
darthanubisbug 127128201:41
ubot5bug 1271282 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "UbuntuGnome 14.04. Display tearing on high fps with 3.13kernel and Nvidia331.20" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127128201:41
l3onabout gnome3 ... is there some script help me to set dark theme for gtk2 app (such as terminator) ?10:28
l3onI'm playing with ' xprop -f _GTK_THEME_VARIANT 8u -set _GTK_THEME_VARIANT "dark"  '10:30
l3onbut I would like to select windows according with /usr/bin/path_bin10:31
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ricotzl3on, i expect you are using the staging/utopic packages now! ;)11:16
l3onricotz: a mix of... I didn't not run a dist-upgrade, just picked only some packages and gtk11:17
l3onI'm the only one with gnome-shell crashes ?11:18
ricotzok, which packages are conflicting? if you cherry-pick things it is hard to say what it causing it11:20
ricotzgnome-shell git runs fine11:20
l3onright now I have these pacakges installed http://paste.ubuntu.com/8379198/11:21
l3ontrying to update gdm, let see what happens11:22
ricotzas said you better commit to the whole things rather than just bits, the internal dependencies are not hardened enough to catch interoperability issues11:24
ricotzi assume you use gnome3-staging only?11:24
ricotz(which is fine)11:25
l3onricotz, yep.. gnome3 packages come only from -staging11:28
l3onok, let's do a dist-upgrade11:28
ricotzl3on, use upgrade!11:28
l3onno dist-upgrade ?11:28
ricotzyou dont really want to things autoremove do you?11:29
ricotzif upgrade works without complains then use that11:29
ricotzthe libmutter0e transitions is already done11:30
l3onsometimes this error occurs http://paste.ubuntu.com/8379262/11:32
ricotzshould be fine as long the loaders.cache is there in the end11:33
l3onok, upgrade successfully and rebooted .. everything is fine.11:38
l3onI guess yesterday -staging repo was in a inconsistent state11:39
l3onthat's why I got shell crashing11:39
l3onawesome, thanks ricotz :)11:41
l3onlet's see this polari now :)11:41
l3onempathy e gnome-terminal have problem here12:26
l3onempathy Segmentation fault (core dumped)12:26
l3ongnome-terminal: Error creating terminal: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)12:27
* ricotz takes a look12:32
ricotzl3on, those should be fixed shortly, feel free to report more of such issues12:47
l3onricotz, they just need a rebuild ?12:48
ricotzi am running a more relaxed gtk version here which isnt so strict with ui-file errors12:48
ricotzno, those real bugs12:48
l3onah ok.. sure!12:52
ricotzgnome-terminal is suppose to be fixed12:52
l3onricotz, sure, it is! :)12:54
ricotzl3on, empathy should work again too13:31
l3onricotz, confirmed :) .. empathy works again13:42
l3onricotz: if you interested ... also gnome-weather gives problems13:52
l3on(org.gnome.Weather.Application:9110): Gjs-CRITICAL **: Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. This is most likely caused by not destroying a Clutter actor or Gtk+ widget with ::destroy signals connected, but can also be caused by using the destroy() or dispose() vfuncs. Because it would crash the application, it has been blocked and the JS callback not invoked.13:52
LinDolhi all13:54
l3onand find a workaround for the xprop and terminator14:15
ricotzl3on, hmm interesting, this sounds even like a problem in vanilla utopic14:17
ricotzdarkxst, ^ gnome-weather14:19
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Noskcajricotz, should the gnome3-staging ppa include all the upower 0.99 stuff so it doesn't break other things the user may have?20:48
ricotzNoskcaj, hmm, i dont think so if it isnt part of "ubuntu-gnome", which packages do you have in mind?21:01
NoskcajI'd been hoping all of them, or at least reccomend that the user installs the upower ppa. gnome-shell-pomodoro should be in the staging ppa though21:03
ricotzNoskcaj, i get your point, but this ppa targets gnome3-only (gnome-shell) users so there is no need to support cinnamon/xfce/unity21:07
NoskcajMakes sense. Could you copy gnome-shell-pomodoro from my ppa?21:08
NoskcajAnd maybe just mention that it will break other DEs without ppa:noskcaj/upower21:08
ricotzok, will push a no-change rebuild of it21:09
ricotzusing "0.10.2-5upower1" is not a good idea21:09
NoskcajWhat should it be instead?21:10
ricotzsomething which isnt greater than 0.10.2-5ubuntuX21:10
Noskcajok, i'll make it ppa1 in future21:11
ricotzuse something like "0.10.2-5+upower1"21:12
ricotzNoskcaj, any reason why gnome-applets isnt in your ppa?21:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1330037 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "[FFe] upower 0.99.1 transition" [Undecided,In progress]21:19
Noskcajnvm, i hadn't seen darkxst's comment21:19
Noskcaji'll fix that now21:19
ricotzNoskcaj, ignore the build-failure like i do, since this useless anyway when gnome-shell get updated21:33
Noskcajricotz, How should i go about updating stuff in the staging ppa?21:40
ricotzNoskcaj, say what you like to update and i cross them off my list21:44
NoskcajI was going to do anjuta21:45
NoskcajShould i just put it in my staging ppa and you copy it across?21:50
ricotzmaybe even do it in debian since it is a sync?21:51
Raven-6I'm on Ubuntu Gnome 14.04, how do I prevent the screen from shutting off on the login screen? The power options are all set to always on21:58
Noskcajactually, i can never get stuff sponsored in debian, let alone stuff in exp. I'll go and find something else to do21:58
NoskcajRaven-6, I'm not really sure what you mean22:03
Raven-6Noskcaj in the gnome greeter, the screen times out22:04
ricotzNoskcaj, maybe gnome-weather?22:11
ricotzhave fun22:14
Noskcaji'll try22:15
NoskcajDone in https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/ubuntu/build/+packages , i'm going to see if tests can be enabled now22:47
darkxstNoskcaj, you probably need to use xvfb-run for the tests22:56
NoskcajHow do i do that?22:56
darkxstuse dh_override_auto_test22:56
darkxstthen something like `xvfb-run -a make -C tests check`22:57
Noskcajwith the ` ?22:58
darkxstno just the bit in between those!22:58
Noskcajok, just checking22:59
darkxstNoskcaj, you forgot to add build-deps!23:14
dark-yux1Are you going to add gnome videos for gnome 3.12?23:21
Noskcajdarkxst, Just xvfb dep?23:23
darkxst might also need dbus-x11 (if the tests needs dbus)23:28

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