
valoriedamn, it seems 55% no on Scottish independence05:15
valorieonly the highlands not yet counted05:15
* tsimpson is glad they voted to stay05:18
valorieI have very mixed feelings05:27
tsimpsonit was a very high turnout so at least it's a legitimate result05:29
valorieoh, for sure05:30
lordievaderGood morning.06:51
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BluesKajHiyas all11:09
sgclarkapachelogger: I tried to ask you about the kfilemetadata path yesterday but you were away, was that another ECM break?11:19
apacheloggersgclark: yes no, not really, please make sure that the include path in debian/rules says 3 rather than 211:42
apacheloggerthe 2 thingy is for kde4 (and used to work for 5 stuff because we had patched ECM) the 3 thing is for ECM based software11:42
apacheloggerat this point if paths are changing for no apparent reason it is because you there is a 2 where it should be 311:43
apachelogger-include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/debian-qt-kde.mk11:43
apachelogger+include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/3/debian-qt-kde.mk11:43
sgclarkah ha, ok thanks I will look out for that apachelogger11:44
apacheloggerFWIW I am not sure kfilemetadata should split the plugins btw11:46
sgclarkthat was part of the stuff santa was doing11:49
sgclarkwhom I have not seen since I got back11:50
apacheloggeryeah, he's been gone for a while11:50
apacheloggeralso the baloo lib split seems overly pointless11:51
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shadeslayerRiddell: http://imgur.com/EKPo3Sg12:51
shadeslayertop post on reddit :D12:51
soee_shadeslayer: hehe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUR-HgAtwtg&feature=youtu.be :)13:32
shadeslayerhumans screw up13:33
soee_i said yesterday that scots wont win it, its just politic, bussiness etc, citizens vots are nothing13:34
apacheloggerit's because jr left too early 13:41
apacheloggerthat's the problem13:41
apacheloggerlunchpad is being weird again -.-13:41
apacheloggeror maybe Oo13:42
apacheloggerOo oO13:42
apacheloggeroh ffs13:44
mcstrhttp://s1.postimg.org/alw1y4j8v/Bildschirmfoto7.jpg  <-- is this a known bug?13:47
soee_what bug ?13:48
mcstrsoee see how the kicker startmenu is so dark13:49
mcstrhappens if i run it in foreground of firefox, but not for example in foreground of dolphin13:49
apacheloggerthis is not the plasma bug tracker13:49
soee_oh im not sure, im not using this menu13:49
mcstrapachelogger shall i try in projectneon then?13:50
apacheloggermcstr: project neon is not the plasma bug tracker either13:52
mcstrso where then ? :)13:53
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mcstrdone :P13:58
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sgclark5.0.2 needs to be tested, do testers test from staging or ?15:14
apacheloggerI'd say so yes15:16
sgclark!testers please test 5.0.2 http://goo.gl/a0ywC715:18
ubottusgclark: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:18
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket  for information15:18
sgclarkwoohoo I don't have to test15:19
lordievadersgclark: Anything in particular, or add it to the sources and run a dist-upgrade?15:20
sgclarkthis is plasma 5 so if you  are using that then that should work I think15:21
lordievaderI have the regular Kubuntu Next ppa enabled, and I think plasma5 is installed. However it doesn't show up in lightdm...15:26
sgclarkerr no, dist-upgrade wants to remove plasma515:26
BluesKajsorry, I'm sticking with plasma 4 for the time being, atm i don't have another stable OS as a fallback 15:26
sgclarkok, well anyone using plasma 5 in vm or otherwise, just do an upgrade with that ppa enabled. Thanks.15:29
lordievadersgclark: I'll try and get it installed. If that succeeds I'll see if I can test 5.0.2 ;)15:31
sgclarkok thank you.15:31
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lordievaderShouldn't plasma-workspace be a depency of kubuntu-plasma5-meta?15:57
apacheloggerplasma-workspace is for the most part an asset package16:04
apacheloggerit provides thingsies a shell impelemntation of plasma will want16:04
apacheloggerso meta -> plasma-desktop -> plasma-workspace16:04
lordievaderkubuntu-plasma5-meta removed plasma4 but didn't give me plasma5.16:04
apacheloggerlordievader: that sounds like bad dependencies somewhere then16:05
apacheloggerplasma-workspace at any rate wouldn't give you a plasma16:05
apacheloggerplasma-desktop would16:05
lordievaderAn older version of plasma-desktop was still there.16:05
lordievaderI was digging around and figured that could be it. Only later I saw plasma-desktop.16:06
apacheloggerlordievader: I'd argue that simply installing the meta wouldn't upgrade existing packages16:09
apacheloggerso you'd want to install and dist-upgrade16:09
lordievaderapachelogger: It seems that was the problem. It's fixed now btw.16:09
apacheloggerI can see the problem though, it's a bit of a mess to prevent though16:09
lordievaderapachelogger: The meta package cannot depend on version >x?16:10
apacheloggerbecause people didn't listen to me16:10
lordievaderHmm, yes that is a bit of a problem.16:10
apacheloggerwe have >=4:5.0 and >=5.0 depending on the package16:10
apacheloggerand since 4: makes everything bigger there is no way to express both at the same time16:10
apacheloggerso one would have to manually list the relevant version for all the packages16:11
apacheloggerwhich is of course crap16:11
lordievaderChange in versioning isn't a solution? (Getting rid of the 4: prefix...)16:11
apacheloggerlordievader: that wouldn't work, everything needed 4: prefix16:16
apacheloggerto which Riddell objected because it isn't technically necessary for new packages16:16
lordievaderSo in short... it is a mess?16:17
lordievaderGreat. Good luck on that ;)16:18
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* Mamarok is back with Utopic installed correctly19:57
Mamarok2 things: the installer says "Thank you for installing Kubuntu 14.04..." I guess this is an overlook19:58
Mamarokalso: default file manager appears to be Konqueror when opening a connected device from the panel...19:58
BluesKajMamarok, konkueror? not dolphin?21:19
Mamarokyep, opening a newly connected USB disk opens it with Konqueror, not with Dolphin21:26
soeewhen coonecting through ssh and doing some commit to my git repo i have this message: bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (pl_PL.utf8)22:03
soeeany idea how to fix it ?22:03

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