
andybalaamHi All, I am trying to config postfix+spamassassin to filter incoming mail.  Mail gets filtered when I send, but not when I receive.  Any ideas?00:35
andybalaamI have -o content_filter=spamassassin in master.cf, and a spamassassin line that pipes through spamc00:38
andybalaamIn the /var/mail.log I see messages being passed on to spamassassin when I send, but just status=sent (delivered to command: procmail -a "$EXTENSION") when I send00:39
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ph0xI have a server I run rutorrent on I also have a screen and speakers hooked up to it, and I run vlc and I use the http interface to interact with it, is ubuntu server for me?01:31
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sarnoldif you want to configure your networking with /etc/network/interfaces it'll be fine; if you just want dhcp to work and not think much about networking, ubuntu desktop may be  a better fit. you can make one into the other by adding and removing packages of course..01:33
ph0xthats what I assumed01:33
ph0xI just want something stripped down01:34
ph0xI just wanna boot right into openbox01:34
ph0xit just downloads torrents then plays them01:34
ph0xI had it working in debian but i upgraded and it broke init.d01:34
ph0xand i cant figre it out01:35
ph0xand i figure if im gonna reinstall might as well go with th ebetter support of ubuntu01:35
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kieppie__hi folks01:53
kieppie__I've got an issue with a samba4 server randomly throwing off windows clients. full details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224465001:54
kieppie__I'm seeing this in the logs around those times, NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER , but also suspecting it could have something to do with routing or resolution, since it tends to switch log files between log.$IP & log.$HOSTNAME around those events01:55
kieppie__is anyone oble to point me to a good, solid docco for a smb.conf for a fairly liberal samba server config - i.e. allow from LAN without any auth01:56
kieppie__I'm a run out of ideas01:56
sarnoldkieppie__: it's been more than a decade since I last did samba.. but something feels odd about "obey pam" and "passdb backend = tdbsam" and "passwd program /usr/bin/passwd" and "pam passwd change" ..02:01
sarnoldkieppie__: the tdbsam bit feels like you're trying to use local-to-samba passwords but the pam bits and /usr/bin/passwd feel like trying to use the standard unix authentication bits02:01
sarnoldkieppie__: and moving bad-users to guests, and allowing guests, but still using users (am I right there?) feels like you'll wind up with users unable to edit their own files if they get their passwords wrong (again, am I right? :)02:02
kieppie__hi sarnold - I got this box back 3 LTS's back. I don't deal with samba very often - kind of thing I set up & leave be - so I've not messed with this box or the config over the years. it's quite possible that a few mis-configs have crept into the setup over years.02:06
sarnoldkieppie__: makes sense02:07
kieppie__All I need is a vanilla Samba4 host, serving up data to the local LAN - no auth. it sits in an isolated/dandbox environment, so security in this context it now something to be addressed - more stability, accesibility, integrity02:08
kieppie__got a good guide?02:09
sarnoldthe last time I tried doing samba I found "no auth' to be immensely difficult thing to do :(02:09
sarnoldit was complicated by multiple windows versions which had completely different expectations02:09
sarnoldyou're "lucky" in that you don't have to deal with both win95 _and_ win2k at once but unlucky in that I think things are even worse now :(02:10
kieppie__think they screwed the pooch on this one....02:10
kieppie__pure w7 environ here02:10
sarnoldI think if I were building sometihng from scratch I'd aim for one username / password that's shared by all and known to all02:10
kieppie__this box is on it's way out eventually & will auth against an AD host, but until then they just need basic & reliable functionality02:11
sarnoldkieppie__: well, this seems a bit simplistic compared to your current config, but might be worth a look: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html02:15
ph0xI get hash sum mismatch05:00
ph0xwhen running apt-get update05:00
ph0xi think the servers messing up05:04
ph0xm speeds drop down to 40 kbps at some point05:04
lordievaderGood morning.06:51
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slyboots_Im curious, anyone tried adding Enlightment to a standard 14.04 install?  Added a repo but. I think its missing a ton of pre-reqs or something.  cant fiure out how to start the graphical enviro09:01
jamespagecoreycb, zul: I've fixed up all of the angular xstatic packages that where in proposed to a) use embedded assets and b) be the correct version number09:10
slyboots_Anyone any idea?09:17
matty1234Is it wise to install: iptables, psad, tripwire, mod_security, and artillery on one server? or does it overlap one another?09:38
jamespagebeisner, coreycb bug for ceph partition table problem - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceph/+bug/137152609:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371526 in ceph "ceph-disk-prepare command always fails; new partition table not avaliable until reboot" [Undecided,New]09:43
ikoniamatty1234: same advice as #ubuntu09:58
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fish_I'm trying to upgrade from precise to trusty and ran into issues with the new interface names: my 2nd interface is sometimes called em2 but sometimes eth110:43
fish_system is a dell poweredge r71010:44
fish_looks like there were several issues with biosdevname but the should be all fixed by now.10:44
fish_right now my 2nd interface is called eth1 but when I run `biosdevname -i eth1` it returns em210:45
fish_maybe I should just disable that renaming10:47
jamespagesmb, can you give me any pointer on bug 137152611:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371526 in linux "ceph-disk-prepare command always fails; new partition table not avaliable until reboot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137152611:15
smbjamespage, Give me a sec to read11:16
jamespagesmb, ta11:17
smbjamespage, It really seems like its somehow mounted and as if the unmount either fails or is not enough. Would you be able to give me access to the vm inn the just-after-boot state?11:25
jamespagesmb, I can11:25
zuljamespage: sweet ill upload horizon this morning then11:26
jamespagezul, most of the syncs are not done yet11:29
coreycbjamespage, thanks!11:37
jamespagecoreycb, smb is looking something wonky is going on with re-using the ephemeral block storage after first boot11:37
jamespagepost reboot its all OK again11:37
coreycbjamespage, ok, yeah that's odd11:42
smbReally not sure why this happens. Odd is that according to dmesg vdb was mounted but at least /proc/partition shows vdb1/2 ... oh wait, jamespage is that the state after trying some of the ceph setup?11:44
jamespagesmb, I can give you a fresh on11:45
smbjamespage, that would be good11:45
jamespagesmoser, not sure whether you might have any insight onto bug 1371526 that smb and I are looking at12:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371526 in linux "ceph-disk-prepare command always fails; new partition table not avaliable until reboot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137152612:05
jamespagesmoser, the cloud-init formatted and mounted ephemeral device is being awkward on utopic12:06
RoyKany idea how I can make cpu frequency monitoring work on an opteron (or xeon for that) with 12.04?12:20
RoyKcan't find any useful modules, and the cpufreq dir simply doesn't exist12:21
smbRoyK, In theory it should just work. Might be disabled in the BIOS, though.12:26
RoyKsmb: well, it doesn't. these are all dell servers in production, so it really should be enabled and at the moment I can't take them down to see what's in bios12:28
dasjoeRoyK: seems to work fine for me, this is a cat /proc/cpuinfo; cpufreq-info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8379520/12:28
dasjoeRoyK: Dell is known for doing some stuff with their BIOSes, like ignoring manually set speed settings12:29
RoyKdasjoe: looks like that http://tech.tomgoren.com/archives/23112:35
RoyKperhaps that should be rewritten to something like 'we don't know how to make powersaving systems, so we just disable that part'12:36
smoserjamespage, "awkward" ?12:36
jamespagesmoser, unmounting the device results in the jbd2 process kicking around, so its impossible to update the partition table12:39
smoserjamespage, i think unrelated to cloud-init. i'd need more information. where are you running this ?12:54
jamespagesmoser, serverstack12:55
smoserand that would certainly seem like a kernel bug if unmounting a device does not release it.12:55
smoserthat should block12:55
jamespagesmoser, smb, so beta1 does not have this problem12:56
smbjamespage, remind me where beta1 is on the time scale compared to the instance I looked at12:57
jamespagesmb, the image you are looking at was yesterdays daily12:58
smbok.the kernel certainly changed since then. smoser can you say whether cloud-init changed or not since then (like was it only the kernel or both)?12:59
slyboots_So... am I correct in saying that vnc4server does not spport "Composit" extensions13:01
slyboots_Composite even13:01
jamespagesmb, beta1 was on
slyboots_Im just wondering if Im just utterly wasting my time even trying to get this to work and it never will13:02
jamespagesmb, smoser: cloud-init was back one revision as well13:03
jamespagesmb, smoser: syncing more dailing history into ss so we can bisect this a bit13:06
smoserjamespage, fwiw, i'm almost certain that cloud-init does not format /dev/vdb on serverstack13:09
smoserit could ... it has the smarts to, but it would be a bug if it did. as the disk *should* come from openstack as already formated.13:09
jamespagesmoser, oh - I'd not realized that13:10
iclebytei need to set a static route to via a gateway on a different subnet, but I get the 'SIOCADDRT: No such process' error. I can reach the gateway via my default gateway however. Is there another way?13:21
jamespagesmoser, I think I'm misunderstanding --max and --keep in simplestreams sync13:47
jamespagesmoser, I expected --max=30 to sync in 30 dailies worth of history?13:47
smosermax is the maximum number of product/versions it will keep for any product.13:49
smoserie, it only pays attention to the newest MAX versions in 14.04:amd6413:50
smoser'keep' is boolean13:50
smoserwhether it should keep things after they've fallen off the other end.13:50
jamespagesmoser, oh - so retain older data13:50
jamespagesmoser, that's nice13:50
smoserso max=30, keep=false: keep up to 30 things, but if something disappears from the remote end dont keep it here.13:50
jamespagesmoser, but --max should sync down into an empty mirror 30 images for each stream right?13:50
smosermax=30 keep=true: keep 30 of these things, i dont care what the other end does!13:51
jamespagesmoser, OK13:51
smoserwell, there are not 30 images to mirror.13:51
smoserit can't magically create them :)13:51
jamespagesmoser, really?13:51
smoserwe only keep probably 5 dailies.13:51
jamespagesmoser, OK - so by using --keep I'll ensure older dailies don't get deleted13:52
jamespagelocally that is13:52
smoserright. you'll have a uber mirror13:52
fish_I'm upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 right now and I'm stuck setting up bonding. I used this config (actually it's a template, but so imaging real values where {{ }} is: https://gist.github.com/discordianfish/b2f14bc2bf4231586062 <- is there any reason that doesn't work like that? on boot it waits but can't bring up the bonding but the individual interfaces look healthy13:55
ikoniafish_: why are you setting up bonding as part of the upgrade13:56
ikoniafish_: upgrade from as simple a point as possible (eg: no bonding) then configure how you want it13:56
fish_ikonia: it's upgraded, now I want to setup bonding13:56
fish_or rather reinstalled13:56
ikoniaok, so then it has nothing to do with an upgrade13:56
ikoniayou just want to configure bonding on 14.04, correct ?13:56
smoserjamespage, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8380029/13:57
smoserjust for reference13:57
fish_right, I should have been more specific: I've upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and now my /etc/network/interfaces setting up bonding doesn't work anymore13:57
fish_I used that bonding config on a different 12.04 system and it worked fine13:58
ikoniawhat part of the process is failing13:58
fish_ikonia: that would be the next question: can't find a way to restart networking to debug that. 'restart networking' doesn't touch the bonding interface13:59
ikoniafish_: restart networking isn't a command14:00
fish_on boot I see it trying to setup the interface and waits for 60s, then times out14:00
ikoniafish_: is the bonding module loaded, that's a good start14:00
fish_ikonia: sure it is /sbin/restart14:00
ikoniafish_: yeah, no14:00
fish_but it's super confusing to have all those ways to restart jobs14:00
fish_restart <x>, service x restart, /etc/init.d/x restart, invoke-rc.d restart networking14:01
ikoniafish_: service and init are the same thing, calling upstart14:01
fish_ikonia: and yes the module is loaded14:01
ikoniafish_: is the device created ?14:01
fish_ikonia: so what is the right way to restart networking?14:02
ikoniafish_: any method of interfacing with upstart is fine14:02
ikoniafish_: is the device created ?14:03
fish_/etc/init.d/networking restart just returns without setting anything up it seems14:03
fish_ikonia: no14:03
ikoniafish_: what is your bonded device called14:04
fish_ikonia: int14:04
fish_see the config14:04
ikoniaint ?14:04
fish_that was working fine with 12.04, it set up a bonding interface called like that14:05
ikoniafish_: you have no IP information in that config14:05
ikoniafish_: what bond mode is this as you have no slaves defined ?14:05
fish_ikonia: yes, it's a template. just assume ip info there14:06
rbasakjpds: are you working on bug 1330504?14:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1330504 in strongswan "strongSwan 5.1.3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133050414:06
fish_ikonia: it's based on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding14:06
jpdsrbasak: Yep.14:06
rbasakjpds: OK just checking it's not lost. Thanks.14:06
ikoniafish_: and you've checked the dependencies, such as ifenslave ?14:07
jpdsrbasak: Part of my TODO for next week.14:07
fish_ikonia: I tried several different ways to configure that. assining the interfaces not via bond-slaves on the bond section but in the section of the interfaces worked14:07
fish_looks like ifenslave is missing14:07
fish_hrm, odd. my preseed file includes it14:08
fish_well, lets reboot and see if it already fixed it14:09
fish_(restarting networking in the current state didn't work. but well, can forgive that ;))14:09
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fish_ikonia: that fixed it.. shame on me for not checking that earlier14:22
fish_but tbh, it pretty sucks that the networking scripts didn't tell me about that14:22
fish_no error when restarting networking and no error on boot..14:23
fish_and I need to figure out why it wasn't installed. I'm using 'd-i pkgsel/include string ... ifenslave' and that didn't install it14:24
jamespagezul, coreycb: pyscss replaces lesscpy which allows us to move to online compression with a MIR14:24
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brontosaurusrexshould apache break when upgrading to trusty?14:52
brontosaurusrexand its configs14:53
lordievaderbrontosaurusrex: If you go from 2.2 to 2.4 it might.14:54
brontosaurusrexwell, i have no clue what previous version was14:55
brontosaurusrexnow is 2.4.714:55
lordievader!info apache2 precise14:56
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.7 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB14:56
lordievaderbrontosaurusrex: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html14:57
brontosaurusrexright, so there is absosmurfly no help from ubuntu-server on that uprade?14:57
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zuljamespage: you should be able to run a usermod in the debian postinst right? (thinking subuid stuff)14:58
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Guest9588hi all, is anyone able to help me debug a networking issue?15:33
lordievader!ask | Guest958815:33
ubottuGuest9588: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:33
Guest9588I am able to resolve IP address and ping externally(google), but I can not ping or otherwise see any local machines from my ubuntu server15:35
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lordievaderGuest9588: How have you setup your network interface?15:36
stinkycheesedudeCan anyone point me to resource that could help me understand how to set up DNS/Hostname on a server acting as a subdomain?  It was already set up as a development server so has a Hostname entry already.  I'd also need to set up sendmail to send through the main domain name... I'm just confused.  Usually do this on a single server...15:37
Guest9588# The primary network interface15:37
Guest9588auto eth015:37
Guest9588iface eth0 inet dhcp15:37
Guest9588mtu 149215:37
lordievader!paste | Guest958815:37
ubottuGuest9588: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:37
dasjoeWhy did you manually set the MTU?15:42
Guest9588I have tried with no mtu entry, and static as well15:42
lordievaderGuest9588: Could you pastebin the output of "ifconfig".15:42
Guest9588Should i remove it now?15:42
Guest9588Sure can, do you want all or just that interface?15:43
lordievaderGuest9588: All if possible.15:43
lordievaderGuest9588: Looks good, what is the output of "ip route"?15:45
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RoyKGuest9588: looks good as well. can you ping the gateway? (
Guest9588That's the part that doesn't make sense to me, can ping the gateway, and i get the correct ip/dns resolution to the target box15:54
Guest9588but no ping response (confirmed i do get a ping response from a windows box on the same network)15:54
lordievaderGuest9588: Do you run a firewall that prohibits connections to other machines on your network?15:55
Guest9588ufw is currently disabled15:55
lordievaderGuest9588: Can those other machines see your machine?15:57
lordievaderOther machines can see other machines?15:58
Guest9588yes, other machines work as expected16:01
lordievaderGuest9588: How did you setup the virtual networking? I've seen implementations where the vm could not see the host and vice versa. Perhaps you have a similar problem.16:01
Guest9588Are there any other firewalls besides ufw that need to get disabled?16:02
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
Guest9588the problem box isn't the host vmserver though16:05
Guest9588the problem box is "just" another physical box on the "real" network16:06
Guest9588and the other real boxes can interact with the vms, and vice versa16:06
Guest9588(just think its this box that has an issue :D )16:07
lordievaderGuest9588: Is the problem that the other physical boxes cannot contact the vm host, right?16:07
Guest9588I unfortunatly don't have access to the windows box right now to double check the vmware vm network bridge setup16:07
lordievaderGuest9588: Then I fail to understand your explanation.16:08
Guest9588The problem is all machines on the network can not interact with this problem box16:08
Guest9588the problem box can interact with the gateway, and even resolves dns correctly16:09
RoyKGuest9588: sounds like there's a firewall/filter somewhere16:09
Guest9588but gets 100% packet loss when trying to "do anything"16:09
Guest9588sudo iptables -L -n16:10
Guest9588opps sorry :)16:10
Guest9588do i need to execute anything other than sudo ufw disable?16:12
elliotd123arp must be working if you can interact with the gateway - are the arp tables populating correctly?16:16
Guest9588I am not familiar with how to check, please16:16
RoyKGuest9588: arp -an16:19
elliotd123check on both the problem host and the other hosts after a ping attempt to see if the arp table is updating.16:20
Guest9588pinging .11 from that arp is successful from the problem box16:21
Guest9588but how do i get the <incomplete>'s to update?16:21
elliotd123well incomplete means that it sent an arp request and didn't get a reply16:21
tarpmanhi server folks. on a trusty web server, I'm seeing apache workers crashing several times an hour, apport reports being generated. stacktracetop varies but is always under zend_execute_scripts. any hints on figuring out what the requests causing it look like? nothing obvious in apache's error.log16:22
blkperltarpman: did you check /var/log/syslog or the dmesg command16:24
tarpmanblkperl: nothing interesting in either16:24
blkperltarpman: application logs?16:29
tarpmanblkperl: no app-specific logging; stderr is just going to apache's error.log, and there's nothing interesting there either outside of apache's notes about the workers segfaulting16:32
tarpmanblkperl: I have a couple of the coredumps open in gdb, wondering if I can dig request details out of the apache part of that... red herring?16:32
blkperltheres probably a way to do that, I've never had to do it before16:33
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RoyKtarpman: anything in dmesg?17:02
tarpmanRoyK: nothing17:03
RoyKtarpman: what sort of pages is it serving? php? static?17:03
tarpmanRoyK: a few things, mostly drupal and moodle. the stack traces all seem to refer to a couple of moodle scripts, mainly pluginfile.php17:04
tarpmanwe have a bunch of moodle vhosts though, haven't figured out whether it's a particular one or all of them17:04
tarpmanmoodle 2.2.10, fwiw17:05
smoserjamespage, on that bug.17:06
smoseryou woudl think that i could reproduce the issue jsut by this:17:06
smoser sudo umount /dev/vdb; sudo mkfs.ext3 -F /dev/vdb17:06
smoserright ?17:06
smoserwell, and now reading that bug, what i said might not be completely right.  if the /dev/vdb is an ephemeral device, then it shoudl already havea a filesystem on it.17:07
smoserif its a cinder device, then on first attach it shoudl be zeros.17:07
smosercloud-init should not, i dont thikn create a filesystem on /dev/vdb just because it exists.17:08
smoseryou could post a cloud-init.log of that instance though to see if it did17:08
utlemmingsmoser, jamespage: cloud-init should not create a file system on /dev/vdb unless either the datasource or the user requested it.17:09
smoserright. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceph/+bug/137152617:09
utlemmingsmoser, jamespage: only the smartdc and Azure DS auto-create file systems.17:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371526 in linux "ceph-disk-prepare command always fails; new partition table not avaliable until reboot" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:09
smoserbut it could have been going wrong there.17:09
smoserthe ceph-disk-prepare output there suggests that there was a GPT header on the disk.17:10
smoserwhich there would not be on a ephemeral disk as given to it by openstack.17:10
smoseras those are unpartitioned (mkfs.ext3 backing-file-for-vdb.img)17:10
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RoyKsergey___: bad internet connection?19:00
sergey___RoyK: I have fiber channel, PC slept and woke19:01
RoyKfiberchannel for networking, not SAN?19:02
RoyKfibrechannel, that is19:03
Jeeves_Mosswhen setting up a SSL, do I specify the external IP or the internal IP (behind a NAT) in the config file?19:08
sergey___RoyK: fiber channel internet connection(cable) directly to my PC19:11
RoyKsergey___: probably not fibrechannel - probably just ethernet over fiber19:19
RoyKsergey___: fibrechannel isn't ethernet - it's made for storage19:19
sergey___Its not ethernet, I also have media converter that converts fiber to ethernet19:23
patdk-wkif it's a media converter, it is DEFENTLY ethernet :)19:31
patdk-wkethernet != copper/cat(3567)/coax/...19:31
patdk-wkethernet is layer2, not layer119:32
patdk-wkJeeves_Moss, what config file? for what purpose?19:33
Jeeves_Mosspatdk-wk, I have 4 sites that I would like to set up with SSL.  I have 4 global static IPs, and 4 internal IPs.  they are 1:1 NAT mapped.  So, I need to know in the SSL config file, do I specify the internal IP or the external IP19:35
patdk-wkthat is the *binding* ip your are configuring19:36
patdk-wknot an ssl thing19:36
Jeeves_Mosspatdk-wk, thanks.  that answers my question19:38
zeroNonesis there a standard average latency time for an ubuntu server serving static html files?19:43
zeroNonesI'm seeing 143MS seems high to me19:43
patdk-wkzeroNones, define latency?19:43
patdk-wkand what is a MS? million seconds?19:44
zeroNoneshi patdk-wk Im looking via safari and chrome tools and whats defined in there as latency in the timeline19:44
zeroNonesyap Milli seconds19:44
patdk-wkyou mean, milliseconds, NOT UPPERCASE19:45
sarnoldin a handful of "time wget http://localhost/debs/" requests using nginx I get 0.005 seconds as a usual response19:45
patdk-wkhow large is this *document*?19:45
sarnoldgranted that's a directory listing rathre than loading static content, but it's not a huge directory.19:45
patdk-wkwget hardly does any of the processing chrome does19:45
zeroNoneswow 0.005 thats awesome19:45
zeroNonespatdk-wk the doc is about 561kb19:46
patdk-wkthat is huge :)19:46
sarnoldpatdk-wk: that's why I picked it :) he asked about the response time for serving static content. this isn't exactly static but not too bad as dynamic content goes :)19:46
zeroNonesbig dreams19:46
patdk-wkyou do realize every single tcp packet takes like .130ms :)19:46
patdk-wkatleast using gigabit19:46
patdk-wkmaking a connection uses like 3 trips19:46
patdk-wksending headers, getting body, more trips19:46
patdk-wkit adds up fast19:46
patdk-wkand that assumes the document was CACHED in memory19:47
patdk-wknormally the *best* I can get, from my house, to my servers a few hundred miles away, is 74ms19:47
sarnoldnot bad :)19:47
zeroNonesthats still great19:47
patdk-wkand assuming you tuned off ALL sleep/idle/cstate/pstates19:48
patdk-wkand you disk doesn't idle/sleep19:48
zeroNonespatdk-wk can you tell me what you get from where you are?19:48
zeroNonesno disk is always19:48
zeroNonesthis is on a hard refresh19:48
zeroNonesIm in Mexico right now19:48
zeroNonesthe server is in SF19:48
patdk-wk185ms, it took 90ms for me to connect to the server19:49
patdk-wkand 90ms to download the page19:49
zeroNonesthe connection is what I would like to improve, is there tweaking on the server level I can do to help this?19:49
patdk-wkyes, make your *internet* close to your users19:50
zeroNonesthanks sarnold19:50
zeroNonesthanks patdk-wk19:50
zeroNonesyou're talking load balancers :)19:50
patdk-wklooks like the issue is, it's in ca :)19:50
patdk-wkI'm talking physical location19:50
patdk-wkit takes 60ms for me, on the east cost, to get to the west coast19:51
patdk-wknothing will EVER make that faster, except a wormhole19:51
patdk-wkso if you move it to the east coast, it will be faster for me :)19:51
patdk-wkbut it will be slower for westcoast people19:51
zeroNonesload balancers would wouldnt they patdk-wk19:51
zeroNonesif a server is closer to you19:51
patdk-wkcause I still have to GET to the loadbalancer19:51
patdk-wka CDN would be faster19:51
patdk-wkcause I should go straight to the cdn, that is closest to me19:52
zeroNonesIm connected with a cdn but thats not the initial lookup19:52
zeroNonesahh you're talking about serving the whole site via cdn19:52
sarnoldip anycast may help19:52
zeroNoneswould be nice19:52
patdk-wkI dunno, that cdn is horrible slow, compared to direct to the site19:52
zeroNoneson it sarnold :)19:52
patdk-wkwell, ip anycast and/or dns geoip, all help you create a CDN :)19:53
patdk-wkbad thing about anycasting, while it's great, you have to chew up 256 ip's on it19:53
zeroNonesyou think my cdn is slow patdk-wk ?19:53
sarnoldpatdk-wk: oh? I thought a pal of mine was pulling it off with something like 8 IPs...19:54
patdk-wkyes, it's takes 400ms for me to get anything form it19:54
sarnoldpatdk-wk: (which seemed too good to be true)19:54
patdk-wkmaybe using 8 ip's out of 256 :)19:54
patdk-wkyou can only route a /24, so you have to *use ip* atleast 256 to do anycasting19:55
patdk-wkuse up :)19:55
patdk-wkso hopefully you have lots of things you need to anycast, at the same locations :)19:55
jsonperlHello there! Who wants to play a game of "help jason look at strace output" => http://pastie.org/957674919:56
patdk-wknow, what he might do, is anycast his block, then forward all his *non-anycasted* ip back to one centeral location19:56
patdk-wkok, I looked19:56
jsonperlthat's a lot of clock_gettime19:57
patdk-wknext problem19:57
zeroNoneshad high hopes for maxcdn... feeling :(19:57
patdk-wkwhy would one call gettime?19:57
jsonperlthat's a great question19:58
jsonperla better one is why call it 147726 times19:58
patdk-wkzeroNones, well, it probably will help a lot, outside the usa19:58
patdk-wkbut inside, and your server is inside, heh, it's *fast enough* :)19:58
patdk-wkjsonperl, no19:58
patdk-wkfirst you need to know WHY you are calling it at all19:58
zeroNonesyeah no out-of-country clients to that site lol19:58
patdk-wkthen you can figure out WHY you don't need to call it so often :)19:59
jsonperllots and lots of timers involved... gameserver, generally driven by a "tick" every 1/8 of a second19:59
jsonperlI'm guessing the timer functionality uses it internally20:00
patdk-wkyes, but there are other solutions to that :)20:00
patdk-wklike say, your in a loop20:00
jsonperlIt's eventmachine based, so we're relying on the framework internals20:00
patdk-wkyou get a request from a client20:00
patdk-wkyou process that request20:00
patdk-wkyou need to check the time 8 times to process it20:01
patdk-wkyou could have done the time check once, and reused it20:01
patdk-wkor you could do it once, per loop check20:01
patdk-wkinstead of everytime in the code you wanted the time20:01
patdk-wkyou just need to find the ones that don't need 100% perfect time20:02
patdk-wkor how much time is perfect enough20:02
patdk-wkI would think in your case, likely, once per event, or even less20:02
jsonperla lot of things are driven based on time though20:03
jsonperllike, persist the world every 1 minute (or whatever)20:03
patdk-wkwhy would you look up the time AT ALL for that20:03
jsonperlI can definitely dig into how it works20:04
patdk-wkeverything I just said went completely over your head :)20:04
jsonperlBut from my end I just say "every minute, do a thing"20:04
jsonperlbasically yes (to over my head)20:04
patdk-wkreally, that is how it's coded?20:04
patdk-wkwhat is the *actual* code for that look like?20:04
jsonperla good bit of it yes20:04
jsonperlfor the kinda automatic stuff20:05
jsonperli'll get you a line, hangon20:05
patdk-wknormally it's sometime like, if(lasttime+60 < time()) { do thing; lasttime=time() }20:05
jsonperlEM.add_periodic_timer(1.0)   { report_server_stats }20:05
patdk-wkbut if you change that do like, mytime=time();  if(lasttime+60<mytime) { do thing; lasttime=mytime; }20:05
patdk-wkyou just cut out 50% :)20:05
patdk-wkso maybe it's not your code, your just using an EVIL class :)20:06
patdk-wkcheck into why the EM class does this20:06
patdk-wkfix it, or switch to something else :)20:06
jsonperlha, ok20:07
jsonperlthat seems awfully heavy on that call right?20:07
patdk-wkfrom what you showed? dunno20:07
patdk-wkit might be, it might be normal20:07
patdk-wkit might be, that call, while high, is not using enough resources to care about :)20:08
jsonperlSo yea... just starting to profile this heavily20:09
jsonperlrather than blindly fixing things that don't help20:09
patdk-wkya, that only shows system calls though20:10
patdk-wkyou need to also show internal calls20:10
patdk-wkso you can see if the system calls are enough overhead vs your internal stuff20:10
jsonperlright, starting high, movin low20:10
patdk-wkto worry about20:10
jsonperlalso i've no idea what i'm doing20:11
jsonperlwhat profiling tools would you use?20:13
jsonperlwas gonna head to gdb next20:13
=== Eu is now known as Guest34759
=== Malinux_ is now known as Malinux
openwrtnoobI changed the file limits in /etc/security/limits.conf and enabled pam_limits.so in /etc/pam.d/su20:24
openwrtnoobDo I need to reboot the server to enact the new open file limits for all users?20:25
RoyKsergey___: firbrechannel is used to transport storage stuff21:06
sergey___RoyK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibre_Channel and media converter like this http://www.nitek.net/images/1000icon.png21:09
patdk-wksergey, that *media* converter does not support fiberchannel, only ethernet21:14
patdk-wkor it might be 1000BASE-LX21:16
patdk-wk"All converters are fully compliant with the IEEE 802.3 and 802.3u Fast Ethernet standards" != fiberchannel21:17
sergey___Dont really get what is the difference. Its optic cable not usual ethernet cable21:24
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Patrickdkthe difference is, ethernet is NOT a cable, it's a protocol23:46
Patrickdkit doesn't matter if it is on copper, twisted pair, optical, wireless, or whatever else23:46
Patrickdkit's like saying, My harddrive is ext4, it's not, that is just how your using it23:47
Patrickdkit could be *formatted* however you wish23:47
Patrickdkyour *formatted* your fiber opticals to ethernet, not to fiberchannel protocol23:47
Patrickdkif you really did have fiberchannel gear, you would know, caus it just wouldn't work :)23:48
ph0xI need serious help with wpa_supplicant23:49
ph0xanyone where?23:49
Patrickdklikely get better help in #ubuntu23:55
Patrickdknot sure exactly how many people run wireless on their servers23:55

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