
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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popeymorning dholbach !06:47
dholbachgood morning06:47
dholbachhello popey06:50
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Mirvmzanetti: hey! you've submitted the upstream commit 'move loading of testability driver from QApplication to QGuiApplication'. now that our distro patch for tests enablement env var doesn't work anymore, could you potentially submit such a thing to the correct place?07:11
Mirvmzanetti: it was originally at https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/63026/ - the last time I will submit a patch from someone else as mine, since it never really progressed :)07:11
Mirvmzanetti: I guess for now, I can change the distro patch to add the same three lines in somewhere QGuiApplication instead07:12
mzanettiMirv: wait07:12
mzanettiwhat do you want me to do?07:12
Mirvmzanetti: if it's trivial for you, submit something similar to https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/63026/ but that applies to current dev07:13
Mirvmzanetti: we have that as a distro patch (since that never went in), and I'm now trying to add the same environment variable support somehow to qguiapplication.cpp. but you would be better suited to answer any questions about the proposal.07:14
mzanettihmm... am I?07:15
mzanettiwell, can try07:15
Mirvmzanetti: considering you've touched the code in question, surely yes :)07:15
mzanettiMirv: I never submitted this actually07:15
mzanettiI only added the -testability flag to QGuiApplication, as otherwise only QApplication loads it07:16
mzanettibut iirc I failed to get any reviewers for that too07:16
Mirvmzanetti: moved, not added? https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/66513/07:18
Mirvso that got merged to 5.3.2, which is why the support for env var http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8363327/ doesn't apply anymore07:19
mzanettididn't know this got merged in the end07:20
Mirvmzanetti: ah, I see, quite a gap in between proposal and merging :) so I was thinking about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8363333/07:21
mzanettiyeah... I proposed this back I was in QA still07:22
mzanettiand I barely can remember it07:22
Mirvok. maybe I can just update my proposal (or, Thomi's, but he didn't want to submit to upstream) and see if it would progress this time.07:22
mzanettiMirv: well... I guess I can try to...07:22
Mirvmzanetti: you have much more credibility in there :)07:22
mzanettiI doubt that... but lets see07:23
mzanettihi thomi :)07:23
Mirvthomi: you remember https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/63026/ ? ;)07:23
Mirvthomi: it's still a bit in progress!07:23
Mirvthomi: so next time you get to submit patch yourself :)07:23
thomiI love fast, responsive upstreams!07:23
Mirvmzanetti: actually, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8363356/ is more according to the comments received. the only problem was that there were two commenters and they had differing suggestions.07:25
thomiI'll leave it in your capable hands.07:26
Mirvthe other suggestion was to use qIsEnvironmentVariableSet("") instead07:26
mzanettiok. I'll give it a try07:31
MirvI can then eventually abandon my submittal07:32
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Mirvright, loadTestability instead of load_testability, and I get a build even...08:35
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Country Music Day! :-D08:40
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romuillHi all! I use adb push to copy translations (.mo files) to the device, but something changed and all I've got is an error messages: device offile10:01
romuillany idea?10:01
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nhainesromuill: adb is no longer available unless you set a PIN or passphrase and turn on developer mode (System Settings > About this phone > Developer Mode)10:06
romuillnhaines: I set a PIN code and activated Developer mode, but still got the error10:07
Mirvtsdgeos: could you give unity8 some testing with https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-019 , or are you already running with the patch?10:12
tsdgeosMirv: i was already running with the patch10:13
tsdgeossince yesterday10:13
tsdgeosself compiled ftw10:13
Mirvtsdgeos: ok, that should be then good enough for unity8. thanks.10:14
romuillCan somebody help me? I set PIN code and Developer Mode, restarted the device and I've got the same error: device offline.10:16
ybonI don't get which channel I need to provide to "ubuntu-device-flash" to get the rtm promoted image, any hint? :)10:41
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nik90ybon: ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.0910:56
nik90ybon: try out ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels10:56
nik90it shows all available channels10:56
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ybonthanks nik90 :)11:09
ybonhumm, Flashing version 1 from ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.0911:10
ybonI thought it was #4111:10
nik90hmm strange11:10
ahmed___ubuntu touch  can i  installing in any smart  phone  soon11:20
anpokyes for certain definitions of any11:22
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ahmed___help me     can  i   root  any smart phone on ubuntu11:25
popey!devices | ahmed___11:26
ubot5ahmed___: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:26
popeythat link tells you probably all you need to know11:26
ahmed___ubuntu supported    tecno phone11:27
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tvossnik90, around?11:48
nik90tvoss: hey, yeah11:49
tvossnik90, had a chance to test the silo?11:49
nik90tvoss: I wasn't able to install it :/ last nite...I am going to give it a shot again now11:49
nik90tvoss: strangely before the new adb stuff, I was testing silos perfectly fine11:50
nik90tvoss: I will report back with the testing results in about 15-20 mins..I just tried adding the ppa again and it seems to work with phablet-shell11:52
tvossnik90, ack11:55
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popeynik90: you can manually add ppa's by adding the lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foo.list if add-apt-repository is busted12:11
nik90popey: yes. I tried add-apt-repository again and it seemed to work with phablet-shell.12:11
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jgdxAnyone have a good way to layout to dialogs that become really long?12:51
jgdxDialogs does not seem to currently handle many stacked items at once.12:51
nik90tvoss: hey it doesn't seem to work13:01
tvossnik90, some more detail would be appreciated :13:01
nik90tvoss: in the process of explaining :)13:01
sil2100bfiller: hey!13:02
nik90tvoss: I clean wiped my phone and then installed a new clock package with some console debug statements. When I open the clock app, I got the location trust store prompt. I deliberately pressed Deny. However the source error output shows "No Error".13:02
nik90tvoss: I used the following code to print out the source error for different conditions http://paste.ubuntu.com/8364914/13:03
tvossnik90, okay, let me see13:03
ahayzenIs there any reason why i should keep a bug reported against indicator-network via apport-cli private? (eg sensitive info in there?) or do all apport bugs go private first?13:03
pittiahayzen: the latter; if you vet the stack trace or other info that it doesn't have sensitive, it's fine to make it public13:04
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nik90tvoss: I have a test branch at lp:~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/implement-location-finding13:04
ahayzenpitti, ok thanks :)13:04
pittiahayzen: like your wifi passwords or so (unlikely for the indicator)13:04
ahayzenpitti, heh13:05
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tvossnik90, ah, interesting13:10
tvossnik90, so, in the qtlocation source package: The error is initalized to NoError and not initialized with the error from the actual position source in qdeclarativepositionsource.cpp13:11
tvossnik90, I set the error at construction, at which time I cannot emit a signal13:11
nik90tvoss: oh13:11
tvossor better: I can emit a signal, but no one will be connected13:12
tvosskalikiana, could you help out in patching the src package?13:12
jgdxkenvandine, hey, silo 1 from yesterday tested fine, btw.13:15
gatoxkenvandine, hi13:18
kenvandinejgdx, thx!13:19
kenvandinehey gatox13:19
kenvandinegatox, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/update_mgr_singleton/+merge/23442013:19
gatoxkenvandine, hello... i was wondering if you could help me with something.... i have always have trouble trying to tests my system settings branches in the phone..... and  i was wondering how are you doing it, to see if maybe you are doing something different..... because i waste a lot of time to try to get this to build and test it13:20
kenvandinejgdx, i decided to hold off on the api bump branch, until we're sure the testplan is accurate13:20
gatoxkenvandine, sure13:20
kenvandinegatox, sure... "testing" you mean finding updates to test?13:21
kenvandinenot building it for the phone...13:21
kenvandinei wait for CI to build for me... which sucks13:21
kenvandinebut to get updates, i figured out a nice trick13:21
gatoxkenvandine, nono..... that part i can do it..... i mean run my branch on the phone13:21
kenvandinei unregister the latest version of some clicks :)13:21
gatoxkenvandine, so..... waiting for CI and then installing the deb?13:21
kenvandinethat's hard..13:21
kenvandinei wait for debs13:21
kenvandinei've spent so much time trying to get cross builds that work... and gave up13:22
jgdxkenvandine, ack. Get a look at the wifi branch? I've identified some issues, but the main lines seems to work.13:22
gatoxkenvandine, yes!! me too......13:22
jgdxgatox, kenvandine me too13:22
gatoxjgdx, :(13:22
gatoxthere is something really wrong with that :S13:23
jgdxI'll buy anyone who fixes that five beers13:23
kenvandinejgdx, the dialog branch right?13:23
jgdxkenvandine, yesh13:23
kenvandinei didn't get to look at it yet.. sorry13:23
kenvandinei'll do that this morning13:23
jgdxkenvandine, np. Thanks13:23
kenvandinegatox, so my branch fixes keeping the updates available count in sync with the updates page13:23
kenvandineit doesn't fix the issue with having it find updates after starting and changing visibility13:24
kenvandinei have a hack in there to use a timer, and do the checkForUpdates after 60s, but only if the model is empty13:24
kenvandinebut i disabled it for now13:24
gatoxkenvandine, i'll review it now13:24
kenvandinei figure with the timer, if you go into the updates page it'll populate the model and so we don't need to do it on start in the entry on the main view at all13:25
kenvandineand it'll show up if you initiate a check on the updates page or about page13:25
kenvandinebut... for now i disabled the timer and have it check at start to match the current behavior13:26
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kenvandineat least it fixes the count not matching the updates bug13:26
jgdxgatox, do you think you could add some transition magic to the "Updates available?" As a heavy Ubuntu System Settings user, I often mispress due to it's sudden appearance. :P13:26
kenvandineand i'll get some feedback from design on what to do at start13:26
kenvandinejgdx, we're going to resolve that :)13:26
kenvandinethat's what i was just talking about :)13:26
kenvandinei experimented with deferring the check so it doesn't show up quickly13:27
jgdxthe transition as well? nice13:27
kenvandineand chances are when you go into settings, you'll probably navigate into another page within 60s13:27
kenvandineso you won't even see it when it appears, but it'll be there when you come back13:27
jgdxwhat if I see the badge and want to install the updates?13:27
kenvandinei know that's a hack too... but i figure it's better than what we have now13:28
kenvandinethat takes you right to the updates page13:28
kenvandinethe notification does13:28
kenvandinei don't know what happens from the launcher with the badge13:28
jgdxyou just launch uss13:28
kenvandineif you open it from the push notification it takes you right to updates13:28
jgdxright, that's good13:29
kalikianatvoss, nik90: so this is a qtlocation distro patch?13:29
Laneyyou want a s-i-dbus API which tells you if it already knows about an update without doing any remote operation13:30
kenvandineLaney, yeah, so right now we get an updateAvailableFound signal pretty quickly after doing the start13:31
kenvandinebut not quick enough13:31
Laneyyes, I think you want a method13:32
kenvandinea sync method?13:32
LaneyI imagine you'd call it synchronously13:32
kenvandinebut that method would need to happen outside of the plugin then13:32
kenvandinein whatever loads the entries13:32
kenvandinei think what we really need is to drop the entry complete and add a badge to the updates icon in the grid13:33
Laneywhy's that?13:33
Laneybattery plugin does something like this13:33
kenvandinebecause of the dynamic visibility13:33
kenvandinethe loader needs to determine visibility before it loads the plugin13:34
kenvandineor it'll load invisible until we toggle it13:34
kenvandinewhich is what happens now13:34
Laneyit's done in the constructor which is blocking (AFAIK)13:34
Laneyfor battery13:34
Laneythere's no jumping around there13:34
kenvandinei'll look at that13:35
kenvandineoh... i see13:35
kenvandineso in the constructor we call a sync method to set visibility13:35
Laneythe behaviour you want is "do you already know about an update?" I think13:35
Laneynot "go and find out if there is one"13:36
gatoxkenvandine, +1 looks good13:43
kenvandinegatox, thx13:43
tvosskalikiana, it would be in the worst case, just looking through the other plugins in the source package13:44
sil2100bfiller: so, we noticed that dialer-app is failing in ubuntu-rtm smoketesting for both mako and krillin13:46
bfillersil2100: ok we'll take a look13:47
sil2100bfiller: thanks :)13:48
bfillersil2100: might be related to this regression with snap deciosins https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/136886213:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1370240 in QtMir "duplicate for #1368862 Clicking a snap decision button makes the foreground application inactive" [Critical,New]13:48
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bfillersil2100: can you point me at the failures? seeing a lot of failures on dashboard across the apps. want to make sure I'm looking at the right links13:51
sil2100bfiller: sure, for instance here: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch_stable/mako/42:20140917:20140903.1/10510/dialer_app/13:52
bfillersil2100: thanks13:55
dobeyanyone know why i wouldn't be able to flash my nexus4? i keep getting errors about cache formatting or recovery image13:57
dobeylike: 2014/09/17 09:48:56 Cache formatting was not successful, flashing may fail, check your partitions on device13:57
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dobey2014/09/17 09:59:53 Cannot cleanup /cache/recovery/ to ensure clean deploymentexit status 25514:00
dobeynow that14:00
dobeyi am lost :(14:00
om26ersalem_, Hi!14:05
om26ersalem_, did you look at bug 1370106 yesterday ?14:05
ubot5bug 1370106 in telepathy-ofono (Ubuntu) "telepathy-ofono crashed with SIGSEGV in ~QString()" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137010614:05
salem_om26er, sorry, I read the bug report but didn't have time to actually work on it.14:06
om26ersalem_, can you look at that now, please.14:07
dobey2014/09/17 10:12:05 Cannot push /home/dobey/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/ubuntu-cbe7b905c3a6b174f5e650d248091dbb6d69a7ed68d2be650d4495f6cbaa1a4a.tar.xz.asc to device: free space on /cache/recovery is unknown14:12
salem_om26er, yes, just need to finish something else first.14:12
dobeywhat does that mean?14:12
om26ersalem_, ok, btw I faced the crash again today :)14:12
dobeysearching for the "free space on /cache/recovery" on ddg just gives me links to unanswered questions on askubuntu :(14:15
dobeyif i try to adb push the ubuntu or device tar.xz, it just exits with no info at all. but the files aren't on the phone14:25
mhall119so many new goodies in r243!14:30
dobey2014/09/17 10:32:12 Cache formatting was not successful, flashing may fail, check your partitions on device14:32
dobeyhow the heck can i get ubuntu back on this mako?14:33
dobeyE:Can't mount /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command14:34
dobeywhy is it trying to mount logs and such14:35
om26erjdstrand, Hi!14:37
om26erjdstrand, can you please look at bug 1369512 ?14:40
ubot5Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1369512 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1369512). The error has been logged14:40
kenvandinejgdx, the dialog sizing when the OSK shown is awkward14:45
dobeywhee, and now it's stuck at the android bouncy balls boot screen14:46
kenvandinejgdx, but i'm not sure what we can do about that when using a dialog14:46
jgdxkenvandine, yeah, it's really bad.14:46
kenvandineit is...14:46
kenvandinewithout the OSK it's nice :)14:46
kenvandinewe must have prior art for this14:47
kenvandineoh... look at the dialogs used in the various pin setting/changing pages14:47
kenvandinei think there is some hacks in there from mterry to adjust the size so they fit better14:47
jgdxkenvandine, I did, but can't see an immediate solution. It's just too long.14:47
kenvandinei copied/pasted his hacks :)14:48
kenvandinewell if the dialog stays above the OSK, at least it can scroll14:48
mterryyeah I just shrunk the  spacing  :(14:48
kenvandinemterry, ok... so probably not enough for what we're doing14:48
om26errsalveti, Hi! you work on powerd, right ?14:48
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mptjgdx, Wellark, abeato: I’m testing bug 1356239 and I notice that the IP address is in an editable text field. That isn’t right, it is? You can’t change your IP address just by editing a field14:48
ubot5bug 1356239 in Ubuntu UX "Can't see device's IP address or MAC address" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135623914:48
rsalvetiom26er: I did a few patches, yes :-)14:49
rsalvetiom26er: what's up?14:49
mterrykenvandine, how big is your dialog!?14:49
om26errsalveti, sometimes auto-brightness stops working and when I dial a call the screen does not turn off when I bring it near my ear.14:49
jgdxmpt, is it editable? Can you type in stuff?14:49
om26erthat's on mako.14:49
jgdxmpt, no, you can't change the ip.14:49
kenvandinemterry, it's for connecting to a hidden wifi AP14:49
om26errsalveti, My device is currently in that state, but powerd seems to be running fine i.e. didn't crash.14:49
kenvandineso varies14:49
mptjgdx, huh, my mistake, the cursor flashes but I don’t get a keyboard14:50
mptI guess that’s a toolkit bug14:50
rsalvetiom26er: hm, but probably in a broken state, as it's the one responsible for the proximity sensor14:50
jgdxmpt, but right, that field isn't up to spec.14:50
om26errsalveti, any logs that I could gather, right now ?14:50
rsalvetiom26er: is it at least shutting off the screen after the call? (after the 60s timeout)14:51
om26errsalveti, didn't try that but the screen does turn off on its on if I leave the device.14:51
om26erwant me to test that ?14:51
rsalvetino, that means the basic things are working, can you start up another voicecall to see if proximity is still broken?14:52
rsalvetiwonder if this was a side effect of another bug we had in mediahub14:52
jgdxmpt, fyi I have a branch coming up fixing the broken "Disconnect" behaviour in that same page.14:52
rsalvetithat was leaving a suspend blocker and the screen was always on after that14:52
jgdxmpt, not sure if you filed a bug or not? /me looks14:53
rsalvetiom26er: see if you can find a way to reproduce the issue, and please open a bug against powerd, adding your syslog and steps14:53
rsalvetiom26er: and tag it to rtm1414:53
mptjgdx, this is the first time I’ve seen this screen, so no :-)14:53
om26errsalveti, the proximity sensor is not working.14:53
om26errsalveti, the problem is random though. saw that twice in a week.14:54
jgdxmpt, ah14:54
rsalvetiom26er: can you give me the output of 'powerd-cli list'?14:54
rsalvetiyeah, it could be many things =\14:54
om26errsalveti, System State Requests:14:54
om26er  None14:54
om26erthe screen does turn on on incoming calls14:55
rsalvetiright, then just the proximity that might be broken14:55
rsalvetimaybe the sensor is not giving the right output, or a bug in powerd itself14:55
mptjgdx, so I guess as long as bug 1286282 isn’t fixed, a read-only text field is the only way of making the value copyable?14:55
ubot5bug 1286282 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "No way of copying system details from ListItem elements" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128628214:56
jdstrandom26er: done14:56
jgdxmpt, I could not find other ways, no. It could/will be styled to look like a listitem value, though.14:58
om26erjdstrand, it started happening recently, was there any policy change ?14:58
om26erjdstrand, 3 apps are affected.14:59
jgdxmpt, correction, will.14:59
jdstrandno policy change. perhaps an underlying change to mediahub14:59
om26erjdstrand, and the apps are trying to access the camera flashlight14:59
jdstrandom26er: that might be related. jhodapp, can you comment on that ^. torch apps wanting to use the camera flash light are requiring access to media-hub15:00
jhodappjdstrand, that's weird...are they trying to play audio?15:01
jhodappjdstrand, my guess is they have an Audio element in their QML15:01
jdstrandom26er: I will have an update to the camera policy group that allows access to the media-hub, but I'm surprised they need to talk to media-hub if they are only using the camera flash15:02
jdstrandom26er: can you respond to jhodapp?15:02
om26erjhodapp, jdstrand I don't think so. they are very simple apps, no sound15:03
jhodappthey'd have to, otherwise they shouldn't be getting media-hub15:04
jhodappmedia-hub does nothing with the camera yet15:04
jdstrandI have one of those on the phone15:04
jdstrandlet me look15:04
jdstrandom26er: is com.ubuntu.developer.majster-pl.utorch one?15:05
om26erjdstrand, the code for utorch is in lp:utorch if you want to inspect15:05
om26erjdstrand, yes15:05
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jdstrandjhodapp: grep -ri audio ./* shows nothing15:07
tvossnik90, mind updating15:07
jdstrandjhodapp: I'm guessing it is:15:07
jdstrand    Camera {15:07
jdstrand        id: camera15:07
jdstrand        flash.mode: utorch_main.torchOn ? Camera.FlashVideoLight : Camera.FlashOff15:07
jdstrand    }15:07
nik90tvoss: sure15:07
jhodappjdstrand, oh I know why, because the click sound for camera is in qtubuntu-camera, which using the Camera object in QML would utilize15:08
jhodappjdstrand, the real bug seems to be that we need to move the click sound out of qtubuntu-camera, and let each app play a click sound if they need it15:08
jdstrandyeah, that makes sense15:09
jhodapptvoss, what do you think, this is a design/architecture decision ^15:09
jhodapptvoss, see my last comment about moving the click sound out of qtubuntu-camera15:09
tvossjhodapp, +1, if apps want, they can use QML's audio {}15:10
jdstrandthis would also address the tagger and authenticator apps15:10
om26erjamesh__, Hi!15:10
jhodapptvoss, ok thanks, I agree15:10
jdstrandwhich, I have not uploaded that policy yet15:10
tvossnik90, thank you15:10
jdstrandjhodapp: so, based on your previous comment that actual access to the camera will be handled via media-hub, seems I should still upload my policy change for camera15:12
jhodappjdstrand, which change exactly?15:12
om26erjdstrand, will that fix the apps not starting issue ?15:12
jdstrandjhodapp: but, in the future when apps want the click sound, they'll need to add the audio policy group15:12
jhodappjdstrand, agree with that15:12
om26erjamesh__, can you please look into bug 136953915:12
ubot5bug 1369539 in mediascanner2 (Ubuntu) "mediascanner-service-2.0 crashed while creating thumbnails" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136953915:12
jdstrandjhodapp: the change to camera policy group:15:14
jdstrand+dbus (receive, send)15:14
jdstrand+     bus=session15:14
jdstrand+     path=/core/ubuntu/media/Service{,/**},15:14
jdstrandom26er: it should, yes15:14
jhodappjdstrand, ah right, sounds good to me15:14
om26erjdstrand, should I move the bug to apparmor ?15:15
tvossnik90, any luck?15:18
nik90tvoss: I just ran apt-get update and then dist-upgrade. But I don't see any new qtlocation or platform-api packages.15:19
nik90tvoss: I see qtubuntu-sensors though15:19
nik90is that it?15:19
om26errsalveti, Can you tell if bug 1370091 is pulseaudio ?15:19
ubot5bug 1370091 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "With music playing, pressing the dialpad keys reduces the volume for an odd interval" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137009115:19
taiebothey just coming back from abroad and still facing this bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1323837 . I would like to know if there was some little terminal hack which would let me enable my network from the phone. I am stuck with a useless phone every time i leave the UK and i have to ask my girlfriend for her phone to enable my simcard.15:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1323837 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sim toolkit is not available on UT" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:19
rsalvetiom26er: it's not, but let me update the bug15:21
tvossnik90, our qtlocation plugin is part of qtubuntu-sensors15:21
nik90tvoss: ok..2 mins then :)15:21
tvossnik90, ack15:21
rsalvetiom26er: can you better describe why do you think it's currently broken?15:22
rsalvetiom26er: just updated the bug15:22
jdstrandom26er, jhodapp: I rearranged bug #1369512 a bit for this15:24
ubot5bug 1369512 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "please move click sound out of qtubuntu-camera" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136951215:24
jdstrandjhodapp: I assigned you to the qtubuntu-camera task, but feel free to adjust15:24
jhodappjdstrand, that's perfect...can you tag that for rtm14 and for the 25th milestone?15:24
jdstrandjhodapp: I did just now15:24
om26errsalveti, I think I was expecting the audio to fade-out/fade-in instead of just reducing down and increasing at once. And then the time after which it is turn-up is a bit long that I would expect.15:25
rsalvetiom26er: right, that's because it takes a while for the dtmf stream to go off15:26
jdstrandjhodapp: there is a media-hub project task. I am unable to remove it15:26
rsalvetiom26er: that can probably be worked on15:26
rsalvetiom26er: yeah, the fading is not yet supported, but I know it's indeed a bit annoying15:26
om26errsalveti, when I reported I was in a silent room with music at full so it annoyed me when it turned down and then came back to loud noise. I agree fading will make it better.15:27
nik90tvoss: bah my dist-upgrade is installing all sorts of language packs and generating locales for every one of them which is taking time :P. .will ping when ready15:30
ogra_dont use dist-upgrade on phones !15:32
rsalvetiom26er: thanks for the bug report, will try to take a look at that hopefully soon :-)15:32
rsalvetiafter the critical bugs are gone15:33
nik90ogra_: I had to after installing a silo to install packages from the PPA :)15:33
om26errsalveti, thanks15:33
nik90ogra_: or did you mean I should use apt-get upgrade instead?15:33
kenvandinebarry, how would you feel about adding a synchronous method to system-image-dbus that i can call to see if there is already a known update?15:33
ogra_nik90, evem then, dont call dist-upgrade15:33
davmor2nik90: just install the silo packages it it safer15:34
ogra_nik90, no, upgrade only refreshes the package lists15:34
kenvandinebarry, just returning a boolean and i can wait for UpdateAvailableStatus to get the details15:34
ogra_nik90, what davmor2 said ... apt-get update and then apt-get install the silo packages individually15:34
nik90davmor2: yeah I realise that now after all these locale generations which it has been doing for the past 10 mins15:34
barrykenvandine: you mean like Information()?  `man system-image-dbus` :)15:34
nik90ogra_: ack.15:35
ogra_if it would only locale generations :)15:35
ogra_*only be15:35
barrykenvandine: hmm, well, that doesn't give exactly whether there's a known update but it was added to provide a last check date15:35
kenvandinebarry, that returns if there is a known update?15:35
barrykenvandine: that isn't really possible because trying to figure out if there is an update available requires a check with the server, which can be slow, so must be async.15:36
kenvandinei need to determine if the updates-available entry needs to be visible or not when the main view loads15:36
nik90ogra_: :)15:36
kenvandinebarry, if we already have an emblem on the launcher, that there is an update available15:36
kenvandines-i-d should know without doing a check right?15:36
kenvandinebarry, right now in that scenario, we get the updateAvailableStatus signal quickly, which is good... but we can't block loading of the entry on that15:37
barrykenvandine: no, i don't think so.  it has to check with the server, get teh blacklist keyring, check the signatures etc15:37
kenvandinebarry, i need a really quick check to see if we already know15:38
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barrykenvandine: so the response would be: 1) yes, there is at least an update available, but it might not be the latest; 2) i can't tell, i have to check the server15:38
kenvandineright, but not do the check15:39
kenvandineunless i ask15:39
barrykenvandine: asking would be calling CheckForUpdate15:39
nik90tvoss: ping (good and bad news)15:40
kenvandinebarry, i'll call the checkForUpdate a little later15:40
tvossnik90, shoot15:40
barrykenvandine: right now, we don't cache the information about whether an update is available, so that would be a new feature request.  i would have to think about it some more, do some experiments, etc.  could you open a wishlist bug on system-image (upstream)?15:40
kenvandinebut i want to determine visibility on load15:40
kenvandinebarry, so what adds the emblem to the launcher icon?15:40
nik90tvoss: so the good news is that when I "deny" clock app access in the location trust store, then it shows the correct source error "do not have permissions to access service...".15:41
barrykenvandine: i'm not sure since i don't know the system-settings code, but i do believe they call CFU and wait for the UAS signal15:41
nik90tvoss: bad news is that when I stop the location-service by "sudo stop ubuntu-location-service" and then restart clock app, I get the same error instead of the "location service is disabled error"15:41
kenvandinebarry, when the emblem is there that there is a pending update, i do get the signal from s-i-d very quickly, so it shows the entry less than a second after loading15:41
kenvandinebarry, system-settings doesn't add the emblem15:41
taiebotawe: trying to find a workaround on #1323837 i am currently not able to connect to my GSM operator due to a recent travel abroad. I have notice that the status in the ./list-operators of my operator says forbidden is there anyway i can override this to available?15:42
nik90tvoss: so PositionSource.ClosedError signal is not being fired15:42
kenvandinesomething in the shell does15:42
LaneyDownloadUpdate() has the documentation "No-ops if … CheckForUpdate() was not called first"15:42
LaneySo I belive s-i-dbus stores the information about available updates somehow15:42
barryLaney: if an update has been downloaded previously, and it's still valid (after a check) then it won't be redownloaded15:42
barrybut the check still occurs15:43
barrythat *can* be pretty fast, but i know when i've tailed the si log file, i see the check activity happen pretty soon after swiping in15:43
jhodappogra_, MTP should not mount when toggling off developer mode, right?15:44
jhodappogra_, automount15:44
nik90tvoss: another good news is that my location was detected in about 3-4 secs using AGPS :)15:44
tvossnik90, perfect15:44
Laneybarry: The docs make it sound like in manual mode you need to check before downloading15:44
ogra_jhodapp, sure it should, dev mode shouldnt affect mtp functionality at all (except that the gadget needs to be reconfigured which forces a disconnect)15:44
awetaiebot, I don't really understand how you intend to workaround that bug:15:45
barrywithin a single si-dbus process, it will cache the last check, but that isn't cached on disk so it won't survive an si-dbus suicide15:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1323837 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sim toolkit is not available on UT" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:45
awe( I like real bug URLs )15:45
jhodappogra_, ah, I don't know how it works so just making sure15:45
kenvandinebarry, i see...15:45
jhodappogra_, seemed weird to me15:45
kenvandinedoes s-i-d exit after some inactivity?15:46
awetaiebot, when running list-operators, are you running as root?15:46
ogra_jhodapp, what exactly ?15:46
barryLaney: that's correct.  you always have to check explicitly.  in auto-mode it will download if the check finds an update, so that a subsequent DownloadUpdate will essentially noop.  in manual mode the DU does the download if an update is available15:46
taiebotawe: no as phablet15:46
awetaiebot, maybe you could try and describe what you're trying to do in an email?15:46
jhodappogra_, I can't seem to adb shell in on rtm image 4615:46
barrykenvandine: yes15:46
awetaiebot, that won't work15:46
barrykenvandine: 10m by default iirc15:46
ogra_jhodapp, dev mode enabled and pin/pw set ?15:46
jhodappogra_, just that the nautilus dialog pops up when I turn developer mode on15:46
jhodappogra_, yes15:46
ogra_are you sure ?15:46
kenvandinebarry, ok, so the feature request would be to cache that on disk and add a sync function to check it15:46
barrykenvandine: with si 2.4 (waiting for a silo now) it will also exit on any internal exception in the dbus api15:46
awetaiebot, are you working on a High or Critial bug related to this?15:46
Laneybarry: so you need to DownloadUpdate() before it times out I guess15:47
ogra_jhodapp, works here on 244 (which is identical but mako)15:47
jhodappogra_, I typed in the pin to unlock the screen, and I just toggled developer mode off then on15:47
ogra_and there were no changes in the last three images that could affect it ...15:47
jhodappogra_, I think bfiller sent an email expressing a similar problem on krillin15:47
barryLaney: in manual mode, yes.  in auto-mode, if there's an update available and it gets auto-downloaded, then si-dbus exits, and re-activated, it *will* recheck with the server, but if the downloaded files are still valid, it will not re-download them15:48
jhodappogra_, adb shell just sits and hangs15:48
kenvandinebarry, btw, great job on the API docs... i was pleasantly surprised to fine them :)15:48
* Laney nods15:48
barrykenvandine: \o/15:48
jhodappogra_, and the ssh server is not running15:48
ogra_jhodapp, dont use the password link from the dev mode page in system settings, there is a bug open for that15:48
ogra_jhodapp, indeed, why would we run an ssh server15:48
LaneyThe u-s-s usecase is that there we want to know if we already know about an update, but not to actually go off and find out ourselves15:48
jhodappogra_, well I had it auto starting15:49
Laneyso something like what kenvandine is asking for is right I think15:49
ogra_jhodapp, nothing in the image would/could change that15:49
kenvandinebarry, Laney: i'll file the bug15:49
Laneyif it's cleared e.g when an update is applied and so on15:49
* Laney nod15:49
barrykenvandine: i'd say the new feature would be to add a "quick check for update" feature that wouldn't hit the server.  not entirely sure how i'll implmenent that or return a response, but i can work that out.  do mention that you want "quick check" to be synchronous"15:50
kenvandinebarry, or... can i just add s-i-d to the current settings bug15:50
ogra_jhodapp, there was a bug in phablet shell that stopped sshd ...did you use phablet-shell ?15:50
barrykenvandine: what's the bug#?15:50
jhodappogra_, no15:50
Laney'synchronous' just means a method with a return value15:50
Laneyit's up to the client to call it sync or async15:50
ogra_then i dont understand how a persistent property wouldnt be set anymore ... there is no code that could unset or even touch it15:50
jhodappogra_, ok, so unsetting the pin and then resetting it from system settings allows me to adb shell in now15:51
jhodappogra_, must have been that bug you mentioned15:51
barryLaney: iow, from the service side, it returns the results immediately rather than sending them in a signal15:51
ogra_jhodapp, yeah, the password page from dev mode behaves a bit badly15:51
Laneybarry: yep15:51
taiebotawe: As explained in the bottom of the bug when i go abroad i can not access any GSM network as i need to trigger my simcard to roam and this can only be done via the sim toolkit. I am only looking for a work around i do not have the skills to do this myself. I understand you are busy and this is not top of your list but i would appreciate if i could solve this manually via the terminal.15:51
jhodappogra_, seems to...that's a bad bug :)15:51
ogra_jhodapp, though i still dont get why ssh would be disabled ...15:51
kenvandinebarry, bug 135580315:51
ubot5bug 1355803 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Shouldn't query for updates on settings opening" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135580315:51
* barry looks15:51
jhodappogra_, not a big deal, I can re-enable it now myself15:52
ogra_jhodapp, in any case "android-gadget-service enable ssh" from the terminal app should get it back for you15:52
tvossnik90, the closederror thingy is a subtask15:52
ogra_next time :)15:52
nik90tvoss: subtask?15:52
tvossnik90, as long as your receive the error signal, we are good15:52
nik90tvoss: yup15:52
tvossnik90, making sure that certain error conditions are reported correctly @subtask15:53
jhodappogra_, never heard of android-gadget-service...different than doing sudo start ssh?15:53
tvossnik90, which image and device did you test on?15:53
barrykenvandine: please create a new bug.  we can cross-reference them, but i don't want si-dbus discussions to intermingle with ux discussions15:53
awetaiebot, I'll discuss with some of my co-workers tomorrow and will update the bug15:53
kenvandinebarry, ok15:53
ogra_jhodapp, ssh, adb, rndis and a few other things are handled via properties ... sudo ssh start only starts it til reboot15:53
awewe have a weekly hangout for telephony/network, so I'll put it on our agenda15:53
nik90tvoss: Mako, image 24415:53
tvossnik90, thanks15:54
nik90tvoss: thnx for the fix :)15:54
tvossnik90, sure15:54
jhodappogra_, ah, so android-gadget-service also makes it auto start...nice15:54
ogra_jhodapp, android-gadget-service is a dbus service providing user access to these properties15:54
barrykenvandine: thanks!  also, please indicate whether this is rtm-worthy or not.  i hadn't currently planned on much more work after 2.4 for rtm15:54
kenvandinebarry, i think it's a must for rtm15:54
jhodappogra_, very nice15:54
barrykenvandine: ack15:54
taiebotawe: thanks will keep an eye  on it15:54
kenvandinei'll have it tagged appropriately15:54
barrykenvandine: awesome15:55
ogra_jhodapp, i'll create a DeveloperMode wikipage on the weekend describing all the bits and pieces15:55
jhodappogra_, sounds good, thanks!15:55
nik90MacSlow: ping15:58
Laneyhah, just saw who filed that bug :-)15:58
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barrybtw, do we have a standing FFe for phone stuff?16:00
Laneyno(t yet)16:00
barrymaybe we will by the time i add this new feature :)16:00
Laneysil2100 was looking at that a little while ago16:00
kenvandinebarry, bug #137058616:00
ubot5bug 1370586 in Ubuntu system image "Add synchronous method to determine if there are known updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137058616:00
kenvandinepmcgowan, ^^^ can you set the appropriate priority?16:01
barrykenvandine: thanks16:01
sil2100barry: if you feel strong enough, feel free to fill in the FFe ;) We should have it but no one did that yet16:01
sil2100barry: I wanted to do that too but I'll only have time tomorrow16:01
MacSlownik90, what's up?16:02
pmcgowankenvandine, you proposing for rtm blocker?16:02
nik90MacSlow: hey I saw the new design for notifications for alarm at https://imgur.com/2Fu8Cg716:02
kenvandinepmcgowan, i think design would think so :)16:02
nik90MacSlow: 2 questions..16:02
kenvandinepmcgowan, but i'll let you decide :)16:02
barrysil2100: i don't yet, but if i get to kenvandine's bug before then, i will probably do one for system-image at least16:02
barrysil2100: i'm calling 2.4 a bug fix release :)16:02
nik90MacSlow: Is it by design we show the ubuntushape border for the alarm icon?16:02
sil2100hah ;)16:03
nik90MacSlow: also does both buttons have to be without color?16:03
MacSlownik90, no that's a "bug" of that notification not using the x-canonical-non-shaped-icon hint16:03
MacSlownik90, same for hte buttons... notification isn't using the latest button-tint hints...16:03
nik90MacSlow: I remember you adding it to indicator-datetime though sometime back16:03
nik90MacSlow: ah16:03
nik90MacSlow: would you able to provide a fix for that in indicator-datetime? Or should I ask charles?16:04
MacSlownik90, I've an example in lp:unity-notification/examples using the latest bits16:04
pmcgowanbarry, kenvandine whats the target date for that, 9/25?16:04
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MacSlownik90, I'm to filled up... but I can help charles with it16:04
nik90MacSlow: ack16:04
* barry defers to kenvandine 16:04
kenvandinepmcgowan, sounds good to me16:05
pmcgowanyou are committed16:05
nik90MacSlow: cool, I will report a bug report and also branch the examples to see if I can help as well16:05
charlesnik90, MacSlow, I'm pretty sure indicator-datetime does set an x-canonical-non-shaped-icon hint already; I'll confirm16:05
MacSlownik90, charles: the two-over-one button layout is possible too by now... not sure if you say one of the more recnet screencats I did showing that off16:06
charlesMacSlow, no, I didn't see that. url?16:07
nik90MacSlow: we got "Snooze" for alarms now. :)16:07
nik90MacSlow: so I am cool with 2 actions16:07
MacSlowcharles, nik90: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXvTBWcnTI1M1n66KdFJRyakGlANTTbfQ16:08
MacSlowcharles, nik90: check video "preview 22"16:08
nik90MacSlow: preview 24?16:08
nik90ah ok16:08
MacSlowcharles, nik90: the two-over-one example can be found in lp:unity-notifications/examples/sd-example-event-reminder.py16:09
MacSlowcharles, nik90: or am I mixing up calendar-triggered notifications with clock-triggerd notifications16:10
MacSlowcharles, nik90: anyway... it's all possible now16:10
nik90MacSlow charles: It is supposed to look like https://imgur.com/Y8SHGnw from what I see in the video (preview 22 00:48)16:13
charlesMacSlow, where does NON_SHAPED_ICON_HINT get used in unity-notifications?16:13
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MacSlownik90, that's the latest I remember from Design... have not heard about changes to this16:14
nik90MacSlow: ack16:15
nik90charles: 137059416:19
nik90charles: bug 137059416:19
ubot5bug 1370594 in Indicator Date and Time "Alarm notifications shown do not follow design spec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137059416:19
charlesnik90, I'm a little unsure on what the fix for this is16:21
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charlesMacSlow, nik90, here's what indicator-datetime is passing to unity-notifications: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8365999/16:22
charlesMacSlow, nik90, so it doesn't look like it's a lack of x-canonical-non-shaped-icon being sent16:23
charlesMacSlow, what needs to be changed in http://paste.ubuntu.com/8365999/ to reach https://i.imgur.com/Y8SHGnw.png ?16:25
MacSlowcharles, doing that in d-feet?16:27
charlesMacSlow, also the only place I see NON_SHAPED_ICON_HINT being used in unity-notifications/src/ is in NotificationServer::GetCapabilities(), where is it actually used to change the appearance?16:27
charlesMacSlow, dbus-monitor16:28
charlesMacSlow, I don't know of a way to run d-feet on the phone; would be happy to be wrong about that :)16:28
MacSlowcharles, ah ok... in lp:unity-notifications is only used to indicate its support/availability... actual code affected by it is in lp:unity8 (notification-renderer)16:29
charlesMacSlow, thanks for that :)16:29
MacSlowcharles, you can get the examples from lp:unity-notifications to run on the phone...16:29
MacSlowcharles, bzr branch lp:unity-notifications (on the phone) and a few python-related dependencies and you good to go to play with all the provided examples16:30
MacSlowcharles, I never used dbus-monitor that extensively to know how to exercise all notification-feautures16:30
MacSlowcharles, you will have to enable developer-mode and make the phone-image writable to be able to apt-get things these days16:31
MacSlowcharles, if you run into issues... ask... I'll be here a bit longer still16:32
charlesnik90, MacSlow, ok, looking at the unity8 code, looks like the needed key is 'x-canonical-private-button-tint'16:32
MacSlowcharles, nope... that's old16:32
* charles does a bzr pull16:33
MacSlowcharles, since design wanted to have positive and negtive buttons be tintable individually there are new hints...16:33
MacSlow and "x-canonical-private-rejection-tint"16:34
charlesMacSlow, ok, thanks for that. I'll test that out; what was throwing me off was your saying the problem was a missing x-canonical-non-shaped-icon16:34
MacSlowcharles, sorry for the confusion16:34
charlesall good now16:34
MacSlowcharles, but weren't you also having issues with getting rid of the ubuntushape masking on the icon?16:35
charlesMacSlow, with http://paste.ubuntu.com/8365999/ I'm still seeing the border around the icon as in https://i.imgur.com/2Fu8Cg7.png16:37
MacSlowcharles, hm... just guessing... make the variant boolen true variant string "true"16:39
MacSlowcharles, I'm explicitly checking for the hint-value to be "true"16:39
charlesMacSlow, I'll test that16:39
charlesMacSlow, if that's the problem, it's a bug16:40
MacSlowcharles, there was a reason to go for explicit string-hints for those...16:41
charlesMacSlow, that's done for the affirmative and rejection tint checks too16:41
MacSlowcharles, correct16:41
charlesMacSlow, that's so wrong :-)16:42
MacSlowcharles, there was a reason for it... I currently don't recall which16:42
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Geniack_i am trying to get ubuntu touch running on my nexus 1017:29
Geniack_following this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation instructions17:29
* ogra_ doesnt think dual boot has ever worked with N1017:30
Geniack_i've choose "utopic-customized" even though there was several flavours of "utopic" (as suggested in the article), problem now is that i can see the ubuntu logo spinning but it seems to take ages for the system to come up17:30
Geniack_nexus 10 is listed17:31
ogra_for native installss, yes17:31
Geniack_"native installs" ?17:31
ogra_real installs17:31
ogra_non dual boot installs17:32
Geniack_whats the issue with dual boot ?17:32
Geniack_the kerneL?17:32
ogra_i dont use it and it was never officially supported ... i know it works for some people on nexus4 and 717:32
Geniack_so i can probably sell the device17:32
ogra_the wiki clearly says that though17:33
Geniack_i mean17:33
* dobey wants multiboot with different versions of ubuntu17:33
ogra_* A Nexus 4 device (other supported Nexus devices should in theory work but have not been tested at the time)17:33
Geniack_did you have a nexus 10 ?17:33
ogra_so all that was tested by the developers was N417:33
ogra_i know that some people ran it on N7 and chatted about that here17:34
ogra_yes, but i do work on it17:34
ogra_and done plan to flsh any android17:34
Geniack_you work on your nexus?17:34
Geniack_you run only ubuntu on your tablet?17:34
ogra_sure, and on my phone17:35
ogra_it is hard to develop an OS you dont run :)17:35
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Geniack_but i fear ubuntu touch is so much touch optimized17:36
Geniack_i was planning to have an android17:36
Geniack_and a normal ubuntu/whatever linux dual boot17:36
Geniack_with a keyboard17:36
ogra_because android is more desktop optimized ?17:36
Geniack_to transform it into a real working machine17:36
Geniack_no its not17:36
Geniack_i just wasnt thinking about ubuntu touch17:36
Geniack_i have to research on that17:37
Geniack_maybe thats what i am looking for17:37
dobeyit's still just a tablet. and those dual boot instructions are for running android and ubuntu touch, afaik17:37
bdmurrayev__: what happened with your whoopsie upstart change? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8357005/17:37
ogra_there are surely ways to connect a BT keyboard to it, there is just no support in the BT UI for this17:37
ogra_(in ubuntu)17:37
Geniack_the "touch addition" of ubuntu touch isnt just a desktop environment?17:38
ogra_ubuntu touch is the next gen desktop environment ... it just hasnt seen much work on the desktop side yet17:38
Geniack_ogra_: dont get me wrong, but i wouldnt be able to just install another WM and switch to it?17:39
mhall119has anybody else had a problem adding a Facebook account on r243?17:39
Geniack_ogra_: why? ^^17:39
ogra_you would need a WM thats capable of using the Mir display server17:39
mhall119I deleted my old one and have tried 3 times now to add it back17:39
ogra_there is no X anymore17:39
Geniack_ah mir17:40
mhall119first time it froze at the account add screen (with the embedded facebook window)17:40
mhall119the next 2 times it took me back to the accounts list after pressing Login but the Facebook account wasn't added17:40
Geniack_now i know why i dont ubuntu touch17:40
mhall119Geniack_: you want to use an X11 desktop window manager on a non-X11 phone?17:41
ogra_Geniack_, if i had said wayland (which wouldnt change a thing, it wouldnt work for you either) ... you would want ubuntu touch ?17:41
Geniack_i want to switch to a usable linux os with dualboot not another touch based media station17:41
mhall119heh, 4th time's the charm it seems17:42
kenvandinemhall119, i just added a facebook account on 24417:42
mhall119kenvandine: it finally worked for me, not sure what went wrong the first 3 tries17:42
mhall119Geniack_: a usable linux os on a phone that doesn't use a phone interface?17:42
Geniack_ogra_: naw i just dont want to be locked inside a blind alley17:43
ogra_whats blind about that ?17:43
mhall119Geniack_: it sounds like you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole17:43
Geniack_mhall119: no, on a nexus 10 (which has a 10" display) connected with a keyboard17:43
jenna_hi, i'mm looking for some pointers in getting ubuntu-touch up and running.  i have a new-in-box nexus7 (flo) and i followed the steps on the ubuntu website to flash this os.  it finished without error and the tablet booted up to show the ubuntu screen with a progress bar and then kicked back to a custom recovery with a ubuntu logo.  now its stuck at the google logo at the very start of boot.17:43
mhall119Geniack_: ah, in that use case Unity 8 will gain a more traditional desktop-oriented window management17:44
mhall119that's not written yet, but that's the plan17:44
Geniack_mhall119: http://www.tabletaccessories.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/nexus-10-keyboard-case1.jpg17:44
Geniack_something like this17:44
mhall119Geniack_: yes, our goal is to make it work like Unity 7 when you plugin like that17:44
Geniack_yeah i think i saw this on some demo before17:44
Geniack_ubuntu touch on the phone and once you plug it to something with a display and a keyboard it becomes desktop os17:45
Geniack_i like that17:45
mhall119yeah, we ran Unity (5? maybe 4) off an Android phone at one point17:45
mhall119we're working out to that, should be ready in a year's time17:45
mhall119working *our* *way* to that17:45
kenvandinefor now at least you'd get a tablet optimized experience17:46
Geniack_ok can you tell me in the mean time how i can get gentoo running in dual boot on the nexus?17:46
mhall119Unity 8 has gained a few desktop features in the Unity Next ISO, but it's been mostly behind the scenes integration work so far17:46
mhall119Geniack_: no idea, you'd need to get help from Gentoo on that17:46
Geniack_yeah sure ;)17:47
mhall119I know that we had X.org working on the 2012 Nexus 7, I don't know how much more work it would be to get it working on the Nexus 1017:47
Geniack_well i would be fine having only a shell in dual boot17:47
Geniack_without X even17:47
mhall119Geniack_: in that case you can probably just create a Gentoo chroot on top of Android17:48
jenna_does it matter that i have a 32GB nexus7 instead of 16GB?17:48
mhall119I think people have done that with Debian17:48
mhall119jenna_: as long as it's the 2013 non-3G model it should work17:48
jenna_ok, im trying the "ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --bootstrap" command again and see how far it gets17:49
jenna_:( it boots into a custom recovery and installs the rom and then reboots and gets stuck at the "Google" logo with the unlocked icon at the bottom17:52
mhall119jenna_: give it a bit of time17:52
jenna_shouldnt it jump to something besides the google logo?  i thought that just the bootloader?17:52
mhall119jenna_: if it's copied the new images over it takes some time to install them (I just waited on my nexus 4 at the google logo screen after a big upgrade)17:53
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jenna_mhall119: how long are we talking?  its going on 10 minutes now.18:04
mhall119jenna_: hmmm, that is a bit long, you're not getting anything output from ubuntu-device-flash?18:07
jenna_this is the output.  http://pastie.org/private/pcbemrgqexfnk4stfzedyg18:09
charlesnik90, https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/lp-1370594-refresh-notifications-to-match-design/+merge/23502518:10
jenna_when i boots into recovery, i can adb into it and look round.  but when its done installing, it just cant boot up.18:10
nik90charles: thnx a lot. Will test when jenkins produces a armhf deb.18:10
charlesnik90, this fixes the two items you listed as "the main differences include..."  in #137059418:11
mhall119ogra_: sergiusens: can either of you help jenna_? I've reached the limit of my knowledge18:11
nik90charles: yup that should be enough18:11
charlesnik90, if there are other differences that need to be addressed, please add them to the ticket so that I can fix 'em18:12
nik90charles: will do18:12
charlesnik90, if there aren't other differences that need to be addressed, please edit the bug ticket to say so :-)18:12
nik90charles: :-)18:12
sergiusensjenna_: mhall119 it's not clear to me if this is flo or grouper18:13
jenna_this is flo18:13
mhall119sergiusens: u-d-f identifies it as flo18:13
sergiusensjenna_: was your android userdata encrypted?18:13
jenna_i dont think it was.  this was a new-in-box tablet18:14
sergiusensmhall119: btw, we took extra care getting this properly written http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/18:14
sergiusensjenna_: oh, then when in fastboot, can you try running fastboot format data and then fastboot format cache and then proceed?18:15
jenna_$ fastboot format data formatting 'data' partition... Formatting is not supported for filesystem with type ''. FAILED ()18:16
jenna_it worked for the cache partition.18:17
mhall119sergiusens: you mean it wasn't just copy/pasted from the wiki? :)18:17
jenna_fastboot format userdata works18:17
cwaynejenna_: new in box as in android was never setup? i remember that being an issue when we flashed for MWC18:18
ogra_yeah, you need to boot once into android ...18:19
ogra_it initializes the partition somehow IIRC18:19
jenna_i set it up far enough to enable adb18:20
ogra_you mean you enabled adb under android ?18:20
ogra_like ... you did it let put a key in place for the connection ?18:21
sergiusensmhall119: no, david calle was involved in making it human readable18:21
sergiusensjenna_: right; data/userdata; the one that works18:21
ogra_yeah, follow sergiusens18:22
jenna_sergiusens: that seemed to have fix it.18:23
jenna_i'm up to the velcome screen :)18:23
* sergiusens reminds himself to add a bug to u-d-f to bring back formatting18:24
sergiusensit spawns some issues with broken devices... but those are broken already :-P18:24
mhall119jenna_: enjoy :)18:28
mhall119thanks sergiusens18:28
mhall119oh, "External Drives"....that's new18:33
mhall119oh, right, no SD card slot on the Nexus 4 :(18:34
jenna_there is otg cable and usb drives though18:35
mhall119yeah, just tried that, didn't do anything, I need to check the logs to see if it's recognizing it18:36
jenna_whats this error all about?  "No network connection on your device..." in the ubuntu-sdk?18:39
jenna_ive setup wifi on my tablet and it appears to be talknig to the internet18:39
mhall119zbenjamin: ^^18:41
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
SturmFlutAnybody running unity8-desktop-session-mir on a desktop? Should this session currently work?19:02
tedgkenvandine, Do you know why we're storying whether info should be send to the greeter in accounts service?19:06
tedgkenvandine, It seems like something that we don't actually need to know on the greeter.19:06
kenvandinetedg, what info?19:07
tedgPerhaps mterry as well ^19:07
tedgkenvandine, The setting on whether to export data to the welcome screen.19:07
kenvandineoh, i think because it needs to be available in the greeter19:07
kenvandinethe settings19:07
tedgI don't see a reason it needs to be, because at that point you either have the data or you don't :-)19:08
mterrytedg, in split greeter world we didn't know who would be consuming that setting, so my thinking is that the split copy of the indicator might need to read it19:08
kenvandinedunno... mterry would know19:08
tedgmterry, Seems like it should always be consumed in the session though. You're saying "don't let the data escape" more than "don't visualize it."19:09
mterrytedg, if that's no longer true -- that a split greeter copy of the indicator doesn't need to read the setting, it doesn't need to be in AS19:09
mterrytedg, well which setting exactly are we talking about?19:10
tedgI'm for putting it in ubuntu-touch-schemas then.19:10
tedgmterry, WelcomeScreenMessages19:11
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mterrytedg, that's libusermetrics info, right?  In which case, it is about visualization19:12
mterrytedg, because we want to keep collecting the data in libusermetrics, even if that setting is off19:12
tedgNo, it's not about visualization, it's about export. Visualization is secondary.19:12
mterrytedg, so that when we turn the setting back on, we can show what was missed19:12
tedgHmm, so you're saying we collect it in the open still?19:12
tedgI thought we collected the data in teh session, and exported the graphic.19:13
mterrytedg, well I don't believe it's "open" as in world readable19:13
tedgThe graphic is still exported in the user session.19:13
tedgHmm, too late for pete-woods19:13
mterrytedg, it's not an exported graphic, it's exported data19:13
mterryvia libusermetricsoutput19:13
* tedg is trying to remember how this works.19:16
tedgAh, so this all ends up in the /var/lib/usermetrics dir as the usermetrics user.19:21
tedgThen the graphics themselves are generated by the greeter user?19:21
tedgSo then we need the AS key for knowing whether to turn the  data into graphics.19:22
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PloppzIs there a device made for Ubuntu Touch already, or is it only the OS, for installing on other kinds of phones?19:29
PloppzAnd is it in a release state?19:29
nhainesPloppz: it's only the OS, only for installing on Ubuntu phones, although a couple Nexus phones are supported so that we have something to develop on, and a couple other phones have community ports (<3 my Nexus 5).19:30
nhainesIt'll be in a release state when you see the phones for sell at ubuntu.com.19:30
nhainesWhich will be in December.19:30
nhainesIf you have a Nexus 4 or Nexus 5 though, it'd be a shame not to root it, install MultiROM Manager, and dualboot and try it out.  :)19:31
tedgmterry, So there's two, stats on welcome screen and messages on welcome screen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#Phone19:31
PloppzAh. I have Motorola Moto G atm..19:31
tedgmterry, I care about messages, stats is user metrics.19:32
Ploppznhaines: but what do you mean when you say "Ubuntu phones"?19:32
nhainesPloppz: I mean a phone that you walk into a store, give them money, and walk out with it, that has Ubuntu preinstalled.19:32
nhainesOr, buy online as the case will probably be at frist.19:32
mterrytedg, ah, then one reason we still might be interested in a split world is for device-wide messages from ofono -- not sure who should be responsible for filtering those19:33
PloppzOh. Where would I look for a Ubuntu phone?19:33
nhainesPloppz: ubuntu.com in December.19:33
tedgmterry, I think those should be messaging menu or unity notifications, no?19:33
PloppzAh ok.19:33
nhainesAlthough Meizu announced they're taking preorders starting... soon.  Oops, can't remember when.  This month or next.  :)19:33
tedgmterry, Or are you thinking that there'll be two telephony services.19:33
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
mterrytedg, right but which one?  the split greeter would need to be able to handle those in some cases (like user session not running -- encrypted home or whatever)19:34
nhainesPloppz: September 25th.  http://blog.meizu.it/ubuntu-disponibile-meizu-mx4-partire-dicembre/19:34
tedgmterry, But what are we worried about in that case? Seems like you could send the message, but you wouldn't know private data, right?19:34
mterrytedg, I don't follow -- imagine split greeter as the only thing running -- it would need to consider that setting19:35
tedgmterry, Why? What could it possibly share that the user wouldn't want?19:36
tedgIt doesn't know anything.19:36
mterrytedg, that setting is meant to filter incoming SMS texts, right?  split greeter would see those19:36
tedgmterry, But it'd never show them, right? I'd expect them to come from the user session or not at all.19:37
mterrytedg, it needs to show them.  Your phone can't stop being a phone just because you haven't logged into your session yet.  ofono is a device-wide thing.  Imagine multiple users on a phone (something design once envisioned at least for business use cases) -- which session should handle texts?19:39
mterrytedg, or imagine a multi-user tablet with a SIM card (which can happen, right?)19:39
tedgmterry, Hmm, okay. So in those cases we're talking about whether they should be shown, not whether the info should be leaked, because it already is (effectively).19:42
mterrytedg, if by leaked you mean stored outside the user's HOME then yes.  ofono is a system wide daemon19:42
mterrytedg, there are channels of information like skype and otherwise that would be user-specific though19:42
mterrymaybe 'stored' isn't the right term.   ofono broadcasts them system wide anyway19:43
tedgI feel like at a technical level it might make sense to split these.19:44
tedgEven if we show them at the user level as one switch.19:44
tedgThey're different ideas19:44
mterrytedg, well user services can look at the AS setting and not export messages -- the greeter can look at the AS setting and not show ofono messages, why have two settings for that?19:45
tedgBecause I feel like "dont' export" and "don't show" feel like different things.19:45
mterrytedg, I don't much care if you split the setting, though I'm not sure when they would have different values.  I just wanted to explain the above use cases for why I started with an AS setting19:48
tedgYeah, thanks I do understand now.19:48
tedgIt just feels like we're inserting two thoughts. But I guess we can split it out later.19:48
mterrytedg, the whole split greeter timeframe made me default to sticking a lot of stuff in AS  :)19:52
it_dont_workhey, is there a guide anywhere about getting the ubuntu-sdk to talk to the real device running ubuntu-touch so i can run apps there?20:10
it_dont_workit shows the serial nember but thats about all it can do.20:11
nhainesit_dont_work: go into System Settings > About this phone > Developer Mode and turn on developer mode.20:12
it_dont_workive done that20:12
it_dont_workwhen i toggle that, in teh ubuntu-sdk, i see the "Current state" goes from a yellow dot with "connected" to a red dot with "Disconnected".  i cant get it to show a green dot to save my life20:13
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nhainesThat's all I've got.20:13
it_dont_workclicking the "test" button shows a window displaying ssh error.20:14
it_dont_workSSH connection failure: Private key file error: No such file or directory20:14
loologra_: you might want to checkout jodh's suggestion in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc-android-config/+bug/137069720:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1370697 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "Avoid sleep loop in rild.conf" [Undecided,New]20:15
loologra_: if you could test his proposed changes and land them, that's be nice  :-)20:15
it_dont_workdoes anybody else here have this ssh working?20:22
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cyphermoxmzanetti: I commented on bug 1357321; and reassigned it to you. I think you know more about the Qt infrastructure than I do20:38
ubot5bug 1357321 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "QNetworkAccessManager doesn't support roaming on Ubuntu" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135732120:38
cyphermoxfeel free to reassign it to somebody else if you're not the right person to look into it20:39
mzanetticyphermox: mhm, ok...20:43
cyphermoxI'm not really sure what else to do with this :)20:44
mzanettime neither... but lets see20:44
cyphermoxso, the reproducer should help testing a possible fix; the first line is the flags from QNetworkConfigurationManager, then whether QNetworkAccessManager thinks it's online20:50
cyphermoxsome of it is obviously wrong when you start the program while disconnected, and then connect20:50
mhall119bah, I can't adb into my phone anymore on r234!21:11
mhall119sergiusens: ogra_: halp!21:12
mhall119adb devices doesn't show my phone21:12
mhall119developer mode is enabled21:13
mhall119QtCreator says it's disconnected too, even though it's plugged in21:14
mhall119ok, ignore the mild panic, it works after rebooting the phone, so I just crashed something21:18
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sergiusensmhall119: popey ogra_ I think there's an adb issue; I saw that too this morning and discarded it like you just did ;-)23:20
sergiusensI solved it by disabling/enabling dev mode from the ui23:20
popeyi never use adb23:21
popeywell, i probably do under the covers with qtc I guess23:22
sergiusenspopey: you always use it, you just don't know it ;-)23:22
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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