
ScottKrbasak: Done.03:33
rbasakScottK: thanks!08:09
bluesabreRelease team, the Xubuntu team has filed for UI Freeze Exception for...10:43
bluesabrexubuntu-default-settings: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/137155410:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 1371554 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Xubuntu Default Settings Minor UI Updates" [Undecided,New]10:43
ubot93Launchpad bug 1371554 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Xubuntu Default Settings Minor UI Updates" [Undecided,New]10:43
bluesabrexubuntu-artwork: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-artwork/+bug/137155510:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 1371555 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Xubuntu Default Wallpaper for Utopic" [Undecided,New]10:43
ubot93Launchpad bug 1371555 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Xubuntu Default Wallpaper for Utopic" [Undecided,New]10:43
bluesabrePlease let me know if these can be approved, so that we might be able to upload today.10:44
ScottKbluesabre: As long as Xubuntu and it's docs people are OK with it, those seem fine.10:51
ScottKbluesabre: Who's the right Xubuntu person to officially ack those for Xubuntu?10:53
elfyScottK: if one of the xubuntu release team is sufficient then bluesabre is one, as am I10:57
bluesabreI've also invited slickymasterWork to this channel, our current docs lead10:59
ScottKelfy: Should be.  Thanks.11:02
ScottKbluesabre and elfy: Approved.11:04
bluesabrethanks ScottK11:04
elfythanks ScottK11:04
jamespageplease could a member of the release team review the sync requests that require FFe's that I emailed about on ubuntu-release a few days ago11:30
jamespagereally want to get out next horizon upload in so we can test in-archive and kickoff the MIR process11:30
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jamespageLaney, cjwatson, Daviey: ^^ maybe one of you nice folks could help me out?11:49
cjwatsonnot me today sorry11:53
LaneyMaybe ScottK as a python person?13:12
ScottKLaney: They should all be fine.13:13
LaneyI felt a bit uneasy about the plan to rebundle the things, but maybe that's just me13:13
ScottKAs long as it's sync'ed from Debian, I wouldn't worry.13:13
LaneyThey want to undo the unbundling that Debian did13:13
ScottKThen no.13:17
LaneyBecause it would require MIRing nodejs and maybe other things, so I can see where they're coming from somewhat13:19
LaneyHo hum13:19
ScottKWell then I have ENOTIME to look at it and form an opinion.13:30
LaneyI feel like maybe it's okay as a this-cycle-only thing13:31
LaneySomeone give a second opinion13:31
cjwatsoninfinity: fractionally more than a trivial bump, but could you have a look at d-i/trusty-proposed please?  should unbreak trusty images.13:34
cjwatsonwe're not in the habit of bumping d-i in stables often enough really13:34
jamespageLaney, not sure this is a this-cycle-only thing - my perspective is that the security team don't want to widely support lots of JS libraries in Ubuntu main but I'll let jdstrand respond on that point13:36
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jdstrandwe would prefer to not support lots of js libraries in main. xstatic doesn't actually save us from that, but we can contain the situation better by updating the MIR requirements to not allow the use of those xstatic libraries13:41
jdstrandthe situation we are in is far from ideal13:42
jdstrandwe could embed all those xstatic libraries in horizon I suppose...13:43
jdstrandbut that seems like a lot of pain13:43
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infinitycjwatson: Ick, unicode quotes in changelog.15:04
infinitycjwatson: Accepting.15:04
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cjwatsoninfinity: oh, I copied and pasted from the Debian changelog and didn't notice :)15:05
infinityErr, I didn't check before accepting, is that building against the -updates kernel or the -proposed one?15:06
infinityOh good, proposed.15:06
cjwatsonshould be yeah15:06
infinityThat kernel's due to hit updates on Monday, so I'll slide d-i in with it.15:06
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sil2100Hey! I filled in a quick FFe for touch packages: LP #137163515:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1371635 in Ubuntu "[FFe] standing freeze exception in utopic for Ubuntu Touch-specific packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137163515:30
ubot93Launchpad bug 1371635 in Ubuntu "[FFe] standing freeze exception in utopic for Ubuntu Touch-specific packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137163515:30
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sil2100Could anyone from the release team check if it makes sense? It's my first big FFe like this15:30
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Laneysil2100: You should check those "for some reason" packages with seeded-in-ubuntu15:34
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LaneyI know for example that ofono is in kubuntu-plasma515:34
Laneys/for some reason/somehow/ :)15:34
sil2100Right! Flavors, I just compared with the main desktop manifest in those cases15:35
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sil2100And also compared with the old script for generating this list that came from slangasek15:36
sil2100But I guess it didn't take flavors into account as well15:36
ScottKAlso, because of RTM, I thought we decided not to do a blanket FFe this time.15:54
infinitycjwatson: Argh.  In another call, it was pointed out to me that there's a keystone flavour in d-i in trusty.  Your upload only bumped master, not keystone.15:54
sil2100There was a discussion about that, but due to the policy we are forcing that anything that lands to RTM needs to land in ubuntu, an FFe is really useful15:55
infinitysil2100: I guess I missed the discussion that led to this conclusion.  The only times it came up that I was aware, people felt that having the extra level of review/oversight would be a good thing, not a bad thing.15:57
didrockssil2100: you should take my last year script, it took the flavors and reasons into account15:58
didrocks(it was based on cjwatson's one)15:58
sil2100infinity: there was a mailing list discussion regarding that, and the final decision seemed to be 'yes, we fill-in an FFe' - I also confirmed it with slangasek that this was what we wanted15:59
infinitysil2100: Fair enough.16:00
sil2100didrocks: ah! I see it, the additional seeded-in-ubuntu part - I'll run it through the list that I have generated16:01
sil2100I suppose it'll take time to run though16:01
Laneyyou know that generate-freeze-block uses the same data as seeded-in-ubuntu?16:01
sil2100Ah, ok, then the list from generate-freeze-block is enough then16:02
LaneyIt's the manually added stuff you should be looking at16:03
sil2100Anyway, it might be good to discuss some of the ones that I added anyway16:03
LaneyI think you should at least put those in a separate section16:03
sil2100But I guess things like ofono should have only bugfixes anyway16:03
sil2100Not sure about click and such16:04
Laneywhat does s-i-u say about that?16:04
sil2100cjwatson: do you think we need the blanket FFe for click?16:04
sil2100Laney: it's in ubuntu-core for instance16:04
Laneyhmm, I disclaim any clue about that16:04
sil2100click (from click) is seeded in:16:05
sil2100  ubuntu-core: daily-preinstalled16:05
sil2100  ubuntu: supported16:05
sil2100Supported here as well I guess...16:06
infinityI think that ubuntu-core thing is a weird overload from system-image.16:08
infinityThe ubuntu-core tarball certainly doesn't contain click (nor is it defined by a seed).16:08
infinityToo many things named "core", none of which relate. :/16:09
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cjwatsonsil2100: I don't care either way; happy to ask individually17:01
cjwatsoninfinity: doh17:01
cjwatsoninfinity: you fixing?17:01
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