
=== ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB
sarah__war was am machen00:06
sarah__gibt es tiere oda ä#hnliches für desktop? die da rum wandern und tricks machen00:07
malc_calcschau mal in den widgets (rechtsklick auf desktop, add widget, evtl. vorher unlock) nach eyes un bouncy ball. keine tiere, da gibt's fortune oder wanda the fish, aber das musst Du auf kubunto wohl mit dem package manager suchen gehn00:15
=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath
malc_calcund mit get widgets online gibt's evtl mehr00:17
malc_calceyes ist soweit das lustigste, was ich gefunden habe, kannst form und groesse veraendern00:18
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malc_calchast' die augen?01:06
ultrixxhi guys. chrome doesn't play youtube videos anymore since today. anyone here got the same problem?01:07
TheFakeazneD525Chrome or chromium01:07
TheFakeazneD525now that's odd01:07
ultrixxi know01:08
TheFakeazneD525what channel? Stable? Beta? Dev?01:08
ultrixxstable i guess01:08
TheFakeazneD525go to chrome://version in chrome01:08
ultrixx37.0.2062.120 (Offizieller Build 281580)01:09
TheFakeazneD525and flash is enabled?01:09
TheFakeazneD525ultrixx: is this just a specific video or all videos01:10
ultrixxbut when i play videos it seems to use html5 player01:10
TheFakeazneD525hmm, its playing for me in the HTML5 player01:11
ultrixxweird: it works again01:11
ultrixxit didn't work for at least 30 min01:11
ultrixxsorry folks, i didn't intent to write bs01:11
TheFakeazneD525no prob01:12
ultrixxi guess i know why. i had problems with my usb sound card and 5 minutes ago i plugged it off and on again. maybe the problem was realated to the sound card not working properly01:13
ultrixxinterestingly firefox played back videos, chrome didn't01:13
ultrixxsorry again for bothering you01:14
ultrixxusb isn't the most reliable technology01:15
=== troy is now known as Torededer
ToredederHey can someone help me install light dm on kde?01:25
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TheFakeazneD525Its installed by defa-01:40
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guest0kNhfLQuien me lee,saludos desde Mexico06:55
lordievader!mexico | guest0kNhfL06:57
lordievader!spanish | guest0kNhfL06:57
ubottuguest0kNhfL: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:57
guest0kNhfLHello lordievader06:58
snelecan anyone confirm this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/136967307:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1369673 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice kde file dialog integration broken (not working) in 14.04" [Undecided,Invalid]07:06
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dprany hadoop groups plz07:19
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deephow to chat in Hadoop group07:21
deephelp needed07:21
deephelp plzzzzzzzzzz07:21
lordievaderdeep: This channel is for Kubuntu support only. Please see the alis service for other channels.07:22
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
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hans_hi guys09:57
hans_how can i automount my Nas09:57
ubottuPartitioning programs !PartitionManager or !GParted (see also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mount partitions from System Settings -> (Advanced tab) Removable Devices. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter10:14
hateballhans_: depends on what you intend to acheive, and what protocol the NAS uses10:15
deepHow to write a mapreduce proram in R10:25
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
BluesKajHI folks10:53
=== fabian is now known as Guest31590
snelecan anyone confirm this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/136967311:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1369673 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice kde file dialog integration broken (not working) in 14.04" [Undecided,New]11:39
BluesKaj!bug 136967311:40
ubottubug 1369673 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice kde file dialog integration broken (not working) in 14.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136967311:40
BluesKajyup, it's official , snele11:41
=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath
sneleBluesKaj: please click on "affects me" then :)11:42
BluesKajthat would be wrong since I run 14.1011:42
sneleit nasty bug, generic file dialog which now pops up is terrible and very user unfriendly11:43
sneleBluesKaj: ah ok i thought you run 14.0411:43
BluesKajsnele, sorry to hear that11:45
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alvinWhat is, in UEFI, the diference between 'ubuntu' and 'ubuntu boot manager'11:58
BluesKajalvin, is it listed in uefi?12:01
alvinBluesKaj: Yes12:01
BluesKajare you dual booting with windows?12:01
alvinNo, but it could be some leftover from a previous installation?12:03
alvinBoth options just give me the usual grub menu12:03
BluesKajif you had W8 on your pc maybe a couple of GPT partitions are left over and renamed12:06
BluesKajbut if grub works then you should be ok12:06
alvinNo, this machine never had any Windows on it.12:07
alvinYes, it works. I might try to remove the 'ubuntu boot manager' option later.12:07
BluesKajhow old is the pc?12:07
alvinPretty recent. This year. I moved the drive from my previous pc (also no Windows). But I let the Kubuntu installer 'have the whole drive'. Maybe I should have erased it first.12:09
alvinEncrypted LVM... Kubuntu does it better than other distributions, but still not perfect. You have to shrink the root afterwards and that's not very newbie-friendly. (After all, why use LVM if you're going to fill the whole drive with one volume anyway?)12:10
BluesKajalvin, true12:12
BluesKajand if you're just going to use 3 partitions12:12
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=== zz_RedDeath is now known as RedDeath
alvinLooks nice. I'm trying plasma 5.12:44
alvinSystem settings have improved12:45
alvinLanguage too, but not too much. It is still necessary to set locales manually.12:45
BluesKajalvin, heh, good luck :)12:45
alvinNTP settings from within KDE does not work. Mabye the systemd rumours are true.12:45
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BluesKajany other themes that work besides breeze12:46
alvinand Plasma has no intention of remembering the screen edge for the default panel.12:46
alvinDidn't try that yet.12:46
alvinNo, I can select other themes, but 'Apply' is greyed out12:47
alvinO, wait12:47
alvinI was selecting in the 'details' window12:47
alvinOk, it is possible to change the theme, but readability suffers.12:48
alvinAh, and the font preview is completely broken. Not a single character can be seen.12:49
alvin1/3 of the time, after selecting 'ubuntu' in grub, the system just hangs and does not boot. I blame systemd12:58
alvinblank screen. Reboot. Everything works12:59
alvinAlso, the grub timeout is gone. It just sits there, without counting down. The timeout is set to 10 seconds in /etc/default/grub13:00
shadeslayerif you're using 14.10 + systemd things are not supported13:00
shadeslayerbecause no one runs it by default13:01
alvinWhat is not supported exactly?13:03
alvinI'm itching to report bugs, but that's not possible yet I suppose?13:13
BluesKajprobly get buried in the list :)13:16
krissianyone know how to fix this error "the power management module cannot be found" in kde 5 neon ?13:28
lordievaderalvin: Why wouldn't it be possible?13:28
yofelalvin: if you mean reporting systemd related bugs, that is appreciated even now. Please add the 'systemd-boot' tag though13:28
alvinlordievader: It's a development version13:28
alvinAha, good to know.13:29
lordievaderalvin: For those bug reports are especially usefull. Shows what is broken.13:29
yofelalvin: current list on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=systemd-boot13:29
alvinThis one is particulary difficult though. After grub there's only the blank screen and the monitors that shut off. On reboot, everything works again. Once in a while, I get the blank screen again.13:29
alvinNice list13:31
alvinNFS isn't working? Ouch.13:31
lordievaderalvin: Are you on Utopic?13:32
alvinlordievader: Yes13:33
lordievaderalvin: You know Utopic support is in #ubuntu+1 right?13:33
alvinlordievader: Oh, sorry. I didn't. Thought plasma5 was not supported by Canonical13:34
lordievaderalvin: Err, I suppose support for plasma5 is either here or in #project-neon. It was more in regard to your NFS statement, as that has to do with the base system.13:35
alvinBut it just can't work according to that bug. I tried installing nfs-utils, but it's masked13:36
alvinWorries for tomorrow. I have to shutdown the system here.13:37
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=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath
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mzazaI was using Ubuntu on my i5 with 5400rpm HDD and 12GB of RAM and I was feeling the startup was a bit of pain. So I was thinking in a switch I switched to Elementary OS, it's super fast. But doesn't go well with my taste, so I was thinking in trying Kubuntu 14.10 with Plasma 5, I heared QT5 is way faster than before. Is there noticable speed difference in comparison with Unity?17:26
malcolmmight as well ask what I'd originally had come for: adb (adb-tools) on kubuntu 14 64bit, I think I have the udev rule right, but adb devices doesn't see mine. don't have the sdk, would prefer minimal setup just adb and what it needs18:44
malcolmusually adb comes with sdk, the latter sets up a folder of its own and changes the $PATH variable when running18:45
malcolmadb-tools just puts adb in /usr/bin18:46
malcolmfrom what I've read, adb also has a file like usb_conf.ini or similar with the vendor id's18:47
malcolmany thoughts?18:47
geniimalcolm: Is your Andoid device set to usb debug mode when connected?18:48
malcolmhave tried both, storage and debug18:49
malcolmlsusb sees it18:49
geniiShould be debug18:49
malcolmI know18:49
malcolmworked on win7 with full sdk, but I don't want that heavy package18:50
geniimalcolm: Might want to try: sudo update-usbids   to make sure that udev etcetera has the most current list of usb things18:51
malcolmfollowing a forum post, I had walked the device attributes and set a different ownership of device when plugged to see if my udev rule was triggered18:54
ToredederCan someone tell me how to get a new window manger? mine is not working properly, but i cant tell if its just my monitor being weird.20:15
geniiThat was an oddly phrased question20:17
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
lordievaderTorededer: Could you rephrase your question?20:20
Toredederlordievader hey! havent seen you in a while! but any way. my close, minimize and maximize buttons arent at the top of the window and i cant drag my windows around.20:24
Toredederlordievader im pretty sure its the window or display manager20:25
rberg_in a pinch you could hit atl-F2 and run kwin --replace20:44
daumhey guys i just upgrade to chromium 37 the fonts are realyl weird no...they aren't blurry as much completely different from 36, any ideas?20:58
TheFakeazneD525new font renderererer21:01
TheFakeazneD525Torededer: run kwin --replace21:02
daumTheFakeazneD525, do i need to install soemthing for that?21:02
lordievaderTorededer: Coul you send a screenshot?21:03
Toredederlordievader i dot think i cant21:05
Toredederlol fail21:05
Toredederlordievader i dont think i can21:05
daumhow can i downgrade my chromium version if i can't get the font fixed in 37?21:06
lordievader!screenshot | Torededer21:06
ubottuTorededer: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.21:06
ToredederTheFal eazneD525 i did that just now and now my kickoff wont open :\21:07
lordievaderTorededer: Do you still have access to the krunner?21:07
lordievaderTorededer: alt + f221:07
TheFakeazneD525daum: nah21:08
TheFakeazneD525er wait21:08
Toredederlordie vader how do i know if it did anything because i just pushed alt f2 but nothing happened21:08
TheFakeazneD525daum: there might be a setting in chrome://flags21:08
lordievaderTorededer: Hmm, did you do anything major that might be the cause?21:08
Toredederthe fal eazne told me to type in kwin --replace21:09
lordievaderTorededer: Is the state of plasma the same?21:09
Toredederlordievader what do you mean? the kickoff is still there and my window is still stupid21:10
Toredederlordievader but kickoff  wont start21:10
lordievaderTorededer: Can you open a konsole?21:11
daumTheFakeazneD525, hm i don't se anything?21:11
daumis there an easy way to downgrade it21:11
TheFakeazneD525daum: well you could always get a package from the archive for an earlier ubuntu21:12
Toredederlordievader i can switch to a different tty like ctrl-alt-f121:12
TheFakeazneD525but then you open yourself to security risks fixed by the version installed21:12
lordievaderTorededer: Not really what I ment. If you tail your ~/.xsession-errors file do you see a lot of errors?21:13
daumhah - well does the font render fine for you in 37?  It looks like others have reported it, not a ton but a decent amount...it just kills my eyes and only been on it for ~40 min21:13
Toredederlordievader should i restart my computer?21:13
Toredederlordievader i saw in the place where i wrote kwin replace there is Lots of errors21:14
lordievaderTorededer: Could you pastebin those?21:14
Toredederlordievader im a noob how do i do that ?21:15
lordievader!paste | Torededer21:15
ubottuTorededer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:15
Toredederlordievader no i cant, i am in a tty, not a konsole21:16
Toredederlordie wait21:16
Toredederlordievader i cannot because i cant get to my dolphin manager to get to the files21:17
lordievaderTorededer: From your tty: sudo apt-get install pastebinit&&tail -n 100 ~/.xsession-errors|pastebinit21:18
lordievaderI'll be back in a bit.21:18
Toredederhang on i will restart my computer and just use dolphin21:22
Toredederlordievader how do i tail my x sessio  files?21:33
lordievaderTorededer: Run the command I gave you ;)21:39
lordievaderTorededer: From your tty: sudo apt-get install pastebinit&&tail -n 100 ~/.xsession-errors|pastebinit21:39
Toredederit said there was an error or something with "pastebin"21:40
lordievaderTorededer: Could you elaborate?21:42
Toredederlordievader hang on lordie im trying the command as 2 separate things, so w/o the &&21:44
Toredederlordievader pastebin installed but i cant do anything with it because xsession-errors isnt a directory21:47
lordievaderTorededer: The command is "tail -n 100 ~/.xsession-errors|pastebinit" did you literally copy that?21:49
Toredederlordievader i cant copy n paste stuff but i typed that except insteas of ~ and | it has different symbols21:50
lordievaderTorededer: Please type the command exactly as I gave it to you.21:52
Toredederi cant i cant make the | or the ~ it comes out as different symbols21:53
lordievaderTorededer: That is the reason you get errors though ;)21:53
Toredederthen it isnt my fault lol21:54
Toredederlordievader wait im gonna try this in konsole and see if i get different results21:54
Toredederlordievader pastebinithttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8360795/ tada21:57
valorieTorededer: you can copy/paste with shift+control+V I think21:58
lordievaderErr, is that all?21:58
Toredederlordievader idk, i didnt look at it yet22:01
lordievaderAnyhow I'm going to bed. I'll be here again tomorrow, Torededer, if you need further assistance.22:01
Toredederawww.... ok see ya22:01
lolzhi can I change brightness editing that file? /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/backlight/acpi_video0/actual_brightness23:21
shadeslayerlolz: yes, but I think /sys/class/backlight would be better23:41
lolzshadeslayer: I have here links acpi_video0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/backlight/acpi_video0 and intel_backlight -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-LVDS-1/intel_backlight23:45
shadeslayeryeah that's fine23:45
shadeslayeranyway off to sleep I am23:45
lolzbut they are readable only23:46
lolzshadeslayer: ^23:46

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