
=== Zic is now known as Guest68979
=== Guest68979 is now known as Zic
dholbachdo we have anyone from the council or extended irc team here - in the CC meeting we were going to catch up with you folks17:07
dholbach→ #ubuntu-meeting17:07
Letozaf_Hello, I have just been added to Ubuntu Members, I wanted to ask for a cloak, my launchpad profile is https://launchpad.net/~carla-sella19:11
hggdhLetozaf_: you will get a ubuntu/members/letosaf_ cloak, is this ok?19:47
Fuchshggdh: nope, she won't19:48
Letozaf_Letozaf_, sorry19:48
rwwhggdh: (cloaks can't have underscores)19:48
Letozaf_hggdh, I was on another channel for a while, yes that's fine, thanks19:48
Fuchsrww: my customer :(19:48
* hggdh keeps on learning19:48
Letozaf_hggdh, it's letozaf (whith a z not s) :)19:49
Fuchshggdh: anyway, the restriction of the cloak having to be the account name is for unaffiliated cloaks only,19:49
Unit193Letozaf is grouped to the same account.19:49
Fuchshggdh: so set whatever you want, usually trailing/leading _s get stripped, but you can set whatever you want. Including uppercase.19:49
hggdhk, thank you19:50
Fuchs(whatever you want: within technical boundaries. Hence: only ascii, minus a couple of characters, mainly _)19:50
rww(although IRCC practice is all-lowercase and usually accountname except for stuff like this)19:50
hggdhstaff -- please set a cloak ubuntu/member/letozaf for Letozaf_19:50
Letozaf_hggdh, thanks19:51
Unit193errietta seems active.  Surprise, no stats p. :P19:52
* hggdh goes to #f19:52
Fuchsaww, and I wanted to start making cricket sounds :(19:53
hggdhLetozaf_: please keep with us meanwhile, freenode staff may want to confirm you accept the cloak19:57
Letozaf_hggdh, ok19:57
FuchsLetozaf_: in the meantime you could, if interested and not using it yet, read through http://freenode.net/sasl/19:58
Fuchsusing that to auto-identify you will ensure you have the cloak on connect. It's optional though19:58
Fuchsbut since you have to wait a bit anyway ...19:58
Letozaf_Fuchs, ok I will thanks19:59
Fuchsyou're welcome. And congratulations  *throws confetti*19:59
Letozaf_Fuchs, :-) thanks19:59
Unit193Letozaf_: Congrats.20:00
Letozaf_Unit193, thanks :-)20:00

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