
perrito666thumper: how -> where00:00
perrito666btw, nite/morning00:01
davecheneywhy does revbiewboard hide the diff by default00:12
davecheneythat seems to be at odds with its primary function in life00:12
* perrito666 fails at making dinner for reading this channel00:13
waiganithumper: ping00:55
* thumper is back01:03
wallyworldaxw: morning, you feeling better today?01:17
axwwallyworld: hey. much the same as yesterday actually01:27
wallyworldaxw: i have a favour - i have 3 PRs for 1.20, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/760/761/762 - can you take a look for me? this will then allow 1.20.8 to be finalised for release this week01:28
axwwallyworld: certainly01:28
wallyworld2 are trivial01:28
wallyworldaxw: you make a good point about the gotool dependency, i'll remove it01:41
wallyworldmaybe i should retain bash script licence also; the bug implied we wanted consistency, so i wnet for that01:42
wallyworldbut i agree it doesn't make much sense01:42
axwwallyworld: it isn't used in the same way as juju proper, so I don't think consistency makes sense01:42
axwAGPL is about running things as a service, getting the same guarantees as GPL does for shipped code01:43
wallyworldyep, agreed01:43
axwwallyworld: are we going to 1.20.8 as an RC again? would be good to have the MAAS change tested more thoroughly01:45
wallyworldaxw: i will see if we can get it tested01:49
axwwallyworld: all reviewed01:50
wallyworldaxw: tyvm01:53
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
rick_h_playing with the gui on maas on the orange box and was bummed that there was no hardware characteristics. Does anyone know if that's a limitation of maas, or juju doesn't load/query it?02:13
bigjoolsrick_h_: those are in maas so I suspect the provider code doesn't query it02:13
rick_h_bigjools: gotcha, /me ponders a bug for that02:13
rick_h_bigjools: ok, looks like it should be there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/119399802:16
mupBug #1193998: maas provider doesn't return hardware characteristics of started instances <maas-provider> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1193998>02:16
rick_h_oh man, the orange box is still on 1.1802:17
axwrick_h_: it's literally just been backported to 1.20.8 today, about an hour ago ... doesn't help if you're stuck on 1.18 tho02:21
rick_h_axw: gotcha, yea thanks.02:21
rick_h_axw: just playing with screenshots and machine view work on here and wish it was a little bit prettier https://plus.google.com/116120911388966791792/posts/dR3zqM6E66B02:22
rick_h_good to know it's coming though02:22
axwah, shame02:22
axwwallyworld: did you ever get my email?02:23
wallyworldaxw: no :-(02:23
axwjust sent02:24
wallyworldgot it02:27
wallyworldaxw: did you want to have a hangout to talk about it?02:30
axwwallyworld: in about 5-10 please02:31
wallyworldsure, just ping henevr02:31
axwwallyworld: just doing the survey, will let you know when I'm done... not sure how long it's going to take02:40
wallyworldno hurry02:40
wallyworldi need to do it too02:40
menn0wallyworld: all issues raised for http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/20/ have been addressed. PTAL.03:02
wallyworldmenn0: will do, thanks03:02
axwwallyworld: ready when you are03:03
wallyworldaxw: ok, will just finish a review and push up the licensing fix to trunk03:04
axwmenn0: did you really mean to leave "foo" in as a way of saying "no"? :)03:09
menn0axw: yes. basically anything that isn't "y" or "yes" is treated as no so I wanted to include a nonsense value.03:10
axwfair enough03:10
menn0axw: I followed the approach used by destroy-environment03:10
axwoh that's a texst03:11
menn0except there on a non-response is tested for the no case03:11
menn0yep :)03:11
axwmy mistake03:11
* axw blames it on the flu03:12
wallyworldmenn0: +1 with suggestions03:18
menn0wallyworld: cheers03:19
menn0wallyworld: I like the 2nd and 3rd suggestion but I don't understand what you mean by the first one.03:20
menn0axw: no problems03:21
wallyworldmenn0: just add the word "status" to the text, but ymmv (your mileage may vary)03:22
wallyworldie a suggestion03:22
menn0wallyworld: got it03:23
menn0wallyworld: I thought you wanted me to include "your mileage may vary" in the help text :)03:23
wallyworldah, lol03:23
menn0wallyworld: now that I understand it, that sounds good03:23
wallyworldok :-)03:23
wallyworldaxw: standup hangout?03:24
axwwallyworld: yup, brt03:25
thumperwallyworld: anecdotal evidence is showing me more stability in our tests03:48
thumpermy ratio of good to bad test runs is better now than it has been03:48
wallyworldthumper: indeed, but still a few failures to fix03:48
thumperlanded my branch first time03:48
* thumper nods03:48
thumperhit one earlier03:48
wallyworldbut happy days03:48
wallyworldme too03:48
thumperbut four times out of five today, it succeeded03:48
wallyworldi hit the mongo mac error too :-(03:49
thumpergithub.com/juju/juju/worker/uniter -   filter_test.go:467:   Error: unexpected config event03:50
thumperand FAIL: replicaset_test.go:175: MongoSuite.TestAddRemoveSet in the same test run03:50
wallyworldthumper: well, those tests are supposed to be getting removed03:53
* thumper nods03:53
wallyworldi hope it happens soon03:53
davecheneywallyworld: can I remove {state,params}JobManageStateDeprecated03:54
davecheneyaxw: ^03:54
wallyworlddavecheney: i *think* so03:54
axwdavecheney: I think that a machine doc's Jobs may still contain it if upgraded all the way from 1.16, so we'd have this unknown job in parts03:56
axw(if we removed it)03:57
axwthat's okay as long as we don't start barfing on unknown jobs03:57
axwthere's a TODO in cmd/jujud/machine.go to start barfing though03:57
axw/ TODO(dimitern): Once all workers moved over to using03:57
axw/ the API, report "unknown job type" here.03:57
davecheneyright, well i won't touch that04:03
davecheneynot with 1.18 being around for forever04:03
davecheneyi found an unused function in envrions/manual which relies on an unused function in state04:03
* thumper runs out to collect cat from cattery now it is open04:06
davecheneythumper: menn0 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/76504:52
davecheneyhere is a quick one04:52
davecheney% rbt post04:52
davecheneyERROR: There don't seem to be any diffs!04:52
menn0davecheney: so you're in the branch you want to post?05:16
menn0try "rbt post --tracking-branch=upstream/master"05:17
menn0davecheney: ^^^05:18
davecheneythat worked05:18
davecheneybut now it wants my credentials05:18
davecheneywhich ones are those ?05:18
davecheneygithub ?05:18
davecheneycanoinical ?05:18
menn0that's in Eric's email... it's your GH username and "oauth:<gh-username>" for the password05:18
menn0as per my email earlier today, we need to get the tracking branch config set up in the .reviewboardrc that's checked in05:19
menn0davecheney: ^^^05:19
menn0davecheney: remember to Publish your review request so that others can see it05:20
davecheneywon't let me login05:21
davecheneyis it really oauth:<gh-username>05:21
davecheneyor is that a placeholder05:21
menn0so for you it's "oauth:davecheney" I suspect05:22
davecheneyno joy05:22
menn0davecheney: what happens?05:22
davecheney==> HTTP Authentication Required05:22
davecheneyEnter authorization information for "Web API" at reviews.vapour.ws05:22
davecheneyUsername: davecheney05:22
davecheneyERROR: Error creating review request: The username or password was not correct (HTTP 401, API Error 104)05:22
menn0davecheney: I think the account has to get created first... visit http://reviews.vapour.ws, go to the login page (top right) and click the oauth button05:23
davecheneyi have an account05:24
davecheneyi have logged in05:24
menn0davecheney: and is your RB account "davecheney"?05:24
davecheneycan you just take a quick look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/76505:24
davecheneyit was crated from my gh oauth creds05:25
menn0davecheney: then IHNFI :)05:25
menn0davecheney: will review on GH05:25
menn0davecheney: I don't like the duplicated function as I imagine you don't either05:31
menn0davecheney: how temporary will it be?05:31
davecheneymenn0: i can remove it as soon as state stops depending on apiserver/params05:32
davecheneygiven the shifting nature of our priorities it's hard to give an eta05:32
davecheneybut it is the goal of this piece of work05:32
davecheneyit is not tangental05:32
menn0davecheney: but Real Soon Now? :)05:32
menn0davecheney: understood05:32
davecheneyre of our priorities it's hard to give an eta05:32
davecheneyas soon as state stops depending on apiserver/params05:32
menn0davecheney: you have my LGTM05:33
menn0davecheney: but I'm a junior developer05:33
menn0well junior reviewer05:33
davecheneyi'm sure thumper would have given it the thumbs up if he were here05:34
davecheneybut this is good05:34
davecheneythis leaves the last problem05:34
davecheneythe watchers depend on apiserver/params05:34
* davecheney insert jarring chord05:34
* thumper is here05:37
* thumper looks05:37
davecheney* thumper is here05:40
* davecheney insert dramatic crescendo05:41
davecheneyWTF does the "review" button on a review do ?05:45
davecheneyit sure doesn't show you the code05:45
axwwallyworld: the least horrible thing I can think of right now is to add a method, Environ.SetPrivateMetadataSource(DataSource)05:55
axwthe machine agent will call that with a data source backed by environment storage05:56
axwwhen bootstrapping with --metadata-source, I'll create a local filesystem datasource and call it with that05:56
* thumper is down to about 150 unread emails06:01
thumpergot through over a thousand today06:01
* thumper is done for today06:01
thumpernight all06:01
thumpermenn0: I'll be out part of the morning tomorrow as I get an ultrasound and xray on my shoulder06:02
thumpermenn0: should be back before the standup06:02
* thumper crosses fingers hoping no surgery needed06:02
wallyworldaxw: i think that could work06:30
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
=== BjornT_ is now known as BjornT
eagles0513875rogpeppe1: hey was just replied to you on the mailing list :)09:33
rogpeppe1eagles0513875: ta!09:34
eagles0513875fwereade: POKE :P09:34
eagles0513875rogpeppe1: im asking in the git channel but i have a hunch you do not need to rebase if you squash multiple commits together09:34
rogpeppe1eagles0513875: i think rebase -i is the way to do that09:35
eagles0513875let me do some further research though09:35
rogpeppe1eagles0513875: at least, that's the way i've been doing it (it lets you choose which commit messages to keep, etc)09:35
eagles0513875fwereade: im in here as well hehe :)09:37
eagles0513875fwereade: out of curiosity here is an appropriate question to ask as i would love to start testing and helping out with juju on a non ubuntu specific distro09:38
eagles0513875eager to learn golang for sure :)09:38
fwereadeeagles0513875, gsamfira has been leading the windows workloads, and I think that the extension of that to other OSs is on his roadmap?09:39
fwereadeeagles0513875, he'd be best able to say how to support him09:39
eagles0513875gsamfira: ^ ping :D09:39
gsamfirahey there :)09:39
eagles0513875gsamfira: im very eager to help you with testing and development of juju for non specific linux distros09:40
gsamfiraeagles0513875: sure thing. What did you have in mind?09:40
eagles0513875gsamfira: im using gentoo these days and I am more then willing to help you out with testing debugging etc and coding09:40
gsamfiraeagles0513875 : I have personally never used gentoo, but I can write up a document of things that need attention when adding a new platform if you would be interested09:41
eagles0513875if you dont mind that would be awesome09:41
frankbangui devs, I need a review for https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/768 (megawatcher), anyone available? thanks09:41
frankbanoops, juju devs ^^^09:41
gsamfiraeagles0513875: I have to wrap something up, and it would be my pleasure.09:41
eagles0513875also what about cloud providers as i would love to add the cloud provider i uise09:41
gsamfiraeagles0513875: that is a topic for someone else I believe. But if you have a look inside github.com/juju/juju/providers, you a few providers as example :)09:43
gsamfiraeagles0513875: If you plan on starting development for Juju, best place to start is: https://github.com/juju/juju/tree/master/doc09:43
eagles0513875:D ok09:44
eagles0513875im starting to find the work flow a bit confusing09:45
eagles0513875though from what im seeing via emails09:45
eagles0513875fwereade: who would i need to talk to about adding another cloud providr09:47
fwereadeeagles0513875, if you think you've got the time, come round to mine for a day with your provider credentials and I'll see if I can get you pointed in the right direction09:48
eagles0513875i have them already09:48
eagles0513875would you need access to their API?09:48
fwereadeeagles0513875, (the first step is to make sure you can get juju building and running the tests ofc)09:49
fwereadeeagles0513875, well, having a golang library for interacting with their API would be a great first step09:49
eagles0513875ok would need to contact them about that09:49
fwereadeeagles0513875, I expect that we'd have to write that tbh09:50
eagles0513875fwereade: ? what do you mean09:50
eagles0513875an golang wrapper?09:50
fwereadeeagles0513875, yeah -- unless one already exists that you know of?09:50
eagles0513875nope none that i know of :)09:51
eagles0513875need to find out if golang is available on gentoo09:51
eagles0513875hell would be great to get an ebuild setup for juju :)09:51
fwereadeeagles0513875, ah looks like there are a couple on github09:51
eagles0513875couple of what?09:51
fwereadeeagles0513875, no guarantee they're any good09:51
fwereadeeagles0513875, linode api libs09:51
eagles0513875i know they exist09:51
fwereadeeagles0513875, (that's what you're using iirc?)09:51
eagles0513875thing is09:52
eagles0513875to use the api you have to have an account with them09:52
eagles0513875especially if we want to target clients etc09:52
eagles0513875to make it easier to deploy services etc09:52
eagles0513875fwereade: ^ not sure if that would cause new problems09:54
fwereadeeagles0513875, sure, that applies pretty much across the board09:54
fwereadeeagles0513875, configure the provider with your API keys and go09:55
eagles0513875exactly so we coudl ask the users to enter their api key etc09:55
fwereadeeagles0513875, yeah -- that'd just be defining a Config that accepted the api keys09:57
mattywdimitern, simple one for you http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/31/09:57
dimiternmattyw, sure, will have a look in a moment09:58
mattywdimitern, thanks09:58
eagles0513875fwereade: out of curiosity canonical wouldnt host a git repository for you guys and gerrit code review site either?09:59
dimiternmattyw, oh, boy! my first review at RB :)09:59
eagles0513875dimitern: from what ive been reading its making things a hell of alot more complex09:59
mattywdimitern, I still find it a bit clunky09:59
mattywbut so was rietveld when I first started using that09:59
dimiterneagles0513875, the --amend option?09:59
eagles0513875dimitern: RB10:00
fwereadeeagles0513875, we want to be on github because that's where the developers are -- and we have our own reviewboard up now10:00
dimiternmattyw, it's a bit UX-unfriendly, but it takes some time to grow on you I guess10:00
eagles0513875fwereade: gotcha i dunno as i dont develop for juju yet but i find its rather a complex setup10:00
eagles0513875for instance fwereade with a gerrit git setup10:01
eagles0513875when you push your changes you push to gerrit which adds them to the list of things to be reviewed10:01
eagles0513875then you can lets say have x number of reviewers and last reviewer would push to the repo10:01
eagles0513875for example libreoffice use it10:01
dimiterneagles0513875, FWIW, if it sanely supports patch series (i.e. master -> branchA -> branchB -> branchC) it's totally worth it for better productivity10:01
eagles0513875dimitern: gerrit does10:01
eagles0513875for example libreoffice require 3 reviews for anything going into stable10:02
eagles0513875and it keeps track of who reviewed what etc10:02
eagles0513875stable branches need two reviews and master needs 1 or 2 reviews for them10:02
fwereadeeagles0513875, have you read the workflow for dependent branches in gerrit? it's not super-nice10:02
eagles0513875fwereade: sadly havent looked into it in detail10:03
fwereadeeagles0513875, and... you seem to be under the impression that we haven't been doing code review?10:03
eagles0513875but im sure though gerrit can be adapted for your needs10:03
frankbanfwereade, dimitern: time for a quick review? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/76810:03
dimiternmattyw, reviewed10:03
dimiternfrankban, looking10:03
eagles0513875fwereade: i knwo you guys do code review i never said you didnt :)10:03
frankbandimitern: thanks!10:03
fwereadeeagles0513875, we looked into it and decided we preferred reviewboard :)10:03
eagles0513875:) at least it was concidered10:03
eagles0513875anyway sorry for derailing the channel10:04
eagles0513875fwereade: gsamfira hopefully in a few days time ill finish off this website and can start with helping you guys out10:05
mattywericsnow, ping?10:06
frankbandimitern: I used subordinate in unit info for symmetry, and we don't need the principal name10:07
dimiternfrankban, ah, sorry, I meant Principal bool, not Principal string10:08
frankbandimitern: so Principal == !Subordinate?10:09
dimiternfrankban, yeah, it kinda feels more appropriate10:09
dimiternfrankban, more like UnitInfo.Principal: u.Principal != ""10:10
frankbandimitern: on the other hand, from clients perspective, we have two opposite flags to parse for the same concept10:10
frankbandimitern: isn't it UnitInfo.Principal: u.Principal == ""?10:11
dimiternfrankban, it's not the same concept actually10:11
dimiternfrankban, right, sorry, it is10:12
frankbandimitern: so, sticking with Subordinate makes sense to me10:12
dimiternfrankban, being a subordinate comes from the unit's service's charm having subordinate: true10:12
frankbandimitern: yes10:13
jamfwereade: before I complain to the list, can I run something past you?10:13
dimiternfrankban, it's not a property of the unit itself, units only know if they have a principal or not, but strictly speaking I think you should check the ServiceInfo to determine whether the unit is subordinate10:13
frankbandimitern: yes, it's a denormalization, so that we can immediately know if a unit belongs to a service deployed from a subordinate charm10:15
frankbandimitern: it's just like UnitInfo.CharmURL: in theory the charm URL is an attribute of the service10:15
fwereadejam, ofc10:15
dimiternfrankban, fair point10:16
dimiternfrankban, ok, objection withdrawn, go with UnitInfo.Subordinate then10:16
frankbandimitern: cool10:16
frankbandimitern: just another question10:16
frankbandimitern: in what cases do we need to increase the API facade version? only backward incompatible changes?10:16
jamfwereade: so, apiserver/params/params.go imports gopkg.in/juju/charms.v310:16
jambecause stuff like ResolveCharm takes a "charm.Reference" object10:17
jamwhich *actually* takes a 'string'10:17
jambecause it has a custom UnmarshalJSON type10:17
jambut when trying to call it from python code, I was thoroughly confused10:17
jamfwereade: so for a starting point, shouldn't all of apiserver/params be defined in basic types?10:17
jamfwereade: the next thing was trying to Deploy10:17
fwereadejam, right, that feels like the same problem as storing charm.Meta in the database10:17
jambut you can't deploy "cs:ubuntu" or "cs:trusty/ubuntu"10:18
jamyou have to deploy "cs:trusty/ubuntu-#"10:18
dimiternfrankban, yes, but I need to know more details on the change you have in mind10:18
jambut you have to go talk to the charm store to figure out what # to put in there.10:18
fwereadejam, yes -- didn't that come up on the list semi-recently? it's *not* meant to be a charm.Reference at all, it's meant to be a charm.URL that gets deployed10:18
frankbandimitern: I was thinking about the change you just reviewed: it's not backward incompatible, so I guess we are ok10:19
frankbandimitern: just double checking10:19
jamfwereade: sure, but it is *really* inconvenient from a "lets do this from Python" POV that to talk to our API you have to debug and figure out yet-another API10:19
eagles0513875fwereade: can i make a suggestion for reviews10:19
jamfwereade: and going to a page like: http://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/ubuntu I can't actually tell what revision it is10:20
fwereadejam, and -- yes, it should probably really just be a string over the API10:20
fwereadejam, with the requirement that that string be a valid stringification of a charm url10:20
jamfwereade: sure, it turns out that it is just a string, but it is decoded magically for the API rather than the API server taking a string and doing the decoding.10:21
fwereadejam, I agree that that is a Bad Thing10:21
eagles0513875fwereade: just would like to suggest with RB is it possible to have multiple people review something lets say 3 before approving and pushing10:23
fwereadeeagles0513875, it would be10:23
fwereadeeagles0513875, our experience is that that helps less than you might imagine10:24
dimiternfrankban, adding an optional field to a result should be ok, as long nobody depends on it10:24
frankbandimitern: yeah, that's what I suspected. cool then, and thanks for the review!10:24
dimiternfrankban, backwards-incompatible change will be if you require Subordinate to be present and give errors if not10:25
dimiternfrankban, no worries10:25
jamdimitern: I may be late for standup, taking dog out10:25
dimiternjam, ok10:26
dimiternjam, ok10:30
dimiternha.. so hitting enter on a blank line in xchat resends the last msg10:30
voidspacedimitern: no it doesn't10:41
voidspacedimitern: you must have hit the up arrow10:41
eagles0513875fwereade: thats news to me. wouldnt that improve code quality and start discussion about fixes etc if its the right way etc10:46
dimiternvoidspace, I must have then :)10:47
voidspacedimitern: I take it we're waiting for jam for the standup10:48
voidspacedimitern: I have a question about dialling mongo in the meantime10:48
voidspacedimitern: I don't think it's possible for us to establish connections to all mongos in a cluster10:48
dimiternvoidspace, it seems I'm the only one in the standup call10:48
voidspacedimitern: from just a session10:48
voidspacedimitern: I was there a minute ago10:48
jamvoidspace: dimiter and I are here, where are you and TheMue10:49
voidspaceah, ok10:49
* fwereade lunch10:49
voidspacejam: dimitern: I don't think you guys can hear10:52
voidspacejam: dimitern: *hear me10:52
jamvoidspace: we cannot10:52
voidspacejam: dimitern: leaving and returning10:53
dimiternvoidspace, we're hearing you typing10:53
jamTheMue: poke?10:54
=== fabrice is now known as fabrice|lunch
mattywperrito666, morning11:19
perrito666how do I get from the charm/number format to the tag name of a unit?11:41
=== fabrice|lunch is now known as fabrice
perrito666uh, I think I found it11:42
jamperrito666: unit-charm-number11:43
perrito666jam: I was looking for a method, apparently NewUnitTag would return that11:44
jamperrito666: though be careful, as NewUnitTag (IIRC) will Panic if you don't have a valid content11:44
jamand IIRC davecheney said "this is for tests only, you shouldn't be using this"11:44
jamperrito666: so *maybe* you can use it, but you *must* validate the input first11:44
perrito666jam: its is odd we dont have soemthing like that that does not panic (I was wondering why the panic)11:45
* perrito666 try to recover his head side movement by ibuprofen-ing it11:46
katcoperrito666: i am right there with you. apparently i slept funny.11:54
perrito666katco: I went hiking on sunday and there was this strong cold wind (not feeling the face level) and I am still suffering random muscle failures11:56
katcoperrito666: well your reason sounds much more healthy.11:58
katcoperrito666: all i got is "i slept weird"11:58
perrito666katco: sleeping is good11:58
perrito666I am sure its much better than trying to be asymptotic to hypothermia11:59
katcoperrito666: at least with that you sleep well :)12:00
perrito666yup, apparently hiking was good on my memory only because last time I did it I was like 20kg lighter and 5 years younger12:01
jamperrito666: I went jogging today after about a 6 month hiatus.... yeah, things aren't what they used to be12:06
perrito666it gets better I decided to take some form of morning exercise12:08
perrito666since I have lost my walk to the office in the morning exercise12:08
perrito666well I havent but 5mts is not very demanding12:08
perrito666I wish I could go jogging12:09
jamperrito666: well, we got a dog 6mo ago, and I was spending my jogging time walking her, but today I was reminded that walking the dog != jogging12:21
perrito666heh if your dog is athletic enough you can jog together, takes some training for the dog to be able to though12:21
jamperrito666: yeah, I was trying to get there, but it is hard to control a dog and get them to jog for a while. My dog would jog for about 30s-1min. But I'm trying to jog more like 20+min.12:23
perrito666jam: give the dog a reward when properly jogging and a yell when not, that worked with mine12:24
perrito666yet my dog is a border collie and I cannot have her running at a time that suits me or she will faint bc of the temperature12:25
jamperrito666: yeah, it has been difficult here as well12:25
jamit has just started to cool down, which is why I went jogging today12:26
perrito666here winter has become more of a technical term, we get like a month of cold a year12:26
perrito666with luck12:27
perrito666which reminds me12:27
* perrito666 shops for AC for his dig12:27
wallyworldany ocr in da house? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/18/12:27
wallyworldmy poor little pr has been feeling very unloved12:28
perrito666wallyworld: o/12:28
wallyworldhey :-)12:28
* perrito666 reviews12:28
perrito666the other one is dimitern12:28
wallyworldty :-) it's mainly mechanical12:28
wallyworldtest data unchanged12:29
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
perrito666wallyworld: have a bit of patience I am trying to figure how to add a MustBeValidatedByDave(LGTM) to reviewboard12:47
wallyworldperrito666: no problem :-) thank you for looking12:48
wallyworldmaybe just add a comment and i can ping dave tomorrow12:48
perrito666wallyworld: I believe I did it :p12:57
perrito666I sent an email to dave just in case12:57
wallyworld\o/ thank you :-)12:57
wallyworldyou rock12:57
* voidspace lunch13:03
perrito666is there a straight forward way to know a machine series from a unit?13:03
dimiternperrito666, fwereade, please take a look http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/33 - api changes for the firewaller wrt port ranges support13:30
perrito666 dimitern This review request is private. You must be a requested reviewer, either directly or on a requested group, and have permission to access the repository in order to view this review request13:31
dimiternperrito666, sorry, I should've used --publish - should be fine now, try again?13:32
=== jheroux_away is now known as jheroux
* dimitern will be back in 1h13:37
ericsnowmattyw: you still looking for me?13:45
mattywericsnow, I am - have you seen my email>13:46
ericsnowmattyw: yeah, I'll take a look13:47
mattywericsnow, cool thanks13:47
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 shall we or should we suspend?13:58
ericsnowperrito666, wwitzel3: I'd still like to meet13:59
ericsnowperrito666, wwitzel3: or do you mean wait until Nate is back?14:00
perrito666ericsnow: I dont know if Ill be online when nate is back14:00
wwitzel3ericsnow, perrito666: we can do it now then and then another when Nate is back, that's fine by me.14:04
perrito666wwitzel3: ericsnow I can hear you guys14:08
perrito666apparently my upload is sucking?14:08
wwitzel3hah and now i dropped14:11
wwitzel3Looking for someone who can LGTM on https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/70514:15
wwitzel3It's been reviewed and updated, just need a final look14:15
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
dimiternperrito666, fwereade, poke re that review? :)14:31
perrito666dimitern: let me get out of a call and Ill do it (although you will need a second review)14:32
dimiternperrito666, sure, thanks14:32
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
mattywdimitern, can you take another look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/36/15:19
mattywdimitern, you've seen it before15:19
mattywdimitern, but I messed up the old diff15:19
dimiternmattyw, sure, looking15:19
dimiternmattyw, LGTM15:24
mattywdimitern, thanks again15:25
ericsnowcmars: could you take another look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/736?15:28
ericsnowcmars: your feedback was really helpful, BTW15:29
cmarsericsnow, sure, in a bit15:29
ericsnowcmars: no worries15:29
ericsnowFYI (everyone), I have fixed notifications on reviewboard so now you should be getting emails for review requests there if you've set your email address in your account settings15:31
perrito666ericsnow: what was the problem?15:31
ericsnowperrito666: I guess I set an email address for the review group, it didn't work, and that prevented any notifications from going out15:32
ericsnowperrito666: I removed it (it was unnecessary)15:32
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
wwitzel3if I have a unit tag, how can I get the machine tag from that? can I?17:05
* wwitzel3 digs through juju/names17:05
perrito666wwitzel3: depends whre you are17:07
wwitzel3perrito666: I am right here .. with a UnitTag17:08
wwitzel3the world is my oyster17:08
perrito666wwitzel3: client/server ?17:08
wwitzel3perrito666: apiserver17:09
perrito666wwitzel3: well if you can get a Unit out of that tag you can get AssignedMachineId17:12
perrito666gtg bbl17:12
wwitzel3perrito666: yeah, so state.Unit() and then unit.AssignedMachineId17:13
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
perrito666awww really? the cham dir needs sudo so I cannot scp there bummer17:14
mattywfwereade, ping?17:16
natefinchtrivia time..... yaml 1.1 defines what they call a "base 60 float" of the form   12:34:56.90   so it's basically like hours, minutes, seconds, fractional seconds.  But it means that if you happen to be using unquoted strings with a colon in them that happen to only have numbers and colons in them.... yaml parsers will blow up.17:19
mattywmgz, ping?17:36
mattywwell that's enough bug writing for me today, night all18:13
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== bloodearnest_ is now known as bloodearnest
=== Guest77540 is now known as wallyworld
=== jheroux is now known as jheroux_away
jcw4tx wallyworld :)22:41
wallyworldjcw4: let me now if you have questions22:41
wallyworldyou can cargo cult what's been done already22:42
jcw4wallyworld: will do... I'll use the other facades you mentioned as a guide22:42
wallyworldjcw4: makes it much easier to have a focused set of APIs, since the whole facade gets a new verson when one of the APIs changes22:43
jcw4wallyworld: that makes sense.  I'm learning that API versioning is very complicated22:43
wallyworldthere's some doco coming soon i think. you basically rev the whole facade from v1 to v2 to v3 etc. the complication is catering for older clients, but that's sort of taken care of by the infrastructure22:45
wallyworldsince the older facades are retained22:45
jcw4looking forward to the docs. It's an interesting topic22:45
* thumper made it back22:59
waiganimenn0: standup?23:01
menn0waigani: be there in a sec. Chrome keeps aw snapping23:01
jcw4thanks ericsnow ... I'm focused on apiserver today, but I expect to be looking at api/* tomorrow :)23:03
ericsnowjcw4: cool :)23:04
ericsnowjcw4: FYI, patching out the api facadecaller in tests is recommended for the sake of keeping tests isolated from the rest of the system and for lower test times23:06
ericsnowjcw4: however, the mechanism for doing that patching could use some improvement (there are 2 ways implemented and neither is easy to grok)23:08
jcw4ericsnow: I'll look at your PR's about that.  I've read the discussion on patching facadecaller with interest, but haven't looked closely at what that actually means23:08
jcw4ericsnow: I've done a little of the patching technique a couple months ago, but I don't recall the specifica23:08
ericsnowjcw4: it makes me think there is something broken with how we are wrapping facade callers with clients23:08
jcw4ericsnow: hmm23:08
ericsnowjcw4: it's nothing critical though23:09
jcw4ericsnow: tx for the pointers23:09
ericsnowjcw4: I'm glad we have something at all :)23:09
davecheneythumper: forgot to say23:33
davecheneyjust saw some good news on the arm64 ticket23:34
davecheneymaybe, maybe we'll have access tonight over vpn23:34
thumperyep, saw your email responses23:34
davecheneyi'm on the box now23:36
davecheneyi'll follow up with aram tonight when he comes online23:36
menn0thumper: 2 meta-reviews required please:23:47
thumpergah, now I need to work out how to log into this thing23:48
menn0http://reviews.vapour.ws/, "sign in", click the "github oauth" button. done23:48
wallyworlddavecheney: if you have a chance to give a 2nd +1 to http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/18/ that would be great :-)23:49
davecheneyperrito666: did you make any comments on that revierw ?23:50
davecheneyjust a question, no subtext23:50
wallyworlddavecheney: thank you, will add the constants, good idea23:59

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