
Noskcajdarkxst, ppa:noskcaj/staging07:41
Noskcajback in 1 hour07:41
Noskcajdid i miss anything?08:45
ricotzNoskcaj, you werent disconnected, so i guess, no ;)09:01
Noskcajricotz, My irc server sucks, so anything between my messages wasn't seen09:02
Noskcajor maybe it's hexchat09:02
ricotzthere were just some entering/leaving as usual09:03
ricotzbtw i am pushing some 3.13/14 bits to staging/utopic09:03
NoskcajLet me know if you need any help with the staging ppa09:17
tuv0kanyone notice during file copy of large files the UI intermittently freezes, or becomes unresponsive?09:18
l3onNoskcaj, git is cool, even if is not supported by LP. Where are you going to setup this git repos?11:03
darkxstNoskcaj, file a bug and get into the new queue13:09
darkxstricotz, push away I am super tied up with super late FFe's and a bit of real life ;(13:11
* darkxst sleeps now though ;) 13:13
LinDolhi all14:28
=== tuv0k is now known as darthanubis
=== prth is now known as prth|away
l3on[UTOPIC] in a fresh installation gnome3-staging is unusable ...22:31
l3onshell freeze completely22:31
l3onsome wiki page to debug the problem ? .. I was looking at /var/log/gdm/, but I didn't find any interesting line22:32
darkxstl3on, ricotz just pushed alot of updates last night, I havent tested that yet22:33
darkxstshell freeze after login?22:34
l3onyep .. black screen and only cursor on the display22:34
darkxstbut gdm worked?22:34
darkxstpaste .cache/upstart/gnome-session-GNOME.log22:35
l3ondarkxst, the current session comes from the utopic packages (I ppa-purged gnome3-staging) .. does information in that file still have sense ?22:36
l3ondarkxst, http://paste.debian.net/plain/121858/22:38
l3on*** Error in `/usr/bin/gnome-shell': double free or corruption (!prev): 0x00007f9c7c094850 ***22:38
darkxstl3on, did you get a core dump (.crash) in /var/crash?22:40
darkxstif so ubuntu-bug it22:40
l3on-rw-r----- 1 l3on whoopsie  48M set 19 00:17 _usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash22:41
darkxstl3on, run `ubuntu-bug ^that_file`22:41
l3onubuntu-bug says "already reported" https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/122693922:42
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1226939 not found22:42
l3onis it private ?22:42
darkxstl3on, public now, most probably not the same bug though22:49
l3ondarkxst, bug 137134022:56
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1371340 could not be found22:56
darkxstl3on, is that the right number?23:00
l3ondarkxst, yep.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/137134023:01
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1371340 not found23:01
darkxstits not showing up here23:02
l3ondarkxst, LP says it's private, but I guess you have access to them23:03
darkxstyes I have access to private bugs23:03
darthanubishas anyone resized a video in totem while it was playing, only to have totem/video crash?23:06
l3ondarkxst, news? can you see it now ?23:24
l3on1.30 am here, have to go! bye :)23:28
darkxstl3on, no can't see it23:30

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