
rick_h_oh boy, grant me the willpower to not be a rude $@!$# to someone02:24
cmaloneyrick_h_: If he doesn't grant you the willpower can he grant us the chat logs?02:25
rick_h_cmaloney: ok, I need a conscious, I'm tired and cranky http://paste.ubuntu.com/8347329/02:32
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/lpx0PO - Ubuntu Pastebin02:32
rick_h_cmaloney: tell me what part I should not be sending02:32
cmaloneyThe second sentence on lines 26-2702:33
rick_h_but but ... ok02:33
* rick_h_ grumbles about it02:34
cmaloneyI'd reword 34: Thank you for continuing to use Bookie. I'd ask you to please continue to use the service as I've poured a lot of time and energy (for free) into a tool that I hope others will find useful.02:35
rick_h_but it's less passive agressive that way02:35
cmaloney13: Twitter02:35
rick_h_yea, fixed that one thanks02:35
cmaloneyDirect is best. :)02:36
cmaloneyIt's a little less bitchy that way.02:36
rick_h_but but that's the fun part02:36
cmaloneyBut also gives him an exit clause if he'd like to piss off02:36
rick_h_ok, updated, but also adding a link to http://alternativeto.net/software/bookie-bookmarks/02:37
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/6xhEEF - Bookie Alternatives and Similar Software - AlternativeTo.net02:37
cmaloneyThat's appropriate.02:37
rick_h_anything else before I hit send?02:37
cmaloneyNot sure the "I don't know who 'we' is" is addressing. You may want to word it "Bookie is currently myself and whatever volunteers contribute to the project".02:39
rick_h_he says "I would like to know why nobody notified us'02:40
rick_h_I'll s/we/us02:40
cmaloneyAnd you're answering it as such.02:40
rick_h_screw it, hit send02:41
cmaloneyYeah, I can understand why that pissed you off.02:42
rick_h_I just spent nearly $1k this past week on new server stuff...yea call me bitchy02:42
cmaloneyyeah, that's completely understandable02:43
rick_h_ty sir, I appreciate the filter02:43
cmaloneyNot sure how you could make it any more plain what was going on.02:43
cmaloneynp. Glad I could help out. :)02:43
rick_h_on the plus side, fulltext index is fully caught up and search should be kick ass now.02:45
_stink_i thought it was perfect as pasted :)02:45
rick_h__stink_: ty :)02:45
rick_h_I couldn't find the button for 'reach through the internet and throttle'02:45
widoxrick_h_: hah. I just ran into that broken extension situation02:45
rick_h_widox: sorry, I didn't test it but assumed the url redirects would 'just work'02:46
rick_h_and if it doesn't work, figured the big url redirect and such would jump out, or twitter, or irc.02:46
widoxwell, it breaks because of the SSL cert02:46
rick_h_I should have hit up the mailing list I guess02:46
cmaloney_stink_: But then I couldn't use my superpower of peacemaking02:46
rick_h_widox: it shoudl only do that if you type in http://bmark.us02:46
rick_h_and I should fix that by having the http go back to https://bmark.us and then forward to https://bookie.io02:46
widoxdunno. that's what the debug console said02:47
rick_h_oh well sucky02:47
* rick_h_ launches FF02:47
widoxI assume Chrome does the same...?02:47
rick_h_I think I changed it, I've not updated firefox to checking it out02:47
rick_h_well the damn thing jumps out with a yellow warning at least02:48
rick_h_it's not like it's hidden02:48
* rick_h_ can't recall how to debug an installed extension crummy02:48
_stink_cmaloney: i am very glad you have that skill02:48
widoxrick_h_: yep02:48
rick_h_anyway, it's not the fact that he filed a 'bug report' that made me cranky02:48
_stink_i'll call you when i'm about to launch the nukes02:48
rick_h_it's the lack of a bug report and more of a the 'angry entitled freeloader personal email'02:48
rick_h_expecially when everythign else is so kick ass. The new hardware and such is making bookie fly02:49
rick_h_(well the fixed queries helped too)02:49
widoxsure, understandable02:50
rick_h_anyway, all good. It happens in OSS world. I've moved on02:51
* rick_h_ goes off to bed night all03:20
cmaloneyLaterness. :)03:20
cmaloneyOK, this confirms it03:27
cmaloneyI've said that the addresses in India look like driving directions03:27
cmaloneyI shit thee not: part of the address for one of the students is "Mile Davis' "Tutu" is a testament on how certain electronic instruments haven't aged well.03:27
cmaloneyfuck, bad c/p03:27
cmaloneyI shit thee not: part of the address for one of the students is "Opp. Pizza-Hut"03:28
cmaloneyI'm fully expecting most, if not all of these to come back as undeliverable.03:29
brousch_cmaloney: One of the Kivy mentors is in India. I can ask him stuff if you need me to11:49
wolfgerHow was everybody's weekend, other than "too short"? (that's my answer...)11:55
rick_h_yea, camping weekend so party12:00
brousch_heh, my RSS feed is full of old bookie results12:01
rick_h_yea, I think the server/feed change caused it to blow up once12:02
rick_h_brousch_: it seems fine after that initial blow up though hopefully12:02
brousch_Ug, tired12:03
wolfgerI'm jealous. This is excellent camping weather12:03
brousch_Was up until 1AM working on controlling an Arduino with Python12:03
rick_h_you need to spend more time at home away from the hackerspace12:04
rick_h_it's affecting your sleep hah12:04
brousch_It was at home!12:04
wolfgerSomething wrong with controlling Arduino natively? :-P12:04
brousch_wolfger: There are advantages even aside from the superior language12:04
wolfgerI spent Saturday afternoon/evening going to a Tigers game with work folks. Sunday I slept a bit and hit the driving range, then wasted the rest of my day watching the godawful Lions12:05
brousch_Your controller is a real computer (or RPi) and has all of the Python ecosystem, Internet, etc available without shields12:05
brousch_All of Linux (or even Windows) becomes available12:07
wolfgerHmm. Learned something new today: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/198481/why-cant-an-xml-comment-contain-two-hyphens12:08
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/YVQvdm - sgml - Why can't an xml comment contain two hyphens - Programmers Stack Exchange12:08
wolfgerbrousch_: so you're using Arduino basically as a real-world I/O interface to your lap/desktop?12:09
brousch_or Rpi12:09
brousch_Lets you make interfaces with lights and physical buttons12:09
wolfgerRensselaer Polytechnic Institute? (that's what Google gives me)12:10
wolfgerwhat's an Rpi?12:10
brousch_Raspberry Pi12:10
wolfgerI guess I'm not that familiar with Raspberry Pi. I would not have thought hooking it to an Arduino would be beneficial at all. I thought it was more of an Arduino replacement.12:11
brousch_Do you live in a cave?12:12
wolfgermore or less12:12
brousch_It's a full Linux (Debian based) computer running on ARM12:13
wolfgerAround about the time I bought an Arduino, everybody quit talking about Arduino and started talking about RPi. I just made an assumption and ignored it because I wasn't about to switch away from the toy I just bought.12:13
brousch_They have different focuses12:13
wolfgerSo it was just a conversational replacement and not a technical replacement... :-D12:14
brousch_Well an RPi can do a lot of what Arduino does, but with more power usage and less flexibility12:15
brousch_Arduinos now can be the size of your thumbnail12:15
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/tdge4R - Teensy 3.1: New Features12:16
cmaloneybrousch_: iirc there's a Python native thingie for Arduino. Name is escaping me at the moment12:21
brousch_Yes. That's what I am using12:21
brousch_pyfirmata is the low level module, and BreakfastSerial is a higher level module12:22
brousch_pyfirmata's documentation is pretty much nonexistent12:22
cmaloneyThere was something else that I saw.12:22
cmaloneyGah, all I'm thinking of is numpy but that's completely off-base.12:23
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/PpDWCO - Micro Python: more powerful than Arduino, simpler than the Raspberry Pi (Wired UK)12:24
brousch_wolfger: Yeah, but it's an incomplete Python and a special board12:25
jrwren_what bus?12:25
cmaloneyHm, I never realized nanpy needed special firmware. Never mind.12:26
brousch_That seems odd. Maybe they mean a sketch12:26
cmaloneyNah, there's something they're doing with it perhaps to make it more friendly with Python?12:27
cmaloneyNot sure, but I'm not terribly interested in reflashing an Arduino. :)12:27
brousch_Yeah, it's just an Arduino sketch12:27
rick_h_cmaloney: _stink_ widox got a nice contrite apology email today so good stuff12:30
cmaloneyrick_h_: Awesome. :)12:37
_stink_rick_h_: phew, faith restored.12:53
brousch_hm, getting all sorts of weird retweets on my meeting announcement13:08
brousch_My klout will soar!13:08
widoxrick_h_: good deal13:11
mrgoodcatrick_h_: return_fragment=False is what i ended up needing13:21
rick_h_mrgoodcat: cool13:22
rick_h_mrgoodcat: ok I wasn't sure if you were using it from the cli or what13:23
rick_h_mrgoodcat: what are you using breadability for?13:23
mrgoodcatlol another bookiebot feature13:24
mrgoodcatgo figure right?13:24
rick_h_ah, gotcha13:24
mrgoodcatactually it's not bookiebot for now13:24
mrgoodcatbut i'm sure it will end up being13:24
mrgoodcatsomeone asked me to add a feature to the bot i maintain for the wmu computer club13:25
rick_h_what's the feature?13:25
* rick_h_ wonders if r.bmark.us and it's api would do it for you13:25
mrgoodcatprobably would13:26
mrgoodcathang on real quick13:26
bookiebotreloaded 29 plugins in 0.011099 seconds13:26
mrgoodcat.read https://mojang.com/2014/09/yes-were-being-bought-by-microsoft/13:26
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/5PSLcF - Yes, we’re being bought by Microsoft13:26
mrgoodcatthat's the feature in a nutshell13:27
rick_h_yea, so you can use the api on r.bmark.us to create a readable version and a shortlink off of it13:27
cmaloneyMorning again13:27
mrgoodcatits a little different than that because they want it integrated into the club website and admin-only access and whatnot13:27
rick_h_gotcha, ok. well fyi that's out there. It's a small python app you can run on heroku on the free tier13:28
rick_h_(where r.bmark.us runs)13:28
mrgoodcatwoah... something is funky with the rendering13:28
rick_h_and you can just post the url https://github.com/bookieio/bookie_parser13:28
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/ZirndA - bookieio/bookie_parser · GitHub13:28
mrgoodcatoh awesome13:28
mrgoodcati might do it that way13:28
mrgoodcatis the rendering odd for you on that page?13:29
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/sYjBuu - bookie_parser/__init__.py at master · bookieio/bookie_parser · GitHub13:29
rick_h_no, working here13:29
mrgoodcatmust be my font renderer or something13:30
mrgoodcati'm using arch13:30
mrgoodcatwhich means i have to set all that shit up13:30
mrgoodcatis there r.bmark.us api docs?13:33
mrgoodcator do i just post the url to r.bmark.us13:33
rick_h_mrgoodcat: I linked it in that __init_-13:34
rick_h_mrgoodcat: not great docs no, it's small/tiny13:34
rick_h_two endpoints really13:34
mrgoodcatyea i'm looking at the init now13:34
rick_h_POST to it or GET the hash13:34
rick_h_line 2413:34
mrgoodcatPOST to /api/v1/parse with a json body {url:"http://awesomesite.com"} and thats it?13:39
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/ml73yK - awesomesite.com13:39
rick_h_mrgoodcat: think so13:44
rick_h_mrgoodcat: been a bit since I tinkered with it13:44
mrgoodcatjust so you know the json response returns the readable content twice13:55
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yea, one is some raw data or something13:55
rick_h_there was a reason for it13:55
rick_h_mrgoodcat: maybe one is the original content?13:56
mrgoodcatnope, exactly the same http://hastebin.com/igigawoviw.json13:56
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/OO9ZLR - hastebin13:56
mrgoodcatreadable and data[readable]13:56
rick_h_yea, don't recall why it did that I guess13:56
rick_h_maybe some api version history or something13:57
mrgoodcatjust wanted to make sure you're aware13:57
rick_h_yea, the r.bmark.us needs some love13:57
rick_h_I had the goal of turning it into a full microservice and having bookie run all the links through it vs doing it on its own13:57
rick_h_I use it once in a while via the bookmarklet so that I can clean up hard to read articles13:58
mrgoodcatthats why we were using breadability more or less13:59
rick_h_your use seemed to match up mine there13:59
rick_h_which is why I brought it up13:59
mrgoodcatrick_h_: when did bmark.us become bookie.io?14:13
rick_h_mrgoodcat: last week14:14
mrgoodcatlike 4 days ago?14:14
rick_h_mrgoodcat: something like that yes14:16
cmaloneygreg-g: Picked up more Kyuss this weekend as well14:17
cmaloneyBlues for the Red Sun and Welcome to Sky Valley14:17
mrgoodcati'm trying to POST to bookie.io and getting SSL errors14:21
cmaloneyUsing Curl?14:23
mrgoodcatpython requests14:23
mrgoodcati turned off ssl verification and it started working14:24
rick_h_mrgoodcat: make sure it's https14:24
mrgoodcatit's all public anyways so i don't really care if I get MITM'd14:24
mrgoodcatit is14:24
cmaloneyI had to turn off cert checking for my backup script using curl14:24
mrgoodcatapi = "https://bookie.io/api/v1/bookiebot/bmark?api_key=%s" % apikey14:24
cmaloney(which I should have mentioned prior)14:24
rick_h_hmm, sucky14:25
rick_h_chrome says the cert is all good14:25
mrgoodcatcmaloney: your backup script hits bookie?14:25
rick_h_maybe something is up, will try to look14:25
cmaloneyYeah, it backs up the bookmarks on a nightly basis14:26
mrgoodcatoh got it14:26
rick_h_cmaloney: is that the json api or the htm one?14:27
rick_h_cmaloney: ok cool14:29
rick_h_the api one (json) will get big soon now that we can join with readable content I'm going to enable dumping of the content with that api call14:29
cmaloneyDoes this export private bookmarks as well? I'm not authenticating to it.14:31
rick_h_it won't if you don't authenticate14:31
rick_h_the api will14:31
rick_h_and I think the export url you mention *should* if you add api auth to the url14:31
cmaloneyUm, it will. :)14:32
cmaloneyI'm not authenticating14:32
* rick_h_ knew we tested this as I made a stink about it14:33
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho14:39
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Apothecaries' Weight by Kyuss on Mercurious Pools14:39
cmaloneyI really hate last.fm's album matching14:40
mrgoodcatwhy? is that wrong?14:45
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho14:48
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Freedom Run by Kyuss on Mercurious Pools14:48
cmaloneyThe album is Blues for the Red Sun14:49
cmaloneyWhich I don't think you can do anything about at the bot level14:49
mrgoodcatits all returned by the api14:50
cmaloneyHence my initial complaint at last.fm. ;)14:51
mrgoodcat.read http://finance.yahoo.com/news/comcast-threatening-cut-off-customers-092817979.html14:52
mrgoodcatnow it uses bookie14:52
mrgoodcatrick_h_: is r.bmark.us going to be r.bookie.io too?14:52
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yes, eventually14:53
rick_h_mrgoodcat: and then it'll be super fast and not on heroku's free tier14:53
cmaloneynice. :)14:53
rick_h_but only so much time for oss hobbies :/14:53
rick_h_and I'll have more then 8mb of redis memory for caching old parsed urls14:53
mrgoodcatif nothing else, it at least gives me some nice readable default css :)14:53
cmaloneyit should be noted that Mercurious Pools is apparently a bootleg recording.14:54
mrgoodcatok so r.bmark.us is definitely rendering funny for me14:54
mrgoodcatnobody else is seeing this?14:54
mrgoodcatscroll quickly on the article14:54
mrgoodcatthe render is super slow14:54
cmaloneyI'm seeing that as well14:54
cmaloneyChrome, right?14:54
rick_h_hmm, I've got some fancy background image on there repeating14:55
rick_h_maybe some computers don't like it14:55
cmaloneyAlmost like it's rendering an image14:55
_stink_hmm, i'm not seenig anything funny14:55
_stink_chromium on 14.0414:56
mrgoodcatwoah. that tab has a huge memory load too14:56
mrgoodcatwell the memory usage went down, not sure what happened there, but that tab is taking huge CPU to scroll14:58
mrgoodcatby huge i mean ~40% of one core14:58
wolfgerI don't know. I'm not seeing anything described. No fancy background, no slow rendering.15:03
mrgoodcati don't see a fancy background15:10
mrgoodcatjust slow render15:10
mrgoodcati'm on a slow-ish computer though15:10
greg-gcmaloney: sweet :) which?15:11
mrgoodcatno issues in firefox15:12
mrgoodcatwolfger: what browser/version?15:12
mrgoodcati'm using chrome Version 37.0.2062.120 (64-bit)15:13
greg-gcmaloney: oh, you said, cool!15:13
greg-gcmaloney: welcome to sky valley was my first Kyuss album15:14
=== lmorchard23 is now known as lmorchard
cmaloneygreg-g: yeah, picked up all of the major Kyuss releases at UHF15:44
wolfgermrgoodcat: Google Chrome Version 37.0.2062.103 m15:50
mrgoodcatwondering what the m at the end is15:51
wolfgerI'm pretty sure I didn't select a specifically mobile version of Chrome, but I guess I don't recall.15:51
wolfgeralso running ABP extension, as well as a few others15:52
wolfgerjust updated to 120 m15:53
mrgoodcatits a css issue15:53
mrgoodcatdisabling javascript didn't help15:53
mrgoodcatdisabling css did15:54
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho17:47
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - The Melody (On The Deuce By 44) by Herbie Hancock on Dis Is Da Drum17:47
cmaloney<- word17:47
brousch_Any Arrested Development fans? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15833937-the-man-inside-me19:50
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/3GdkKs - The Man Inside Me by Tobias Fünke — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists19:50
cmaloneyI've watched and been amused by the show19:53
rick_h_I watched and was not amused19:53
rick_h_but my wife loved the thing19:53
cmaloneyIt's kind of like British Comedy.19:53
brousch_I did not watch it on TV, but have watched the whole series 2x on Netflix19:53
cmaloneythey'll pull references from previous shows19:53
cmaloneyand won't explain things if you don't get it19:54
brousch_It makes perfect sense if you don't miss any episodes!19:54
cmaloneyWhich is why it failed in the US19:54
cmaloneyon air19:54
cmaloneybecause Fox can't seem to not fuck with a show.19:54
cmaloneyUnless it's The Simpsons19:55
cmaloneynote: working off of 10 year old information here.19:55
brousch_cmaloney: Had a good Go battle with a random. 19x19 is interesting. On 9x9 you get 1 maybe 2 good fights and the game is over, but on 19x19 there are many more19:58
cmaloneyYeah, I have yet to play a full 19x19 game19:58
cmaloney9x9 is pretty cramped. good for learning but a completely different game19:59
cmaloney13x13 is interesting19:59
cmaloneyAlso: your capturing game is starting to piss me off. :)20:00
mrgoodcatrick_h_: when hacking on bookie_parser, should i change styles.css or styles.scss?20:01
rick_h_mrgoodcat: the scss, it's sass and compiles to the css20:01
brousch_cmaloney: hah!20:02
brousch_Fighting the randoms is helping20:02
cmaloneyI can see that20:02
cmaloneyI think you're going to win on prisoners alone20:03
mrgoodcatrick_h_: line 63 of styles.scss is the line causing the rendering issues20:03
rick_h_mrgoodcat: k20:03
mrgoodcatoddly it doesn't seem to do anything20:04
mrgoodcaton chrome anyways20:04
mrgoodcati can't see any difference20:04
mrgoodcatthe makefile takes a while on this project...20:15
mrgoodcatcan't get the makefile to work on my machine for some reason (possibly because archlinux) so i can't test, but i'm 100% sure that line is the issue20:18
mrgoodcatseems to be working on ubuntu vps20:26
mrgoodcatgah failed20:29
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho20:31
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Adventure by Disasterpeace on Fez20:31
mrgoodcatcmaloney brousch_ i played a 13x13 game with a random. got my ass kicked20:33
mrgoodcatevery time i thought maybe i was salvaging the game... NOPE CRUSHED20:33
brousch_I have not beaten a random yet20:34
brousch_mrgoodcat: Are you on DGS?20:34
mrgoodcatnot even sure what that is20:34
mrgoodcati'm playing on my android20:34
mrgoodcatcalled goonline or something like that20:34
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/M2HG - DGS - Dragon Go Server20:36
brousch_Lets you play in the browser or via an Android app20:36
mrgoodcathmm cool20:36
mrgoodcatnot sure i have the emotional capacity to play regularly online20:37
mrgoodcatget killed over and over and over20:37
mrgoodcatfeel sad20:37
mrgoodcatthe 9x9 computer on my android sucks. i have fun beating it20:37
brousch_It's actually hard to find an active game20:37
brousch_Mostly slackjaws like cmaloney who take 1 turn/day20:38
mrgoodcatthat's what eventually killed words with friends for me20:38
mrgoodcatcouldn't wait for people20:38
mrgoodcatand everybody either sucks or cheats at WwF20:38
mrgoodcattalented scrabble players are all 85 and don't have smart phones20:39
mrgoodcati prefer to play my grandfather in person20:39
brousch_The cheating killed it for me too20:39
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I like Dragon Go Server because you are both playing an open game that others can critique20:40
cmaloneyso there's low cheating ability.20:40
mrgoodcatthats cool20:40
mrgoodcatwell cheating is difficult in go i'd imagine20:40
mrgoodcatcheating in scrabble is easy peasy20:40
cmaloneyOnly thing I can think of is scoring20:40
brousch_You could cheat by feeding the game to a good computer AI20:40
mrgoodcatit's not automatically calculated scoring?20:40
cmaloneybut iirc you both have to agree on dead stones and such20:40
cmaloneybrousch_: Of course20:41
mrgoodcat"good computer AI" isn't a thing in Go is it?20:41
cmaloneyThey're still working on it20:41
mrgoodcati thought it was a huge deal when a super advanced AI beat even a mediocre player20:41
cmaloneyGNUgo plays a game that can kick the ass of most beginners but can be easily sniffed out by advanced players20:41
cmaloneyYeah, they're not up to that level yet.20:42
cmaloneyI'm craigm on Dragon Go Server20:43
cmaloneyAlso playing Star Realms like crazy20:43
cmaloneythat's a deck-building game20:44
cmaloneyone of the few games in my collection that JoDee will not only play online but will also ask to play in person.20:44
cmaloneyShe's addicted to that game.20:44
mrgoodcatmy $gf plays board games in person and no games online20:45
cmaloneyI have no less than 6 games running at the moment20:45
cmaloneyWhich games?20:45
mrgoodcatcatan mostly when we can get 2 others to play20:45
mrgoodcatwe play double solitaire a lot20:45
cmaloneyYeah, that's a tough one for two players.20:45
mrgoodcatshe sucks at chess but we play anyways20:45
mrgoodcattried to get her to start Go. couldn't get her into it20:45
cmaloneyTried Go with JoDee as well. She's not into abstract games much20:46
mrgoodcatwe have fun with chess20:46
cmaloneyI like them though, even though I suck at them20:46
mrgoodcateven though i kick kim's ass20:46
mrgoodcati suck at chess too20:46
cmaloneyThe GIPF project is really interesting to me20:46
mrgoodcatjust not as much as kim20:46
cmaloneyyeah, we don't play chess. I played chess against some good folks and learned a few tricks20:46
mrgoodcatnever even heard of GIPF20:46
cmaloneybut it's not interesting to me.20:46
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/7HHZIs - GIPF | Board Game | BoardGameGeek20:47
cmaloneyIt's a set of 6-7 games that are all abstract20:47
cmaloneyThe Strong Recommendations games section are all of the games in the project20:48
cmaloneyZERTZ and DVONN are highly recommended20:49
cmaloneyJust got PUNCT20:49
mrgoodcatwow crazy names20:49
cmaloneyhaven't convinced JoDee to play YINSH and TAMSK yet.20:49
cmaloneyand she hated GIPF20:49
cmaloneyTAMSK is the hardest one to find because it's no longer considered part of the project20:50
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/wTv3SB - TAMSK | Board Game | BoardGameGeek20:50
mrgoodcatPUNCT looks cool20:50
cmaloneyYeah, I'm looking forward to playing that one20:51
cmaloneythey're really art pieces and interesting designs20:51
cmaloneyBut they're all two-player games.20:51
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/N49EdQ - project GIPF | Wiki | BoardGameGeek20:53
cmaloneyHere's a better page on how they all interlink20:53
cmaloneyBut yeah, I'm always looking for good 2-player board games.20:56
mrgoodcatso all 6 games are actually one game20:56
cmaloneyThey're 6-7 separate games20:56
cmaloneybut there's expansions where you can take the results of one of the other games and affect another game20:57
mrgoodcatgot it20:57
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/1OYDYY - Black Triangles20:57
mrgoodcati'm going to steal the term black triangle from now on20:58
mrgoodcati like it20:58
mrgoodcat.read http://rampantgames.com/blog/?p=774520:59
greg-gohhh, it reads it for me?!20:59
mrgoodcatnow why does bookie.io not show any content for that?20:59
mrgoodcatgreg-g: yes20:59
mrgoodcati was thinking about making it a sort of read-it-later service backed by bookie.io20:59
mrgoodcatrick_h_: why would bookie.io show "no parsed content" on a site that breadability can parse just fine?21:00
rick_h_mrgoodcat: otp atm not sure21:01
mrgoodcatgoing into class, i'll pick your brain later21:01
rick_h_mrgoodcat: breadability version diff?21:01
mrgoodcatread command uses r.bmark.us21:01
greg-gdoes r.bmark.us work21:01
mrgoodcatso i'd figure bookie.io would be the same21:01
mrgoodcatgreg-g: yes. .read uses it21:01
mrgoodcattime for class21:02
mrgoodcattalk to you all later21:02
mrgoodcatcmaloney: thanks for the game recommends. just texted the list to my $gf with the caption "*cough* ahem *cough* christmas"21:02
mrgoodcatwe'll see what happens21:02
cmaloneymrgoodcat: LMK what sorts of games you are interested in. I have a few that I've looked into.21:04
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/wCrGpN - craigm | User Collection | BoardGameGeek21:04
cmaloneyyes, I am insane. :)21:04
mrgoodcataaaand i'm back22:01

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