
=== guest-rDvOMM is now known as EiriksScrewed
jrm2k6Hi guys, any advice to create a bootable image of ubuntu from a mac targetting an install on a pc. For some reason using unetbootin from my mac, my pc is not botting from the usb key containing the image (i changed the boot order in my bios also to boot from the usb key)00:06
EiriksScrewedok, I tried to use ctrl-alt-f1 and i got the terminal :D00:07
reisiojrm2k6: you could use dd, but do be careful00:07
reisiojrm2k6: are you calling it 'pc' because Windows is on it?00:07
jrm2k6no right now a non-working debian is on it00:08
jrm2k6I never had issues installing ubuntu before, but i remember i was always creating my bootable images from a windows machine.00:08
reisiojrm2k6: non-working in what sense?00:08
reisiojimi: heya00:08
EiriksScrewedhow do i reset root user settings from the terminal?00:08
reisioEiriksScrewed: settings?00:08
jrm2k6reisio: not working in the sense that grub got messed up and i dont have any sudo rights :/00:09
reisiojrm2k6: and you have no other live images?00:10
jrm2k6nope :/00:10
EiriksScrewedyeah i turned off unity from compiz and cant get it back00:10
jrm2k6only one usb key and a macbook00:10
reisiojrm2k6: how's grub messed up?00:10
jrm2k6the installation failed somehow, so i had to remount one of my partition to make it boot00:11
reisioEiriksScrewed: you can't turn it back on the way you turned it off?00:11
jrm2k6i thought it was fine but after that, when trying to install some drivers, sudo is not working00:11
postmodernhow do i configure gnome to mount an encrypted partition, to a specific directory instead of /media/...?00:11
reisiopostmodern: udev rules00:12
EiriksScrewedno with unity off i can't even hotkey to the terminal00:12
postmodernreisio, do you have an example you could point me to? i was looking at udisks2 earlier00:12
summerleaveAnyone done anything with collation? the definition files how to sort I mean00:12
summerleavein /usr/share/i18n/locales/iso14651_t1_common there is a denfition of how things (including filenames in the file manager I believe?) is sorted, but I don't exactly understand the format00:13
EiriksScrewedis there a way to reset compiz, or get rid of it?00:13
bubbasauresEiriksScrewed, If 14.04 in the tty run http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/reset-unity-and-compiz-settings-in-ubuntu-14-04/  than reboot00:14
jrm2k6reisio: ah, for some reason my bios was using legacy instead of eufi00:15
jrm2k6not it boots using the key00:15
jrm2k6and i should be able to install ubuntu00:15
OerHeksEiriksScrewed, dconf reset -f /org/compiz/  [only if you have installed dconf]00:16
EiriksScrewedbubbasaures can i do that from terminal on guest?00:16
bubbasauresEiriksScrewed, Do it from the tty from the desktop or log in gui with ctrl-alt-f1-600:17
OerHeksGuest does not have sufficient rights, you need to login with ctrl alt F200:17
reisiojrm2k6: gj00:17
shrunsonHow to I block the joined/quit messages?00:20
zykotick9shrunson: ;) if you're using irssi as your client, ubottu can tell you "/msg ubottu quietirssi", for xchat it's in the menu...00:22
shrunsonRoger.  Sorry, new to linux/irc/anything.  Not even sure how to reply back to you :) thanks!00:22
reisioshrunson: there's an icon at the top left00:23
reisioshrunson: for options00:23
reisioI usually set them to be less opaque for webchat.freenode.net00:24
reisiobut that's involved00:24
shrunsonGot it!00:24
shrunsonthank you00:24
=== guest-NkTuaR is now known as EiriksCLOSER
shrunsonit's strange that the CTCP message popped in 'archlinux-offtopic' and not here...00:26
OerHeksi  think it popped up in the window you were focused on00:27
reisioshrunson: yeah00:27
EiriksCLOSERhey guys i do have dconf, but i need the command one more time pls00:27
reisioshrunson: it's tradition, though00:27
reisioEiriksCLOSER: what command?00:27
OerHeksEiriksCLOSER, scroll back, as you didn't leave00:27
EiriksCLOSERthe dconf -f /???/compiz00:28
EiriksCLOSERi am in guest, no scrollback00:29
Bashing-omEiriksCLOSER: dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ .00:30
EiriksCLOSERtrying it again00:30
shrunsonWhat's the point of the 'gopher' user?00:31
=== vemacs is now known as vemacs|ded
reisioshrunson: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher_%28protocol%2900:36
shrunsonread that first00:36
shrunsondidnt make sense to still include a gopher user00:36
shrunsonif it's so old00:36
incognitohello. i am wanting to compile a kernel in ubuntu that is ran through crouton on a chromebook. i am thinking that I will need to clone a kernel into the directory where my original kernel resides and do a make config. Then, I can install it using the sudo dpkg -i "name of kernel here".deb once i am finished. Is this correct?00:41
zykotick9!kernel | incognito00:42
ubottuincognito: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)00:42
incognitoThank you. I will check it out. The reason I am doing it is so i can run virtualbox in crouton. Virtualbox wont pick up my chromebook kernel through crouton.00:44
zykotick9incognito: fyi, if it's something virtualbox specific, you might want to ask in #vbox...  YMMV00:45
incognitook. ty again.00:46
Mike9863I'm trying to get more multitouch features for my touchpad on 14.04. I have tried using easystroke and touchegg but neither seem to detect my touchpad input. Ubuntu's default multitouch features work like 4 finger swipe to reveal unity bar, so I should be able to get more to work. Any help?00:46
truepurpleIs there a flash throttling/slowing program that works on ubuntu and is known to be trustworthy?00:46
brokebitHi Everyone. Would this be the place to ask questions about user upstart jobs?00:53
compdocmight as well00:53
brokebitok. So we had setup some user upstart jobs in ~/.init/ on Ubuntu Server 12.04 and they worked just fine.00:54
brokebitWe upgraded to 14.04 and they nolonger work. I did some research and it seems like they should go in ~/.config/upstart00:54
brokebitSo I moved them but they aren't being recgonized.00:54
brokebitObviously Im' missing something.00:55
trismbrokebit: .config/upstart is the correct place, do you have an example that isn't working?00:55
trismbrokebit: although, I'm not sure if that is true on ubuntu server00:57
brokebitSure. give me one second00:57
truepurpleIs there a flash throttling/slowing program that works on ubuntu and is known to be trustworthy?00:58
brokebittrism: http://pastebin.com/bjYhNKnQ00:59
simonjr45hello everybody01:00
trismbrokebit: so the jobs in ~/.init/ would be run whether your user was logged in or not?01:00
simonjr45can somebody help me why is that in the ubuntu software centre the search bar is missing01:00
trismbrokebit: yeah that's not really how the upstart user sessions work now01:00
brokebitWe used to stop/start them by using /sbin/stop webapi and /sbin/start webapi01:00
simonjr45i had it after installing and a few days back but it is missing now01:01
trismbrokebit: an init --user process is spawned when the user logs it and it manages the session, and the user can add jobs to ~/.config/upstart/01:01
brokebitBasically we need these process running as a particular user and that user needs to be able to start/stop them without sudo.01:01
brokebitThey will continue to run regardless of them being logged in or not.01:02
simonjr45i am not able to get the search bar in ubuntu software centre01:02
brokebitIt's on a server so there is no X installed01:02
simonjr45how to bring it back01:02
simonjr45I hope some can help me though01:02
brokebittrims: ok. I guess I'm a bit confused on the new way upstart works.01:03
trismbrokebit: there is a stanza for that: setuid username01:03
trismbrokebit: so you could just put the jobs in /etc/init and set the user in the job conf01:03
brokebitok. But will a non root user be able to start/stop them without sudo?01:04
simonjr45ubuntu software centre how to bring back the search button01:04
trismbrokebit: hmm, not sure let's see01:04
netlarWhere additional lenses for the Dash taken out of 14.04? I remember being able to have additional lenses in 13.0401:04
truepurpleOk, if no one can help me with that, this is as close as I can find on my own, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=996155 can someone please help me with these instructions?01:05
trismbrokebit: nope doesn't look like it01:06
brokebittrism: That's what I thought. That's why we ended up with them in ~/.init in 12.04. That worked really well.01:07
truepurpleCould I please get some help?01:10
Bashing-omtruepurple: What is the problem ? scanmem looks simple to install ...01:11
c3vinis it possible to use bash script to add current user to lpadmin group on login?01:12
truepurplethe instructions in the middle get me lost, like, pause and unpause what, how?01:12
truepurpleand how do I find the variable I need?01:13
truepurpleWhat does the variable I need even look like?01:13
truepurpleIs it another PID number?01:13
truepurpleBashing-om, ?01:15
Bashing-omtruepurple: Got me, With out seeing that interface I can not advise.01:17
truepurplebashing, don't you use ubuntu?01:18
truepurpleAnyway, the "interface" is a command line, unless I did something wrong01:19
truepurpleBashing-om, ?01:23
ph0xi am installing ubuntu server01:26
ph0xis this the right channel?01:26
Bashing-omtruepurple: Well, the way I read it is that you start the application 'scanmem' and in the application give it the pid of the "game" that is running.01:26
truepurpleBashing-om, , its a flash game, I put in pid of the browser, but thats not enough01:27
truepurpleThe instructions let me know it's not enough too, I need to narrow it down, but I don't understand how01:27
zykotick9!ubuntu-server | ph0x for server specific questions there is also this...01:27
ubottuph0x for server specific questions there is also this...: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server01:27
=== eniLCP_ is now known as PCLine_
Bashing-omtruepurple: " find the process you want (Ex. firefox) " Now I would myself find that pid from the output of "ps aux" .01:29
ph0xi have a question about ubuntu server01:29
ph0xI h ave a server i run rutorent on01:29
zykotick9ph0x: as the above factoid says Support in #ubuntu-server01:30
truepurpleoutput? I already put the pid in for that browser Bashing-om, I don't understand what tod o after that01:30
ph0xI also have a screen and speakers hooked up to it, and I run vlc and I use the http interface to interact with it, is ubuntu server for me?01:30
scarrzhi all... I am customizing an app on ubuntu 14.04 and lost the icon in my menu and the sound indicator. the app is gmusicbrowser and I am using a custom icon. can anyone help?01:30
truepurpleBashing-om, , btw, Im looking at the memory stuff from system monitor, but it keeps updating and knocking scroll back to the top, is there a way to stop this?01:31
ububuHi. Can't install Skype on 14.04 after release-upgrade from 12.04. The upgrade removed my skype. Now I get this: http://pastebin.com/zAH7dRnm01:31
OerHekstruepurple, try 'man scanman' ?01:31
truepurpleOerHeks, no good, but I have looked at its help information, doesn't help01:32
truepurpleMostly just gives a list of commands01:32
truepurplewhich is useless when I don't know how I need to do this in the first place01:33
=== peter is now known as Guest13139
Stinky_Feettruepurple: You need the process tree. The parent process. Try "ps axjf" or "ps -ejH".01:34
kieppie_I have an issue whereby windows clients get disconnected randomly. full details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224465001:34
kieppie_hi folks01:35
OerHekstruepurple,  a little google search, gui for scanmem >https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/gameconqueror/ also for current trusty 14.0401:35
kieppie_there's a correlation with disconnects & NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER01:35
truepurpleStinky_Feet, I tried ps axjf, it gave me a list, not sure if this list is useful or not, or how to use it if it is01:35
truepurpleIs there a way/how do I pause the autoscrolling up of memory profile in system monitor?01:37
Stinky_Feettruepurple: Well, the first process forked the next and so on. You need the PID of a perticular process you want to manipulate. The output should hopefully give you some ideas....01:38
=== mir_ is now known as Mirpr0nbox
truepurpleStinky_Feet, I didn't understand that. Is that reply related to stopping the memory profile from autoscrolling up?01:39
Stinky_Feettruepurple: No sorry, CLI stuff.01:41
kieppie_I suspect it could be having an issue with dns or routing01:41
truepurpleLets start with the smallest of things, how do I stop this autoscroll up?01:42
truepurplesurely there must be a way01:43
truepurpleOerHeks, Stinky_Feet ?01:44
truepurpleand that scanmem frontend might be more confusing to use then the command line01:46
twmlanyone active here?01:50
truepurplegood question01:50
=== Sachiru is now known as Guest19416
=== Sachiru_ is now known as Sachiru
truepurpleBeen trying to get help, two people were sorta helping me earlier01:51
twmlno one was talking on the xubunutu channel and i gots a question01:51
twmlim trying ot install net framework 3.5 trough wine, as its needed for a few windows programs i need to run on my xubunutu 14.0401:52
Stinky_Feettruepurple: Yes. You need to find the PID. Stop using the GUI, and find it out. Example (if you have ack-grep installed): ps axjf | ack-grep --passthru chrome01:52
twmlbut install is talking 3 hours so far and only 3/4 done, is it doing ok or is something wrong01:52
EiriksUbuntuwell, now I know not to turn off unity again... when i turned it off i couldn't even go into failsafe01:52
Stinky_Feettruepurple: Will highlight all procs started by chrome01:53
EiriksUbuntui had to login as normal, right click, make a folder then open it to search for compiz config then turn unity back on... now it's all good01:54
truepurpleStinky_Feet, is there no way to pause the memory maps autoscroll up?01:57
=== will1 is now known as mathew
doomUnix-Dude: gtfo01:57
ciroyou're not very nice, doom :(01:58
Scoo-Yay, linux01:58
* doom slaps ciro around a bit with a large trout01:58
Unix-DudeLinux is terrible01:58
ciro@Unix-Dude linux is pretty cool :o01:58
* doom slaps RandomGuy928 around a bit with a large trout01:58
doomciro is dum01:59
truepurpleStinky_Feet, And what do I do with the pid?02:01
doomtruepurple: u shove it02:01
Unix-Dudeguys what does rm -rf / do?02:01
Unix-DudeI heard its optimization02:01
Scoo-it removes junk files02:02
doomu have t put sudo infront of it noob02:02
Stinky_Feettruepurple: I'm just trying to find out what scanman is :-) But it sounded like it needs the PID of the process you want to mess about with...02:02
Unix-DudePipe everything to /dev/null02:02
doomRandomGuy928 is a nub02:03
Unix-Dudedd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda bs=51202:03
truepurpleStinky_Feet, But if I do, I don't know what to do with it once I have it02:04
truepurpleStinky_Feet, How do I stop autoscroll up of memory map?02:04
Stinky_Feettruepurple: I have no idea. I have still not found the software you are talking about. Was just trying to help you out on how to find the PID of the forked/child process...02:07
truepurpleStinky_Feet, I provided a link. What about stopping autoscroll up of memory map? Please reply to this02:10
truepurpleStinky_Feet,  and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99615502:11
truepurpletype apt-get install scanmem02:11
truepurpleand search GameConqueror In software center02:11
squintytruepurple:  man scanmem  in terminal   or use web brower and search for same02:14
truepurplesquinty, man scanmem didn't work, and the helpfile isn't instructive, rather it just tells me commands02:15
EiriksUbuntuif i install gnome-shell will it get rid of unity?02:15
truepurpleWhat about stopping autoscroll up of memory map? Please reply to this02:15
truepurpleEiriksUbuntu, Probably not02:16
truepurpleinstalling stuff doesn't normally ever remove other stuff02:16
sydneyIs there a way to make deja-dup run lighter?02:17
sydneypriority change?02:17
Mike9863I am trying to find the buttons that correspond to my touchpad input. Using 'xinput test 15' I am able to see the button presses for standard scrolling and clicking, however nothing shows up when I do three/four finger scrolls. How can I find what these buttons are?02:19
EiriksUbuntutrupurple it's a good thing i looked into it, gnome breaks unity02:23
truepurpleEiriksUbuntu, I know that isn't a complete truth02:25
truepurpleSome version of gnome even exists in unity. And I have heard of people who switch over to older gnomes with unity as a background option.02:26
Bashing-omMike9863: Try: -> xev <- keep focus on the pop up window and use the buttons to identify the codes. ??02:26
c3vinis there a way to map lpadmin to AD group?02:27
truepurpleHow do I stop autoscroll up of memory map, someone please.02:27
Mike9863Bashing-om: Unfortunately this isn't showing anything when I do three/four finger swipes on my touchpad.02:27
somsipMike9863: that would suggest multi-touch swipes aren't supported by the driver. Have you found anything to say they should be?02:28
Bashing-omMike9863: ; Sorry, only thought I had.02:28
Mike9863somsip: When I do the default multitouch Unity gestures they work, like showing the Unity bar with four finger swipe. I'd like to remap this for switching workspaces.02:29
somsipMike9863: oh, fair enough then. Sorry - no idea though02:29
EiriksUbuntutruepurple -->  http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-gnome-3-12-on-ubuntu-gnome-14-04-trusty-tahr/02:30
truepurpleEiriksUbuntu, That's someone else, this is one of my questions  How do I stop autoscroll up of memory map?02:32
Unix-Dudedd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda bs=51202:34
EiriksUbuntulol, it breaks unity... sorry wish I could help, i have no idea about that02:34
somsip!danger | Unix-Dude (enough with this)02:34
ubottuUnix-Dude (enough with this): DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:34
Unix-Dudesudo dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda bs=51202:34
Stinky_Feettruepurple: You must be using something newer than me. scanmem is CLI only, and it does not "autoscroll"...02:34
truepurpleStinky_Feet, not scanmem, system monitors memory map02:35
Scoo-help how do I stop it02:35
Unix-Dude!danger | somsip (lol)02:35
ubottusomsip (lol): DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:35
truepurpleStinky_Feet, You know system monitor, right?02:36
FallW... w... what just happened?02:36
Unix-Dude!danger | doom02:36
ubottudoom: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:36
truepurpleStinky_Feet, right click on a process within system monitor, you will see a memory map option. This is what I am having trouble with02:37
truepurple!danger | DANGER, WILL ROBISON, DANGER!02:38
ubottuDANGER, WILL ROBISON, DANGER!: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:38
Unix-Dude!danger | !danger02:38
ubottu!danger: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:38
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang02:38
* rww looks up02:38
rwwUnix-Dude: something we can help you with?02:38
somsiprww: thank you02:39
rwwUnix-Dude: Please leave the channel clear for people with support questions then, thanks.02:39
tsimpsonthen perhaps you can stop abusing the long suffering bot :)02:39
Unix-Dude!!danger |rww02:39
ubotturww: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:39
ObrienDavethen don't abuse the bot02:39
truepurpleIs there way to stop memory map from auto scrolling up every few seconds?02:39
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truepurpleEiriksUbuntu, can you help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244812&p=13124824#post1312482402:41
Stinky_Feettruepurple: Sorry, not familiar with that GUI tool...02:41
truepurpleStinky_Feet, familiar with system manager then?02:42
thebilgerattruepurple, what is confusing about that?02:43
truepurplethebilgerat, About what?02:43
thebilgeratthat link you put up02:43
squintyStinky_Feet:  methinks someone is trolling.  one minute he is asking about one thing and then something else the next.  he is going on ignore here probably02:43
truepurplethebilgerat, You read the link?02:43
truepurplesquinty, That's rude, I am asking about different things, sure, but two different things, one thing will help me with the other, maybe, what of it?02:44
ububuRepost: Hi. Can't install Skype on 14.04 after release-upgrade from 12.04. The upgrade removed my skype. Now I get this: http://pastebin.com/zAH7dRnm02:44
truepurplethebilgerat, Then you should know what has me confused, I specify it02:44
ObrienDavetruepurple, easier to digest and solve one issue at a time02:45
truepurpleObrienDave, Sure, once I start getting help with one issue, the other issue can go to the back burner, but no ones helping me with either now02:45
truepurpleAnd, they are related, like I said02:45
ObrienDavehence the confusion on which one you're asking about :)02:46
truepurpleObrienDave, It's simple, if you know the answer to either, then please answer02:47
phunyguyLet's try to remember that we are all volunteers here.02:47
truepurpleOr, if you have some grasp on either where you can help02:47
ObrienDavei'm not confused, i don't care one way or the other02:47
squintytruepurple:  please stop demanding that people answer  you02:47
truepurplephunyguy, OK, so?02:47
truepurplesquinty, I didn't02:48
squintyyep troll02:48
truepurplesquinty, Please don't be rude02:48
truepurpleYou don't have to help, but don't spit on me either02:48
squintytruepurple:  added you to ignore list where you obviously belong02:48
truepurpleGood, because I could do without such rudeness02:49
=== alexandros is now known as alexandros_c
truepurpleObrienDave, Are you able to answer either question then?02:50
truepurpleOr help me progress on either subject02:50
* ObrienDave loves a good ignore command02:50
princedastanHi Bro, i want to ask something... i have installed ubuntu 14.04 desktop and change into gnome-core environtment, but my network applet was gone, how to fix it bro? i have search on many sites but not solved yet...02:50
reisioprincedastan: network-manager-gnome ?02:51
EiriksUbuntutruepurple thats telling me in order to use the cheat you will need to know the variable that is the cheat02:51
dillionhello, can someone help me with a ubuntu installation problem02:52
truepurpleEiriksUbuntu, I didn't understand that. And it isn't a cheat code. It manipulates memory somehow for slowing stuff down02:52
truepurplenear as I can tell02:52
reisiodillion: someone can indeed02:52
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=== Guest2253 is now known as romtamcloud
dillionim trying to install ubuntu onto a laptop formatted with NTFS, i have already shrunk the partition to allow room for the ubuntu partition but once inside ubuntu and installing it it shows the whole hard drive as free space02:53
dillionwhat should i try or do02:53
br_okenHello. How do I install multiarch so that I can run this "32-bit LSB executable" file in 64-bit mode in Ubuntu Server 14.04 ?02:54
br_okendillion : are you sure this is not the Ubuntu partition it shows as free ?02:54
reisiobr_oken: for what?02:55
dillionno its showing the full 1TB hard drive as free space, its as if it doesnt recognize that there is a partition of any kind there02:55
reisiodillion: you trying to dual boot?02:55
reisiosounds like RAID nonsense02:55
dillionyeah im trying to dual boot, ive previously had a working dual boot on a desktop,02:55
Bashing-omdillion: I suggest you look at that hard drive from the liveDVD with GParted once more, if still shows "unallocated" time to try the utility 'testdisk' and see if you can recover the Windows partition.02:55
reisiodillion: does the extant OS still work?02:56
dillionand i dont have any raid setups on this computer02:56
reisioerm, make sure the windows partition is actually gone first...02:56
dillionthe windows 7 installation still works on it, its not currupted, its just ubuntu doesnt see that its already partitioned02:56
dillionim not trying to delete windows, if i was it wouldnt be a problem02:56
Unix-Dudehow can i ubuntu?02:56
somsipUnix-Dude: ops will be summoned if you start to misbehave again02:57
reisioUnix-Dude: properly02:57
reisiodillion: laptop?02:57
dillionyeah its a lenovo laptop02:57
br_okenHow do I multiarch ?02:58
dilliongparted also displays that the whole hard drive is unallocated space02:58
reisiodillion: check your BIOS/etc. for sata compatiblity mode nonsense02:58
dillionfunny story there02:58
reisiobr_oken: generally you don't choose server if you want that02:58
dillionim kinda locked out of hte bios because the password was lost, and unplugging the cmos wont help with it, ive tried02:59
phunyguyyeah you cannot reset the cmos on most lenovos without special hardware02:59
reisiodillion: it's 'abc123'02:59
reisiodunno why they bother, password protecting the bios is pointless02:59
dillionive trtied all  the defualts reisio, even my general goto passwords, nothing, even the supposed "manufacturer" passwords, and yeah lenovo are awful for htis03:00
ObrienDavepasswords, like locks, only keep honest people out03:00
reisiodillion: okay, then you might have to look up strange kernel parameters03:00
dillionyou lost me reisio03:00
reisiononcurious honest people =)03:00
dillionno im very curious about this, im just being completely honest03:01
phunyguydillion: do you potentially have any windows encryption on that device?03:01
dillionno, not that i know of anyway03:01
phunyguybut I am leaning towards what reisio said03:01
phunyguyI do not know the kernel params though.03:02
dillioni dont know what kernal params are or how to set them so yeah03:02
dillionand to humor you i tried abc123, and also 123abc, neither worked03:02
phunyguyit's as good a time as any to learn!03:02
dillionit seems like it lol03:02
reisioso now only professional criminals can get into your BIOS, not you =)03:03
phunyguyok let's stay on the support topic. :)03:03
phunyguySo reisio, do you know what kernel parameters are needed?03:04
princedastan @reisio you're right, network manager gnome03:04
princedastan @reisio i still can accessed internet via ethernet but i want it like normal ubuntu with applet03:04
princedastan so how could i put back the network applet?03:04
reisioprincedastan: dpkg -L network-manager-gnome | grep bin03:04
phunyguyand dillion when you boot the livedvd, you have to press a key to get to the grub menu, and you can edit that to add parameters to how ubuntu loads03:04
phunyguyprincedastan: you don't need the @ symbol.  This isn't twitter.  :)03:05
dillionyeha i actually figured out how to get into that prior to you saying the params reisio, thanx03:05
princedastani would give the result on paste bin03:05
truepurpleHow do I stop memory map from autoscrolling up?03:05
princedastanthis is the result Mr. Reisio http://paste.ubuntu.com/8376789/03:06
phunyguytruepurple: what is memory map?03:06
truepurplephunyguy, In system manager if you right click a process there is a memory map option03:07
phunyguyhow often does it "autoscroll"?03:07
truepurpleIt gives you memory information about the process03:07
truepurpleevery few seconds03:07
phunyguyMine isn't....03:07
truepurplewhich makes reading from it or copying from it near impossible03:08
truepurpletry scrolling down03:08
truepurpleScroll down to the bottom of the list, see how long it stays there03:08
phunyguyI did.03:08
princedastanhow reisio about this result? -->  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8376789/03:08
truepurplephunyguy, It doesn't move for you?03:09
reisioprincedastan: -L03:09
phunyguytruepurple: I wish I could help with that as I am on Gentoo with gnome-system-monitor.... might be a bug that got fixed in a later version03:09
phunyguytruepurple: nope03:09
truepurplephunyguy, Can you help with this then? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224481203:09
princedastanreisio, oh sorry i misstyped... wait...03:10
pombredaHola sounds like there is linking issue on package pages for copyright files: Take for insatnce http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libc6 the link there is a 404: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/e/eglibc/eglibc_2.19-0ubuntu6.3/libc6.copyright and should be http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/e/eglibc/eglibc_2.19-0ubuntu6.3/copyright  ... the same applies to all the package pages03:10
phunyguytruepurple: no, sorry03:10
princedastanreisio : this is the result http://paste.ubuntu.com/8376803/03:11
truepurplephunyguy, Know of any program or method to throttle/slow down flash?03:13
phunyguyno, sorry.03:13
princedastanthen how about it reisio? should i put /usr/bin/nm-applet to startup?03:15
reisioprincedastan: just run it, your session manager will do the rest03:15
phunyguytruepurple: let me boot to ubuntu real quick and see if the memory map refreshes weird there03:17
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princedastanreisio, i run with terminal rooter /usr/bin/nm-applet but result nothing bro03:18
princedastanand also put in on startup and give nothing result too...03:19
reisiohelp hilight03:19
phunyguytruepurple: it does indeed do it with ubuntu.03:20
phunyguyversion in ubuntu is brb03:21
phunyguy3.12.2 in Gentoo.   truepurple so there is your answer.  It is a bug that is fixed in a later version.  Not much we can do here with that.03:22
truepurplephuny, what version of ubuntu is that?03:28
phunyguytruepurple: 14.0403:29
truepurpleSo your answer is to switch to another distro, damn03:30
phunyguythat wasn't my answer at all.03:30
phunyguymy answer was "there is nothing we can do about that here"03:30
truepurplegentoo isn't another distro?03:30
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phunyguyI would appreciate it if you didn't put words in my mouth.,03:30
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truepurplegentoo is a distro, right?03:31
phunyguyI would tread lightly if I were you.03:31
phunyguyyes, it is a distro.03:31
blackangelprthere you go03:31
phunyguyI wasn't suggesting that you use Gentoo.  I was suggesting that the "bug" is fixed in a new version of the package.  The latest supported version of Ubuntu in this channel doesn't have said package.03:32
phunyguysaid package version*03:32
phunyguyyou are more than welcome to give 14.10 a try if you want to try prerelease software.03:33
truepurpleSo I can't install this package (package of what program?) in 11.04, but I can in gentoo?03:33
phunyguyyes.  (14.04)03:33
phunyguypackage being the gnome-system-monitor package.... where you are getting the process list.03:34
phunyguy!info gnome-system-monitor03:34
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 346 kB, installed size 1544 kB03:34
truepurpleeven under unity, still useses gome system monitor?03:34
m_anishIs this the right place to talk about in.archive.ubuntu.com repos not working?03:34
m_anishfor raring03:34
OerHeks!info gnome-system-monitor utopic03:35
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 353 kB, installed size 1552 kB03:35
m_anishphunyguy, well, they aren't working ;)03:35
phunyguym_anish: sorry, that was to truepurple03:35
m_anishwho should I bug03:35
m_anishoh okay sorry03:35
m_anishcarry on03:35
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring03:35
phunyguym_anish: no worries.... you can try to ask here but not sure who can answer.03:35
OerHeksm_anish, those repos are long gone, upgrade03:35
m_anishOerHeks, ha. okay03:36
phunyguyOerHeks: hence archive.ubuntu.com03:36
OerHeksi wouldn't advise you to do the oldversions trick, you wouldn't be safe03:36
ObrienDavehence old-releases.ubuntu.com ;P03:36
m_anishtoday is Software Freedom Day .for us here atleast .I'm getting 14.04 lts installed in a bunch of machines...03:36
m_anishmaybe i should upgrade myself03:36
truepurpleIs there another DE that doesn't use gnome system monitor, but something else?03:37
phunyguyObrienDave: oh right, I got archive and old-releases confused03:37
Ben64m_anish: you definitely should. no security updates since january03:37
m_anish(i'm a fedora guy 80% of the time) so was looking for unetbootin03:37
phunyguytruepurple: you can probably use something else to get your memory maps, maybe somewhere in /proc03:37
phunyguytruepurple: I am sure that is all gnome-system-monitor is doing03:37
m_anishBen64, yeah I don't use this a lot . mostly am on f20. but needed to create liveusbs03:37
reisiotruepurple: what is it you want to monitor?03:37
ObrienDavephunyguy, just keeping you honest :))03:37
m_anishif the repos for 14.04 work, then there's no problem03:37
Ben64m_anish: well thats a perfect reason to use 14.0403:37
Ben64m_anish: 14.04 will work until 201703:38
m_anishyes I know. it's LTS :)03:38
truepurplereisio, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244812 I was hoping I could figure out something from memory map to help with that, thought doubt even that would help03:38
phunyguyBen64: 2019*03:38
reisiotruepurple: with what?03:39
m_anishBen64, I was turned off, probably like many by early unity releases and switched to fedora gnome3 long ago... but people switching to linux these days prefer ubuntu ... :)03:39
truepurplereisio, With the issue listed there03:39
phunyguyBen64: sorry for correcting you... I failed to see your correction.  :)03:41
Ben64phunyguy: no worries03:41
alexosaurushello. having an issue with display in 14.04. after some time the screen 'rearranges' itself so it starts and ends in the wrong place (my crappy paint job: http://i.imgur.com/EPXbnyy.png). im not sure where to even begin googling, does anybody know what this is called? only fixes with reboot03:41
truepurplereisio, With getting scanmem or some other program to slow down flash. Though gameconquerer is locked up even and I can't even figure out which system monitor listing it belongs to, to force close it03:41
Guest62772does ubuntu support waacom tablets?03:41
reisioGuest62772: yup03:42
OerHeksGuest62772, sure, see system settings > wacom tablet03:42
truepurpleI got a locked up program, how do I determine which process listing in system monitor is the locked program for forced shutdown?03:42
reisiotruepurple: 'top' would show what's using the most resources03:43
eeeetruepurple: you can type xkill in the terminal, and then click on it's window to kill it03:44
phunyguyalt+f2 works to type xkill into as well03:44
truepurpleah thanks03:44
loudaslifeHow can I view the fan speed of an ATI card under open source drivers? Normally it'd be aticonfig, but open source doesn't have that.03:51
truepurpleWhat search perimeters should I use for wanting to slow a program down? My search results often come back for the opposite, of people who want to speed it up03:51
reisiotruepurple: slow it down why03:53
phunyguyto cheat in a game...03:53
truepurplereisio, Because I'm struggling in a flash game that has something go by way too fast03:54
reisiotruepurple: heh03:54
phunyguysounds like more effort than it is worth :(03:54
truepurplehey, I don't normally cheat, and don't judge, so can you help?03:54
reisioare you supposed to hit something that zooms by or somethign?03:55
truepurpleIt doesn't matter for helping me03:55
reisioit doesn't?03:55
reisiosilly me03:55
reisiogood luck helping yourself then :p03:55
* reisio clears buffer03:55
loudaslifeOn windows the best way to slow down games would be software called "Cheat Engine"03:55
truepurpleOk, explain relevance on how knowing the details of the game will help me slow down flash03:56
truepurpleyes, but I am not duel booting03:56
phunyguy....not really the purpose of this channel.03:56
loudaslifeJust thought that was a starting point03:56
truepurpleI need help with ubuntu03:56
reisioI will explain the relevance03:56
reisiojust as soon as it's you helping me and not the other way 'round :p03:56
phunyguyagain, not really the purpose of this channel.03:57
truepurpleSure, what do you need help with?03:57
reisiothat's a good question03:57
OerHeksthat is what gameconqueror is, cheatengine-like interface+ scanmem03:57
phunyguyI don't really get a warm and fuzzy helping someone cheat in a game, so good luck to you, sir.03:58
OerHeksstill need a lot of research per game to control it.03:58
* OerHeks thinks more windows cheaters than linux03:58
reisioon linux we call it hacking03:59
ObrienDaveoooooo, the "H" word ;P04:00
truepurpleOerHeks, yeah, except I can't get gameconqueror to work, and I thought maybe  the people here could help me with the technospeak instructions I found04:00
loudaslifegameconqueror doesn't have a slowdown feature like cheat engine does last time I checked04:01
truepurpleI see, so I am barking up the wrong tree in the first place, good to know, except you don't sound for sure04:02
loudaslifeI just haven't used it for a few years, so that might have changed04:02
truepurpleIs there a alternative? Maybe a command method to slow down a program under ubuntu?04:04
reisioif only there were an alternative04:04
Melaranother initramfs problem with 14.04 livecds seems lubuntu xubuntu suffered from the same.  best workaround ive found is using 12.04 lts and do-release-upgrade to 14.04 lts04:06
truepurpleWhat would be a good search perimeter for slowing down something?04:06
Melartruepurple like internet?04:07
Melartruepurple if it is internet you could use a trafficshaper like tc04:08
truepurpleI mean in a search engine04:08
phunyguytruepurple: you are getting pretty far from the support objective of this channel04:08
truepurpleto search for a program in ubuntu for slowing down flash04:08
truepurpleor method04:08
phunyguytruepurple: no sorry. That is not what this channel is for.04:08
loudaslifeSo, to repeat my question, how can I monitor fan speed with ATI open source drivers?04:09
reisioloudaslife: what driver is that?04:10
goghtruepurple: Why do you want to slow down a program? You can set the niceness at least..04:10
loudaslifeThe open source ati drivers, not the proprietary ati drivers.04:10
loudaslifeAs in, NOT fglrx04:10
Melartruepurple there used to be a program for windows called dos box search for a related program for linux.  an additional idea is you could sand box it with apparmor or there is another linux program like cheatengine you might be able to do the same04:10
truepurpledos box is for dos games, not flash browser games04:11
Melartruepurple in otherwords you will have to sandbox flash so that it runs slower if your system is too fast.04:11
Melartruepurple your mind seems one pointed.  that is just an objective observation.04:12
truepurpleMelar,  I searched apparmor, all the information on it is technospeak, I am not sure how I'd use it to sandbox something, much less slow down within that sandbox04:14
reisioare you supposed to hit something that zooms by or something?04:14
Melartruepurple then learn.  how do you expect to accomplish greatness without even trying?04:15
truepurplelearn technospeak? I don't want to spend years learning that just to do this, and I wouldn't know where to start anyway04:17
Melartruepurple I am merely stating that sandboxing flash is an enduser concept not supported by ubuntu.  Some things in life we have to come up with our own solutions for.  Enduser means it is a unique "development" type concept.04:18
Melartruepurple ok let me give it a quick look one sec04:19
Melartruepurple what is the speed of your processor?04:25
truepurplei5 760 I think04:28
truepurplewhich is a 4 core little under 4k speed04:28
truepurpleWhat difference does that make?04:29
truepurplemaybe its a 56004:29
Melarill msg you04:31
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blockyany reason not to upgrade from 14.04 (as opposed to a clean install)04:50
DanTurtleDoes any one use or know someone that uses an HP Desktop DC7100 SFF for Linux?  I am trying to see if I can get the internal speaker to work.04:52
rwpblocky, I always upgrade. But it depends upon your system and what you have done to it.04:52
rwpDanTurtle, Not I. But see /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf for blacklisted modules.04:55
DanTurtleDo I need to run that as norml or super user rwp?04:55
rwpRun that? No. Look at it. "less /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"04:55
rwpSee the two blacklisted internal speaker sound modules?04:56
rwpI would think that to get the internal speaker working you would need snd_pcsp loaded.04:57
rwpBut that is just a guess. The rest is as they say left as an exercise for the reader.04:57
DanTurtleI see 4 items related to sound listed.04:58
DanTurtleNone mention "Internal Speaker" but one does mention pcspkr05:01
rwpI guess it depends upon your hardware but isn't the PC speaker the only speaker inside the box?  Maybe I am out of touch with newer random hardware though so check it twice.05:03
LFSI'm wondering how did Arabic ubuntu menus won the uggliest font prize! and how to change it?05:04
LFSsettings > appearance has nothing to do with fonts05:05
veekis the software for ubuntu forums available for free?05:11
veekthe stuff they use for posting questions etc05:11
DanTurtleis there a way to find out if I am using alsa or pulseaudio for sound?05:18
lotuspsychje!sound | DanTurtle05:19
ubottuDanTurtle: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:19
DanTurtleThank you I shall check those out.05:20
hephaestus_rghello, is there a place where i can tweak the behavior of alt+tab/alt+`05:22
hephaestus_rgi'd like it to work like osx05:22
DanTurtleMy issue is this desktop has an internal speaker and it isn't working in Linux but worked fine in XP before I switched to Linux.05:23
squintyDanTurtle:  system settings > sound > sound effects > alert volume may be turned down05:27
DanTurtleEverything is not down.  Been through those already.05:28
malkauns_ blocky: upgrade has never worked properly for me05:28
DanTurtleWhen I run "aplay -l" I get a list of 2 devices.05:28
DanTurtleCould it not have the drivers for the internal speaker installed?  I don't have any external speakers to hook up.05:29
DF3D2What is a great looking desktop setup anymore?05:30
DanTurtleMay I post a list of both devices?05:30
hephaestus_rgholy crap why is the default alt-tab behavior so hard to change05:31
peterrooneyhephaestus_rg: pardon my shallow imagination, but how is there even more that one behaviour?05:36
hephaestus_rgthe problem is that if i alt-tab quickly, it goes between apps, but if do it somewhat slower, it goes between windows of the same app peterrooney05:38
hephaestus_rgand i'm on a 1.6ghz atom, so random lag creates frustrating alt-tabs peterrooney05:39
hephaestus_rgi would prefer it worked like OSX where alt-tab is always between apps, and alt+` is always between windows of the same app05:39
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squintyDanTurtle:  might also want to try   alsamixer   in a terminal.   there is also   pavucontrol (install via the repo's) you could use to cross reference what your desktop sound settings are telling you    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsamixer  for alsamixer docs05:42
DanTurtleDon't know if ya saw, but I have 2 items listed under playback and thinking one is for the front internal speaker.05:43
StarOnDhow can I copy ubuntu iso from my DVD drive to a directory on the hard disk?05:44
Ben64StarOnD: is the iso on the dvd as a file?05:45
silv3r_m00nhi there, one machine had asus nvidia card, and another had zotak nvidia card and both ubuntu, after around 1 year, the machines refuse to boot, nothing comes up on the monitor, and then i have to remove the graphic cards to make them normal05:51
silv3r_m00nwhy do graphic cards fail so much ?05:51
truepurpleBecause of me05:53
truepurpleI'm so awesome, they just give up05:53
squintysilv3r_m00n:  if they work again after reseating, it more than likely is due to "creep" due to thermal expansion/contraction in their slots.  Early computer chips were notorious for this behaviour...once reseated properly they functioned as normal05:57
djinjaI don't know how uploaded the djangocon.us videos. but KUDOS!!! (for those interested: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7tQUdRKcybbNiuhLcc3h6WzmZGVBMr3)05:57
somsipdjinja: no spam here thanks05:57
djinjasomsip: are you kidding me :D05:57
somsip!topic | djinja05:58
ubottudjinja: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:58
djinjasomsip: check the link out, they are the video05:58
djinjasomsip: ow sorry05:58
silv3r_m00nsquinty: i see, i havent tried that, i was just thinking of throwing the cards away05:58
RoBo_Vsilv3r_m00n: yesterday I watched interview with Linus, they say "Fuck you Nvidia" nvidia has worst support with linux...05:58
djinjasomsip: wrong channel05:58
djinjasomsip: wanted to be in #django05:58
djinjasomsip: my mistake, apologies05:58
silv3r_m00nits too much of effort to open the cabinet and fit things in and out05:58
silv3r_m00nRoBo_V: the drivers work fine, just that problems pop up after some days05:59
somsipsilv3r_m00n: FWIW, my video cards seats badly and every once in a while I have to take it out, clean the contacts, and it works fine. But I leave ina  very humid place so I'd expect this05:59
silv3r_m00non one machine i was converting a video with openshot when suddenly the computer rebooted itself and nothing came on screen until i removed the card06:00
silv3r_m00nsomsip: oh, well humidity is here too, but .... such thing never happens with RAM, they too are like card into slots06:00
somsipsilv3r_m00n: agree - I don'06:00
somsip't have the problem with RAM, but have had this with 2 different video cards. Could always be a dodgy mobo though06:01
silv3r_m00nmobo ? these are usual gigabyte and intel mobos, what better can i get06:01
somsipsilv3r_m00n: a branded mobo can stil be faulty, or get that way in a humid environment. Anyway, this is OT so no more from me on this06:02
squintysilv3r_m00n: it can happen with ram modules too but less these days I suspect because of the lock down tabs.06:02
silv3r_m00ni will need to fit it back in to see if it gone bad, or just needed cleaning06:04
silv3r_m00ni read somewhere that wrong software can burn the graphics card06:05
malkauns_silv3r_m00n: prolly a myth06:06
rennofor some reason I managed reproduce the issue described at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnumeric/+bug/570836 with Xubuntu 14.0406:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570836 in Gnumeric "invalid MIME type in /usr/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop" [Medium,Confirmed]06:08
rennoaccording to bug report, it is fixed06:09
rennohas anyone ideas how to fix it_06:10
DF3D2I am not understanding what is going on, When I pick a different session in lightdm it simply "blinks" then goes back to the login screen, I'm not sure how to debug this. I'm on Lubuntu but I wanted to try "gnome" it just doesn't seem to work. Even the standard Lubuntu session doesn't work unless I use "lxdm", "gdm" doesn't work at all the error message indicates a syntax error in the init script.06:14
DF3D2I am not understanding what is going on, When I pick a different session in lightdm it simply "blinks" then goes back to the login screen, I'm not sure how to debug this. I'm on Lubuntu but I wanted to try "gnome" it just doesn't seem to work. Even the standard Lubuntu session doesn't work unless I use "lxdm", "gdm" doesn't work at all the error message indicates a syntax error in the init script. I should add i'm not exactly sure how to debug this.06:16
DF3D2I fixed the gdm issue, had an extra "fi" on line 7906:20
DF3D2gonna reboot and see if that will work06:20
DF3D2well, kill x that is06:20
shelloxis it possible to obtain a url of the apt repos in their current state?06:24
squintyshellox:  not quite sure exactly what you mean but you may want to check out the following  http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:30
shelloxsquinty: amazon linux for example takes snapshot of a repo in it's current state. was thinking ubuntu also does that?06:32
shelloxit means like i update QA to the latest packages, can get a URL of the repo in it's current state on friday, point production to this url, and it will have exactly the same versions like the QA server06:33
shelloxone week later i update QA again, get a new url for the repo, point production there and update again06:33
somsipshellox: you just update them at the same time.06:35
shelloxsomsip: hmm..that's not really an option.06:36
shelloxour devs need to review QA etc. so it takes some time06:36
somsipshellox: and probably just for security updates, which are pretty safe to do. Hence the availibility of unattended upgrades06:36
shelloxsomsip: i manage the server with chef so i need to be sure it works :P06:37
AlderzanAny of you excited for 14.10?06:37
somsipshellox: I run about 70 EC2 instances with unattended upgrades (security only) with no problems. Dev and production06:37
shelloxsomsip: how do you trigger the install point?06:39
shelloxusing that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates ?06:39
somsipshellox: what do you mean 'trigger the install point'. I build from a common AMI using Ansible, but kept specific AMIs of some servers that need spinning up ad hoc. And yes, for security updates06:39
shelloxi mean which package does the automatic security update for you? the "unattended-upgrades" package?06:41
somsipshellox: yes. Installed by default IIRC, but enabled in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic06:42
shelloxsomsip: How are you upgrading packages, which are not managed by your ansible configuration?06:48
somsipshellox: get a base ami. Upgrade everything. Enable security upgrades. Save as base AMI. Create Chef Recipe to build a server from the base AMI. Say, one for webserver, one for DB. Whatever. Each build will then have the same packages with only security upgrades applied. If you decide to apply a minor upgrade to a specific package, rebuild your base AMI and test in QA before rolling out to production06:50
shelloxsomsip: i guess that works if you use just amazon, which we don't :)06:51
somsipshellox: I use Rackspace too. It's not a willy waving competition here...06:51
shelloxsomsip: we host locally on real hardware06:51
somsipshellox: super. So what's your base problem?06:52
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shelloxsomsip: enabling security updates isn't part of your ansible recipe right06:59
somsipshellox: currently it is, but as it applies to every server it would be better being saved in the base AMI06:59
shelloxsomsip: yeah, i guess you could also just make a bootstrap shell script when starting a new ec2 instance from the base image07:00
shelloxso you don't need to save your own base image07:00
somsipshellox: that's pretty much where it is now. Having it all in a recipe/script allows flexibility. Having too much 'hardcoded' in the base AMI can be less flexible07:01
truepurple can you install flash under wine?07:01
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)I was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:02
trijntjetruepurple: what are you trying to do?07:02
somsipshellox: I suppose the main one I can think of is package upgrades. If tht's in a script, each server could be different. If a base AMI includes the packages that you want to upgrade, then each server just has security upgrades on top.07:04
truepurplerun flash game on browser under wine07:04
UlrikWith regards to dash scopes. Clicking the "applications" scope shows a few entries even with no search term entered. Is there any way I can get that same functionality for the "home scope"? I want some pinned apps to appear there instead of the "no search results" message.07:05
truepurpleI download flash, but its not working07:05
trijntjetruepurple: isn't it easier to install flash in ubuntu instead of wine?07:05
truepurpleNothing comes up, when I try again it says only one instance but first instance won't work07:05
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:06
truepurpleexcept I am trying to get a program called cheat engine to work to slow down a flash game07:06
truepurpleand cheat engine is a win program07:06
somsiptruepurple: sourcecode is available, but you've beat this one to death in this channel already today07:07
truepurplegoals the same, but I am asking about a completely different method07:07
somsiptruepurple: good luck07:07
truepurpleAnd I never got help with that, so don't berate me07:08
trijntjetruepurple: wine is complicated, and not guaranteed to work. So install flash in ubuntu and install the cheating thingy from source07:08
shelloxsomsip: i see. currently i have on vmware fusion vm and in the future i will add one ec2 instance for prod. currently i used the base image, run chef against the server and the aptitude full-upgrade after a week to update stuff07:08
somsiptruepurple: a few people tried to help. Just because they didn't give you the answer you were hoping for.07:08
truepurpleanother reason to run flash under wine is, flash stopped updating for ubuntu07:08
truepurpleno, that is wrong somsip07:09
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:09
truepurpleagain, help if you like, but get off my case if you can't or wont07:09
somsipshellox: and when I saw your first message it seemed like the full update was causing the problem for you - between QA and production. So you need to move that to a different part of the process. Like to the base image.07:09
truepurpletrijntje, What do you mean, install it from source?07:10
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trijntjetruepurple: http://www.cheatengine.org/downloads.php07:11
shelloxsomsip: hmm, the base image was my idea first, but EC2 and vmware are different products, so i would need to maintain two i guess07:12
somsipshellox: possibly. Or you're getting into a lot of pinning which seems ugly.07:12
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:13
shelloxsomsip: yeah, so the solution with a unique url like in amazon linux seemed cool hehe07:13
shelloxsome people also seem to run their own mirror07:13
shelloxbut that seems like a lot of work for 2 servers ;)07:13
somsipshellox: I think that is a bigger solution...you've said it07:14
truepurpletrijntje, and? I need wine or windows to run it07:14
trijntjetruepurple: how do you know? Have you tried compiling it on ubuntu?07:15
truepurpletrijntje, no, because I barely know what compiling even is07:15
trijntjetruepurple: ok, then your chances of getting wine to work are not very good, if its *possible* at all. Just use windows if you want to cheat, or don't cheat at all07:16
shelloxsomsip: so you would still go with the image solution in my case?07:16
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:17
somsipshellox: go with the one workable solution you have, which is two base images. Then you can get on with producing the result needed by your boss/client/company while you come up with something better07:17
somsipshellox: better in terms of being easier to maintain. KLike I nearly suggest Docker, then winced and thought not.07:18
truepurpletrijntje, So you won't help me to get this to work?07:18
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:18
trijntjetruepurple: no. I don't really know how to help you, plus helping someone to cheat isn't really worth my time07:18
shelloxsomsip: what would be something better in your opinion :)?07:18
shelloxsomsip: don't really have a time limit for that thing, so should be ok :P07:19
somsipshellox: I've given you my advice. I don't know your needs inside out, like needed local hardware, so I can't really offer all-encompassing advice.07:19
UlrikIs there really no way to pin apps to the home scope? Seems so strange to have a "no results" screen as the first thing that appears.07:19
truepurpletrijntje, got any ideas on how to slow down a program in ubuntu?07:19
shelloxsomsip: i see. thanks, i will try to create two base images and see how it goes from there07:22
somsipshellox: np07:22
TheHighestFivehey guys. I'm having a bit of trouble using Ubuntu 14.04 anyone know it well enough to try and help?07:23
shelloxsomsip: i guess just running ec2 would be easier, just it's much more expensive here in asia ;)07:23
somsip!details | truepurple07:23
ubottutruepurple: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:23
shelloxso that's why QA is local07:23
somsipTheHighestFive: We need more details07:23
TheHighestFiveWhitelist systray apps07:23
TheHighestFivesorry, let me start from the beginning.07:23
somsipshellox: I'm in Asia. Our market is in US so we use US servers. If your market is SEA, then I suppose you'd need to run HK or Singapore regions07:24
shelloxsomsip: indeed we do. EC2 will be in singapore.07:25
somsipshellox: fair enough07:25
shelloxsomsip: just we use rails and have a 8 core box in the office for QA, because it's much faster for our devs than having a server on EC2 ;)07:25
TheHighestFiveI'm tyring to access crytpkeeper in 14.04 that worked fine in 12.04. It won't allow me to access it because it always was dependant an icon in the panel. I've found multiple askubuntu threads saying the issue is com.canonical.unity.panel has been removed. I've found a ppa that apparently helped everyone else, but when I did what it said I go into both gsettings in the terminal and dconf editor and panel is still missing. So I can07:26
TheHighestFive't whitelist systray apps. any ideas?07:26
somsipshellox: there's another solution then. Everything on EC2 and one base image.07:26
shelloxsomsip: yeah, but that's quite expensive :)07:28
somsipshellox: or local hardware for testing, and a staging server on EC2 so you can test before rolling to production. Doesn't really matter if dev is different as long as staging and product are built on the same AMI07:28
somsipshellox: then you only spin up the staging server for short periods before a release. Not much extra costs. Tada07:28
somsipshellox: sorry - my typos are bad. Hope you see what I'm getting at07:29
shelloxsomsip: good thought, thanks.07:29
shelloxwould be better to have exactly the same instance type as later in production07:29
somsipshellox: yes, but stop it when not needed. Anyway, I think this has gone away from a question about updates and onto one about server infrastructure and cloud services. We're off topic...07:30
shelloxsomsip: still tahnks :P07:31
somsipshellox: np :)07:31
TheHighestFivesimsip: did you read my issue yet and have any ideas?07:33
somsipTheHighestFive: I don't use unity and have no idea.07:33
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:33
TheHighestFivedamn. okay. thanks anyway. Anyone in here that is giving answers also?07:34
TheHighestFivethat knows unity07:34
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trap_exitanyone found a good 17" laptop alternative to the 17" mbp ?07:42
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:44
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user1234please tell me how to upgrade ubuntu 13.10 to 14.0407:48
user1234do-release-upgrade will work?07:49
tasslehoffI am connected to an embedded target via ethernet, and have setup a link-local connection. When said target reboots, it takes Ubuntu a long time to find it again. Is it possible to speed up (lower timeouts?) Link Local connections?07:49
Ben64!eolupgrade | user123407:51
ubottuuser1234: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:51
tasslehoffguess that is an avahi question, so never mind07:52
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MatsyHey everyone07:55
MatsyI am looking for an Exchange client for ubuntu07:55
MatsyThat is not Thunderbird07:55
MatsyBut at least has a decent interface07:55
ikoniaMatsy: you're going to struggle07:55
MatsyI figured as much07:55
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)07:55
ikoniaevolution is the only real one, but that is basically doing the imap thing07:55
MatsyYeah, I don't want that07:56
MatsyI need to open shared folders and the likes07:56
MatsyWhich Thunderbird also can't do07:56
ikoniaMatsy: I don't think there is anything that does that07:56
MatsyDo I really need Outlook in a VM for that?07:56
ikoniaMatsy: I often use the web client for that07:56
Matsyikonia: How, after all these years, is there nothing that does this07:56
ikoniaMatsy: because it's not open source.07:56
MatsyAirplay isn't OS either07:56
ikoniaMatsy: so people can't / struggle to develop a solution07:56
MatsyHm, sounds reasonable07:57
MatsyTime to open up VirtualBox then07:57
MatsyThanks, ikonia08:01
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slyboots_Good monring08:05
slyboots_Im curious, is anyone aware ofa guide on installing E19 on Ubuntu 14.04 that does NOT use the Bohdi linux repo (since its no-longer maintained)08:06
slyboots_So that seems like something of a bad idea using it08:06
ikoniathe concept would be the same, but using a different supported repo08:06
slyboots_Are there any supported Repo's?  All the guides I find just say "Oh use Bohdi linux's repo"08:09
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ikonia#ubuntu doesn't support any non-ubuntu repos08:10
ikoniain terms of support by their maintainer, no idea, that can change by the hour/the way the wind blows08:10
slyboots_Mmm, I was just pondering if there was a PPA or.. something08:12
slyboots_the standard gnome install is way to resource heavy08:12
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sobczykis there a way to install regular ubuntu on a flash drive? startup disk creator only handles fat fromatted drives, I'd like full ext408:24
Ben64you can install it using the installer08:25
sobczykthat would require to reboot my pc08:25
sobczykand have installation media08:25
Ben64but that is the only way of installing ubuntu08:26
sobczykis there any way to do it live?08:26
ikonialive ?08:26
Ben64might be able to boot the iso with virtualbox and have the usb on that, but i'm not sure if that'd work08:27
k1l_use a vbox08:27
sobczykfrom a running ubuntu to an ext4 formatted pendrive08:27
ikonianot really08:27
ikoniawhy don't you want to reboot/use install media ?08:27
sobczykI have work to do, except the ubuntu08:27
ikoniathen install it later, after the work08:28
sobczykI'll try the vbos one08:28
ikoniaand a reboot takes what, 90 seconds ? can't you burn 90 seconds08:28
ThumpxrBen64: sobczyk: The VBox method works. Did it like 20 mins ago :)08:29
truepurpleBTW, found a way to slow down program08:33
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trijntjetruepurple: how? other people might have the same problem one day08:40
shelloxI've installed the unattended-upgrades package and did 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades'08:41
shelloxhow frequently does it install automatic updates now?08:42
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lonixAnyone know of a way to check if a new package version is avalible for a script, like if [ $(apt-get install package) ]; then echo package "$package is out of date"; fi08:47
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somsiplonix: use -s or --dry-run and parse the output?08:49
Pencil_I click on my home folder and nothing happens.  Reboot didn't help.  I Would like to reload if I could move my files over.08:49
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)08:50
lonixsomsip: i guess i could do that08:50
s5fsUbuntu 14.04 on a dell xps 15 is acting weird. When I resume from a suspend (ie, open the lid), sometimes my lock screen is not present and I'm just sitting at the desktop. This seems wildly insecure, how can I fix?08:52
Pencil_How do you learn ubuntu well enough  to help others on here?08:59
tarutiWhat is the correct place to save a "iw dev wlan0 set power_save on" on 14.04 /etc/network/interfaces? somewhere else?08:59
ikoniaPencil_: experience08:59
taruti(the machine keeps crashing without that so enabling it early in bootup seems good)08:59
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slyboots_Pencil_: Practice.09:00
Pencil_Where do you look up the answers.  Would like to at least get started self training.09:01
pork-upineis it possible to disable middle click pasting stuff?09:02
Jango87Can someone help me a little?09:03
Steve_Jobsanyone notice that ssh -X u@s messes up know hosts?09:03
Steve_JobsAfter I do that, I get prompted for a password when I try to ssh09:04
Steve_Jobsany idea why?09:04
Jango87no, im new here, and in ubuntu too09:04
ikoniait doesn't mess up known hosts09:04
somsipJango87: if you have a problem, just explain what it is and maybe someone can help09:04
Steve_Jobsikonia: what does it do?09:04
Jango87only am here for some help :)09:04
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: nothing09:05
Jango87want to install amd r7 250 2gb ddr3 on trusty tahr09:05
Steve_Jobsikonia: ok.. so why does ssh now require a password?09:05
k1lSteve_Jobs: you know what ssh -X is for?09:05
Jango87but am new in the terminal do's :D09:05
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: no idea, could be any reason09:05
Steve_JobsI've ssh-copy-id the public key09:05
TheBigDealMorning everybody.09:05
Steve_Jobsk1l: yes.09:05
ActionParsnipJango87: more than i've got, go for it09:06
k1lJango87: and where is the problem?09:06
Jango87that im a new user, only used windows before, and doesnt know how to09:07
TheBigDealI did some wrong modifications on my boot.ini file windows, can i use some kind of linux distro like DSL, to edit that file and restore my windows?09:07
Ben64probably a better question for ##windows09:07
somsipTheBigDeal: this isn't windows support. It also isnt' DSL support. You could use ubuntu live DVD to get access to the drives.09:07
k1lJango87: make a ubuntu-cd or ubuntu-usb-pendrive and start the installer09:07
pork-upineis it possible to disable middle click pasting stuff?09:07
TheBigDealsomsip, Ubuntu is huge.09:08
somsippork-upine: what do you want middle click to do?09:08
Steve_Jobsikonia: any better room than this to find out why my ssh is reverting to passwords after the '-X' sessions?09:08
somsipTheBigDeal: then maybe asking in the ubuntu support channel is not the best idea09:08
DamienTheBigDeal, try lubuntu.09:08
k1lTheBigDeal: if you dont like ubuntu better ask in ##windows09:08
TheBigDealsomsip, This problem doesn't need a big linux distro afaik09:08
Jango87i have ubuntu. just doesnt know how to install the video card on it09:08
k1lTheBigDeal: this is the _ubuntu_ support.09:08
TheBigDeal:D thanks guys09:08
Mr_Quist@ TheBigDeal yes just boot up a live CD / DVD09:08
TheBigDealI got that09:08
k1lJango87: is there a issue with the grafics?09:09
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: I suspect it's nothing to do with -X09:09
Mr_Quistyou can open up NTFS drives and you can edit files09:09
Jango87yes k1l09:09
pork-upinesomsip: i don't mind using it to open new tabs and such in browsers but middle click pasting by accident in the wrong window such as irc has given me problems09:09
Mr_QuistJango87, try windows. AMD has good driver support for windows.09:09
Steve_Jobsikonia: what else could it be?09:09
k1lJango87: then tell us details! we dont see what you see09:09
Mr_Quist ~ Don't feed the troll ~09:09
Jango87yeah, but i dont want win anymore, just learn ubuntu09:09
Mr_QuistGood job09:09
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: why don't you debug it to find out why, then look at what appene to change that09:09
Mr_Quistbut what issues are you having exactly?09:10
Mr_Quistand what did you try?09:10
benediktis it possible to upgrade from raring to the latest lts in one go?09:10
ikoniabenedikt: it's not09:10
Jango87if a start a video, it is like used some lsd :D09:10
k1lbenedikt: no09:10
Steve_Jobsikonia: I did. googling only showed the typical chmod 600 and 700 on the files09:10
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | benedikt,09:10
ubottubenedikt,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:10
Mr_Quistokay, but only if you're watching a video?09:10
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: googling is not debugging it09:10
Steve_Jobsikonia: nothing there was helpful. I have the proper permissions09:10
k1lJango87: that could be a codecs issue09:10
Mr_Quistnot if you're just using the PC ?09:10
cfhowlettbenedikt,  you can clean install directly to 14.04.109:11
Steve_Jobsikonia: I ran ssh -vvvv -i myidfile ...09:11
benediktgreat.. i should updae more frequently..09:11
Mr_Quistk1l probably not, it has to do with the videocard decoding something09:11
Steve_Jobsikonia: I googled the anomilies09:11
Mr_Quistif a software codec doesn't work it wont show anything in 99% of the cases09:11
k1lbenedikt: if you dont want to upgrade that often stay on LTS in first place09:11
Steve_Jobsall suggested permission issues09:11
slyboots_me sighs.. this is annoying09:11
Mr_Quistso sounds like the GPU tries to decodel, say, an MP4, but the drivers are crap09:11
Jango87google say, i should install catalyst, i know it, i used it before on win, but doesnt know how to get it here09:11
pork-upineso theres no way to disable middle click pasting?09:11
Mr_QuistWelcome to the wonder world of Linux, Jango87!09:11
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: run ssh -vv in the connetion and see why it's not using keys09:11
k1lJango87: "sudo apt-get install fglrx"09:12
Mr_Quistor that09:12
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: what anomilies ?09:12
k1lMr_Quist: stop that09:12
slyboots_Installed Ubuntu server, and installed Enlightement but .. I think its missing like requirments09:12
Jango87Mr Quist, thx, i like it, just dont know a lot09:12
k1lJango87: dont load anything from websites. use the drivers that are shipped from ubuntu and made work with ubuntu09:12
Mr_QuistJango87, sure, its quite a hassle if you're from windows in the beginning, but once you get to know your little pinguin he's allright09:13
Steve_Jobsikonia: it said it couldn't present the file09:13
k1lJango87: sudo apt-get install fglrx09:13
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: which file09:13
somsippork-upine: lots of solution available, but you'll need to check to see what might suit your needs http://is.gd/4BF2PG http://is.gd/9IckHH09:13
Steve_Jobsikonia: it didn't specify in that message09:13
cfhowlettslyboots_, server + enlightenment? ask #ubuntu-server09:13
geksongubuntu support rtl8192ee~?09:13
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: it really does09:13
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: it doesn't just say "can't offer the file"09:13
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: there are lines before/after that to show you what it's talking about09:13
Jango87okay, it says, fglrx runs with  the newest version09:14
Steve_Jobsikonia: I'll check the logs and pastebin09:14
somsippork-upine: and another collection here http://is.gd/nZ569f09:14
k1lJango87: so you got the fglrx already09:15
Jango87videos are still crazy09:15
Jango87yes, got it for 30 minutes :D09:15
* slyboots_ mmms09:15
Steve_Jobsikonia: found this in the auth log:  pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "me"09:17
Steve_Jobsme is me09:18
Steve_Jobsthat didn't show up in the vv output obviously09:18
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: that's lightdm09:18
ikoniaSteve_Jobs: that is nothing to do with ssh09:18
ikoniait doesn't show up in the ssh -vv output because it's nothing to do with ssh09:18
Jango87where can i ask questions as a newbie?09:18
k1lSteve_Jobs: what is your ssh command? (you can make xxx instead of the ip/url)09:18
Steve_Jobsk1l: it's just ssh main09:19
ikoniaJango87: just ask09:19
Steve_JobsI have a host entry for main09:19
k1lJango87: just ask here. but you need to give as much infos as possible. we dont see what you see09:19
k1lSteve_Jobs: so you dont start a program with -X?09:19
Steve_Jobsk1l: I did09:20
Jango87so got the newest fglrx, but videos are still s..t09:20
Steve_Jobsso at one point I did ssh -X main09:20
Steve_Jobsso that I could launch a gui app locally09:20
ikoniaJango87: there is no need to try to swear, just be polite please.09:20
k1lSteve_Jobs: what? -X is for single programs.09:20
k1lSteve_Jobs: please show the real command!09:20
Steve_Jobsk1l: ssh -X main09:21
rdzhey all..how to clean dns cache on ubuntu 14.04?09:21
reversibleanIs it safe to do updates while using a mainline kernel? won't they conflict with my default non-upstream kernel?09:21
k1lSteve_Jobs: ssh -X u@s program09:21
ikoniardz: why do you think it's caching09:21
k1lSteve_Jobs: that is what it looks like09:21
Steve_Jobsk1l: then when I'm in there I'll do something like gedit &09:21
rdzikonia, because i checked on the dns server directly and there i get different results09:21
Jango87ikonia, it wasnt a swear, it was the describe about the videos quality, im not the type with this09:21
vitimitiSteve_Jobs, they are telling you to use ssh -X u@s gedit09:22
Steve_Jobsk1l: and that works as expected09:22
ikoniardz: the dns master or a slave ?09:22
Steve_Jobsvitimiti: sure09:22
rdzikonia, but yes, i also would like to know how to find out what is my dns server.. i am using dhcp and resolv.conf says
ikoniaJango87: description using swearing is not acceptable, please be polite and define things clearly09:22
Steve_Jobsvitimiti: I'm wondering why ssh requires a password now09:22
rdzikonia, slave09:22
ikoniardz: so the slave has probably not updated yet due to the expire record/time to live09:22
rdzikonia, i don't get how things work on ubuntu desktop nowadays.. seems all hidden in network-manager somehow09:22
Jango87still more answere, than for the question, but thx for doing right :D09:23
rdzikonia, i checked on the slave and there it is ok09:23
ikoniardz: you just said you don't know what dns servers you are using ?09:23
Jango87kedvesek ezek az angolok is09:23
ikoniardz: how are you checking these things if you don't know what you're using09:23
rdzikonia, it's only my box that has old entries.. windows boxes in the same network show actual results09:23
rdzikonia, i know what the dhcp is configured to give clients as dns server, but i wasn't able to confirm that on my ubuntu system09:24
ikoniaJango87: this is getting tedious now let me try to make the way this channel works09:24
ikoniaJango87: 1.) please talk in clear english 2.) explain your problem as clearly as possible 3.) no swearing/bad language for any reason09:24
Jango87trusty tahr, video card: amd r7 250, videos look like someone used lsd09:24
rdzikonia, how can you check on ubuntu 14.04 desktop what dns you have?09:25
ikoniardz: ok, so if you do "nslookup" and then set "server $whatever" and then check the domain from within that session, what do you actually get09:25
rdzikonia, and how can you clear dns chaches? are you saying, there is no cache?09:25
reversibleanrdz: nm-tool09:25
ikoniardz: I'm saying it's very very unlikley it's a local cache problem,09:25
ikoniardz: not impossible, but unlikely09:26
Jango87ikonia, thanks for the help, hope once you come to my land, and i will be your doctor :)09:26
SkizuHey I'm trying to mount a share folder, and I get /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error09:26
Steve_Jobsk1l: it's not asking me for the password anymore. I'm connected from another terminal though. I wonder if that's something to do with it09:26
rdzikonia, *** Can't find host: No answer09:27
Steve_Jobsafter years of connecting via ssh with no password, this is the first time I've had this happen09:27
ikoniardz: so.....that means that dns server isn't being resolved09:27
rdzikonia, when i ping the same hostname on the said dns server, i get a response..09:27
ikoniardz: ping is not dns09:27
rdzikonia, true09:28
ikoniardz: the host is there, but it's not responding09:28
rdzmay i privately send you the whole ouput?09:28
ikoniardz: just use a pastebin09:28
ikoniathen paste the url in the channel09:28
rdzikonia, http://pastie.org/957493509:29
rdzdns is found, but when asked about the host in question, there is no answer...09:29
ikoniardz: why are you typing "host"09:30
ikoniajust type the name of the host you want to resolve09:30
rdzikonia, sorry.. i'm not familiar with interactive nslookup09:30
Jango87tried google...find nothing helpful, tried amd and ubuntu homepage, found nothing helpful, tried homecountry irc, everyone said, dont care on newbies, tried this irc, no one cares on the question but if say s...on the video quality, have 3 issue...nice community, sympatic ubuntu :)09:30
ikoniaJango87: your complaining/attitude is possibly why you are not getting help09:31
ikoniait's certainly why I don't want to walk through a problem with you09:31
ikoniatry just asking the question clearly, and waiting for a response, then responding when asked with that same clarity09:31
rdzikonia, ok, this looks like what i'd expect:09:31
ikoniapeople are busy and don't drop everything09:31
Jango87all that without see me or know me? genius...09:32
ikoniaJango87: </attitude>09:32
ikoniardz: ok, cool, so you know that dns server is working09:32
ikoniardz: so look at dnsmasq cache09:32
matty1234HI, anyone here know about server security?09:32
ikoniardz: ubuntu uses dnsmasq now09:32
ikoniamatty1234: just ask, what's the issue09:32
rdzikonia, i figured, but didn't find out how to restart09:32
cappecan't download flash plugin from software center... Failed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-installer_11.2.202.394ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]09:32
cappe what shall I do?09:32
k1lJango87: i tried to help you, but you were not able to tell details. i cant just guess what you use and what you see for errors. so i stopped.09:33
Ben64Jango87: it's really hard to follow what your actual problem is. take the time and energy you're spending on complaining and put it into describing09:33
matty1234Is it wise to install: iptables, psad, tripwire, mod_security, and artillery on one server?09:33
k1lJango87: maybe you weill find a better way on askubuntu.com or ubuntuforums.com09:33
matty1234Or does it overlap one another?09:33
ikoniamatty1234: it can be, you need to really asses what you need and how you want to use them,09:33
Jango87k1l, your right, but what else details should i give? i do if you say wich09:33
ikoniamatty1234: look at your expectations, and work out what products and how to use them09:33
Ben64Jango87: as much as possible09:34
typcappe: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-installer_11.2.202.406ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb09:34
typuse that?09:34
matty1234ikonia, i want to build a very secure server.  However from the vague descriptions of each module I'm worried that they might conflict with one another09:34
k1l!details | Jango8709:34
ubottuJango87: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:34
ikoniamatty1234: if you want to build a very secure server, you need to understand the security risks AND the tools very well09:34
ikoniamatty1234: just putting things on blindly will not help09:34
matty1234ikonia i know right?09:35
reversibleancappe: Open software and updates; then switch to ubuntu main server09:35
ikoniamatty1234: sorry what /09:35
k1lJango87: so which video card, which driver, what actual issue? any errormessages? maybe try other video file? etc etc09:35
rdzikonia, is 'restart network-manager' supposed to restart dnsmasq as well?09:35
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ikoniardz: http://pastie.org/957494009:35
ikoniasorry not that09:35
matty1234That I can't just put in things blindly :)  I was hoping to get some wisdom as to the best practices people use.  What do they install to have a hardened server09:35
ikoniardz: --clear-on-reload09:35
ikoniardz: that appears to be the dnsmasq flag for clearing the cache09:36
cappereversiblean where is that setting?09:36
ikoniardz: -c 0 will disable future caching/use of cache09:36
cfhowlettmatty1234, ask #ubuntu-server channel??09:37
reversibleancappe: software and update > choose 'Main Server' from the drop down menu under 'Download from'09:37
ikoniardz: it looks like dnsmasq has a lot of caching options available, making it a lot more advanced than I thought it was09:37
Jango87so there 3 new things in the pc...new ram, new video card (amd r7 250 2gb ddr3) and new system (trusty tahr), internet is fine, games doesnt know yet, but videos are full of colors sometimes not even standing picture. fglrx installed09:37
rdzikonia, it seems like dnsmasq is started by network-manager, is that correct? if so, how/where can i pass those flags?09:37
ikoniardz: yes, it is loaded by network manager09:37
matty1234okay thanks09:37
ikoniardz: normally something like /etc/NetworkManager09:37
Jango87never used linux before09:37
Ben64Jango87: explain these "videos"09:38
rdzikonia, ah, i see09:38
ikoniardz: that directory normally contains a list of modular config files09:38
k1lJango87: ok, so you did run ubuntu and then changed the video card?09:38
ikoniardz: I'm working from memory, so you'll need to check that09:38
rdzit's empty here.. but now i am on the right track09:38
Jango87Ben64: tried with more player, more tipe, mp4, xvid...and so on09:38
rdzikonia, thousand thanks for all your help09:38
k1lJango87: are the codecs installed?09:39
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)09:39
Jango87k1l, yes, ubuntu run, and then video card changed09:39
rdzi guess, now i figured how things work on recent ubuntus, i might be able to figure out the rest on my own09:39
k1lJango87: can you pastebin the output from "dmesg" in terminal into a pastebin09:39
Jango87doesnt know how to run codecs on ubu09:39
k1l!codecs | Jango8709:39
ubottuJango87: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:39
ikoniardz: it's not hard, network manager is modular09:40
Jango87thanks ubottu, will read it, just try first what k1l said. dmesg in the terminal09:41
reversibleancappe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu , check under 'Download Server'09:43
Jango87tried dmesg, happened a lot, and it says: Changing the local hostname might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!09:43
k1lJango87: install the package"pastebinit" and then do "dmesg | pastebinit" and then copy the url into here09:44
Jango87k1l, okay, thanks :)09:46
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Jango87installed pastebinit, but what does mean the second half? dmesg pastebinit09:48
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)09:49
k1lJango87: put "dmesg | pastebinit" into terminal09:50
Jango87done, but it gives just this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8378704/09:51
k1lJango87: fglrx: module verification failed: signature and/or  required key missing - tainting kernel09:53
matty1234I think Artillery overlaps with psad and tripwire except for its honeypot feature.  Is there a standalone honeypot?09:53
Jango87sorry, but doesnt understand anything from that09:53
Jango87means this a problem?09:54
k1lJango87: hmmmm, but that should not be a problem, iirc09:54
k1lJango87: i am not too familiar with amd grafix. but reading some posts this should not be an issue. if no one else knows on that issue you could try removing the fglrx and try the free driver or look if the codecs are right10:01
Jango87k1l, thanks for your lot of help10:05
LaykeWhat's that toolbar project called for ubuntu? icvf or something?10:05
sp3ckHi, i'm running an Ubuntu 12.04 vps as webserver and mail server. I found out that known_hosts file has about 60 lines of known host fingerprints which basically means there is a backdoor running reverse ssh and i'm sure because i havent used this box for outbound ssh connections. How can i trace back which file/s are invoking ssh outbound connections, so i can gather some info for the backdoor? thnx.10:07
ikoniasp3ck: rebuild the server10:08
ikoniasp3ck: nothing else matters10:08
szyszanybody know anything about 3d printers ?10:09
szyszto help me to chose one10:09
Ben64not in this channel10:09
sp3ckikonia, well that's what i'm gonna do but i'm afraid the backdoor is somewhere in php of the websites so it will infect the server again.10:10
shelloxhow would i let run unattended-upgrades hourly instead of daily?10:10
ikoniasp3ck: at this point a.) you've got no reason to suspect that (unless you've not shard something) b.) on a potentially exploited platform, so can't trust anything of your debugging10:10
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)10:10
EiriksUbuntui had a backup error that said it couldn't backup /home/goodin/.cache/dconf10:13
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EiriksUbuntuwhat should i do?10:14
k1lEiriksUbuntu: show the exact error in a pastebin.10:15
sp3ckikonia, ok thank you.10:16
EiriksUbuntuk1l http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=7735410:22
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dolanorI can't create samba usershare with 14.0410:23
Guest27499we sciampagno10:23
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k1l!it | Guest2749910:23
ubottuGuest27499: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:23
dolanorI try to access locally, or from other computers, and it always fail10:23
Guest27499ok grazie10:23
k1lEiriksUbuntu: ok, that is not a problem. that is just stuff that gets deleted on reboot anyway10:24
Ben64dolanor: you do need to set a smbpasswd10:24
EiriksUbuntuphew, thats awesome thank you k1l10:25
kblinhi folks10:26
dolanorBen64, but I don't want to do that, I want to use the unix user for the rights10:30
Griz64Good Day gang. I want to install to two (2) identical hard drives, using RAID 1 but I don't see a way to do this via the standard installer. Am I missing something?10:30
dolanorBen64, it was working super on 12.04. Why do we need to create smb user now ?10:30
EiriksUbuntuhi kblin10:30
EiriksUbuntuGriz64 you might be looking for apt-clone10:32
Griz64EiriksUbuntu, well, this is a fresh install so 'apt' isn't even installed. is there NOT a way to set this up via the installer?10:34
LaykeHow do I stop ubuntu from sending me to login every time I step away to make a coffee for 5 minutes? :)10:34
kblinso, if I have a touchpad that's not responding to input while I'm logged in, but works just fine when the screen is locked, where do I start looking to debug this?10:34
EiriksUbuntuGriz64 i wish i could help you more but i don't know enough to give you reliable advice10:36
Ben64Griz64: http://askubuntu.com/questions/505446/how-to-install-ubuntu-14-04-with-raid-1-using-desktop-installer10:37
nullbyte_hi all10:37
EiriksUbuntuLayke go to system settings then display and there is a lock option10:38
shelloxanyway figured it out10:39
AleksejsHomeHi, I have a problem with connecting dr-btn200 headphones to my PC with kubuntu: BT manager just doesn't find them. Any help?10:39
Griz64Ben64, that's what i needed! Thank You! Too bad the installer isn't able to do this on it's own. Especially since it DOES allow for LVM.10:39
Ben64Griz64: the mini installer might, or server, but i'm not sure10:40
BobBallHi... I can't do dist-upgrade on Trusty - I constantly get an error from kmod / update-initramfs at http://paste.openstack.org/show/113213/ (at the bottom).  Any ideas?  I need to do this automatically and I've been consistently getting failures similar to this for weeks (probably since upgrading our infrastructure to Trusty)10:41
queeqHello everyone. I need your help. After upgrading (do-release-upgrade) from Ubuntu server 12.04 to 14.04 I lost WiFi connectivity. I had custom 3.14 kernel which worked fine on 12.04. Currently wifi card (ath9k) works fine in monitor mode but it's impossible to run it with hostapd. Log says kernel: [   32.048770] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready. Tried latest 3.16 kernel - no difference.10:43
queeqTried numerous solutions like changing ath9k module properties - nothing changed.10:45
queeqip link shows the following: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100010:47
queeqThis "state DOWN" is impossible to change. Manual ifup wlan0 would lead to NO-CARRIER indication10:47
queeqrfkill shows no blocks10:48
* ubunut has been trying find something useful for BobBall but can't.10:52
cappewhat is wrong with this command? cappe@silver:~$ sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 trusty /var/chroot/ http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.4/release/ubuntu-12.04.4-dvd-amd64.iso10:55
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)10:55
oinais anyone here?10:56
cappeall of us10:56
cfhowlettoina, ask your ubuntu questions10:56
queeqYep, but everybody just asking :)10:56
oinai need help with installing dependencies10:57
cappeI'm trying to get chroot working... in a howto found on google... the dude tells me to run a command like this: sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 lucid /var/chroot/ http://mirror.url.com/ubuntu/ <-- what mirror address shall I change to (living in Sweden)10:57
oinaim trying to play warzone 210010:57
queeqcappe: lucid must be the wrong version unless you are playing with very old system10:59
cappeyeah, ment trusty10:59
cappei'm still confused about the mirror address11:00
oinaso what do11:00
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luc4Hello! Anyone who knows of a simple and quick way to switch between different ubuntu OS on the same computer remotely? Which means reboot and select in grub another partition?11:00
queeqcappe: according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors it's http://<country-code>.releases.ubuntu.com/11:00
cfhowlettoina, what is the output of terminal:  cat /etc/issue11:01
queeqluc4: instant dirty hack is to rename /boot/vmlinuz-... that you DO NOT WANT to boot and run update-grub11:01
luc4queeq: but isn't that simply making it fail to boot?11:02
queeqluc4: update-grub will show you which other kernels it found11:03
luc4queeq: ok, which is more or less the same as changing the default item to select in grub...11:03
cappeso I have tried issuing this command... cappe@silver:~$ sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 trusty /var/chroot/ http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso11:03
cappestill it doesn't work11:04
cappeI: Retrieving Release11:04
cappeE: Failed getting release file http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso/dists/trusty/Release11:04
queeqluc4: I just don't remember how to select the default item...11:04
luc4queeq: I'm currently doing that. I was hoping for a better way.11:04
luc4queeq: I see it is possible to run a kernel from another, but I always encounter issues with that.11:04
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queeqcappe: shouldn't it be just the domain, without full path?11:05
queeqluc4: well, you will need to reconfigure grub anyway11:05
luc4queeq: thanks then11:05
cappedon't know since... sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 trusty /var/chroot/ http://se.releases.ubuntu.com11:06
cappedidn't work either11:06
minimecluc4: queeq: Modify 'Grub_Default' in /etc/default/grub, then sudo update-grub and reboot.11:06
cappecould it be something with this: E: Failed getting release file  ??11:07
queeqcappe: I guess it's due to incorrect path...11:08
cappelocal or remote?11:08
queeqtry  http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu11:08
BluesKajHiyas all11:09
ubunutcappe: Try http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/11:10
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cappethe program is trying to access http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso/dists/trusty/Release which doesn't excists?11:12
cappedamn, got it working now11:13
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WrynessHow can I disable encryption of my home directory without reinstalling or doing an rm -rf?11:13
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ubunutnp :)11:13
cappemaybe a program configuring jail for desktop and servers should be invented?11:15
ubunutWryness: http://www.howtogeek.com/116179/how-to-disable-home-folder-encryption-after-installing-ubuntu/11:18
cappeI'm following a guide online, telling me to install xhost, but I can't find it in apt-get ???11:20
cappeit's for my jajil11:21
Eduard_MunteanuHi. Where can I get the Ubuntu CD signing key (fingerprint) securely?11:22
cappenvm seems to work anyway11:23
ubunutcappe: xhost is in the x11-server-utils package11:24
ubunuttoo slow :)11:24
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k1lEduard_Munteanu: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/MD5SUMS11:25
Eduard_Munteanuk1l, I mean the GPG key, not the hashes. The idea is to check the SHA256SUMS which aren't available on the wiki.11:26
Eduard_MunteanuBesides that's not "securely".11:27
cappeubunut: sudo apt-get install x11-server-utils doesn't exist?11:29
ubunutEduard_Munteanu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto might have what you need.11:29
Eduard_Munteanurodrigograca31, hi11:30
rodrigograca31How do I send a "job" back to the foreground?11:31
ubunutcappe: sorry x11-xserver-utils11:31
rodrigograca31I used fg and now I want it to go back again without stoping it11:31
Eduard_Munteanurodrigograca31, CTRL+Z, then 'bg' isn't enough?11:32
levoi need a software which i can put my daily tasks on it, prioritizing tasks, group them and so... planner didn't look good to me... do you know some other good choices?11:33
Eduard_Munteanuubunut, hm, not sure if that page is protected and/or uptodate, and I don't have an account.11:34
* Eduard_Munteanu wonders why it has to be so hard11:34
cappeinside the chroot environment.. this command doesn't seem to work very good... cappe@silver:~$ export DISPLAY=localhost:111:35
rodrigograca31Eduard_Munteanu: CTRL + Z says "Stopped" and I don't want to stop ip...11:35
Eduard_Munteanurodrigograca31, 'bg' will resume it in the background... or you'd like to avoid stopping it even temporarily?11:36
pznusing ubuntu 14.04, how can I set a specific window to not be "elegible" for alt-tab switches? dont want alt-tab to reach this specific window11:36
cappegot it working with export DISPLAY=0:011:36
cappenice to be a jailbird! :D11:37
rodrigograca31Oh, ok, that's it, I dont mind if it stops for 2 seconds...11:37
rodrigograca31Thanks Eduard_Munteanu11:37
cappejoing again from the chroot11:37
cappeback on track11:38
Eduard_Munteanurodrigograca31, sure... you can use 'fg <job>' to place it back into foreground if you need to. Use 'jobs' to list available jobs.11:38
cappeIn case you guys wanna be running programs inside a safe-pseudo-environment... check out this guide!! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot11:38
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Eduard_MunteanuBleh, probably no way. Pretty stupid in 2014.11:45
smart_developerDoes anyone know how to use rsyslog to set a max size on a log that is being written to?11:45
k1lEduard_Munteanu: well, check the md5sum. i dont understand what you want to check other than that?11:45
ikoniasmart_developer: you control that with log managment software11:46
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Eduard_Munteanuk1l, I was looking to check the SHA256 or similar hash, being stronger security-wise.11:46
EiriksUbuntui am looking into cloning my hdd, and dd seems like a solid solution, but my question is: how do I clone my hdd to a usb if the hdd is bigger than the usb?11:53
laykeHow can I create a new icon in unity that launches/runs a custom script?11:54
laykeI just want to run ./something11:54
laykeWhen I click on it11:54
cappecan't install Xnest into my chroot environment? it says E: Unable to locate package Xnest11:55
ikoniaEiriksUbuntu: you don't use dd11:56
ikoniaEiriksUbuntu: use clonezilla, and make the required manual changes11:56
Eduard_Munteanuikonia, or partition, simply rsync your files and reinstall the bootloader.11:59
Eduard_MunteanuEiriksUbuntu, ^11:59
Buitreaqui buitre carroñero12:00
Eduard_MunteanuBuitre, English please.12:00
ikoniaEduard_Munteanu: no12:00
Buitrebut firts late me to selfie12:01
ObrienDave!es | Buitre12:01
ubottuBuitre: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:01
Xen105English Please12:02
Buitrey para crear un canal privado?12:02
ObrienDave!pt | Buitre12:02
ubottuBuitre: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.12:02
cappecan't install xnest in my chrooted environment, by issuing apt-get install xnest as root... suggestions?12:03
Eduard_Munteanucappe, did you apt-get update first?12:03
ikoniacappe: need to explain better than "can't"12:03
ikoniacappe: eg: give the error, explain the problem12:03
bellowI was wondering if anyone know anything about getting HP print plugin app to see my printer again(on a tablet though wi-fi and using another app the tablet sees the printer)12:03
mortal_is there a irc channel for cyber security?12:04
EiriksUbuntui'll look into clonezilla but i keep reading that clonezilla can't go from big to small just like dd did they fix that?12:04
capperoot@silver:/# apt-get install xnest12:04
cappeReading package lists... Done12:04
cappeBuilding dependency tree12:04
cappeReading state information... Done12:04
cappeE: Unable to locate package xnest12:04
ikoniabellow: tablet ? running ubuntu12:04
ikonia!info xnest12:04
cappei'm trying to run a window-emuation software inside a jail12:04
ubottuxnest (source: xorg-server): Nested X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2.1 (trusty), package size 577 kB, installed size 1701 kB12:04
ikoniacappe: make sure the universe repo is enabled12:04
ikoniabellow: please take it to the android support channels then12:04
cappedamn, whree is that conF+12:04
ikoniabellow: we only support ubuntu  here12:05
ikoniacappe: /etc/apt/sources.list12:05
stoogenmeyerhey anybody here knows his stuff with regex?12:06
ikoniamany people do12:06
ikoniawhy don't you just explain your problem12:06
Eduard_Munteanustoogenmeyer, you can only find out by asking directly about your issue12:06
stoogenmeyerim trying to extract from this: <msg timestamp="20140919 14:50:46.809" level="INFO">Test teardown</msg>, just the text 'Test teardown'12:06
cappewhat's the name of a basic texteditor (supposing you don't have vi) ??12:06
stoogenmeyerbut can't get the right regex pattern for it12:06
ikoniastoogenmeyer: just grep it12:07
ikoniastoogenmeyer: or use cut or awk to field seperate12:07
ikoniacappe: nano ?12:07
cappei'm so used to vim12:08
stoogenmeyeri have a log that i grep for <msg> elements, which gives me several lines of that format, and i'd like to get the message alone fromt hat. i was looking into sed but i cant get the right regex pattern12:08
Eduard_Munteanustoogenmeyer, you can use an xpath/xslt processor to extract stuff from XML in scripts if it's not very straightforward otherwise.12:08
ikoniastoogenmeyer: cut or awk for field seperation12:08
Romancefree scots !12:08
ikoniaRomance: please don't12:09
ikoniaRomance: this channel is not interested12:09
stoogenmeyerbut still, what would be the correct regex pattern12:09
ikoniastoogenmeyer: look at cut and the field seperate options or awk and column seperator12:09
stoogenmeyerRomance: there you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej9B99P3lq012:10
Eduard_Munteanustoogenmeyer, consider   <msg[^>]*>\(.*\)</msg>12:10
Eduard_Munteanustoogenmeyer, consider   <msg[^>]*>\(.*\)</msg>12:11
Eduard_Munteanuikonia, what was that for?12:11
cappeI have updated the replist with deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main12:12
cappeand I still can't update xnest ??12:12
cappeE: Unable to locate package Xnest12:12
ikoniacappe: update ?12:12
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ikoniacappe: it's in the UNIVERSE repo12:12
ikoniacappe: what version of ubuntu are you using ?12:12
ObrienDave!info xnest12:13
ubottuxnest (source: xorg-server): Nested X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2.1 (trusty), package size 577 kB, installed size 1701 kB12:13
ikoniacappe: so why have you added  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main12:13
ikoniacappe: it should already be there12:13
cappewell it had a swedish mirror in it12:13
ikoniacappe: and I told you abour 5 minutes ago, it's in the universe repo, so why have you added another line without the universe repo12:13
cappeoh. sorry, could you please tell me what line that would be?12:14
ikoniacappe: get rid of that line, find the line with universe in it, and uncomment it12:14
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cappecool, nice, got it working. cheers!12:20
slyboots_Hm, anyone here running Enlightment over VNC12:21
slyboots_When I Start, I get "Enlightenemnt error" blah blah.. "your display server does not support Composit or ECore-X was built without XComposite support"12:22
__zug__I'm mirroring two monitors, my laptop being the "main computer". (the monitor I'm using though is my desktop monitor, a Samsung 20", I guess you can say it's the slave). When not mirroring, I love the higher resolutions I get on my desktop monitor, unfortunately it's not *mirrored* so I can't boot anything up on the screen (browser, terminal..etc..) . The most i can get is 1280 x 720 when mirrored, which sucks. Not mirror is like 1440 x 900, 12:22
slyboots_Anyone uh.. any idea how to enable XComposite support in vnc4server ?12:22
cappeXnest tells me (EE) Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already running(EE) ... what should be the next command?12:23
cappethat's inside of a chroot environment12:23
cappeso the error is this: Fatal server error:12:25
cappe(EE) Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already running(EE)12:25
cappewhen I try to run Xnest as root in chroot12:25
erikkI've got a question about our research server12:25
erikkIf free -m shows a lot of ram being used when people are doing stuff and then it stays high even when they aren't, is that an issue?12:26
erikkOr is it just something to do with free -m12:26
erikkOr does it mean that the server should reboot?12:26
regex101-7420echo "<msg time="123">Test teardown</msg>" | sed 's|[^>]*>(.*)<|&|'. This just outputs the whole input string12:28
yeatserikk: are you seeing performance issues when the RAM is high?12:28
erikkyeats: Not that I can tell. It is hard to tell. But the value on free -m is remaining approx constant (it is changing a bit) but should be changing more than it looks12:29
erikkyeats: I am not the server admin but was wondering if this would be a problem such that I should ask for someone to look into it12:29
slyboots_This is.. very fustrating12:30
yeatserikk: also - the system keeps objects cached in RAM for re-use, so "free RAM" isn't the only thing to watch12:30
slyboots_What is the nicest way to remote control a ubuntu box?  since VNC does not support the Composit extension (itseems)12:30
slyboots_What other options are there?12:30
yeatserikk: 'top' would give you a better view of what's free, cached, in swap, etc.12:31
erikkyeats: Thanks12:31
yeatserikk: I wouldn't assume there's a problem unless you start seeing performance drop or see OOM killer messages in the logs12:31
yeatserikk: OOM killer = the kernel starts killing things off when they don't have enough RAM to function12:32
yeatsslyboots_: SSH?12:33
slyboots_yeats: Pretty sure tahts not graphical ;)12:34
slyboots_I was rather hoping to rn a vnc sever wth the Enlightenemnt WM, but its just not working12:34
yeatsslyboots_: if you have an X server running locally, you can do 'ssh -X' and run graphical programs from the command line12:35
yeatsslyboots_: is there a reason you need a full blown GUI to remotely adminster a linux box?12:36
slyboots_yeats: will that work if Im on like.. Windows, or a chorombook or something?12:36
slyboots_Its supposed to be a VDI,  Im on a chromebook and wanted a remote linux machine for more "full" desktop tasks12:36
yeatsslyboots_: on Windows, yes, but you have to install X for windows12:36
yeatsslyboots_: chromebook may Just Work™12:36
* slyboots_ give it a try..12:37
slyboots_Error: Unable to open display12:38
slyboots_Thats on a chromebook12:38
yeatsslyboots_: looks like it's hit and miss for X forwarding on Chromebook: http://superuser.com/questions/708811/can-i-use-a-chromebook-as-a-ssh-workstation12:39
yeatsslyboots_: have you considered running ubuntu in a VM? (or dual booting for when you need to admin your box)?12:40
slyboots_yeats: well you cant really..like run vm's on a chromebook..12:40
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slyboots_I have ubunut on a VM right now, its .. accessing and using it tahts the problem12:41
yeatsslyboots_: I don't really know Chromebooks - I run Ubuntu exclusively12:41
slyboots_Yea well this is why I was looking at VNC12:41
slyboots_But because it doesnt spport compositing.. (although Im confused now if it does or not..)12:41
yeatsslyboots_: depending on what you need to do, you might do better learning some command line skills12:41
slyboots_the WM I chose doesnt work12:42
slyboots_If I just wanted to run the cli I would ^^;12:42
slyboots_Its like Windows "Sure you can do everything via powershell..." but.. that's not exactly what yo wan to do at the end of the day12:42
yeatsslyboots_: speak for yourself! (but point taken ;-))12:43
cappeI don't understand what Xnest is and what it does?12:43
cappeoh. now I know12:43
cappeis Xnest possible in chroot environment? :S12:44
cappethat's why it doesn't work :P12:45
slyboots_I think the trick is I just need a remote viewer application that supports Composite12:46
renanIs it correct to say that ondrej, Ondřej Surý, is the primary Debian PHP maintainer?12:49
k1lrenan: well, ask the debian guys :)12:49
ObrienDaveno substitute ;P12:50
SkizuHey looking to make a UDS, is there a manual or something for this?12:50
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slyboots_Or are their other options than vnc4server that *do* support Composite12:51
only_the_bearslyboots_: have you tried ssh -X from crosh?12:52
slyboots_Nah, I use uh.. secure shell12:52
slyboots_But to be honest, I dont want to run it as applications on the chromebook12:53
slyboots_Its supposed to acti as a psyudo-vdi solution, so Im going to want to be able to disconnect and keep the desktop and whatever I have going running12:53
only_the_bearyou could tunnel Xnest through ssh if x forwarding to your chromebook works12:53
slyboots_if I use ssh -x that's not going to work is it?  as soon as I disconnect the applciations would close?12:54
SkizuHey looking to make a UDS, is there a manual or something for this?12:54
BluesKajSkizu, tell us what a uds is12:55
SkizuBluesKaj: unix domain socket12:55
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cfhowlettUDS http://www.bbq-brethren.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23436&highlight=Ugly+Drum+Smoker12:56
* ubunut was thinking Ubuntu Developer Summit12:56
* ikonia would like ubunut to stop doing /me commands please.12:56
* Skizu wonders if anyone knows how to use the socket command12:57
BluesKajSkizu, what does UDS have to do with Ubuntu ?12:58
ikonianothing, it's pointless /me commands which is why I'd like them to stop12:59
SkizuI'm using ubuntu and trying to create a socket12:59
BluesKajikonia, ok, i'll stop asking :)13:00
=== Guest81777 is now known as madlatvian
michel_good afternoon13:04
michel_I need help13:05
madlatviandon't we all13:05
michel_I've just install Xubuntu and I have any ploblem with my graphic card13:05
michel_Only 10 FPS13:06
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Thumpxrmichel_: Which card? Latest XUbuntu? Which GPU driver?13:06
michel_ATI graphics 2.8ghz13:07
madlatvianyeah best to give us a dump of what your have tried13:07
madlatvianwhat drivers have you installed ?13:10
michel_before I was using windows XP and I was installing ATI catalyst driver13:12
michel_My computer is an compaq pentium4 2.8ghz13:12
madlatvianmate a there is no easy answer for you here13:13
michel_I have installing nothing drivers on Xubuntu because I dont know how to do13:13
wangweijoin #ruby13:14
madlatvianyeah definitely a learning curve13:14
k1lmichel_: which video card exactly? for old cards ati and nvidia drop support so you need to run the free drivers anyway.13:15
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michel_Wait I 'm looking for ...13:16
linux_unix-10ubuntu won't display a res for my vga monitor beyond 640x48013:17
k1llinux_unix-10: which video card? what driver?13:17
slyboots_Fuck it, Im going to just spin up a windows server13:17
slyboots_Use RDP x.x I've been at this for a DAY and I've bairly got the damn thing even functional x.x13:17
linux_unix-10GPU: Nvidia GT630 Driver: nvidia-proprietary13:17
linux_unix-10how can i make ubuntu detect all of my monitor's resolutions?13:19
k1llinux_unix-10: what does "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'  "  give you?13:19
michel_Just want install driver ATI radeon for Xubuntu ...13:19
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michel_How to do?13:19
k1lmichel_: which card?13:19
linux_unix-10i'll try, i'm running in windows 8.1 at the moment13:20
michel_My graphic card is intel radeon 920013:21
slyboots_Sigh, I can do that either though13:21
slyboots_I supposeI could use.. xfce?13:21
k1l!paste | michel_ please put the output of "lspci" there.13:22
ubottumichel_ please put the output of "lspci" there.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:22
slyboots_There has to be a way of doing this, I cant believe that remote access on linux could be *this* bad o.o13:22
michel_ok  thanks Kllubottu13:22
slyboots_OK, If I want to access my ubuntu desktop remotly, via  GUI, what are my options13:22
slyboots_Other than VNC, which does not seem to support compositing and thus is a bit awful13:23
trijntjeslyboots_: I use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC?action=show&redirect=VNCOverSSH13:23
trijntjeah, no vnc, sorry13:24
slyboots_well I dont mind VNC. but since it does not *appear* to support the Composit extension no WM seems to work in it13:24
slyboots_trijntje: What is your WM that you use via that method? (Just to make sure I've not done something rather silly)13:25
trijntjeslyboots_: lubuntu, so lxde I think13:25
foo357Hello, I would like to have every command I enter into the terminal to be remembered by the history function. Presently there seems to be a limit to how many commands it stores.13:26
slyboots_Hm, looks a lbt like xfce?13:26
slyboots_I was rather keen on trying enlightenment13:26
slyboots_But.. that looks like its just *not* going to work13:26
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Linux_unix-10how can I make Ubuntu detect more resolutions beyond 640x480?13:35
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slyboots_Right, XFCE works13:39
slyboots_Which is OK..13:39
slyboots_Still though x.x13:39
Linux_unix-10how to force Ubuntu to display at 1920x1080? Linux won't give a result above 640x48013:39
MasterOfDisasterLinux_unix-10: console or X?13:40
huigegood 13:41
Linux_unix-10MasterOfDisaster: X. Console being low-res is of no matter to me13:42
balfourOk, so I added a line to xorg.conf that apparently X doesn't like. It boots into a black screen now. ctrl+alt+f1 does not drop me to shell, so I have no way of editing th file and removing the line. am I completely screwed?13:43
balfouralso, shuft furing boot does not bring up a grub menu13:43
evil_dan2wikSomething just happened while I was watching youtube, I heard the bongo drum noise thing and the video stopped but the audio kept playing for about 10 seconds, It seems to be frozen now. what happened?13:43
balfouris there any other way of getting a login shell at boot ?13:43
fish_I'm upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 right now and I'm stuck setting up bonding. I used this config (actually it's a template, but so imaging real values where {{ }} is: https://gist.github.com/discordianfish/b2f14bc2bf4231586062 <- is there any reason that doesn't work like that? on boot it waits but can't bring up the bonding but the individual interfaces look healthy13:48
fish_one thing I realized is that I can't do ifup int because it says that interface doesn't exist13:50
mehdi__hey guys i installed my font in /usr/local/share/fonts and now my firefox doenst show anything how can i fix this issue?13:50
fish_but that might be expected..?13:51
Linux_unix-10is there a way to force display a resolution13:51
michel_hello how there is my graphic card :michel@Xubuntu:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA13:56
michel_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] [1002:5964] (rev 01)13:56
michel_ how I can do for install her?13:56
michel_I don't know ...13:56
warsoulwhats de difference between ubuntu and xubuntu and kubuntu13:57
cfhowlett!flavors | warsoul,13:57
michel_Xubuntu is so light that ubuntu13:57
ubottuwarsoul,: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.13:57
DJoneswarsoul: Different desktop environments13:57
luc4michel_: do you know what google is? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver13:58
michel_ok ok13:58
michel_but I don't understand well english13:59
luc4michel_: then why asking here in english?14:00
MasterOfDisasterLinux_unix-10: posting your Xorg.log would help, some data about the hardware in question, etc.14:00
michel_I speak a few english only14:00
warsoulpick one ubuntu or debian?14:00
huigegoodME TOO14:00
MasterOfDisastermichel_: where are you from?14:00
Linux_unix-10MasterOfDisaster: how do I do that?14:01
michel_je parle français14:01
bcvery1!fr | michel_14:01
ubottumichel_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:01
dekatromI have a laptop with a graphic card like michel14:02
dekatromI have never had a problem with Ubuntu14:02
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ChaseTrainshey guys! I've got to ... do stuff... and I don't want to. Those things includes to go to work, exercise and to.. simply give a fuck about anything. how do you do that?14:04
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dekatromdid you upgrade completely your distro, i mean apt-get dist-upgrade14:04
bcvery1!offtopic | ChaseTrains14:04
ubottuChaseTrains: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:04
huigegoodWhere are you from ?14:04
ChaseTrainsbcvery1: try to see it from a linux perspective14:05
bcvery1ChaseTrains, No.  This channel is for support only, thanks.14:05
ChaseTrainsbcvery1: yes, try to see it from that perspective14:05
MasterOfDisasterLinux_unix-10: sudo apt-get install pastebinit ; sudo pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:07
MasterOfDisasterLinux_unix-10: copy and paste the resulting link14:08
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k1l!ot | huigegood14:15
ubottuhuigegood: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:15
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huigegoodwhat's !ot |?14:16
ObrienDaveOff Topic14:16
cfhowletthuigegood, this is the ubuntu support channel.  ask your ubuntu support questions only.14:17
ObrienDave! preceeds an ubottu response. | <name> directs it to the user name14:18
ubottuObrienDave: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:18
ObrienDaveubottu, ask me if i care ;P14:18
ubottuObrienDave: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:18
=== huigegood is now known as hwppq
Mixxhi all14:22
Mixxcan anyone tell me how to kill rsyslogd14:22
Mixxit keep starting back up14:22
digitsmI use xubuntu 14.04 and I usually use Ubuntu Software Center to install programs. How could I write comments in Ubuntu Software Center? It is impossible for me now14:23
MasterOfDisasterdigitsm: come again?14:24
MasterOfDisasterMixx: why would you? rsyslogd is supposed to run...14:24
digitsmMasterOfDisaster: I didn't understand your meaning14:25
Mixxwell im running logger -t test "test" and nothing is going in messages14:25
cfhowlett!details | digitsm14:25
ubottudigitsm: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:25
Mixxi think rsyslog is broken14:25
MasterOfDisasterMixx: it's /var/log/syslog IIRC...14:26
Mixxi checked that also but nothing goes there either14:26
digitsmOK! I am new to Ubuntu Software Center. I can install apps with it by I can't write comments in it14:26
digitsmWhat should I do?14:26
MasterOfDisasterdigitsm: what comments? What are you talking about?14:27
calimero_82hi guys, how can i print only odd pages? thanks14:27
cfhowlettcalimero_82, printer properties, print pages 1, 3, 5, ...14:27
calimero_82hem... are 257 :)14:28
calimero_82there's an easy method?14:28
digitsmThere is a link in each app's comment section named "Write your own review", but after pressing it, it pops a windows up saying "Signing in", but it can't sign in at all. It takes forever to sign in14:28
ifireballMixx: depending on your configuration it might be that the facility and level of the message you're generating does no get directed to messages14:28
=== QuinnyPi1 is now known as QuinnyPig
digitsmMasterOfDisaster: There are some social features in Ubuntu Software Center app14:28
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digitsme.g. rating14:28
Mixxi added *.*                                                     /var/log/syslog14:28
Mixx 14:28
Mixxto my syslog14:28
Mixxi mean rsyslog conf14:29
digitsme.g. comments of others about a particular app14:29
Mixxbut that made no difference :(14:29
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ifireballMixx: also I've seem rsyslog get congested, are you routing something massive through it like audit data?14:29
digitsmMasterOfDisaster, I can't write comments nor rating an app14:29
Mixxnothing at all14:29
MasterOfDisasterdigitsm: aaaaah. I get it, but I can't help you with that, sorry.14:29
digitsmMasterOfDisaster, :))14:29
ifireballMixx: are you routing anything to some unreliable destination like the network or a DB?14:30
digitsmMasterOfDisaster, I love these features of Ubuntu Software Center. It help us choose programs better. I want to be able to write comments to help others in their decision14:30
Mixxits on a default configuration14:30
MasterOfDisasterdigitsm: yeah, I'm antisocial in that regard. That reminds me too much of the Google Play Store.14:31
MasterOfDisasterdigitsm: I install my software with 'sudo apt-get install package'14:31
digitsmMasterOfDisaster, I know that way too. But I use Ubuntu Software Center to e.g. find which media player best fits my needs14:32
ifireballdigitsm: I don;t have any machine with it installed here right now, so I can't refresh my memory, but there is a way to run it in debug mode in the foreground so you can see what is going on internally14:32
FourFireHello, is there a simple GUI application which shows you network tree for Ubuntu/Mint ?14:33
ifireballMixx: I don't have any machine with it installed here right now, so I can't refresh my memory, but there is a way to run it in debug mode in the foreground so you can see what is going on internally14:33
ifireballdigitsm: sorry I didn't mean you, I typed the wrong nick14:33
FourFireI just need something which will show what ip adresses are occupied on my subnet14:33
digitsmifireball, Yeah I noticed it14:33
ifireballFourFire: nmap14:34
Mixxthats why i wanted to stop the service14:34
uRockFourFire, Zenmap14:34
Mixxso i could test that14:34
__zug__I'm trying to increase my screen resolution for my external, mirrored monitor. Right now, I'm stuck with 1280 x 720 when mirrored.14:35
BluesKajiproute, seems to be the newest, replaces ifconfig etc14:35
BluesKajFourFire, ip address show in the cli14:36
Mixxok i loaded rsyslogd up but its just blank14:36
Mixxi tested logger and nothing is showing on the console14:36
ifireballMixx: just make sure / or /var aren't full, I found myself debugging for hours in more then one occasion, before I finally ran 'df' to find the simple root cause...14:36
Mixxnothing full14:37
FourFireBluesKaj, what is cli?14:37
BluesKajFourFire, terminal14:37
uRockFourFire, Zenmap is a GUI for namp14:37
BluesKajcli = command line interface14:37
FourFireyeah I've used that, but I don't know which numbers are which so it's essentially useless to a noob like me14:38
BluesKajFourFire, it will show which ip adresses are occupied on your subnet14:38
ifireballMixx: well good luck, this is as far as I can go based on memory alone14:39
Mixxok thanks14:39
uRockFourFire, Solar Winds may offer an app that can do what you want, but it won't be free and I am not sure if how well it will run in Linux.14:40
__zug__I'm trying to increase my screen resolution for my external, mirrored monitor. Right now, I'm stuck with 1280 x 720 when mirrored. Any ideas on how to do this?14:41
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sammy007Why there is still no nodejs security update?14:45
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Picisammy007: is this in reference to a specific bug?14:48
sammy007Pici: gimme some time to find eng version14:49
Picisammy007: is there a CVE for it?14:49
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sammy007Pici: CVE ID:CVE-2013-666314:49
ubottuUse-after-free vulnerability in the SVGImage::setContainerSize function in core/svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp in the SVG implementation in Blink, as used in Google Chrome before 33.0.1750.146, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors related to the resizing of a view. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6663)14:49
ubottuUse-after-free vulnerability in the FormAssociatedElement::formRemovedFromTree function in core/html/FormAssociatedElement.cpp in Blink, as used in Google Chrome before 33.0.1750.146, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors involving FORM elements, as demonstrated by use of the speech-recognition feature. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6664)14:49
unopastesammy007 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:49
ubottuHeap-based buffer overflow in the ResourceProvider::InitializeSoftware function in cc/resources/resource_provider.cc in Google Chrome before 33.0.1750.146 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a large texture size that triggers improper memory allocation in the software renderer. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6665)14:49
ubottuThe PepperFlashRendererHost::OnNavigate function in renderer/pepper/pepper_flash_renderer_host.cc in Google Chrome before 33.0.1750.146 does not verify that all headers are Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) simple headers before proceeding with a PPB_Flash.Navigate operation, which might allow remote attackers to bypass intended CORS restrictions via an inappropriate header. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6666)14:49
ubottuMultiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Google Chrome before 33.0.1750.146 allow attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have other impact via unknown vectors. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6667)14:49
ubottuMultiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Google V8 before, as used in Google Chrome before 33.0.1750.146, allow attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have other impact via unknown vectors. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6668)14:49
unopasteubottu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:49
Picihmm, it shouldn't have done that.14:50
=== fabiomirko_ is now known as calimero_82
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julien_ irc.gnome.org14:53
ifireballrobot war, funny14:55
SkizuSo I'm looking to get apache 2.7.9 onto my ubuntu 14.04, the latest package seems to be 2.4.7, how do I go about doing this? I was forwarded here from #httpd14:55
ifireballSkizu: if its a one time thing, you can just d/l the tar.gz from the Apache websote and compile it14:56
Skizuifireball: Define 1 time thing?14:56
somsipSkizu: you would need to find a PPA. See !PPA14:57
ifireballSkizu: you are doing this to test/dev something not as a production deployment strategy14:57
=== digifiv5e is now known as daynaskully
=== daynaskully is now known as digifiv5e
Picisammy007: It looks like some of those don't even have patches in debian. Some do however, but since nodejs is in universe in Ubuntu, security updates are not guaranteed.  You may want to file bugs for each of those CVE as well. #ubuntu-motu and/or #ubuntu-bugs might be able to provide some more guidance on how to proceed.  (also see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-3744.html )14:58
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3744)14:58
Picier, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/nodejs.html rather14:58
=== Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur
Skizuifireball: I mean, there is a bug with apache where I can't use UDS' for php-fpm14:58
PiciSkizu: do you know the ubuntu bug # for that?15:02
SkizuPici: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/132482815:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1324828 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "Unable to use unix socket in ProxyPassMatch directive" [Undecided,Fix released]15:03
somsip!test | asakapab0i15:04
ubottuasakapab0i: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:04
asakapab0ihow to remove this join quit notification thing15:04
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pbxasakapab0i, that's up to your irc client configuration15:06
asakapab0iits my first time trying irssi15:06
somsipasakapab0i: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup15:07
asakapab0iAlright thanks.15:07
=== Eu is now known as Guest92705
Sputnikk23can anyone tell me how to configure a member samba4 instance on ubuntu in such a way that I can robocopy files from a Windows connected fileserver and keep the permissions (they are joined to the same domain)?15:07
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
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SkizuDoes this not mean that I should be able to apt-get udpate apt-get upgrade and get apache 2.4.9? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/132482815:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1324828 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "Unable to use unix socket in ProxyPassMatch directive" [Undecided,Fix released]15:13
somsip!info apache215:13
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1 (trusty), package size 85 kB, installed size 462 kB15:13
Skizusomsip: So how would I go about finding out when it will have the fix?15:14
PiciSkizu: no, it means that it will be available in the next release of Ubuntu.  You might be able to find an (unsupported) PPA that includes it.15:14
SkizuPici: I'd rather wait :)15:15
somsipSkizu: It states that this feature is not available in 2.4.7 which is the current version for trusty. It also states that 14.10 uses version 2.4.9. It seems like you need a PPA that will give you 2.4.8+ on Trusty, like I said a while back15:15
digitsmAt last I found a better app than Ubuntu Software Center to integrate with Ubuntu One: App Grid15:16
=== xMopxShe- is now known as xMopxShell
somsipdigitsm: Ubuntu One is dead. Do you mean something else?15:16
digitsmsomsip, Only its backup system is dead, not other  parts15:16
somsipdigitsm: I beg your pardon. My misunderstanding15:17
XtremeHello Guys, my laptop has hybrid display. Intel + NVidia15:17
Xtreme"The graphics subsystem makes use of both the CPU-integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 with up to 384MB of shared video memory and Nvidia's GeForce GT 525M with 1GB of dedicated video RAM"15:17
XtremeI want to check which graphic display its using, and switch to nvidia15:17
Xtremehow i can15:17
somsip!optimus | Xtreme15:17
ubottuXtreme: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/15:17
=== neurotus_ is now known as neurotus
Xtremesomsip nice! Thanks!15:19
Xtremeand i thought it will take up around 10 hours to get it fixed15:19
somsipXtreme: I wasn't sure if it was the right thing once I triggered the bot, but glad it might help :)15:19
unopasteXtreme you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted15:20
asakapab0iHm.. I guess the filter is working now..15:21
somsipPici: is the unopaste bot playing up? That seems a bit harsh on Xtreme...15:21
=== charles_ is now known as Guest35155
Guest35155I feel like my computer is slower today, how can I check what is using the cpu so much?15:22
somsipGuest35155: top will give you an ongoing summary15:22
Guest35155I can see CPU usage right now in resources on the system monitor but I can't see what is using it that way15:22
somsipGuest35155: open a terminal and type 'top'15:22
Guest35155oh alright15:23
Guest35155hm apparently it's just root using most of that15:23
Guest35155it's weird, I can't even read videos properly15:23
Guest35155it's an old laptop but things were fine yesterday15:23
truepurpleMy system manager tells me cpu usage, though it doesn't quit fit, the number it gives15:24
somsipGuest35155: any changes since yesterday? Updates or new installs? Any hardware tests you can do, like memory or HD checks?15:24
digitsmApp Grid is really wonderful. It provides an equivalent of Google Play for Ubuntu by combining a package manager with Ubuntu one comments and ratings15:24
digitsmI am happy15:25
Guest35155somsip no new install or updates, what kind of checks? like the "memory test" option in the grub menu?15:26
asakapab0iAlright back to the my problem..see we have this server that the fan is so loud. Any idea how to configure fan speed in ubuntu?15:26
Xtremeback.. what the hell?15:26
derFietasakapab0i: shouldn't you do this in the bios?15:26
Xtremewhat did i paste?15:27
somsipGuest35155: yes, but maybe one for later. When you run top is there anything using the HD a lot (next to "wa")15:27
Xtremeunopaste, gone crazyy15:27
Xtremeam i still muted?15:27
derFietXtreme: no, i can see you :)15:27
Xtremeunopaste is crazy :)15:27
Guest35155somsip nope, wa is near 015:28
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asakapab0iderFiet: Last time we fixed it by rebooting the server but now it wont work.15:28
somsipXtreme: it did something weird earlier so maybe it's ill. I mentioned it to an op.15:28
somsipGuest35155: worth checking if it was thrashing for any reason.15:28
=== gnu is now known as Guest11458
Picisomsip: looks like it was a lag issue... anyway, folks should probably avoid using enters as commas.15:29
somsipPici: fair enough15:29
Guest35155somsip my GPU has two cores and root is using 50 to 60% of one of them, got nothing open except chat. how can I check for thrashing?15:29
somsipGuest35155: by looking at the wa figure on top, like you just said you did15:30
Guest35155somsip oh ok, it's close to 0. 30 us, 70 id and the rest is near 015:30
=== diytto_znc is now known as diytto
Sputnikk23can anyone tell me how to configure a member samba4 instance on ubuntu in such a way that I can robocopy files from a Windows connected fileserver and keep the permissions (they are joined to the same domain)?15:31
Xtremeand freenode is back...15:31
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albert_it's the first time to be here.15:32
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somsipGuest35155: I'd like to try to help more, but I need sleep. If you repost your problem maybe someone else casn help. Good luck15:33
=== Ridley5 is now known as zzz_Ridley
Guest35155somsip thanks anyway15:33
pilikeitsHmmm. Im doing video editing with kdelive and now that window has been 10min grey. I didn't save the project. Can i do something to speed up the prosessing or? i think kdenlive crashed, maybe.15:33
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SchrodingersScatalbert_: have a question?15:36
albert_I am curious about it15:37
albert_this web is not stable15:38
albert_I get off line sometimes15:38
k1l!netsplit | albert_15:38
ubottualbert_: A netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:38
Sputnikk23can anyone tell me how to configure a member samba4 instance on ubuntu in such a way that I can robocopy files from a Windows connected fileserver and keep the permissions (they are joined to the same domain)?15:39
=== Guest19540 is now known as bumbar_
albert_what is bumbar?15:40
miliosanybody can recommend the best scanner for ubuntu 1415:41
blackangelprmilios, i have hp printer and they work no issues15:41
SkizuI just noticed that the default pool for php5-fpm doesn't work on 14.04 as it uses a socket15:41
ubottuScanning software: simple-scan (GNOME), Gwenview (KDE), Xsane. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR15:42
kavyajoin #nitk-ectf15:42
aktarusciao a tutti15:43
miliosthanks again15:43
ubottuaktarus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:43
blackangelprmilios, any issue let us know :)15:44
stevieI just installed Ubuntu yesterday15:45
kostkonstevie, hi15:45
stevieHow is your computer going? Mines is so fast since I installed Ubuntu15:45
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SchrodingersScatstevie: that's good to hear, this is a support channel though15:46
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pilikeitshmm...can i adjust nice level or something to make kdenlive to work smoothier?15:46
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SchrodingersScatstevie: #ubuntu-offtopic is more for general chat15:46
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pbxhow do i get gnome terminal to see alt as meta instead of a menu shortcut?  (i hit alt-f to jump forward a word and get the file menu instead)15:49
=== Guest10949 is now known as tortib
Xtreme:( "Cannot access secondary GPU - error: [XORG] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at"15:57
Xtremeinstalled bumblebee just the way they said15:57
=== _morphis is now known as morphis
__zug__I'm having to press "e" and add "acpi_backlight=vendor" to the end of my linux line everytime I restart or shutdown. How do I make that permanent so I don't have to enter it in everytime?15:59
__zug__what I meant was at the boot menu, I'm having to press "e" and enter the command.16:00
trism__zug__: /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT16:00
__zug__trism: Cool, I'll try that now. Thanks!16:01
Xtremeguys, i have a question. I might sound fucking stupid, but ...I have two nvidia packages in repo, 1: nvidia 319 and nvidia 331.. the thing which confuses me is both have version "331"16:05
Xtremewhats the difference?16:05
__zug__trism: So, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor"16:06
__zug__ugh, sorry16:06
trism__zug__: yep then: sudo update-grub;16:06
k1lXtreme: please pastebin "dpkg -l |grep nvidia" and show the link here16:06
Mike9863How can I configure Unity's default multitouch features? For example, I'd like to make four finger swipe change workspaces rather than unhide the unity bar.16:07
__zug__trism: Ok, will do that now.16:07
Xtremek1l,  http://apaste.info/h1416:07
=== gusnan_ is now known as gusnan
jrm2k6hey, since i upgraded to 14.04, I cannot connect to the wifi (yes i have the right password) :) Any idea how to proceed? could be related to my wireless drivers maybe?16:08
__zug__..now will reboot and see. Thanks for the help116:08
milioswhat's best :mysql or maria?16:09
Xtremek1l, should i run "sudo apt-get install nvidia-331-updates" or "sudo apt-get install nvidia-319-updates nvidia-settings-319-updates"16:09
=== enzo is now known as Guest79027
k1lXtreme: wait. what do you want to do at all?16:09
Xtremethis is what i am trying to understand.. dont want to try it and see coz messing up graphic will be nightmare..16:09
Xtremek1l, i have hybrid graphics. so installing bumblebee16:10
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/16:10
Xtremethis guy16:10
k1lXtreme: on 14.04 the nvidia-319 package is symlink to the nvidia-331 package. and the nvidia-310 and nvidia 313 packages link to the 319 driver.16:10
Xtreme:) thanks16:11
k1lXtreme: wait16:11
Xtreme:| armm.. i ran sudo apt-get install nvidia-331-updates .. should i stop? its still downloading16:12
k1lbumblebee seems some kind of deprecated. nvidia-prime is the way to go iirc. and that is another setup16:12
k1lhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics  <<---16:13
dubfejhi. my monitor has a shadow in the shape of a triangle at the bottom of the monitor. it's not there at bootup, it appears at some point after the desktop loads. sometimes half of the screen "shadows up" as well. any ideas what it could be?16:13
dubfejthe shadows come and go randomly16:13
Xtremek1l, checking :)16:13
dubfejit's as if the monitor is screwed, if it wasn't for the fact that it appears/disappears...16:14
Xtremek1l, interesting.. and cool!16:14
Xtremei will do one thing. i will let this update finish coz its same at both places.16:14
Xtremethen i will purge bumbebee and use price16:15
reisiodubfej: does it show up on a screenshot?16:15
dubfejdubfej, good question, brb16:17
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
dubfejreisio even ;) nope it doesn't show on a screenshot16:18
reisiodubfej: maybe your backlight/s are dying :/16:18
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dubfejreisio, right... i guess that sounds plausible. could it be something like electrical interference from power cables etc?16:19
reisiodubfej: I don't think so16:19
reisiodubfej: you could ask #hardware, though16:19
dubfejgotcha, thanks16:19
bcvery1I'm using conky with i3wm, gett an JSON parse error "object key and value must be separated by a colon", as far as I can tell they all are: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8380863/16:19
reisiofluorescent bulbs lose parts of their lighting over time, I'm sure you've seen it16:20
dubfejreisio, yup, is it easily fixable or is it better to just chuck it and buy a new one?16:20
reisioeven LEDs aren't infallible16:20
reisioit can be easily fixable16:20
reisioyou can probably find the manual/instructions for opening up your screen16:21
reisiothen you could visually confirm if it's the bulb16:21
reisiothen you could price out a replacement16:21
reisiowhich might be affordable or might not16:21
dubfejok cool. thanks reisio, you've been a great help16:21
reisiomore at #hardware16:21
kostkondubfej, or that shadow could be a burned-in/stucked pixels area. you could try the various fixes e.g. on youtube16:21
dubfejkostkon, the shadows go away16:21
jrm2k6hey guys, i cannot connect to a wifi network (even with correct password) and I suspect it could be an issue with my wireless board or something, as i just moved to the US16:22
jrm2k6frehs intall of 14.0416:22
dubfejdubfej, bit like a slightly dodgy light in a horror movie16:22
kostkondubfej, yeah, it can happen16:22
dubfejdamnit, i meant kostkon  :P16:22
dubfejoh really?16:22
kostkondubfej, yes. but you could also try asking in #hardware as already suggested16:23
jrm2k6any idea what I should do? :(16:23
dubfejthanks, i will chase this up another time, have to go, thanks guys16:23
dubfejbye :)16:23
Xtremek1l, i installed nvidia-prime16:24
Xtremebut i dont have it in my menu16:24
chowderjrm2k6, what have you tried so far?16:24
tafa2hi guys, ive got a script im trying to run on a remote server - it runs perfectly when i manually ssh in but when i try and run it remotely it's complaining about $TERM. Specifically "put: No value for $TERM and no -T specified" I've been trying to get around it for ages... Anyone have any ideas?16:24
Xtremek1l, neither Nvidia x-server settings16:25
reisiotafa2: what's it for?16:25
jrm2k6chowder: modifying the region where I am located - /etc/default/crda with REGDOMAIN=US16:25
tafa2reisio: my script?16:25
=== jader is now known as jader777
ghindo_I keep updating my 14.04 server install to get a fix for that apt vuln but no updates are showing up--do I have to add the package manaually or something?16:26
jrm2k6chowder: also some of those http://askubuntu.com/questions/465848/frequent-deauthentication-from-wifi-reason-6-in-ubuntu-14-0416:26
chowderhmmm...and you moved from the US to where?16:26
jrm2k6i moved from europe to the US16:26
jrm2k6but the laptop was bought in Canada16:26
reisiojrm2k6: silly :)16:26
=== Poppa is now known as Poppabear
jrm2k6was working fine in Europe though16:27
jrm2k6reisio: :D16:27
reisiodemocracy works better there, too16:27
tafa2reisio: it logs in and configures a server on first boot16:27
jrm2k6reisio: got that right!16:27
jrm2k6i am kinda stuck now :(16:28
reisiotafa2: welcome to the internet: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22put%22%20%22no%20value%20for%20term%2216:29
chowderI'm not sure off the top of my head if europe has different standards for wifi. Usually wifi operates on the 2.4 and 5 ghz bands.16:30
=== Hugo is now known as Guest62934
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=== Elliott is now known as Guest6435
tafa2reisio: i googled before coming here cmon16:34
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reisiotafa2: hrmm?16:38
=== luckybunny is now known as CaptLuckybeard
reisiochowder: metric wifi16:39
jrm2k6seems to be because of my wireless card16:39
=== JC_SoCal_ is now known as JC_SoCal
Han__someone knows differences between desktop and server for a local network?16:45
mn2010Besides bundled applications, kernel and services. Nothing16:45
Han__in a small network is recommended the server option, or with desktop is enough?16:46
froghi... how can i remount my sd-card rw? i get this error: mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sdb1 read-write, is write-protected16:48
rwwHan__: do you want a graphical user interface on it?16:48
reisiofrog: mount -o remount,rw /foo16:49
Han__is not necessary, but is more easy to work for the owner from the network16:50
frogreisio: this was, what i already tried: sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb116:51
reisiofrog: and?16:52
frog@reisio as i wrote i got this error: mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sdb1 read-write, is write-protected16:53
reisiofrog: does it have a hardware slider on it for write protection?16:53
quantibilitywhy the FUQ does ubuntu have no control over the faqin volume? you lower it, and open a new video the fuqing thing gets so dam loud it hurts ears.. never had that problem with windows16:55
LucasTTif i install Java 8 with this http://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/install-oracle-java-8-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html16:55
frogreisio: yes.. but i already double checked it16:55
LucasTTwill it auto remove my jre 6?16:55
reisiofrog: try flipping it then16:56
LucasTTor should i remove it before installing Java 8?16:56
quantibilitylike i should sue for my ears going deaf16:57
jrm2k6My issue seems to be pretty common http://askubuntu.com/questions/524088/is-this-a-bad-wireless-card16:57
frogreisio: doesnt change anything16:57
reisiofrog: sounds like imperfect hardware16:58
adrian1908I have an odd problem. When compiling a simple C++ program and trying to execute it, I get "bash ./example: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error". I did chmod it, and I doubt that's the problem. Any ideas?16:58
reisioadrian1908: 'example' is probably a placeholder16:58
reisioadrian1908: not an extant file16:58
jrm2k6i thought ubuntu was becoming mainstream but I guess not. I didnt have any issues before but having to fight two days to have wifi, and still not having a solution is highly frustrating.16:58
=== quantibility is now known as Surething
reisiojrm2k6: oh you've tricked me into helping you with your threat of using Windows!16:59
reisioso clever16:59
reisiooh wait you haven't :p16:59
adrian1908reisio: I'm not sure I understand. I can chmod it and "file example" prints "example: ELF 64-bit LSB  relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped".16:59
reisioadrian1908: oh okay17:00
trismadrian1908: sounds like you created an object file and didn't link it, did you compile it with -c? you shouldn't need to chmod the actual binary once produced17:00
reisiohow'd you chmod it?17:00
jrm2k6no i dont want windows, i just want wifi!!17:00
yitz_Is there a way to specify a package name and use an apt/dpkg tool to map that back to which source/repo it's from?17:00
reisiojrm2k6: so get it17:00
adrian1908g++-4.9 -m64 -std=c++11 -c example.cpp -o example17:00
adrian1908maybe my gcc syntax is wrong?17:00
jrm2k6reisio: i have been trying since yeterday :) none of the "workarounds" found works17:00
MonkeyDustyitz_  apt-cache show [pkg] shows the source17:01
trismadrian1908: yes, -c just produces a .o file but then you told the compiler to rename it to example, drop the -c17:01
raubyitz_: if you installed it, you can get where ti came from17:01
yitz_Thanks MonkeyDust, raub17:01
trismadrian1908: or alternatively drop the -o example and then link the .o with a second command17:01
adrian1908reisio, trism: That's it guys, thanks! :)17:02
yitz_MonkeyDust: that has the package's homepage and the path to the deb file. No indication which repo it got pulled from17:02
trismyitz_: apt-cache policy packagename17:03
yitz_Sweet. Thanks a ton, trism17:03
MonkeyDustyes, it's policy, not show17:04
=== CaptLuckybeard is now known as CaptBlackbunny
skippezotanybody knows something bout midori???17:05
MonkeyDustskippezot  ask to find out17:06
reisioskippezot: little too sweet for my taste17:06
reisiobut you're supposed to mix it with something17:06
skippezotwhenever i do a search with google pics and cick a link I go to http://www.google.com/false17:07
reisioskippezot: what version of midori?17:07
reisioit's always not known how to parse google's terrible markup, IME17:08
reisiotry something else17:08
reisiolike duckduckgo.com :)17:08
skippezotcan do that for now17:09
skippezotbut stil would like to see it resolved17:09
reisiodon't see that happening, it's been like that for years17:09
skippezoti get no answer on midori channel17:10
skippezotis there a forum for midori?17:10
reisioskippezot: this is kind of my point17:11
reisiothey don't know or don't care or both17:11
reisioit's not going to get fixed17:11
MonkeyDustskippezot  just tried it, midori works fine here, shows pics while i'm still typing17:11
skippezotstrange I kinda like the browser though17:11
tomasm-hi, i just installed xubuntu 14.04, on a new hp laptop (3 gigs ram, dual amd cpu) and it is SNAIL SLOW.... I go to the logout menu/button and it takes forever to actually prompt me, potentially several minutes... any idea what could be causing this? i dunno if it's xfce or ubuntu as a whole or my graphic driver or what17:12
skippezotyeah but if click it it what happens?17:12
skippezotI also see the pics but can not go to the page itself17:12
reisiotomasm-: wrong graphics driver maybe17:12
chartahello, did anybody set up ctdb under ubuntu 14.04LTS ?17:13
reisiocharta: probably someone has17:13
tomasm-reisio, how do i figure that out?17:13
chartalooks like ubuntu ctdb port doesn't work correctly with nfs17:14
chartaif anybody has experience setting that up, I would like to discuss17:14
reisioIME little works with nfs :)17:14
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MonkeyDustwhat's IME ?17:15
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squintyin my estimation17:16
reisioin my experience17:16
squintytomasm-:  check in Additional Drivers to start.17:17
skippezotreisio thanks I'm out17:18
froghi... how can i remount my sd-card rw?17:19
frogon entering of: "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1"17:19
frogthen i get this error: "mount: cannot remount block device /dev/sdb1 read-write, is write-protected"17:19
gyre007guys, is there any way how I can find out from the sys/proc what bridge interface is a particular network interface "slave" of ?17:20
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yitz_Woot. Got dwm working again. Thanks!17:22
squintyfrog:  maybe checking it with Disks will give you some information17:22
reisiohi Mupi17:23
reisiowhat is oscillating?17:23
Mupican anyone tell me how to create hotspot through ubuntu for windows phone?17:24
reisioMupi: a hot spot is a hot spot17:24
Mupithat i know17:25
k1lMupi: the ubuntu is connected with lan cable?17:25
Mupino, usb internet17:25
k1lok, so you want to connect the windows phone with usb to the ubuntu pc and tether?17:26
Mupino, i want to create wifi network through my laptop i.e. use my laptop as wifi router17:27
Mupiusing ubuntu17:27
reisiothen the OS on the phone is irrelevant17:27
k1lMupi: just use the network-manager. easy as that17:28
k1lMupi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60980/how-to-share-a-wired-internet-connection-via-wifi17:28
Mupithnx but that is for wired connection17:29
Mupiand i am using wireless internet17:29
k1lMupi: stop17:30
k1lMupi: you said you use "usb internet" on that ubuntu pc17:30
k1lMupi: you cant recieve internet on wifi on ubuntu pc and make a hotspot on wifi on the same time17:31
Mupibut windows allows that17:31
lunaphyte_hi.  given this: http://dpaste.com/1VQ84NW.txt - is apt-get dist-upgrade really to correct way to install the held back packages?17:31
k1lMupi: where is the "usb internet"?17:32
k1llunaphyte_: yes17:32
lunaphyte_k1l: ok, thank you17:33
k1l<Mupi> no, usb internet     << where is the usb connection?17:33
k1linternet to ubuntu pc? or ubuntu pc to mobile?17:34
Mupiit is a mobile internet17:34
Mupiconnected through usb dongle17:34
k1lMupi: ok, so did you actually try the solution i linked you?17:34
Xtremehey k1l got prime working. you got to see this :) 1 sec17:34
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frogi somehow can't get any sd card rw on my system... doesn't matter, if i connect my camera with an sd card in t, or an card reader with a sd card in it17:58
frogany ideas?17:58
SchrodingersScatthat's weird, does it have that write protect tab on the side?  did I just invent that in my head?18:00
frogSchrodingersScat: yes, they have such a thing, but i double checked that on all my various sd cards, but none works18:02
dmitry-rasputinquestion guys.  I installed cairodock and wine now my computer will not respond when I click shutdown, it never pops up the shutdown gui and empathy also never pops up when I click on it18:02
frogi somehow can't get any sd card rw on my system... doesn't matter, if i connect my camera with an sd card in t, or an card reader with a sd card in it. no ideas?18:06
SchrodingersScatstumps me, I would try to see what dmesg says when putting it in, maybe gnome-disks, gparted, etc. but i'm not good at this18:06
frogt always says protect is on, also when the hardware switch is really turned on/off18:09
PlanchetHi guys - trying to get /home/username/public_html to serve on a user I've just added. I used the same the same procedure as for earlier successful attemps but I get a permissions error - could someone help me troubleshoot this?18:20
gregtom6hy all18:21
gregtom6how can I use the serial ports with Ubuntu?18:21
gregtom6I have plugged a bluetooth adapter into the PC and I want to send a string throught serial port18:22
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parser_hi, is gnome stable on ubuntu?18:26
SpaghettiCatparser_:  what is gnome specifically?18:27
parser_SpaghettiCat: a ui manger?18:27
reisioSpaghettiCat: a desktop environment, everything you see together18:28
SpaghettiCatreisio:  I never knew GNOME was a DE. Unity is a DE18:28
reisioUnity is a DE18:28
reisioit's about 98% GNOME18:28
reisiodifferent window manager, different configuration of the front-end18:28
SpaghettiCatoh right18:29
Jeeves_MossI'm getting a 404 on raring, what's hte next release for the ARM CPU?18:31
SpaghettiCatJeeves_Moss:  what is raring?18:31
OerHeksJeeves_Moss, one digit more > 14.0418:31
Jeeves_MossOerHeks, deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ raring main universe multiverse18:32
OerHeksJeeves_Moss, what do you want me to do with that?18:32
Jeeves_Mossnm, figured it out18:32
SpaghettiCatJeeves_Moss:  you ask a question in hope that someone will help you, but when I ask you a question you do not wish to help?18:33
Jeeves_Mosswell, I'm trying to upgrade this beaglebone18:33
OerHeksgregtom6, maybe this page is any help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto18:33
parser_what to choose except unity? gnome kde xfce is there anything else ?18:36
SchrodingersScatlxde is an option, lubuntu18:36
SpaghettiCatparser_:  you could go without a desktop environment altogether. Pick a window manager like AwesomeWM or Xmonad18:37
OerHeks... or mate cinnamon openbox, lots of choise18:37
henry_Has anyone passed an $array to bootstrap-datepicker for bootstrap-datepicker's input?18:38
gregtom60erHeks: I'm very beginner in Ubuntu18:38
gregtom6OerHeks: ^18:38
gregtom6OerHeks: I don't really know what this do or what this isn't do18:38
PlanchetAnyone able to help with permissions on /home/user/public_html?18:39
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OerHeksgregtom6, me too, what do you want to deo exactly?18:40
gregtom6OerHeks: I have two bluetooth adapters and I want to accept on one of them the serial communication18:40
gregtom6OerHeks: and the other one should send something on another serial communication18:41
gregtom6OerHeks: (on another port)18:41
SpaghettiCatPlanchet:  don't ask to ask, just ask the question18:41
gregtom6OerHeks: that would be all, but it seems to be a plane exam for a person who not knows Ubuntu or Linux world18:41
LinnakHi Guys, There was a remastersys for Ubuntu 12.xxx. Now how can I make a Live USB with all the applications and setting that I want on it? Is it a GUI or I need to know the commands for that?18:42
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sudormrfhas anyone in here used this successfully in ubuntu? http://www.asus.com/us/Networking/USBAC56/18:44
OerHeksgregtom6, It should be possible using the serial profile. Install all the Bluez tools, such as Blueman. Then it is a matter of discovering the other computer (pairing) and go from there.18:44
OerHeksgregtom6, never tried myself18:45
gregtom6OerHeks: the other devices won't be computers18:45
OerHeksgregtom6,yhou said you have 2 BT adapters ... tell us more please, you are confusing18:46
gregtom6OerHeks: I need to pair with one of the bluetooth adapter to a bluetooth module connected to a robot and I need to pair with the other bluetooth adapter to the other robot18:48
gregtom6OerHeks: after that I get datas from one robot and send messages to the other robot from this PC18:48
gregtom6the communication are done with serial ports18:49
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  so what do you want from us? what problem are you facing?18:49
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: how to use bluetooth in ubuntu? I'm not familiar with ubuntu really18:50
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: how to get communication from a serial port?18:50
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  Install "bluez". Then google for a "bluetooth ubuntu tutorial" to pair and setup your bluetooth stuff18:50
PlanchetNeed some help with userpermissions for /home/username/public_html - I followed the same method that worked for 5 previous users and am getting a permissions errror18:51
SpaghettiCatPlanchet:  just ask your real question18:51
PlanchetHow do I troubleshoot it18:51
LinnakCan I make custom LIVE USB with a GUI?18:52
PlanchetIf I knew what was wrong I would knoe how to fixc it ;)18:52
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: I wanted to get a simple string from an other device (for now it would be an android phone)18:52
gregtom6but I don't know what serial port has the bluetooth adapter18:52
SpaghettiCatPlanchet:  so you don't know what the problem is? so how do you know there's a problem?18:53
OerHeksLinnak, no, it is all manually https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization18:53
PlanchetSpaghettiCat: I do know what the problem is - its a permissions thing what the cause of it is is unknown18:54
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  I'm not sure that bluetooth communication is serial. Are you sure it is?18:54
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Planchetthough it could be a vhosts thing18:54
SpaghettiCatPlanchet:  if there's no problem; there's nothing to fix. So i'm not sure why you're here18:54
Planchetspaghetticat, you are being obtuse.18:55
PlanchetI told you what the problem is: I get a permissions error when trying to serve /home/username/public_html18:55
SpaghettiCatThis is a support channel. If you don't have a problem or you're not solving other people's problem there's nothing for you here.18:55
LinnakOerHeks: Thank you18:55
PlanchetSpaghetticat, do check yourself18:55
PlanchetI am explaining the best I know how what the problem is18:56
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: I'm totally sure18:56
SpaghettiCatPlanchet:  would be useful to have the full error message18:56
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: I used serial communication with bluetooth adapters before on Windows, but windows fucked me18:56
SchrodingersScatPlanchet: purposefully obtuse though, to illustrate that if you're treating us on a 'need-to-know' basis and also telling us what we need to know, then we're at a stop18:57
BluesKajgregtom6, language please18:57
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  I'm not sure how to do that. If no one here, then the people in #bluez-users could help you18:57
gregtom6BluesKaj: sorry18:57
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: and blueman simply doesn't start...18:58
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  run it from console and post the error message18:58
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: and how to run that from console? :)18:59
PlanchetYou don't have permission to access / on this server. / AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/ipt/public_html/ - though it seems to be pointing at the wrong place - it should be /home/shd/public.html18:59
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  that's very basic. google "introduction linux terminal"18:59
xmodrHi, I have connected an external montior via VGA to my 14.04 laptop. I had to set the resolution for the external montior using xrandr manually as it wouldn't detect it. Once I set the montiro to the correct resolution I have a large 3 inch black vertical bar at the left side of the monitor. Its like the display only starts 4 inches from the left size. Anybody any tips or hints on how to resolve this?18:59
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: can't you just tell me?19:00
mchang_i installed ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I had trouble to ping .local doman.  I searched this problem online and it looks like related to avahi-daemon. I tried anyway i can to disable it but no success.  I still could not ping .local.  Does anyone in this room have any idea?19:00
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  do you know how often people ask how to do this? teach a man to fish...19:00
daftykinsxmodr: hit the auto button to sync the image?19:00
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: I have wrote blueman into the console, and nothing happens19:01
BluesKajgregtom6, open the terminal, type blueman19:01
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: I tried to use sudo blueman, but nothing19:01
gregtom6so what?19:01
xmodrdaftykins: I have done the auto-adjustment on the montitor itself. Is there an auto sync within Ubuntu?19:01
gregtom6it says: command not found19:01
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  does it return to the prompt? i.e. you can type in the next command? Or does it hang?19:01
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: just command not found19:01
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  well, sir, you need to install the program before you can use it.19:01
gregtom6SpaghettiCat: don't you think it is installed?19:02
daftykinsxmodr: no, no extra stage. not unless you've not positioned the monitors beside one another correctly (for multi monitor use)19:02
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  that's not for me to know; it's your machine19:02
daftykinsxmodr: are you sure you didn't need to just fully boot from powered off with this display attached, for it to be set correctly?19:02
BluesKajit should have launched or given errors why it didn't, gregtom619:02
BluesKajgregtom6, command not found means it's not installed or you are trying to open the wrong application19:04
xmodrdaftykins: this is a multimonitor setup. I will try a reboot like that - I need to remember how to save xrandr settings first :)19:04
daftykinsxmodr: well you will already be overriding the settings via your method19:04
apoplexyhello there :3 if you're into internet marketing, affiliate marketing, SEO, programming, etc there's an internet marketing community channel that was just made. if you're genuinely interested in the topic or are looking to have your skills outsourced feel free to pm me for the channel name or whois me, it's pretty common sense via whois :319:04
daftykinsxmodr: unless you're just running them after boot?19:04
xmodrdaftykins: yep, after boot19:05
SchrodingersScatapoplexy: spam is off-topic on freenode19:05
apoplexyis that not allowed?19:05
SpaghettiCatapoplexy:  to spam?19:05
daftykinsapoplexy: no. never has and never will be19:05
apoplexyim not direct linking?19:05
SchrodingersScatapoplexy: this is for ubuntu support19:05
apoplexyah ok19:05
apoplexymy mistake19:05
SpaghettiCatwhat a polite spammer :319:05
apoplexywell im not a mean guy, trying to build a beneficial community in my fav network :3 its just hard to populate because the searches are so competitive19:06
apoplexysorry doe :319:06
reisiohe's spamming all over19:07
daftykinsapoplexy: leave now please19:07
daftykinsreisio: has it been reported?19:07
apoplexywell i did 2 channels in 2seconds rofl19:07
apoplexythen i was informed it wasnt allowed19:07
tony__can anyone point me to a faq on how to fix screen tearing?19:07
apoplexyallover is kind of a stretch19:07
daftykinsapoplexy: do not talk about this anymore, leave now please.19:08
reisiodaftykins: not by me19:08
reisiobit pointless to deal with spam manually19:08
reisiothe server should be able to detect (near/)simultaneous messages in multiple channels19:08
daftykinsoff topic.19:09
gregtom6BluesKaj: that's weird, because it is already installed...19:09
gregtom6BluesKaj: blueman is already the newest version...19:10
gregtom6BluesKaj: but if I enter that into the terminal, it still can't find the command19:10
gregtom6so what?19:10
degva_I have a problem with my hard drive19:10
BluesKajgregtom6, then try dbus-launch blueman19:10
gregtom6BluesKaj: it says no such file or directory19:11
degva_I think is because a couple days ago it fell it to the floor19:11
daftykinsdegva_: please ask a complete question on one line19:11
degva_anyway, Linux cannot mount it19:11
degva_Oh D:19:11
daftykinsdegva_: sounds like you could do with checking that disks SMART status, do you have it plugged into an ubuntu computer right now?19:12
degva_Linux cannot mount a hard drive, it has some badblocks. Can I do something like a formatting? or it has become a piece of plastic?19:12
degva_I have it mounted, it is running: sudo badblocks -v -b 4096 /dev/sdc119:12
BluesKajgregtom6, or alt +F2, blueman in the run command19:12
daftykinsdegva_: well you probably can't run what i would suggest to run at the same time, but you can try - install the packages smartmontools and pastebinit then run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc | pastebinit" and share the link here19:13
degva_ok, give me a minute19:14
qwerkusCan anyone help me out setting up a simple samba share ? WINS  server is ubuntu 14.04 running smbd. I shared a folder set to nogroup, but can't access it with windows 7. Share shows up, but when I click it, I get access denied.19:14
daftykinsqwerkus: password auth? did you create a samba password for the user?19:14
qwerkus<daftykins> no, the share is supposed to be guest only19:15
gregtom6BluesKaj: it is appeared, clicked on the icon of this and nothing appeared...19:15
daftykinsqwerkus: hmm, did you restart smbd after specifying that share?19:15
daftykinsqwerkus: also confirm your config formatting is correct with 'testparm'19:15
gregtom6I'm an unhappy starter ubuntu user now19:15
SpaghettiCatgregtom6:  if you google for a "bluetooth  ubuntu tutorial" I bet you will find all the info you need to connect your device19:16
qwerkus<daftykins> yes. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8381918/19:16
degva_daftykins: here you go: http://pastebin.com/3GTsd6Uk19:16
PlanchetSpaghettiCat: Telling people to "RTFM" or to "just google it" is not very polite. Ideally, you should find them a link, or at least give them some directions to documentation they can use. Please use official Ubuntu documentation (help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com) wherever possible. Try to avoid outdated resources, such as from previous releases, or possibly wrong information such as for19:16
Planchetother distributions. While we encourage everyone to offer Ubuntu support to other users, the channel operators will try to ensure that the advice given is sound and safe, and they will use their best judgement to ensure that the channel as a whole follows the recommendations of developers, official support staff and ultimately the Ubuntu Technical Board. Please also read the more comprehensive19:16
Planchetguide for supporters.19:16
SpaghettiCatI even gave the search terms to google, how is that impolite?19:17
reisioSpaghettiCat: it isn't19:17
SpaghettiCatI can help him once and he'll learn little. Or I can teach him to help himself and he can help himself every time by himself from now on19:17
PlanchetIf you have to ask why you come across as obtuse, you should spend some time in self reflection19:17
daftykinsdegva_: there are 48 'current pending sector' - your badblocks process might make it workable, otherwise i would attempt to mount using a different superblock, backup the data, then zero fill the disk to restore it to working order19:18
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reisiolot of lecture for someone who... helped even less?19:18
SpaghettiCatI reflected, but I cannot find the answer. I hope that the people who call me obtuse would tell me why in clear language19:18
qwerkus<Planchet> awseome line. Gonna reused it :)19:18
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reisioSpaghettiCat: 'cause look how wide of an angle you are! :p19:18
degva_daftykins: then I should let the badblocks finish, right?19:19
daftykinsdegva_: yeah, although i don't think it's going to help you19:19
SpaghettiCatSorry for trying to help you, I guess...19:19
degva_Ok, I'll let it finish. If it doesn't work at all, how can I mount it so I can get the data?19:20
degva_daftykins: just using the regular mount?19:20
daftykinsqwerkus: hmm it doesn't look too bad, though i don't like the _ or the capital 'S' in the share path. what do logs say on the server end when you try to connect from your client PC?19:20
daftykinsdegva_: one sec i'll see if i can find the guide19:20
daftykinsdegva_: out of interest, had attempts to mount via command line actually given you an error?19:21
degva_daftykins: thank you19:21
reisio'lo guest19:21
degva_daftykins: nope, I haven't tried via command line.19:21
reisioSpaghettiCat: don't worry about it, it's not as if it's his own sentiment anyways19:22
reisiohe just read the rules of the channel and wants to be an op one day or something19:22
Guest13877Hello norm19:22
daftykinsdegva_: ah, ok once badblocks finishes, try a manual mount and share the output (if any errors are displayed) or the output of "dmesg | tail" with someone in here to see if they can assist further. i'm afraid i'll be off shortly :)19:23
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daftykinsGuest13877: do you have a support question? that is the purpose of this channel. you may chat in #ubuntu-offtopic19:23
intraderAnyone, I am on ubuntu 14.04, have backed using the provided backup utility named Backups, the backups are in a 32GB drive that shows when mounted as /media/intrader/3729-B90D/Backup. How do i look in Backup what files are stored there?19:24
qwerkus<daftykins> can't find anything in the log file19:24
crypto_guyhi, how i can "cp file /x/y/z/", but i don't know if /x/ or /x/y/ or /x/y/z/ is exist19:24
qwerkuswhich one should be relevant here ?19:24
reisiocrypto_guy: pardon?19:24
degva_daftykins: Thank you, you have helped me a lot actually :)19:24
daftykinsqwerkus: there would definitely be some output of the client's test connect, so you might need to find the right file19:24
reisiocrypto_guy: you can mkdir -p the dir path first19:24
daftykinsqwerkus: i'm afraid i can't remember off hand19:25
degva_daftykins: This is the file of the "dmesg | tail" http://pastebin.com/RUbF6gMV just after the error I've got via GUI.19:25
crypto_guyreisio: thanks19:25
qwerkus<daftykins> one logfile says I should be using winbind ?19:26
daftykinsdegva_: hmm ok, not hugely conclusive for the time being. once badblocks is done i'd do a typical manual mount via "sudo mkdir /mnt/test && sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/test" (if it's ext4) and report back with errors :)19:26
degva_daftykins: Great, I'll do that once badblocks finishes. Thank you! :)19:28
daftykinsgood luck!19:28
qwerkusit can't be THAT difficult to set up a simple share, can it ?19:29
SpaghettiCatqwerkus:  is it easier on windows?19:29
daftykinsqwerkus: nope, i think you've already gone way further than i would have. i tend to jump into the .conf, add a simple share and a password to the user then it's available within seconds19:29
daftykinshaha SpaghettiCat raises a fair point19:29
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qwerkusdunno, never tried to share anything under windows. Isn't it against the whole point of running windows ? No, when I mean "that complicate", it's in comparison with a simple nfs share. Took me 2mins, and works like a charm.19:31
mchangI had trouble to ping .local domain with ubuntu 14.04 LTS.  Does anyone have any idea?19:31
Jordan_Umchang: Is the domain in /etc/hosts? Is the domain in the DNS server your machine is configured to use?19:32
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mchangJordan_U: the domain is not in /etc/hosts19:33
qwerkus<daftykins> let's go for an auth version. What command do you use to set a user and pw for a folder ?19:33
daftykinsqwerkus: "sudo smbpasswd -a username" <-- create a password for 'username' which is the user existing on the system already, not one you make up)19:33
qwerkus<daftykins> how about a user not existing on the system ? Can't samba manage it's own users ?19:34
daftykinsqwerkus: don't know.19:35
daftykinsqwerkus: if you're going to start applying those users to file system permissions, they need to exist :)19:35
mchangJordan_U: i need to access a remote server with .local in its name.  for example, www.foo.local19:35
Jordan_Umchang: I asked two questions. You've only answered one.19:38
mchangJordan_U: I don't quite understand your second question :)19:38
Jordan_Umchang: Next time please say so rather than just not answering it.19:39
arkapravoHello Ubuntu-ers19:39
maheanuuJust finished partitioning and formatting a 500gig external 2.5 in sata drive now when I try to open it it tells me that I am not the owner and do not have permission to open it???19:40
daftykinsgreetings arkapravo - ask away if you have a question19:40
daftykinsmaheanuu: perhaps you did so with sudo and so your user has no rights :)19:40
mchangJordan_U: sorry for that.  bascially I need to access www.foo.local and I can access it with my macbook but it does not work from my ubuntu19:40
Jordan_Umchang: By default Ubuntu is configured to resolve hostnames via two sources only, /etc/hosts, and DNS, (Domain Name Server resolution). Windows by default additionally resolves netbios names, so I'm thinking that's what you're wanting Ubuntu to do as well.19:40
daftykinsmaheanuu: where did you mount it to? what path?19:40
maheanuuHow do I corect this and yes  did use sudo19:41
arkapravowell ! daftykins this is my fist time on irc ..... just installed Irssi .... so giving it a shot ! :-)19:41
wadA certain percent of the time, when I scroll down with the mouse wheel, it actually scrolls up a notch. Driving me nuts.... anyone know a solution?19:41
daftykinsarkapravo: ok, please join #ubuntu-offtopic as this channel is for support only19:41
arkapravookay daftykins19:41
mchangJordan_U:  i googled this issue and it looks like it is related to avahi-daemon19:42
daftykinswad: that happens for me due to an aged mouse, could this be true for you as well?19:42
waddaftykins, an aged mouse?19:42
trijntjewad: old dell mouse, i've seen that before?19:42
wadHmm, I'll switch to a different mouse and see what happens.19:42
mchangJordan_U:  I tried anyway i can but the problem persists19:43
daftykinswad: yes, one that is old, had lots of use.19:43
arkapravoby the way daftykins - is there any other irc terminal based client in Ubuntu ? other than Irssi ?19:43
arkapravothanks rww19:43
maheanuuI switched it to anotherr 14.04 computer that I use for a guest unit but I am logged in as owner on it19:43
=== derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA
wadHey, I switched mice, and this some seems better so far... thanks, daftykins!19:46
wadWhy didn't I think of that? Assumed it was an OS issue. *facepalm*19:46
daftykinswad: hehe, my pleasure. enjoy.19:46
feriorulum hey m 19 suche jungen der lust hat mit mir zusammen abzuspritzen ^^ hey m 19 suche jungen der lust hat mit mir zusammen abzuspritzen ^^19:47
feriorulum hey m 19 suche jungen der lust hat mit mir zusammen abzuspritzen ^^19:47
daftykinsarkapravo: i'm guessing you're learning to use screen, so you'll want to "/quit" irssi, then re-run irssi within a screen session by e.g. "screen -U irssi" then detach from it with "ctrl+a, then d" and reattach to it with "screen -raAd"19:48
rwwferiorulum: cut it out.19:48
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foreriulum hey m 19 suche jungen der lust hat mit mir zusammen abzuspritzen ^^19:49
daftykinsrww: could we get a +q please?19:49
Farvajhutchins: yesterday you helped me with my DNS, it worked for the day, today it is not working again19:50
DJoneshttp://www.midori-world.com//remove foreriulum19:50
Farvajhutchins: the DNS info is still in the file, nslookup shows that the DNS is resolving correctly, but people still cannot connect and it is only to the teamspeak address19:51
japrohmm, so i can change screen brightness in the settings but not with the hotkeys (acpi_listen doesn't show any events for the brightness keys but does for the volume keys)19:51
japrodo the settings have a command line interface so i can bind them to a custom hotkey19:52
Farvajhutchins: if I attempt to connect to the DNS via its numeric IP I am also unable to connect to the team speak, it is a vIP. The only way I can connect to the teamspeak process is via the system IP19:53
foreriulumhey manu? hast du lust mit mir zusammen abzuspritzen? :)19:54
daftykins!english | foreriulum19:54
ubottuforeriulum: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:54
DJonesforeriulum: Bye Bye19:55
daftykinsDJones: yay :)19:55
japrohilarious that given what he said he was kicked for using the wrong language19:55
japrohmm, seems the only command line options gnome-control-center knows are help options19:57
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daftykinsjapro: that was not the reason for the kick, however this convo is off topic19:59
frodopwnsonce i put a shell script in /etc/cron.hourly what do i have to do to make it start?20:01
intraderAnyone, I am on ubuntu 14.04, have backed using the provided backup utility named Backups, the backups are in a 32GB drive that shows when mounted as /media/intrader/3729-B90D/Backup. How do i look in Backup what files are stored there?20:02
tgm4883intrader: I don't think you can look in the backup. Are you trying to restore missing files?20:07
TheteIs there a way to do-release-upgrade to nightly?20:07
intradertgm4883: yes - I have gone through the "Restore missing files" and found no files in the folder where the files were.20:08
xanguaThete: there is no 'nighty' in ubuntu, what do you mean20:08
tgm4883Thete: why would you want to do that?20:08
Thetethere is too nightly images20:08
DJonesThete: There is the development release20:08
Thetenevermind I'll just clean install20:09
tgm4883intrader: hmm, not sure then. That is where I was going to send you20:09
DJones!utopic ! Thete20:09
ubottuDJones: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:09
tgm4883Thete: if you aren't going to provide us with what you ultimately want to accomplish, then we can't help you20:09
DJonesok, bye20:09
tgm4883DJones: he probably thinks he needs to do that to get to the latest nightly build is my guess20:10
NotTurbidHey guys. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this, but whenever I hover my mouse the minimise or maximise buttons in Unity while a window is maximised, they become obscured by the name of the application, thus preventing me from using them. Does anyone know a possible cause or fix for this?20:11
intradertgm4883,  there is another posssibility, the drive has several ubuntus - the last one I am sure had the file. How do I find the /home/Documents folders in thoser ubuntus?20:11
tgm4883intrader: it would really depend on how you installed/partitioned. Are each of them a single partition install or did you share your home partition between them?20:12
s5fsI have a weird issue, when I close my laptop lid (suspend), sometimes when I reopen it (resume) my desktop is just right there, no password needed. This is WAY uncool obviously :)20:12
s5fsAnyone else seen this, is there a fix?20:12
japrowhat determines how the fn key on laptops work?20:13
intradertgm4883: I think single partitions. How do I look in the drive - I recall gparted or something like that?20:13
reisiojapro: the physical hardware, the kernel, your keymap20:14
tgm4883intrader: not gparted. You can mount them to a folder, but you would need to know the drive partition letter/number20:14
japroso i guess figuring out why the fn+brightness keys don't work will be rather hard :/20:15
tgm4883japro: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys-or-devices20:15
reisiojapro: did they work on the install media?20:15
gcl5_cphow can i configure 7 button mouse?20:15
squintyintrader:  try  Disks20:16
intradertgm4883: that is the rub, since I upgraded to 14.04 I no longer see them. How do I see the partition letter/number?20:16
reisios5fs: if all else fails, you can have pm-utils manually lock it on resume20:16
reisios5fs: or even on suspend20:16
reisiomc2: heya20:16
japroreisio, you mean when booting from the iso? i never actually tried since i just installed straight away20:16
tgm4883intrader: you could take a look at /dev/sd* or load up gparted and just look at the partition letters and see what size they are20:17
tgm4883intrader: or use fdisk20:17
reisiojapro: give it a try20:17
pegamooseI need help with laptop wireless20:17
IlmenHello; I've recently changed my default input method to XIM (by setting GTK_IM_MODULE="xim") for being able to use a custom .XCompose; however now my Anthy input method for Japanese doesn't seem to work anymore. Is there a way to fix this?20:17
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mc2speaks spanish?20:17
japroi had to create some backlight.conf file for the brightness change stuff working from the settings. but it seems acpi_list doesn't give events for th brightness keys20:17
japroit does for the others (volume) though20:18
intradertgm4883, I will look, then I need to mount the other home to get at the file20:18
reisiomc2: /msg alis list *ubunt*es20:18
jellow!es | mc220:18
ubottumc2: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:18
tgm4883intrader: mounting the other partitions is pretty easy once we know the partition type20:18
s5fsreisio: i think you're right, but i'm also wondering if maybe it's just not suspending? although when i open the lid i can see the lock screen for a moment and then the desktop appears20:19
s5fsplus dude, i'd rather not hack around if there is a real solution, you know?20:19
mc2thank you :)20:19
intradertgm4883, Disks not found, I will try gparted - I recall it is easy if you know how to do it >)20:19
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dc46Any solution to MAC Cloning problem in Network Manager..?20:20
alamihello, can i know wich cpu model do i have, lscpu doesn't show..20:20
intradertgm4883, gparted not found20:21
pbxdc46, if this is a known problem, give us a URL for reference. if it's particular to you, give specific details.20:21
japroalami, try less /proc/cpuinfo" maybe20:21
xmodrhi, I have a laptop with a 16:10 display and an external montior with a 16:9 display. When I set the output of the monitor to be 16:9 the screen is cropped. At a 16:10 resolution it isnt (but it isnt the correct resolution). Any idea?20:21
tgm4883intrader: you'll have to install it20:21
dc46pbx, wait.. I'll get you an URL.20:21
squintyintrader:  gparted is not part of the default install... you will have to install it.  suprized you can't find Disks though20:21
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SchrodingersScat!info gnome-disks20:22
ubottuPackage gnome-disks does not exist in trusty20:22
alamijapro: thanks :-)20:22
intradertgm4883, neither of them here - how do I install gparted or Disks20:22
squintyalami:  or install   inxi     gives lots of info about your system and saves a lot of messing around20:22
reisios5fs: you could tell that by the lights/power/indicators20:22
tgm4883!info gnome-disk-utility20:22
ubottugnome-disk-utility (source: gnome-disk-utility): manage and configure disk drives and media. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.0-1ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 207 kB, installed size 1204 kB20:22
dc46pbx, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/78719220:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787192 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Network Manager Cloned MAC Address feature fails on WPA Wireless Networks" [Medium,Confirmed]20:22
reisios5fs: fairly common bug with xscreensaver/window manager20:22
reisioprobably more the window manager's fault20:23
tgm4883intrader: SchrodingersScat it's gnome-disk-utility20:23
SchrodingersScattgm4883: thanks20:23
reisioindeed with Unity/GNOME, I'm not sure xscreensaver is even used by default anymore20:23
reisiosome nascent locking replacement20:23
reisioso you might just try using xscreensaver20:23
squintyalami:  https://code.google.com/p/inxi/20:24
intradertgm4883, gnome-disk-utility not found20:24
c3vincan anyone help explain why the following steps to assign local groups to LDAP user broke Unity?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication20:24
s5fsreisio: will do, thanks again!20:24
tgm4883intrader: are you just typing that into the command line?20:24
c3vinafter implementing PAM changes, desktop fails to appear20:24
jellowintrader: To install gparted either use ubuntu software center ( search gparted) , Or "sudo apt-get install gparted" from terminal it will ask for you password.20:25
c3vintailing logs suggests authentication succeeds, but perhaps an issue with PAM20:25
SchrodingersScatintrader: sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility20:25
tgm4883intrader: the package name is gnome-disk-utility, to launch it from the command line you would type 'gnome-disks'20:25
intradertgm4883, yes, on terminal - I will install - be careful not to deflate the universe SchrodingersScat20:26
SchrodingersScatintrader: no warranty20:26
intradertgm4883, jellow, SchrodingersScat  uhm, it says that gnome-disk-utility is alredy there!:'sudo: gnome-disk-utility: command not found'20:29
tgm4883intrader: to launch it from the command line you would type 'gnome-disks'20:29
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jellowintrader: on a side note if you install an application you can list all it's files with sudo dpkg -L some-package-name, useful in finding the executable name to launch20:32
intradertgm4883, jellow, SchrodingersScat  'gnome-disks' works, who would have guessed - by the way, it looks that I must have done something wrong when I upgraded to 14.04 or installed 12.0420:34
SnakeTrailSteveSo I just installed 14.04 and have no sound and very little evidence why.  It's not ALSA itself: aplay -Dhw blah works just fine.  Other apps (including paman) report everything is fine, but no sound is coming out.  Any ideas?  The only log entry is a couple liens of "Default and alternative sample rates are the same"20:34
IlmenWell, I just checked; as soon as I start Ubuntu with the environment variable GTK_IM_MODULE="xim" in .gnomerc, Anthy doesn't work anymore. When I unset it and restart, Anthy works again. Is there a way to fix this?20:35
xmodranyone currently have an external monitor at a different aspect ratio than their connected laptop?20:35
Ilmen(Anthy is using ibus as an input method if I understand correctly)20:35
intradertgm4883, jellow, SchrodingersScat  I recall there used to be a partition 5,now there is only partition 6 within extended partition 3. no luck - I must go to older drive with backups20:36
jellowInternet13: sorry to hear that, lucky you have backups at the very least.20:37
intradertgm4883, jellow, SchrodingersScat  thanks guys - wish me luck as I need some old files inside Documents folder20:37
* SnakeTrailSteve tweaks switches at random, suddenly hears sound, still has no idea why. PulseAudio bah20:39
SnakeTrailSteveHah just some stupid commercial auto-playing on another box that shares the speakers, still no joy with PA.20:40
guitehi all, I have a problem when launching unity-tweak-tool on ubuntu 14.0420:42
guitean error says: “The following schema is missing com.canonical.Unity.Files Lens”20:42
tjbiddleAnyone know if I can further compress a .tgz file? I have an 11GB file I need to put into S3 but S3 only supports up to 5gb it seems20:43
vbgunzdoes anyone know why some applications allow a backslash but others show \20:43
reisiotjbiddle: S3?20:43
vbgunzin fact, I'm seeing \ everywhere now20:43
tjbiddlereisio: Amazon Web Services S320:43
reisiotjbiddle: you could gunzip it and try xz or lrzip20:44
reisiotjbiddle: how much was it uncompressed?20:44
reisiovbgunz: allow?20:44
vbgunzallow is a stupid word, my terminal sees a backslash correctly but every other app doesn't, at least most that I'm in. a backslash becomes \20:45
tjbiddlereisio: It's already compressed into a .tgz file. I'm just curious if I can compress that even further (Like tar czf a .tgz file). Not familiar enough with tar's compressing algorithm to see if that would even help20:45
reisiovbgunz: becomes what now?20:45
reisiotjbiddle: there are more efficient compression formats than gz, yes20:45
vbgunzdo you not see it? it's a W with a strikethrough20:46
reisiotjbiddle: dunno if they'd be 6GB more efficient, depends on what the uncompressed size was if you'd have a chance20:46
reisiotjbiddle: tar -tvf will give you the uncompressed size in bytes20:46
tjbiddlereisio: ~80gb uncompressed20:46
japroso it seems the fn+brightnes keys are not reported by xev, evtest or acpi_listen :/20:46
reisiotjbiddle: can it not take 11 GB in total, or not as a single file?20:46
tjbiddlereisio: I think if I do a multipart upload then it will - but haven't been able to figure out how to get that to work with their api yet. Sec - have a google hangout to attend for a few20:47
reisiotjbiddle: use 'split' to get it in manageable chunks20:47
=== jottr_ is now known as jottr
Superbob97Hi guys, I was told to come here after someone thinking my system is borked.  I'm running kubuntu, I'm a beginner to Linux, and I can't seem to install irssi20:48
tgm4883Superbob97: what is the output when you try to install it?20:48
guitestill nobody for my question ?20:49
Superbob97When I run 'sudo apt-get install irssi' I get 'E: unmet dependencies. Try 'apt get -f install' with no packages'20:49
guiteI repost, just in case :)20:49
guiteI have a problem when launching unity-tweak-tool on ubuntu 14.04 => an error says: “The following schema is missing com.canonical.Unity.Files Lens”20:49
tgm4883Superbob97: and did you try that?20:50
Superbob97Yes, I get the same output20:50
reisiohi air20:50
air_ie3antone here?20:50
air_ie3hi si20:50
air_ie3how come therres so many in chat but not many speak?20:51
tgm4883Superbob97: odd, do you have a bunch of PPA's active or something? Can you pastebin the full output when you run both commands?20:51
tgm4883air_ie3: if you have a question, ask it20:51
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Superbob97tgm4883: Hold on, I ran the apt-get -f install command as root, and some crazy things are happening20:54
Superbob97it seems to be removing EVERYTHING20:54
tgm4883Superbob97: so you didn't read what it was trying to do?20:54
tgm4883Superbob97: or it's asking you to remove everything?20:54
squintyguite:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/449943/com-canonical-unity-webapps-schema-is-missing-what-does-this-mean   maybe that will help20:56
Superbob97tgm4883: It runs a bunch of things than stops and gives me a bunch of options to type in because of unknown media20:56
vbgunzlooks like the strikethrough W from putting in a backslash was a font problem20:57
guitesquinty: thanks, but unity-webapps-service is already installed20:57
SnakeTrailSteveNo pulseaudio gurus on hand?20:58
guitesquinty: but thanks for answering :)20:58
tgm4883Superbob97: I'm not sure where you are at this point, but I'd probably do an apt-get install of the desktop you want, eg. kubuntu-desktop20:58
georgeHello there can i ask someone for a problem i have on ubuntu?20:59
FarvaI am having a problem connecting to my vIP for teamspeak. When I nslookup the DNS resolves correctly, but I cannot connect to it via DNS or vIP. I can however connect to the process via system IP I don't know what to do about this21:00
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guntbert!ask | george21:00
ubottugeorge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:00
reisiogeorge: I could give you a problem, if you ask21:00
georgeI download and install the latest version of 64 bit. at the login screen i put my password and it takes ages to take me to the desktop i show my desktop background with mouse pointer for 40 seconds then lauches unity.21:00
LadonHow do I resolve this error?:21:01
LadonThe following packages have unmet dependencies:21:01
Ladon lib32gcc1 : Depends: gcc-4.9-base (= 4.9-20140406-0ubuntu1) but 4.9.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed21:01
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:01
tgm4883Ladon: did you try installing that specific version of gcc-4.9-base?21:03
xmodranyone currently have an external monitor at a different aspect ratio than their connected laptop?21:04
spearheadxmodr, I do, but the computer it is on is runing mint21:05
LadonI... might actually not know how to downgrade, tgm488321:05
Ladonozooner_, what are you trying to send me?21:05
Jolianne23 Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://tinyurl.com/ozfvxy321:06
ozooner_Ladon, Sorry, getting used with irc client...21:06
xmodrspearhead: and does it just work? I can only get my exrternal montior to display somewhat correctly in 16:10 - but its bad because its actually meanto be be 16:9 - using 1920x1080 causes the screen to be cropped.21:06
Ladonholy shit a spam bot?21:06
k1ldont mind the spambot21:06
archthat is porn am 12 yold21:07
guntbert!askthebot | ozooner_21:07
ubottuozooner_: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:07
archomg what are they doing¿?21:07
tgm4883Ladon: you can install a specific version of a package by doing 'apt-get install gcc-4.9-base=4.9-20140406-0ubuntu1'21:07
archthey are naked!!21:07
k1larch: dont mind that, lets stick to technical ubuntu support in here21:07
rwwk1l: I suggest that continuing to ban random numbers is not working :P21:08
Ladonthat's so easy that I feel bad21:08
spearheadxmodr, yeah, it just works, just make sure the resolution that the screen is set to is supported by the screen21:08
xmodrspearhead: setting it to the correct res at aspect ratio 16:9  - black bars at side.. setting it to 16:10 same as laptop - fine but fuzzy due to wrong AR21:09
Ladonwait, tgm4883 if I have gcc-4.9-base=4.9-20140406-0ubuntu1 installed but need 4.9.1-0ubuntu1 how do I downgrade?21:09
Ladonusing apt-get install for a downgrade just tells me it's the newest version21:09
tgm4883Ladon: that command should have downgraded it for you, did you put in exactly what I wrote?21:10
spearheadxmodr, are you sure the screen is a 16:9?21:10
squintyguite:  do you have  unity-lens-files   installed?   or maybe try reinstalling it21:10
xmodryep - the resolution is 1920x108021:11
Ladontgm, this is what I get when I copy/paste what you gave21:11
Ladon0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 downgraded, 1580 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:11
LadonNeed to get 13.9 kB of archives.21:11
LadonAfter this operation, 2,615 MB disk space will be freed.21:11
LadonYou are about to do something potentially harmful.21:11
LadonTo continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'21:11
guitesquinty: nope… that’s a good hint :)21:11
* Ladon whistles21:11
guitesquinty: I try…21:11
unopasteLadon you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:11
spearhead!paste | Ladon21:11
ubottuLadon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:11
dunpealHi. How do I list all my currently active repositories on the command line?21:11
guitesquinty: \o/21:11
guitesquinty: you’re the boss :)21:12
guitesquinty: thank you so much21:12
squintyguite:  :)  good to hear21:12
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:12
spearheadxmodr, how big are the black bars at 16:9?21:12
xmodrspearhead about ~1.5inches21:13
LadonSorry for flooding, I'll use the paste.ubuntu if I need to do that again.21:13
Ladonbut tgm4883 that command will bork me21:13
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
dunpealHow do I list all my currently active repositories on the command line?21:15
spearheadxmodr, ummm then something isn't setup right... either the display is not configured to support 16:9 or you haven't selected the correct resolution in the Display settings. does your monitor have an adjust/auto button?21:15
Mike9863How can I configure Unity's default multitouch features? For example, I'd like to make four finger swipe change workspaces rather than unhide the unity bar.21:15
k1l_dunpeal: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"21:16
xmodrspearhead: on an older laptop - everything worked fine (also ubuntu). I had to manually add these resolutions via xrandr. I tried the auto adjust on the montior but it does very little to help./21:16
dunpealk1l_: thanks.21:16
spearheadxmodr, are you set to mirror the display to the second monitor or extend the desktop onto the new monitor21:17
xmodrspearhead, it's set to extend21:17
spearheadxmodr, what is the resolution set to in the Display Settings window?21:18
xmodrspearhead, only after adding it via xrandr, its now set to 1920x1080 in Display Settings21:18
squintydunpeal:   one way is to install  inxi   and then issue the command   inxi -r    in a terminal.21:18
xmodrspearhead, and the info screen on the actual monitor confirms it21:19
spearheadxmodr, what version of ubuntu are you running? 14.04?21:19
squintydunpeal:  see  https://code.google.com/p/inxi/21:19
xmodryes, actually just insalled today - and done a update after install to.21:19
spearheadwhat is the actual monitor manufacture/model?21:20
xmodrspearhead, the monitor is a HP Pavilion 23xi21:21
spearheadhmmm, I don't know. it's native resolution is 1920x1080 and that is what you have it set to on your laptop then it should just work unless you are mirroring your display... have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?21:24
xmodrspearhead, yep - and rebooting etc. this is very strange. I am using a cheap VGA cable, possible cause?21:24
sheapwhat commands do the indicator-session run?21:24
spearheadpossible, but not very probable... I really have no idea.21:25
xmodrspearhead, I just tried it on another monitor and same outcome21:26
=== christopher is now known as Guest41346
spearheadxmodr, possible wrong settings on the laptop... I haven't ever used xrandr21:27
xmodron other laptops (nvidia GPU) it just worked - never had to manually add resolutions before.21:27
postman|My lightdm acts up about 5% of the time when I lock my desktop.  See here: http://imgur.com/uRHNSbp  No option for password entry and no power button in the upper right hand corner.  Logging back in requires restarting the lightdm service (losing the current session in the process).  Any idea what's going on here?21:27
qwerkusstill struggling with my samba share. I just can't access the folder with windows. log level 100 gives me this sequence: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8382728/21:28
FarvaI am having a problem connecting to my vIP for teamspeak. When I nslookup the DNS resolves correctly, but I cannot connect to it via DNS or vIP. I can however connect to the process via system IP I don't know what to do about this21:28
Farvacan anyone tell me where to start on problem solving this?21:29
daftykinsFarva: what's this "vIP" you speak of?21:31
Farvavirtual ip21:31
daftykinsFarva: yes but in more detail, i am used to a server having a real IP address on the internet - what makes it virtual?21:32
FarvaI have each of my processes running on its own ip under my system IP21:32
dunpealWhat's the most user-friendly way to check the local HDD for errors?21:32
squintyxmodr: if you have nvidia graphics, and the nvidia drivers (not nouveau) installed, check nvidia X Server Settings21:32
Farvaso my server has a system IP, then I have a range of IPs, so each IP besides my system IP is a virtual IP21:33
daftykinsFarva: so... two IPs on your home LAN?21:33
Farvano, through my data center21:33
FarvaI work off a dedi21:33
daftykinsoh ok, so this feature is something your provider offers?21:33
Farvano, its just something I can do in Ubuntu21:33
tgm4883Ladon: sorry had to run to the business office. yea don't run that command in this instance, looks like too much depends on that particular version. What are you trying to install that requires that specific version?21:34
daftykinsFarva: odd, i've never heard of it before - unless this is just mutli-homed hosts21:34
Ladongraphics drivers lol21:34
squintyqwerkus:  if you haven't tried it already maybe install and give   system-config-samba   a look see21:34
qwerkusEDIT: Turns out that samba is working fine, if I create a folder in my home dir.21:34
k1l_Farva: usually you have the real ip and then the specific port for the TS service21:35
qwerkusergo: something wrong with the mountpoint. Where should one put samba shares ?21:35
squintydunpeal:  Drives (in menu)  check the smart settings   for bad blocks etc21:35
Farvak1l_: I bound the TS IP specifically, maybe its just not taking?21:35
Farvadaftykins: http://www.alkia.net/index.php/faqs/144-setting-up-second-ip-address-or-virtual-ip-address-in-ubuntu21:35
k1l_Farva: i dont understand what you are doing at all!21:36
daftykinsFarva: yeah, it is then - but this is unnecessary, ports exist to allow multiple programs to work at once on a single IP21:36
Farvawell, I setup TS on its own IP on my server. Each of my games I host run on their own IP on the server as well21:36
daftykinsyeah you're just complicating life :)21:36
intradertgm4883, jellow: I have rebooted - even after reboot deja-dup insists on wanting the backup on '31 GB Volume' - yet the new volume is 15GB and with different name - Unable to scan since it is not recognized by the backup program21:37
Farvadaftykins: I figured it could be useful at some point21:37
dunpealsquinty: I have a bunch of bad sectors. what do I do?21:37
Farvabut I guess I have not considered rebinding the IP to the system21:37
Farvagood advice!21:38
FarvaI am gonna take that and run lol21:38
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
Neozonz|Disc2anyone know what 'set'  on bash does?21:38
Neozonz|Disc2i can't find any info on it21:38
k1l_Farva: are the ips working on that machine?21:38
Neozonz|Disc2yet when I type it I get alot of code back21:38
Ladonsorry, I forgot to tag. tgm4883 , graphics drivers lol21:39
evgenius123Well, hi all21:39
squintydunpeal:  one thing you can do is see if the drive manufacturer has hd software testing program (most are windows based though) to see if the drive is dying on you21:39
evgenius123can somebody help me with my videosystem? if somewhere can help me in russian, please, prompt.21:40
daftykins!ru | evgenius12321:40
ubottuevgenius123: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:40
k1l_!ru | evgenius12321:40
evgenius123ok thanks21:41
Neozonz|Disc2nm found my answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/105728/anomalous-result-using-bash-set-command21:41
=== AngryEgr_ is now known as AngryEgret
tgm4883Ladon: graphics drivers from the repos, or from the manu website?21:45
Ladonfrom the repos, fglrx-updates + ccc.... cccccc21:46
YokoBRhi guys21:46
=== BLOWNCO_ is now known as BLOWNCO
YokoBRi had an ubuntu system, then i've used it's hdd on other laptop, and used an image on it. The problem is that i've lost files i shouldn't lose... is there anyway to get them back after using this image?21:47
qwerkusright. This has something to do with folder permissions. How can I share a folder outside /home ?21:47
YokoBRnope, not that21:48
YokoBRi've used clonezilla to put an image on my hdd, but i need some old files21:48
usr13qwerkus: Why not just have it somewhere in /home ?21:48
qwerkus<usr13> mainly in order to avoid accidentally deleting it. My /home is quite unstable.21:50
qwerkusStill, it would be nice to know how this works.21:50
usr13qwerkus: I'm late to the conversation, (just got here), probably should not have made the comment but, really?  You think you will accidentally delete a directory?  (Not likely.)21:51
LadonI just discovered that terminal has autocomplete21:51
* Ladon is idiot21:51
usr13Ladon: Very handy... right?21:51
Ladoninsanely so21:51
Ladonanother step closer to command-line input only21:52
qwerkus<usr13> it's about samba sharing. I keep getting "permission denied" errors under windows. The best I could do was to share a folder within /home, and I would very much like to understand why.21:52
Ladonalthough I like having ubuntu basically virtualized21:52
WrynessHey guys. I am looking for a tool, script or w/e that might do the following and maybe you could help me find it or point me to a direction: I need manipulate a textfile in a way that all lines are deleted that do not show up so and so often. Or, alternatively, the tool/script needs to order the file by amount of occurrences of the respective line. Do you have any ideas how to achieve that?21:53
usr13qwerkus: Ok, so I am just learning that this is about samba, but again, it should not matter where you put it and I usually find /home is the best place for samba or nfs shares, (it is just easier and more convienient).21:54
LadonWryness, so you're looking for a count-and-sort style tool?21:54
asakapab0i /mnt21:54
jaequery_hi guys, i have this server where i messed up my /etc/fstab so i am trying to single user mode into it.  but when i get into grub selection screen, my keyboard just seem to not respond.  i have tried it with another keyboard and same thing!  wtf could be causing this?21:55
WrynessLadon: yes, exactly.21:55
LadonWryness, not exactly sure but try this21:56
Jordan_Ujaequery_: Please watch your language. Does your keyboard work in your boot firmware menus? grub (by default) relies on your boot firmware for input and output, so if your boot firmware can't access the keyboard, neither can grub.21:56
WrynessLadon: thanks, I will check it out21:56
=== customer is now known as Raven-6
jaequery_kb works fine inside bios21:57
Raven-6I'm on Ubuntu Gnome 14.04, how do I prevent the screen from shutting off on the login screen? The power options are all set to always on21:57
Wrynessseems like it will do the job, great :)21:57
Jordan_Ujaequery_: And you can see the grub menu?21:58
usr13qwerkus: pastebinit /etc/samba/smb.conf  #Send url21:58
Jordan_Ujaequery_: Does your BIOS have an option for "legacy USB support"?21:58
eeeeRaven-6: gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter idle-timeout 021:58
jaequery_hm, checking now21:59
qwerkus<usr13> sec21:59
eeeeRaven-6: try that out ^^21:59
sheapdoes anyone know what commands/interface the "indicator-session" uses/calls?21:59
LadonIs... okay, going out on a crazy limb, is it possible to "format" ubuntu if I do-release-upgrade? only preserve /home/ and stuff?21:59
Raven-6eeee Thank you. But it's not using the Unity Greeter, it's using the gnome greeter. I did however install lightdm, and unity-greeter, so how can I Switch to unity greeter?21:59
eeeeRaven-6: no idea22:00
eeeeRaven-6: i guess you could uninstall gdm..22:00
jaequery_jodrdan: i dont see it22:00
qwerkususr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8382950/22:00
Raven-6eeee are display managers and greeters synonymous22:01
k1l_Raven-6: yes22:01
Jordan_ULadon: Why are you trying to install drivers from outside the repos?22:01
Jordan_U!tab | jaequery_22:01
ubottujaequery_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:01
Raven-6k1l_ so if I do sudo apt-get purge gdm that will uninstall gnome greeter?22:01
k1l_Raven-6: see the conf from lightdm to see which greeter to set22:01
LadonJordan_U, I was using the repo earlier and ran into problems with gcc-4.9-base22:02
Ladonso I went rogue22:02
Raven-6k1l_ can you help me with that?22:02
qwerkusNEVERMIND, it works.22:02
Raven-6k1l_ I'm not exactly sure how to do that22:02
k1l_Raven-6: gdm is a dm. the greeter is just "look" of lightdm22:02
usr13qwerkus: http://paste.linuxassist.net/view/a899982422:02
jaequery_jordan_u: ok so what do you think?22:02
Jordan_ULadon: What problem did you have with the drivers from the repositories exactly? How did you try to install these drivers?22:02
trismsheap: it calls a variety of dbus methods depending on the situation, if you are in unity I believe these days it just calls the ones on com.canonical.Unity.Session, you can play around with d-feet to see the various methods available22:03
usr13qwerkus: What I should you would be for no security22:03
Raven-6k1l_ if you could tell me how to access the conf for lightdm I'd appreciate it22:03
LadonIt's too far back in my history to resend, Jordan_U. It wanted me to downgrade gcc to "sudo apt-get install fglrx amdccle(?)"22:03
trismsheap: you can also use the gdbus command to call them from the command line, but its hard to explore them there22:03
Jordan_Ujaequery_: I'm not exactly sure, but using grub's "ata_keyboard" might allow you to access the grub menu, the catch of course being that you'd have to either interact with grub or edit root owned files to achieve that. Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB?22:03
qwerkus<usr13> nah. The problem was indeed fil permissions. Those are inherited. To share the folder, I had to chmod the root folder of the disk. Don't know why.22:04
k1l_Raven-6: so does lightdm start or gdm?22:04
Raven-6k1l_ I'm not sure. I did select lightdm as default dm in the dialog.22:04
k1l_Raven-6: and i am not sure if the gnome-ubuntu needs the gdm22:04
sheaptrism: thanks for your help. I installed 14.04 with tasksel "ubuntu-desktop" and "xubuntu-desktop" and I'm in the xubuntu session where the indicator-session shows up. When I try to logout from that indicator nothing happens and I'm guess that that com.canonical.unity.session might be the culprit since I'm in a xubuntu session?22:05
usr13qwerkus: ls -ld /home/qwerkus/Democratic\ HDD/share22:05
sheapand logging into the Ubuntu session and logging out with the indicator-session works fine...22:05
usr13qwerkus: So /home/qwerkus/Democratic\ HDD/share is a mount point?22:06
Timoty Hello you22:07
qwerkus<usr13> no. /hom/qwerkus/Dem. HDD is the mount point, and share the shared folder. As soon as I chmodded the mount point, it worked. Trying to move it outside the home folder again.22:07
mo0pAnyone had issues with Virtualbox + usb 2.0 passthrough ?22:07
usr13qwerkus: Ok22:08
trismsheap: that could be the issue, you could try running dbus-monitor to see which methods are actually getting called, or if you can figure out how to get logging output from indicator-session in xfce see if any method failure errors pop up22:09
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sheaptrism: thanks for that dbus-monitor. lots of output! :)22:10
Jordan_ULadon: What version of Ubuntu are you using? Do you use any ppas?22:11
=== iShaggy is now known as iShaggy-Away
qwerkuspffff. It just won't wort outside the /home dir. So be it.22:12
jimiubuntu update?22:14
jimiversion 14.022:15
k1l_jimi: what?22:19
jimiversion 10.10 is version 1422:20
k1l_!th | jimi22:21
ubottujimi: Please type /join  #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.22:21
k1l_jimi: or try to make english sentences or questions that describe your issue22:21
jimiKIl:Thank you very much.22:23
=== vemacs|ded is now known as vemacs
wudoWhat does "I am getting sold on this no sugar business" mean?22:25
k1l_wudo: is this a technical ubuntu issue?22:26
=== KeithLG_ is now known as KeithLG
jimikIl:What time is it?22:29
k1l_jimi: type "date" into terminal22:30
qwerkusman. As always in my xp with linux: a pain to set up, but than it's amazing how well it works. File permissions with samba are just awesome.22:31
jimikIl:Thank you.22:31
squintyqwerkus: not sure if you saw this first time around (please ignore if you did)  system-config-samba    (gui for setting up samba shares and users)   you can use it to set up shares outside of your home directory too22:36
smart_developerFor anyone who has used OpenStack Swift before, does anyone know why a "swift ..... stat" command may yield the # of objects stored in the cluster to be x-1, when you've actually uploaded x objects? (all x are downloadable, as well)22:36
smart_developerMoreover, for a time being, it really did claim that there were x objects, but then later it dropped down to x-1.22:37
=== Hobbyboy is now known as Hobbyboy|Sleep
smart_developerBut I can still re-download all x objects.22:37
jimiWhat is compiz?22:38
SchrodingersScat!compiz | jimi22:38
ubottujimi: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:38
squintyjimi:   look on youtube.   basically desktop bling22:39
sam__hey guys22:39
jimiThank you22:39
eziohow do i install mysql 3.5 instead of 522:42
cwexi have a server solely for mysql and memcached, 2GB of RAM and 100GB of SSD storage. The databases won't be resource intensive and nor will memcached. Is there any need for a swap file?22:46
cwexIf so, how much should I use because 100GB of storage is going to waste :P22:46
chrisss123456hey guys, some stupid questions. started with the real basic, id like to use the alt-gr key on my laptop, but if i assign it in keyboard shortcuts (to swap workspaces) then it doesnt accept it. what gives?22:48
cwexNever mind - High RAM and high disk space With 2 GiB RAM and 100 GB hard disk, use 2 GiB for swap since hard disk space is plentiful.22:48
sam__fuck yall22:49
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jimisquinty:Thank you.22:55
=== NotANick is now known as NarANick
dunpealI'm trying to repair the laptop's only HDD from an ubuntu 12.04 LiveDVD, and badblocks says it can't do that because the disk is in use. How can I boot in such a mode that the disk won't be in use?22:55
ObrienDaveyou should be able to unmount it from the desktop icon or gparted22:58
squintydunpeal:  or Disks (should be in menu)22:59
eziohow do i install mysql 3.5 instead of 522:59
stefanaussdunpeal: if the drive has a swap partition, it is automatically used by the live envinoment. you have to unount the swap before acting on the drive22:59
stefanaussyou can use the swapoff command that is specific for unmounting swap partition/files23:01
dunpealstefanauss: thanks.23:02
dunpealstefanauss: instead I just deleted all partitions on the drive23:03
dunpealand rebooted in text mode23:03
dunpealnow badblocks runs well.23:03
dunpealsquinty: Disks gave me "Error synchronizing after initial wipe" for some reason.23:03
=== holomorp1 is now known as holomorph
Loshkidunpeal: sounds like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/131895423:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059872 in util-linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1318954 Error formatting disk using disk utility" [High,Triaged]23:09
LoshkiDid I just inadvertently trigger the bot?23:10
dunpealLoshki: yeah, I saw that one too. unfortunately, there's no kind of solution in that thread that can help me.23:10
ubunutYes, well done. :)23:10
dunpealLoshki: basically, it's a bug. I don't see anything that can solve it.23:11
qwerkusAnyone running ubuntu on a usb stick here ? What should I be looking for (hardware) ? Some sticks out there come with awesome read values, but poor write ones.23:11
Loshkidunpeal: can't you use a different disk utility?23:11
stefanaussno other graphical disk utility has ever worked reliably in my experience, apart from gparted23:11
mzazaI am trying to download a file through google chrome, but I have unstable download so Google Chrome download manager is no good at resuming interrupted downloads. I used to work with wget and it worked as expected, however when I try to download certain file now wget doesn't work, any ideas? The file URL is http://dl.sammobile.com/OlBZQ1krLD0hICBDLCZRRERYJisoNzotUTEhNSdGEx0EUlNAWUFHXA../N8000XXUDNE4_N8000OXADNE4_DBT.zip23:12
maurerIs there an easy way to simultaneously mirror ubuntu and debian?23:13
OerHeks mzaza thosedots in  ~A../N8~ looks wrong23:13
maurerThe archvsync from debian seems to not want to23:13
stefanaussmzaza: wget it's not logged in, unlike chrome, so it can't download that file23:13
mzazaI guess it doesn't work because I have to be signed in to the site, how can I save login details for wget to use, or open session for wget?23:13
mzazastefanauss: Is it possible to open session for wget?23:13
OerHekslooks like it is shortenend23:14
stefanaussmzaza: yes. it's like snowden did what he did :)23:14
mzazaOerHeks: The link works, as stefanauss mentioned the problem is with not being logged in23:14
Loshkiyou can supply username/password to wget. See the man page for --user and --password etc. Might work...23:15
mzazastefanauss: Snowden?23:15
dunpealLoshki: I think I'm good with badblocks23:15
mzazaLoshki: I'll give it a try23:15
Loshkidunpeal: I haven't used badblocks in years. With modern drives, it doesn't do much, since they map out bad blocks automagically...23:16
stefanaussmzaza: Snowden used wget to retrieve the million documents he retrieved. and he could do that because wget support logins, even complex ones23:16
stefanaussmzaza: i don't know about user/pass, but wget has an option that lets you use cookie from your browser. you have to export/identify the correct cookie beforehand.23:16
mzazastefanauss: Ah, that guy from CIA :D23:17
squintydunpeal:  and that is why I suggest you use your manufacturer testing sofware to see if the drive is salvageable or not.  once the drive starts going bad, more bad blocks will occur.23:17
mzazaLoshki: --http-user=user --http-password=password don't work23:18
Loshkimzaza: try --load-cookies next, I guess....23:20
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mzazaLoshki: I am not able to locate the cookies folder, I tried .cache/google-chrome/Default but no cookies there and neither in .local/google-chrome23:27
Loshkimzaza: now I look at the man page, I don't know where chrome keeps its cookies, or if the format is compatible. Sorry. If it won't work from a browser, I'm not convinced it will work with wget.23:29
stefanaussif it works life firefox, chrome stores cookies in a sqlite database. so you need to export them from the app itself. probably you'll need an extension for that.23:30
samthewildoneWhat's the deal with the errors ?23:35
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest11388
Guest11388um. I need help restoring my grub menue23:36
Guest11388It seems I anaged to screw it up some how. Is this the right place for this?23:37
Guest11388I was attempmting to dual boot with another linux disrto and it trashedmy bootloader23:37
=== pumbaway is now known as pumba
squintyGuest11388:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting   Boot-repair usually works23:39
Alanbitschi want to change from ubuntu 13.04 to 14.0423:40
Alanbitschcan someone guide me?23:41
Guest11388squinty, I have no grub and installing grub rescue in14.04 failed23:43
AlanbitschJtRip: ._.23:44
samthewildoneI'm trying to read my .xsession-errors, how do I fix the errors ?23:44
AlanbitschJtRip: xD23:44
squintyAlanbitsch:  might want to look around the ubuntu site for similar to this tut  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TrustyUpgrades23:44
Alanbitschif i make a backup in 13.04 it will work in 14.04?23:45
Jordan_U!bootinfo | Guest1138823:45
dunpealsquinty: you are probably right. I'm trying to save this old laptop of my friend.23:45
ubottuGuest11388: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:45
dunpealit's a laptop, so replacing the HDD will probably be very expensive, and I don't think she can afford it right now.23:46
Jordan_UAlanbitsch: You have (at least) two options. 1: Upgrade to 13.10, then to 14.04 or 2: Install 14.04 over 13.04 with an install DVD/USB, optionally preserving your /home/.23:46
AlanbitschJordan_U: if i make a backup in 13.04 it will work in 14.04?23:47
squintyGuest11388:  notice the bit about  "Boot-Repair"23:47
Adam_DobrawyI have problem with file permission. I have file /webapps/rownosc_info/app/rownosc_info/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js (-rw-r--r--). I think everybody should can read it - no matter which user, no matter which group. Unfortunately not. Why?23:47
Guest11388yes squinty. It wont install with those insrtuctions in 14.04 live boot23:48
AlanbitschJtRip: Ty23:48
Jordan_UAlanbitsch: It depends on what you mean specifically by "make a backup", and "work". Any documents and other stand alone files will of course be fine, and 95% of user settings copied from your home directory in 13.04 will also probably work in 14.04 if copied back to the new home directory, but system wide settings are stored in /etc/ rather than /home/, and can't simply be all copied from your 13.04 install to your ...23:49
Jordan_U... 14.04 install.23:49
ph0xI need help with wpa_supplicant23:49
squintyGuest11388:  then your courses of action are to make a separate Boot-Repair DVD/usb or use the instructions on the page.   all the information you need to repair your system is contained in that tutorial.23:50
ph0xi get CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=(0s here) reason=323:50
Jordan_UGuest11388: Did you see my request for boot info script output?23:50
ph0xauthentication timed out23:50
squintyGuest11388:   you could also check out Rescatux (supergrub 2) but it also uses boot-repair these days.23:51
dc46ph0x, did you try mac cloning?23:51
Guest11388Jordan_U, I need to run t. hang on a sec23:51
ph0xdc46: why would i need to?23:52
Jordan_Uph0x: Why are you using wpa_supplicant directly?23:52
ph0xif i tell you, you will send me to #ubuntu-server and its dead in there23:52
ph0xim trying to build a computer that will boot into openbox and connect to wii23:52
ph0xwhen i start it up23:53
squintycatch 2223:53
ph0xso i can run vlc and play videos23:53
Jordan_Uph0x: No, server questions are perfectly fine in #ubuntu. It's just that #ubuntu-server often has more people familiar with server administration subjects.23:53
dc46ph0x: because there was a bug in Network Manager related to wpa_supplicant, that won't allow mac cloning,,23:53
ph0xits a little cart i push around23:53
ph0xi cant get the wireless to work at all23:53
ph0xbeen woking for 24 hours23:53
ph0xi want to cry23:53
Jordan_Uph0x: Can you use network-manager or ifupdown to connect?23:53
ph0xnetwork manager works23:54
ph0xi have to disconnect from the wii23:54
ph0xthen econnect to it23:54
ph0xfor it to work23:54
ph0xat first it SAYS connected23:54
ph0xbut it wont connect to anything23:54
ph0xthen i disconnect and reconnect23:54
ph0xand it works23:54
squintyph0x:  please stop using your return key for punctuation23:54
ph0xsquinty: do you pay by the line?23:54
ph0xsend me the bill23:55
Ben64ph0x: you're flooding the channel with many unnecessary lines, put all the information on one line and explain your issue thoroughly23:55
ph0xBen64: that was a much nicer what to put that23:55
squintyph0x:  try reading the channel rules  and lose the attitude23:55
ph0xsquinty: you irst23:55
Guest11388Jordan_U, Output here http://pastebin.com/ehaSu9Mi23:55
ph0xyou are disparaging me, which is against freenode rules23:56
PiciLets move on, please.23:56
Guest11388ignore sdb. it's the licve run23:56
ph0xdoes anyone have ANY idea what the problem could be23:57
ph0xhave to disconnect and reconnect to wifi before i can connect to anything, even local addesses23:57
dc46ph0x: (noob suggestion) is your ip config okey? I mean the DHCP or Static IP.23:58
=== Arbition is now known as tetramethyl-
Jordan_Uph0x: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg" after the initial (failed) connection, then again after re-connecting.23:58
ph0xmy router runs a DHCP server23:58
=== chiluk` is now known as chiluk
ph0xJordan_U: I have already removed  network_manager23:58
ph0xi actually reformatted my entire system23:59
ph0xand tried again23:59
=== Zippy is now known as Guest96029

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