
dufluRAOF: Fun fact: while our drivers don't link in a well-behaved fashion ${shlibs:Depends} finds no dependencies05:57
dufluBut there really should be some05:57
dufluAlthough they're utterly unusable without the prerequisite libmirplatform so it's probably a clean and harmless dependency omission06:01
RAOFWell, as it currently stands they don't _really_ have a dependency on libmirplatform.06:06
RAOFThey get those symbols from the libmirserver they're loaded into :)06:06
dufluRAOF: Yeah symbols needed at runtime. But there's no reason to accurately detail those dependencies in the package details06:35
dufluIf you don't have the deps you can't load the drivers06:35
RAOF(At some glorious future point you'll be able to load a driver linked against libmirplatform.so.N into a libmirserver linked against libmirserver.so.M and have everything work, but that's not now)06:36
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dufluRAOF: I'm not totally comfortable I know what the "platform" is yet. Would be nice to find the time for me to write a new driver as a learning exercise07:00
RAOFI started an X11 one on Friday.07:04
dufluRAOF: Is a new mesa for utopic coming at all?07:05
RAOFThere's a surprising amount of Mir scattered through there.07:05
RAOFduflu: I believe that mlankhorst is prepping a new Mesa now.07:05
dufluAll good news07:05
* duflu should log off early today in case that changes :)07:05
RAOFOf course, the X11 platform is only for output, and won't work for input...07:06
RAOFThat requires a reworking of “Platform” to fix.07:06
RAOFBut would be nice; then we'd have 4 1st class platforms - Mesa+evdev, Android+evdev, Mir, X11.07:07
dufluRAOF: Not sure Mir is 1st class or higher than that even... since it's not an explicit driver implementation07:08
RAOFOh, but it is.07:09
RAOFIt's just that we don't treat it as such.07:09
duflu0.8th class (for royalty only)07:09
RAOF(And, also, because we don't have any sort of input platform the Mir platform needs to be tightly bound)07:09
RAOFBut with not _too_ much work that binding can be cut.07:10
dufluYay, options07:10
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bschaeferracarr, hey, would you happen to know whos in-charge of setting the tool type for motion events? As im pretty sure we just copy it from the android event ... but for some reason I keep getting a 0 tool type (which is AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN)19:19
* bschaefer re-calls hitting that problem a few months ago...19:19
racarrbschaefer: I don't actually know what happens to that no...19:24
racarrbschaefer: We dont even have mir defines, so I guess there is some work to do, if nothing else it needs to be under test19:25
racarrand it sounds like this test would fail lol...19:25
racarrcan you file a bug?19:25
racarrI'm getting ready to go to lunch as soon as the rain clears up19:25
racarrand dont want to forget19:25
bschaeferracarr, sure, i assume we never want a tool type to be UNKNOWN19:25
bschaeferracarr, thanks!19:25
racarrbschaefer: I guess sometimes its inevitable probably but preferably not19:30
bschaeferracarr, i should test it on the desktop to see if the MOUSE tool type is getting set correctly...i wonder if arm is doing something strange under the hood there...19:32
bschaeferracarr, it could be worded poorly, but edit it how you think it should sound: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/137128219:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1371282 in Mir "Mir Motion event tool type on touch device is 0 (AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN)" [Undecided,New]19:34
racarrbschaefer: Yay. thank you...will parse after lunch19:34
bschaeferthanks! enjoy19:34
* bschaefer should eat at some point19:34
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