
rick_h_Makyo: yay video00:02
rick_h_looking cool00:02
rick_h_Makyo: do we have an account to upload the videos to?00:03
* rick_h_ looks and notices it's the normal account00:04
rick_h_Makyo: ok cool, I'll check with the marketing and eco teams if there's a good 'juju home' we should get stuff towards.00:04
Makyorick_h_, I've been uploading them to my account and then passing the link on.  I think there's a canonical account, though, can forward the video to...someone...?  I don't know00:04
MakyoYeah, sounds good.00:04
rick_h_now we just need hatch to do the blog post matching something like that, get the ghost folks excited about it :) and almost there00:05
MakyoI'll have the de-chirped version up in a few.00:06
hatchyeah I was thinking of releasing the post next week00:06
rick_h_hatch: well wait until thurs00:07
rick_h_hatch: really that's the wait for all of this00:07
hatchok sounds good, lots of time00:07
rick_h_though Makyo's video brought out one more bug to file :/00:07
rick_h_hmm, though maybe not I guess, Makyo you used the flag to override the settings?00:08
rick_h_yep, see it in the url. Ok, no new bug yay!00:08
Makyorick_h_, yep00:14
Makyorick_h_, only thing I found was the X on the cookie warning didn't show up on this laptop.00:14
MakyoWill try and repro00:14
rick_h_Makyo: k00:15
rick_h_I assumed it was hidden behind the onboarding or something00:15
rick_h_but didn't look too close00:15
MakyoOh, good point00:15
Makyohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEiwKLfzlX8 Updated video without the chirp00:38
rick_h_Makyo: can you send that out to peeps plese?00:39
MakyoSure fing00:39
rick_h_Makyo: and we'll work on pulling together out content and that way we've got a url down somewhere to remember00:39
Makyorick_h_, sounds good.  Can forward the mp4 to anyone in marketing who needs it, too, if it belongs on another account00:42
rick_h_Makyo: rgr, thanks. We probably won't know more about that until Sally gets back Monday00:42
MakyoYEp, sounds good00:43
huwshimiI can't figure out good way to do sorting.01:22
rick_h_huwshimi: the 0 padding doesn't help?01:22
huwshimirick_h_: Oh, I actually don't know what that is :)01:23
rick_h_huwshimi: oh, that's what frankban was saying01:24
rick_h_he was suggesting that if the thing was 10new01:24
rick_h_and you had 101:24
rick_h_that if you padded it 01 and 10 they'd sort correctly01:24
rick_h_so basically full in things with 0's so that they're similar and will sort as strings01:25
rick_h_so machine 0 turns into 00000 I guess. 01:25
* rick_h_ loads pr to look at frankban's comments again01:26
huwshimirick_h_: Actually that gives me another idea, we could just add 1 to all ints, the numbers will still sort correctly and zero will become 1 so it will be truthy when compared against strings01:26
rick_h_huwshimi: right, but overall if things are just always strings, and you prefix the names with 0000's then they'll sort correct, even things like 12 vs 13new01:27
rick_h_huwshimi: try both and see what 'works' to the eye test and we can go from there01:28
huwshimioh I see what you mean now :)01:28
rick_h_huwshimi: so the longest one in the previous example was 5 characters long, so if we did '00000' + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 they'd sort with 'new10' just fine01:29
rick_h_well, I guess that's four zeros needed to make them all 5 long, /me wonders if we even need to add more than one 0, or just add '0' + name01:29
rick_h_to get a string out of it 01:29
huwshimirick_h_: I guess we don't know how long a number someone might use though01:30
rick_h_huwshimi: right, but even if they use 12343243243543543 and we add a 0 to 1, 2, 3, we'd be sorting '01', '02', '03', and '012334...'01:30
rick_h_huwshimi: ah right, so we'd need to use as many 0's as missing from the longest string01:31
rick_h_because otherwise we'd still have issues01:31
rick_h_right, so we'd have to find the len of the longest one, and then do a longest-len(name) * '0' + name01:31
rick_h_well in python, have to convert that to JS01:31
huwshimirick_h_: Actually the issue might not just be about zeros. It occurs if I add machines in this way too: 01:44
huwshimiapp.db.machines.add([{id: '3'}, {id: 'new3'}, {id: '10'}, {id: '10'}, {id: '2'}, {id: 'new1'}, {id: 'new11'}, {id: 'new42'}, {id: '1'}, {id: 'new21'}]);01:44
huwshimisomething about the lowest number being after two strings?01:45
rick_h_huwshimi: right, so you need to update everything to be 5 chars long01:46
rick_h_so you need to make it 01:46
rick_h_'00003', '0new3', '00010', '00010', '00002', '0new1', 'new42', '00001', '0new21'01:47
rick_h_and those should all sort properly01:47
rick_h_it's not as bad as it seems01:48
huwshimirick_h_: It is because I need to figure out how to loop through everything and store the highest value inside the model comparator method :)01:49
rick_h_huwshimi: if it's heading off into the weeds for you feel free to put the card back with your branch and we can update it01:49
rick_h_huwshimi: yea, and it'll have to be updated as new machines come into play, so it really needs to be done at the time of the sort button being pressed01:50
rick_h_and can't be done ahead of time01:50
huwshimirick_h_: Can we actually have custom names at the moment?01:57
huwshimiIf not then users can't currently add machines with names out of order01:58
huwshimiI'm just thinking I could land this as is with a follow up card to add the zero padding.01:58
hatchevening all02:00
rick_h_huwshimi: no, not yet. It's on the todo with some other stuff02:43
rick_h_huwshimi: but we have the issue of the sorting with 1 and 13 currently?02:43
rick_h_huwshimi: but yea, just want to make sure we have things 'working' and the 0 was the issue atm02:43
huwshimirick_h_: Is that the issue with new1 and new13?02:44
rick_h_not really, those can go at the end and that's not an issue as they'll come back with real numbers once comitted02:44
huwshimiThat's true02:45
rick_h_0 and the 1 and 13 are the two issues currently02:45
huwshimiI'm not sure what the 1 and 13 issue is...02:45
rick_h_huwshimi: call?02:46
rick_h_standup url?02:46
rick_h_evening hatch 02:46
huwshimirick_h_: What's the standup url?02:46
rick_h_adjust the authuser to your accounts02:47
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
rogpeppe1mornin' all08:04
urulamamorning rogpeppe108:13
rogpeppe1urulama: yo!08:13
* urulama puts on a big golden chain, big hat ... sends yo back :D08:14
rick_h_morning everyone10:58
urulamarick_h_: fabrice will play with MV, he has dev gui up and running ... what's the link to the MV?10:59
rick_h_urulama: /:flags:/mv11:00
urulamafabrice: ^11:00
urulamaty, rick_h_11:01
fabricewhat's the url to get to mv ?11:02
fabriceI should read before typing :)11:03
fabricerick_h_: thanks11:03
fabricein fact time for a break11:03
=== fabrice is now known as fabrice|lunch
rbasakrick_h_: o/11:46
rbasakI'm just catching up on landing Juju etc. in Trusty for 1.18.4. It's in -proposed, as is juju-quickstart.11:46
rick_h_rbasak: what's up? otp atm 11:46
rbasakThe pending bugs for juju-quickstart are https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-quickstart/+bug/1309678 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1306537.11:47
mupBug #1309678: a value is required for the control bucket field <verification-needed> <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by bac> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1309678>11:47
mupBug #1306537: LXC local provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host <deploy> <local-provider> <lxc> <verification-needed> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.18:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by frankban> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Fix11:47
mupReleased> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306537>11:47
rick_h_rbasak: looking11:49
rbasakrick_h_: sorry I got distracted.11:49
rick_h_rbasak: so this is for utopic vs trusty?11:50
rbasakSo we just need to check that the package in -proposed does fix these two bugs, and comment to explain the testing and mark verification-done. This is for Trusty.11:50
rbasakI have a 1.18.4 in trusty-proposed now (probably didn't before).11:50
rick_h_rbasak: ok, I'll see if we can get these tested out. 11:50
rbasakI just verified that basic functionality works with -proposed enabled.11:50
rick_h_urulama: do you think jrwren_ has the bandwidth to look at verifying the two bugs today? ^11:50
rick_h_rbasak: rgr, will get someone on it11:51
rbasakrick_h_: thanks! I'm also going to look at the Juju bugs today, and hopefully we can get the update landed in Trusty very soon.11:51
rbasakI'm sorry this is so late. I got distracted by feature freeze issues for Utopic, and also have had to be away for a while.11:51
rick_h_rbasak: rgr, will get it done today11:53
urulamajrwren_: when you join, ping rick_h_ for quickstart issues, please11:54
rick_h_frankban: running a couple of min late12:02
frankbanrick_h_: np12:02
* frankban lunches12:31
* rick_h_ goes to find breakfast now that morning calls are through 12:31
=== fabrice|lunch is now known as fabrice
fabriceI have some question about mv views12:47
fabriceIs there a remove unit ?12:47
rick_h_fabrice: yes, you have to click onto the machine12:48
rick_h_fabrice: and then the units are listed out in the container column on the right12:48
rick_h_fabrice: and you can hover over the units and get a 'more menu' with a destroy12:48
fabricekool the hover menu !12:49
fabriceI have found a bug I think also12:49
fabrice2 in facts12:49
fabriceone question more : change log do not indicate on which machine a unit will be placed12:51
fabriceis that voluntary ?12:51
rick_h_fabrice: yes, though it's a design/idea I've questioned as well12:52
rick_h_fabrice: the goal is to get some feedback. The idea is that it's showing things that are more important/direct to the environment and pocketbook (adding a new machine costs $$)12:53
rick_h_fabrice: and it's a bit less busy12:53
fabriceI found 3 bugs so I will play with launchpad now12:54
rick_h_fabrice: rgr make sure to check the kanban board (or I guess launchpad works) to make sure they're new vs existing ones 12:55
fabricerick_h_: good suggestions :)12:55
jcsackettjujugui: can i get two reviews and qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/564 please?13:29
kadams54jcsackett: taking a look13:30
jcsackettthanks, kadams54.13:30
jcsackettrick_h_: i'm reviewing/qa-ing huw's service icon delete branch, and i'm a little confused. he's setting the service blocks in service view to blue border on delete, as when they're uncommitted deploys. is that really what we want to do?13:35
rick_h_jcsackett: I asked about that. I asked him to check the designs for any note on if we have feedback on how to show that. 13:36
rick_h_jcsackett: /me looks at the branch to see if he calls any of that out13:36
jcsackettrick_h_: there's no indication of design docs, and i'm not seeing anything that looks like this.13:36
rick_h_jcsackett: rgr looking13:36
rick_h_luca...how dare you not be in my irc channel when I want to ping you13:37
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, I'm not a fan of that. I think this might be huw's best path to do *something* but not sure without asking13:37
rick_h_jcsackett: I think we need to push up to UX on this. 13:37
rick_h_jcsackett: ah, but I did mention to look at how we show a remove relation and that's how it's done13:38
jcsackettrick_h_: ok, i'll note as much in my qa notes and avoid stamping qa ok for now, and we'll harass luca when he's around.13:38
jcsackettrick_h_: oh, really?13:38
rick_h_jcsackett: I think this can go forward but we need to bring the inconsistancy up with design. 13:38
rick_h_jcsackett: in a relation, an uncommitted relation is a grey line13:39
rick_h_but a removing one is a blue line with blue circle13:39
kadams54rick_h_: FYI, I checked all the destroy cards (all have my face on them) and they all seem to be local env only. That is, I couldn't replicate in EC2.13:39
jcsackettrick_h_: so maybe we move away from blue border for services.13:39
rick_h_kadams54: awesome, is there any hint as to the issue?13:39
rick_h_jcsackett: that seems like a big change to do :/13:39
jcsackettok, i'll qa ok the branch and then email to bring up design discussion.13:39
rick_h_jcsackett: as far as general idea13:39
jcsackettrick_h_: right, i'm not advocating. :p13:40
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, let's go ahead and qa/land as is and hopefully there's a small follow up to tweak13:40
rick_h_based on design feedback13:40
kadams54rick_h_: It seems fairly likely that it's a problem in fakebackend.js or sandbox.js, but I've been striking out with everything I've looked at so far. None of the places where we explicitly call "db.machines.remove" are being invoked.13:41
rick_h_kadams54: rgr, ok mark them as low and we'll try to move the other stuff blocking release more first13:42
rick_h_kadams54: and take a look at the removal stuff as it'll show on jujucharms.com when we update it13:42
rick_h_kadams54: are you able to look at the 'saving configuration setting creates white box' issue next?13:46
kadams54rick_h_: sure13:46
kadams54jcsackett: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/564 looks good13:52
lazyPowerrick_h_: wait... I have access to work with charm-admin? O_O13:53
jcsackettkadams54: thanks.13:56
lazyPowerrick_h_: when you get about 5 that you can spare for me, ping me please.13:59
rick_h_lazyPower: what's up?14:01
rick_h_lazyPower: I've got 29min to spare atm14:01
fabricerick_h_: I added comments in the bug you marked as incomplete14:01
lazyPowerHey, the email from 10 days ago is referrencing a tool I cant access - charm-admin.  I thought the process was to file an rt-ticket, did I misunderstand?14:02
rick_h_fabrice: ty, appreciate the QA, just will bug for more detailed bug filings to help those that follow afterwards14:02
lazyPowerand wait, i've just earned my black belt in no-context-fu again14:02
rick_h_charm-admin, oh the script on the IS thing14:02
lazyPowerwoo and you get a gold star for picking up on my no-context clues14:02
rick_h_lazyPower: ok, so we don't have access to it, we need IS to run that on the machine running the charmstore14:02
rick_h_lazyPower: thus the RT14:02
fabricerick_h_: hope the 2other one are filled with enough details14:02
rick_h_lazyPower: once that is done, we DO have access to remove from charmworld, as ~charmers can login and hit the button on there14:03
lazyPowerok I thought the RT was the appropriate move forward. I received an email from a community member wanting removal of their personal namespace charm as well - so we have 2 items in teh queue for removal.14:03
rick_h_lazyPower: rgr14:03
lazyPowerwhen i went back to look for the instructions, i saw the charm-admin command and insta-confused myself14:03
* lazyPower doffs hat14:03
lazyPoweryou are a gentleman and a scholar14:03
rick_h_lazyPower: with the new charmstore stuff we'll have control of that so it'll get better14:03
lazyPowerno worries, I just wanted to make sure i'm not opening tickets and waiting for nothing.14:04
lazyPowerrick_h_: is it a problem if i CC you on the RT tickets, so when they are removed you get notice to nuke them from charmworld?14:06
rick_h_lazyPower: no prob at all14:06
fabriceI have a question the OS is not indicated (precise or trusty) in machine view, was it discussed already ?14:20
rick_h_fabrice: yes, I think there's a bug about that. The series isn't labeled because UX-wise it's normaally just repeat info across the machines14:21
rick_h_fabrice: but there are times it's useful, there was talk of adding it and show/hiding via the more menu but it's something we've not decided14:21
fabriceIt would be kool to have Network + Machine in a canvas view 14:24
fabricehorizon display network like that for example14:25
rick_h_fabrice: :) as juju supports various network ideas you can be sure we'll be thinking about showing network info14:25
rick_h_one might even say there should be a 'network view' to go with the 'service view' and 'machine view' 14:26
fabricerick_h_: Added a comment for https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/137112714:36
mupBug #1371127: Able to commit a unit added to a machine without choosing the subcontainer <juju-gui:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1371127>14:36
fabricerick_h_: I think this is an issue14:37
rick_h_fabrice: rgr ty14:37
jrwren_rick_h_: do you know anything more about https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1306537  I do not know how to get precise to be used at all.14:39
mupBug #1306537: LXC local provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host <deploy> <local-provider> <lxc> <verification-needed> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.18:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by frankban> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Fix14:39
mupReleased> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306537>14:39
rick_h_jrwren_: deploy a precise charm?14:39
hatchthat works here14:39
hatchI do it all the time14:39
jrwren_rick_h_: juju-gui used to be a precise charm and is now a trusty charm?14:40
rick_h_jrwren_: yes, it has both14:40
rick_h_you just specify which you want14:40
rick_h_juju deploy precise/juju-gui14:40
jrwren_quickstart just picks one, how to force?14:40
jrwren_--gui-charm-url maybe?14:41
frankban_jrwren_: yes, that should work14:41
jrwren_i'll try that. 14:41
jrwren_thanks frankban_ 14:41
frankban_jrwren_: otherwise, for example in ec2 where the GUI is colocated in the bootstrap node, if machine 0 is precise than the precise charm should be used14:41
jrwren_should short form charm url work?  cs:precise/juju-gui   ok?14:41
frankban_jrwren_: it should IIRC14:42
jrwren_frankban_: makes sense, I just did not know how to force it on a new bootstrap.14:42
jrwren_frankban_: thanks.14:42
jrwren_juju-quickstart: error: charm URL has invalid revision: gui  <-- I wonder if I should file a bug14:43
frankban_jrwren_: no, it's not a bug, now that I remember, when using a customized charm utl, you need to specify the revision14:43
frankban_url even14:44
jrwren_ok, easy enough to use browser to find latest rev.14:44
rbasakjrwren_: re: bug 1306537, I think juju-gui deploys precise to run itself, doesn't it? So if "lsb_release -a" says on the juju gui machine that it's precise, then the bug is fixed.14:48
mupBug #1306537: LXC local provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host <deploy> <local-provider> <lxc> <verification-needed> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.18:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by frankban> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Fix14:48
mupReleased> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1306537>14:48
rbasakI think that's how the original bug triggered.14:49
rbasak(and thus breaking juju-quickstart)14:49
jrwren_rbasak: It did not deploy precise by default for me. It chose trusty.14:49
rbasakjrwren_: ah, perhaps that has changed now.14:49
rick_h_jrwren_: do you have a default series defined?14:49
jrwren_rick_h_: yes, precise.14:49
rick_h_I though this bug was around what happened without a defautl series, we hit into a bug with juju-core. So the thing now is that core's relaesed a fix, we've released a fix, it might be hard to redupe14:50
frankban_yeah, IIRC that was mainly a core bug14:52
rick_h_jrwren_: so I think a fair thing to do here is to note that you cannot replicate the bug with this version of quickstart14:53
rbasakAnd I think an explanation is sufficient to then mark it verification-done.14:53
rbasak"Bug no longer exists because $reasons" is perfect for verification-done.14:54
rick_h_jujugui call in 7 kanban please14:54
jrwren_rick_h_: I did that, but I wanted to try forcing precise to make sure that it does not hang, and I did that successfully too.14:55
rick_h_jrwren_: awesome14:55
rbasakjrwren_: sorry, I think I've muddled things here.14:55
rbasakLooking again, the key bug was in Juju. juju-quickstart had a task, and you moved to Trusty from Precise, which also eliminated the bug.14:55
rick_h_rbasak: right14:56
hatchoh man lp not including the link in bug emails is incredibly frustrating 14:56
rbasakSo I don't think you can reproduce without using both juju-core from !proposed and also juju-quickstart from !proposed.14:56
rick_h_hatch: it does have links, what bug email did you get without one?14:56
rbasakAs long as proposed juju works with proposed juju-quickstart, we should be verification-done.14:56
jrwren_rbasak: hehehe14:56
rbasakI'll just c&p this explanation and mark verification done.14:57
jcsackettrick_h_: may be a moment late, helping ant out with an issue.14:58
rbasakjrwren_: done. Thanks for testing, and sorry for the confusion.14:58
rick_h_jujugui call in 2 prepare prepare14:58
jrwren_rbasak: no worries. Thanks for jumping in.14:59
rick_h_frankban_: ant__ ^15:00
=== fabrice is now known as fabrice|familyti
hatchwe are getting new cash regists^h^h^h^h^h speed cameras 15:30
hatchjujugui lf reviews and qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/56615:40
hatchluca: I'm thinking that if the blue circle is turning yellow in mv it should also turn yellow on the service icons?15:41
lucahatch: yeah15:42
hatchit's not as noticable because it just sits here instead of changing names or anything15:43
hatchbut I'll add a card to get to at some point15:43
hatchMakyo: my current branch makes some changes to the ecs so you might want to take a peek at #566 just to make sure it's not going to conflict15:43
hatchand while you're there - you might as well review it :P15:44
Makyohatch, will do15:46
=== fabrice is now known as fabrice|family
jrwren_TIL: you can mismatch juju and juju-core package versions.16:24
hatchohh yeah that happens16:24
hatchI dun that before16:25
hatchyou get some weird error16:25
jrwren_especially when core is 1.21 and quickstart can't read the version16:29
jrwren_juju cmd was working. doing weird things like juju versions says 1.18, but using 1.21 tools when bootstrapping.16:29
jrwren_rbasak: ping?16:37
rbasakjrwren_: pong16:37
jrwren_rbasak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-quickstart/+bug/1309678  Tested with juju and juju-quickstart from proposed and maybe found a new bug :(16:37
mupBug #1309678: a value is required for the control bucket field <verification-needed> <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by bac> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1309678>16:37
jrwren_I think it is a fixed bug in newer juju, but not fixed in proposed?16:38
jrwren_rbasak: oh, i just realized you aren't on that bug. 16:39
rbasakjrwren_: does this new potential bug affect any Juju user hitting EC2 or OpenStack? Or is it really specific to the reproduction steps in this bug?16:40
jrwren_rbasak: afaik any ec2 user. I am unsure about openstack.16:41
jrwren_rbasak: wait, It may be because I am using python-websocket package from a juju stable ppa16:47
rbasakjrwren_: we need to find out if this package in trusty-proposed will regress users in Trusty.16:47
jrwren_rbasak: exactly what I'm making sure is not the case.16:47
hatchanyone else available for a review?16:47
rbasakjrwren_: thanks, you're ahead of me :)16:47
hatchjujugui ^16:48
jrwren_rbasak: would be a pretty nasty and obvious bug, so I think it is me.16:48
jrwren_rbasak: confirmed it was ME and not a real bug. Sorry about that. i should have figured it out sooner.16:51
rbasakjrwren_: no problem. Thank you for being diligent.16:52
rbasak(about flagging potential issues)16:52
rbasakWould rather have it that way round than push a bug to -updates :)16:52
hatchrick_h_: you around yet?17:20
rick_h_hatch: just back17:31
rick_h_what's up?17:31
hatchrick_h_: the config 'pick original value' stuff - did we wan't them to do this at any time or only when there is a conflict?17:32
rick_h_hatch: only when there is a conflict17:32
rick_h_hatch: just that the conflict UI shows 3 values in the select box vs the 2 I think17:32
hatchalright - able for a preimp?17:33
rick_h_sure thing, standup room?17:33
rick_h_jcastro: what's the cross team thing next week? Should we be thinking of showing off machine view there?18:14
jcastrowhat cross team thing?18:14
rick_h_jcastro: the email you sent out about a cross team presentation next week18:15
jcastrooh that's the cloud cross team18:15
rick_h_oh it was canceled for this week nvm18:15
jcastroIt's more higher level than specific tools18:15
rick_h_gotcha ok cool18:15
rick_h_just checking18:15
jcastrothat's the once a month one18:15
hatchjcastro: since you're working hard on learning the tools - do you know if you have a multi proc instance if you can deploy two units to it and specify that each one gets one proc?18:22
jcastroI haven't tried that specifically18:23
jcastrobut I don't see why that wouldn't work18:23
hatchhow would you do it?18:25
jcastromachine constraints18:26
hatchjuju deploy --to doesn't also work with constraints18:26
jcastrohow else?18:26
jcastrooh, I guess if we set the constraint beforehand?18:26
rick_h_jcastro: hatch http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/setting-processor-affinity-certain-task-or-process.html I'd have the charm do it18:26
rick_h_jcastro: hatch and it'd have to be some sort of config on the charm which cpu to have affinity with18:26
hatchinteresting - I'm working on a new blog post "easy horizontal scaling of SOA" so doing some research and not having much luck hah18:27
hatchrick_h_: that does seem like a cool technique....but I feel like juju should handle this18:27
hatchmaybe kvm instances?18:27
hatchare they heavy?18:27
* hatch knows little of kvm18:27
rick_h_hatch: right, but currently it doesn't really. I'm not sure how lxc containers get cpu time, but assume it's less manual than 'you get core 0, you get core 1'18:28
hatchif setting cpu affinity is as easy as it shows in that post then adding it to the charm separate from the users real service would be an acceptable workaround imho18:30
Makyojujugui going to walk the dogs over lunch, stepping away for a bit.18:36
jrwren_what is the benefit?18:38
hatchjrwren_: say you had two services running on the same machine but one was more cpu intensive - you may still want to give the other one a full core to use regardless18:39
jrwren_I've never thought about affinity and that case.18:40
hatchthat's essentially what you're doing when you get 2 ec2 smalls instead of a medium18:40
hatchbut assume that you don't have a choice about the hardware18:40
jrwren_with Xen as your affinity system.18:41
hatchI'm not sure what you mean18:42
jrwren_the hypervisor manages it for you when you get 2 smalls instead of a medium.18:42
hatchright - but it would be nice if you could deploy 4 charms to a 4 core machine and assign each one a core18:44
jrwren_I see what you mean. That would be pretty cool.18:44
jrwren_it prevents starvation, but it also prevents allowing natural balancing of short bursts of usage >118:45
jrwren_I'd want to profiled and a real world case documented before I actually deployed a production service that way :)18:45
jrwren_hatch: you could use rlimits to do the same thing with memory.18:46
jrwren_hatch: actually, if you don't actually care about affinity, and just usage, you could do the whole thing with rlimits and continue to let the kernel execute the process wherever it wants.18:47
jrwren_hatch: you have me distracted thinking about this.18:51
jrwren_hatch: at first I was thinking choosing a good linux scheduler could help... but then i stumbled on http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/cgroups/cpusets.txt18:54
jrwren_so cgroups supports this. no idea if lxc utilizes them.18:55
urulamajrwren_, hatch: was just trying to suggest cgroups18:55
jrwren_lookx like lxc has supported it for a couple of yeras.18:55
urulamajrwren_: lxc actually sits on top of cgroups18:55
urulamajrwren_: iirc18:55
jrwren_urulama: right. I didn't know if lxc used cpusets though.18:55
jrwren_lxc-cgroup -n foo cpuset.cpus "0,3" 18:56
urulamajrwren_: nice, tnx18:56
jrwren_wow, its all there and can be done at the lxc level instead of per process level. That is awesome.18:56
urulamajrwren_: did you just propose to make more detailed choices with MV? :D18:57
jrwren_urulama: nope. Just thinking out loud.18:58
hatchthat's awesome18:59
hatchso now the question is weather juju would support passing those flags18:59
hatchunless it can be done from within the container18:59
urulamajrwren_: then i will :) allocate your charm per core per cpu. just a machine is not good enough :D18:59
* urulama spent too much time playing with toys ... shall get serious now19:00
hatchhah - this has been really helpful :)19:00
hatchdidn't even know where to start looking so apparently I was looking in the wrong spots19:01
jrwren_i'd be surprised if it can be done inside container.19:01
jrwren_i guess it would be if root inside the container is not restricted.19:03
hatchif it can't be then it would have to be functionality added to juju19:04
urulamajuju would be awesome if something like OSv would be used (or implemented)19:05
jrwren_urulama: ha!19:06
urulamasuch virtualization and better vm io was something i was working on before joining canonical, but it would make things really useful in juju land19:07
jrwren_i kind of like the "ubuntu is our platform" approach to juju.19:10
jrwren_all these "kernel is our platform" VM/container systems are forgetting that all those system services are there for a reason.19:10
jrwren_but... i'm just an old curmudgeon sysadmin19:11
hatchhaha no I am with you there too19:13
urulamasure, agree. just that "ubuntu" can be really small :D19:15
hatchyeah 58MB or something19:15
jrwren_it can be 58? really?19:16
jrwren_I thought cloudimg was about as small as it got.19:17
hatch63MB sorry19:19
jrwren_and its not even bzip2 or xv! :)19:22
jrwren_209M extracted, so this is almost cloudimg without a kernel?19:24
hatchI have no idea19:26
jrwren_15yrs ago I played with a redhat variant and its --excludedocs option to make a pretty minimal size core distro.19:29
jrwren_I can't remember why. I was targetting something with limited storage, but I don't remember what.19:30
jrwren_use better compression: 42M     ubuntu-core-14.04.1-core-amd64.tar.xz19:35
urulamajrwren_, hatch: if interested, i think this is a good read 19:51
urulamaand part219:53
hatchwill check it out19:53
jrwren_same ideas as https://coreos.com AFAICT19:54
hatchand coreos has a bus with a gopher on it19:54
urulamajrwren_: yas19:54
urulamayes even :)19:54
urulamait's sometimes nice to remember all the abstractions that are going on within the "cloud" ... and not take them for granted19:55
urulamalike these19:55
jrwren_head exploding. :)19:56
urulamathat's always a good thing :)20:03
hatchyou mean I can't just go to BestBuy and pick up a cloud and plug it in and go?20:04
urulamajust buy some chemtrails spray and create one in your room, as big as you want :)20:05
urulamanight all20:17
=== urulama is now known as urulama-afk
jrwren_head exploding more: http://www.openmirage.org20:31
* rick_h_ steps away until evening AU calls20:35
rick_h_morning huwshimi 22:21
huwshimirick_h_, hatch: Call time?22:32
rick_h_huwshimi: couple min late hang on22:32
huwshimirick_h_: np22:32
rick_h_hatch: is going to be out for tonight22:32
rick_h_huwshimi: joining now22:37
huwshimirick_h_: on way22:38
huwshimirick_h_: Great videos, nice to see things really working!23:08

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