
slangasekhmm, TB meeting time, is it?16:01
slangasekwho's chair?  last time  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/Current was updated was the last time I chaired ;)16:02
slangasekah, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda says I am16:03
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 16 16:04:25 2014 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:04
slangasekstgraber: here?16:04
* stgraber waves16:05
mdeslaurinfinity: happy birthday :P16:05
slangasekhey, it's some kind of quorum16:05
slangasekoh, is infinity having a birthday?!16:05
infinityHe might be.16:05
slangasekwe shall have a hangout later where we can embarrass him by singing16:05
slangasekor embarrass ourselves, maybe16:05
infinityDear god no.16:05
mdeslaurlol :)16:06
slangasek[TOPIC] Apologies16:06
slangasekI've been stalling for time to see if the others wander in, but no such luck16:07
slangasekso kees and pitti, absent without apologies :)16:07
slangasek[TOPIC] Action review16:07
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda16:07
slangasek> ACTION: infinity to review and respond to MAAS SRU thread16:07
slangasekinfinity: is this done?16:08
infinityI'd completely forgot I had that action until about 2 minutes ago. :/16:08
infinitySo, no.16:08
pittisorry for being late16:08
* slangasek waves to pitti16:08
mdeslaurthey haven't responded to my email16:08
mdeslaurhi pitti16:08
infinityWell, look at that.  Everyone's htere.16:09
infinityhere, too.16:09
slangasekinfinity: so this action is a carry-over?16:09
infinityslangasek: *nod*16:09
slangasek[ACTION] infinity to review and respond to MAAS SRU thread16:10
meetingologyACTION: infinity to review and respond to MAAS SRU thread16:10
slangasekso, nothing else has been added to the agenda16:11
slangasek[TOPIC] mailing list topics16:11
slangasekno mails in September except for the MAAS question16:12
slangasekmdeslaur: you said they hadn't replied to your mail? I see the last mail in that thread is a response from Andres to you16:12
mdeslaurthe one that starts with "Hello Martin"?16:13
slangaseksorry, hadn't checked the mail, only looked at the threading :)16:13
slangasek(in the archive)16:13
mdeslaurI'll ping them in case mine was overlooked16:14
* slangasek nods16:14
slangasek[TOPIC] community bugs16:14
slangasekhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bugs?field.assignee=techboard shows empty16:14
slangasekis there any other business for today?16:14
slangasekI feel like I'm not earning my keep ;)16:14
pittiheh, quite many meetings are like this these days16:15
* kees nods16:15
pittiwe used to have a lot more to discuss back in the days16:15
slangasekI know, and I wonder if that means we've efficiently cleared our plate or if we're just not doing our job somehow :-)16:15
keesI think it means the active developer community size has shrunk16:15
slangasekcould be :/16:16
slangasekok, who's next on chair rotation then?16:16
infinityOr they just feel they need less guidance.16:16
mdeslauror nobody is proposing anything controversial16:16
keesI've always been suspicious that the changes that removed MOTU had negative effects16:16
infinityslangasek: Next chair would be stgraber.16:17
slangasek[TOPIC] Select a chair16:18
slangasek[INFO] Next chair is stgraber16:18
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 16 16:18:27 2014 UTC.16:18
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2014/ubuntu-meeting-2.2014-09-16-16.04.moin.txt16:18
slangasekthanks, all16:18
mdeslaurthanks slangasek16:18
mdeslaurthanks everyone16:18
* pitti waves16:18

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