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hackeronI have a strange problem where memory is leaking but not showing up in top/ps/ps_mem/slabtop/etc - any ideas at all how to figure out where it is going? < http://superuser.com/questions/793192/what-is-using-up-all-my-memory-ubuntu-14-04-lts-server/79535208:39
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TJ-hackeron: You're running the live555 from Trusty archive - version 2014.101.13-1 ?08:53
hackeronTJ-: no, compiled the latest source myself08:54
TJ-including the 2014-06-24 release then?08:54
TJ-Have you run valgrind on it?08:55
hackeronTJ-: No, but it's showing like 0.1% memory use in top08:59
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Aisoncan I somehow manually remove an ufw rule?12:08
Aisonufw delete is not working on one of the rules...12:09
zubairahmedcan't you edit the ufw file manually Aison12:10
Aisonmaybe, but what file is that?12:10
jdstrandAison: what rule?12:26
Aisonjdstrand, I created a custom application file12:27
Aisonjdstrand, with ports=1812,181312:27
Aisonadding this application was possible, but deleting not12:27
jdstrandhow are you trying to delete it?12:27
Aisonnow I changed it to ports=1812,1813/udp12:27
jdstrandhow did you add it?12:27
jdstrandif you changed the ports in the application rule file, then I can imagine it would not work12:28
Aisonjdstrand, I called it Radius, so I added it with ufw allow from to any app radius12:28
Aisonjdstrand, and I tired to delete it by number: ufw delete 1512:28
jdstrandAison: if you change the application file back to not specify udp, I bet it would work12:29
jdstrandAison: can you file a bug?12:29
Aisonjdstrand, no, it does not work then12:30
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jamespagejdstrand, around? we have a whole load of refactoring (very late) todo in Horizon with regards packaging of 'assets' such as JS and CSS12:49
jamespageand I wanted to get your opinion on approach - I want to avoid having a bezillion libjs-* package in main12:50
jamespagewell at least I think I do12:50
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jdstrandI'm pretty sure we do :)12:55
jamespagejdstrand, OK - so thats a good start12:58
jamespagejdstrand, soo....12:58
jamespagehorizon in previous releases just bundled up any JS and CSS stuff it needed from other projects12:58
jamespagejdstrand, upstream have moved to using python-xstatic which basically provides the same asset via a pythonic interface which can be packaged up12:59
jdstrandok, so sounds equivalent12:59
jamespagejdstrand, zigo has done a fine job packaging all of the required deps in Debian, and where possible, he's linked out to the associated libjs-XXX library that provides the same asset12:59
jamespagejdstrand, most of that support is patched in and hacked into the build in packaging13:00
jamespagejdstrand, so we could revert that packaging delta a drop back to using the bundled assets each xstatic package ships in its upstream tarball13:00
jamespagejdstrand, it also avoids nodejs in the dependency chain13:00
jdstrandjamespage: I got slightly confused. Debian moved the dependencies out to separate packages, but you are thinking of moving them back to (embedded) xstatic packages?13:02
jamespagejdstrand, indeed13:02
jdstrandbut the xstatic packages are still separate from horizon?13:03
jamespagejdstrand, well Debian uses the libjs-* package13:03
jamespagejdstrand, yes - so we would end up with horizon -> python-xstatic-XXX but no further dependency on libjs-XXX13:03
jamespagejdstrand, I'd also note that the debian pkgs also only use the libjs-XXX package if it already exists - I don't think thomas has done any work on new ones to support this13:04
jdstrandjamespage: how many python-xstatic-XXX packages are being added?13:06
jamespagejdstrand, lemme check13:06
jamespagejdstrand, 1513:07
jamespagecoreycb, zul: ppa:openstack-ubuntu-testing/xstatic-testing13:27
JediMasterhi all, I'm having problems trying to get fail2ban to start on 12.04 LTS, I've tried setting the log level to debug (4) and nothing at all gets logged, "service fail2ban restart" just says it fails13:32
JediMasterany ideas how to get any more out of fail2ban other than setting logging to debug?13:32
JediMasterthere's nothing in syslog about it either13:32
rbasakjamespage: please can you review https://launchpad.net/~racb/+archive/ubuntu/experimental/+files/bcache-tools_1.0.7-1%7Eppa3.dsc? This should be suitable for the Debian ITP I think, but an upload needs to be coordinated in that bug.13:48
jamespagerbasak, yes a bit later on13:50
jamespagerbasak, srpting on openstack bits right now13:50
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rbasakOK, thanks.13:50
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wedgwoodCan anyone tell me whether the choice of the deadline scheduler for the Trusty AWS cloud-image was deliberate, or simply a holdover from the server default?16:24
rbasakwedgwood: that might be a question for #ubuntu-kernel. I'm not sure.16:25
wedgwoodrbasak: Cool, I'll check there too16:25
rbasakIn general I think we share defaults across Ubuntu. We'd have to go out of our way to arrange defaults to be different depending on what you're deployed on.16:25
RoyKwedgwood: what sort of storage?16:51
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jamespagerbasak, your bcache packaging looks fine to me - did you have a FFe bug for utopic to reference?16:57
jamespageand what do I need todo with regards debian uploads? is the guy who did the packaging still up for maintaining it?16:57
rbasakjamespage: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1355890. I can upload, but I wanted your review for the Debian end.16:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1355890 in ubuntu "[FFe] bcache-tools" [Undecided,Triaged]16:57
jamespagerbasak, +1 then16:58
rbasakI'd like to report on the ITP bug that you've reviewed and are prepared to upload.16:58
rbasakAnd ask who should/wants to be in the Uploaders field.16:58
rbasakI don't want them to feel trumped.16:58
jamespagerbasak, I'm happy with that statement but I'd want a clear response on maintainer16:58
rbasakjamespage: OK, so to confirm I think the only question left for Debian is to conclude the list of maintainers?16:59
rbasak(that can include me)16:59
jamespagerbasak, that sounds correct16:59
rbasakOK, thanks.16:59
wedgwoodRoyK: Usually EBS. Sometimes ephemeral.17:03
RoyKwedgwood: meaning what?17:04
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SturmFlutWill anybody here be at LinuxCon Europe 2014 in Düsseldorf?21:21
hallyna few of us22:25
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
coxaLTI have a question23:27
sarnoldwelcome coxaLT, note irc works best if you just ask questions :)23:28
coxaLTJust installed vnc server with GNOME on ubuntu 14.04 server, configured everything. I connect with VNC Viewer, there is terminal open but i cannot type anything in it, it23:28
coxaLTit's just black23:29
coxaLTHow to make Terminal working?23:29
RoyKcoxaLT: hit enter23:38
coxaLTWell now i see something23:41
coxaLTlike list .cache , .config , etc...23:41
coxaLTBut how to navigate in it?23:41
coxaLTHow to enter type mode to execute commands like apt sudo get and other23:41
coxaLTwould be helpful23:41
sarnoldcoxaLT: hunh, odd. try hitting ^L periodically?23:48
coxaLTmaybe hit monitor and throw trash bit out of the window23:50
coxaLTmaybe hit monitor and throw trash bin out of the window23:50
coxaLTthat would help more, probably23:50
sarnoldif you're using a terminal any way why not just ssh?23:51
coxaLTI can connect with bitwise and do anything, but i dont know how terminal is functioning?23:52
sarnoldmaybe try xterm or urxvt or something simpler than gnome-terminal23:52
coxaLTi had this thought23:53
coxaLTwill try23:53

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