
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== praneshp_ is now known as praneshp
ndoneganHow stable is the config stuff in cloud-init? ie, can I add a cc_whatever to the config directory and expect it to work across versions?09:36
jkrajHI 11:19
jkrajin user-data file, what should I use 'lock-passwd' or 'lock_passwd' ?11:20
jkrajcloud-config, users section 11:21
smoserndonegan, the loading of those has changed possibly...14:21
smoserlet me look.14:21
smoserndonegan, it appears that the interface to loading those has never changed in cloud-init.14:22
ndoneganCool. Will make my life a little easier.14:33
smoserjkraj, it looks like it is 'lock_passwd'14:50
smoserbut it defaults to 'True'14:50
smoserso you dont have to do anything.14:50
jkrajbut 'lock-passwd : false' works for me14:51
smoserhm.. you're sure? is that on a non-default user ?14:53
jkraj - name: user1   passwd: pass1   lock-passwd: false15:51
jkrajsmoser, I am sure  lock-passwd: false &  lock_passwd: false works for me, 15:53
jkrajyes for non default user15:53
=== shardy is now known as shardy_afk
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
=== shardy is now known as shardy_z

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