
PCLine_Hello skellat01:14
Unit193Howdy, PCLine_.01:14
PCLine_HexChat must not like backward words!  It didnt warn me that something was typed!01:15
PCLine_Hello Unit19301:15
Unit193Hah, nice.01:16
PCLine_Oh I am tired of working in Excel and not Ubuntu and all the new stuff I have loaded!01:26
Unit193Fun stuff?01:27
PCLine_Yes - I now have Menus on all Versions and working on moving everything to XLA files.01:32
skellatbelkinsa, jrgifford_, Unit193: There is apparently a partial recall in play of agency staff at work with report date of October 6th.  I may get recalled to duty but also might not.  I shall advise.01:51
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
belkinsaskellat, thanks for the heads u.11:30
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude

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