
=== Laney is now known as Guest45203
dholbachgood morning06:51
=== e11bits is now known as laza
=== Guest45203 is now known as Laney
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reversibleanlet's say i want to fix a bitesize bug like 'typo' :) Do I have to pull whole branch using 'bzr branch'?17:27
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shadeslayerreversiblean: yes17:27
reversibleanshadeslayer: okay! but it takes too long though.17:30
=== med is now known as med_
=== broder_ is now known as broder
Ampelbeinreversiblean: You don't need the complete history to do a small fix. I seem to remember there was a bzr option to only get the current state.17:37
Ampelbeinreversiblean: --lightweight17:38
shadeslayerbut then you want to commit and push17:38
reversibleanAmpelbein: thanks for the info. that's what i was looking for.17:38
shadeslayerto your own branch17:38
shadeslayerwould that work with --lightweight?17:38
AmpelbeinLet me try.17:40
AmpelbeinMeh, seems to download the whole branch when pushing.17:41
AmpelbeinBut you can use it to create a debdiff and attach that to the bugreport. Seems more sensible than pointlessly downloading hundreds of MB of data.17:43
onlihi. i have a strange problem with launchpads ppa-system18:13
Ampelbeinonli: What is the problem?18:15
onliAmpelbein, I pushed a new code version to https://launchpad.net/~onli/+archive/ubuntu/simdock, that is not changing the build process. but the resulting package for i386 spits an "unknown machine command" error at a specific point of the program (when clicking an icon) that is not there on a local compile18:17
onliI do know that error only from trying programs for amd64 on i386, but this is after the program itself started. So i'm stumped what's happening there18:18
AmpelbeinLet me check.18:19
AmpelbeinDoes that happen for all releases?18:20
onliI only checked the i386-version, but if you mean for all of the packages ever made: no, that is new18:22
onliit worked before18:22
AmpelbeinNo, I mean if it happens in Utopic and Trusty for example or only on Utopic18:23
onliah, ok. Trusty, I only tested trusty18:26
AmpelbeinHmm, I can't see anything obviously wrong.18:28
onliOk, thanks for trying18:29
reversibleanAmpelbein: Why do I get "bzr: ERROR: lp:~reversiblean/+junk/<pkg-name> has no associated product or source package." when running 'bzr lp-propose'?18:31
onliI'll idle a while, if someone has an idea… I seriously have not one idea apart from "the build system must differ"18:34
=== gaspa_ is now known as gaspa

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