
pittiGood morning02:50
didrocksgood morning05:44
happyaronah sorry06:52
pitti`happyaron: cat jumped on keyboard? :-)06:53
happyaronpitti`: nope, terminal freezes and it's me... :)06:57
didrockshey willcooke07:35
* FJKong say good morning to others07:39
willcookeGood afternoon FJKong :)  Nearly EOW for you! \o/07:39
FJKongwillcooke: less than 3 hrs, lol07:40
seb128good morning desktopers07:40
didrocksmorning FJKong07:40
didrockswelcome back seb12807:40
seb128didrocks, hey, thanks ;-)07:40
willcookehi seb12807:40
seb128hey willcooke07:41
FJKonghey seb12807:43
seb128hey FJKong07:45
FJKongseb128: welcome back, I think I should talk with you about add pinyin searching to unity @ willcooke07:47
seb128FJKong, hey, sure, I read an email about that, I need to finish catching up with what happened while I was on vac this week and to go for some small errands, I'm back in less than 1 hour if you want to discuss that07:48
FJKongseb128: no problem, I will ping you next week, it is weekend for me already07:49
willcookewhat do we think about encrypting the home directory by default?07:49
seb128FJKong, k, have a good w.e!07:49
didrocksmorning Laney08:06
Laneywhat's up didrocks?08:08
Laneyoh, it's friday, almost forgot!08:08
didrocksLaney: all good, and yourself?08:08
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Laneydoing alright08:10
Laneywhat's 14.02?08:32
willcookeheh - yes, I thought that too08:32
willcookeI've looped qengho in to that conversation with mdeslaur and I think I'm going to email that guy directly too.08:33
Laneynot sure it'll be very feasible to update trusty08:34
willcookehopefully we can get 14.10 upgraded though, and then maybe we can make some kind of joint announcement08:37
Laney14.10 already has the version he asks for08:37
willcookeoh - sweet08:37
Laneylaney@iota> rmadison -s utopic libnss3                                                                                                     ~ libnss3 | 2:3.17-1ubuntu1 | utopic | amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el08:37
willcookenice one, thanks Laney08:38
LaneyI guessed that it works because pitti` was posting about netflix on G+ the other day ;-)08:38
* willcooke adds pitti` to his circles08:39
didrockseclipse behaves so weirdly on sigterm compared to intellij08:45
EstilandaOlga or Jouni?08:56
willcookeseb128, when you've got 10 mins can we chat re: my email where I said I couldn't be bothered to explain via email :)09:16
seb128willcooke, k,  I needed to go for some errands, I'm back but need to catchup a bit, let me 10 minutes09:26
willcookeseb128, no hurry at all, it can wait to Monday morning and our normal slot09:27
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didrocksinteresting, android.developer.com servers are starting to send some 500 errors this morning10:19
=== kgunn is now known as Guest93672
Laneyhmm, no ffe yet for the gnome-desktop stuff13:08
seb128Laney, what is missing there?13:13
Laneyfile, approve, upload13:13
Laneyaccept, test, fix, be happy13:13
LaneyI thought that robert_ancell was going to put that in this week13:14
sil2100Hello desktop team!13:20
seb128robert_ancell doesn't do much paperwork style of work usually ;-)13:20
sil2100I was in the middle of filling in the FFe for touch-specific packages when I noticed that mir is now partially part of the desktop images13:22
sil2100i.e. libmirclient8 is in the desktop images, pulled in by libgtk-3-013:22
sil2100What should I do in this case? Is mir still feasible for a standing FFe?13:23
Laneywhat are they planning?13:26
Laneyif stuff which breaks the gtk backend, probably not so cool13:27
didrocksLaney: I would ask for at least ABI stability13:32
didrockswillcooke: we lost you!13:33
Laneysil2100: I think you should go ask them what they're planning for the rest of this cycle13:33
Laneysil2100: In the meantime I'd ask for the easy stuff first13:33
Laneyusing that command I gave you13:33
willcookedidrocks, sorry, having technical issues all of a sudden13:33
Laneyyour call is important to us13:34
seb128ok, time for some exercice, bbl13:34
=== Guest93672 is now known as kgunn
mitya57Hi, can anybody check why the CI/merge wasn't triggered for https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/indicator-session/lp1363630/+merge/232813 ?13:40
mitya57(which was approved > a week ago)13:41
Laneymitya57: these things are manual nowadays13:43
mitya57Laney: can you do it? :)13:45
Laneyafraid so13:45
Laneyyou have to use the ci train13:46
* mitya57 rarely contributes to branches of this style, so missed the change13:46
Laneymitya57: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-1-build/64/console watch the magic13:47
mitya57Thanks a lot!13:48
Laneyand then you get https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-00813:48
mitya57Laney: who has the permissions to do such magic?13:48
Laneyadd it, confirm it works, and then there's a pres butan to upload13:48
LaneyI think core-dev13:48
mitya57So I just need to become a core-dev :)13:49
LaneyAIUI the new system "CI airline" is smarter and actually looks at the per-package ACL13:49
Laneyalso has the benefit of not being jenkins13:50
ricotzLaney, hi, would be nice to get glib2.0 2.40.0-3 into trusty14:04
Laneyricotz: I'd quite like a stable release14:05
Laneywant to poke mclasen to do one?14:05
ricotzLaney, huh, i mean the debian package ;)14:06
LaneyI know14:06
LaneyI want more than that :p14:06
ricotzah, i see14:06
LaneyI tried a poke a couple of weeks ago but it didn't work14:07
Laneyso would appreciate a second person ...14:07
ricotzLaney, isnt poking desrt enough ;)14:07
Laneyhe redirected me14:07
ricotzhmm, quite some time since the last commit for 2.4014:08
ricotzi guess there are already more things/fixes worth to backport which would be more work than just tagging14:09
didrockspopey: thanks man!14:09
desrti could do a release if you like14:09
=== pitti` is now known as pitti
desrti guess there have been a fair amount of fixes14:10
LaneyI would enter a state of pleasedness14:10
desrtk.  i'll throw it on my today list14:10
Laneynot sure if there's anything else in master worth cherry picking over14:10
ricotzdesrt, great14:11
mitya57Laney: tested, works, can you press the button?14:12
pittiLaney: yeah, but I only got it to work with chrome; does it work with firefox now?14:13
Laneypitti: don't know, the q. was about chrome anyhow14:14
popeydidrocks: np14:15
Laneymitya57: got to wait for that page to wake up14:15
pittiLaney: yeah, that works well, with an additional user-agent change plugin14:15
Laneyhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2014-September/015048.html says there is something Netflix can do to make that unnecessary ...14:16
Laneyaha https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2014-September/015050.html14:17
Laneymitya57: done, please could you ping me when it migrates to utopic release?14:23
Laneyone more pres butan to do then14:23
mitya57Ok, will ping14:26
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=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
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brainwashcan we restore the old update-notifier tray icon functionality? there is a patch attached to bug 1246364, but it might need some additional rework (check for desktop environment)15:10
ubot5bug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124636415:10
brainwashthe tray icon would be optional and enabled by default in non-unity sessions like xubuntu15:11
mitya57Laney: migrated15:16
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=== lan3y is now known as Laney
ogra_was that a jekyll/hyde thing ?15:24
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mitya57Now that you're really here: <mitya57> Laney: migrated15:31
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Laneymitya57: I think I did that15:32
Laneyshould have merged your branch15:32
Laneyor maybe it's still running https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-3-merge-clean/21/console15:32
=== Guest35774 is now known as balloons_
mitya57Laney: thanks, it was merged.16:12
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willcookemerry weekend y'al17:16
Laneywhat timing17:16
Laneybye too!17:16
willcookesee ya17:16
Laneyseb128: I forgot to ask you how your trip to the seaside was!17:17
seb128Laney, quite nice, thanks! Weather was splendid, almost to warm (like 28°C without wind in the top of the afternoon)17:19
Laneywhat kind of september is this17:20
seb128yeah, go figure17:20
seb128it's another of those year where there is a nice/warm june, no decent summer in most of july/august and things are back to nice on septembre17:20
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
LaneyI think it's been pretty scorchio most of the time here17:25
Laneybut today I have had my lamp on the whole time17:25
Laneysuuuuuuuuper grey17:25
Laneyokay, pub time17:25
seb128Laney, have fun&a good w.e17:26
desrtseb128: !17:38
desrtyou're back17:38
seb128desrt, hey!17:39
desrtseb128: how was your break?17:40
seb128desrt, good, spending days with family on the north coast of France, relaxing and we had great weather17:41
* desrt is going up to his parents cottage again soonish17:42
desrtno boston summit for me this year -- first time in a long one17:42
seb128yeah, I saw that a few days ago17:42
seb128going to spend thanksgiving in family as well17:42
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
desrtuser panel in ubuntu is annoying wrt. passwords18:36
desrtit tells me "not good enough", as if i should care18:36
desrtand it won't let me set the password18:36
mdeslaurdesrt: adjust /etc/security/pwquality.conf18:41
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
desrtmdeslaur: why do we get a different standard applied when an admin is changing another user's password via 'passwd'?18:44
mdeslaurdesrt: because the admin knows best18:44
desrti'm complaining about the admin using the GUI tool to change another user's password18:44
desrtit won't let me do it, so i have to use the commandline18:44
desrtthere's no extra security here -- only inconvenience18:45
mdeslaurah, I see, yes18:45

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