on the front of your machine? http://www.notebookcheck.net/fileadmin/_migrated/pics/Inspiron-1721_4_01.jpg | 17:19 |
eliezer | pode me ajudar | 17:19 |
eliezer | nao estou conseguindo formatar o meu pendrive | 17:19 |
eliezer | alguem poderia me ajudar ??? | 17:19 |
xangua | !pt | eliezer | 17:20 |
ubottu | eliezer: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 17:20 |
zubairahmed | eliezer, #ubuntu-es | 17:20 |
zubairahmed | sorry ubuntu-pt | 17:20 |
eliezer | alguem | 17:22 |
eliezer | algauem | 17:22 |
ActionParsnip | Quiet today.... | 17:24 |
OerHeks | ActionParsnip, yes it is calm before the storm | 17:25 |
Daryl_ | Is there any programs or Terminal features that 1 can Compress the whole HDD? | 17:25 |
xangua | I'd just buy another/a bigger HDD | 17:26 |
OerHeks | Daryl_, compress and use or compress to backup? | 17:27 |
Daryl_ | aww ok | 17:27 |
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ActionParsnip | Daryl_: why do you want to compress a drive? | 17:29 |
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Ceninant | need some help | 17:29 |
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Daryl_ | Nearly maxed out my 500GB HDD | 17:30 |
Ceninant | http://pastebin.com/NLdecYRE | 17:31 |
ActionParsnip | Daryl_: have you tried uninstalling unused kernels? | 17:31 |
cj_ | Daryl_ what file system are you using? | 17:32 |
ActionParsnip | Daryl_: or running: sudo apt-get clean | 17:32 |
Daryl_ | Yup i got only 2 installed including the 1 im using, 2 is for just in case the pre-released 1 goes wrong or something so i can have 1 for back up, and im using EXT4 file system | 17:33 |
Ceninant | I downloaded windows 8 last night (there is a password on this thing) to see if there's some sort of UEFI setting to unlock | 17:33 |
bazhang | ##windows Ceninant | 17:34 |
Ceninant | bazhang, I'm not trying to install windows. -_- | 17:35 |
=== RedDeath is now known as Bl4ckSh4d0w | ||
Ceninant | I'm trying to install the latest ubuntu 64 bit | 17:35 |
bazhang | Ceninant, why mention windows 8 dl | 17:35 |
Daryl_ | what ubuntu version? | 17:35 |
cj_ | Daryl_, As far as I remember EXT4 does not support transparent compression. Meaning you are stuck at full size files unless you tar old data you don't need. | 17:35 |
Ceninant | ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64 | 17:35 |
shaifali | Question: I have reinstalled windows on dual boot machine with ubuntu, I lost grub, google gave me solution how to solve it through "bootrepair mode" while installing ubuntu again. I had Ubuntu12.10 previously, now I have image of Ubuntu12.04 will it be okay to repair with another ubuntu version? | 17:36 |
Ceninant | bazhang, because someone said there is a "uefi firmware settings" inside windows 8 I may have to access | 17:36 |
Daryl_ | cj: aww ok thanks for the Info ;) | 17:37 |
learts | Hi guys! I've built and installed kernel 3.17 from git tree, everything seems ok except for usb automounting. ANy suggestions on how to debug the problem? | 17:39 |
ActionParsnip | Daryl_: you can use bleachbit as root and user (with as many programs closed) to clean temp files. | 17:39 |
learts | lsusb sees the pendrive | 17:39 |
ActionParsnip | Daryl_: also, clear browser cache and uninstall applications you don't use | 17:39 |
Quantumpants | guys I want to get minecraft to run on 14.04 lts, can it be done and can it be done without a boot disk? | 17:39 |
ActionParsnip | learts: we cannot support self rolled kernels here | 17:39 |
ActionParsnip | learts: ask in ##linux | 17:40 |
Daryl_ | Yup i've done that 3 days ago surely got alot more space then i've thought back like about 30GB freed | 17:40 |
ActionParsnip | Quantumpants: why would you need a "boot disk"? | 17:40 |
shaifali | Question: I have reinstalled windows on dual boot machine with ubuntu, I lost grub, google gave me solution how to solve it through "bootrepair mode" while installing ubuntu again. I had Ubuntu12.10 previously, now I have image of Ubuntu12.04 will it be okay to repair with another ubuntu version? | 17:40 |
ActionParsnip | Daryl_: also check the size of /var | 17:40 |
Slart | Hi, I've installed a new hard drive into my 14.04-system and I figured I would give lvm a try. Everything seems to work just fine with one small exception.. my logical volumes aren't mounted at boot.. after googling a while I've found lots of strategies to fix this but some seem old and some come from other distros.. How do I do this on ubuntu? automounting of lvm-volumes at boot | 17:41 |
learts | ActionParsnip: ignoring the custom kernel, what are the daemon that Ubuntu uses for automounting? How do I "debug" them? | 17:41 |
Quantumpants | ActionParsnip im a newb :-( | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | Quantumpants: omgubuntu has an easy guide for installing minecraft | 17:41 |
OerHeks | learts, kernel ppa gives kernel 3.17 for next Utopic 14.10 only, so if you used git, the non-ubuntu-kernel will give issues | 17:41 |
ActionParsnip | learts: gvfs | 17:41 |
OerHeks | http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ | 17:41 |
Quantumpants | ActionParsnip thanks :-) | 17:41 |
cj_ | Quantumpants, do you have a linux distro installed? | 17:41 |
kostkon | Quantumpants, boot disk to run minecraft? | 17:42 |
Quantumpants | cj_ im running 14.04lts | 17:42 |
Slart | Quantumpants: does minecraft need installing? last time I checked there was a linux client working just fine | 17:42 |
learts | Quantumpants: minecraft runs on Ubuntu natively | 17:42 |
Slart | Quantumpants: no boot disk.. nothing weird.. just an executable file | 17:42 |
ActionParsnip | learts: but we have no idea what options you used when you compiled. You may have removed features needed for automounting etc. | 17:42 |
kostkon | Quantumpants, install openjdk-7-jre using e.g. the software centre and you are ready to go | 17:42 |
cj_ | Quantumpants, you will need to get java installed. Unsure what version is current working but just java | 17:42 |
Quantumpants | sorry guys Im a newb, i have no idea how mincraft works | 17:42 |
ActionParsnip | Quantumpants: or use the WebUpd8 PPA and install Oracle Java easily | 17:43 |
kostkon | cj_, openjdk7 works fine | 17:43 |
cj_ | Quantumpants, Its ok | 17:43 |
cj_ | kostkon, good to know :) | 17:43 |
kostkon | Quantumpants, install openjdk-7-jre then | 17:43 |
kostkon | cj_, ;) | 17:43 |
patricio | #ubuntu-us-tx | 17:43 |
Melio | you need java like kostkon is saying | 17:43 |
Melio | you can get it in the software center by typing java | 17:43 |
Slart | Quantumpants: go to minecraft.net click login.. then click download.. then click the minecraft.jar, save it somewhere.. desktop or whatever.. then double click on that file | 17:43 |
Melio | pick version 7 | 17:44 |
OerHeks | http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/install-minecraft-in-ubuntu-14-04/ | 17:44 |
Melio | then download the java | 17:44 |
Melio | it's a .jar | 17:44 |
Daryl_ | Quantumpants, its ok, We've all been down that road b4 ;) | 17:44 |
Melio | then you need a launcher in .local | 17:44 |
Melio | ~/.local/share/applications/minecraft.desktop | 17:44 |
Melio | make it executable | 17:44 |
Melio | edit it | 17:44 |
Melio | exec=java -jar ~wherever your minecraft.jar is | 17:45 |
ActionParsnip | Quantumpants: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/minecraft-installer-for-ubuntu | 17:45 |
OerHeks | Melio, easy on the enter, thanks. | 17:45 |
Quantumpants | openjdk-7-jre is on the system | 17:45 |
Melio | OerHeks, if i type it all in one line, it'll be too confusing | 17:45 |
shaifali | Hello, is it risky to repair ubuntu(boot repair) with version than previously installed one? | 17:45 |
ActionParsnip | Quantumpants: use one of the guides, it will install it for you | 17:45 |
ActionParsnip | shaifali: its grub2 which is common between the 2. So is fine | 17:45 |
Melio | i litterally just had a session with my kid about making desktop files | 17:45 |
learts | I know ActionParsnip, I'm not asking for you to help out on why it doesn't work. Just on what are the steps onw would take to find out where the automounting process fails. Thanks for point out gvfs | 17:46 |
learts | *pointing out | 17:46 |
Quantumpants | Guys you have been a great help, thank you all :p | 17:46 |
Melio | Quantumpants, if you need help getting that minecraft.desktop thing working let me know | 17:47 |
unclescratchie | sudo lshw | 17:47 |
Melio | its really easy | 17:47 |
ActionParsnip | learts: you could chck in dmeag to see what the kernel does when you plug in the device | 17:47 |
ActionParsnip | learts: why are you not using the official Ubuntu kernel? | 17:47 |
shaifali | ActionParsnip: Thanks, Previously I had ubuntu12.10 and now I want to repair it with Ubuntu12.04, will it be fine? I lost grub due to installing windows. | 17:47 |
ActionParsnip | shaifali: 12.10 is EOL. I'd take this opportunity to reinstall with a newer release, ideally 14.04 | 17:48 |
ActionParsnip | Melio: I copy ones from ~/.config/autostart then edit | 17:49 |
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learts | ActionParsnip: I did that and it seems the kernel does fine: it finds the new usb device, correct manufacturer and all, and infact I can see the pendrive with lsusb , so the problem sees to be after, in userpsace I assume? I'm using a custom kernel because 1) Eudyptula challenge 2) kernel 3.16 and 3.17 have some updates for my new laptop (yoga 2 pro) | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | learts: what file system is the USB using? | 17:50 |
shaifali | ActionParsnip: since 14.04 is new version, I prefer to use older one 12.04(LTS) to reduce different compatiblity issues for development purposes | 17:50 |
remo | hello, I've invoked dd command to clone my currently running oneiric old hd to new hd. then replace the old hd with the new one it then throw error “serious errors while checking the disk drives for /boot” error while booting. what should I do? | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | shaifali: 12.04 has support til 2017, so why not :-) | 17:51 |
shaifali | ActionParsnip:using new versions would be risky, it may or may not be compatible with diff s/w and tools so I prefer old ones. | 17:51 |
shaifali | ActionParsnip:yes, Thanks :) | 17:52 |
ActionParsnip | remo: why clone an EOL release? | 17:52 |
learts | ActionParsnip: NTFS. But I still think it's something kernel related, even though the kernel recognises the usb device, because when I boot ubuntu with the default kernel the pendrive is automounted | 17:52 |
learts | I have to go to dinner now. ActionParsnip: thanks for your help, really appreciated | 17:52 |
ActionParsnip | learts: have you ran a chkdsk (in windows) on the USB? When you last unplugged the device did you use the safe remove feature in your OS before unplugging the device? | 17:53 |
ninjah | Does anyone know how to get LVM to see the actual size of a drive/storage? I've just increased the storage on a VM but Ubuntu doesn't see the new size | 17:56 |
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insanehugs | I wish I knew someone that could help me understand the right way to look at reality. I totally have that splinter in my mind feeling like Neo from The Matrix. =/ | 17:59 |
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enkienlil | hi peeps; I'm burning a dvd at present using Brasero but even though I've set to burn at x4 it is burning at x8 any ideas? | 18:07 |
cxm | should my hostname be my fdqn? | 18:10 |
ActionParsnip | enkienlil: tried a different burning application like xfburn? | 18:11 |
ActionParsnip | cxm: in what context? | 18:11 |
cxm | so i have a hostname right now that is the computer name... | 18:11 |
cxm | which is of my Azure VM | 18:11 |
enkienlil | yes it works fine in xfburn - I've re-installed Brasero - reooted and it still burns at the speed it wants, not what I want. | 18:12 |
enkienlil | Have also had coasters using K3B. | 18:13 |
cxm | when my VM resets it resets back to the original azure vm hostname... I am just wondering if I should change it back to the fdqn name | 18:13 |
EriC^^ | VM resets? | 18:14 |
cxm | yes... either a reboot of the ubuntu box or reboot of the VM itself | 18:14 |
enkienlil | wondering whether a re-install of Xubuntu would do it? | 18:15 |
ActionParsnip | Cxm: sounds like some config in the VM is causing the issue, that isn't default behaviour of Ubuntu | 18:15 |
ActionParsnip | enkienlil: then use xfburn? Easier than a reinstall..... | 18:16 |
cxm | what do you mean isn't default behavior? | 18:16 |
cxm | If I reboot the VM it resets back to the original hostname... same if I reboot ubuntu | 18:17 |
ActionParsnip | cxm: the file /etc/hostname will set the hostname, it will need to match in /etc/hosts | 18:17 |
enkienlil | logic dictates you are right, however I would like to know why brasero started acting up. Log file gives me nothing. | 18:17 |
cxm | yes but if I do a reboot it changes... | 18:18 |
cxm | and when you say matches the /etc/hosts | 18:18 |
cxm | do you mean the or the designation I give to the | 18:18 |
cxm | because currently the has localhost and another entry that has the "original hostname" | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | the has the hostname | 18:19 |
cxm | and I can make that the fdqn? | 18:21 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 18:21 |
asad_ | ok | 18:21 |
cxm | ok and you're saying when I do this and a reboot happens it won't change it back to the originial hostname? | 18:21 |
EriC^^ | it shouldn't, no | 18:22 |
MagePsycho | guys you know any good monitoring tool? | 18:22 |
cxm | ok and my hostname in general should be mydomain.com yes? | 18:22 |
zigsphere | Monitoring as in how? | 18:23 |
learts | ActionParsnip: in my custom kernel config USB_STORAGE is not set, that's probably it | 18:24 |
cxm | is that correct about the hostname... should = mydomain.tld | 18:25 |
testailen | hello world | 18:27 |
zigsphere | Hello! | 18:28 |
Slart | Hi, I've installed a new hard drive into my 14.04-system and I figured I would give lvm a try. Everything seems to work just fine with one small exception.. my logical volumes aren't mounted at boot.. after googling a while I've found lots of strategies to fix this but some seem old and some come from other distros.. How do I do this on ubuntu? automounting of lvm-volumes at boot | 18:28 |
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frenda | I'm administrator user and I want to share my Video and Music folders for another standard user to allow him access my media files (both account on one OS); What's the right permissions for these folders? | 18:34 |
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EriC^^ | access as in read but not write? | 18:35 |
usr13 | Slart: First show us your partitions as reported by fdisk: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit | 18:35 |
EriC^^ | ( @ frenda ) | 18:36 |
usr13 | Slart: Show us the output of blkid |pastebinit | 18:36 |
cxm | eric is that correct about the fdqn | 18:36 |
Slart | usr13: just a sec | 18:36 |
cxm | i am getting at that I don't know if I should set my fdqn as my core domain mydomain.tld or use a mail host and set the fdqn as mail.mydomain.tld | 18:37 |
usr13 | frenda: Are you using samba or nfs | 18:37 |
usr13 | ? | 18:37 |
usr13 | frenda: You should be able to just stick with standard permissions. | 18:38 |
Slart | usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8344862/ | 18:38 |
usr13 | frenda: From chmod's point of view: 755 for directories and 644 for files | 18:38 |
usr13 | Slart: Now show us your fstab file: pastebinit /etc/fstab | 18:39 |
Slart | usr13: it's just one physical disk and one logical volume.. I was thinking of adding more drives later if this worked out | 18:39 |
Slart | usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8344868/ | 18:40 |
usr13 | Slart: mount | pastebinnit | 18:42 |
usr13 | Slart: mount | pastebinit | 18:42 |
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dirius | I need some help installing Ubuntu 14.04 on a new computer. It doesn't appear to be recognizing my SATA 6gb/s HDD | 18:43 |
Slart | usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8344894/ | 18:43 |
EriC^^ | dirius: was it a gpt converted to mbr? | 18:43 |
HideMe | How does one edit /etc/network/interfaces without network manager over riding the changes? | 18:43 |
dirius | I'm not sure? It's a brand new drive | 18:44 |
HideMe | dirius, can you see it in the BIOS even? | 18:44 |
frenda | access as in read but not write? @EriC^^ => both | 18:44 |
Slart | HideMe: are you sure the network manager is overriding stuff? what problems are you having? or what isn't working the way you want? | 18:45 |
dirius | No, it says not connected, but I'm not sure what I've done wrong | 18:45 |
OerHeks | drives > 2.1 gb need gpt compatible fdisk, install gdisk | 18:45 |
frenda | Are you using samba or nfs? @usr13 --> No! | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | frenda: both, then use chmod 770 , and add the user's group, chgrp <group> , that will give rwxrwx--- , | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | so only the other user can read & write | 18:46 |
dirius | I can't install things as the computer doesn't have a wireless card and I don't have an ethernet cable | 18:46 |
dirius | Should I plug the drive into a different port on the motherboard? It's currently plugged into SATA2 | 18:46 |
Slart | dirius: I'm not entirely sure but it might be that the network manager finds that the network connection is already set up... so it doesn't do anything | 18:46 |
HideMe | Slart I'm editing /etc/network/interfaces: Added eth0 set with static addressing, also added br0 with varios settings. None of it takes when I restart networking. | 18:46 |
Slart | dirius: sorry.. wrong person | 18:47 |
dirius | alrighty | 18:47 |
Slart | HideMe: hmm.. and if you kill the network manager does that make it work? | 18:47 |
HideMe | Slart, after making my changes I've tried sudo service network-manager restart | 18:48 |
Slart | HideMe: don't restart the network manager.. just stop it | 18:48 |
HideMe | Slart, okay., I'll try it. Can you explain why it needs to stop though? | 18:49 |
funrep_ | anyone know how to run a non-fullscreen program in fullscreen in unity? (i.e. hide top panel and window decorators) | 18:49 |
Slart | HideMe: oh.. btw.. how do you "restart networking"? | 18:49 |
ActionParsnip | HideMe: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 18:49 |
Slart | HideMe: just to check if it's interfering with your interfaces things | 18:49 |
usr13 | Slart: Looks like it's all mounted, (maybe not the way you want it to be, but....). | 18:50 |
EriC^^ | funrep_: look into compiz, and if that doesn't cut it, try devilspie | 18:50 |
dirius | So, my HDD is plugged into SATA2 on the motherboard, but the bios says that it is not connected, should I be going to a different channel to ask for help on this? xD | 18:50 |
Slart | usr13: it's mounted now.. but that's because I had to do it manually.. clicking on it in a nautilus window works.. but I want it mounted when I log in | 18:50 |
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ActionParsnip | S | 18:51 |
ActionParsnip | Slart: you will need an entry in /etc/fstab to mount at boot | 18:51 |
Slart | usr13: I'm not sure if I had to start the lvm config thingy as well... | 18:51 |
usr13 | Slart: sudo service networking restart | 18:51 |
dirius | WOO I GOT IT | 18:51 |
HideMe | ActionParsnip, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l | 18:52 |
Slart | usr13: I was asking HideMe how he did it =) but thanks | 18:52 |
usr13 | Slart: If you want mount points of your own choosing, edit fstab | 18:52 |
usr13 | Slart: Oh, sorry. I thought it was a question for anyone.. | 18:52 |
usr13 | Slart: sudo service networking start/stop/restart | 18:53 |
HideMe | Slart, /etc/init.d/networking restart then sudo service network-manager restart | 18:53 |
cmang_ | hi there - having a really frustrating problem with SMB shares in Unity. I'm trying to mount a smb share off of the network and copy files over to it, as root. the problem is, when I mount the share in the GUI, only my user can access it.. root gets permission denied. (This is a problem as the files I want to copy over are not all owned by my user.) | 18:53 |
Slart | usr13: yes, that's what I did with the /dev/mapper thingy.. but it doesn't work when I try it.. I might have to go hunt some more in my bootup logs | 18:53 |
cmang_ | so my question is, wtf? permission denied for root? what madness is this, how can I mount an smb share "Correctly" in ubuntu? | 18:53 |
shaifali | hello, Trying to repair boot Ubuntu via USB, but it is not asking for boot repair option; only showing 1.try live Ubuntu, 2. Install Ubuntu, 3. Help | 18:53 |
cmang_ | 12.04 here. | 18:53 |
Slart | HideMe: ok, skid the network manager thing for now.. just try the init.d stuff and see if that makes it better | 18:53 |
ActionParsnip | cmang_: what OS is the server? | 18:54 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: Linux (synology diskserver) | 18:54 |
usr13 | Slart: Well, usually I don't use LVM, (just don't see that much need for it) (it is a little simplier without it). | 18:54 |
HideMe | Slart, lol I have, hence why I am here. :) | 18:54 |
ActionParsnip | cmang_: did you set a username and password to authenticate with? | 18:54 |
Beldar | shaifali, If the disc has boot repair on it you need to boot to the try to use it. | 18:54 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: yes, of course. Otherwise I would not be able to access the share at all. Like I said, I can access the sahre fine as my normal user, but Ubuntu appears to mount it in a way that Root cannot access it. | 18:55 |
usr13 | Slart: Since gparted will resize partitions on the fly, (as long as you unmount it first), just doesn't seem all that important to use LVM, so... | 18:55 |
Slart | usr13: yes just regular one partition per drive worked nicely . but I kind of like the idea of being able to move disk space around... and it looked shiny =) | 18:55 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: normally I would just mount the sahre and then sudo cp -a or rsync stuff over. | 18:55 |
usr13 | Slart: Yea, I hear ya | 18:55 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: so I am putting in my user/pass when mounting it. | 18:55 |
cmang_ | through the ubuntu gui | 18:56 |
ActionParsnip | cmang_: check the mount options, if you run "mount" what is the line for the moumt? | 18:56 |
hans_ | Hi. I did set sgdisk -G /dev/sde my mistake. Can I undo the change? The kernel is still using the old partition table | 18:56 |
hans_ | s/my/by | 18:56 |
shaifali | Beldar: You mean to choose install Ubuntu option or to choose try Ubuntu live? | 18:56 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: one moment | 18:56 |
sliddjur | I need some help setting up a samba share | 18:56 |
Guest11441 | can anyone tell me ..how to install mac click sound effect on ubuntu | 18:56 |
sliddjur | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20Create%20a%20Network%20Share%20Via%20Samba%20Via%20CLI%20(Command-line%20interface/Linux%20Terminal)%20-%20Uncomplicated,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way! this is the guide i followwed | 18:56 |
Beldar | shaifali, try ubuntu live. | 18:56 |
Slart | HideMe: hmm... I'm not so sure it's the network manager giving you problems.. if you stop the network manager you should be able to work just with the interfaces file and the init.d/networking restart thingy until that works | 18:57 |
shaifali | Beldar: That I did, but it just started Ubuntu | 18:57 |
HideMe | Slart, I'll try it. But will the changes stick after reboot? | 18:57 |
Beldar | shaifali, You have to use your brain here, if you doing a repair why would you choose an install? | 18:58 |
usr13 | sliddjur: So what do you need? | 18:58 |
ActionParsnip | sliddjur: if you are trying to share NTFS using Samba, you are going to have issues | 18:58 |
Slart | HideMe: as long as you've saved that file it should.. I don't think network manager does anything to that folder | 18:58 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: gvfs-fuse-daemon on /root/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev) | 18:58 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: I believe that's it | 18:58 |
sliddjur | usr13: im trying to share a folder using samba to a friend | 18:58 |
ActionParsnip | cmang_: nothing with the remote system name or IP? | 18:59 |
sliddjur | I followed the guide, but i cannot connect with my pc to it | 18:59 |
Beldar | shaifali, So is the usb your booting to same you installed with and it is now booting the install? | 18:59 |
usr13 | sliddjur: What error do you get? | 18:59 |
ActionParsnip | sliddjur: is the folder in your user's home directory? | 18:59 |
Beldar | the* | 18:59 |
sliddjur | usr13: no error | 18:59 |
sliddjur | ActionParsnip: the folder is in /srv/smb/sharedfolder with chown user:user on sharedfolder | 18:59 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: nope, nothing at all. So apparently ubuntu is mounting using this gvfs to mount it instead of what I'm used to (smbfS) | 19:00 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: it actually shows up in /home/sam/.gvfs but the "mount" line just says /root/.gvfs like I pasted. | 19:00 |
ActionParsnip | sliddjur: great, you can add the share in /etc/samba/smb.conf | 19:00 |
* cmang_ hates it when ubuntu changes things up like this, breaking workflows. | 19:00 | |
sliddjur | ActionParsnip: I did, according to the guide | 19:00 |
usr13 | sliddjur: pastebinit /etcsamba/smb.conf | 19:01 |
usr13 | sliddjur: let's have a look. | 19:01 |
shaifali | Beldar: No its not same, rather it contain different version, previously Ubuntu12.10(EOL), now I am trying LTS version | 19:01 |
jc_ | bonjour a tous et a toutes, tout petit soucis avec xubuntu 14.04, comment faire pour réduire la luminosité ? | 19:01 |
hans_ | Can i revert: sgdisk -G /dev/sde? | 19:01 |
ActionParsnip | sliddjur: you should also run: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER , and set a password to authenticate with | 19:01 |
cmang_ | ActionParsnip: I can get to the "Mounted" share just fine in the GUI (Browse network, click share, log in). In the CLI, not so much. | 19:01 |
jc_ | can i down the light of xubuntu 14.04 ? | 19:01 |
sliddjur | ActionParsnip: I did. | 19:01 |
sliddjur | Let me pastebin.. | 19:01 |
ActionParsnip | jc_: do you mean screen brightness? | 19:02 |
shaifali | Beldar: I asked about this issue of diff version of Ubuntu, Answer I got is it will fine to use diff version | 19:02 |
jc_ | yes, sorry, i'm very bad in english | 19:02 |
usr13 | jc_: Is it a laptop? | 19:02 |
ActionParsnip | sliddjur: if you run: smbtree , do you see the share? | 19:02 |
jc_ | laptop | 19:02 |
ActionParsnip | Jc_: what is your native language? | 19:02 |
W4RH4WK | hi there, is there a way to configure samba to only allow certain characters for the creation of files and folders? | 19:02 |
usr13 | jc_: There are usually F-keys for that. | 19:02 |
jc_ | french | 19:02 |
shaifali | ActionParsnip: hello, Trying to repair boot Ubuntu via USB, but it is not asking for boot repair option; only showing 1.try live Ubuntu, 2. Install Ubuntu, 3. Help | 19:03 |
jux1e | hello | 19:03 |
ActionParsnip | Jc_: try in #ubuntu-fr | 19:03 |
Beldar | shaifali, I would suggest you give a why you need the bootrepair option and the exact disc you have. The boot repiar has their own disc, otherwise you download it to a standard ubuntu live and use it from the live session, as the boot repair disc is used. | 19:03 |
jc_ | Thanks | 19:03 |
hans_ | Other Question: What happens to my Raid 1+LVM if the GUIDs are changed? | 19:03 |
ActionParsnip | shaifali: try ubunu, you can then chroot to the installed OS | 19:03 |
sliddjur | usr13: http://paste.debian.net/120876/ | 19:04 |
shaifali | ActionParsnip: okay Thanks :) | 19:05 |
cmang_ | I am trying to access an SMB share through Ubuntu and copy files over to it. The problem: When I access the share through Ubuntu's GUI I cannot access it as root, which I need to do in order to copy these files over. (They are owned by other users) | 19:05 |
cmang_ | apparently Ubuntu changed things up where accessing the share through the GUI doesn't actually "mount" it? | 19:06 |
=== hans_ is now known as MrTorque | ||
frenda | What is '-m' for in this command: sudo setfacl -m u:david:rwx /home/frenda/Videos ? | 19:06 |
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EriC^^ | frenda: modify | 19:06 |
cmang_ | frenda: type "man setfacl" then search for -m with /-m (and then type "n" to get to the next match) | 19:07 |
cmang_ | frenda: and you can read the manual page for that option. | 19:07 |
shaifali | Beldar: okay, let me try that. I want bootrepair because I have reinstalled windows, consequeltly list grub | 19:07 |
frenda | EriC^^: Is `acl` better than `chmod 770`? | 19:07 |
shaifali | *lost | 19:07 |
usr13 | sliddjur: Is /srv/smb/sharedfolder the actual name of the directory you are wanting to share? | 19:07 |
frenda | cmang_: I could'nt find that switch! | 19:08 |
sliddjur | usr13: /srv/smb/hurtigruten | 19:08 |
frenda | i n man acl | 19:08 |
cmang_ | Let me ask my question another way: How do I mount SMB shares in Ubuntu? Accessing them through the GUI seems perfectly useless if I need to access it sa root. | 19:08 |
Beldar | shaifali, bootrepair is a gui tool, as suggested you can chroot from the live ubuntu and fix it as well. | 19:08 |
usr13 | sliddjur: Did you restart smbd? | 19:08 |
cmang_ | Surely accessing SMB shares from Ubuntu as root isn't *that* uncommon of a thing. This stuff was working fine on my linux desktops 12 years ago. | 19:08 |
MrTorque | Hi. Can i revert: sgdisk -G /dev/sde? I changed it by mistake. The old partition table is still in use | 19:09 |
frenda | cmang_: with /-m --> wow, I didn't know that! tnx | 19:09 |
glitchd | shaifali, do u need to reinstall grub? | 19:09 |
cmang_ | frenda: you're welcome. | 19:09 |
shaifali | Beldar: yes, Thanks :) | 19:09 |
usr13 | sliddjur: service smbd restart | 19:09 |
Sunstream | Anyone know what EVIOCSKEYCODE Invalid Arguement mean? (non critical error and seeminly meaningless to the system) | 19:09 |
sliddjur | usr13: i did.. | 19:09 |
trijntje | MrTorque: what exactly do you want to change, and why? | 19:09 |
shaifali | glitchd: I want grub back, have reinstalled windows, consequeltly lost grub | 19:10 |
EriC^^ | frenda: yes, setfacl would be better, i think it allows you to add additional users | 19:10 |
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glitchd | anyone know how to disable the power options popup when i want to suspend my system? | 19:10 |
usr13 | sliddjur: Did testparm find errors? | 19:10 |
sliddjur | usr13: I am also trying to access the share over the internet. I am checking netstat -ln and I can see port 139 and 445 is listening | 19:10 |
glitchd | shaifali, so just use a live cd and reinstall grub | 19:10 |
sliddjur | usr13: no errors | 19:10 |
glitchd | shaifali, you can get the exact command u need from google if u search for it | 19:10 |
shaifali | glitchd: cool :) | 19:11 |
glitchd | shaifali, im looking for the exact command for you right now | 19:11 |
cmang_ | this is ridiculous. is accessing smb as root in ubuntu 12.04 just impossible? linux desktop is the freaking worst. | 19:11 |
=== cmang_ is now known as cmang | ||
Beldar | shaifali, There is another boot disc called supergrub very tiny download that will boot you to the ubuntu install, it is an easier fix from there, just another option. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/ | 19:11 |
usr13 | sliddjur: One problem I see is that you have two entries (I see two sections, both named [hurtigruten] | 19:12 |
glitchd | shaifali, here is a site that will walk you thru reinstalling grub | 19:12 |
glitchd | shaifali, hope that works for you | 19:12 |
glitchd | shaifali, http://www.av8n.com/computer/htm/grub-reinstall.htm | 19:12 |
sliddjur | usr13: no, the pastebin is also pastebin from testparm | 19:12 |
glitchd | shaifali, lol forgot to paste the link | 19:12 |
glitchd | lol | 19:12 |
usr13 | sliddjur: oh I see. Sorry. | 19:12 |
Sunstream | This is why I use strong passwords | 19:13 |
shaifali | Beldar: cool, Thanks! | 19:13 |
cmang | this gvfs stuff is retarded. | 19:13 |
shaifali | glitchd: :D, Thanks!! | 19:13 |
Sunstream | So no one knows | 19:13 |
glitchd | shaifali, np good luck | 19:14 |
cmang | the fact that nobody seems to have an answer to doing something that's always worked fine in linux without this gvfs stuff, is even more retarded. | 19:14 |
trijntje | cmang: that has to do with your attitude, and please mind your language | 19:15 |
cmang | trijntje: Well, after lots of googling and asking the question in here 10 different ways, it's only in the last few minutes that my attitude has gone from "frustrated" to "this software is bloody useless" | 19:15 |
cmang | trijntje: it's not like I haven't asked clearly and calmly about my issue. | 19:16 |
xangua | ! Patience | cmang | 19:16 |
ubottu | cmang: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 19:16 |
usr13 | sliddjur: I don't know sliddjur, do you see hurtigruten from the MS Windows machine at all? | 19:16 |
cmang | ubottu: right. thanks. | 19:16 |
usr13 | sliddjur: Are you supplying an IP address for it? | 19:17 |
sliddjur | usr13: nope :S | 19:17 |
camtron | Why does bluetooth-applet run, even though my computer has absolutely no bluetooth support? | 19:17 |
usr13 | sliddjur: (I always set servers up with a static IP) Do you...? | 19:17 |
sliddjur | usr13: yes i tried to access it via ip | 19:18 |
usr13 | sliddjur: So give it an IP and see if it finds it. | 19:18 |
MrTorque | trijntje: I did randomize the GUID for the wrong partion by mistake. | 19:18 |
* Sunstream drops his question and lives with the error. | 19:18 | |
trijntje | cmang: what are you trying to do, and what is going wrong? | 19:18 |
Beldar | camako, you can turn it off in startup applications. | 19:18 |
cmang | How can I access an SMB share as root in Ubuntu 12.04? | 19:18 |
cmang | trijntje: that's the gyst of my question. | 19:18 |
MrTorque | trijntje: The Device is still in use, so is the "old" GUID | 19:19 |
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[1]Tigger | Hello? | 19:19 |
MrTorque | trijntje: I am not sure if it will screw my LVM and Raid on the next reboot. | 19:19 |
cmang | trijntje: the problem is if I try to access the SMB share in the GUI/Unity, it "mounts" it using .gvfs which doesn't appear to be actually mounted at all, and doesn't appear to be accessible as root. | 19:19 |
usr13 | sliddjur: Can you ping the IP from the MS Windows computer? | 19:20 |
sliddjur | usr13: yes of course, i am connected via ssh to it | 19:20 |
cmang | trijntje: I am trying to copy some files off of a usb linux hard drive, with various file ownership, to an SMB share. normally I would just sudo cp -a it, or rsync it, as root. But Ubuntu appears to mount it in some weird way that makes that impossible. | 19:20 |
trijntje | cmang: why do you want the share to be accesible by root? Ubuntu doesn't have a root account enabled by default | 19:20 |
[1]Tigger | Hi can someone help me with installing an os on my server box im having major issues and google for once isnt riddled with the answers or if it is i cant find them | 19:20 |
usr13 | sliddjur: What OS is on the client PC? | 19:20 |
cmang | trijntje: Because I need to copy files over to the SMB share which are owned by various UIDs. That is the problem. | 19:20 |
sliddjur | win7 | 19:20 |
Beldar | camtron, you can turn it off in startup applications. Probably on for any plugin use is my guess. | 19:21 |
[1]Tigger | If someone can help me im more than happy to reward you | 19:21 |
camtron | It's not in startup applications. | 19:21 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: just ask your questions and someone may be able to answer | 19:21 |
sliddjur | usr13: win 7.... I also checked that port 139 and port 445 are open | 19:22 |
cmang | trijntje: I might just need to chown all the files and abandon the ownerships. Sorry for getting worked up about it. | 19:22 |
sliddjur | tcp port that is | 19:22 |
Sunstream | Google works as long as you read every link and find a commanality | 19:22 |
[1]Tigger | Well the issue is iv tryed many different iso's / os's just incase it was a corrupt iso but when ever im trying to install the main OS on my dedicated server i get some wonderful messages | 19:22 |
[1]Tigger | it seems to make a different situation every time i restart the machine | 19:22 |
Beldar | camtron, It is if not removed, you need to have the starts up show with this command. sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop | 19:22 |
trijntje | cmang: have you tried mounting the share via fstab? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 19:23 |
glitchd | can anyone point me in the direction of disabling the suspend popup? | 19:23 |
Sunstream | I did a google search for "Evocskeycode invalid arguement" andit tells me there is something wrong with the wireless keyobard and mose i am using it is not a critical error it is just annoying it slows my boot down by 10 seconds | 19:24 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: you'll need to provide some details about what's not working | 19:24 |
[1]Tigger | root@PXE:~# mount /dev/cdrom* /media/cdrom mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only I'm at a lose as to how to make it read-write. if someone can help me with this im happy to offer you either currency in the next week or if you prefer a permanent virtual machine | 19:24 |
glitchd | Sunstream, try booting with the keyboard disconnected and see if u still get the same error code | 19:24 |
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Sunstream | glitchd, I never thought of that | 19:25 |
[1]Tigger | Iv followed guides and tutorials but nothing seems to want to work | 19:25 |
Sunstream | thank you for the idea I should of known | 19:25 |
glitchd | Sunstream, =) | 19:25 |
* Sunstream is still learning | 19:25 | |
Sunstream | brb testing theroy | 19:25 |
glitchd | Sunstream, we all are | 19:25 |
cmang | trijntje: I did not try using fstab, because I don't really need it to be permanent. I did have some trouble using the mount -t cifs command. I'll give that a go, though. | 19:25 |
glitchd | Sunstream, kk | 19:25 |
camtron | Is there a website or something where I can find out about the internals of Ubuntu and the purpose of each directory? | 19:25 |
glitchd | anyone know how to disable the popup when i try to suspend? | 19:26 |
camtron | glitchd: What popup are you talking about? What does it say? | 19:27 |
[1]Tigger | Anyone know a solution to my issue? | 19:27 |
glitchd | camtron, the "do you want to suspend to ram" popup | 19:28 |
dantje | Hi, any pointers why a Transcend RDF8 USB 3.0 CardReader behind an ASUS U3S6 / (NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller) is only recognized as a high-speed/USB 2 device by xhci_hcd? | 19:28 |
[1]Tigger | dantje i suspect its because xhci would only support up to usb 2.0? if im wrong someone correct me | 19:29 |
[1]Tigger | Anyone? "root@PXE:~# mount /dev/cdrom* /media/cdrom mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only I'm at a lose as to how to make it read-write. if someone can help me with this im happy to offer you either currency in the next week or if you prefer a permanent virtual machine" | 19:30 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: stop offering payment - this is a volunteer channel | 19:30 |
usr13 | sliddjur: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8345154/ | 19:30 |
glitchd | [1]Tigger, does this happend only with blank cds/dvds? | 19:30 |
[1]Tigger | glitchd actualy this happens with every os iv tryed to install on the new dedi iv invested in | 19:31 |
glitchd | [1]Tigger, dedi? | 19:31 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: are you sure your CD drive is R/W? | 19:31 |
[1]Tigger | glitchd dedicated server | 19:32 |
MrTorque | trijntje: I am not sure if it will screw my LVM and Raid on the next reboot. | 19:32 |
cxm | should I change my hostname so that it reflects my fdqn? | 19:32 |
[1]Tigger | yeats its actuly mounted on ipmi | 19:32 |
glitchd | [1]Tigger, oh..duh | 19:32 |
cxm | and then add the ip address of my domain and apply it to the fdqn / same as my hostname? | 19:32 |
[1]Tigger | glitchd dont worry your not the first person to ask that | 19:33 |
trijntje | MrTorque: can't you change the UUID of the partition back to what it was? Or update /etc/fstab with the new UUID | 19:33 |
glitchd | [1]Tigger, right on | 19:33 |
glitchd | [1]Tigger, it helps to have all/more of the info | 19:33 |
YamakasY | what do I need to have in my local mirror for upgrades to 14.04 ? it seems I'm missing something | 19:33 |
[1]Tigger | glitchd il pm you | 19:33 |
glitchd | [1]Tigger, ok | 19:33 |
cmang | Trying to mount this SMB share from the CLI.. running "# mount.cifs //spock.local/Brain /media/spock -ousername=sam" I get "mount error(13): Permission denied" .. hrm. But I can get to the share fine through the GUI (not useful as it's restricted to only my user) | 19:33 |
yeats | YamakasY: you can't do upgrades with a local mirror | 19:33 |
glitchd | Sunstream, ?? | 19:34 |
yeats | YamakasY: I learned that the hard way myself several years ago | 19:34 |
cxm | can anyone help me with hostname settings | 19:34 |
Bashing-om | YamakasY: What release are you attempting to upgrade from ? | 19:34 |
lebail | Salut i'm trying to find the file containing my mail adesses on my restored old HD. I can't find it in the /.Thunderbird repertory. someone is able to help me ? | 19:34 |
glitchd | cmang, u should just do a fresh install instead of an upgrade | 19:34 |
cmang | glitchd: ? I'm not trying to upgrade anything. | 19:35 |
Sunstream | It is related to the keyboard/mouse glitchd it was nothing more than a minor slowdown on bootup | 19:35 |
cmang | glitchd: was that for someone else? | 19:35 |
MrTorque | trijntje: is /etc/fstab the only place where the GUID is needed? | 19:35 |
trijntje | MrTorque: As far as I know, but I'm no expert. But most programs won't care what the UUID of a partition is and just look at the mount point | 19:35 |
MrTorque | trijntje: I use LVM, so in my /etc/fstab there is only /dev/mapper/some-name... | 19:36 |
YamakasY | yeats: huh ? why not ? | 19:36 |
YamakasY | Bashing-om: 12.04 | 19:36 |
yeats | YamakasY: it has to do with signing keys for the repo | 19:36 |
trijntje | MrTorque: ah, and you changed the UUID of the physical partition, not the decrypted partition? | 19:36 |
Sunstream | It is non critical just it acts like it don't know my Logitech EX100 | 19:36 |
YamakasY | yeats: no, packages are missing or so | 19:36 |
Slart | lebail: isn't it in your profile folder? | 19:36 |
yeats | YamakasY: if I remember right | 19:36 |
YamakasY | no should all work | 19:36 |
glitchd | cmang, yes, yes it was | 19:37 |
glitchd | cmang, sry | 19:37 |
MrTorque | trijntje: It is the GUID, not the UUID. And yes, of the physical one. However, i did not reboot the system yet and the old GUID is still in use. | 19:37 |
glitchd | YamakasY, u should just do a fresh install instead of an upgrade | 19:37 |
Sunstream | glitchd, it is okay its non critical error just a slowing down of the boot up | 19:38 |
YamakasY | glitchd: huh ? I upgraded already a lot of machine without any issue form public ones | 19:38 |
Slart | lebail: look for a file called abook.mab in ~/.thunderbird | 19:38 |
yeats | YamakasY: see this: http://blog.ef.net/2012/10/26/unbutu-release-upgrade-with-local-apt-mirror.html it looks like an environment variable will allow you to upgrade via a local mirror (I didn't know about that when I hit my issue) | 19:38 |
someone235 | hey, when I'm connected to HDMI, I can't see the TV in the output devices. Anyone knows how to fix it? | 19:38 |
glitchd | YamakasY, i guess its just my person opinion | 19:38 |
Melio | I like the filters in thunderbird | 19:38 |
Melio | but i can live without em using gmail only | 19:38 |
glitchd | YamakasY, ive always found it better to do a fresh install versus an upgrade install | 19:39 |
yeats | YamakasY: but if the problem is missing packages, that sounds like a problem with the mirror itself | 19:39 |
glitchd | YamakasY, less errors | 19:39 |
Slart | lebail: there is also a history.mab which contains the collected addresses from mail you've recieved | 19:39 |
YamakasY | glitchd: I'm not going to reinstall 300 servers ;) | 19:39 |
trijntje | MrTorque: I'm not sure I can help you, I thought you were talking about UUID's, I dont know what GUID is. But for encryption the UUID would be in /etc/crypttab | 19:39 |
YamakasY | yeats: yes and I have all it should have | 19:39 |
Sunstream | thank you glitchd | 19:39 |
YamakasY | glitchd: never had errors :D | 19:39 |
cxm | can someone help with hostnames | 19:39 |
yeats | YamakasY: do you actually want help? | 19:39 |
glitchd | Sunstream, what happened? | 19:40 |
YamakasY | yeats: I just say wha I have | 19:40 |
Bashing-om | YamakasY: If PPAs are disabled, drivers reverted to what is in the repository, system is fully updated, and in 'softeware sources" set to check for LTS, and screen saver disabled. I would expect no problem to make the release upgrade. | 19:40 |
glitchd | YamakasY, wise decision | 19:40 |
yeats | YamakasY: best of luck | 19:40 |
YamakasY | Bashing-om: yeah I read about the PPA's indeed | 19:40 |
MrTorque | trijntje: I did not encrypt the system yet. So That should not be the problem. | 19:40 |
YamakasY | glitchd: decision ? huh ? | 19:41 |
dantje | Tigger: USB 3 support should be configued in trusty for xhci hcd (http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/USB_XHCI_HCD.html) The driver also takes care of the NEC USB host chip. | 19:41 |
YamakasY | yeats: LOL, man I provision 100 servers a day, this local mirror is not OK I thought, are there only homeusers here ? | 19:41 |
glitchd | YamakasY, idk never really work with servers tbh | 19:41 |
andro-chef | hi | 19:42 |
sliddjur | usr13: where did u get that from? | 19:42 |
YamakasY | glitchd: wise decision ;) | 19:42 |
andro-chef | if i have a cron job such as 1 1 * * * how often will it run | 19:42 |
[1]Tigger | Yamakasy | 19:42 |
YamakasY | [1]Tigger: yes ? | 19:42 |
Slart | andro-chef: once a day? | 19:42 |
andro-chef | ok im trying to understand how cron schedule works | 19:43 |
Slart | andro-chef: at 01:01 every day, every month, every weekday | 19:43 |
andro-chef | but its a bit confusing | 19:43 |
[1]Tigger | Yamakasy your server guru of sorts? | 19:43 |
YamakasY | [1]Tigger: yes | 19:43 |
andro-chef | what if i wanted the job to run every 3 minute... will this accomplish it... 3 * * * * | 19:43 |
[1]Tigger | Yamakasy mind if i take a few minutes of your time in pm? | 19:44 |
Sunstream | glitchd, I did not get the error, it is related to my wireless keyboard/mouse | 19:44 |
Slart | andro-chef: that will run something every hour so.. 00:03 , 01:03, 02:03 and so on | 19:44 |
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Slart | andro-chef: if you want it to run every third minute then something like this will work */3 * * * * | 19:44 |
YamakasY | [1]Tigger: depends on, it's quite late here and I'm trying to fix this for tomorrow, just ask here | 19:44 |
glitchd | Sunstream, awesome, well at least now u know where the error came from | 19:44 |
andro-chef | ok thanks i will try that | 19:45 |
[1]Tigger | Yamakasy s ~glitchd@cpe-70-123-185-217.stx.res.rr.com glitchd | 19:45 |
[1]Tigger | [20:34] glitchd on #ubuntu | 19:45 |
[1]Tigger | [20:34] glitchd using cameron.freenode.net Vilnius, Lithuania, EU | 19:45 |
[1]Tigger | [20:34] <[1]Tigger> truth be told i dont quite know how to describe it but im more than happy if you have the time that is for you to take a personal look | 19:45 |
[1]Tigger | [20:34] <[1]Tigger> because im about ready to give up | 19:45 |
[1]Tigger | [20:35] <glitchd> well before you put all your hopes on me.. | 19:45 |
unopaste | [1]Tigger you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 19:45 |
Slart | andro-chef: this link is pretty good http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/06/15-practical-crontab-examples/ | 19:45 |
andro-chef | Slart: thanks | 19:45 |
MrTorque | trijntje: thanks for your time and helb. I Will check on the problem tomorrow. | 19:46 |
Slart | andro-chef: you're welcome | 19:46 |
[1]Tigger | Appologies didnt mean for it to paste that | 19:46 |
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glitchd | Sunstream, problem solved then? | 19:47 |
[1]Tigger | Yamakasy root@PXE:~# mount /dev/cdrom* /media/cdrom mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only I'm at a lose as to how to make it read-write. i keep getting this with every os iv tryed to install on my dedicated server | 19:47 |
Sunstream | yeah Google at times can be helpful but one must read more than one link, I read several and found a commonality keyboard/mouse more specifically Wireless ones | 19:47 |
Sunstream | Its solved and I will not worry about the error | 19:48 |
glitchd | Sunstream, mmk then | 19:48 |
YamakasY | [1]Tigger: you want to write to a cdrom ? | 19:49 |
cmang | Any reason why this command should give "mount error(13): Permission denied" ? I'm using the correct username, hostname and password, and running as root. "mount.cifs //spock.local/Brain /media/spock -ousername=sam" | 19:49 |
Sunstream | glitchd, again thank you, I should of realized I should of tried what you suggested | 19:49 |
[1]Tigger | i just want to install the opperating system on my server yamakasy lol | 19:49 |
glitchd | Sunstream, its all good | 19:50 |
[1]Tigger | i proberly shouldnt mention this but iv been trying for about 5 days now xD | 19:50 |
glitchd | Sunstream, just glad u figured it out | 19:50 |
daftykins | cmang: you need a space after "-o" | 19:50 |
Sunstream | I love Ubuntu, it is so much better than the other 2 GUIs (Ap/Ms) | 19:50 |
cmang | daftykins: nope. You don't, and I tried that just in case. | 19:51 |
glitchd | gotta run | 19:51 |
Sunstream | it runs way better on older technology | 19:51 |
glitchd | good luck everyone!! | 19:51 |
Bashing-om | YamakasY: To release upgrade, one must be at 12.04.1 OR 12.04.5 // what returns from terminal command: lsb_release -a ? | 19:51 |
daftykins | cmang: ah ok, odd to see someone write switches like that. i use a credentials file personally | 19:51 |
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someone235 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244214&p=13121810#post13121810 | 19:52 |
daftykins | Sunstream: this is a support channel, not a place to randomly chat, thanks | 19:52 |
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Sunstream | sorry... I will idle now. Bye | 19:54 |
lebail | Slart: thank you, is those files in the /home ? | 19:54 |
RobBurkeOne | hey guys, I was about to upgrade my 13.10 to 14.04 with do-release-upgrade when I accidentally killed it via ctrl-c. I thought the process was hung up, since it suddently stopped unpacking the .debs. I wanted to copypaste something, when I missed shift. Is there any way to resume it? | 19:55 |
RobBurkeOne | btw: There is still a dpkg process | 19:55 |
RobBurkeOne | but accordung to htop it is kinda stuck. Time+ is stuck at 1:07.82 | 19:56 |
[1]Tigger | Yamakasy no ideas? | 19:57 |
lebail | RobBurkeOne: reboot and try an other upgrade ? | 20:00 |
RobBurkeOne | lebail: Then I could just kill the process and rerun it, or Couldn't I? | 20:00 |
roeliton | alguem conseguiu instalar amd hd 4350? no 14.04? | 20:01 |
Slart | lebail: in your home folder... something like /home/lebail/.thunderbird/k2342yg784.default/ | 20:02 |
daftykins | !english | roeliton | 20:02 |
ubottu | roeliton: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 20:02 |
Slart | lebail: with your username instead of lebail and some other numbers and letters instead of k2342yg784.default | 20:02 |
Bashing-om | roeliton: Proprietary driver for "amd hd 4350" no longer exist, AMD dropped support. | 20:04 |
roeliton | someone managed to install amd hd 4350? at 14:04? | 20:04 |
roeliton | puts | 20:04 |
paskl | roeliton: try this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver | 20:05 |
fatalrhmer91 | merve91 | 20:05 |
netlar | When you mark a package in Synapic for complete removal how does that differ from just regular removal | 20:05 |
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daftykins | roeliton: your card is old and unsupported | 20:05 |
roeliton | she work very nice, ok time update this pc | 20:05 |
daftykins | you'll be able to use the open source 'radeon' driver only | 20:06 |
netlar | I was wondering if this action removes a ppa also | 20:06 |
jiohdi | netlar, no a ppa must be removed manually or via synaptic preferences | 20:07 |
roeliton | now go work arch, is better | 20:07 |
Bashing-om | netlar: That option removes the config files too. (remove leaves the config files in the event one wants to re-install the ap) . | 20:07 |
netlar | Bashing-om: Ahhh, thanks | 20:07 |
Bashing-om | netlar: PPA-purge is to revert a 3rd pary software to that of the repository . | 20:08 |
netlar | I am little confused about removing a ppa also, the difference between just removing it and purging the ppa | 20:08 |
netlar | Bashing-om: You beat me tot he punch | 20:08 |
netlar | Bashing-om: But if said installed software is not in the repository, you could just do a removal | 20:09 |
cmang | I finally got my SMB filesystem mounted. It seems to be a known bug in CIFS. Adding "sec=ntlm" to the -o options fixed it, like so: mount.cifs //spock.local/Brain /media/spock -o username=sam,sec=ntlm | 20:09 |
roeliton | tanks help bye everybody!!1 | 20:10 |
lebail | Slart: yes i got it ! but thinderbird can't import it in a correct way. It seems it only recognise (LDIF, .tab,.cvs, .txt or .vcf files... | 20:10 |
Bashing-om | netlar: Not so easy, as PPA is not managed by dpkg, can get icky -> http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html . | 20:11 |
netlar | Bashing-om: So always use purge? | 20:11 |
[1]Tigger | -_- i give up who wants my dedi for free i cba with this damn machine | 20:11 |
Bashing-om | netlar: Nope, only use ppa-purge IF that software is in the repository . | 20:12 |
netlar | Bashing-om: I have done some ordinary ppa removals in the past, I have forgotten which ones they were now | 20:12 |
Slart | lebail: hmm.. have you checked the mozilla site? there has to be a way to import an addressbook... | 20:13 |
netlar | Bashing-om: Ok, got it, I think almost all of the software I installed was not in the repository | 20:13 |
Bashing-om | netlar: Terminal commands: apt-get -f install , sudp dpkg -C ; to see the state of the package management system. | 20:13 |
untrothy | Hello, i'm trying to exclude from my nginx access log files every access to a particular path on my host. I've been googling but can't seem to find anything usefull, any ideas? | 20:13 |
[1]Tigger | Seriosly can someone help im about ready to go to dallas and set my data center on fire at this rate lol | 20:15 |
Bashing-om | netlar: In the event of no support for software in the repository, you are at the mercy of the author(s). Did they include removal instructiuons ? Can be a real paon to manually track down all that was installed and manually remove the files !. | 20:15 |
Bashing-om | paon/pain* | 20:15 |
netlar | Bashing-om: I just kinda got carried away, now doing some clean up | 20:16 |
Bashing-om | netlar: :) good thing to do every so often. | 20:18 |
netlar | Bashing-om: This is the message I get when I run those commands http://pastebin.com/sanpSuzi | 20:18 |
Slart | lebail: you could exit thunderbird.. make a copy of your current abook.mab and then overwrite the current one with the older one... start thunderbird and export the address-book to something easier to work with... close thunderbird and copy back the new addressbook, start it again and try to import the new exported addressbook | 20:18 |
Bashing-om | netlar: look'n at your http://pastebin.com/sanpSuzi. | 20:18 |
netlar | thanks | 20:19 |
[1]Tigger | guys how do i display virtualconsole4 | 20:20 |
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lebail | Slarte : We thought the same at the same time ! I have just pasted the restored file in my current /.thunderbird repertory and it seemùs to work well ! | 20:21 |
Bashing-om | netlar: Looking good, no response is a great thing ! clean up -> sudo apt-get autoclean , sudo apt-get autoremove , sudo apt-get clean , sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <-. | 20:21 |
lebail | Slarte : We had the same idea at the same time ! I have just pasted the restored file in my current /.thunderbird repertory and it seems to work well ! | 20:22 |
netlar | Bashing-om: Thanks. Just want to make sure I am not making my system unstable now with a rougue ppa | 20:22 |
Bashing-om | netlar: IF all the above runs clean the paxkage manager is happy, and you have no problems with any applications, then you are setting pretty .. there may be some stray files still around from the PPAs, but are not interferrring at this time. | 20:24 |
netlar | Bashing-om: Need to reboot, telling me http://pastebin.com/9YD2TU2U | 20:25 |
netlar | Bashing-om: about a lock tile | 20:26 |
netlar | file | 20:26 |
Bashing-om | netlar: look'n . | 20:26 |
Bashing-om | netlar: That condition is generally more than one package manager application open at the same time. OR not enough time for a PM process to complete prior to starting another. | 20:27 |
[1]Tigger | can someone please for the love of god help me with this http://snag.gy/N2SZw.jpg | 20:28 |
netlar | Bashing-om: Still not letting me, I will log off and come back | 20:28 |
dirius | Has anyone has experience installing drivers for wireless USB sticks on ubtunu 14.04? Because I can't figure out how to do it. | 20:29 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: can you see any messages on tty4? | 20:30 |
[1]Tigger | yeats at the moment i dont even have a way to look at that file the console iv screenshotted is the most i can access apart from the ubuntu installer | 20:30 |
dirius | I've tried using ndiswrapper to install the driver but it keeps saying it's incomplete. I have a .inf and a .sys and a .bin file in the directory, but I think there might be more in the data1.cab and data2.cab files, the only issue is that cabextract and unshield won't open the files | 20:31 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: try 'tail /var/log/syslog' or 'tail /var/log/dpkg.log' | 20:31 |
netlar | So every looks ok, probably just being peranoid | 20:32 |
[1]Tigger | yeats that did absolutly nothing | 20:34 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: you need to know why that package is failing before anyone can help | 20:36 |
=== AlphaBeta is now known as PsiOmega | ||
YamakasY | Bashing-om: it's on -1 | 20:37 |
[1]Tigger | yeats well how about if i let you take a look your self because im about ready to give up iv had this dedi just over a week and no matter what iv tried it seems to always end with one of 2 results | 20:37 |
lebail | RobeBurkeOne: if the upgrade as been interupted before the end, and if the grub ins't upgraded, the system should reboot on the 13.10 session. | 20:38 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: is there enough disk space to install the system? | 20:38 |
[1]Tigger | yeats id hope so with 4tb =] | 20:38 |
Bashing-om | YamakasY: Good ! means HardWware Enablement Stack is not an issue. I would expect the release upgrade to prcede with no errors. | 20:40 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: can you do a screenshot of what's under the "Macros" menu in your Virtual KVM program? | 20:40 |
[1]Tigger | sure | 20:40 |
usercensored | Anyone know a good IRC for question about do-it-yourself mobile hardware repair (iphone 4s at the moment)? | 20:40 |
yeats | !alis | usercensored | 20:41 |
ubottu | usercensored: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 20:41 |
usercensored | thanks | 20:41 |
[1]Tigger | yeats http://snag.gy/CkHOp.jpg | 20:41 |
camtron | http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2014-09-14_15_38_24-jA2tyOF3.png mmm... yeah... totally worth it! | 20:42 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: what happens if you go to Macros -> Alt-F? -> Alt-F4? | 20:42 |
[1]Tigger | yeats one sec il let you know | 20:43 |
Bashing-om | YamakasY: To check your sources ( no enabled PPAs) -> cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list , tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* <- . | 20:43 |
sevencrypt | sup | 20:43 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: I suspect that will change you to tty4 | 20:43 |
[1]Tigger | yeats would you belive me if i told you that litterally also did nothing lol | 20:43 |
camtron | I wonder if anyone has actually paid $50,000 for that game. | 20:43 |
[1]Tigger | yeats one sec il try it in a different vconsole | 20:44 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: maybe you're already on tty4 | 20:44 |
guntbert | !ot | camtron | 20:44 |
ubottu | camtron: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 20:44 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: you might try the Ctrl-Alt-F? options too | 20:44 |
[1]Tigger | yeats yea the alt f4 option im just screenshotting the results of that now | 20:45 |
[1]Tigger | didnt look to promising tho lol | 20:45 |
yeats | ok | 20:46 |
[1]Tigger | but il give the ctrl alt one a try | 20:46 |
[1]Tigger | yeats turns out ctrl alt and just alt both give the exact same output lol | 20:46 |
yeats | ok | 20:47 |
[1]Tigger | yeats http://snag.gy/FlyJm.jpg | 20:47 |
YamakasY | Bashing-om: no PPA's | 20:47 |
maslen | Doh, Sorry. I cloned the newest stable release, used my current config, and when I ran sudo make modules_install install, I got an error: "ln: target ‘/lib/modules/3.17.0-rc4/source’ is not a directory" How can I fix it? | 20:49 |
Bashing-om | YamakasY: Good, then I expect -> sudo lshw -C display <- to show the open source driver in the 'configuration' line. yes ? | 20:50 |
[1]Tigger | yeats im guessing that wasnt what you was expecting for it to output? | 20:51 |
[1]Tigger | Annoyingly the liveCD runs fine but i cant install from the livecd i get the exact same issues im already getting | 20:51 |
OerHeks | camtron, open softwarecenter, look for eufloria and check 'more info' you'll see why | 20:52 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: I was just looking around on the web - I'm wondering if this is a problem with the platform you're installing on (which appears to be Azure?) | 20:52 |
[1]Tigger | yeats noo it may look more complicated that i wanted it to look the azure server is purely my workspace for trying to fix the server | 20:53 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: what is the platform then? | 20:53 |
[1]Tigger | yeats the kvm client is a completely different remote machine and how does one find this out? | 20:53 |
YamakasY | Bashing-om: let me see | 20:54 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: so you're paying someone for virtual server space, yes? if so, I would ask them. | 20:54 |
[1]Tigger | yeats not quite im actuly paying for a whole server not just a partition of it | 20:55 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: so this is a bare-metal machine? or a VM? | 20:55 |
[1]Tigger | yeats Bare | 20:55 |
[1]Tigger | yeats sadly not a very small bare either 72gb ram 4tb hdd ect ect 2cpus | 20:56 |
=== olekenne1h is now known as olekenneth | ||
[1]Tigger | and my host only seems to want to reply to tickets if it involves them making something like 150$ per hour | 20:56 |
=== Bish_ is now known as Bish | ||
yeats | [1]Tigger: ok, the only way someone can help is to get more information, and that should be available in one of the logs in /var/log... | 20:58 |
=== gorelative is now known as Guest21143 | ||
[1]Tigger | yeats this is why i asked if you would care to take a look your self as i cant get anything to go right with this damn thing lol | 20:58 |
fenoder | hi | 20:58 |
yeats | [1]Tigger: I can advise, but I won't be able to do anything myself, sorry :-/ | 20:59 |
[1]Tigger | yeats oh that sucks ghastly host il never be recommending them lol | 21:00 |
UBuxuBU | did u know that so far, in my testing, ubuntu is the ONLY distro that can torrent a file and then burn it as image from within a VMware Vm!!! hats off to ubuntu team!!! | 21:02 |
user4 | hi guys, how to changen keyboard keys in ubuntu? I've found the following manual from the arch wiki, but it doesn't work on ubuntu. I would like to change the caps-lock key into ctrl | 21:02 |
OerHeks | user4, are you sure that arch manual shows you how to change capslock in something else? AFAIK it cannot be done | 21:04 |
Bashing-om | user4: 14.04 ? A keyboard app indicator icon in the top panel -> add or remove keyboard layouts . | 21:05 |
YamakasY | Bashing-om: need to catch later on to it | 21:05 |
YamakasY | thanks! | 21:05 |
Bashing-om | YamakasY: OK, close here .. later . | 21:05 |
YamakasY | Bashing-om: l8er | 21:06 |
UBuxuBU | if i install WINE in ubuntu (or maybe its there already)...can i install avast AV in ubuntu? | 21:09 |
yeats | UBuxuBU: look into clamav | 21:10 |
UBuxuBU | i have used clam but it seems kinda useless | 21:10 |
EriC^^ | ^^ av's on linux usually are | 21:10 |
yeats | UBuxuBU: well, most would agree that AV software on Ubuntu is pretty unnecessary | 21:10 |
yeats | !av | 21:11 |
ubottu | Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus | 21:11 |
UBuxuBU | it is unnecassary for ubuntu itself but not for windows files that have been downloaded into ubuntu | 21:11 |
UBuxuBU | thus it is very much useful | 21:11 |
UBuxuBU | so...if i install wine can i then run avast as a file scanner? | 21:12 |
yeats | UBuxuBU: check out ubottu's link | 21:12 |
UBuxuBU | or better yet malwarebytes? | 21:12 |
yeats | UBuxuBU: I wouldn't expect that to work, but you can ask in wine support | 21:12 |
UBuxuBU | might be a great project | 21:13 |
UBuxuBU | make malwarebytes run in ubuntu (not real time but on demand) | 21:13 |
UBuxuBU | avast has a download for ubuntu but it doesnt work | 21:13 |
camtron | AVG runs natively on Linux, and I believe it can scan for Windows malware. | 21:14 |
UBuxuBU | yes i once was able to get avg to work in ubuntu but it is very poor product | 21:14 |
OerHeks | poor = does not find virusses/malware? | 21:16 |
UBuxuBU | avg is like a rootkit with sheepskin on it | 21:16 |
UBuxuBU | and doesnt detect or remove malware very well | 21:17 |
UBuxuBU | avg wants to sell realtime software and are very aggressive in that desire and purposely make thing difficult for those who want free product only which is entirely different with avast and malwarebytes they purposely make a great free product | 21:18 |
CarlFK | where should I set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="crashkernel=384M-:128M" so that apt-get update doesn't bother me about config file collisions? | 21:18 |
devhost | I installed an ISO to a usb stick but I'm not getting a try option in the menus. | 21:19 |
devhost | I used LinuxLive USB Creator and ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64 | 21:20 |
Lat | Good day. How can I boot an Ubunto .iso from Grub2? | 21:20 |
OerHeks | UBuxuBU, malwarebytes has nothing to do with linux, join #winehq for application help, but i think antivirus-stuff does not work well on wine, as it is not native windows. | 21:20 |
OerHeks | devhost, server has no LIVE mode :-) | 21:20 |
Beldar | Lat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot | 21:20 |
marianne | Lat: have you tried setting the pc boot order in the bios? | 21:20 |
devhost | thanks' | 21:21 |
=== Tom_ is now known as pyromine | ||
Lat | Thanks Beldar | 21:21 |
Lat | hmm, I'm in http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?country=US&version=14.04.1&architecture=amd64 where can I find the checksum? | 21:23 |
OerHeks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes | 21:23 |
Lat | thanks | 21:24 |
=== Guest21143 is now known as gorelative_1 | ||
smart_developer | How does one use the logrotate utility to make the ownership,group of a file to be both root,root and someName,someName ? | 21:28 |
smart_developer | Thanks | 21:29 |
yeats | smart_developer: look at the configuration file section of 'man logrotate' | 21:31 |
yeats | smart_developer: looks like 'postrotate' is what you're after | 21:31 |
Flannel | smart_developer: A file cannot be owned/grouped to two things at the same time. You can either make it root:root, or somename:somename (or r:s and s:r), but you can't have it be owned by root and somename. | 21:34 |
Flannel | yeats, smart_developer: if the goal is to just set the owner/group, you want to look at the "create" directive, which lets you specify those (or omit them, to keep them the same) | 21:35 |
yeats | Flannel: thanks - I'm not up on logrotate - just looking at the man page ;-) | 21:36 |
EriC^^ | Flannel: isn't setfacl used to create additional users? | 21:36 |
usr13 | EriC^^: It's to set file access control lists | 21:37 |
EriC^^ | ah ok, doesn't really add owners then | 21:38 |
usr13 | EriC^^: You can grant additional user read access with it. | 21:39 |
usr13 | EriC^^: Or revoke access | 21:39 |
EriC^^ | usr13: yes, im curious if he would be able to delete the file as well | 21:40 |
usr13 | EriC^^: Yes, you can also revoke write access as well. | 21:40 |
EriC^^ | as you can't delete a file if it's not owned by you, even if you have write access | 21:40 |
EriC^^ | usr13: even if you have write, if it's not owned by you, you can't delete or mv it | 21:41 |
usr13 | EriC^^: That would be the limitations of write access | 21:41 |
YamakasY | yeats: that links is quite nice | 21:46 |
hexafraction | Is there a packaged version of texlive-base 2014? | 21:48 |
hexafraction | The current version is utterly broken as the default CTAN repos no longer support the newest version of tlmgr/texlive available in the Ubuntu repos, which effectively makes the package unusable. | 21:48 |
OerHeks | hexafraction, nope, you can do it manually >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/486170/upgrade-from-tex-live-from-2013-to-2014-on-ubuntu-14-04 | 21:50 |
hexafraction | OerHeks: Thanks, let me try that | 21:52 |
OerHeks | utopic 14.10 will have 2014 | 21:52 |
OerHeks | http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=texlive | 21:52 |
usercensored | I need advice. I've recently installed Xubuntu 14.04 (I hop around, I've used it earlier in it's release too), on a old Dell laptop with 2GB RAM, i386 single core, purchased 2005. I'm trying to switch from firefox/iceweasel to chromium/chrome, and both stable chrome and chromium have fast memory leaks on every other web app... What is the cause? My hardware? The browser? The OS? The flash? | 21:52 |
hexafraction | OerHeks: The installer will install into /opt or /usr/local, so it will leave 2013 in place? | 21:53 |
OerHeks | hexafraction, seems so, yes, but to be sure backup | 21:53 |
OerHeks | * if in /usr/local | 21:53 |
hexafraction | No, I want to get rid of 2013, so I should do that using apt-get remove? | 21:54 |
hexafraction | My concern is texlive-base's reverse dependencies | 21:54 |
OerHeks | usercensored, flash on a single core is your issue | 21:54 |
usercensored | THat would make memory grow indefinitely? My biggest example is gmail, but other things do too. | 21:54 |
OerHeks | hexafraction, that would be wise, removing it to avoid issues | 21:55 |
OerHeks | usercensored, you might want to check /var/log why you have issues | 21:56 |
hexafraction | OerHeks: I'll try that. It would be nice if the maintainers could just backport 2014 to Trusty (it being an LTS) in the long run, as the tlmgr is basically useless at this point. | 21:56 |
hexafraction | I might file a bug later on. | 21:56 |
usercensored | OerHeks: ok thanks, my diagnosis skill are less than beginner, lol. | 21:57 |
usercensored | I can operate the tools, i just don't know what to do with the tools. lol | 21:57 |
OerHeks | anyway, running flash on such old hardware is likely to crash/give issues | 21:58 |
usercensored | Yeah, it gets overwhelmed pretty easy. | 21:59 |
=== Guest99333 is now known as jose | ||
Tam | can anyone help me figure out why my ubuntu server running openssh-server works with ssh just fine but sftp doesnt work? | 22:01 |
untrothy | I modified my nginx log with vim now nginx has stopped writing to the log file, how do I fix this? | 22:01 |
hexafraction | untrothy: Has nginx been restarted since modifying the log? | 22:01 |
ikonia | Tam: what's the error ? | 22:01 |
ikonia | untrothy: stop and start nginx to regain control of the log | 22:01 |
untrothy | hexafraction, oh ok thanks | 22:02 |
Tam | ikonia: i try to login and it allows me to input the password then immediately "Connection Closed" | 22:02 |
ikonia | Tam: with what client ? | 22:02 |
untrothy | ikonia, hexafraction ok that worked. | 22:03 |
smart_developer | Flannel: yeats: If I were to set the logrotate configuration to have "create 644 someName someName", does that automatically make it so that the root user has the same privileges to the log as the someName user? Thanks. | 22:03 |
untrothy | Since I'm already here: any idea on how to make nginx not log messages that contain a certain string? | 22:03 |
Tam | ikonia, tried 3 different clients, sublime sftp, transmit and now command line sftp | 22:03 |
ikonia | Tam: what does the auth/syslog say ? | 22:03 |
Flannel | smart_developer: root has permissions to everything. | 22:03 |
=== Vicky is now known as Guest21839 | ||
Tam | ikonia: subsystem request for sftp by user tam \n received disconnect from [ip address] disconnect by user | 22:05 |
untrothy | Tam, have you tried the -v flag? Should give you some more info | 22:05 |
ikonia | Tam: on the server can you do scp/sftp to localhost ? | 22:05 |
smart_developer | Flannel: so if I currently have this configuration within /etc/logrotate.d/my_log: | 22:05 |
smart_developer | /var/log/swift/my_log.log { | 22:05 |
smart_developer | size 1k | 22:05 |
smart_developer | create 644 someName someName | 22:05 |
smart_developer | rotate 60 | 22:05 |
smart_developer | compress | 22:05 |
smart_developer | } | 22:05 |
unopaste | smart_developer you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 22:05 |
Tam | ikonia: same result on localhost | 22:06 |
Tam | untrothy: on the client? | 22:06 |
smart_developer | Flannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8346027/ | 22:07 |
ikonia | Tam: is sftp-server enabled is sshd_config ? | 22:07 |
untrothy | untrothy, yeah when connecting with your client try adding -v | 22:07 |
smart_developer | my_log.log is being written to by at least 1k per minute. | 22:07 |
smart_developer | meaning, it grows by at least 1k per minute. | 22:07 |
smart_developer | but I don't see it rotating... | 22:08 |
smart_developer | do you know what's wrong with the configuration here? | 22:08 |
Tam | ikonia: to my belief it is yes, although i'm not sure the line is 100% correct, this is the line: Subsystem sftp /usr/sbin/sftp-server | 22:08 |
Flannel | smart_developer: How are you calling logrotate? | 22:11 |
smart_developer | I don't believe I am... should I do this inside the rsyslog configuration, where I specify where that the log should be written to /var/log/my_log.log ? | 22:12 |
Flannel | smart_developer: logrotate is usually run in a crontab, and usually daily. If you want to rotate logs more frequently than that, you'll need to call it somehow. | 22:15 |
Flannel | er, not a crontab, but as a cron job. | 22:15 |
=== Iota-Spencer` is now known as IotaSpencer | ||
smart_developer | Flannel: Thanks, how would you call it so that it will automatically rotate the log whenever it reaches a certain size? | 22:16 |
Flannel | smart_developer: You'd need to call it more frequently than you'll need, and it'll rotate once a log file is larger than the size. | 22:18 |
geirha | e.g. mv /etc/cron.daily/logrotate /etc/cron.hourly/logrotate | 22:18 |
Flannel | smart_developer: using your previous example, of it rotating at 1K and growing "more" than 1K a minute, if you call it minutely, and your log file is 900 bytes, and in one minute it's 2000 bytes, then you'll rotate there, and have a 2000 byte logfile, etc. | 22:19 |
geirha | you'll also want to reload rsyslog after rotating a logfile that rsyslog writes to | 22:19 |
Flannel | (it won't rotate at that 900 bytes, because that's not big enough) | 22:19 |
smart_developer | Is there a way to make it so that it automatically rotates when the 1K capacity is exceeded? | 22:20 |
smart_developer | Instead of waiting for the minutely mark? | 22:20 |
smart_developer | (Because, as you pointed out, at that point it may have already reached 2K). | 22:21 |
usercensored | Can't get answers anywhere else: Anyone know of possibility/feasibility of putting some kind of chrome/chromium OS on i386 laptop? | 22:21 |
smart_developer | It's somewhat hard to predict how fast the log file will grow. | 22:21 |
geirha | Then buy a bigger harddrive | 22:22 |
Flannel | smart_developer: Not with logrotate. logrotate is a program that runs (and takes action of certain things have happened) and quits (and then runs again). I mean, you could technically run it every N seconds, but at some point, you have to stop and wonder if you're really doing something the right way. | 22:22 |
Flannel | smart_developer: So, lets back up. What are you trying to actually accomplish? | 22:22 |
=== paodoce is now known as glomerowisk | ||
smart_developer | Well, if there's a better way to do it than with logrotate, then I'm definitely all-ears. | 22:23 |
smart_developer | I'm trying to have a rotation scheme for my_log.log, so that there are about 60 of them. So it would be my_log.log, my_log.log.1 through my_log.log.60 | 22:24 |
smart_developer | or something along those lines. | 22:24 |
Flannel | No, back up to before that. Why do you want 60 logs of 1K each? | 22:24 |
geirha | the only sane way to have the logfile rotated at the right time is if the program writes and controls the logfile instead (no syslog). | 22:24 |
smart_developer | And I haven't decided yet whether the log that is currently being written to should have a max size of 1KB, or 1GB, but the rest of the rotate logs should be compressed. | 22:24 |
=== glomerowisk is now known as paodoce | ||
geirha | said program will of course also have to have the ability to rotate when a certain size is exceeded | 22:26 |
=== paodoce is now known as glomerowisk | ||
irrlicht | hey | 22:26 |
geirha | If you want to go the rsyslog + logrotate route, get one or more additional large hard drives. Enough to not care if a program logs a gig an hour | 22:27 |
smart_developer | geirha : In regards to your suggestion of the alternative route where you can have the program itself actually write and control the log, instead of using rsyslog, this would also require a time interval used by the program itself to check the size of its log, right? | 22:33 |
Flannel | smart_developer: Not if the program kept track of the log file size (it does know what it's writing, after all) | 22:33 |
geirha | smart_developer: right, it would have to keep track | 22:33 |
geirha | If the program has such a feature, it should be easy to find in the documentation by searching for "logging" | 22:35 |
smart_developer | Ok, thanks! | 22:35 |
=== glomerowisk is now known as paodoce | ||
geirha | If not, just get more disk space | 22:36 |
smart_developer | Finally, if I wanted to go the rsyslog/logrotate route, would I need to "service rsyslog restart" or restart rsyslog in some manner, each time the log gets rotated by logrotate? | 22:36 |
=== paodoce is now known as glomerowisk | ||
=== glomerowisk is now known as paodoce | ||
geirha | not restart, reload. Look at /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog | 22:37 |
smart_developer | Interesting... there isn't an /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog | 22:38 |
smart_developer | but there's an /etc/logrotate.d/syslog | 22:39 |
smart_developer | I am using rsyslog+logrotate. | 22:39 |
geirha | smart_developer: what was the ubuntu release version when the system was installed? | 22:40 |
smart_developer | Actually, the setup that I'm doing this on is RHEL 6.5 | 22:41 |
smart_developer | because eventually I need this working on that. | 22:42 |
SchrodingersScat | !ubuntu | smart_developer | 22:42 |
ubottu | smart_developer: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 22:42 |
geirha | Ok, well, you should be asking in a RHEL channel then | 22:43 |
html | hi | 22:45 |
html | hello? | 22:45 |
smart_developer | I moved over to Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 right now, and am still only seeing /etc/logrotate.d/syslog, instead of /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog. | 22:45 |
html | * sees a tumble weed and smart_developer around. | 22:46 |
geirha | that's because older releases didn't use rsyslog | 22:46 |
html | fresh install smart_developer ? | 22:46 |
usr13 | smart_developer: Fully updated? | 22:47 |
geirha | and a RHEL channel would be better suited to tell you what type of syslog daemon it uses, and how to manage it | 22:47 |
smart_developer | Or can anyone share their /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog file if they don't mind? | 22:49 |
smart_developer | And also, I think it's best to go with this: logrotate hourly and check if the file size is > 1GB. If it is, then rotate. What does your /etc/cron.hourly/file_name bash script need to look like in order to make this work? | 22:51 |
smart_developer | Sorry, new to all of this, but thanks a lot! | 22:51 |
NightKhaos | I'm getting a 503 for the nz.archive.ubuntu.com mirrors. | 22:51 |
geirha | smart_developer: How Ubuntu does it is rather irrelevant if you really want to do this on a RHEL system | 22:52 |
smart_developer | There is already a logrotate bash file in /etc/cron.daily/ but I want just my my_log.log to rotate every hour (/etc/cron.hourly) | 22:52 |
smart_developer | geirha : I'd like to make this work on my Ubuntu system as well. | 22:52 |
=== Guest60507 is now known as icedp | ||
Bashing-om | smart_developer: A default " /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog" : http://paste.ubuntu.com/8346265/ | 22:53 |
geirha | /etc/cron.daily/logrotate is an sh script, not a bash script | 22:53 |
spearhead | smart_developer, http://pastebin.com/kp8PfHyU | 22:53 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: logrotate is managed seperately from cron. please read man logrotate.conf. | 22:54 |
NightKhaos | Can anyone else please confirm if nz.archive.ubuntu.com mirrors are down? | 22:54 |
=== vemacs is now known as vemacs|ded | ||
geirha | NightKhaos: logrotate is run by cron/anacron | 22:56 |
yigal | logrotate uses cron, but it can use anacron | 22:57 |
Bashing-om | NightKhaos: Nope, sysop@1404mini:~$ ping -c3 nz.archive.ubuntu.com >> 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms . | 22:58 |
smart_developer | Ok, how do I just get logrotate to rotate my file every hour? | 22:58 |
smart_developer | Or at least check it every hour, either way... | 22:58 |
smart_developer | For now I just want to get the hourly part to work..... | 22:59 |
NightKhaos | geirha: read what I said: logrotate is MANAGED seperately, i.e. /etc/logrotate.d/ and /etc/logrotate.conf. >.< The fact it is run by cron/anacron is irrelevent, you don't modify cron files to change what logrotate does. | 22:59 |
raymondillo | NightKhaos: Yes nz.archive.ubuntu.com seem to be down at the moment. | 22:59 |
raymondillo | ERC> | 22:59 |
geirha | NightKhaos: Ah, you haven't followed the conversation | 23:00 |
raymondillo | s/ERC>// :) | 23:00 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: as I said, read the man page. It explains how to configure a log. Included in the paramaters is an "hourly" one. | 23:00 |
yigal | smart_developer: http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/understanding-logrotate-utility | 23:00 |
smart_developer | Also, from here http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/understanding-logrotate-utility it seems that you actually can make it so that logrotate will rotate based on when a log reaches a certain capacity, instead of a time interval. | 23:01 |
smart_developer | "The size command takes priority over and replaces a rotation interval if both are set." | 23:01 |
smart_developer | from the link above. | 23:01 |
geirha | smart_developer: It still depends on how often you run logrotate | 23:01 |
NightKhaos | geirha: true. And I just noticed by default ubuntu is silly and does it daily (why?!) | 23:01 |
Pinkamena_D | It is possible to get a bug "elevated" if you think it is important? | 23:02 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: mv /etc/cron.daily/logrotate /etc/cron.hourly/ | 23:02 |
yigal | smart_developer: absolutely | 23:02 |
geirha | NightKhaos: likely because for regular users that more than enough | 23:02 |
smart_developer | NightKhaos : Are you sure one of the parameters is "hourly"? I have read somewhere that "daily" is the smallest level of granularity that you can get, from purely the logrotate configuration options. | 23:02 |
_2_luces | mm | 23:02 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: postive, because I just read the manual page. | 23:02 |
yigal | smart_developer: I came late to the discussion, are you interested in rotating on the size of the log file? | 23:03 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: hourly Log files are rotated every hour. Note that usually logrotate is configured to be run by cron daily. You have | 23:03 |
NightKhaos | to change this configuration and run logrotate hourly to be able to really rotate logs hourly. | 23:03 |
NightKhaos | Helpfully it also mentioned changing the cron frequency. :) | 23:03 |
geirha | I gave him that mv command almost an hour ago. | 23:04 |
NightKhaos | geirha: *facepalm* | 23:04 |
OerHeks | "Actually, the setup that I'm doing this on is RHEL 6.5" | 23:04 |
smart_developer | Ok, so I don't want logrotate to rotate the other log files (for instance, the system log files) hourly as well. | 23:04 |
smart_developer | so that's why I was hesitant about doing the mv command from /etc/cron.daily/logrotate to /etc/cron.hourly. | 23:04 |
yigal | smart_developer: if size is what you want use 'maxsize' | 23:05 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: IT WON'T. Jeez, you're changing how often logrotate RUNS, not how often it rotates logs. | 23:05 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: RTFM. Now. | 23:05 |
geirha | Anyway, I'm out. I'll go to bed now, else I might accidentally hit the caps lock key... | 23:05 |
NightKhaos | geirha: I can understand that, and I've only been following this for 10 minutes. :P | 23:05 |
smart_developer | yigal : Yes, I'm interested in rotating on the size of the file. | 23:05 |
smart_developer | yigal : Except, they're telling me that I am still bound to the time interval as to how often logrotate is actually run. | 23:06 |
NightKhaos | raymondillo: thanks for confirming. | 23:06 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: correct. log rotate is run periodically. | 23:07 |
smart_developer | yigal : In the sense that, there's no way for logrotate to automatically detect whenever a log file has gone over a certain size, so that it can rotate it then. | 23:07 |
raymondillo | NightKhaos: No sweat. Been there. | 23:07 |
yigal | smart_developer: this is true | 23:07 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: I have to ask, if you have logs that can grow that fast: WHY ARE YOU STORING THEM LOCALLY? | 23:07 |
yigal | smart_developer: you can create a script to check the size to ensure the desired result occurs, and using cron is likely what you will need | 23:08 |
smart_developer | Then according to http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/understanding-logrotate-utility | 23:08 |
smart_developer | What exactly do they mean by "The size command takes priority over and replaces a rotation interval if both are set."? | 23:09 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: 1GB of long an hour is impossible for any human to effectively parse in case of error, you would be better off reengineering your solution to move the logs to a centralised syslog server and indexing them with elstatsearch. | 23:09 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: it means that when run, e.g. daily by default, if you have a weekly parameter set and a maxsize paratmeter set, it will rotate the log if maxsize is reached even if the week hasn't completed. | 23:11 |
smart_developer | If you have the weekly parameter set in your logrotate.d configuration, right? | 23:12 |
smart_developer | (not in cron). | 23:12 |
pngl | I've upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 and I have no sound. The sounds configuration menu shows no sound devices. What should I try? | 23:13 |
smart_developer | In that case, I see what is going on. | 23:13 |
pngl | lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio" gives me two devices with "access denied" in "Capabitilities" | 23:14 |
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pngl | aplay -l gives me a list of devices preceded by "Home directory not accessible: Permission denied" | 23:15 |
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smart_developer | So in order for logrotate to rotate my log whenever it's reached a size over 1GB, and in order for logrotate to check this every hour, would I need to do anything other than: | 23:23 |
smart_developer | 1) Create the following inside /etc/logrotate.d/my_log | 23:23 |
smart_developer | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8346434/ | 23:23 |
smart_developer | and 2) mv /etc/cron.daily/logrotate /etc/cron.hourly/ | 23:23 |
smart_developer | Anything else required other than those two steps/instructions? | 23:24 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: looks good. However I would recommend looking into a log management solution if you expect log growth like that. e.g. syslog, logstash, etc... | 23:25 |
asad_ | HI | 23:27 |
FailFarm | asad_: hello | 23:28 |
smart_developer | NightKhaos : I have TBs of disk space so at least for now, I am not too worried about that. | 23:29 |
smart_developer | But I'll keep the suggestion in mind. | 23:30 |
NightKhaos | smart_developer: It's not space that concerns me, it's utility. | 23:30 |
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smart_developer | Lastly, do I need to do anything with rsyslog, or /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog, or /etc/logrotate.d/syslog each time logrotate is run, or each time my_log.log is rotated by logrotate? | 23:31 |
smart_developer | Because rsyslog is what is originally directing log output to my_log.log, in the first place. | 23:31 |
smart_developer | I have /etc/rsyslog.conf set up that way. | 23:31 |
smart_developer | or /etc/rsyslog.d/00-my_log.conf | 23:32 |
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smart_developer | I think someone was mentioning that I still need to do something in regards to rsyslog or /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog. | 23:33 |
smart_developer | Or possibly even /etc/logrotate.d/syslog. | 23:33 |
Poppabear | anyone can give me a good resource to learning how to modifiy an ubuntu distro installer ? | 23:46 |
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OerHeks | Poppabear, this is maybe a good start > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization | 23:47 |
Poppabear | thanks a lot! | 23:47 |
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