
bduk1More almal05:41
ThatGraemeGuymorning all06:10
Kiloshi Squirm  and others06:18
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  inetpro  nuvolari  06:20
KilosSpekko  sakhi  as well are included in others hey06:20
Kilosand tinuva  too06:20
Kiloshi bduk1  waar is die mazal karakter06:26
Squirmdoes anyone know of any good series?06:26
Kilosdaai ding06:26
ThatGraemeGuySquirm: Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of the funnier newish sitcoms06:28
Kilosyou want to download series06:30
Kilosunder the dome isnt bad06:30
SquirmKilos: I'm following it06:34
Squirmkind of getting over it though06:34
Squirmand the acting has finally started to get to me06:34
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: will have a look06:34
Kiloslol yeah 06:34
Squirmbusy watching Crisis - It's quite good, just only 3/4 of a season and it's cancelled :/06:34
SquirmTBBT starts next week :D06:35
ThatGraemeGuyi have developed the habit of holding off on new stuff until i know it at least got a second season06:35
Kilosi only see whats on our idiot boxes06:35
ThatGraemeGuystill a bit angry over flashforward being cancelled :-/06:35
SquirmI watched a few episodes06:36
ThatGraemeGuyoh and terranova as well06:37
SquirmLove Bites was good - but only had one season06:37
SquirmI've heard of it, haven't seen it06:37
SquirmI want them to bring back Leverage :/06:37
ThatGraemeGuyterra nova was about Earth around 150 years from now, bad air quality and overpopulation & how they discovered a hole in spacetime & found that it lead to 85 million years in the past, so they started sending selected people back to establish colonies06:40
ThatGraemeGuybuild things in a sustainable way, with all sorts of future technology06:40
Kilossounds good06:41
ThatGraemeGuyand how human nature threatened to screw it all up despite the best intentions starting out06:41
Kiloslol as usual06:41
ThatGraemeGuyi think it was too expensive, the special effects were pretty awesome06:41
ThatGraemeGuyi didn't finish season 1, i found out half way through it got cancelled06:41
Kilosthats like reading a good book and finding the last ten pages are missing06:42
ThatGraemeGuyget to the end of chapter 1 and the author says "naaah, don't feel like writing any more"06:46
Kilosi go take sheep out06:51
Squirmit's Friday!07:29
Squirmfinally :/07:29
Kiloshi Xethron  07:44
* Kilos goes to unity08:04
Kilos3g rocking again today08:23
KilosFetched 30,8 MB in 45s (676 kB/s)08:23
inetprogood mornings09:48
Kilosmorning inetpro all well there?09:48
inetproKilos: happy the weekend is coming09:49
Kiloslol then you need next week to rest again man09:49
SquirmI'm so happy it's Friday10:31
Kiloshmm... just watched need for speed 2014, not bad12:34
Kilosjust realised the similarity between cars bikes and computers12:38
Kiloshow fast do you want to spend?12:38
KilosMaaz, seen vince013:46
MaazKilos: vince0 was last seen 1 year, 4 months, 13 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes and 18 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2013-05-13 07:21:40 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2013-05-14 07:51:42 PDT13:47
StonedAlchemistMaaz, seen StonedAlchemist 13:47
MaazStonedAlchemist: StonedAlchemist was last seen 4 days, 4 hours, 20 minutes and 14 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2014-09-15 02:27:40 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2014-09-19 04:21:25 PDT13:47
Kiloshaha hiya13:48
Kiloshow can he have it wrong13:48
StonedAlchemistShe's a tad slow.13:48
Kilosno its he13:48
StonedAlchemistMaaz is a girls name.13:48
KilosMaaz, are you female13:48
MaazCome on, be realistic. I'm a Bot13:48
KilosMaaz, seen StonedAlchemist 13:49
MaazKilos: StonedAlchemist was last seen 21 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2014-09-19 06:48:47 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2014-09-19 04:21:25 PDT13:49
Kilosthats better13:49
KilosMaaz, botsnack13:49
MaazThank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp13:49
StonedAlchemistI've got allergies and my eyes are itchy.13:50
StonedAlchemistWhy hath the almighty condemned me!13:50
Kiloswhat are you allergic to?13:58
Kilosyou can get allergex pills from chemist without a script13:59
Kiloshey StonedAlchemist what are you allergic to14:08
Kilos you can get allergex pills from chemist without a script14:09
Kilosbad allergy needs prednisone but script needed14:10
StonedAlchemistCat's, pollen and grass. I'm on special medication. I can't take allergex.14:10
StonedAlchemistI'm also allergic to penecillin but that's a different type of allergy.14:11
StonedAlchemistAlso I have thin blood so I can't take asprin.14:11
StonedAlchemisttoo much asprin that is.14:11
Kilossjoe you are a prime candidate for cortisone14:17
StonedAlchemistMy dad uses it. I haven't tried it.14:28
Kilosnot healthy it being a steroid but a killer for allergies14:29
Kilosjust get a few from your dad14:29
StonedAlchemistBut isn't it a pain killer?14:29
StonedAlchemistI thought that's what it does14:29
Kilosnope it fightts allergies and inflamation and stuff like that14:30
Kilosalso used when intibiotics dont do the job properly it make them more affective14:31
StonedAlchemistYeah I can't take many antibiotics because of penicillin14:32
Kilosbut mainly imo it stops the symptoms not the cause14:32
Kilosyou only use the oxytetracycline antis them14:32
Kilosmycins and so on14:32
StonedAlchemistI usually just take what the doctor tells me to14:33
StonedAlchemistI don't read labels lol14:34
Kilosi dont trust docs too far14:34
StonedAlchemistAren't you doctor, Kilos ?14:35
Kilosthey put their kids through varsity on what they charge peeps for14:35
Kilosno but i learned a bit about meds especially for animal use14:35
Kilosand my sis studied a lots of alternative medication stuff14:36
StonedAlchemistI don't like medicin. I just try to live healthy.14:37
StonedAlchemistPills are no health care, it's sick care.14:37
StonedAlchemistVegetables are health care.14:37
Kilosi think onion and garlic are natural anti allergenic as well14:37
Kiloshave you got place to do a bit of gardening?14:38
Kilosmany herbs work well with many probs14:39
Kiloschopped raw onion on a sarmy is nice and healthy and if eaten regularly keeps colds and flu away14:40
StonedAlchemistYeah especially stuff like tumeric and cayenne pepper14:40
StonedAlchemistAlthough I suppose those are spices, right?14:40
Kilosthey still work14:40
Kilosvery good to have always14:40
Kiloscayenne pepper cures ulsers14:41
Kilosleading triggers for cancer are red meat and sugar14:42
Kilosand i love red meat14:43
Kilosfrom raw mince to biltong14:43
StonedAlchemistI eat red meat much like a casual drinker only drinks at parties however I don't like chicken or mutton. I mainly stick with fish.14:44
Kilosfish is good14:44
Kilosnicest ive eaten is rock cod14:45
StonedAlchemistOh yeah I love rock cod14:46
StonedAlchemistand braai'd tuna14:46
Kilosand smoked snoek14:46
Kiloslekker to nibble while sitting at the pc14:47
StonedAlchemistOr even canned sardines on toast if you have nothing else lol14:48
Kilosinetpro, go home already14:51
StonedAlchemistanyway I gotta go. Chat laters Kilos 14:53
Kiloschow now14:53
grembleCurious question, no one is perhaps going from Pretoria West to SFD tomorrow?16:48
Vince-0Kilos: what's the vaab17:11
=== gremble is now known as Guest66053
Kilosohi Vince-0  sorry was eating17:26
Kiloshi gremble_  17:33
Kilosthink more positive17:37
Kilosi dont think ,any geek types stay this side of town though17:37
Kilosohi who_da_fly  17:54
Kilosinetpro  waar is jy toppie17:54
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
inetprosuperfly: congrats!17:57
inetprogood evening everyone17:58
Kiloslo inetpro  17:58
Kilosi even went to fb17:58
Kiloshad to comment17:58
gremble_Hey Kilos 18:03
gremble_Ya. I was just hoping to score a lift to SFD :P18:03
Kilosi guessed as much18:04
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:26

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