
=== BasicMBP is now known as BasicOSX
=== mbruzek is now known as mbruzek_
=== mbruzek_ is now known as mbruzek
=== BasicMBP is now known as BasicOSX
captinehi all.  sorry to bug.  tried google.  Am looking to use Bazaar for version control on some text files which are calculation rules used in IBM Cognos TM1.  Just have some questions on whether it will work for my use case19:51
captinewe have 1 windows 2012 server with a directory containing all the rules as well as other application files in the same folder. (This is a dev box).19:51
captinewe have 2 admins that can change rules and edit the files..  Can Bazaar track the changes by users seperately even though both admins connect on RDP to the same windows server nd work in the same folder?19:52
captineI am an accountant by trade and one of the admins as the tool is a budget and forecast tool... so i am not that clued up on version control systems.  am just wanting a way to manage changes and implementation of them to production19:53
bsdcaptine: you can use "bzr commit —author 'Name <email>" to change the author/committer20:08
bsdIt sounds like you just want something to track local changes?20:09
stbatdukeHello #bzr!!  I am trying to undo a branch update, and move backwards from revision 485 to 484, for example.  When I try this with `bzr revert -r-2` or `bzr revert -r484` nothing seems to happen.  Then if I bzr commit it creates a new revision 286.  I want to step backwards completely, how can I do this?20:30
jelmerstbatduke: bzr update -r48420:31
stbatdukethanks jelmer!  though when I now do a `bzr revno` it still says 48620:32
jelmerstbatduke: it only updates the branch20:33
jelmerstbatduke: you'll also need to do a "bzr revert" to update the working tree20:33
stbatdukeok, so I have done the bzr update and bzr revert as follows, but it still says bzr revno is 486: http://pastebin.com/nXQ5tKiV20:35
jelmerstbatduke: what version of bzr is this?20:36
stbatdukefrom debian squeeze 6.0.9 february of 201320:37
stbatdukesortry 201420:37
stbatduke        500 http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20140211T040335Z/ squeeze/main i386 Packages20:37
jelmerstbatduke: that doesn't have this feature in "bzr update" yet I suspect20:37
stbatdukeany other way do you think to rebert backwards to 484?20:38
jelmerstbatduke: create a new branch using "bzr branch -r484 ..."20:38
stbatdukeI unfortunately do not have access to apt-get20:38
stbatdukeoh! ok!20:38
stbatdukeCan I do that in the same location, or do I need to move some folders around also?20:38
jelmerstbatduke: that will create a new branch20:40
stbatdukeok cool ty20:40
fullermdEr.  update doesn't update the branch.20:43
fullermdIf you really want to step the branch back and throw away the later stuff, you'd want pull --overwrite.20:43
stbatdukeoh! cool! tyty20:44
fullermd(or creating and swapping branches around, as above)20:44
jelmerfullermd: newer versions of update do update the branch I'm pretty sure20:44
fullermdOnly if there's something newer than my bzr.dev   :)20:44
fullermd(well, aside from the nutsoity of bound branches, but that's a whole different kettle of skunks)20:45
jelmeroh, right.. that's only in checkouts20:47
fullermdEven then, I don't think it does anything with the branch with update -r.  Just the gymnastics it does with arg-less and branch syncing.20:49
jelmerI think my bzr is getting rusty :)20:50
fullermdThat's worth extra giggles if you think back to when some people were advocating it be pronounced "buzzer"   ;)20:51

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