
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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bigjoolsjtv: congraulations, your UI typo branch was r 3000 in trunk02:05
jtvNot what you'd want for such a bit milestone, is it?02:06
bigjoolsseems appropriate somehow :)02:06
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=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
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MasterPiecemoin all06:03
MasterPieceR a mirror available 4 maas?06:03
MasterPieceCan I create new mirror 4 it?06:04
jtvMasterPiece: a mirror of what?06:10
bigjoolsthere r n0 mirr0rs06:10
bigjoolshe probably means the ephemerals06:11
jtvWell before we guess, let's find out.  :)06:11
bigjoolssomeone asked this the other day so it's an *educated* guess :)06:11
MasterPiecemirrors so that more speed in downloading images, packages, etc06:11
bigjoolsyou can use sstream-mirror dor the images06:12
bigjoolspackage archives are configured in MAAS itself, just pick a mirror06:12
MasterPiece& in order to Product Line and local mirror :)06:12
bigjoolsdor?  I mean for06:12
MasterPieceAnd How Can I be a mirror 4 MAAS ?06:12
jtvYou mean MAAS itself?  People get it from the package archive mirror.06:13
jtvSo you're probably best off just picking an Ubuntu archive mirror near you, and maybe setting up a caching proxy.06:13
jtvOh, we also have the PPA packages of course.  I think either an archive proxy (like squid-deb-proxy or apt-proxy) or a regular caching http proxy would be best for those.06:14
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
MasterPieceI wanna to be a new mirror for it, How this is possible ?07:00
jtvMasterPiece: I don't understand the question.  What _exactly_ do you want to be a mirror for?07:06
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
rvbajtv: quick question for you since you reviewed Julian's branch (https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/apt-mirror-for-commissioning/+merge/234919).  Why is it okay to change the call to generate_user_data() to pass it a node when I see that it accepts only an optional nodegroup?  I'm probably missing something… ?07:54
jtvrvba: I don't think I understand the question...  It accepted an optional nodegroup, used only for testing, and now it accepts a node.07:56
rvbajtv: ah, right, my bad.  I misread the diff.  Sorry about that.07:57
jtvNo worries.07:58
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MasterPiecejtv, so that I have more and more speed in downloading them, local network is very faster than WWW network :)09:03
jtvMasterPiece: so you don't want to be a mirror of anything, so much as speed up downloads?09:07
MasterPiecejtv, Y09:07
jtvOkay, what operations specifically would you like to speed up?09:08
MasterPieceimporting boot images09:12
jtvIn that case, I'd go with what bigjools said: sstream-mirror.09:13
jtvWe don't have a network of "official" mirrors as far as I know, but you can keep your own mirror that way and make it available to people you know locally.09:14
jtvI don't know the details about how that works, unfortunately.  But you can use the MAAS API to tell MAAS to download images from your mirrored server.09:15
jtvLook for "boot sources."09:15
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MasterPieceThanks jtv and bigjools09:52
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rvbaallenap: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/rename-monitoring/+merge/234950 ?12:28
allenaprvba: Sure. Do you want to talk Twisted too?12:38
rvbaallenap: I think I manage to answer my own Twisted question :).12:43
rvbaallenap: not so why I have these 'committed' conflicts.  I accidentally committed a couple of conflicts in the pre-req branches but it's all fixed now.12:51
rvbas/not so/not sure/12:51
rvbaallenap: it's fine now, I just forgot to push a revision.12:52
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
lamontat what point does maas know the power type of the macine (assuming ipmi)?  I have a machine that's declining to have its power type show up by the time it's declared, which makes commissioning it a manual powercycle.17:58
lamontwhen I manually add the IPMI (2.0) info, commissioning happens at the click of a button18:03
roaksoaxlamont: that'd mean that MAAS failed to discover IPMI for whatever reason.18:36
roaksoaxlamont: what MAAS version are you using, (1.5?)18:36
roaksoaxlamont: there might also be a cloud image issue, or even the commissioning environment is not accessing the network18:37
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
smoserso i just added a source as doc'd in http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/bootsources.html18:38
smoserhow do i tell maas to import all sthos ?18:38
roaksoaxsmoser: maas <user> boot-resources import18:40
roaksoaxblake_r: ^^18:40
jhobbssmoser: have you done 'maas refresh' lately?18:41
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah that's with the latest 1.718:41
lamontroaksoax: 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.218:41
blake_rroaksoax: yeah that only works with 1.718:42
lamontand I want to say that it's an HP DL380 G7 or so18:42
smoserwell, i showed the dpkg-query18:42
smoserthat is from maas stable18:42
roaksoaxlamont: yeah, so first thing to check is whether enlistment/commissioning can actually access the network18:42
blake_rsmoser: you can start the import with boot-images18:42
smoserhow ?18:42
lamontroaksoax: on 623, or on what port?  (after I manally teach maas how to talk to the ilo, it successfully turns thebox on for getting from declared => commissioning, and all is well18:43
smoserblake_r, i guess i can just ask.. if i'm going to try to install ppc64el, do i have a chance with 1.6 ?18:43
roaksoaxlamont: right, so on enlistment/commissioning maas access the archives to download freeipmi tools to do IPMI discovery18:43
smoseror should i use 1.718:43
roaksoaxsmoser: +1 on 1.718:44
smoserso you would use daily  ppa ?18:44
lamontroaksoax: that may entirely be it18:44
lamontroaksoax: can you clarify "the archives"?18:44
roaksoaxlamont: archive.ubuntu.com18:44
lamontarchive.u.c I suspect?18:44
blake_rsmoser: yes ppc64el should work on 1.618:44
roaksoaxlamont: correct!18:45
lamontroaksoax: that network has access to about 63% of the archive machines. :(18:45
lamontthank you18:45
smoserok, blake_r then how do i import ?18:45
lamontroaksoax: that is, Ihave enough to let me get it sorted.  thanks18:46
roaksoaxlamont: glad to help!18:47
roaksoaxsmoser: maas admin boot-resources import -> that will import the images to the Image store18:47
roaksoaxsmoser: and then the clusters will import the images themselves18:47
blake_rroaksoax: not on 1.618:48
roaksoaxblake_r: correct18:48
roaksoaxsmoser: on 1.7 that above will work18:48
blake_rsmoser: maas admin node-group import-boot-images cluster-uuid18:49
smoserthank you blake_r .18:49
smoserroaksoax, i dont even have an ideal on where i would get 1.718:49
blake_rsmoser: maas-maintainers/experimental18:49
roaksoaxblake_r: in 1.7, how can you tell the clusters to import the images from the image store?18:50
blake_rroaksoax: that same command I just gave smoser18:50
blake_rroaksoax: you have to do it for each cluster18:50
smoserblake_r, lets say i did that18:51
roaksoaxblake_r: yeah, that makes sense18:51
smoserand i didn't see any disk space disappearing18:51
smoserwhere would i look for issue?18:51
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roaksoaxsmoser: what do you mean by that? the import of images finished successfuly?18:52
blake_rsmoser: /var/log/maas/celery.log18:52
smoserblake_r, ok. i had not specified a '*' for label18:55
smoserso it was not matchign anything18:55
smoserblake_r, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8367010/19:22
smoserwhat did i do wrong ther e?19:22
smoserall i have is trusty19:22
smoserok. so that was my fault (no utopic ppc64el images in daily stream)19:38
smoserthats being fixed.19:38
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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