
dholbachgood morning06:47
elfymorning dholbach popey06:49
popeyyo elfy06:49
dholbachhi elfy06:49
popeyhows the new forest?06:49
elfya bit misty :)06:52
popeyyeah, grey here too06:52
elfysun's trying so it's going to be fine in an hour or so06:52
popeyOOh, it's Jono's birthday.06:56
elfyspring chicken ...06:57
popeywell indeed, grandad06:57
elfyonly age - no little elflets anywhere :)06:57
mhall119jose: where is the template code for ubuntuonair.com?14:59
elfyevening silverlion :)19:49
silverlionam I allowed to idle here to get to know you folks?19:50
elfysilverlion: of course you are :)19:50
elfyI'm not in the Community Team - I am in the community - so are you :)19:51
silverlionI want to get to know the spirit of ubuntu community19:51
silverlioneven planning to attend the next uds in RL when there is one19:51
elfysilverlion: I would suspect that will be a long wait19:52
silverlionwell in that case I might travel to the US anyway :D19:52
elfythe Ubuntu community is not in North America ;)19:53
elfyso - you're getting to know me at least, I'm in England19:54
silverlionengland is one of my goals too next year19:54
elfywell if you're near me I'd love to meet you :)19:55
silverlionI'll be visiting the area around Manchester19:55
elfymiles away from me :)19:55
elfyI should make more of an effort19:56
elfypopey is a stone's throw from me19:57
elfyI'm lazy silverlion :)19:57
elfyI did a lot of hanging about in various places before I got involved20:00
silverlionI am already involved in the Lubuntu Team doing the PR TL20:04
elfywhat's TL?20:05
elfyand I know you're involved with lubuntu :)20:05
elfyI do Xubuntu's QA20:05
elfyand some other stuff too :)20:06
silverlionhow do you know that I am with Lubuntu?20:06
elfyI read things :)20:07
elfysaw it mentioned somewhere - just wasn't sure what TL was :)20:07
silverlionoh ok :D20:08
silverlionhmm weird... my mouse is frozen20:08
popeyhello silverlion20:15
* popey is off to manchester next week20:15
silverlionhey popey I am talking about a trip in 201520:16
josemhall119: I got it from Launchpad, but I believe IS has it20:21
mhall119jose: thanks I'll ask them20:59
silverlionpleia2: I know that you are busy, but 1 min of your time would be enough ;)21:41
mhall119silverlion: what do you need?21:56
silverlionmhall119: a chat with pleia on a follow up that we had earlier21:57
pleia2is mhall119 my secretary?22:39
mhall119pleia2: it seems I'm not a very good one, you should fire me22:48
popeyshut it down22:50
popeyoh, not that.22:50

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