
guzzi_jonesI want to back it up00:00
guzzi_jonesi tried to take a snapshot with lvcreate  -L 107G -s -n backup /dev/vg0/vm100:00
guzzi_jonesi cannot mount it.00:00
superkuhAlright, I've written up the details of my Caja/Thunar segfaults regarding glib2.0. I would really appreciate any suggestions; particularly as to where I should submit this bug. The MATE DE dev launchpad was far too specific/downstream, I think.00:05
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Bashing-omsuperkuh: Good write-up, hopefully will get the attention of some who can help. On other note, as you can post, you are encouraged to post in the Resolution Center to resolve that issue with your old account, and perhpas edit your settings preferences.00:14
Win7hello everyone00:15
Win7guys if you do me this favour i will be grateful00:15
superkuhYeah, I just ended up typing everything in gvim then pasting.00:15
Bashing-om!ask | Win700:15
ubottuWin7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:15
superkuhSo the old accounts still exist?00:16
Win7I have a Dell Ultrabook 12 9Q23 Touch screen . I would like to install Ubuntu 14 or Linux Mint if i do one of those two will i lose the touch screen or is it going to be supported ? please guys help me00:16
Bashing-omsuperkuh: Yeah, it will still exist .. as to what it will take to resolve to the cuttent account, can not say. That is an admin function. ( seen it done many times) .00:17
* superkuh nods.00:17
cmanns__Win7 read that00:17
iFiregardar: I fixed it00:35
iFiregardar: https://coderwall.com/p/2ufa0g00:35
gardargeed to hear iFire :)00:36
iFiregardar: I saw speeds of 112 and 70 mb per second00:37
KazooieWhoever done the work for ubuntu-mate-desktop, awesome frickin' job! It's more beautiful that I could have imagined!00:38
expungeit's GNOME 2 with more green00:39
expungethey don't want your thanks, they want you to use GNOME 3 =P00:40
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fission6really hoping someone could lend some help. have a site running for two years, no problems on aws ec2 ubuntu, tonight i popped in a new ssl cert and restarted nginx, thats all. about ten minutes later BAM, can't hit my website nor SSH. I have no idea what happened and I am getting rather frustrated, could really use some helping insight or thoughts00:40
KazooieCinnamon is a pain in the ass and I can't agree with Unity :p00:40
superkuhYeah. I'm very happy Ubuntu MATE is a thing now.00:41
Kazooieand since when did we use hexchat rather than xchat?00:42
expungesince hexchat was made, basically00:42
expungeit's better maintained, a lot better maintained00:42
expungeif only the devs would stop fiddling with GUI bits they needn't, though...00:43
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simonsaysdiafHello. I was trying to help my friend fix his login issue, and I believe that I commented something or edited something in a way that broke login completely. Previously the GUI login would be caught in a boot loop, but then i could get to the tty. Now when I go to the tty, it's just a hanging screen. there's a blinking cursor but I can't login or input text at all.00:55
quantibilityanyone got time to help me with my decrypted drive problem?00:55
TLoFPhi, I did a dual boot of ubuntu and windows and now windows won't start anymore: GRUB recognized windows correctly and the windows loader starts but it doesn't actually do anything other then show th esplash screen, what could the problem be?00:56
quantibilityTLOFP sounds to me like windows problem persay00:56
iFireTLoFP: you know how to tell windows to reset the boot loader?00:57
quantibilityperhaps ubuntu changed a few things that windows now doesn't recognize as proper00:57
Bashing-omsimonsaysdiaf: Can you log in through grub's recovery console ?00:57
iFirethat'll make it work00:57
ObrienDaveTLoFP, start windows again, tap F8 key for boot menu, go into safemode with networking and restart00:57
simonsaysdiafBashing-om: it seems like he's bypassing grub00:57
simonsaysdiafany idea how to get to grub?00:57
quantibilityObrienDave is right00:57
TLoFPIFire no I do not00:57
quantibilityanyone with the encrypted drive problem i got going?00:58
TLoFPObrienDave I will try safe mode00:58
ObrienDavequantibility, not if you don't explain what the issue is :)00:58
somsipquantibility: just say what the problem is and people will help if they can00:58
quantibilityok, I decrypt the drive and bam the icon in Desktop vanishes00:58
quantibilityim on USB stick00:59
quantibilityinstalled xubuntu00:59
TLoFPOBrienDave I did so and it loaded a bunch of drivers but then just stops at some point00:59
Bashing-omsimonsaysdiaf: Try: reboot, and as soon as the bios screen ckears, depress and hold the right shift key -> grub boot menu, -> advanced -> choose a 'recovery' kernel, enter key to start the recovery console.00:59
ObrienDavewhat was the last one?00:59
simonsaysdiafBashing-om: okay i'll try that thanks01:00
Bashing-omsomsip: Once in the recovery console, will see what we can do.01:00
Bashing-omsimonsaysdiaf: ^^, soory to ping on ya somsip !01:01
simonsaysdiafnp :)01:01
simonsaysdiafhe's currently trying to put another harddrive in, so we'll see. this computer had the most bizarre setup I'd ever seen01:01
quantibilityObrienDave, i recently had a boot problem with my Xubuntu installation after update, I use low latency and various other drivers cores, so i just didn't wanna reisntall, so i USB ed and installation in hopes i can just copy usb files to the HD and hope for the best01:02
simonsaysdiafhe had upstart and systemd stuff. he said he did a fresh install og 14.04 and it was the most jacked up install i've ever seen01:02
Bashing-omsimonsaysdiaf: ubuntu is making the switch to systemD, and there is now a bit if it in the operating system.01:09
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TLoFPso I have tried everything to fix the windows install, including trying to boot windows recovery from an external drive, but they all exhibit the same problems01:22
TLoFPit stops booting01:22
TLoFPnow, please don't write this off as a "windows" problem01:22
TLoFPI have had problems before were my sound did not work on the windows7 install because I had it muted in Ubuntu01:22
TLoFPin other words Ubuntu seems to be capable of making changes that effect the windows partition01:23
TLoFPI can only assume that this happens via the BIOS01:23
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Bashing-omTLoFP: Nope, Operating system(S) do not write back to bios : https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader .01:26
ObrienDaveTLoFP, how long do you let it sit?01:27
TLoFPObrienDave, longest I left it was 30 min01:27
TLoFPBashing-om, then explain why I can I disable the the sound device by muting it in linux?01:27
TLoFPBashing-om, then explain how I can, via software, turn off physical devices like WiFi01:28
Bashing-omTLoFP: That is hardware, yeah it does happen. But hardware is not bios. Most times the hard ware is controlled by some driver. if the driver leaves the hardware in some state, well that is the state the hardware is left in.01:29
TLoFPBashing-om, ok.. my diagnosis was wrong then, it doesn't change the bios01:30
TLoFPbut i am now left in the situtation where Ubuntu made a change to my hardware that leaves me unable to boot windows01:30
TLoFPand I don't know when it happaned because I was dual booting fine for some time01:31
Bashing-omTLoFP: Yepper, no writting back to bios .. CMOS, very limited means to rewite bios. OK, I have not followed your situation. Restate it for me and I will give an opinion, bear in mind I am no longer Windows litererate, but I am not senile.01:32
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TLoFPBashing-om, I am dual booting Ubuntu and Windows. I shutdown Ubuntu and went to boot windows. Grub worked fine. Even the windows boot loader worked fine. However windows just gets stuck at the splash screen. A verbose boot into safemode reveals that it loads drivers but hangs at some point (seems to be always the same driver).01:33
TLoFPBash_Rules, I am convinced that Ubuntu did something to the hardware because: I can not boot into recover mode, either from the internal disk or from an external drive (windows recovery mode). 2: because I know this laptop exhibits the following "bug" if I mute the sound in Ubuntu and then shutdown and boot to windows, windows does not find any audio devices.01:35
Bashing-omTLoFP: (think BOOT CODE ). Boot code gets corrupted, and no will be able to hand off to the operating system. Be a pain, but in Windows 'fixmbr', boot Windows, all good with Windows, OK, now (re-)install ubuntu's grub - liveDVD - , "sudo update-grub" to chainload Windows. // We are talking that Windows and ubuntu are installed to the same hard drive, right ?01:37
TLoFPBashing-om, yes windows and ubuntu are installed on the same hardrive, I already tried to fix GRUB with utility01:38
TLoFPBashion-om I used boot-repair01:39
Bashing-omTLoFP: Yeah, you say grub is good, windows has the problem booting. a) boot code -> fixmbr b) bad file system -> chkdsk . see what results .01:39
TLoFPI can fixmbr from ubuntu side, right?01:40
ObrienDaveTLoFP, probably not01:40
TLoFPwell that doesn't help if Ubuntu is the onlything booting on this machine01:40
TLoFPlike I said, I can not boot windows from an external drive, I can't boot recovery CDs either01:41
quantibilityso no one with an answer to my problem?01:41
Bashing-omTLoFP: Nope, Windows tools for Windows problems .. from a Windows utility (recovery) disk run 'fixmbr' .01:41
TLoFPBashing-om, Windows Recovery Utility does not boot01:42
RKyleDoes Ubuntu support raid 10?01:42
Bashing-omTLoFP: IF you can not boot a DVD, and you are sure you have the boot priority set properly as the DVD as 1st priority. Time to reset bios to the defaults and see what results.01:42
TLoFPBashing-om, boot priority is correct as the bootloader works fine (windows version of grub)01:43
Bashing-omTLoFP: Also .. what is the method of booting .. UEFI or bios ?01:43
TLoFPbut when it tries to boot the windows OS, weather it is the recover CD, recover USB stick, or win7 on the internal disk, it hangs01:43
TLoFPBashing-om, I am not sure about that question01:44
Bashing-omTLoFP: UEFI is the new partitioning/booting method, late Window7 is the 1st appearance. How the CPU is set up for booting differs between the 2 .01:45
ObrienDaveTLoFP, UEFI and BIOS are two different setups for motherboards. makes a difference at boot time01:46
squintyTLoFP:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:47
ObrienDave!uefi | TLoFP01:48
ubottuTLoFP: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:48
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome01:49
martin1989does someone here know vector linux01:49
martin1989where can i ask about it?01:50
wheatthinprobably at their channel lol or search google.01:50
expungemartin1989: /msg alis list *vector*01:50
TLoFPBashing-om, ObrienDave it is not UEFI01:51
Bashing-omTLoFP: OK, trouble shooting process -> MUST boot the recovery CD. so, will that recovery CD boot in another box ? yes -> good CD, NO then the problem is specific to this box -> reset to defailts in bios. NOW will the recovery CD boot ? ( ID the cd drive working fine in ubuntu ?, can not at this time rule out a bad CD drive, hard ware does fail at the worst of times .01:54
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Bashing-omTLoFP: Still with us ? I must be away from the keyboard for a few .. be back sonnest.01:59
empyreanhi folks. got a question regarding network overruns. there seems to be a number of causes, most of which points to interrupt handling, some articles mention resolving network overruns by enlarging the rx ring size, im wondering if changing the kernel values eg. net.ipv4.tcp_rmem and net.ipv4.tcp_wmem will help?02:07
litropywhen I $ lshw all it outputs is PCI (sysfs) and it kinda ... hangs there. 12.0402:12
litropyit just took a bit02:13
expungethey decided ordinary output wasn't fancy enough02:13
* expunge rolls eyes02:13
litropyAlrighty, I have a tin can with a NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] using driver=nouveau. What do you think - open-source or proprietary for the switch?02:15
expungelitropy: one or the other02:15
expungefor sure02:15
litropyexpunge, what's the OS driver for nvidia?02:16
expungeno doubt a play on 'nv' and the meaning of 'nouveau'02:16
litropy... oh02:16
ObrienDavenah, really? please tell me you're kidding, right?02:18
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Bashing-omTLoFP: I am back. Hoz the recovery CD ?02:19
ObrienDavemartin1989, why would you come to a Ubuntu channel for Vector help?02:20
expungewell, ubuntu likes brown02:21
expungeand vector is like a line...02:21
expungesame diff? =P02:21
RKyleim stupid02:24
cmanns__Anybody know make optimizations?02:24
cmanns__I'm building some older software for a friends lubuntu on my lubuntu02:24
cmanns__I guess we will both use it02:25
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wheatthincmanns__, I don't think that's a help topic02:28
wheatthinbut you can try in #ubuntu-offtopic02:29
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Guest172what is this place for?02:31
expungeGuest172: should say at the top of your window02:31
phunyguyAgain, a reminder to the masses (wheatthin) #ubuntu-offtopic is NOT a support channel.  Please don't send users there as a "catch-all" for things not ubuntu related.02:32
wheatthinexcuse me, but i hadn't used it as a catch all. But feel free to guide him to another channel if you're so uptight about it02:32
expungebut only if02:33
phunyguywheatthin: just a reminder.  relax.02:33
expungewheatthin: why you gotta have soybean oil in you =/02:34
wheatthinYou've reminded me plenty.. But like I said, if you have a problem with me sending him there, for make optiimizations , and you might know a better place, feel free02:34
wheatthincause I'm tasty02:34
phunyguywheatthin: That is not the purpose of the -offtopic channel, and we should be making an effort in THIS channel to send them to a more proper place.  I am just letting you know that #ubuntu-offtopic is probably not the best place.  They most likely will not get a serious response there.  Now please can we drop it?02:35
wheatthinmaybe a development channel of some sorts02:35
wheatthinbut still I don't know it.. so by all means, don't argue with me, and point him to the right place.02:35
phunyguywheatthin: you are allowed to not provide an answer if you don't know.02:36
wheatthinand you're allowed not to harass people who are trying to help.02:36
phunyguy... a gentle nudge was harrassing?   Alright... I'll drop it.02:37
wheatthinthank you.. hugs*02:37
wheatthinin some countries a 'gentle nudge' could get someones head cutoff lol..  But what channel would you advise that guy to go to? if he hadn't already left02:39
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:39
phunyguythree are plenty.02:39
expungewheatthin: me? I wouldn't have =)02:39
expungehe wasn't interfering with anything02:40
cmanns__I just wanted some suggestions on how to take advantage of some make optimizations and use multiple cpu for compile time gone down02:40
cmanns__They helped I'm greatful thx02:40
phunyguycmanns__: nothing wrong with that.02:40
phunyguycmanns__: lucky.  ;)02:40
phunyguywheatthin: a side note about -offtopic, another reason is because the folks that hang out in there generally are taking a break from support.02:41
cmanns__I doubt it'll help but I do need to speed up compile because on friends PC it seems flightgear is going ot take hours02:41
expungewhy not just use a prebuilt bin?02:42
phunyguyI think he mentioned (in -offtopic) that there weren't any prebuilt of what he needed, expunge02:44
expungephunyguy: pretty unlikely02:46
charlie5hi folks ... could anyone recommend a usb wireless network adapter for ubuntu which works 'out of the box' ?02:46
xanguahttps://www.thinkpenguin.com/ charlie502:47
cmanns__I'm using flightgear 1.0.002:47
cmanns__Why would it be built for latest lubuntu distro release02:48
cmanns__3.0.0 is02:48
cmanns__we just tried it again for giggles02:48
expungecharlie5: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users02:48
cmanns__845GL intel graphics processer blows man02:48
expungeintel stuff tends to be more straightforward02:48
phunyguyexpunge: I meant the version he needed02:48
cmanns__it works okay02:48
expungephunyguy: I meant pretty unlikely =)02:48
smart_developerDoes anyone know what 'ZBF' stands for ?02:49
charlie5thanks xangua expunge ... will take a look02:49
expungesmart_developer: context?02:49
cmanns__yeah I ain't doing this for no reason02:49
cmanns__but hey if compile optimization makes it bigger and run alil smoother yey, it lags cpu wise apparently on windows02:50
cmanns__Oddly linux uses tons of cpu too its a p4 2.4ghz or so02:50
expungeas long as you aren't spending more time than what it'd take to earn money to replace it with a better computer =P02:50
cmanns__its not my computer02:51
cmanns__Family computer my friend has02:51
expungethat'd be even worse02:51
cmanns__but I'm using a 3 core virtualbox to compile the software and put on his system :D02:52
expungeyou're virtualizing hardware? Why02:52
litropyOh, boy. Okay, I switched my video driver to nvidia's proprietary driver, and now I'm locked in 640x480 resolution. Does anyone have a quick fix for me? Everything is so huge yet the box is so small ... It would be difficult to do anything task-intensive.02:53
ObrienDaveand this is an Ubuntu support issue how?02:53
litropyI can edit xorg configs if I need to.02:53
expungelitropy: nvidia-xconfig02:53
smart_developerexpunge : "ZBF auditor" ?02:53
cmanns__expunge so I build his software and I'll run it too02:53
expungesmart_developer: more context02:53
cmanns__too lazy to compile flightgear 1.0.0 for mac os so I been using it in windows virtualbox, works okay I wonder how linux will be02:54
ObrienDaveand this is an Ubuntu support issue how?02:54
cmanns__its not02:54
expungeObrienDave: you tell us02:54
expungecmanns__: not in macports/fink/homebrew?02:55
expungesure I saw it on their website, too02:55
litropyVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Device section "Default Device" must have a Driver line.02:55
cmanns__it is but my mac needs new disk setup I'm not doing too much intensive stuff or it gets really bad IO wise02:55
cmanns__virtualbox 3d works pretty good :D02:55
OerHekssmart_developer, sounds like sisco zone based firewall02:55
cmanns__I do have a ubuntu support question though02:56
TyrfingMjolnirHow do I upgrade from 10.04 to latest LTS?02:56
cmanns__How can I make sure hard drive is fully optimized02:56
ObrienDaveuse EXT402:56
xanguaTyrfingMjolnir: you will have to upgrade first to 12.04 and then to 14.04 if you want to get to latest LTS, a fresh install would be faster02:57
gndlpTyrfingMjolnir: apt-get dist-upgrade02:57
expungezero byte something02:57
cmanns__Using EXT4, zRAM, I think I enabled DMA still need to check, noop scheduler.02:57
superkuhUpgrading from 10.04 to 14.04 is a nightmare.02:57
expungelitropy: let it make a new one02:57
cmanns__I need to change some of the ext4 options I think02:57
cmanns__I just upgraded old lubuntu to 14.0402:57
smart_developerWhat do you mean that EXT4 allows your hard drive to be fully optimized? (sorry, I might have joined the conversation out of context, just now).02:57
cmanns__went flawless imho02:57
TyrfingMjolnirxangua: This is a customized install with certain tweaks02:57
superkuhI guess it depends on how many PPA and other customizations you have.02:58
smart_developerIs ext4 better than xfs ?02:58
cmanns__Ext4 is pretty fast some filesystems have different benefits.02:58
expungesmart_developer: different02:58
cmanns__I have more experience with FreeBSD filesystem and ext302:58
OerHeksTyrfingMjolnir, what makes you think those tweaks survive upgrade 10.04 > 12.04 > 14.04 ?02:59
cmanns__ HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device02:59
cmanns__I get that trying to enable DMA02:59
litropyexpunge, how do I let it make a new one?02:59
TyrfingMjolnirOerHeks: Most of them are in /opt02:59
expungelitropy: usually it will on its own, try mv'ing your extant one02:59
TyrfingMjolnirAnd I will do an upgrade of what is not there02:59
TyrfingMjolniror no longer works...03:00
Bashing-omlitropy: Try: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old , sudo nvidia-xconfig . Now restart so that the Nvidia driver can take effect.03:00
TyrfingMjolnirmainly python stuff03:00
expungeoh yeah03:00
expungemaybe just need sudo03:00
TyrfingMjolnirEntire image is 1.2GB03:00
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litropyBashing-om, k done, restarting03:01
Bashing-omLittleFool: Fingers crossed .03:01
TyrfingMjolnirWhen will ubuntu change to mariaDB?03:02
expungeTyrfingMjolnir: sometime03:02
OerHeksTyrfingMjolnir, why? 5.6 works great http://www.zdnet.com/shuttleworth-says-ubuntu-is-sticking-with-mysql-7000026859/03:06
TyrfingMjolnirMySQL? Did anyone do development on MySQL since 2005?03:07
TyrfingMjolnirat least in postgre I can use JSON03:07
TyrfingMjolnirmariadb supposedly also has a lot of neat features03:07
thurstylarkAnyone play with ds4drv?03:07
OerHeksTyrfingMjolnir, you can install mariadb as you want, but lamp will not use it standard.03:08
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TyrfingMjolnirupdate-manage-kde is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist WTF?!?03:21
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wheatthinyup.. if they aren't sleeping, they might all be on a union break in the "break room"03:42
TyrfingMjolnirWhen upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04: got the following message03:42
TyrfingMjolnirE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux' .Please see man 5 apt.conf ynder APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)03:43
wheatthinTyrfingMjolnir, why not upgrade to 14.04?03:44
TyrfingMjolnirJust change to trusty?03:44
TyrfingMjolnirI thought I had to go via percise03:44
wheatthingive me a minute to find out for sure.03:44
wheatthinTyrfingMjolnir, it seems like you can upgrade straight to 14.04.1+03:46
RKyleIs it possible to completely uninstall the desktop interface and replace it with gnome?03:47
expungeRKyle: yup03:48
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.03:48
darklessnessRKyle: yes03:48
RKyleDoes everyone else have problems with Unity?03:48
expungeRKyle: hrmm?03:48
RKyleexpunge, It just seems very buggy and is annoying.03:49
expungeit's pretty immature software03:50
expungebased largely on more immature software03:50
expungeand some other mature software that was poorly maintained =)03:50
expungebut it has its merits, and you don't have to use it =)03:50
RKyleI've been waiting on it to start responding for like 10 minutes now.03:50
expungecould be your graphics device isn't quite up to accerlating03:51
RKyleI was trying to install the gpus drivers when it just crapped out.03:52
expungewell drivers, those are useful =)03:52
litropyhi, all - I switched my graphics driver to nvidia proprietary, and the only resolution entry in Displays is 640 x 480. I ran sudo nvidia-xconfig, rebooted, and I have no change in resolution options. Now, when I run nvidia-xconfig, I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8362452/03:52
litropyI did run nvidia-xconfig after reboot, and rebooted again, but still no dice.03:53
expungelitropy: pastebin the .conf03:53
wombatidaeI have been running ubuntu 14.04 for a few weeks and today it locked up while I was watching a youtube vid, and when I restart now it won't load the OS03:53
wombatidaeno command line nothing03:53
wombatidaeI can run off live disc, and can see my HDD and files but cant launch or open anything from HDD03:54
litropyexpunge, one moment03:54
wombatidaebrand new HDD, fresh install03:54
expungewombatidae: so what do you see before "nothing"?03:55
expungeazurelysium: hi03:55
wombatidaeit goes to a blinking cursor for a second, then jumps to a blank screen03:55
wombatidaeno error msg or anything03:55
expungewombatidae: can you use CTRL+ALT+F2 ?03:56
expungelitropy: grep EE /var/log/X*03:57
litropysorry for the double lines - the res is disorienting.03:59
expungelitropy: would seem your driver is not properly installed03:59
litropyexpunge, odd, I installed it using Additional Drivers03:59
litropy... which, okay - UI-based stuff doesn't always work, even when it's a native system component.04:00
litropyI'm ... on 12.04, by the way.04:01
zzxcHey, what are the requirements for running raid 5.04:03
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto04:04
wafflejockzzxc: this might be better since it's more up to date if you're down with video tutorials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuhMQIpCP1A04:06
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zzxcwafflejock: Hmmm alright cool. I'm going to bookmark this.04:07
zzxcBut just to check raid 5 no longer requires a raid card?04:07
expungenever did04:08
wafflejockzzxc: well think software RAID has been around for a while04:08
wafflejockzzxc: but the hardware RAID solutions can be faster04:08
Bash_Ruleswhats the difference between sudo and su - ?04:08
wafflejockdunno though I just have an "X-RAID" NAS some voodoo04:08
expungeBash_Rules: and su -, or su? =)04:08
expungeBash_Rules: sudo is meant to be a way to give 'su' access to specific commands alone04:09
expunge...except on Ubuntu, which ignores sudo's purpose =)04:09
Bash_Rulesany... it seems that both sudo and su works on my mint machine, but not in a SL machine04:09
expungeBash_Rules: SL?04:09
Bash_Rulesscientific linux04:09
Bash_Rulesits off of rh04:09
Bash_Rulesred hat04:09
expungetry using words04:09
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zzxcexpunge:  Yeah this is my first trip into raid5.04:09
expungelike I said, Ubuntu uses sudo in an odd way04:09
Bash_Rulesi see04:10
Bash_Rulesso its a ubuntu thing04:10
zzxcwafflejock: That would make sense. Having a raid controller would speed up some of the data checks..04:10
Bash_Rulessudo shouldnt be doing su stuff pretty much04:10
expungesome distros are copying Ubuntu in this manner04:10
expungeBash_Rules: sudo should not work for any command at all, historically =)04:10
zzxcBash_Rules: No su and sudo both existed in debian.04:10
expungeonly ones you explicitly, personally configure04:10
Bash_Ruleso well04:10
zzxcBash_Rules: In debain sudo is more or less su root -c _____04:10
wafflejockwell you can change that in the sudoers file though right expunge04:11
Bash_Rulesi see04:11
expungeI don't follow Red Hat, but since they focus on servers they're probably a bit behind regardless04:11
Bash_Rulesnot in red hat apparently04:11
expungewafflejock: yes, you can change anything04:11
Bash_Rulesif i sudo in red hat it wont even take my passwd04:11
zzxcBash_Rules: I'm pretty sure that red hat is also a debain fork.04:11
ubottuA Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:11
expungezzxc: heh04:11
expungeit isn't, of course04:11
Bash_Rulesi dunno about that04:12
Bash_Rulescould be wrong though04:12
expungeyeah like I said04:12
RKyleIsn't Red Hat where Linux started?04:12
expungethe proper way to use sudo requires personally configuring it04:12
expungeRKyle: no, but it's a fairly old, fairly popular distro04:12
wafflejocknot sure how accurate this is but pretty cool04:12
zzxcBash_Rules: Actually I think expunge is right.04:12
Bash_Rulesill take a look at sudo more closely sometime04:12
Bash_Rulesbecause pretty much SL uses yum04:13
zzxcwafflejock: Nice graphic wafflejock04:13
Bash_Ruleswhile ubuntusoes uses apt get04:13
wafflejockyeah it's a cool one04:13
RKyleWill I break anything if I purge the software center and replace it with Synaptic?04:14
wafflejockBash_Rules: yeah aptitude is part of the package manager stuff along with dpkg (debian package manager), think Yum was from slackware? can't remember04:14
RKyleYum is in Fedora isn't it?04:15
xanguaRKyle: or you can just install synaptic and leave software centre alone04:15
Bash_Rulesi believe so04:15
zzxcWell Yum is used in fedora if I remeber correctly which is a spin off a red hat.04:15
wafflejockRKyle: yeah I would backup before trying that but should be okay04:15
RKyleFresh install, not worth backing up. =p04:15
wafflejockRKyle: then pull the trigger :D and godspeed04:15
expungefedora is the testing version of red hat04:16
expungescientific linux is red hat04:16
Bash_Rulesbtw CenTOS is a pretty great red hat clone04:16
expungeyes, centos is also red hat04:16
wafflejockBash_Rules: think it's just open source red hat04:16
RKyleFedora looks nice in screen shots, I've only breifly used it myself.04:16
cmanns__How can I get older GCC?04:16
expungesans cost (and support)04:16
cmanns__I am trying to use debian snapshots04:17
Bash_Rulesits red hat without support04:17
expungeRKyle: it looks like GNOME in screenshots =P04:17
wafflejockRKyle: think Fedora uses KDE no?04:17
expungewithout paid support =)04:17
Bash_Rulesyeah :PP04:17
zzxcwafflejock: It has a few different models I thnk.04:17
expungealthough given how unpopular it is among people who don't habitually spend money...04:17
zzxcdesktop envos*04:17
Bash_Rulesand optimized updates04:17
RKyleI think it's an altered version of Gnome.04:17
* expunge sighs04:17
expungeit's just GNOME, by default04:17
expungenot that it matters04:17
expungeshh =P04:17
wafflejockyeah just saw some screenshots, I'm using Ubuntu Gnome atm04:18
wafflejockI dig it04:18
RKyleI miss the old gnome with compiz fusion for poor performance.04:18
RKyleWhat distro the Gentoo come from?04:19
wafflejockRKyle: I think MATE is filling that gap04:19
zzxcwafflejock: How's the multimonitor support. That was part of the reason I switched over to xfce.04:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:19
zzxcRKyle: You can still use compiz, even with gnome.04:19
wafflejockzzxc: good I have some problem on all DEs with my chipset though where it gets messed up if the laptop monitor and two externals are all on, once I disable the laptop monitor though or have it shut the other two work fine04:20
expungeRKyle: gentoo is non-derivative04:20
expungeRKyle: though roughly inspired by debian and freebsd04:20
RKylezzxc, It's not a functional as it used to be though is it?04:20
expungemate? Is a literal copy of GNOME 2 =P04:20
RKyleexpunge, I'm still trying to get into Gentoo, installation is still a pain for me.04:21
zzxcI mean if you use gnome no, but you can use xfce, or mate, or lsomething or another, or several other window managers.04:21
xangua!ot | expunge  RKyle04:21
ubottuexpunge  RKyle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:21
expungethe only danger is that they won't have enough devs to maintain it all04:21
expungeRKyle: it's involved, by comparison =)04:21
xcasexyou guys havent seen chipset issues until you've used a laptop with via chips.04:21
expungeway chips04:21
zzxcAnd its pretty much the same emerald is more unstable. but I used it for a while on an old machine running the privous LTS.04:22
RKyleI remember Gutsy Gibbon, my first Linux OS.04:22
zzxcRKyle: Actually unless its changed unity is using a window manager based off of compiz I think.04:22
expungeemerald is still compiz =)04:23
zzxcexpunge: well sort off, you need compiz to run emerald but you no longer need emerald for compiz I'm pretty sure.04:23
expungezzxc: indeed04:24
RKylezzxc, No wonder Unity seems broken to me. =p04:24
expungeoof, 9 thirty04:24
zzxcexpunge west coast?04:25
EdijusHello. Could someone tell me if you can wget stuff from google drive, e.g. from here https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2d0UoGDxVqTQjRJX3Z1ZnFhUUE&usp=sharing04:25
captinehi all.  could you please direct me to where I can get some help with bzr?  I am not very technical but am wanting to try use it for version control of rules within a IBM Cognos TM1 budgeting tool implementation04:27
zzxcEdijus: I can't think of anything that would be easy. There is a google drive ppa that you can install though.04:28
captineI just have some questions that I cannot seem to get answers to in the manual04:28
thurstylarkIs there a group for Bluetooth admins?04:29
cmanns__Any tips for older gcc guys?04:30
zzxcAlright, my girlfriend has passed out litterally on me. I think its time I signed off and went to bed.04:31
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zzxcCross you fingers that I can convince her to not sleep on the couch, and not swing at me when I try to move her. Night guys.04:32
thurstylarkzzxc: Hilarious and cute.04:32
SachiruQuery: Is ntopng paid, or free, and does it work with collectors other than nprobe?04:35
urielvigilant;My english is not soo has ai whisheD"! I've been in the recent past to speak with a psychic who says that Ubuntu or "# Linux" does not quite understand what the spirit that knows the future and the past said that someone buying via the "Internet" forever a "day" and the "current Justice" #Google will become a brand of access to pcs because the new generation of internet to come.04:43
urielvigilantThat day will be the end for us! And the beginning of a new era of slavery for them the future generation "They will just feel that are evolving and will accept like lambs"; # Please record and reproduce forever this "prediction of a psychic" # would be ""04:43
urielvigilantÛbuntu and Linux as we know is compromised04:44
urielvigilantThe Gold in Wrong hands will predicted the future has my friend " Whish#" as talend said. Linux will be buy from someone in Russia "04:45
urielvigilant..---in a close future " :0(04:45
=== Sachiru is now known as Guest36018
=== Sachiru_ is now known as Sachiru
urielvigilantIn a close future, i will be a old man, with 60 or more, with no "Chance" to build my website or using my " Free Linux" as we know it, leggaly,. in Europe or USA " you will see it ,. as the Whishper said "04:51
cmanns__Oh man04:52
cmanns__I messed up my lubuntu lol04:52
ahinsaksahi i have an issue with connecting to w-fi network04:52
ahinsaksaim using ubuntu 13.0404:52
ahinsaksasorry 13.1004:52
xanguaahinsaksa: upgrade to a supported release04:53
ahinsaksait was working fine with other wireless networks04:55
ahinsaksathis is only to a particular proxy server04:55
narbehThis is what I get every 3 secs on my console. Debian 7.3 https://www.anonimg.com/img/163ec1e930d29df2667bb1857bd812f9.jpg04:55
mao1hi, is there any good resource about cloud compute04:56
narbehmao1: search about it. There are tons of documents about it04:56
TyrfingMjolnirWhich repo for postgresql?04:57
mao1narbeh: yes, I just want to some good guys can filter quality resources, that could represent industry trends, :)05:01
xboxhay ihr husos05:02
mao1...industry trends05:02
xboxwath you know about The xenon kernel05:03
=== gil is now known as Guest81004
squintyTyrfingMjolnir:  not really sure what you are asking but you may want to have a peek at http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:03
xboxlinux on xbox05:04
TyrfingMjolnirsquinty: This one looks more appetizing: http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/05:04
TyrfingMjolnirI got Red Ribbon running on the PS305:04
xboxich rauch dicke haye k;pfe05:05
xboxihr hurensoehne05:05
xboxja bong heads05:06
TyrfingMjolnirxbox: ficht dir in dem arsch mit der sprudelflasche05:06
xboxdu hurensohn05:06
xboxi+m hitler with a xbox05:06
TyrfingMjolnirxbox: I bet you are in the wrong channel for calling us a sons of a bitches...05:07
xboxich glaube ich begatte gleich mal deine schwester05:07
TyrfingMjolnirfunnybot xbox05:07
xboxi want to plaz world of warcraft on xbox 360 with controller05:08
cmanns__wats a bong head05:10
xboxcannabis with a water tube05:10
xboxbeste haze i fuck ubuntu05:10
cmanns__o nice I just did one of those05:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang05:10
cmanns__I guess trolls are common?05:11
xboxalles fotyen junge05:11
Flannelcmanns__: It's a large channel.  Some people are drawn to it like idiots to a bug zapper.05:11
darkelfjuggaloNot a question I want to ask; Does anyone know a Ubuntu Compatible software that will make a bootable Windows 7 Iso? my girlfriend needs itunes to reset her Ipad but wine doesn't support USB and all we have on a computer at the moment is ubuntu05:11
Ben64darkelfjuggalo: try asking in ##windows05:12
darkelfjuggaloi'll try...05:12
Flannelurielvigilant: Please help keep this channel on-topic (Ubuntu technical support), thanks!05:13
fancyfetusHey guys05:23
fancyfetusIs there any easy way to jump from ubuntu to ubuntuGNOME?05:23
fancyfetusor do i have to uninstall ubuntu and then install ubuntuGNOME?05:24
=== BrandonS is now known as BrandonB
cmanns__fancyfetus I think you just install gnome05:26
fancyfetuscmanns__ it's a whole nother operating system, man05:26
damian_pretty cool to run ssh through android on to my desktop using connetbot app05:26
Ben64cmanns__: it isn't actually05:26
cmanns__Ah theres a ubuntuGNOME, fork?05:27
Ben64!info ubuntu-gnome-desktop | fancyfetus05:27
ubottufancyfetus: ubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.32 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 27 kB05:27
cmanns__I went from ubuntu to Xubuntu before years ago so I thought it was easy05:27
Seveasfancyfetus: no, it's not. Just install gnome, log out and choose gnome when loggging back in.05:27
fancyfetusBen64, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage05:27
Ben64what are you trying to show me there05:28
fancyfetusI was talking to guy in here earlier who were telling me that ubuntu gnome will be "more vanilla" and more stable over ubuntu with gnome installed.05:28
Ben64ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu-gnome are all the same thing05:29
Ben64just different frontends, you can choose one or have a bunch going with no ill effects05:29
cmanns__<3 xubuntu05:29
cmanns__Also lubuntu is nice05:29
fancyfetusBen64, what is the onestop way of getting a gnome 3 frontend, then?05:29
narbehCan anyone help me with this problem? https://www.anonimg.com/img/163ec1e930d29df2667bb1857bd812f9.jpg05:30
Ben64fancyfetus: installing that will give you the full ubuntu-gnome desktop, if thats what you want05:30
Ben64may include other applications05:30
fancyfetusBen64, yes sir05:30
fancyfetusI dun busted my previous ubuntu installation so I'll have to reinstall that first.05:31
squintynarbeh:  can you actually connect to that site?  even the main site doesn't load here05:32
narbehsquinty: Thank you for the feed back. let me upload to another hosting site05:33
fancyfetusBen64, obviously this place is a little biased... but what do you think of fedora?05:33
fancyfetusIt comes packaged with gnome 305:33
fancyfetusthink it's a better option for me?05:34
lotuspsychjeis there a GUI for changing color of boot text?05:34
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narbehsquinty: http://i1.someimage.com/JKazdLO.jpg05:36
narbehCan anyone help me with this problem? http://i1.someimage.com/JKazdLO.jpg05:36
squintylotuspsychje:  https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/ubuntu/grub-customizer05:38
lotuspsychjesquinty: will that be able to change font color with quiet splash off?05:38
thurstylarkis there a way to pass a cli command to make compiz change desktops or other actions?05:48
damccullif i type a command into bash to figure out all the syntax i want, but then i want to save that into a .sh file...is there a way other than copy/paste? cat 'string with / and spaces' > file.sh doesn't work05:54
wafflejockthurstylark: http://askubuntu.com/questions/46613/is-there-a-command-for-the-workspace-switcher05:54
wafflejockdamccull: you can check your .bash_history for commands you've run not sure about an easy way to pull those out into a file from the command line though05:56
thurstylarkwafflejock: That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!05:56
wafflejockthurstylark: np05:56
damcculloh, i wonder if echo will do it05:56
damccullheh. yes. yes it will.05:57
damccullecho "string" > file05:57
wafflejockah right05:57
damccullforgot about echo05:57
wafflejockused that for some config stuff before05:57
wafflejock can use >> to append to a file too if you want to build up some sequence of commands in a script05:57
thurstylarkor a log file...05:57
damccullyep nice05:58
thurstylark(not the best log file, but...)05:58
brendan__.server irc.rizon.net05:59
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
khaoshi, i have installed lm sensors on my i7 laptop and the output on the terminal shows 2 cores. (System monitor shows 4). What I am doing wrong? thanks06:13
subhojit777I have created a vhost in amazon ec2 instance (Ubuntu). I want to access the the vhost by entering into localhost's hosts file (/etc/hosts). I do not understand what to put in the ip address. For example, for local vhosts I put What to put for ec2 instance06:16
dzieglerHi, i need an wrapper script for an PHP script in bash. How can i pass all arguments i give my wrapper to my php shell? Thats my code: http://pastebin.com/WHnM18Hy06:17
khaoshi, i have installed lm sensors on my i7 laptop and the output on the terminal shows 2 cores. (System monitor shows 4). What I am doing wrong? thanks06:17
subhojit777I have tried [ec2-xx-xxx-xx-xxx.us-west-x.compute.amazonaws.comsome.vhost.com] but it si not working06:18
somsipsubhojit777: put the ec2 server's public ip06:20
subhojit777somsip, any other solution apart from this06:21
somsipsubhojit777: yes, you can do it wrong06:21
subhojit777somsip, sorry, what wrong?06:21
somsipsubhojit777: if you want to add an entry to /etc/hosts you would use the public IP and some name as an identifier. If you do it a different way, it wont work06:22
subhojit777somsip, I see..06:22
nydeli've accidentally messed up my glibc library and can't get it back installed.. anyone know how to deal with this?06:25
khaoshi, i have installed lm sensors on my i7 laptop and the output on the terminal shows 2 cores. (System monitor shows 4). What I am doing wrong? thanks06:37
minimeckhaos: Did you configure it? 'sudo sensors-detect'06:43
rwpkhaos, Do you have a hyperthreaded cpu?  If so then you actually have 2-cores with 2-threads per core.06:47
karab_44I started to play with my graphic cards and then I lost my screen06:48
karab_44I simply changed primary card from nvidia to Intel and switched to novuea in the system06:49
karab_44And now I can't reverse it06:50
karab_44Screen is black06:50
TJ-karab_44: "simply" is not a description of what you did :)06:51
karab_44Tj I thought I wrote that I did it in bios06:52
cfhowlettkarab_44, if you changed it in bios, change it back.06:52
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TJ-karab_44: my point was, changing a fundamental part of the hardware is never 'simple' :)06:53
karab_44No cfhowlett it doesn't work06:53
nevermoreravenwhat ever happened to gobuntu?06:53
nevermoreravenwhy can't we have a completely 100% free ubuntu like gobuntu again?06:53
karab_44Tj I just want to restore my previous settings06:53
ubottunevermoreraven,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:53
karab_44I want nvidia back06:54
TJ-karab_44: Are the GPUs independent or linked (Optimus aka Bumblebee) ?06:54
cfhowlettnevermoreraven, FSF has a couple of "free" OS recommendations.06:54
karab_44No just separate card06:54
karab_44Second is on CPU, Intel HD 300006:55
hakHello I would like to ask, when you open Software & Updates > Additional Drivers and change one will it download or install from local storage.06:56
TJ-karab_44: OK, so you're set the Nvidia as primary, which may hav resulted in a custom "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" being generated, which may now be causing issues. Check that first, and rename/remove it, if necessary06:56
karab_44Tj OK!06:57
minimechak: Not the first time. Afterwards the needed packages are in /var/cache/apt/archives. So the second time, no download is needed IMHO.06:58
apickleSo I have a question.07:00
apickleAt 1:00 AM.07:00
karab_44Tj I need to change back to nvidia first07:00
hakminimec: I was using X.Org X driver but changed to Nvidia one. Now I am on very slow connection and would like to change back to X.Org but it takes somewhat long time.07:00
apickleYO YO YO07:01
karab_44There is conf with .failsafe extension and second one with yesterday s date07:01
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apickleNever mind.07:02
=== Theta is now known as Zeta
=== Zeta is now known as Tau
=== Tau is now known as Zeta
apickleHow do I switch between running server applications in the command line with Ubuntu Server?07:03
apickle(14.04 LTS?)07:03
nevermoreravenyo fosho07:04
nevermoreravenkeep it real07:04
minimechak: The nvidia opensource driver should be installed per default. It's the 'xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-lts-trusty' package, or whatever ubuntu version you use. maybe try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-lts-trusty' or so...07:04
apickleLike, say I want to host a Minecraft server, but I also want to host OpenVPN and Mumble.  How do I switch between being able to input commands for each application?07:04
cynicallemonapickle: you could open a tmux or screen session07:04
apickleI've heard about Screen, I was wondering if there was a way to do it without relying on third party applications.07:05
TJ-karab_44: Booting the system in Recovery mode should cause the screen to remain in text mode so you can work at the console07:06
minimechak: Also... You might have to 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-disabled.conf'. That alone should give you the nouveau driver back after reboot.07:06
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cynicallemonapickle: theres always your virtual consoles if you are in front of the server or you could bg & fg processes too07:07
karab_44Tj read my msg from 090107:08
karab_44There are two files07:08
cynicallemonapickle: but screen or tmux is by far the best way07:08
karab_44And yes I tried to do something in recovery last night but no success07:09
hakminimec: thank you will report after reboot :)07:10
=== banister_ is now known as banister
karab_44I just want to have my previous configuration, before I set to the neuvoa driver07:11
TJ-karab_44: Try adding "text" to the Recovery mode's kernel command-line ("linux ...") entry which will avoid graphics mode.07:13
karab_44Tj its OK I can enter text mode07:14
karab_44I see two files config.failsafe and config.yesterdaydate07:14
TJ-karab_44: OK, so you can do a full purge of the nvidia driver packages, and ensure any blacklists it left behind in "/etc/modprobe.d/*" are also removed - those would prevent the nouveau module being loaded07:15
nydelanyone know how to fix a broken libc/glibc? i'm afraid my system's going to go down, i can't call anything, not apt-get, not synaptic, not even ls -- everything is dependent on me getting glibc2.1707:18
rdbellI changed my userid and groupid and now I can't log in. Only guest session is displayed at the login screen. Any ideas on how to fix this?07:18
guiterdbell: ctrl+f1, then try to log here first :)07:19
rdbellguite that works fine07:19
nydelrdbell: can you open a tty (c-m-f6) and log in as yourself then change it back07:19
rdbellnydel I don't want to change it back if i don't have to.07:19
nydelyou will want to do things like change group id through ubuntu system management gui, else there are lots of problems07:20
rdbellI see.07:20
nydelthe userid especially07:20
rdbellDidn't realize there was a GUI for that.07:20
nydelanyone know anything about libc/glibc? am i just kind of f'cked here?07:21
Tex_Nickrdbell: as the doctor said ... if it hurts ... don't do that again ;))) just kidding sir07:22
rdbellGood advice.07:22
damian__need help someone07:24
Tex_Nickdamian__: state your problem ... providing as many details as you can ... someone might be able to help you07:27
jozefkI can't see the folder and files on external HDD. exFAT file system. only one partition. I copied the files on one PC with win8.1 and I can see them on that same PC but not on another one. Regardless of OS. Win8.1 or Linux, I can't see them in both cases07:29
jozefkwhat could be the reason?07:29
karab_44Tj I purged nvidia drivers, I'm in the system on Intel card07:32
karab_44Tj I go to settings and change to nvidia but it jumps back to nvoeaea07:41
jozefkkara you will never fix those problems. linux is not for human beings :)07:42
karab_44I am on physical nvidia card now07:42
karab_44Jozef wszystko pod kontrola ;)07:42
cfhowlett!ask | damian,07:43
ubottudamian,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:43
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest78724
jozefkkara I speak serbian ;) almost the same as polish but...07:44
karab_44Everything is under control jozef ;)07:45
tarelerulzI have never heard of it ,but do any movie files support meta tags which would let you sort your movies like you do mp3?07:45
cfhowletttarelerulz, video files can have meta ... depends what you want to edit.  avconv/ffmpeg are the tools I use.07:46
xor-freenetthe german ubuntu archive server provides bad package signatures for 14.04 again :(07:46
tarelerulzIs there a standard meta tags any movie format would use so you could sort them?  That is my real questions.  I know itunes has such ,but I know of nothing else07:48
karab_44Jozef I like Ubuntu. It causes problems from time to time but it's most because of me ;)07:48
geirhaxor-freenet: #ubuntu-de might know who to poke to get it fixed07:48
cfhowletttarelerulz, never heard of same.07:48
xor-freenetgeirha: thanks07:49
tarelerulzMKV  has meta tags ,but it not well support feature.07:49
cfhowletttarelerulz, easy enough to add meta for title/subject/author/creation date ... can't think of what else you might want.07:49
tarelerulzWell, adding them is fine ,but unless other medai player / app use the format it would not matter for sorting them like you do songs.07:50
karab_44Jozefk but the truth is yeah if you mess up, it's hard to fix it07:50
jozefklinux is good for some things. not for everything07:51
AlexC_I've got an issue whereby launching Skype through the dash will not log me in, however if I run it from command line it will. Any thoughts?07:51
cfhowletttarelerulz, true.  so ... you're asking the wrong questions????07:51
tarelerulzWhen I have looked for meta tags for movie all I find is why to  put meta information into websites so people can find the video .07:52
=== Guest83023 is now known as ikonia
cfhowletttarelerulz, choose the metas you want to use and inject them with ffmpeg/avconv07:53
ubuntu980I have / mounted at /dev/sda1 , then I added another harddrive, I mount /var at /dev/sdb1, my question is will the data of /var directory on /dev/sda1 be destroyed?08:00
ubuntu980??QUESTION?? I have / mounted at /dev/sda1 , then I added another harddrive, I mount /var at /dev/sdb1, my question is will the data of /var directory on /dev/sda1 be destroyed?08:01
=== dwatkins_ is now known as dwatkins
somsipubuntu980: no. It will remain there but not be written to and cannot be read if another mount point is 'over' it08:05
ubuntu980somsip: I don't understand this part: cannot be read if another mount point is 'over' it08:06
Siegel-hi. i have just upgraded to version 14. i had problems with updates before. there is an error that keeps occuring which wont enable me to install all updates. how do i solve this08:06
ubuntu980what do you mean by "another mount point is 'over' it"08:06
somsipubuntu980: you're mounting /dev/sdb1 on the same mountpoint.08:07
ubuntu980so the data remains there and no one can access it?08:08
somsipubuntu980: yes08:08
ubuntu980what is the right way to move a directory to another partition?08:08
somsipubuntu980: you want to move the existing /var contents to sdb1?08:09
kanhiayhi all, i  wrote few pages in HIndi on MIcrosoft office 13 and save it as ODT. They are opening properly in WIndows but in Libreoffice instead of Hindi fonts, English characters are appearing08:09
kanhiayhow to solve that issue, I am using UBUNTU 14.0408:09
kanhiayI ALSO changed keyboard layout08:09
kanhiayHindi, (bOLNAGRI, KAGAPA, WX) , they let me able to type but08:10
kanhiayrest of document, which were in HIndi , what to do08:10
somsipubuntu980: mount it somewhere else and copy it. Take care with permissions. Then remount it where you want it to go. Not sure how easy this is with var as the running system may look for files that aren't in /var if you move it, but copying should be safe. You might be able to mv it, then reboot and it could be fine08:10
kanhiayI also installed ibus-m17n08:11
kanhiaystill don't know what to do for these documents.08:11
kanhiayANY HELP08:11
Siegel-hi. i just got diconnected. i have a problem with the newest version of ubuntu. after having upgraded, i cant seem to access windows or applications i minimize (i use gnome interface). they used to appear on the bottom bar and now they just disappear.08:12
Siegel-how can i access them08:12
kanhiayi also tried to install language pack, I am on mobile internet and it started to download, LIbre office, base, calc, draw, core etc etc. It is charging too much.08:12
ubuntu980somsip: thanks, maybe I should just change this directory /var/www/html, it's getting large08:13
somsipubuntu980: that would be safe to move while the system was running08:13
bubbasaureskanhiay, do you have tty-mscorefonts-installer  installed?08:13
karab_44Tj I am close to fix it but still no cigar08:14
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theoswhy do my volume hotkeys input 0's? can i stop it?08:22
ObrienDavewhich hotkeys have you assigned to volume control?08:22
Fuchstheos: check with xev  what even they produce, feel free to change it with xmodmap08:22
theosthe hotkeys work fine for controlling volume but they input zeros at the same time08:23
FuchsI assume they produce both an acpi event or are hardwired to the volume, at the same time they produce a key event though. As said, can be checked with xev and fixed with xmodmap08:23
theosxev says XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (30) "0". is this what the 0 in the input comes from?08:26
nonubyIve install xubuntu-desktop on ubuntu server 14.04 but Im missing /etc/init.d/network-manager even though network-manager package is installed08:30
cra1g321hey i can't get the onboard ethernet working with 14.04, the onboard ethernet is Broadcom BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX08:33
cra1g321installed the linux-firmware-nonfree package and b43 firmware packages but no luck :/08:34
TJ-nonuby: network-manager uses an Upstart job config, not SysV08:34
ObrienDave!broadcom | cra1g32108:35
ubottucra1g321: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:35
ExeciNI installed gnome and every time ubuntu-server boots, gnome goes in a resolution of 800x600. How do I permanently change the resolution?08:36
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:40
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:40
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:40
cra1g321ObrienDave i've already looked at that wiki08:42
ObrienDavecra1g321, forgot that's for wifi.08:42
igneriousplease help me to compile this code http://pastebin.com/bCL6ZZfe in ubuntu08:44
samthewildoneHow do I launch the disk utility from command line?08:44
samthewildoneignerious, "g++ -Wall nameofprogram.cpp/c -o nameofprogram"08:45
samthewildonethough the code has errors08:46
igneriouswhat does "-Wall" do?08:46
samthewildoneprints out any errors08:46
samthewildoneor Warnings08:46
ignerioussamthewildone: Struct.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:08:47
igneriousStruct.cpp:17:6: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char’ [-fpermissive]08:47
ignerious  s.nm="Ajay";08:47
ignerious      ^08:47
samthewildoneignerious, well fix it08:47
samthewildoneur using a string for char man08:48
samthewildonechar = single character08:48
samthewildoneyour using 4 chars in a char variable08:48
igneriousso how should i fix it08:49
igneriousplease tell the code08:49
samthewildoneignerious, http://pastebin.com/68R1RVad08:49
samthewildoneignerious, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic08:50
Ben64this isn't a programming channel, please find the appropriate channel for this topic08:50
samthewildoneBen64, if you let me finish...08:50
* samthewildone storms out the room and has a cig08:50
Ben64samthewildone: i was already typing, wasn't going to stop :)08:50
ObrienDavedon't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya ;P08:51
TJ-I preferred the programming lesson ;p08:52
samthewildoneObrienDave, u made BRO ?08:52
somsipsamthewildone: worse. goad. ever08:54
SachiruQuery: What would you guys recommend as a DNS and WINS server for Ubuntu that is a) lightweight, b) intended for forwarding/caching only, and c) fast?08:54
theosxev shows that 2 keycodes are bound together. keycode 19 and keycode 122/123. how do i remove keycode 19?08:55
ExeciNI installed ubuntu-server-gnome and every time ubuntu-server boots, gnome goes in a resolution of 800x600. How do I permanently change the resolution?08:58
shinigami69hey guys, I have ubuntu 14.04 LTS installed. Can anyone tell me if I can upgrade to 14.04.1 from within ubuntu?09:01
ObrienDaveshinigami69, yes, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:01
ObrienDaveshinigami69, out put of 'cat /etc/issue' please09:02
shinigami69Thanks ObrienDave09:02
ObrienDaveshinigami69, will tell you if you already have it09:03
ObrienDavecat /etc/issue09:03
ObrienDavein terminal09:03
shinigami69ow, ok thanks.09:03
geirhaor lsb_release -rs09:03
geirhaerr, -ds09:04
ObrienDavecat /etc/issue gives me Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l09:04
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome09:06
theme2Can anybody troubleshoot an internet problem for me?09:07
ObrienDavetheme2, depends on the problem09:07
minimectheme2: Noet 'for' you, but 'with' you ;)09:07
theme2My computer has a very unreliable internet connection09:07
ObrienDavecouldn't possibly be your ISP, could it?09:08
theme2It has dual boot, and the internet in windows is very fast09:08
_-Tom-Tom-_wrong driver09:08
minimectheme2: Are you connected through wireless 'n' network?09:08
theme2It's wifi09:08
shinigami69ObrienDave, it worked, I already have 14.04.1. Thanks09:09
ObrienDaveshinigami69, cool :)09:09
theme2It took me quite some time to connect to the internet via wifi in the first place09:09
ObrienDavetheme2, ok, wifi a,b,g,ab,n?09:09
theme2ObrienDave: Where do I get that info?09:10
ObrienDaveyou would have to look on your routers built in webpage09:11
theme2It says it is "802.11 WiFi (wlan1)"09:11
theme2ObrienDave: where?09:11
ObrienDavehow would i know that? it's your router09:12
theme2oh right09:12
* theme2 tries to figure out his router webpage09:13
theme2I messed around and found a page with the big title: "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page"09:13
theme2probably not that09:13
_-Tom-Tom-_@theme2: Its the same address as the used gateway09:14
minimectheme2: I guess you are connected via wireless 'n', if you are using some recent router/wifi device. So the 'n' network is fast, but less stable than wireless 'g'. My idea would bee to either change the router to 'force' wireless g connections, or set your wifi modem driver to force wireless 'g'.09:14
ObrienDavetheme2, what is your current address to the router? 192.168.x.x?09:16
theme2I just found my router page09:16
theme2I recall changing its password quite some time ago09:17
theme2now what exactly is that password -_-09:17
ObrienDavetheme2, you can press the reset button and it will probably change to admin admin09:18
ObrienDaveuser 'admin' password 'admin'09:18
akaWolfhello! does everybody use a x11vnc?09:19
TJ-theme2: Based on my experience, especially as you say Windows WiFi is fast, I'd guess there's a driver issue on Linux. So, first find out what the actual device is. This should isolate that info:  "lspci -nnk -s $(lspci -nn | grep 0280 | awk '{print $1}') "09:21
theme2Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4331] (rev 02)09:22
theme2Subsystem: Apple Inc. AirPort Extreme [106b:00ef]09:22
theme2Kernel driver in use: wl09:22
theme2btw my system is triple boot09:22
TJ-theme2: Now check for any reported errors, looking at the last line "Tx excessive retries .... Invalid misc ... Missed beacon..." using "iwconfig wlan1"09:24
ObrienDave!broadcom | theme209:24
ubottutheme2: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:24
theme2TJ-: nothing showed up09:25
theme2ubottu: heh... how did I manage not to find that page09:25
ubottutheme2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:25
theme2ObrienDave: heh... how did I manage not to find that page09:25
Roryintelligence is relative09:25
theme2Now that's better09:25
TJ-theme2: OK ... if it has networking, can you do "pastebinit < <(tail -n 2000 /var/log/kern.log)" ?09:25
theme2I spent so much time trying to make wifi even work in the first place09:26
shinigami69I get this warning everytime ubuntu boots"Support for cores revisions 0x17 and 0x18 disabled by module param allhwsupport=0.Try b43.allhwsupport=1". How can i fix it?09:26
TJ-theme2: According to this "grep -rni '14e4.*4331' /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules*" the open-source module would be "bcma"; did you try that one before opting for the Broadcom proprietary "wl" driver?09:28
xor-freeneti have two machines, both on kubuntu 14.04 amd64, one on the german package server, one on the central one. both have the same version of openjdk-7-jre installed according to aptitude (7u65-2.5.1-4ubuntu1~ both show an update to 7u65-2.5.2-3~14.04. however, the one with the german server shows it as security update, while the central server shows it as regular update. why?09:28
TJ-shinigami69: Is that option set on the kernel command-line ("cat /proc/cmdline") ?09:28
theme2TJ-: last line of that kern.log file: **snip** kernel: [ 8824.396225] ERROR @wl_cfg80211_get_tx_power : error (-1)09:28
theme2looks suspicious09:28
xor-freenetthis was preceded by many "BADSIG" failures during package list update on the german server, which made me switch one machine to the central server. so it is scary that they now even show different updates.09:29
TJ-theme2: Yes, but there may be others - if you can pastebinit that'd help me09:29
theme2Result: Failed to contact the server: [Errno socket error] [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer09:30
shinigami69TJ-, I'm not sure by what you mean I'm pretty new to Linux, sorry,  but this is what I get when I run that command on the terminal "BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-35-generic root=UUID=1e25ea13-3aba-4423-ae5a-b7db3e70195f ro quiet splash vt.handoff=709:31
TJ-theme2: typical... I deduce that PC has networking problems :)09:31
xor-freenet(/etc/apt/sources.list: "central server" = http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ;  "german server" = http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/)09:31
ObrienDavexor-freenet, try a different mirror, or use the same mirror on both09:31
theme2I'm redirecting that tail to a file and manually pastebinning it09:32
bstarekhello all09:32
TJ-shinigami69: OK, the message suggested "b43.allhwsupport=0" was set manually, but it seems it is either set via options, or is the default. Let's check options now: "grep allhwsupport /etc/modprobe.d/*"09:32
ObrienDavetheme2, install pastebinit. it will give you a URL for us09:32
xor-freenetObrienDave: i don't want just the symptoms to go away, i want to find out why your servers ship different versions of the same package while claiming that it is the same version. this sounds like you're hacked, especially given that the german server spews loads of bad gnupg signatures09:32
theme2manually pasting...09:33
theme2ObrienDave: already installed09:33
theme2Result: the web page is not available D:09:33
xor-freenetObrienDave: i also work in a project which is suspected to be an interesting target for NSA, so i cannot ignore such stuff :|09:33
TJ-xor-freenet: which .de mirror are you hitting, some don't stay up to date09:34
* ObrienDave folds a foil hat for xor-freenet 09:34
theme2there you are09:34
theme2I mean, here it is09:34
xor-freenetObrienDave: assuming that NSA targets developers of internet anonymization software is not tinfoil hat level paranoia.09:35
theme2I think I see some hexdumps there09:35
xor-freenetTJ-: how can i find out?09:35
khaosi would like to ask why in the additional drivers section it shows that I am using the amd xorg open source driver and in the  lspci -v | grep -i vga it shows that I am using the i7 intergrated... is that normal ? :P09:35
theme2At the bottom of the paste has some strange erors09:36
shinigami69TJ- nothing happens when with "grep allhwsupport /etc/modprobe.d/*"09:36
theme2TJ-: what is happening with my router/modem/whatever?09:37
TJ-theme2: OK, power-management is the likely culprit - try "sudo iwconfig wlan1 power off"09:38
theme2TJ-: does that mean turning of the adapter or something09:38
TJ-theme2: Give it a hard test, see if that improves things.09:39
theme2typing iwconfig already says that power management is off09:39
theme2doing it any way09:39
theme22 log entries appear in the log09:40
theme2Sep 17 16:39:37 theemathas-ubuntu kernel: [ 9728.973943] ERROR @wl_dev_intvar_get : error (-1)09:40
theme2Sep 17 16:39:37 theemathas-ubuntu kernel: [ 9728.973950] ERROR @wl_cfg80211_get_tx_power : error (-1)09:40
theme2wait a sec, it appears when I type iwconfig09:40
=== clearcut is now known as reuf
theme2what exactly is wrong with my internet09:42
TJ-theme2: OK, so the driver doesn't respond to power interrogation requests09:43
shinigami69TJ- nothing happens when with "grep allhwsupport /etc/modprobe.d/*"09:43
theme2TJ-: interrogation?09:43
theme2My driver isn't a criminal09:44
TJ-shinigami69: OK, so it must be the default setting in the module. So, the recommended setting needs to be added09:44
theme2TJ-: erm... good luck multitasking -_-"09:45
TJ-theme2: 'iwconfig' interrogates the driver to discover what settings it has... the proprietary driver apparently doesn't want to play nicely when it comes to the power management settings09:45
shinigami69TJ- , ok so how do we change the settings?09:45
k1ltheme2: Try removing the dkms-broadcom-wl-6 package and installing the dkms-broadcom-wl-legacy-5 package then reboot09:47
TJ-shinigami69:  " echo "options b43 allhwsupport=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/b43.conf "09:47
k1ltheme2: wait. no such packages on ubuntu09:48
TJ-k1l: those are RPM packages :D09:48
shinigami69TJ- done, I'll reboot my system now, thanks TJ-.09:48
theme2Erm... RPM?09:48
theme2One more line appeared in my log: Sep 17 16:47:21 theemathas-ubuntu signond[10903]: ../../../../src/signond/signondaemon.cpp 388 init Failed to SUID root. Secure storage will not be available.09:49
karab44Tj I just recovered backup image with ghost4linux09:50
TJ-theme2: Can you tell us which broadcom packages are installed ("dpkg -l 'broadcom*'  ") ?09:50
k1ltheme2: did you already install the right driver for bcm43xx cards?09:50
TJ-theme2: Yes, that's an old old one!09:50
karab44made it 5th sept so it's not that old, needs just little tweaking.09:51
theme2TJ-: "dpkg -l 'broadcom*'" found nothing09:51
TJ-theme2: Did you manually install the 'wl' driver, or via "apt" / package management?09:51
k1ltheme2: lsmod | grep -e b43 -e wl09:52
theme2TJ-: not sure09:52
theme2TJ-: I recall something similar09:52
TJ-k1l: We already know it is using 'wl'09:52
TJ-theme2: How about "dpkg -l 'bcmwl*' " ?09:52
theme2TJ-: two hits here09:52
minimectheme2: Can you verify that this command 'apt-cache madison bcmwl-kernel-source' returns something like ''09:53
theme2ii  bcmwl-kernel-s amd64        Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireles09:53
theme2un  bcmwl-modalias <none>       <none>       (no description available)09:53
TJ-theme2: OK, we have it.09:53
TJ-k1l: for you:09:53
TJ-<theme2> Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4331] (rev 02)09:53
TJ-<theme2> Subsystem: Apple Inc. AirPort Extreme [106b:00ef]09:53
TJ-<theme2> Kernel driver in use: wl09:53
theme2apparently, wireless is misspelled09:53
minimectheme2: OK. 6.30.223.. is even better ;)09:53
shinigami69TJ- I rebooted my system but this time it came up with 3 lines that was too fast for me to read.. Is there a log file that i can check what those were ?09:54
TJ-theme2: k1l's earlier suggestion (based on RPM Redhat packages) was to effectively downgrade the driver version from 6.x to 5.x, and there are confirmations that solves this issue09:54
theme2shinigami69: hey! I also saw that thing09:54
TJ-shinigami69: "/var/log/dmesg"09:54
theme2Maybe my problem is similar to shinigami69's09:54
TJ-theme2: Are you using an Apple Mac device?09:55
theme2TJ-: Yes. I thought I already told that09:55
theme2I didn't?09:55
TJ-theme2: if you did it passed me by :)09:56
theme2TJ-: ???09:56
TJ-theme2: haha, bug! see bug 136088709:56
ubottubug 1360887 in linux (Ubuntu) "ERROR @wl_cfg80211_get_tx_power : error (-1)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136088709:56
karab44I have a question - when I start to type in nautilus it moves selection to current match. I.e. when type "doom" it selects "doom" folder and arrows jumps around all "doomed" named folder with that exception that it doesn't point any files where "doom" is postfix. Is there a way to enable that?09:57
theme2that bug looks exactly like my case09:59
TJ-theme2: We don't know if the poor performance issue is related to this, though10:00
theme2My computer is also a macbook10:01
TJ-theme2: As the bcma module (part of brcmsmac) declares it supports the chipset ID you have there, it'd be worth trying that instead of the 'wl' driver10:02
theme2TJ-: sudo apt-get install brcmsmac or what?10:02
TJ-theme2: You're using IRC from a different PC, correct?10:02
SuperStinkhey guys10:02
theme2TJ-: nope10:02
theme2It's just very unstable10:03
theme2I mean the internet10:03
nevermoreravenhow do I install password safe?10:03
TJ-theme2: hmmm.. OK, this could be more complicated then. To load the alternative kernel module you'll have to disable wifi networking, then unload the 'wl' driver, then load "brcmsmac"10:03
nevermoreravenError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libykpers-1-1 (>= 1.7.0-1)10:04
theme2TJ-: there's the "Additional Drivers" GUI that presumely does that10:04
SuperStinkso i was thinking of buying a new laptop just for ubuntu what sort of spec machine do i need i imagine its not alot10:04
theme2except that it only lists 1 driver there10:04
minimecnevermoreraven: What Ubuntu version are you on? 13.04 raring? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=libykpers&searchon=names10:07
TJ-theme2: It'll be something like "nmcli nm wifi off" then "sudo modprobe -r wl", then ensure "wl" is no longer in memory with "lsmod | grep wl" - if there is no listing for "wl" there, then do "sudo modprobe brcmsmac" then "nmcli nm wifi on" and see if you can get a connection10:07
kgalahassa_Hi I have a problem at boot  /dev/mapper/criptswap1 is not yet ready to mount10:07
TJ-theme2: If that fails...10:07
SuperStinki was looking to put the new version on10:07
TJ-theme2: Then "nmcli nm wifi off" , "sudo modprobe -r brcmsmac" then "sudo modprobe wl", "nmcli nm wifi on"10:08
kk_dropI had 2 disks: SSD and HDD attached, but accidentialy formatted first partition in hdd to swap and now I don't see any disk or even device in gparted on this disk10:12
kk_dropis there any way to recover it?10:12
TJ-kk_drop: possibly  - depends on what was there before10:14
robin77Anyone knows about a good 64-bit memory test tool?10:15
kk_dropit was empty partition 10gb (ntfs32) + extended partition with 2 another partitions (90gb ntfs + 400 gb fat32). I've formatted 400gb to ntfs and 10gb to swap accidentally (or more like I had no idea what i'm doing)10:16
kk_dropin disk order it was 10gb, ext ( 90gb + 400gb)10:16
kk_dropand after reboot I see only main disk where system is installed and no 500gb device at al10:17
TJ-kk_drop: if you only did "mkswap /dev/sdX1" then there'll be a swap header, but the remainder should be recoverable using "testdisk"10:17
Naphatulwhere does ubuntu recommend non repo software be installed? i was lazy and just made a bin folder in my home directory but i want to do it "properly" this time10:17
kk_dropTJ-, I did it with gparted tool, don't know exact command10:18
kk_dropTJ-, and this swap is not working - cat /proc/swaps returns nothing (i dind't have swap earlier at all)10:19
TJ-kk_drop: Hmmm. we're best working from the command line10:19
kk_dropTJ-,  is there anything I could do to recover this partition or format? I don't even see it when trying to fdisk -l10:20
TJ-kk_drop: what does "ls /dev/sd?" report ?10:20
kk_dropno such directory10:20
kostkonNaphatul, which one10:20
kk_dropTJ-, it's ubuntu 12.0410:20
Naphatulkostkon, what do you mean which one?10:20
kostkonNaphatul, software10:20
Naphatulkostkon, i'm getting pycharm at the moment but a lot of other stuff aswell10:21
kostkonNaphatul, in /opt if you want it to be system wide, otherwise in your home folder somewhere.. anywhere10:22
kk_dropTJ-, sorry, forgot question mark - result is /dev/sda  /dev/sdb10:23
TJ-kk_drop: phew!10:23
kostkon!info pycharm10:23
ubottuPackage pycharm does not exist in trusty10:23
TJ-kk_drop: OK, lets find out which device is which "cat /sys/block/sd?/device/model"10:24
kk_dropKINGSTON SV300S310:24
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ByjmLaysHow are u ?10:28
xenoawhats good option for windows ad in linux ?10:28
xenoaim fine....drinking coffee while googeling =D10:29
panos_i need to use ssh where both machines are behind NAT. any idea?10:29
_-Tom-Tom-_ssh -t @ panos_10:30
TJ-kk_drop: So sda is the SSD ... and the HDD is entirely gone as far as the kernel is concerned10:30
TJ-kk_drop: is the HDD internal or external?10:30
panos_what's ssh -t ?10:31
_-Tom-Tom-_ssh tunneling10:31
panos_can i use it without any publc ip?10:32
_-Tom-Tom-_why not10:32
kk_dropit is disk in adapter (plugged in instead of cd rom). but when it all was windows partitions it was recognized as usb10:33
_-Tom-Tom-_@panos ssh -t first_hop_ip ssh second_hop_ip10:35
kk_dropTJ-, sudo lshw is not showing this disk too10:37
_-Tom-Tom-_@panos best way to use it is without password but key-files10:37
TJ-kk_drop: try removal/reinsertion10:39
kk_dropit can't be - it's in adapter mounted instead of cdrom10:40
kk_dropI can reboot10:40
kk_dropTJ-, I'll do that, will be back in 5 mins10:41
zetherooIs it possible to have a running Debian system (say Wheezy) and "change" it to Ubuntu without formatting and installing Ubuntu fresh!?10:43
ikonianot at all10:43
kuch3nhi, iam trying to add some iptables rules but with following commands nothing was added: http://nopaste.euirc.net/index.php?id=09ebe8778310:43
zetherooikonia: co-worker seems to think it would work - I am VERY skeptical10:44
ikoniait would not10:44
_-Tom-Tom-_@kuch3n iptables -Lv -tnat10:44
_-Tom-Tom-_is your frind10:44
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ikoniayeah, masq is a nat table rule10:45
zetherooikonia: the notion is that the packages which Ubuntu and Debian use are identically named - so just changing the sources and reinstalling all packages would "work"10:46
_-Tom-Tom-_so no nat table is present10:46
ikoniazetheroo: no it would not10:46
zetheroocould I ask why? :)10:47
kuch3n_-Tom-Tom-_: witg -L -v -t nat i got: http://nopaste.euirc.net/index.php?id=712de657cd10:47
kuch3nso theres something :>10:47
ikoniazetheroo: because a distro is not just package names10:47
_-Tom-Tom-_@kuch3n ok my system takes -tnat your's not10:48
k1lzetheroo: it used to work in the early days. but i doubt that this will result in a working system without having to manage a lot of depencies these days10:48
kuch3n_-Tom-Tom-_: it doesnt take -Lv10:48
cfhowlettzetheroo, like k1l, I suspect failed dependencies10:48
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TJ-zetheroo: Try it in a VM but there'll be quite a few fix-ups required due to dependencies and diverges from Debian to Ubuntu10:49
zetherooha - ok, I think we'll leave it at that then :D10:50
zetheroothanks guys ;)10:51
DarkStar1Hi all. anyone tried to install pdf2swf tools lately for 12.1010:54
DarkStar1seems the ppa is invalid10:54
theoshi. is it possible for a key to have 2 keycodes at a time?10:57
ikoniakeycodes ?10:57
ikoniawhat do you mean10:57
theoswhen i press the volume increase/decrease key, two keycodes are detected by xev. one is 19 which is for 0 and other is 122 which is for volume down10:58
ikoniaI see10:59
ikoniaso key press codes10:59
theosis there a way to remove the code for 0 from the key?10:59
ikoniano idea.11:00
TJ-theos: Are you using numeric keypad with overlaid media functions?11:00
_-Tom-Tom-_@ikonia ???11:00
theosTJ- i am using the touch keys on my hp laptop. they work for volume control but also input 011:01
theosthey used to work fine in 13.04 and before that11:01
TJ-theos:  which model ("grep DMI /var/log/dmesg") ?11:02
newbsduserhow can watch a script call with elapsed time... for instance:  watch ./showstats.sh works fine but i can't see elapsed time like that.. is there an easy way to do that?11:03
theosTJ- its a DV711:03
theosDMI: Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook PC11:03
DarkStar1Can anyone help?11:08
kk_dropTJ-++ weird, it works now after reboot, but it didn't earlier when I rebooted. thank you for your time11:08
TJ-kk_drop: glad it's sorted11:08
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minimecDarkStar1: If you are on 14.04 LTS, you don't need that ppa anymore... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=swftools&searchon=names11:11
DarkStar1minimec: I am on 12.1011:11
minimecDarkStar1: With 12.10 you have definitely a HUGE problem! UPGRADE!11:12
k1l!eol | DarkStar111:12
ubottuDarkStar1: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:12
DarkStar1minimec: Yeah I figured. I'm looking for article on upgrade path at the moment11:12
k1lDarkStar1: you need to upgrade to 13.04, then 13.10 then 14.04. see the message from the bot11:13
minimecDarkStar1: I would consider a fresh installation, because your recommended upgrade path would be 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.0411:13
ObrienDave4x as many chances on something going wonky11:14
DarkStar1minimec: k1l it's a remote server11:15
DarkStar1so I have to upgrade11:15
DarkStar1as it has data on it11:15
k1lDarkStar1: then its even more careless to run a server with 12.1011:16
DarkStar1It's an old one11:16
k1lif you know you dont want to upgrade in near future stick to LTS releases in the first place.11:17
DarkStar1k1l: I do. This one is an inherited server.11:18
user1hi guys, i'm runnin ubuntu server op my laptop, and I would like to change the tab key into ctrl key, is that possible?11:18
minimecuser1: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys-or-devices11:19
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:22
user1minimec: thank you for your replay, the link you provided works only in a X session, which I don't user very often.11:26
minimecuser1: obviously, since it uses xmodmap.11:28
minimecuser1: HAve a look at /etc/default/keyboard and 'XKBOPTIONS' --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/149971/how-do-you-remap-a-key-to-the-caps-lock-key-in-xubuntu11:32
DryEaglehi guys, i'm setting up an fstab for this system, can someone just check it quickly to make sure i've done it right?11:35
DryEaglehere's the disks layout https://gist.github.com/anonymous/083a105bccaf42b4404411:36
DryEaglehere's the proposed fstab https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3d47d3fbac9314aa892611:36
DryEaglejust wondering if i'm missing anything obvious, all of this stuff is quite new to me11:37
jittersrunning 14.04  lts .  I  was wondering if there is  a security patch feature on networking &protocol that is causal to  the following.  Could any of you heavy duty Dudes  take a look and tell me if this could be my  Network provider or is there a Hack occuring further up the road11:37
jittersFrom: Facebook11:37
jittersHi Joseph,11:37
jittersWe detected a login into your account from a new device named "Firefox on Linux" on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 at 09:06. This device has been added to your account.11:37
jittersOperating System: Linux11:37
jittersBrowser: Firefox11:37
unopastejitters you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted11:37
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jittersIf this was you, please disregard this email.11:37
unopastejitters you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted11:37
jittersIf this wasn't you, please secure your account, as someone else may be accessing it.11:37
jittersThe Facebook Security Team11:37
jittersPlease note: Facebook will never request your login information via email.11:37
ObrienDavedang, full moon is not for 2.5 weeks11:40
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theosis there a way to remove 2 keycodes from a single key? i am getting 2 keycodes when i trigger a single key.11:57
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NightFurygood morning all12:12
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Dongustonrm: cannot remove ‘/var/www/media/import’: Directory not empty12:31
moeinHI, I know Java and I am going learn python. What do you suggest to use as IDE? Do you suggest just use gedit + terminal?12:31
ikoniause -rf12:31
Dongustonikonia, that is with -rf12:32
guzzi_jonesi have a vm running on an lvm at /dev/vg0/vm1, how come when i take a snapshot of that lvm i cannot mount it for a backup?12:32
guzzi_jonesdo snap shots not work with virtual machines on a partition?12:33
evil_dan2wikWhat is the command to upgrade from 13.10 to the lts 14.x version?12:33
compdocIve never done it because I dont like LVM, but I think you can do that12:33
ikoniaDonguston: rm -rf12:33
guzzi_jonesi am using lvcreate -n -s snap /dev/vg0/vm112:33
Dongustonyes ikonia12:33
ikoniaDonguston: use that12:34
ikoniaDonguston: your directory is not empty12:34
Dongustoni did12:34
ikoniaDonguston: right, that will work then12:34
guzzi_joneswhen i try and mount /mnt/snap /dev/vg0/vm1 i get -- you must define a file system12:34
Dongustonhttp://pastebin.com/gk6bHCTs ikonia12:34
guzzi_jonesi suppose i will just have to back it up with virsh12:34
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guzzi_jonescompdoc, why do you dislike lvm?12:35
compdocgets in my way. just never liked it. its one reason I switched to Ubuntu server from centos, because ubuntu doesnt default to using lvm12:36
ikoniaDonguston: that can't happen12:36
Dongustonwell it is happening12:37
compdocin any case, you cancreate snapshots. Ive seen tutorials online12:37
Dongustoni have no idea why :/12:37
_Rocky_I installed gnome-desktop on Ubuntu 14.04.1. The dual monitors settings(in ~/.config/monitors.xml) are not applied on startup. So I have to set the positions every time I boot into gnome. Is anyone else facing this issue? Can someone give me a clue why this could be happening?12:37
ikoniaDonguston: is there anything under /var/www/import12:37
ikoniasorry /var/www/media/import12:37
_Rocky_If I switch to unity during login, the monitor settings are applied. It doesn't work just with GNOME and GNOME classic.12:38
oleoleHey. Where does Ubuntu store network configurations from the network manager GUI? I have a configuration for mobile broadband that I need to deploy on several machines, so it would be great if I could just copy the conf-file to the other machines, so I don’t have to go through the GUI and do it12:39
_Rocky_Also, I wanted to know if this is the right place to ask or should I be asking at the gnome channel in gimpnet12:40
Dongustonoleole, /etc/network/interfaces12:41
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rajumohhi, i am creating partitions using cgpt. After creation of the partition id did a partprobe on the device, all the created partitions show up except one? how do i troubleshoot this ?12:41
oleoleDonguston: Sure it’s the correct place? I can’t find the configuration with internet APN etc. in that12:43
_Rocky_rajumoh, is the missing partition primary or extended?12:43
_Rocky_rajumoh, could you mention your scheme?12:43
_Rocky_rajumoh, you could verify with cgpt or gparted or parted12:43
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minimecoleole: Reading the german wiki, it should be .config/system/networking/connections for local Broadband12:44
oleoleminimec: It’s a USB modem I connect to the computer, and the configuration is in the Mobile Broadband section of network manager, but I can’t see it in that file12:45
rajumoh_Rocky_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8364837/12:45
minimecoleole: IN what file...12:45
rajumoh_Rocky_: there is my partition and dev listing and an attempt tp format the partition12:46
minimecoleole: oups it's... ~/.gconf/system/networking/connections12:46
oleoleminimec: Hmm I don’t even have that folder12:46
oleoleminimec: Btw.. It’s 12.0412:47
oleole(that folder = system in .gconf)12:47
minimecoleole: Ok. It changed in 14.04....12:47
rajumoh_Rocky_: when i use gparted, i can see the partition mmcblk0p12, but then when i format it, it complains that i cannot find the parition12:48
minimecoleole: I don't have it either here on my 12.04 desktop...12:49
oleoleminimec: Ahh, got it. It’s in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/12:51
minimecoleole: Cool. ;)12:51
rajumoh_Rocky_: any ideas ?12:52
ubuntuuserHi. What GTK version is Ubuntu 12.04.5 using? Seems like every GTK3.0 theme I apply will make Ubuntu (with Pantheon) look like Windows 95.12:56
DanShinsomeone know, what is the better kernel to use in ubuntu 14.04?12:57
Z3Hi, why nouveau looks with less brightness and/or contrast than nvidia proprietary driver? I use Ubuntu 14.04 in a desktop with a Nvidia GeForce GT 640. I had this problem in the past too with other nvidia cards and ubuntu versions12:57
pbxDanShin, better for what purpose?12:58
_Rocky_rajumoh, how big is your disk?12:58
_Rocky_2 TB?12:58
rajumoh_Rocky_: 8gb12:58
_Rocky_rajumoh, what does parteprobe give you12:59
DanShinfor the normal user. i just want work here. But i will use hardcore programs as matlab.12:59
_Rocky_rajumoh, did you check for errors in dmesg?12:59
rajumoh_Rocky_: no i did not , having a look now13:00
minimecubuntuuser: 'dpkg -l libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0'13:01
ubuntuuserminimec Desired- Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold13:02
minimecubuntuuser: scroll down... 'ii  libgtk-3-0     3.4.2-0ubuntu0 GTK+ graphical user interface library' ;)13:03
DanShinpbx for the normal user. i just want work here. But i will use hardcore programs as matlab.13:03
rajumoh_Rocky_: no errors in dmesg, on partprobe.  When i remove and reinsert the card it show that a new card with partitions 1,2 and 3 was found. cgpt still showing partitionls p1,p2,p3 and p1213:04
minimecubuntuuser: If you don't see that, you don't hvave libgtk-3-0 installed ;)13:04
ubuntuuserseems i have 3.4.213:04
Z3Hi, why nouveau looks with less brightness and/or contrast than nvidia proprietary driver? I use Ubuntu 14.04 in a desktop with a Nvidia GeForce GT 640. I had this problem in the past too with other nvidia cards and ubuntu versions13:04
Helsinkiiihi. how can I find the logs containing a recent kernel panic??13:04
k1lHelsinkiii: /var/log/syslog.113:06
ubuntuuserso I must use only GTK 3.4 themes if I'm running on GTK 3.4.2?13:06
Helsinkiiik1l, it happened 2 minutes ago and I can't find it there13:07
BluesKajHelsinkiii, try /var/log/syslog13:07
mattxtnHelsinkiii, you could also take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/CrashdumpRecipe13:07
k1lHelsinkiii: ok, the .1 is the syslog from last boot13:07
DanShinsomeone know, what is the better kernel to use in ubuntu 14.04?13:08
Helsinkiiik1l, could it be that my wireless driver keeps causing kernel panics when the downloading gets too intense?13:08
k1lHelsinkiii: dont know. see the logs what caused that kernel panic13:09
jonarshey guys. i'm really having a newby question but i cannot find the correct answer via google. i think i'm missing something basic. i tried to "make" or "make install" this http://icculus.org/obdgpslogger/ - did it like it's posted on the "building" section13:10
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, syslog contains stuff from after the panic13:10
jonarsbut make and make install throw back the error there's no targets specified and no makefile found13:10
toukido someone know how to use cpulimit ?13:10
jonarsi install gcc buiild essentials before13:10
toukiwith a python script?13:10
BluesKajHelsinkiii, then there may be no log since kernel panic happened before you got to grub , correct?13:11
ELFrederichtrying to "apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre-headless" in an Ubuntu Docker container.  I get this:13:12
ELFrederichThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:12
ELFrederich openjdk-6-jre-headless : Depends: tzdata-java but it is not going to be installed13:12
Helsinkiiimattxtn, not sure how I'm supposed to use this13:13
Helsinkiiimattxtn, downloaded it, though13:13
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, hmm, basically everything went to text mode almost insatantly13:13
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, this happens almost daily13:13
BluesKajHelsinkiii,  to the VT/TTY login?13:14
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, no everything is frozen. i need to restart with the power button13:15
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, everyhing is totally frozen13:15
BluesKajHelsinkiii, then what happens after restart?13:15
hillaryWhich  terminal command can i use to upgrade my 12.04 to 14.04LTS13:15
minimecELFrederich: 'sudo apt-get purge openjdk-6-jre-headless' to get the package system working again, or was '6' a typing error? Afterwards we have to solve the tzdata-java problem13:16
BluesKajhillary, sudo do-release-upgrade13:16
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, everything is back to normal. log in, get to work13:17
BluesKajhillary, make sure you update and upgrade first13:17
hillaryhow do i check my ubuntu version using terminal13:17
BluesKajhillary, lsb_release -a13:18
hillarythank you13:20
hillaryam now on 14.04lts13:20
hillarymy broad band modem still not working13:20
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, should I simply try updating to the latest release?13:21
HelsinkiiiBluesKaj, i'm on 12.04, would there be issues?13:21
pythonhi guys , someone has tryed kde 5 ?13:21
hillaryi mean it disconnect itself13:21
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jonarsis there a need to "uninstall" manually built applications?13:24
jonarstheres one app i downloaded via svn13:24
jonarsand its also available via apt-get13:24
Kazooiejonars: it most likely that the svn copy you built is a newer version that is available in the repo13:25
jonarsi c13:26
jonarsand is the svn build just where i downloaded it or is it also copied to local/bin - e.g can I run both?13:27
ikoniajonars: no, it's where you configured it to deploy to, it depends on the app and the build method13:27
jonarsokay, thanks13:28
jonarsi dont get it - http://icculus.org/obdgpslogger/manpages/render/obdsim.txt - there's a bluetooth switch13:28
jonarsbut when i execute it, there the error "unrecognized command"13:28
ikoniathats a text file13:28
ikoniayou don't execute a text file13:28
ikoniawhat command are you executing exactly ?13:28
jonarsyeah but the textfile belongs to an application13:28
ikoniajonars: no, what is the exact command you are using13:29
jonarssvn co svn://svn.icculus.org/obdgpslogger/trunk obdgpslogger13:29
ikoniathat checks out source code13:29
ikoniathat doesn't actually give you an application13:29
jonarsok.. after installing it's just "obdsim - b"13:29
ikoniahow did you install it ?13:29
jonarsok.. after installing it's just "obdsim -b"13:29
jonarscmake & make13:30
ikoniaso the binary will probably and up in either /usr/local/bin or the current working directory of the build13:30
ikoniadepending on the build process13:30
jonarsbut the build method should not decide whether there's the bluetooth switch or not13:30
jonarsi already found it13:30
ikoniaso just run the command13:31
jonarsi did13:31
jonarsbluetooth switch is not recognized13:31
jonarsbut thats not related to build13:31
ikoniaok, so there you go then13:31
ikoniayou've not built it to support that/it isn't in that version13:31
jonarsah - i see13:32
jonarswhat a pity it's already in the manpage13:32
subsonikhi guys13:42
subsonikmy ubuntu 14.04 system stopped booting :(13:42
subsonikALERT!  /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!13:42
subsonikthis happened after I reformatted a logical volume into EXT4 (not the boot volume)13:42
subsonikI mean, not the root volume13:42
rberg_hey folks I am trying to stop "init: ttyS1 main process ended" log spam where I do not have a serial port. I have removed /etc/init/ttyS1.conf and ran "initctl reload-configuration" and "telinit q" this hasent stoped it yet.. any ideas on what I am missing?13:43
subsoniktried booting from a live CD, removing this reformatted volume, doesnt help13:43
DJ_UnibobStill early in the day, but someone should be able to help or point you guys in the right direction before too long.13:44
subsonikbtw, if I type "lvm" in the initramfs console, all my logical volumes show up fine, yet I still got ALERT!  /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!13:45
subsonikanyone have a clue? :(13:45
ikoniasubsonik: what pv's make up the ubuntu volume group13:46
subsonikikonia: only /dev/sda313:47
ikoniasubsonik: try to bring the volume group on line and mount it13:49
subsonikI think the VG is online because I can mount my root LV just fine13:50
stevendumanihello, I'm using 14.04 64 bit, can i install defoma of older versions of ubuntu? and which one? https://launchpad.net/defoma13:50
JuJuBeeIs there any way to recover a SATA HD given these messages?  http://pastebin.com/FgJbmeYA13:50
subsonikin the initramfs console I type mount /dev/ubuntu-vg/root /something et voila13:50
JuJuBeeOr am I SOL?13:50
hillarycan anybody assist me with my broadband not working in 14.04 LTS?13:50
ikoniasubsonik: iti can't be online if you're getting that error message13:50
hillaryit used to work but it has stopped13:50
ikoniahow are you mounting it/what are you doing to mount it13:50
subsonikikonia: I didn't do anything to mount the volume group :-)13:51
subsonikI just mounted the logical volume13:51
ikoniasubsonik: from where ?13:51
subsonikfrom the initramfs console13:51
hillaryIt is huawei mobile broadband model E 175013:51
ikoniahow are y mounting it13:52
ikoniahow are you13:52
subsonikI type mount /dev/ubuntu-vg/root /something13:52
subsonikand there I have my root volume under /something13:52
rberg_weird so I had to recreate ttyS1.conf,  'stop ttyS1'. rm ttyS1.conf, then initctl reload-configuration..13:52
ikonia at what point in the boot process do you gt the error message13:52
rberg_I guess  you have to stop it before removing the conf file13:52
subsonikikonia: no clue, in grub I select recovery mode, then it runs for about 30 secs, then I get the error message "ALERT!  /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!"13:53
subsonikand this is the shell I'm currently working in13:53
subsonikie. where I can properly mount my root LV13:54
subsonikmakes me think there is something wrong wit this "mapper" thing because he's complaining /dev/mapper/ubungu--vg-root doesn't exist  - even though the LV seems fine13:54
ikoniasubsonik: remove the boot splash and boot it normally13:55
subsonikwhat's a boot splash?13:55
subsonikif I boot normally I just get a black screen13:55
subsonik(dark purple, actually)13:55
stevendumanihello, I'm using 14.04 64 bit, can i install defoma of older versions of ubuntu? and which one? https://launchpad.net/defoma13:57
DarkStar1I keep getting this error : debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog13:57
DarkStar1using ubuntu 14.0413:57
DarkStar1I tried installing debconf but keep getting the same error13:58
expungeDarkStar1: try reinstalling dialog via apt-get13:58
calimero_82hi guys13:58
calimero_82how can i compress an iso file? i ve lubuntu 14.04, thanks13:59
DarkStar1expunge: as in apt-get install dialog?13:59
DarkStar1expunge: because I get the same exact error14:00
subsonikikonia: any further suggestions? :-) otherwise I'll resort to reinstall (AGAIN) :-(14:01
ikoniasubsonik: sorry, I'm lagging hard, what was your last question14:01
subsoniknp it's about the boot issue where my root LV doesn't get mounted14:01
CorruptedHelixI'm trying to do something a bit complicated here; I made two partitions on my external SSD (which is where I want to install ubuntu), one which is 8GB and the other which is 60GB. I installed Ubuntu on the 8GB partition and tried to boot into it via the Boot Manager, but here comes the tricky part.14:02
stevendumanihello, I'm using 14.04 64 bit, can i install defoma of older versions of ubuntu? and which one? https://launchpad.net/defoma14:02
subsonikyou asked me to remove the boot splash (?)14:02
subsonikso I tried booting normally which gives me a black screen14:02
ikoniasubsonik: it's a grub option14:02
CorruptedHelixIt's an HP computer, so it only lets me choose devices, not partitions. It sees my eSATA drive, but when I boot into it I get a black backlit screen and nothing happens.14:02
subsonikk I'll have a look14:02
CorruptedHelixWhat might be the issue?14:02
subsonikikonia: can't find anything boot splash related in grub14:03
subsonikdo you mean the "recovery mode" ?14:03
superkuhI run Xubuntu 14.04 w/Ubuntu MATE desktop environment. I used to run the same on 12.04. After dist-upgrading to 14.04 I began to have constant, seemingly random, segfaults in my file managers (Caja, Thunar). I installed debug symbols, etc, and the backtraces on the crashes all point to memory corruption in the gslice magazine allocator. These crashes are so frequent as to make desktop use infuriating. I have documented the issue at: http://ubunt14:03
superkuhuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244484 . Anyone have any ideas on where or who I submit this bug to?14:03
superkuhEr, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244484 for anyone too lazy to cut and paste.14:04
Fuchssuperkuh: your link got cut apart due to the 512 character limit of IRC14:04
ikoniasubsonik: no, forget recovery mode, there should be a splash option in the grub onfig, you need to change that to nosplash and remove th e quiet option14:04
Fuchsah, you've seen that :)14:04
stevendumanihello, I'm using 14.04 64 bit, can i install defoma of older versions of ubuntu? and which one? https://launchpad.net/defoma14:05
DarkStar1gah I can't uninstall or install anything. It would seem that the attempt at installing mariadb is somehow blocking this, functionality.14:05
calimero_82how can i compress an iso file? i ve lubuntu 14.04, thanks!!!14:06
DarkStar1keep getting this when I try to un-install the db, or diqlog or just about everything I have tried to install thus far14:07
expungecalimero_82: an "iso file" with what on it?14:07
calimero_82it's a game14:08
calimero_82but it's to big for my usb14:08
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xanguabuy a bigger usb stick14:08
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: how big is your USB?14:16
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: the data is already compressed to make the squashfs which holds the liveCD environment14:16
expungeActionParsnip: kind of a personal question14:16
calimero_82the iso is 5.6 gb, i've 2 pen usb of 4 gb14:17
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: what is the name of the file?14:17
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: i dont know an official ISO that big...14:17
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minimeccalimero_82: ;) https://www.google.com/search?q=split+iso+file&ie=UTF-8&sa=Search&channel=fe&client=browser-ubuntu&hl=en#channel=fe&hl=en&q=split+iso+file+ubuntu14:18
jhutchinscalimero_82: Just mount the iso, no need for a physical disk.14:18
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: is this a game?14:18
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: sims 314:18
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: so....piracy.....14:18
cfhowlett!piracy | calimero_82,14:19
calimero_82yes sims314:19
ubottucalimero_82,: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:19
fancyfetuseverytime I attempt to boot from usb14:19
calimero_82nono no piracy14:19
fancyfetusthe isolinux folder contents are deleted....14:19
fancyfetusso I'd check the iso folder on windows and it would have all of it's files14:19
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: its an ISO from torrents, if you search the web it is all over the place14:19
eutheriahi, i am trying to get a backtrace from an app, however when it segfaults i can't escape from the window, is there something i can do to break out back to the desktop?14:19
fancyfetusthen when I try to boot from it and the boot fails. I go back to windows to see that isolinux is empty again!14:20
superkuheuphoria, type "continue"14:20
superkuhin gdb.14:20
eutheriasuperkuh: i can't get out of the app's window14:20
superkuhHuh. Not sure I understand.14:20
cfhowlett!usb | fancyfetus, I suspect you created a *very* faulty USB.14:21
ubottufancyfetus, I suspect you created a *very* faulty USB.: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:21
superkuhYou could always ctrl-alt-f# to switch to another tty and kill it via that console.14:21
eutheriasuperkuh: the app won't let go of the cursor or keyboard, all i can do is alt+f1 to kill gdb from console14:21
CorruptedHelixI installed Ubuntu to a drive via the USB Installer. On the drive is WUBI. Can I just launch Ubuntu via Wubi and install it to my target drive that way?14:21
fancyfetuscfhowlett, I've followed all of those instructions14:21
eutheriacan't alt+tab away from the app, just alt+ctrl+fx14:22
cfhowlettCorruptedHelix, wubi is no longer supported and does not work with 14.04.  do ANYTHING but wubi14:22
CorruptedHelixThen let me restate my previous issue14:22
CorruptedHelixI'm trying to do something a bit complicated here; I made two partitions on my external SSD (which is where I want to install ubuntu), one which is 8GB and the other which is 60GB. I installed Ubuntu on the 8GB partition and tried to boot into it via the Boot Manager, but here comes the tricky part.14:22
CorruptedHelixIt's an HP computer, so it only lets me choose devices, not partitions. It sees my eSATA drive, but when I boot into it I get a black backlit screen and nothing happens.14:22
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: you need to install a boot manager to the device you are booting from14:23
high_fiverminimec, o/14:23
CorruptedHelixeutheria: http://smashinglim.es/i/Uk7Skp.png14:23
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup14:23
CorruptedHelixUbuntu O: is the target drive14:23
superkuhCorruptedHelix, that URL does not load an image.14:23
eutheria503, internal server error14:24
superkuhAh, now it does.14:24
minimechigh_fiver: never mind... It was a typical hi<tab> 'thing'... ;)14:24
CorruptedHelixsuperkuh: Reload the page, it works for me.14:24
superkuhMust be load stuff.14:24
martin1989hi people14:24
martin1989i have a question about peppermint14:24
ActionParsnipmartin1989: peppermint isnt supported here14:24
martin1989where could i ask that?14:24
eutheriareloaded, works, CorruptedHelix so you are in windows? so what?14:24
BluesKajCorruptedHelix, grub should have installed ...and being an HP pc means nothing , there's nothing different about them than any other pc, you chose a pretty small partition for ubantu as well14:24
ActionParsnipmartin1989: try in #peppermintos14:25
high_fiverminimec, don't leave me hanging14:25
martin1989ok thnx14:25
CorruptedHelixBluesKaj: 8GB is the install partition since I don't have a USB stick, when I boot into it I'm going to install it to my 60GB partition14:25
eutheriaso no one knows how to register break out of a crashed app that has stolen the keyboard/mouse focus?14:25
BluesKajCorruptedHelix, so it's a / and the 60G is /home?14:26
ActionParsnipmartin1989: seems to be #peppermint on the SpotChat IRC network14:26
CorruptedHelixBluesKaj: Ubuntu partition is empty right now since I didn't get into Ubuntu to install it to there yet14:26
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CorruptedHelixeutheria: I have no idea how to install it or boot into it. I'm currently using Windows and GRUB does not show up at load, nor when I boot into my eSATA drive.14:26
Zenzr_Hello all14:27
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: that wiki page should help, well boot a rescue disk and run grub14:27
CorruptedHelixeutheria: I can't because of my issue, I have no USB drive.14:28
Israphel2if you create an ubuntu liveusb with Unetbootin, how do you get to the language selection?14:28
CorruptedHelixIf I did I wouldn't be doing something this complicated14:28
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: how did you even install ubuntu in the first place?14:28
CorruptedHelixI DIDN'T.14:28
CorruptedHelixThat's my issue.14:28
CorruptedHelixI can't boot into Ubuntu.14:28
CorruptedHelixLet me explain this again.14:29
BluesKajCorruptedHelix, no dvds or dvd drive either?14:29
CorruptedHelixNo burnable ones14:29
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: pxe boot14:29
CorruptedHelixJust listen... I have Ubuntu installed onto my SSD in an 8GB installation partition, and a 60GB partition that I want to install it to once I boot up Ubuntu.14:29
CorruptedHelixI tried going into the Boot Manager at startup and boot from the eSATA drive (the SSD is external), but when I do, the screen goes black and nothing happens.14:30
CorruptedHelixI can't boot into Ubuntu and thus can't actually install it.14:30
boss2022003I am BUMMED that the Ubuntu Edge program didn't make the phone......it would've been a frontrunner EVEN NOW!!!14:30
cfhowlettboss2022003, tis sad, but please continue this discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic14:30
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: so you didn't install ubuntu but yet you have ubuntu installed? wow that is one which came first problem14:31
Zenzr_Can someone direct me to Ubuntu support with a Macbook, if there’s a specific area I can go to?14:32
cfhowlett!mac | Zenzr_,14:32
ubottuZenzr_,: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:32
CorruptedHelixeutheria: I installed Ubuntu to drive I: via the USB Installer, which is the 8GB partition on my SSD14:32
CorruptedHelixI want to boot into that partition and run the installer14:32
CorruptedHelixand install it on my 60GB partition14:32
CorruptedHelixThe main problem here is,  I can't boot into Ubuntu.14:32
CorruptedHelixIgnore everything else.14:32
Zenzr_Thank you14:33
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: so you installed the installer to a partition,14:33
CorruptedHelixeutheria: http://smashinglim.es/i/EIIrJ8.png What I installed to that partition14:33
CorruptedHelixhttp://smashinglim.es/i/XSbMzw.png My destination partition14:33
CorruptedHelixTake note of the drive names14:33
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: are you using wubi ?14:34
seinf2br ?14:34
CorruptedHelixikonia: Not trying to, that was put into the directory by the installer14:34
k1l!br | seinf214:34
ubottuseinf2: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:34
CorruptedHelixI used Universal USB Installer14:34
* cfhowlett makes the sign of the cross in wubi's direction - to ward off evil.14:34
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: can I clarify14:35
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: have you actually installed ubuntu ?14:35
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: so why are you showing screenshots of the ubuntu file systems from windows ?14:35
CorruptedHelixikonia: To show my goal, I'm typing a reply ot your first message14:36
CorruptedHelixHere's as far as I've gotten; I've downloaded the Ubuntu ISO. I used Universal USB Installer to install it on my 8GB partition. When I try to boot into this partition, nothing happens.14:36
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: how  are you showing the ubuntu file system in windows14:36
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: the ubuntu file system is not visible by windows14:36
CorruptedHelixikonia: I installed it via the ISO, I NEVER BOOTED INTO UBUNTU TO INSTALL IT YET.14:36
mishravikasHi all am running ubuntu 14.04 and my system takes a lot of time to boot up so I checked dmesg logs and I can see that it takes about 300 seconds and that is no way normal can anyone please help me read and interpretthose logs?14:36
eutheriaikonia: he things he has installed ubuntu, but he has installed the installer14:36
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: typing in caps doesn't make it any more true14:37
CorruptedHelixI'm getting annoyed because this is going circular.14:37
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: if you installed into a 8GB partitioin, windows should not be able to seee that partition at all14:37
CorruptedHelixTHat's what I used.14:37
CorruptedHelixikonia: It formatted it to FAT32.14:37
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: then that's why it's failing14:37
CorruptedHelixI'll try again via UNetbootin.14:37
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: you should be using ext4 or xfs or some ort of linux supported file system with permissions14:37
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: you are trying to do something that can't be done,14:37
k1lCorruptedHelix: for that sort of installer you need a removable usb device like a usb-pen-drive14:38
CorruptedHelixeutheria: I'm not doing anything like that on purpose, all I used is Universal USB Installer so far.14:38
eutheriawhere are you intending to install ubuntu to? the 8gb partition that the ubuntu installer is installed on?14:38
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: no need to change the installer14:38
CorruptedHelixk1l: I have none, which is why I am using a different partition14:38
ikoniaCorruptedHelix: the universal installer will not make fat32 file systems14:38
k1lCorruptedHelix: that doesnt work with usb-hdd or other partiitons14:38
CorruptedHelixGod dammit.14:38
mishravikascan anyone help find problems from dmesg logs please?14:38
BluesKajlots of cooks now :)14:38
CorruptedHelixeutheria: I was intending to install it to the 8GB partition, boot into the partition, and then install it to my 60GB partition from inside of there.14:39
CorruptedHelixEssentially, I'm trying to use my 8GB partition as a USB drive.14:39
fission6any ideas why when i run the following command from inside  abash script i get "Extra" output in the console about Waiting for Node, the command is sudo service httpd restart, it works instantly when i run the command directly on the terminal, but if its done in a bashscript it hangs on this "Waiting for 1 node -> 19222" i don't even get that output when i run directly, any ideas!?14:39
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: so you are going to have to find a way to get a boot loader, good luck with that if you have no cd's/pxe boot servers or usb drives14:40
eutheriaand to which you don't need the 8gb partition14:40
eutheriagoogle for windows boot loaders14:40
BluesKajCorruptedHelix, no usbs , no dvds or cds , go spnd a couple dollars and buy some media you can use to install from14:41
eutheriaas i said in the first place14:41
minimecCorruptedHelix: Let's guess, that what you want is not possible. Couldn't it be a solution to install Virtualbox and create an empty virtual machine. Afterwards you load the Ubuntu live image into that VM, and install it on the physical 60GB partition ;)14:41
CorruptedHelixminimec: Is it?14:41
eutheriaCorruptedHelix: don't listen, he is making fun14:42
cfhowlettminimec, I like that idea!14:42
CorruptedHelixI thought so.14:42
eutheriai personally like the idea too14:42
eutheriahowever don't14:42
eutheriago buy yourself a usb drive14:42
minimecCorruptedHelix: Did you ever run a OS on that hdd. Is the master boot sector ready for booting... ?14:43
k1lgrub actually can boot from .isos but that is going to get real tricky to install and it is way more easier to get some sort of removable media14:43
Con7eGuys, are any of you a screen expert?14:43
CorruptedHelixminimec: Never.14:43
eutheriai am sure you can find €5 from somewhere14:43
Con7eI am trying to understand a strange bebhaviour14:43
Con7eI currently have 3 screen sessions14:43
Con7econ7e@Con7e:~$ screen -list14:43
Con7eThere are screens on:14:43
Con7e        3285.pts-3.Con7e        (09/03/2014 05:24:39 AM)        (Detached)14:43
Con7e        1216.rtorrent   (09/03/2014 04:27:42 AM)        (Detached)14:43
Con7e        941.autodl      (09/03/2014 04:27:37 AM)        (Attached)14:43
minimecCorruptedHelix: We do not know if your 'installation' on the ssd was really successful, right?14:43
unopasteCon7e you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:43
CorruptedHelixminimec: Nope.14:44
eutheriai really need a way to break out of my crashed app, xdotool could be my answer but what can i run to break the hold14:44
eutheriaXF86Ungrab doesn't seem to be something on 14.0414:44
Con7eI don't understand why the last one says "attached", since I am out of screen currently14:44
Con7eAnd the only way I can go there is with the -x flag14:45
ObrienDave!pastebin | Con7e14:45
minimecCorruptedHelix: So what you need is a 'medium' to boot the live install disk. My proposition is Virtualbox...14:45
ubottuCon7e: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:45
expungeCon7e: -d -r14:45
Con7ewhat does that do exactly?14:46
expungedetaches, reattaches14:46
k1lCon7e: how did you get out of that session?14:46
expungeCon7e: basically it does what you want =P14:46
Con7eCtrl-a d14:46
expungeCon7e: no, screen -d -r #14:46
expungeoh k1l =)14:46
k1lwell, then detach that with the command from expunge14:46
Con7eNow it works expunge14:47
Con7eBut why does -r -d detach all of them14:47
expungeit doesn't14:47
Con7ewhile CTRL-a d doesn't14:47
Con7eWhat I mean is14:48
Con7eIf I type screen -r sessionX14:48
Con7eAnd then detach from there14:48
Con7ethe session is still "attached" in the screen -list command14:48
expungeyou sure?14:48
Con7eWith your command, it's not14:48
expungewith my command, it doesn't matter if it14:49
Con7eCan you explain what that does?14:49
Con7ethe man page is not really helpful14:50
expungeCon7e: it just attaches, and detaches it first if required14:51
expungeit says it plain as day in my man page =)14:51
jonarswhats a nice slick editor with syntax highlightning ?14:52
Roryjonars: sublime text14:53
jonarsthx :)14:53
RoryOther Editors Are Available14:53
jonarsyeah i know there are lots14:53
jonarsi wanted to hear a tip14:54
RoryI personally use sublime full time though. And I would recommend it, once you have it set up how you like.14:54
minimeccfhowlett: So just as a note. My 'virtualbox' idea is definitely possible but needs some prework... https://superuser.com/questions/495025/use-physical-harddisk-in-virtual-box14:55
vfwWhat is the default timeout for sudo?14:55
vfw*(How can I find out what it is set to?)*14:56
dalmationhello everybody14:56
ActionParsnipvfw: I believe it's 15 mins14:56
svkoskinHello, I am having issues with Intel fake RAID. I installed dmraid and now the RAID volume created from BIOS appears under /dev/mapper/, but the volume is 1.5 TB instead of ~6 TB.14:56
ActionParsnipvfw: you can drop it with:   sudo -k    to end the grace14:56
Fuchsvfw: the default is in man sudoers, yes, it is 15 minutes14:57
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jonarsis it a good idea to work on a hfs+ hdd or should i work on the native linux hdd?14:57
Fuchs(and that also tells you how to modify it, if needed)14:57
NodeWontSendEmaiwhat are some other programs that offer shell escape other than more?14:57
jonarsi'm coming from osx and all projects are on the hfs+ hdd and it should not be damaged :)14:57
expungejonars: it's a good idea to have backups, and not worry about such things14:58
jonarsbut is there danger that linux is damaging hfs+ (as it might be like reverse engineered and not 100% stable, like ntfs)14:59
* cfhowlett LOL! ntfs = 100% stable ...15:00
jonarssure... 1000%15:01
jonarsok working on ext4... feel better with that. one last question - the snapping of the mouse in corner for resizing windows is like 1px. can i increase the tolerance?15:03
expungejonars: not any particular danger, no15:03
jonarsor is this an xfce related thing15:03
expungejonars: are you using xfce?15:03
expungethen check the window manager prefs under settings15:03
tim__hy all15:03
expungeheya tim15:04
tim__i have a little big issue with my linux..  :-S15:04
tim__can any1 please help ?15:04
expungeno, but many ones can15:04
cfhowlett!ask | tim__,15:04
ubottutim__,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:04
tim__well.. problem started with update.. a had a lausy connection and.. some packets didn't download as it supoosed too.. now.. upt-get say all kind of things.. and.. i am newb :-S15:05
jonarsokay. thanks expunge for answering my questions... i'll keep idling here (or maybe better... i'll be back ;-)15:06
Fuchstim__: start by putting "all kind of things" into a pastebin service, then link that here15:06
eutheriaok so Option "AllowDeactivateGrabs" "true" doesn't work any more for alt+ctrl+/ to break me out of an app15:07
eutheriawhat can i do?15:07
tim__moment.. need to resend picture15:07
NodeWontSendEmaitim__ you probably want to reinstall your apt get and updated it15:07
Fuchsnot picture, text.15:07
FuchsNodeWontSendEmai: he might want to give us the error messages first, that is a shot in the dark that can go terribly wrong15:08
NodeWontSendEmaiwhat could go wrong reinstalling apt get ? it sounds like he just needs to reconfigure dpkg and update15:09
NodeWontSendEmaibut i could be wrong15:09
Fuchsit is one of the more crucial packages that one doesn't want to break, so without knowing what causes the error: touching it is not the best of all ideas. You also don't just rip out and replace various parts of a car or TV that doesn't work15:10
Fuchschances are that an sudo apt-get -f install   and/or   sudo dpkg-reconfigure are all that is needed, but one would know better if one had error messages. Can be everything from bad config files to conflicting ppas etc. pp.15:12
ActionParsnipNodeWontSendEmai: you can use dpkg to install the apt-get deb file, no worries15:12
NodeWontSendEmaii see15:13
NodeWontSendEmaieveryday learning15:13
andersoncar or tv?15:14
andersonI guess I am behind the times.15:15
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NodeWontSendEmaiTBH i wouldn't fix a flat tire given the chance, i would replace it15:16
andersonNodeWontSendEmai, sorry ignore me. I need to lurk and grok before I contribute to the channel.15:16
NodeWontSendEmaianderson np15:16
Fuchsyes, and if the cause of the flat tire was unfortunately part of the car and is still there: the replacement will be flat right away too. This is why one analyzes the problem before blindly attempting to fix it15:17
NodeWontSendEmaithen its not a tire problem anymore :P15:17
expungethis metaphor is out of control15:18
NodeWontSendEmaichances are it was just a nail though.15:18
NodeWontSendEmaiplaced by a angry neighbor15:18
svkoskinIs there a way to use FakeRAID with a 6-terabyte RAID volume?15:18
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guest322I've just installed i3wm. Now I want to map some keys to control the volume. What should I use ALSA or PulseAudio. It seems that both of them are running.15:19
NodeWontSendEmaiwhich is older?15:20
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somsipguest322: map to "amixer -q sset Master 2+" for volume up worked fine for me under alsa and pulse. make is 2- for volume down15:21
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expungeObrienDave: so true15:22
somsip!pm | guest322 (I don't have a mute)15:22
ubottuguest322 (I don't have a mute): Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:22
Fuchsguest322: I'd go with pulse as it adjusts the volume idependently of what soundcard is in use and what controls that offer, especially handy if you ever plan to use bluetooth headsets or usb headsets or if you have a laptop with different profiles for speaker / haedphones15:22
ObrienDaveexpunge, i'm best at being a bubble burster LOL15:22
sr105How do I get the real package name that would be installed if I ran `apt-get install pseudo-package` without actually installing?15:23
somsipsr105: add --dry-run to the end15:23
ObrienDaveooooo, learned something \o/15:23
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yeatssr105: or 'apt-get -s install package'15:23
Fuchsguest322: amixer is a tad bit easier to run than pacmd though, so ...15:23
sr105That doesn't work: "linux-image-generic-lts-trusty ( Ubuntu:14.04/trusty-updates [i386])"15:23
sr105I can get the version that way and I can use "apt-cache policy" also to get the version and "apt-get depends" to get the next pseudo package15:24
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c3vindoes ubuntu support group nesting?15:26
yeats-s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act - all mean the same thing15:26
c3vincan I add a group to a group?15:26
sr105I'm trying to script this. I want to say "apt-get what_would_be_installed linux-image-generic-lts-trusty" and get back "linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic"15:26
yeatsc3vin: nope15:26
tim__how can i post picture?15:27
c3vinyeats: how is one to handle allowing multiple users the ability to print?15:27
ObrienDave!pastebin | tim__15:27
ubottutim__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:27
c3vinyeats: err...or the ability to add printers15:27
yeatsc3vin: create (or use an existing) group that has print perms and add each user to that group15:27
tim__did it work?15:27
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ObrienDavetim__, umm,yes but no picture on that service15:28
Fuchstim__: sort of, we now know that you use a rather old version of ubuntu, but that's a start. Next thing you should do is pastebinning the actual error messages you get15:28
tim__yes.. only system info..15:28
guest322How can I turn off messages of someone entering/leaving the room?15:28
c3vinyeats: but that requires touching each system to make a change15:29
superkuhIt is a bit disingenuous to call 12.04 old when so many things still don't work in 14.04.15:29
ObrienDaveguest322, which client?15:29
superkuh12 is the stable choice. I really regret moving on to 14.0415:29
expungesuperkuh: nah, it's a simple observation =P15:29
Fuchsguest322: that depends on your IRC client, most have a setting for that15:29
guest322ObrienDave, pidgin15:29
ObrienDaveguest322, no clue15:29
Ben64superkuh: whats wrong with 14.04?15:29
bcvery1guest322, there is a plugin you have to activate, forget what it's called, but it's built in and obviously named15:30
superkuhTo start.15:30
Fuchstim__: you still have the cd / dvd you installed with in your sources, which gives you an (ignorable) error. Also it fails to resolve extras.ubuntu.com, so you might want to check your internet connection and settings15:30
tim__my connection is currently set trough another komputer... wi-fi fall out from time to time15:31
Ben64superkuh: i haven't noticed anything of the sort so far, but i'm using gnome15:31
Fuchsalso you appear to be outside of the graphical user environment, in a VT. Is that on purpose?15:31
superkuhYeah. If you stick to all the defaults you're probably okay.15:31
Ben64superkuh: definitely not using defaults15:31
tim__can someone help me with that?15:32
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Ben64superkuh: on gnome-fallback, customized theme, running games through wine, etc15:33
superkuhAnd even 12.04 is buggy compared to 10.04. I still use that on my main desktop and it is *solid*.15:33
jhutchinstim__: Not much you can do from the OS to make wifi more reliable.  How's the signal?15:33
ObrienDaveguest322, join/part hiding15:33
jhutchinstim__: You can try repositioning the router or the computer.15:33
Ben64superkuh: could just be user error15:33
superkuhCould be.15:33
guest322ObrienDave, just wanted to post its name myself :)15:33
superkuhOr it could be Ubuntu isn't really made for dist-upgrade and requires a fresh install every time.15:34
Ben64superkuh: i haven't really seen a buggy release since gutsy gibbon15:34
tim__i am only able to get this.. can't do more.. :-S so, what do i gave to do?15:34
jhutchinssuperkuh: Haven't seen any traffic here that would indicate dist-upgrade has problems.15:34
* ObrienDave uses dist-upgrade always15:35
fancyfetus_What is the beset way to get gnome shell on ubuntu again?15:35
superkuhjhutchins, perhaps because it's all on askubuntu and the like.15:35
=== fancyfetus_ is now known as fancyfetus
superkuhThings like, http://askubuntu.com/questions/453831/help-online-upgrade-from-12-04-to-14-04-stuck/51907615:36
sr105I wrote up my get real package name question here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/525217/how-do-i-get-the-real-package-name-and-version-for-a-pseudo-package15:36
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang15:36
somsip!ops | KKK|ZLINE15:36
cfhowlett!ops | KKK15:36
ubottuKKK|ZLINE: please see above15:36
ubottuKKK: please see above15:36
fancyfetusThat may have been the coolest thing I've ever seen....15:37
fancyfetusThat channel response was awesome :)15:37
ObrienDavesuperkuh, usually caused by people who tweak the crap out of everything and then wonder why systems don't upgrade properly ROFLMAO15:37
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Ben64fancyfetus: tend to not feed the trolls here, and just make them go away15:38
superkuhWhich brings the conversation back to full circle; use defaults or suffer.15:38
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yeatssuperkuh: note that 'dist-upgrade' (as an apt-get command) is not the same thing as a release upgrade15:38
fancyfetusBen64, was not feeding. Was complimenting community response.15:38
Ben64superkuh: nah, i've never used the defaults and i'm fine15:38
Ben64fancyfetus: i know, i'm speaking of how we deal with stuff :)15:38
fancyfetusBen64, what was the gnome install package you mentioned yesterday?15:38
fancyfetusOhhh I see :)15:38
Ben64fancyfetus: ubuntu-gnome-desktop i believe15:39
superkuhyeats, ah, alright. In the future I'll be try to use the correct nomenclature.15:39
fancyfetusNice, thanks!15:39
yeatssuperkuh: np ;-)15:39
Ben64superkuh: having PPAs and other similar things greatly increase the chance of something going wrong15:39
* superkuh nods.15:39
superkuhI spent quite a bit of time working out all my issues from leftover 12.04 ppas. The channel here was great help.15:40
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Ben64the updater is supposed to remove all those, but it can still cause problems. best to purge ppas before upgrading15:40
superkuhWell, not leftover ppa. But leftover bits of them after removal/purge.15:40
* yeats hasn't had a bad upgrade since 8.04, but that was self-inflicted ;-)15:40
guest322I have to read what apt-get tells me next time. This morning I wanted to apt-get purge XTerm. It purged all kde programs. Then I spend all day fighting with deps. When I thought it was over and I wanted to purge xterm:i386 it purged Steam.15:40
yeatsguest322: yep - that's a hard lesson, but it's necessary to understand how APT handles dependencies15:41
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ActionParsnipguest322: xterm is a requirement of GNU compliance, even MacOS has it15:42
jhutchinsguest322: Why are you purging xterm in the first place?15:44
guest322How do you address someone in message. Like "name: message". I believe there is a command for it.15:44
yeatsguest322: type the first couple of letters of the nick you're addressing, then hit tab15:45
guest322jhutchins: I dunno -_- That was dumb. I made many different dumb things today. I believe it is because I installed i3.15:46
squintyexcept in the case of "guest    "  where one will usually get a bunch of prompted nicks displayed.  better to change from "guest   " to a more readily accessible nick15:47
guest322squinty: Oh. I'll do that. Can I change name by command?15:48
superkuh/nick nameyouwant15:49
=== guest322 is now known as OriginalGuest
vault108_Quick question is the a way i can install silver light on ubuntu?15:53
OriginalGuestSo, how can I use pactl to mute sound?15:53
yeatsvault108_: do you mind if I ask why? - there are fewer and fewer good reasons to do so nowadays15:54
jrowHi I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04. When I try to login it fails. However, I can login via the tty. Any ideas?15:54
theadminvault108_: No, Silverlight isn't really necessary these days anyway15:54
superkuhjrow, what do you see in syslog?15:54
jrowjust a sec15:55
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vault108_theadmin: It is need to use the ambassador program for xbox, does any one have knowelge about the ambassdor programon xbox?15:55
theadminvault108_: I don't use that for sure. You can try using Moonlight, but it may fail.15:56
vault108_theadmin: what about pipelight?15:56
theadminvault108_: Hm, I haven't tried that15:57
jrow"Libcrypt warning - missing initialization: please fix the application"15:57
vault108_i will try moonlight then pipelight, is moonligh in the repos?15:58
OriginalGuest"pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle" toggles mute. So magic, much great15:58
superkuhjrow, seems unlikely that is the root cause of your issue. Anything else?15:59
theadmin!find moonlight15:59
ubottuFile moonlight found in gnome-user-guide, language-pack-gnome-am-base, language-pack-gnome-ar-base, language-pack-gnome-ast-base, language-pack-gnome-az-base, language-pack-gnome-bg-base, language-pack-gnome-bo-base, language-pack-gnome-br-base, language-pack-gnome-bs-base, language-pack-gnome-ca-base (and 56 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=moonlight&mode=&suite=trusty&arch=any15:59
theadminBad search.16:00
vault108_theadmin: lol16:00
theadminvault108_: I think maybe not.16:00
theadminvault108_: Not sure, really.16:00
vault108_ok ill try it with apt-get16:00
vault108_*apt-get Install16:00
vault108_if not ill look up the ppa16:01
LFShow to install exfat support on ubuntu?16:01
eutheriadoes anyone have AllowDeactivateGrabs on working with 14.04?16:02
vault108_apt-get returned unable to find the package16:02
ikoniaLFS: it's already there16:02
k1lLFS: which ubuntu exactly?16:02
k1lLFS: if newer than 12.10 then sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils16:03
ikoniak1l: should the kernel module not be present anyway16:03
ikoniafuse was just for the user space mount16:03
k1lwell yes. i think its in the kernel anyway. but the user could state what the issue is behind that question, LFS16:04
LFSikonia: I guess not .. look at this error and tell me whehter it supports exfat or not...16:05
LFSError mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/aytam/4889-32EA: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/aytam/4889-32EA"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: unknown filesystem type 'exfat'16:05
LFSk1l: 14.4 kylin16:06
ikoniaso not ubuntu then16:06
LFSisn't it?16:06
k1lLFS: sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils16:07
theadminikonia: Kylin is an officially supported Chinese version of Ubuntu16:07
LFSwell, this is brand new piece of info to me.16:07
ikoniayess, but it's  not actually ubuntu16:07
LFSI just thought an unbuntu that is all16:07
ikoniait's quite modified beyond language files16:07
LFSso which version isn't modified for chinese use?16:07
theadminLFS: The one that's just "Ubuntu"16:07
theadminYou can get it at ubuntu.com16:08
LFSk1l: that seams to do the trick16:09
ikoniaLFS: my wording was poor, it is an ubuntu release, it's just not the same as say the standard ubuntu product, the differences seem a reasonable ammount on the software stack, how that translates to things like the kernel I don't know16:09
LFSno wondering then I was lost trying to figure it's main installation window menus16:10
LFSI was like UGH16:10
ikoniaLFS: are you actually looking for a chineese based distribution ?16:10
LFSikonia: I've no good reason for that but I'm behind a limited internet connection and it has been happend to me "Downloading the NOT right version"16:12
LFSnow I can see exfat sdd ... thanks to k1l16:12
ikoniaLFS: ok, so you actually don't want the chineese product, you want the standard ubuntu desktop ?16:12
LFSare there fsck for exfat?16:12
theadminLFS: You can order a DVD from Canonical16:12
theadminI think16:12
theadminDo they still do those?16:12
ikoniano idea16:12
theadminAh, yup16:13
OriginalGuestWhat command executes when I press Pause media key? I want to map it to something.16:13
LFSikonia: Yes .. moreover I was looking for the full dvd iso file but I could only see the small CD version of it16:13
OriginalGuestAh. So sad that I didn't order myself a free CD with ubuntu that days.16:13
LFStheadmin: I've cheap .. cheapper than that actually I'm trying to sue a tickets company for charging me cancellation fees16:14
theadminLFS: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso16:14
LFSI don't mind paying the lawyers but not being ripped of16:14
theadminLFS: That's the full desktop ISO16:14
LFSbookmarked :)16:15
LFSjimi: HI16:20
jimiLFS : HI16:21
jimii love linux16:31
hsnopiJAVA_HOME is supposed to point to the jre, correct? even if you have a jdk installed?16:40
expungejdk is a jre, isn't it? =)16:40
theadminexpunge: Uh, no.16:40
theadminNot... technically.16:40
hsnopiI thought a jdk was a java development kit which contained a java runtime environment16:40
theadminhsnopi: That's correct, yes.16:41
expungetheadmin: to which I'll assume you mean yes16:41
hsnopitheadmin: thanks16:41
theadminexpunge: A JDK is a java Development Kit. It may or may not include a Java Runtime Environment, but it most certainly needs one to work properly.16:41
expungetheadmin: so again, yes =P16:42
hsnopiI'm trying to set up shibboleth and needed the correct paths. Thanks16:42
theadminexpunge: But they're not the same thing... You don't need a JDK to use a JRE and stuffs16:42
expungeyeah, but that isn't what he was interested in16:42
expungehe was asking whether a "jdk" package provides a jre16:42
hsnopiActually, I was sort of looking for the definition of JAVA_HOME. What is intended to be used as a pointer to.16:43
LFSthis is a general linux question ... how to view target url or application path saved into windows .lnk files?16:43
LFSgedit and cat just show me garbage16:43
expungehsnopi: the path to the vm, afaik16:45
controllersyrI need to ask about Using a proxy because I am in Syria16:47
expungeLFS: 'strings' should make it obvious16:47
BluesKajcontrollersyr, a vpn perhaps ?16:48
controllersyrI can't Install updated Packages from ubuntu I am using zorin16:48
mx965download tor16:49
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narbehcontrollersyr: I think tor is not censored in Syria, use it16:50
Nykeeis there a steam package for tor?16:50
BluesKajtor is ok for surfing , but that's bout all16:50
k1lcontrollersyr: well, ask the zorin support16:50
NykeeCS over tor16:50
Nykeehow cool is that16:51
SchrodingersScatNykee: think of the ping, but you probably have to try to proxy it the usual ways16:53
BluesKajVPN is still the best way to go16:53
controllersyrVPN? how can I use it By terminal ?16:53
controllersyrjoin #zorin16:53
BluesKajcontrollersyr, install openvpn then, find a vpn server that you like. i use https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/16:55
controllersyrBluesKaj,  Thanks16:55
controllersyrThanks For All16:55
ashemark1Hi everyone16:56
sparr|2[how] can I get /etc/iptables.d functionality on an Ubuntu 14.04 server?16:56
OriginalGuestcontrollersyr: I use Python script known as uproxy.py16:56
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ashemark1I'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04 lts on my new pc, but the network seems to be disabled by default16:56
ashemark1what can/should i do?16:57
controllersyrI have This Message "E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?16:57
OriginalGuestcontrollersyr: what did you do?16:58
controllersyrI am Installing openvpn in terminal16:59
controllersyrby using sudo16:59
OriginalGuestcontrollersyr: can you get any packages by apt?16:59
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pbxweird Launcher behavior change i just noticed after a reboot: when i hit super-1 to switch to chrome, instead of just foregrounding the app it also opens a new window.  how can i change this?17:06
pbx(14.04 FWIW)17:07
RobertPrakigamDo any you guys know how to get ubuntu to work with a thunderbolt monitor?17:09
RobertPrakigamI'm using 14.0417:09
SchrodingersScatis that in the kernel yet?17:10
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RobertPrakigamnot sure17:10
ImQ009Hm. I know it's offtopic but I don't know what would be the appropriate channel for this kind of question... How do I check SMRAT with GParted?17:13
SpaghettiCat_ImQ009:  I don't think it has that functionality; its use is for partitioning17:14
ImQ009SpaghettiCat_, Hm. Okay17:15
SpaghettiCat_ImQ009:  here you go buddy: http://gsmartcontrol.sourceforge.net/home/17:15
ImQ009SpaghettiCat_, Thanks but I won't really be able to use it right now :P17:16
ImQ009I don't have anything to put it on, lol17:16
karamel4eImQ009, I use Disks app17:16
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SpaghettiCat_ImQ009:  get a diagnostics LiveCD to boot from17:20
expungealberto: salvete17:20
ImQ009SpaghettiCat_, That's the point, I don't have anything to put that kind of stuff on ;P17:20
ImQ009That's why I was asking if I could do that with GParted17:21
ImQ009But if not that's okay17:21
SpaghettiCat_ImQ009:  you don't have a USB port or a CD burner and blank CD?17:21
ImQ009I don't have any free pendrives or blank CDs17:21
expungeget one17:21
ImQ009I'm not that desperate17:22
lbrokslecan someone help me with an error I am getting when I try and run either apt-get update or apt-get upgrade17:22
jarnosI wonder why lspci shows SATA controllers are in IDE mode even if I have set another mode in BIOS.17:24
lbroksleI get the error fail to fetch gzip17:24
alex______hello everybody,17:24
lbroksleI have tried everything I have read online but nothing has fixed the issue yet17:24
alex______is there someone who uses ubuntu 14 on thinkpad s430?17:24
expungehi alex______, your nick is intolerable =)17:24
SpaghettiCat_lbroksle:  post the log17:25
expungealex______: there's probably someone17:25
lbroksleokay will do17:25
alex______   ok )17:25
abnemohello again =)17:26
jamesjefferyI’m installing Ubunutu using LVM and full drive encryption with a 24 character password. When installing I set the password, both match, all fine. I reboot and it asks me to enter the encryption password and it fails. I’ve tried to install 3 times. Is it possible that although I selected to use a UK keyboard layout that it’s using US before Linux boots?17:26
Geniack_is this the right channel for ubuntu on android devices?17:26
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k1lGeniack_: for ubuntu-touch see #ubuntu-touch17:26
expungehi zen17:27
abnemoso, i am trying to use ubuntu 14 on my thinkpad s430 and i have some  troubles wtih touchpad. So I thought someone could cinfirm this problem17:27
expungeGeniack_: there are worse places17:27
Geniack_k1l: i am doing this ubuntu dual-boot install on a tablet, not sure if this is ubuntu touch17:27
lbrokslewhats the best way to get the log to you SpaghettiCat\17:27
SpaghettiCat_lbroksle:  pastie.org17:28
expungeGeniack_: here, there, whichever17:28
k1lGeniack_: well, is it the ubuntu-touch image or is it some sort of chroot install?17:28
Geniack_k1l: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation17:28
Geniack_oh but i can see "touch" in the url17:28
Geniack_let me check the other channel17:28
k1lGeniack_: ok, then its #ubuntu-touch, since there are the specialists17:28
Geniack_ok thanks17:28
lbrokslewhats the command again for the log, internet its being super slow here for some reason17:32
SpaghettiCat_lbroksle:  you just copy the log and paste it to pastie.org17:33
=== Hobbyboy|Away is now known as Hobbyboy
okigood evening to all17:36
SpaghettiCat_lbroksle:  I have to go soon, so maybe just post the error in here17:36
okione question: anybody know how can install some locator for mobile phone on ubuntu?17:37
karamel4eoki, gpsdrive, foxtrotgps?17:39
lbroksleokay thank you for your help17:40
lbrokslei'm posting the error now17:40
lbroksle W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS  Encountered a section with no Package: header  W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_i18n_Translation-en  Encountered a section with no Package: header  E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:41
lbroksleno matter what I do if I remove the package list it still doesn't fix the issue17:42
lbroksleanyone please I have been working on this error for over a week not without any luck.17:44
lbroksleHere is the error message I get when I try to update from 12.04 to 14.0417:46
lbroksle Checking for a new Ubuntu release Get:1 Upgrade tool signature [198 B] Get:2 Upgrade tool [957 B] Fetched 1,155 B in 0s (0 B/s) authenticate 'trusty.tar.gz' against 'trusty.tar.gz.gpg' exception from gpg: GnuPG exited non-zero, with code 1 Debug information:   gpg: Signature made Tue 09 Sep 2014 01:25:45 PM EDT using DSA key ID 437D05B5 gpg: /tmp/update-manager-7V566I/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created gpg: BAD signature from "Ubuntu Ar17:46
yeats!paste | lbroksle17:46
ubottulbroksle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:46
lbroksleokay thank your for the tip17:46
SpaghettiCat_lbroksle:  I think you'll have better chances of sucess if you post this on the forum17:46
yeatslbroksle: try 'sudo apt-get clean', then 'sudo apt-get update', then 'sudo apt-get -f install'17:47
k1llbroksle: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" when that is  finnished do a "sudo do-release-upgrade"17:47
lbroksleyeats and k1l thank you for the tips but that didn't fix the issue17:49
lbroksleany other ideas?17:50
okikaramel4e: for mobile phone loator17:50
okihow can i install someone of tht kind where i can see where is a mobile phone locate17:50
yeatslbroksle: you could try 'sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*' (which will manually remove your APT package lists), then 'sudo apt-get update', then try again17:52
lbroksleyeats I tried that earlier today and that didn't fix the error either. It did last time on the other machine but not on this one I'm working with now17:53
lbrokslehere are the error messages17:54
okikaramel4e: i need for locate a mobile phone17:55
netlarWhen I use the Ubuntu backup program, it tells me that the .cache/dconf, .cache/gvfs-burn , .gvfs files are not backed up.  Is it ok for these files not to get backed up?17:56
dokeIf Ubuntu is so good, why isnt there an Ubuntwo?17:56
netlarIt gives me that message everytime it runs17:57
rberg_no need to backup cache data17:57
netlarShould I adjust the backup not to include those then?17:58
lbroksletry this for my error messages http://pastie.org/956338617:58
rberg_that or check the file ownership for those files.. that might be why they cant be backed up17:59
SchrodingersScatnetlar: I think .gvfs is mounted storage, normally things I attach via nautilus/gigolo end up there.17:59
karamel4eoki, what is your phone's os18:00
lbroksleanyone please18:00
okikaramel4e: it not for my phone it for locte mobil phone of my brother18:01
mlindnerAnyone know how to enable core dumps to be created of things running from Upstart?18:01
karamel4eoki, what is the OS on the phone you need to locate18:01
FariokoWhat does the result from badblocks mean? If it says 0/5/0, what does that mean?18:01
k1loki: please see the mobile phones support. this is not ubuntu related.18:02
okii think the mobile  as android18:02
netlarSchrodingersScat: I really just want to backup the home drive18:02
lbrokslek1l did you get chance to look at my error messages?18:02
yeatslbroksle: did you see this?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/198371/apt-encounters-errors-with-bad-gpg-keys18:02
k1llbroksle: i did not see a paste from the output of my suggested solution, so i thought it worked18:03
matty_rIs there a way to check if there will be any incompatibilities if I upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04?18:04
lbrokslenope it didn't sorry how to I have your name come after mine so you see the message I posted the log here http://pastie.org/956338618:04
lbrokslek1l I saw that post and that didn't fix it either18:05
matty_rI'm running a remote server and I need to be sure that doing the upgrade won't screw anything up18:05
xikkubanyone know any good notification alternatives to notify-send? im trying to find something that keeps notifications until i click on them, etc18:05
yeatslbroksle: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?18:07
lbroksleyeats here is the output from that18:08
pbxfor some reason google chrome has stopped responding to super-1 to launch, though it's locked in the launcher and shows a "1" when i hold super.   ??18:09
pbxit launches fine manually.18:09
Kurvivorhello. firefox keeps crashing when i open certain sites, what can i replace it with (discounting Opera and Chrome)?18:10
pbx(e.g. if i use gnome-do.  it does not launch if i click its icon in the launcher).18:10
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lbroksle#yeats i posted it to pastie.org18:14
pbxKurvivor, there is a "web browsers" category in Ubuntu Software Center but pretty much everything you find will be either 1) marginal or 2) based on firefox or chromium.  there's dillo, but it's not exactly full-featured18:14
tomasm-hi, how can I add windows to my boot menu in grub2? I try update-grub2 and it doesnt detect it. I'd like to just add it manually to the config file but I don't know where it would be.18:15
_blkKurvivor, try epiphany18:15
SpaghettiCat_Kurko:  Maxthon in Wine :)18:15
pbxah yes, epiphany18:15
OerHeksKurvivor, you might want to reset firefox, remove the ~/.moxilla folder and restart firefox18:16
trismmlindner: you can use the limit stanza to increase the core limit in the job (or in an override file), and then set /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern to a path to save the core files, such as /var/crash/core-%e-%p-%t18:17
bubbasaurestomasm-, Windows not showing with a update-grub is an issue, can you address what brought you to this?18:17
mlindnertrism: I have the second part already18:17
mlindnertrism: was not aware of the limit stanza18:17
mlindnertrism: you might submit that answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/470756/how-to-setup-automatic-core-dump-on-upstart-script18:18
tomasm-bubbasaures, what do you mean? I just installed ubuntu and want to get into windows but it's not showing up18:18
mlindnertrism: as that sounds much better than what they give18:18
mlindnertrism: and google mentions nothing of the limit stanza18:18
trismmlindner: its listed in the second answer there18:19
bubbasaurestomasm-, I mean you should not have to just add it to grub it should be easily found by the os-prober. Did you remove any partitions to install ubuntu and what windows release is this?18:19
mlindnertrism: ah i missed that, they gave no explanation so my eyes skimmed past it18:19
tomasm-bubbasaures, windows 8, and I did nothing. it's there.18:20
trismmlindner: yeah easy to miss, it is listed on the cookbook too http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#limit18:20
yeatslbroksle: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update'?18:20
=== Keanu73_ is now known as Keanu73
tomasm-bubbasaures, actually as i look at it, it seems ubuntu wiped out windows18:20
tomasm-as i look at fdisk, 1 partition18:20
=== pumba is now known as pumbaway
tomasm-wait, no, there's /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3, but fdisk only shows /dev/sda118:21
bubbasaurestomasm-, Ah that is not good, did you clone/image windows first off the HD?18:21
bubbasaurestomasm-, run sudo parted -l and pastebin it18:22
tomasm-oh, most of that is ext4 and yeah windows was wiped18:23
bubbasaurestomasm-, So where do you want to go from here?18:24
tomasm-probably find a windows 8 torrent somewhere. =(18:24
andrebhi all.. i have having trouble removing an entry in my iptables... i use failtoban ... and i forgot my user pw... i am still able to connect to the box via another ip.. but i want to remove the ban on my main desktop ip..18:25
tomasm-laptop didnt come with a restore dvd i dont think. (maybe it did)18:25
tomasm-bubbasaures, thanks.18:25
andrebi have used : iptables -D fail2ban-SSH -s -j DROP18:25
ObrienDavetomasm-, probably has a recovery partition18:25
andrebbut i get the erro : iptables: bad rulle18:25
bubbasaurestomasm-, Not a good idea, call the manufacturer and or MS and get a replacement, the oem may have reinstall activated oem discs18:25
ScuniziI need to install a generic postscript printer driver to create a .eps file from a drawing in Libreoffice draw.  How do I do that? What options do I choose? (accessing cups via http://localhost:631)18:25
jhutchinsandreb: Check the documentation for fail2ban.18:27
rellisanyone know why i'd get an error from cron saying "bad username" when setting a job to execute as an ldap user?18:28
jhutchinstomasm-: Most systems these days come with a restore image that you have to burn to a disk yourself.  A lot of people skip that part, so you may be able to purchase one from the manufacturer.18:28
mlindnertrism: does that set the hard limit or the soft limit?18:29
tim__heuston, now i have a bigger problem.. :-S i reinstalled linux over internet installer.. and.. stayed in text mode in front of login18:29
jhutchinstomasm-: Do you still have the license sticker?18:29
tomasm-how might I copy a windows installation from an old hard disk? not sure if "dd" would work since the disk sizes are probably different.18:30
jhutchinstomasm-: Windows doesn't like that, but you could try clonezilla.18:30
lbrokslei just saw your message yeats ill post it now18:30
=== erry is now known as errietta
jhutchinstim__: So what's the problem?18:31
tomasm-jhutchins, I will look around, i must have something.18:31
tomasm-i just bought it 1 month ago18:32
tim__i have no idea how to get to login .. without text..18:32
OerHekstomasm-, ask in ##windows, there is no legal way to download win8/8.118:32
lbroksleYeats here is the pastebin18:32
guillaume_Hello, How do you say in english this french word "cuistax" ?18:33
bubbasaurestomasm-, Get the oem disc set from the manufacturer if only a month old.18:33
SchrodingersScatAndChat442224: test received18:34
tim__thank u.. have to checked.. to fixit together18:34
guillaume_Hello, How do you say in english this french word "cuistax" ?18:34
OerHeksguillaume_, how is that ubuntu support related?18:35
tim__i can not do anything with my linux.. any help?18:35
BluesKajtim__, more detail18:36
guillaume_I was coding on my lovely ubuntu and my mum said to me : "How do you say "cuitax" in english ?18:37
tim__heuston, now i have a bigger problem.. :-S i reinstalled linux over internet installer.. and.. stayed in text mode in front of login18:37
lbroksle+yeats you still there? I was away from my computer for like 10 I'm back now if you are still willing to help me18:37
k1lguillaume_: enough of that18:37
guillaume_I'm Belgium. It's near from France18:37
guillaume_I'm Belgian. It's near from France18:38
yeatslbroksle: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf', then 'sudo apt-get update'?18:38
expungeguimaluf: quadracycle18:39
fooaqaa-status shows 5 processes called "docker-default" in enforce mode yet if I do "aa-complain docker-default", I get "Can't find docker-default in the system path list". How can I make all docker-default processes default to complain instead of enforce? That profile is automatically generated by docker, so I can't just ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/{docker-default,disable}.18:39
tim__any ideas?18:39
lbrokslehere ya go yeats http://paste.ubuntu.com/8366763/18:39
tim__BluesKaj, now i have a bigger problem.. :-S i reinstalled linux over internet installer.. and.. stayed in text mode in front of login18:40
yeatslbroksle: do 'sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/' and then 'sudo apt-get update'18:40
BluesKajtim__, I don't understand your issue18:40
fooaqah, looks like /etc/apparmor.d/docker is an alias18:40
tim__i installed over inetrnet some linux version.. and.. verbose mode displays.. login ..18:41
tim__i dont know verbose mode.. not a programer.. i need ubuntu, gnome, lxda.. or normaln login screen?18:41
jhutchinstim__: Don't keep repeating the same statement.  Try to give different details or something.  "in front of login" does not parse in English.18:41
JDAIIIanyone know if there are any problems installing ubuntu on HP ENVY Touchsmart 17t? I had to abandon installing on my Toshiba because it was too much trouble and the forums and irc assistance beared little fruit. the ubuntu compatibility list is outdated and the list at linux-on-laptops.com has ubuntu 11 as the latest compatibility listed for hp laptops.18:41
BluesKajjhutchins, think he's using a translator18:42
_blkJDAIII, if older versions worked, newer ones are very likely to be OK18:42
tim__if u open terminal.. just that.. before u do anything else.. like this is my linux, when boot's up.. waiting to login18:42
jhutchinstim__: If you are at a text login screen, simply enter the username you gave the installer.  It will prompt you for the password.18:43
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tim__i got passwords..18:43
tim__i just need .. eye-friendly look?18:43
lbroksleyeats still no luck with that.18:43
yeatslbroksle: can you pastebin the error?18:44
* RedDeath Back18:44
jhutchinstim__: GUI - possibly gnome or unity.18:44
BluesKaj!away | RedDeath18:44
ubottuRedDeath: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»18:44
lbroksleyeats same error as the last pastebin the failed to fetch gzip18:44
tim__ow.. i am newb18:44
k1ltim__: so that is a server install?18:44
jhutchinstim__: Graphical User Interface18:45
schonehello #ubuntu18:45
jhutchinstim__: Are you able to log in on the console?18:45
schonewhat package needs to be installed to get ‘killall'?18:45
tim__em.. no internet installer.. smallest *.iso 60mb?18:45
yeatslbroksle: okay - I've done everything I know how to do you might try backing up your data and doing a fresh install - probably better than banging your head against a wall18:45
zavaidocHey! I was looking for a way to extend the size of my Wubi installation, under Ubuntu (that is because the Windows install doesn't is corrupt and doesn't boot anymore).18:45
k1ltim__: install "ubuntu-desktop"18:45
zavaidocSo, I came across https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeWubiDisk18:45
k1ltim__: and make sure that "lightdm" gets installed, too18:45
jhutchinstim__: Are you stuck in the installer or has it installed and booted?18:45
tim__stop here, please18:46
k1lzavaidoc: wubi is very hard to support. most times its suggested to make a proper real install18:46
zavaidocI've done the Live Resize, and it seems to me that it has worked. Anyway, I wanted to point out that the second command has a typo, which might confuse beginners.18:46
lbrokslethanks for the helps yeats. This is the 3 fresh install of the week. I have tried 14.04 with no luck either. I know Ubuntu works on that machine because I had it running a few months ago but then had to put windows back on it for work.18:46
tim__install has finished.. completly.. but .. verbose mode.. i will need to reboot komputer.. than i will need step by step instructions.. can u please help?18:47
zavaidoc"/dev/loop0/" should be changed to "/dev/loop0", and it seems that I cannot edit the wiki page without additional permissions18:47
k1ljhutchins: seems like he did the mini or netinstall. and got no dekstop now because its not installed18:47
kostkon!find killall18:47
ubottuFile killall found in bash-completion, bzflag-server, fish, kdesdk-scripts, manpages-es-extra, manpages-fr-extra, manpages-hu, manpages-ja, manpages-pl, manpages-tr (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=killall&mode=&suite=trusty&arch=any18:47
tim__any reply?18:48
zavaidockll, too lazy to backup everything I have over here, but true… :-)18:48
AndChat442224This is me Tim___18:49
=== sarsaeols is now known as sarsaeol
AndChat442224TnX,  will reboot18:51
litropyHi, all - after switching to nvidia's proprietary hardware driver via Additional Drivers, my display is locked in 640x480 resolution. It is the only menu entry in Displays. I have run a few commands and briefly formatted them for your convenience at http://paste.ubuntu.com/8366831/18:52
JDAIII_blk, the problem with that is that all the new laptops have uefi which is what I had problems with on my toshiba. It kept deleting the efi entry for my drive and I couldn't get it to stick no matter what I tried, efibootmgr boot-repair, nothing worked so I switched back to windows and I'm requisitioning a new laptop from work and want something i7(8core) and 126GB RAM and preferrably 2GB VRAM as I run VMs and they get choppy in linux if I18:53
JDAIII have multiple VMs running18:53
expungeu/efi is potentially problematic, but not likely a deal breaker18:54
litropyexpunge, JDAIII has quit the chan18:54
litropynevermind he's ack18:54
expungeI don't care either way =)18:54
JDAIIInot sure but it keeps booting me from the channel18:55
litropyno idea. sounds like connection on your side18:55
litropymodinfo nvidia should show some info, right?18:55
litropyIf the driver is loaded?18:55
JDAIIInot a roblem, xchat brings me back. But I am curious about laptops. I need something.18:56
zavaidockll, do you have access to editing the wiki?18:56
jhutchinsk1l: Yeah, that's my guess too, but I think the language barrier was just too steep.18:57
BluesKajthese translators aren't very good with the slavic languages18:58
squintylitropy:   try installing  inxi   (sudo apt-get install inxi)    then in terminal  type   inxi -Gx   (notice capital G)   that will show you your card specs and current installed driver19:02
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litropysquinty, E: Unable to locate package inxi19:03
litropysquinty, I just $ sudo update-alternatives --config i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf and chose /usr/lib/nvidia-96/ld.so.conf in auto mode. before, it was in manual. Rebooting; will be back19:04
litropyno dice.19:07
=== tk456 is now known as e-coffee
litropyCould someone please provide me with the paste I pasted?19:11
litropyOh. duh. browser history19:11
Picilitropy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8366831/ (if you still need it)19:11
litropyWould a kernel upgrade help, maybe? Latest works with 12.04, correct?19:12
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plomehi. I am looking for some information what is the best front-end to use with mame. anyone? my machine is quite old, so please something that works if possible (512MB only)19:18
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plome512mb ram that is :)19:20
jhutchinsplome: http://www.mamedev.org/devwiki/index.php?title=Frequently_Asked_Questions19:21
bubbasauresplome, are you sure mame will even run on that?19:23
BluesKajplome, and here,  http://www.koenigs.dk/mame/eng/mamefrontends.htm19:23
litropyI got inxi working http://paste.ubuntu.com/8367049/19:27
plomebubbasaures: no but I'll try :)19:27
plomejhutchins, Blueskaj thanks19:27
=== guest322 is now known as OriginalGuest
litropy3.2.0-65-generic-pae btw19:29
xikkubdoes anyone know how to get zenity notifications to appear transparently in the foreground without creating a window?19:30
OriginalGuestI;m on 14.04 with i3wm. I can't change keyboard kayout wuth dbus hotkeys19:31
xikkubalternatively, making notify-send notifications somehow stay on the screen until clicked19:31
XzN\Nrk9t1xhi ppl o/19:31
OriginalGuestI can set the combination to change layout. But it doesnt work19:32
TimotyHello all. Is there any good channel for C programming?19:32
litropyTimoty, #c19:33
Timotyokay thanks19:33
OriginalGuestdoh. It is IBus, not dbus19:33
litropyTimoty, ##c, rather19:33
OerHekstry ##c, not #c19:33
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
litropyI just reinstalled nvidia-96. Rebooting.19:34
litropyNo dice. Guys, I really need to get this nvidia driver working. Is there another chan that would be better suited for my problem?19:38
OriginalGuestWhat was the problem?19:39
OriginalGuestlitropy: and maybe you could try #ubuntu at irc.freenode.net19:39
OriginalGuestAren't they the same?19:40
litropyOriginalGuest, I'm talking to you on irc.freenode.net. That's this chan.19:40
BluesKajlitropy, the nvidia driver? what's your gpu model19:40
BluesKajOriginalGuest, this is #ubuntu on freenode irc19:41
litropyBluesKaj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8366831/19:41
OriginalGuestlitropy: gosh. Should take some sleep ~_~19:41
PengunCSClitropy: what's the problem?19:42
trismlitropy: what is: dkms status19:42
litropyBluesKaj, NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x]19:42
litropyPengunCSC, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8366831/19:42
litropytrism, nvidia-96, 96.43.23, 3.2.0-65-generic-pae, i686: installed19:43
BluesKaj!dkms | trism19:43
ubottutrism: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.19:43
litropyAll, the problem is I am locked in 640x480 resolution. It is the only option in Displays19:43
litropyOriginalGuest, :)19:44
OriginalGuestlitropy: what resolution options does xrandr give?19:45
trismlitropy: looks like it is built, is the nvidia module loaded though? lsmod19:46
litropyOriginalGuest, 640x480 only http://paste.ubuntu.com/8367124/19:46
BluesKajlitropy, agp cards are pretty old, don't see much linux support for them these days19:46
litropytrism, lsmod | grep nvidia: nvidia               4708655  2219:47
litropyBluesKaj, I know. It's such a tin can.19:47
nattonerdHi, i am installing ubuntu server distro through my virtualbox for mac osx.  I cannot punch in the “F4 Modes”.  I tried all kinds of combination, F4 + Alt + Ctrl, F4+Cmd.  What’s going on19:47
litropyBut I really want it to work.19:48
litropynattonerd, use Fn19:48
litropynattonerd, it's on the bottom left of your keyboard19:48
litropynattonerd, Fn + F<whatever>19:48
OerHekslitropy, did you try the nvdia 173 driver instead of the 96?19:48
nattonerdyup that’s it19:48
litropynattonerd, :)19:48
fProgrammer_litropy: is there any error in dmesg or syslog when you modprobe?19:48
litropyfProgrammer_, none in dmesg .... checking sys19:49
litropyOerHeks, I haven't19:49
litropyfProgrammer_, none in syslog19:50
OerHekslitropy, you might can have 1024/768 with tat driver, else use the nouveau driver (standard) but anyway, youtube will not work flawlessly19:51
litropyOerHeks, I'm apt-get installing it now. Once installed, what ... just sudo modprobe nvidia-173 and reboot?19:51
OerHeksmodproibe should work instantly19:51
litropyOerHeks, you mean automatically?19:52
OerHekslitropy, yes, i think so19:52
litropyOerHeks, but I still need to reboot, right?19:53
fProgrammer_litropy: weird, check if you have any VFS files created in /sys/class/19:53
litropyfProgrammer_, I see a bunch of dirs19:54
morenoh150anyone know how to find the '.sqlite' file that represents sqlite in ubuntu?19:55
litropymorenoh150, not sure. try: which sqlite19:56
litropymorenoh150, or which sqlite3 or sqlite5 ... not sure what we're up to now. But that may not show you what you want.19:56
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vadiWhat is the Ubuntu app development channel?19:57
fProgrammer__litropy: sorry I went off, check for Nvdia files/dirs in /sys/class, I am trying to eliminate possibility of failed driver-loading19:57
litropyfProgrammer_, have you seen my paste? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8366831/19:57
litropyfProgrammer__, not sure. I see no nvidia-related dirs in the root of /sys/class/19:58
litropyfProgrammer__, but like, /sys/class/graphics is a nonsensically-named mess ...19:59
eeeemorenoh150: find -type f -iname '.sqlite*'19:59
litropyOerHeks, I had lots of res options with nouveau. But I really don't want to use it. I'm almost done installing 17320:01
litropyOerHeks, why is 173 the magic number, anyway?20:01
litropyAll, rebooting. Back very soon ... so long as I can still see my screen.20:01
ilkHALP! icons not showing on Lubuntu20:06
eeeeilk: is the guest account working?20:07
besfortI did an apt-get upgrade and this is showing up20:07
besfortI cant remove neither reinstall or rebuild that package20:07
funman_I got message tom is not in sudoers20:08
eeeeilk: nevermind, thought you said ubuntu20:08
funman_how do I fix it?20:08
damian_when creating ssh keys on ubuntu "no" authorized keys files is created with it, thus the user has to create it in the .ssh folder20:10
OerHeksbesfort, so you added a squeeze package to ubuntu?20:10
tgm4883damian_: I believe it gets created when you do ssh-copy-id20:11
eeeebesfort: /usr/local/icinga/var/icinga.chk20:12
OerHeksinfo icinga20:12
OerHeks!info icinga20:12
ubottuicinga (source: icinga): host and network monitoring system - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.3-1 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB20:12
OerHeksbesfort, use the one ubuntu provides in the repos20:12
besfortOerHeks, no but I'm asking for help here if that's ok ?20:14
besfortsince I need to solve this and the other channel is not that active atm20:15
litropynope, 173 isn't supported.20:16
OerHeksbesfort, i am not, as those squeeze- packages are not supported by ubuntu.20:16
litropyThe 96.43.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs: GeForce4 MX 44020:16
* OerHeks wonders what other channel?20:16
PengunCSClitropy, just shooting in the dark here - do you have any space left on the / partition?20:18
litropyPengunCSC, yes, but ... I'm kinda wary of what you may be suggesting.20:18
litropyI mean, I suppose I could install 14.04 for my needs.20:19
PengunCSClitropy, run some lint cleaning on the system20:19
litropyPengunCSC, not sure what you mean20:20
PengunCSClitropy, like 'sudo apt-get autoclean20:20
PengunCSClitropy, like 'sudo apt-get autoremove20:20
litropyPengunCSC, oh. Yah, I did that this morning.20:21
PengunCSClitropy, it might resolve it by deleating an old conf file20:21
litropyI think I'm just going to switch back to nuveau and see if I can upgrade it.20:21
PengunCSClitropy, good luck. but why can't ypu upgrade?20:22
litropyPengunCSC, to 14.04?20:22
litropyBasically, when I try, I get all kinds of warnings to (paraphrased) "definitely don't do this. You have a tin can. It will break into a thousand pieces."20:24
PengunCSClitropy, this looks like your problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220852320:25
litropyThis is what happens when your main, beast of a computer, catastrophically fails, and you have to use your wonky serverbox as your primary.20:25
PengunCSCnotice the note at the very to[20:25
OriginalGuestI'm using i3wm. How can I run ubuntu's default keyboard indicator?20:25
gregor3005hi, does anybody use deja-dup? i have a problem found in launchpad but nowhere a solution + many mailinglist without a solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+bug/121795920:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1217959 in Déjà Dup "'metadata' file not found when creating backup ("Could not restore ‘/home/user /.cache/deja-dup/metadata’: File not found in backup"" [Medium,Confirmed]20:26
OriginalGuestlitropy: usually (for me) drivers from nvidia site doesn't work for me20:26
litropyPengunCSC, yep I'm in 12.04 though20:26
PengunCSClitropy, you could do a clean install by formating only the / partition20:26
PengunCSClitropy, yeah, it says your card is not supported since 12.04.120:27
litropyPengunCSC, I've decided to just switch back to the OS driver.20:28
PengunCSClitropy, ok then20:28
mlindnerGah! Why does ubuntu have such terrible rules for gdb auto completion!20:28
mlindnercant auto complete filenames at all20:28
litropythanks for the help, all. I may be back asking about nuveau upgrades, but it seems pretty intuitive.20:29
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest95585
UbuntuNoobHi there, can someone help install ubuntu on my PC?20:37
=== Mars is now known as Guest52942
usr13UbuntuNoob: Sure.20:37
usr13UbuntuNoob: What do you need to know?20:38
UbuntuNoobAlright so I made a dvd. I boot it up then that purple screen  comes up. Then I hit try ubuntu and there is a little cursor blinking after 1 min it stops blinking and nothing happens20:38
usr13!nomodeset | UbuntuNoob20:39
ubottuUbuntuNoob: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:39
expungeUbuntuNoob: could try CTRL+ALT+F1, then CTRL+ALT+F720:39
HeedingHelpI have several laptop hard drives that i am trying to reformat.  I am finding that they have passwords on them.  Is there a bruteforce way to reformat them?20:39
UbuntuNoobSO this has nothing todo with secure boot ?20:40
fProgrammer__HeedingHelp: Do you wish to retain the data in hard-drives before formatting?20:40
OriginalGuestWhat command to change ibus keyboard layout?20:40
HeedingHelpNO i want to just reformat the HDs20:41
usr13UbuntuNoob: Probably not but:20:41
usr13!uefi | UbuntuNoob20:41
ubottuUbuntuNoob: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:41
HeedingHelp<fProgrammer__>  i want ro just reformat the HDs20:41
ilknew install Lubuntu all upgrades the icons are not showing up20:41
fProgrammer__HeedingHelp: Checkout the "dd" command..20:41
trismOriginalGuest: super+space20:42
OerHeksHeedingHelp, if those laptops have a bios security, you would need to remove the hdd and format it in an other machine. anyway, offtopic for ubuntu support20:42
UbuntuNoobAlright, I will try. I have a modified version of UEFI, from Asus republic of gamers so it looks different. I will try and see if I can work through it. If not I will be back xD20:42
UbuntuNoobThank you all20:43
HeedingHelp<OerHeks> i am at my wits end with this and this was a last hope20:43
usr13HeedingHelp:  USB adapter is what you probably need.20:43
OriginalGuesttrism: I need a terminal command. I'm using i3wm and I dunno how to configure so that the settings are the same as in Unity session20:44
trismOriginalGuest: oh there is an ibus command20:44
usr13HeedingHelp: http://www.ebay.com/sch/?_nkw=USB%20adapter%20hard%20drive&clk_rvr_id=69746711001420:44
fProgrammer__HeedingHelp: You can securely erase harddisks, once clean, you can reattach and format20:44
expungeHeedingHelp: dd if=/dev/zero of=/correct/device bs=1024M20:44
trismOriginalGuest: use: ibus list-engine; to see which one you want then: ibus engine engine-name;20:45
HeedingHelp<fProgrammer__>  will that work with a p[assword on the HD ?20:46
mwillbanksi'm getting an error when doing a do-release-upgrade stating: can't load DistUpgradeViewText (unsupported locale setting)20:46
HeedingHelp<expunge> will that oversome the pass?20:46
mwillbanksany idea why that might happen when attempting to upgrade to trusty?20:47
expungeHeedingHelp: that'd overwrite everything a drive with zeroes20:47
expungeon a drive*20:47
fProgrammer__HeedingHelp: If the password is protected is on firmware level, then I am not sure, if its more on software level then dd will definitely work..20:48
OriginalGuesttrism: can you give me engine name. For example I want to use   xkb:us::eng - English (US), what is engine-name here?20:48
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trismOriginalGuest: xkb:us::eng20:48
trismOriginalGuest: the names are the first column of the list-engines output20:49
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OriginalGuesttrism: Oh. I thought so but I put 2 ':' after xkb and thought that was wrong ~_~. Anyhow I can create a list of engines and take next by command?20:54
user1sudo apt-get install hardcore_porn20:56
user1sudo exit20:56
user1sudo exit exit right now20:56
OriginalGuestThat jokes about i3 CP and apt-get installing it20:57
trismOriginalGuest: the one you configured in unity keyboard input settings are stored in gsettings: gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources;20:57
trismOriginalGuest: so if you could get that key and trim out the first part of the tuple, you can find the current with: ibus engine; and cycle20:57
OriginalGuesttrism: how can I run that ubuntu default keyboard indicator applet?20:58
trismOriginalGuest: although for xkb:us::eng for me it only lists 'us' so that could be an issue, mozc-jp and anthy both have their full names though20:58
trismOriginalGuest: I suppose you could try running gnome-panel but it is unlikely to be pleasant, there's no technical reason that somebody couldn't create a minimal indicator applet to run it, but I don't know that anyone has21:00
expungecheck gnome.org extensions d21:01
trismOriginalGuest: plus the indicators in recent versions don't like running in a non-unity session which is why gnome-flashback says its session is unity21:01
OriginalGuesttrism: maybe somehow use setxkbmap?21:04
OriginalGuestsetxkbmap -option 'grp:ctrl_shift_toggle'; Is this reight command to Ctrl+Shift hotkay?21:06
OriginalGuestOh, seems so. Gotta go get some sleep21:07
OriginalGuestBye all21:07
wrongplacehow do I write ē on linux?21:09
wrongplaceits latin, somebody suggested i install the maori language pack, which I did21:10
wrongplacebut I dont know what key order to follow21:10
trismwrongplace: ctrl+shift+u 113 enter ē?21:11
wrongplaceIm gonna need an easier way21:12
trismwrongplace: if you set up the compose key, compose _e21:15
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HideMeHaving a hard time wrapping my head around xrandr commands, can anyone assist with proper usage?21:19
Alina-malinaanyone know this guy ''roberto_''? did you ever  chat with him? i think this is some kind of troll if this guy is local guy please let me know21:23
roberto_you already love me ALina21:24
roberto_i think you are connected too much time21:24
roberto_take a breath and go to see the nature girl21:24
k1l_roberto_: stop that!21:25
k1l_!guidelines > roberto_21:25
ubotturoberto_, please see my private message21:25
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VidjaJameshey I'm in a real pickle21:36
VidjaJamesI have been trying to get ubuntu and gnome working but after hours of hacking away I am able to get the gdm greeter to show up and I created a new account which and log in and get the desktop but my main account just goes to a blank screen with a cursor then back to log in21:38
k1l_VidjaJames: make sure in /home all the .XAuthority files belong to user:user21:39
VidjaJamesI would check that with ls -lah?21:41
VidjaJamesi don't see .xauthority21:43
k1l_in the users home, where the login doesn work?21:44
VidjaJamesyeah not there21:44
the_huggerI have a static network configuration that was originally IPv4, and I reconfigured everything to use IPv6 instead.  IPv6 is working, but the original IPv4 address still shows up when doing `ifconfig eth0`.  Doing `ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0` does not remove the IPv4 output from `ifconfig`.  Only a restart of the OS removes the IPv4 address. Why is this?21:45
rellisAnyone know why a cronjob would fail complaining about "bad username" when set to run as an LDAP user?21:45
relliswhen set to run as root it executes as expected21:45
VidjaJamesi do see access-Your-Private-Data.desktop21:46
LordVorpcheck auth21:46
LordVorpwith LDAP it's usually auth.21:46
k1l_VidjaJames: ah, so its a encrypted home21:46
LordVorpespecially for headless jobs where auth is that of a system job, not the root user you used to set up the job21:46
k1l_VidjaJames: but that is not my department21:46
VidjaJamesyeah kinda forgot i did that21:46
nattonerdhi, iam setting up environment with cmd:  sudo apt-get build-essential linux-headers-virtual dkms nano zip unzip wget curl man-db acpid -y .  But I got an error “E: Command line option 'y' [from -y] is not known.”21:48
nattonerdcouldnt find anything on google.21:48
daftykinsnattonerd: before 'build-essential' you need the action, in this case 'install' :) "sudo apt-get install build-essential..."21:52
daftykinsnattonerd: also don't use -y, it's not advisable21:53
nattonerdi see.  i am following lynda’s up and running with linux and lamp through virtualbox.21:54
nattonerdthe “install” action helps thx21:54
daftykinscan't say i've heard of it21:54
daftykins(that guide)21:54
smart_developerI'm having an issue with /etc/rsyslog.d/00-my-file.conf21:55
smart_developerSpecifically, whenever I "service restart rsyslog"21:55
smart_developerIt doesn't log anything in the path I specified inside /etc/rsyslog.d/00-my-file.conf21:56
smart_developershould be logging to a file named /var/log/my-dir/my-log.log21:56
yeatssmart_developer: check the file permissions in /var/log21:56
smart_developerWhat should it be?21:56
yeatssmart_developer: first of all, does the directory path exist yet?21:56
smart_developerSo, the logging works whenever I add the configuration inside /etc/rsyslog.conf under "Rules"21:57
nattonerddaftykins: oh its”Up and Running with Linux for PHP Developers”21:57
smart_developeryes, I even touch-ed the file.21:57
smart_developer(the log file)21:57
yeatsok, what are the current perms on the new director and file?21:57
smart_developerlet's see21:57
smart_developerThe file is root : root21:57
smart_developer/var/log/my-dir is also root : root21:58
smart_developer(so /var/log/my-dir and /var/log/my-dir/my-log.log are both root : root)21:58
smart_developerI basically just did "touch my-log.log"21:58
smart_developerSo I guess that's what it was by default.21:58
yeatssmart_developer: it may need to be owned by syslog : adm21:59
smart_developerso, owner = syslog, group = adm ?21:59
smart_developerBut it works when it's (root : root) whenever I'm using /etc/rsyslog.conf22:00
smart_developerIt just doesn't seem to work whenever I'm configuring it in /etc/rsyslog.d/00-my-file.conf instead.22:00
smart_developerThat's the strange part about it.22:00
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smart_developerWhat's even stranger is that I think it was working previously whenever I made the configuration in /etc/rsyslog.d/00-my-file.conf, instead of in /etc/rsyslog.conf22:03
smart_developerBut now it only works whenever I specify my configuration inside of /etc/rsyslog.conf22:04
kavla333hi, new to ubuntu and need some advice. anyone here got a vst running in wine. ty22:04
EOBeavIs this the best place for XAMPP questions on ubuntu?22:04
k1l_EOBeav: you did install the xampp package?22:06
WrynessIf I want to extract all content from a textfile that is between the characters --.. and ..--, how do I do that? I think it should work with sed or awk, but I don't know how. Any suggestions?22:06
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k1l_well, that is a bad decision. ubuntu ships all stuff you need already as packages in the official repos22:07
k1l_!xampp | EOBeav22:08
ubottuEOBeav: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.22:08
EOBeavk, I'll try that then22:08
EOBeavXAMPP and LAMP are two different things?22:08
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smart_developeryeats : Should it be syslog : adm, or rsyslog : adm ?22:14
smart_developerI'm currently configuring rsyslog.22:15
smart_developerSo just wanted to make sure.22:15
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yeatssmart_developer: I suggested syslog:adm, but I believe that's a default in rsyslog somewhere22:17
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schelenzgood evening. anybody in with experience in juju ?22:19
smart_developeryeats : Sorry, I accidentally got logged out.22:20
SchrodingersScat!ask | schelenz22:20
ubottuschelenz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:20
smart_developeryeats : What was your response, again?22:20
smart_developeryeats : On whether I should use syslog:adm or rsyslog:adm, when I'm utilizing rsyslog.22:20
smart_developeryeats : Actually, I tried "chown syslog:adm my-log.log" and "chown rsyslog:adm my-log.log" and both of them are responding with "chown: invalid user: '(r)syslog:adm'22:21
yeatssmart_developer: sorry - I don't want to lead you astray - it's possible the systems I administer have a tweaked rsyslog setup if those users don't exist on your system22:22
nydeli've messed up my glibc/libc & can't seem to fix it, i can't even run 'ls' let alone apt-get.. everything gives me a "need glibc version 2.17" error, but running dpkg -i on a glibc17.deb returns an error. pleeeease help if you know anything about this.22:23
daftykinsnydel: boot a live session and chroot to repair it maybe22:24
yeatssmart_developer: I can say that in the past when I saw a similar issue, making sure the directory path was present and futzing with the perms made it work22:24
nydela live session? as in off a thumb or something, daftykins ?22:24
daftykinsnydel: that's right22:24
daftykins!chroot | nydel have a read here for more info22:24
ubottunydel have a read here for more info: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot22:25
nydelbleh. thanks muchly daftykins.22:26
daftykins*tips hat*22:26
schelenzis it possible to configure two network bridges on one physical interface ?22:27
tgm4883smart_developer: yeats the user syslog and the group adm should both exist on a standard ubuntu install22:27
bekksschelenz: Whats the goal behind that?22:27
LordVorpschelenz, should be, if you have enough aliases defined for everything to work.22:28
schelenzbekks: having already an "br0" and a program insidting on creating another bridge "lxcbr0"22:28
bekksschelenz: So actually you are trying to use a lxc container?22:29
schelenzright. i try to use cloud-install from ubuntu engineering. the setup script tries to create "lxcbr0".22:30
bekksschelenz: And whats the specific error message?22:31
schelenzwhen i try to create the second bridge i get "eth0 already enslaved"22:32
LordVorpdid you make the 2nd bridge to eth0, or the alias (like eth0:2) you created for it?22:32
schelenzlordvorp: *facepalm* no :) thank you!22:34
raptureAfter moving /var/log to another directory what is the best way to refresh all services that are still pointing to /var/log ?22:40
rapturepreferrably no reboot22:40
liquidstonewhat distro  is more about development ubuntu or fedora>?22:42
rwwwhat does "more about development" mean? both will work fine for programming, if that's what you're asking22:42
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kieppie_hi folks. I have a samba issue, but there's nobody there to assist. anyone here who's samba-fu is strong? I'm getting regular random disconnects from windows clients to a stable & patched 14.04.1 server on the LAN22:45
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WrynessIf I want to extract all content from a textfile that is between the characters --.. and ..--, how do I do that? I think it should work with sed or awk, but I don't know how. Any suggestions?22:46
daftykinskieppie_: what do logs tell you?22:46
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kieppie_hi daftykins - they're pretty noisy with "../source3/" messages, but I *suspect* this might be a clue: "check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [$USER] -> [$USER] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER". windows users are on a domain, but the server is simple vanilla restricted to LAN access - no auth wanted (treated as nobody:nogroup). server has been running fairly stable for years, but has started acting up22:49
daftykinskieppie_: was the move to 14.04 a recent upgrade from precise, then?22:50
kieppie_daftykins - I've grepped out the excessive noise (lost timestamps in the process), trying to track down issue22:51
kieppie_from last LTS22:51
daftykinskieppie_: hmm, i must call it a night now but good luck!22:51
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kieppie_what bugs me is that this works as intended for the most part, but then randomly just drops client shares22:52
kieppie_ok, thanks...22:52
kieppie_OK - anyone else online able to lend me some braincells to troubleshoot a samba issue?22:53
kieppie_please, please, please?22:53
reisiokieppie_: spit it out22:54
lonewulfAnyone here use the bitdefender scanner for unices?22:55
kieppie_hi reisio - got a samba server issue. windows users get dropped randomly.22:57
kieppie_server is a stock/vanilla & patched 14.04.1 host that allows unauthed access from LAN network, but does not do windows domain auth. windows users auth against domain22:59
kieppie_I suspect this in log may be indicadive "Authentication for user [winuser] -> [winuser] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER". may also be a DNS issue22:59
kieppie_host has been running stable for year, but started acting up recently23:00
ShariffHi there23:00
Shariffwhen I use exit I get a message I have pauzed tasks.. how do I find out which tasks those are?23:00
kieppie_reisio - any ideas please?23:02
lonewulfCan anyone see me?23:02
OerHeksShariff, Ctrl-Z will pause the current app, enter the command fg (short for foreground) to resume the paused task, or bg (background) to set it running in the background and give you a new prompt. look at the JOB CONTROL section in man bash.23:05
ShariffOerHeks: Thanks!23:06
lonewulf85Please bitdefender for unices problems23:07
carloshaphello i need help please.. i was searching driver for printer Kyocera Fs-720 for ubuntu i cant see anyone :( hel please23:07
OerHekslonewulf85, state your problem, mayby someone knows the answer23:07
BQhow do i add/enable chinese input method?23:08
lonewulf85My bitdefender is stuck in background mode, how can i get it to the foreground23:08
OerHekslonewulf85, "fg" foreground should do it23:09
lonewulf85I cannot even identify the job number for that program23:09
OerHekscarloshap i do not see it in http://www.openprinting.org/printers/manufacturer/Kyocera23:10
OerHekslonewulf85, 'top' or install htop to identify23:10
lonewulf85Then I just put in fg <pid> right?23:13
OerHekslonewulf85, yes23:14
Steve_Jobsis it safe to remove avahi-daemon?23:14
Steve_Jobswhat purpose does it serve?23:14
lonewulf85I found bdgui with the pid of 3362 when I run fg 3362 i get "no such job"23:15
OerHeksSteve_Jobs, avahi is an indexing service, you can stop and remove it. only search sommand take longer to complete23:15
eeeelonewulf85: type jobs, then fg <job number>23:16
eeeeit's the number in the [ ]23:16
Steve_JobsOerHeks: I looked in the services that it's supposed to be running and that dir is empty23:16
lonewulf85with that i get syntax error23:17
eeeewhat are you typing?23:17
Steve_Jobswhat would be a good list of things to remove from ubuntu that are eating up cpu cycles?23:18
eeeeit's like fg 2, if it's [2] when you type jobs23:18
eeeeSteve_Jobs: some people remove zeitgeist and telepathy and whatnot23:19
tobiasBoraI've a problem with my microphone, I can't make it work...23:20
mjayktobiasBora, what are you running and what interface is the microphone23:21
tobiasBoramjayk: I run Kubuntu 14.04, and both internal/external microphone are broken. (I'm not sure it's important but my combo jack isn't recognized when I plug it)23:22
mjayktobiasBora, ah kde is known for its audio issues have you changed anything regarding pulse audio or is it stock ?23:23
tobiasBoramjayk: I've only installed a few packages such as pavucontrol to get graphical tools to deal with pulseaudio, but except that pulseaudio is clean23:24
mjaykrecently installed any programs that would use / change the audio system such as skype ?23:24
tobiasBoramjayk: Not skype, I've installed audacity and avconv23:25
tobiasBorabut that's all23:25
mjayktobiasBora, sounds stupid but your sure that its not muted in pavu, also has it worked before on this system23:25
Shariffif I apt-get install librxtx-java, does that also install any dependency libraries? I need the rxtx for serial communication and now I have the java libraries I also require the OS libraries so I can use the serial port23:26
tobiasBoramjayk: I checked but everything sounds fine... If you want to check here is a screenshot : http://wstaw.org/m/2014/09/18/plasma-desktopeG2300.png23:27
tobiasBoraAnd I'm not sure it has ever work... I wonder if one time it didn't work but I can't be sure.23:28
tobiasBoraAnd I don't know if it's normal, but when I change the sound of the micro from alsamixer there is a "click" sound, and the micro suddently detect a sound (the blue bar in pulseaudio is suddently growing during a small time23:29
mjayktobiasBora, sorry i really dont kow23:30
tobiasBoraOk thank you... I will try to reboot in live USB with ubuntu 14.04...23:32
bash4everis it possible that using ssh-keygen may modify sudo behavior?23:37
somebodyrandomhi, maybe interesting for other users: my ubuntu 12.04 lts has kept refusing to upgrade because of "unresolved dependencies"... not giving details. after searching for logs, i found that it did not dare to remove update-manager-kde which i had apparently installed in addition to update-manager ... after manually uninstalling that, it worked :)23:37
somebodyrandomwell, it almost worked. it first asked me to make at least 7.4 gb of free space (turns out that putting /var/cache/apt/archives on another partition would also have been a way instead of making more / and /usr space)23:39
somebodyrandomsoooooo i would be happy if the 14.04 upgrade app could actually display why it aborts, instead of just saying "unresolved dependencies" thanks :)23:39
jimigood morning23:40
somebodyrandomgood morning jimi :)23:40
somebodyrandomand cu :)23:42
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c3vinwhat is recommended method for allowing standard users rights to add / manage printers23:53
reisioshould be a group for it23:53
c3vincorrect - lpadmin23:54
c3vinbut I have about 100 users on 20 different machines23:54
c3vinand any user may login to any machine23:54
c3vinand users are domain users23:54
c3vinso how to add domain user to lpadmin?23:55
TJ-c3vin: Sounds like you want AD integration; see e.g. https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/samba-ad-integration.html23:57
c3vinTJ-: got dat23:57
c3vinauthenticating properly23:57
c3vinI'm currently attempting a lightdm login script to grab username and add to lpadmin23:58
c3vinbut doesn't seem to be working23:58
c3vinusing Power Broker Identity Services23:58

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