
menn0wallyworld_: but I think RB has versioned several times since then00:00
wallyworld_menn0: yeah, it's not a valid command, yet the email says to use it, so i'll have to dig into the doc00:00
menn0wallyworld_: which version of the RB tools do you have installed? maybe you ended up with an older version somehow?00:00
menn0that the latest00:01
menn0the docs here don't mention a pull command: https://www.reviewboard.org/docs/rbtools/dev/00:02
menn0I wonder if Eric meant "post"?00:02
menn0wallyworld_: that's the command I remember using the most. it's what creates and updates review requests.00:03
wallyworld_could be, i was wondering the samw00:03
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menn0wallyworld_: cheers for the review00:17
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axw__wallyworld_: I'm back at limited capacity - whole house has had the flu01:23
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wallyworld_oh no :-(01:23
wallyworld_take it easy then01:24
wwitzel3yuck, hope you feel better axw01:26
axwwwitzel3: thanks, I'm mostly better, just a bit run down.01:27
davecheneymenn0: you're going to like my next PR03:01
davecheneyall the state package _test_'s have stopped importing the api03:01
menn0davecheney: ##\o/##03:02
davecheneymenn0: basically inside most of the tests we do somethingl ike03:03
davecheneym := state.NewMachione03:03
davecheneyassert m.Thing == expected change03:03
davecheneywhat is clear after my change is that these two methods are indepdent03:03
davecheneyie, you ask the api to do something03:03
davecheneybut the effect on the state is indepdented03:04
davecheneyas identified by the fact that the data type of the state is not the same as the api03:04
menn0sounds good. I look forward to seeing it.03:05
* menn0 is hating reviewboard right now03:29
menn0wallyworld_: when you have a chance: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/20/03:39
wallyworld_menn0: sure, i just noticed it :-)03:40
wallyworld_first go at using review board03:40
menn0wallyworld_: I had a lot of trouble creating that request. it turns out the "master" branch of your personal GH repo (i.e. not your local master) has to be up to date or else you end up creating reviews for stuff that's already committed.03:41
menn0wallyworld_: that's pretty inconvenient03:41
menn0wallyworld_: I'll reply to Eric's email03:41
wallyworld_menn0: that sucks actually03:41
wallyworld_a lot03:42
menn0wallyworld_: there must be a better way03:42
wallyworld_yep, there had better be03:42
menn0wallyworld_: I don't recall this being a problem when I've used RB before but that was with git-svn, not pure git.03:42
wallyworld_i just wish we used launchpad still :-(03:42
wallyworld_it handles this stuff well03:43
* menn0 nods03:43
davecheneymenn0: why are we using reviewboard again ?03:46
menn0davecheney: AFAIK, because Github reviews are bit sucky: e.g. as soon as you write a comment, that's it the whole world see it without a chance for you to delete/edit03:47
davecheneymenn0: is that the only reason ?03:47
menn0davecheney, wallyworld_: hopefully this issue I've found today can be sorted out. it could just be a setup thing.03:47
wallyworld_hope so too03:48
menn0davecheney: I think there were others but I'm not sure what they are. I haven't been too involved with the decision.03:48
wallyworld_davecheney: there's other reasons too03:48
wallyworld_eg lack of decent review queue03:48
davecheneyso we can have depdenent branches ?03:48
wallyworld_that too03:48
davecheneyoh well, we can't know these things til we try them03:49
menn0davecheney, wallyworld_: RB is pretty flexible about where it gets its diffs from so hopefully this issue I've run in to is fixable03:50
davecheneymenn0: it feels like the RB <> GH integration is wrong03:50
davecheneythe other systems 've used integrate into the GH review, not the other way around03:50
davecheneyi have no idea how they do this03:50
davecheneythey jsut do03:50
davecheneycf. werker and travis03:51
menn0they use the GH API03:51
wallyworld_travis was ruled out because it doesn't test properly03:51
menn0we can improve the integration as Eric indicated in his email03:51
menn0by taking advantage of GH's and RB's APIs03:51
menn0I'm guessing we're going to end up with something like "lbox propose" that ties together or GH and RB usage03:52
davecheneyand the circle is complete03:53
davecheneyall roads lead to lbox03:53
axwI was kinda hoping we'd just do a pull request, and that would cause a RB review to be created03:57
davecheneyis the reviewboard tool manditory ?03:57
davecheney% rbt pull04:02
davecheneyusage: rbt [--version] <command> [options] [<args>]04:02
davecheneyrbt: error: 'pull' is not a command04:02
davecheneywhat did I do wrong04:02
davecheneythis is step 104:02
wallyworld_axw: yeah, me too04:04
wallyworld_davecheney: there's a typo in the email - it should be post04:04
davecheney% rbt post04:04
davecheneyERROR: There don't seem to be any diffs!04:04
davecheneyis this because I need to keep pushing maste3r ?04:04
wallyworld_not sure, it just worked for me04:04
wallyworld_you need a gh pr first04:04
davecheneydone that04:05
davecheneyi tried to create ie from the gh diff04:05
wallyworld_menn0: first review done using rb, did you get an email?04:05
davecheneybut reviewboard doesn't like it04:05
wallyworld_i've not tried using a patch04:05
wallyworld_i just used the rbt tool and it worked04:06
menn0wallyworld_: no email :(04:06
menn0wallyworld_: I did configure an email address for my account earlier today04:06
wallyworld_menn0: well, that sucks, i just finished, so maybe it will get there eventually04:06
davecheneyerror: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: .reviewboardrc04:06
wallyworld_davecheney: that file was added to master i believe04:06
davecheneyso step 2 of hte instructinos is also wrong04:07
wallyworld_so if you pull master, you'll get it04:07
wallyworld_could be, i just created the rc file in my home directory04:07
davecheneyahh, so that file needs to be in every branch04:07
davecheneythat makes sense04:07
wallyworld_it seemed to find it in my home dir, but there's also a copy checked in which i don't quite understand04:08
davecheneystill can't make it work04:08
wallyworld_i can't help much - i know very little about rb04:09
davecheneyoh that is brilliant04:13
davecheneyif you have a large diff, rb gives up04:13
davecheneyand only shows the diff if you ask explicitly04:13
axwwallyworld_: https://code.launchpad.net/~axwalk/gomaasapi/maas-testserver-bootimages/+merge/23461404:18
wallyworld_davecheney: send an email to eric and the list so it can get fixed04:18
davecheneywill do04:18
waiganimenn0: I think I've got services migrated. just doing a final make test ... so far so good!04:27
menn0waigani: sweet. I'm keen to see the PR.04:29
* menn0 has to deal with his youngest for a bit04:29
waiganimenn0: just give the tests a day or two to run...04:29
wallyworld_axw: code looks good, but we need a test or two04:31
waiganimenn0: nop, rain check on that04:32
axwtests for tests04:32
axwforgot about that :)04:33
menn0wallyworld_: I've replied to some of your comments here: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/20/05:11
wallyworld_menn0: i saw one reply which i replied to - are there others?05:15
menn0wallyworld_: it was just that one. I wasn't sure if you're getting emails from RB.05:18
wallyworld_menn0: no, not yet. i just wanted to check that since "some" implies > 1 :-)05:21
menn0wallyworld_: regarding that issue, I don't like --resolve-previous-error because it's not clear that the error is about a previous upgrade attempt.05:21
wallyworld_maybe reset-previous-upgrade ?05:21
menn0wallyworld_: yeah sorry I thought there was more. I have more planned in my head regarding the other thing you raised :) (I agree with everything)05:21
menn0wallyworld_: bingo. reset-previous-upgrade is the best one yet.05:22
wallyworld_naming things and cache invalidation :-)05:22
wallyworld_2 of the hardest problems05:22
wallyworld_or cache consistency05:22
menn0isn't it: there are 2 really hard problem in computer science:05:23
menn01. naming things05:23
menn02. cache consistency05:23
menn03. off by one errors05:23
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dimiternmorning all05:38
axwwallyworld_: I'm going to change hte way I'm doing the MAAS fix. I'll just query the available nodes, and get the set of architectures from them06:19
wallyworld_axw: instead of querying each cluster controller and asking for available images?06:20
wallyworld_axw: bbiab, gotta go do school run06:22
bigjoolsaxw: don't do that, it's not scalable06:25
axwbigjools: is there a theoretical limit on the number of nodes in MAAS?06:26
bigjoolsaxw: no06:26
bigjoolsdid you have a problem querying clusters' images?06:26
axwbigjools: I'm having trouble with /api/1.0/nodegroups/<uuid>/boot-images/06:27
axwI just get 404, despite feeding a UUID I got from nodegroups/?op=list06:27
axwThe requested URL /MAAS/api/1.0/nodegroups/356f23e1-5879-41fc-be81-e5f601428772/boot-images/ was not found on this server06:27
bigjoolsaxw: do you have a new enough maas?06:30
bigjoolsI can't remember exactly when this feature was added06:31
bigjoolsbut it's new-ish06:31
axwbigjools: I have 1.406:31
bigjoolsah you need 1.506:31
bigjoolsI rhink06:31
bigjoolsit's in trusty06:32
axwah, doh06:32
axwso then we need a fall back to listing nodes anyway. bleh06:32
axwthanks bigjools06:33
dimiternjam1, 1:1 ?07:00
jam1dimitern: yeah, I'm just trying to workout my firewall stuff, brt07:00
dimiternjam1, np07:00
dimiternjam1, if you're having trouble, we can try mumble instead?07:02
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axwwallyworld_: was a little more complicated than I expected: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/75407:38
wallyworld_axw: not sure if it's simpler to record boot images in a map and avoid the need for using the "seen" set. I guess a loop would then be needed at the end to extract the values so probably not a lot of difference07:46
axwwallyworld_: yeah, much the same either way.07:48
wallyworld_axw: nice, thank you :-)07:51
axwwallyworld_: cheers07:52
wallyworld_i'll backport when it lands07:52
axwI'm going to test my charm storage changes live, and make the cleanups you suggested07:53
axwhopefully be able to land later on07:53
wallyworld_ok, after you were rudey distracted onto the maas thing07:53
axwheh, it's fine :)07:54
mattywmorning folks08:40
jam1TheMue: morning. I might be a little late to our 1:1 as I'll need to take my dog out, but I'll be close to on time.08:48
TheMuejam1: just ping me then08:49
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jam1TheMue: ping pong, walla walla ding dong09:28
TheMuejam1: ouch, that hurts in my ears :D09:28
TheMuejam1: omw09:28
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jam1dimitern: TheMue: standup?10:47
TheMuejam1: ouch, omw10:48
jam1my browser just hung, so I might be a sec10:48
dimiternjam1, sorry, omw10:49
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* fwereade lunch12:30
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mattywericsnow, ping?15:38
ericsnowmattyw: here15:38
mattywericsnow, hey there - forgive my inexperiecne with review board - do I need to be running rbt setup-repo in each branch before I push?15:39
ericsnowmattyw: only if the branch isn't based on master15:40
mattywericsnow, ok - yeah this one isn't15:40
ericsnowmattyw: I pushed a .reviewboardrc to our juju repo that should take care of it15:40
mattywericsnow, I guess we should probably add .reviewboardrc to the .gitignore file as well?15:40
ericsnowmattyw: I haven't done so for our other repos15:40
mattywericsnow, I'm playing with a branch that has a prereq15:41
ericsnowmattyw: not necessarily15:41
ericsnowmattyw: but that should still be based on master (ultimately), right?15:41
mattywericsnow, yes15:41
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katcoericsnow: hey i'm doing something wrong with oath and rbt. username is "katco-@github"? and password is what? github pw?16:50
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ericsnowkatco: try "katco-" for the username and "oauth:katco-@github" for the password16:51
katcoericsnow: k sec16:51
katcoericsnow: looks like that worked. thanks!16:52
ericsnowkatco: cool16:52
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alexisbnatefinch, on and ready when yo uare19:01
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natefinchalexisb: coming19:02
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thumpermramm: morning21:02
thumpermramm: I got my physio time wrong21:02
thumpermramm: and I am around now21:02
mrammthumper: ok21:02
mrammsounds good21:02
mrammare you free in 30?21:02
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thumpermramm: as in minutes not seconds?21:03
* thumper nods21:03
* thumper stares in horror at his email queue, it was only a few days21:04
waiganibut we missed you thumper21:07
thumperso you thought you'd send me heaps of email?21:08
waiganithumper: talk go well?21:09
thumperseemed to21:09
waiganii ran into kit, he said he went up21:09
perrito666hey, I ask this again in case new people is here, Do you know how is the path /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-<charm name>-<unit no> generated?21:12
perrito666I have a unit name and I would like to do something nicer than just demi hard code it21:12
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mrammthumper: meeting over, can we meet now?21:14
thumpermramm: yup21:15
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thumperperrito666: how? yes it is based on the string value of the unit tag21:15
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waiganiTheMue: nice work on the API implementation guide. I wish that was about when I started!21:34
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wallyworldkatco: meeting?21:45
katcowallyworld: oh hey... sorry it wasn't on my calendar. one sec./21:51
katcowallyworld: curious... i can't find it in the past either? can you toss me a link21:52
wallyworldkatco: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/ian-katherine21:52
waiganithumper: Params passed to UserManagerAPI.AddUsers23:26
waiganiParams passed to UserManagerAPI.RemoveUser23:26
waiganithumper: Params passed to UserManagerAPI.SetPassword23:26
waiganiParams passed to UserManagerAPI.UserInfo23:27
davecheneythumper: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1wcu6ufHX_x7CM602VJn-3pgHzFMfuEz_DvxfvXX4Q3s/edit#heading=h.f5zva1iwyydv23:37
davecheneyarm status23:38
waiganithumper: WIP https://github.com/waigani/juju/compare/add-env-uuid-to-collections23:40
waiganithumper: I'm not clear on the scope of serviceGlobalKey (and all GlobalKeys for that matter)23:41
waiganithumper: I've appended the envuuid to serviceGlobalKey assuming global means global, not 'environmental'23:42
thumperdavecheney: ta23:44
thumperwaigani: thanks, I'll look shortly23:44
* thumper -> physio23:49
wallyworlddavecheney: hey, thanks for reviewing katherine's juju status branch but it was done on github not reviewboard so that make it a little hard to collaborate now23:50
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davecheneywallyworld: sorry, just saw the email23:54
wallyworldnp :-)23:54
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