
bluesabrerelease-team, just want to verify with you all... we (xubuntu) have been carrying the development releases of xfce4-power-manager (1.3.x) for utopic, and the stable release (1.4.0) is now available. It consists of bug fixes.  Since the version number is a leap to stable, just want to get the stamp of approval.01:50
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tumbleweedbluesabre: we care about contents, not version numbers. If the contents are only bug fixes, and there is no cause to suspect incompatibilities, you're good to go02:02
bluesabretumbleweed: thanks, I figured as much. Didn't want to have to "apologize to the release team" ;)02:03
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ScottKbluesabre: How's it work with upower 0.99?02:15
bluesabreScottK, the depends would have to be swapped to >= 0.99, otherwise fine...02:16
bluesabrethough the Xubuntu team is currently opposed to the transition to upower 0.99 this late in the utopic cycle02:17
ScottKI'm wondering since you Xubuntu folks reacted pretty strongly.02:17
ScottKI got that.02:17
ScottKI didn't know if it was based on actual testing and problems or fear alone.02:17
bluesabreMainly the risk of possible regressions. We have a limited testing group and the updated upower is largely untested in the xfce components (patches were only added very recently)02:20
bluesabreAlso, the updated gnome stack has the potential of other untested components landing as well02:21
bluesabre(untested for us anyway)02:21
bluesabreSo from project lead, qa lead, and technical lead, we are all vary wary of the changes that the transition may bring02:22
bluesabreochosi_ ^02:23
ScottKRight, so what's the impact on Gnome of not updating?02:24
ScottKMaybe they'd be motivated to help testing Xubuntu to mitigate your risk?02:24
bluesabreRight, and it clearly has a significant impact on them, so this would be good for further discussion with both teams02:26
bluesabreThe xubuntu team was really only made aware of this potential change recently, and indeed, the bug report only updated to [FFe] status 3 days ago02:31
skellatScottK, bluesabre: The impact on Gnome is that they miss landing GNOME 3.12 well after Feature Freeze too02:31
skellatThey would still ship 3.8 components02:33
ScottKNot 3.10?02:53
skellatScottK: We were told they would be stuck at the same components they shipped in UG14.0402:54
ScottKDo they want to update at this point?02:54
skellatWe were informed that upower was the last thing they needed to land GNOME 3.12 so they could have it in 14.1002:55
skellatPardon me, one of the last things02:55
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mlankhorstinfinity: hm as far as I can tell I didn't break kwin10:01
mlankhorstseems to work just fine, but I'll try the other drivers too just to be sure10:02
mlankhorstcompiz 32-bits seems to work too10:22
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jzhenghi SRU team (not sure who is still online)14:59
jzhengthere is an SRU for ubuntukylin-theme in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= for a long time. So I wonder if anyone from SRU team can have time to help approve it? It is for Ubuntu Kylin 14.0415:00
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infinitymlankhorst: That's good news, then.16:20
jamespagethose three are covered under bug 136992716:35
ubot93bug 1369927 in golang-context (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Sync docker.io 1.2.0 from Debian unstable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136992716:35
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