
thebilgeratlovin' 14/0401:16
twmlanyone active here?01:48
twmltake that as a no01:50
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest41606
xubuntu54whey guys new to Xubuntu and Linux on a whole... migrated from windows. jus wanted to know for how long will xubuntu 14.04 be supported for and if new versions are released... will my system jus update or does it mean reinstalling my OS completely?03:00
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Xubuntu will be supported for 3 years. The current LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)03:00
twmlanyone active here now?03:01
ObrienDavenormally, upgrades are fairly painless and you keep all of your installed programs and documents03:01
twmli have a question im fairly new to linux....03:02
ObrienDavejust like upgrading service packs in windows, fairly safe03:02
xubuntu54wok cool. thanks03:02
twmlim trying to install net frameworks 3.5in wine so i can run some windows programs, its taken hours to install and progress bar about half done03:03
twmlis that normal or is something wrong03:03
ObrienDavetwml, not sure, as long as progress bar continues to advance, i would recommend letting it cook. but that does seem excessive03:04
twmlits only on 1gb of ram, im running xubuntu 14.0403:05
twmlthe newest version of wine03:05
ObrienDavehmm, i don't use wine. running windows in a VM is less painful03:06
twmljust wondering if its normal for some things to take a while. i know im trying to run windows in linux and wine can do it03:06
twmli dont like vmware and i have multiple windows computers03:06
ObrienDavelike i said, it does seem excessive. I use VirtualBox and i do like it03:07
ObrienDaveLOL i even have DOS 6.11 and Win 3.11 in a VM ;P03:08
twmli installed net framework 2 and it took around an hour, now i need 3.5 for some programs03:08
ObrienDaveDOS 6.2203:09
twmlok il just let it finish, prob just around an hour left and ill see what happens, this is an old laptop im trying it on, was formerly a windows 200003:09
ObrienDaveok, that could have something to do with it. as long as progress is being made, i would let it work03:10
twmlits a old laptop wouldnt even boot and screen smashed, fixed screen with one laying around and put 14.04 xubuntu on it running well just this net framework taking a long time to install03:11
ObrienDavewell, cool. yea, i'm just not a big fan of wine03:12
twmlcpu 10% used, ram 45% used according to system monitor03:12
twmlits ran everything i need so far just this net framework is being a pain, had this xubunutu for about a week now03:13
thebilgeratwhat specifically are you wanting to run in wine if you have multiple windows boxes?03:13
twmljust some software i have on windows, just i only have 1 windows laptop and its getting slow, so a linux backup would be nice03:14
thebilgeratwell, winehq is your friend.  Also now that you are on linux its a great time to find linux equivalents if any03:15
twmliv checked the winehq site says the versions of my software will run on my version of wine03:15
thebilgeratis it gold, platinum, silver?03:16
thebilgeratI typically don't try running programs through wine that require .net 3 and later03:16
twmlim new to linux as i said and trying to see its limitations03:17
thebilgeratWell, it runs linux software really really well :)03:17
twmli hate libreoffice much prefer my windows word 201303:18
twmliv already figured out most stuff, windows shares, mounting drives,  a decent chunk of basic commands03:19
twmlwell il go now got stuff to do, just checking on my net framework issue, il let it run til it blows up or finishes :P  what ever comes first03:20
thebilgeratI'm not seeing word 2013 standalone on winehq.  Office 2013 is listed as garbage03:20
ObrienDaveok, best of luck to you. come back for questions. also #ubuntu channel03:21
james0r2you can give give kingsoft WPS, i've been trying it out for a couple weeks.03:21
thebilgerat(s)he's off03:22
james0r2held up pretty well with docs from Word so far.03:22
ObrienDaveyea, figures03:22
james0r2ahh missed that. thanks.03:22
thebilgeratin for a fun night of wine hell trying to get a 1Gb mem laptop to run word 201303:23
thebilgeratthough wine03:23
james0r2yeah that sounds miserable. i'm with whoever said earlier they just run stuff through VMs03:23
james0r2i never have luck with Wine. one issue or another will usually make it unusable03:23
thebilgeratI have decent luck on very specific things.  dotnet 3.5 is NOT one of them heh03:24
xanguawhen will people learn wine is not an emulator03:24
thebilgerator anything that relies on it03:24
james0r2who said it was an emulator03:24
thebilgerat"I got this shiny new linux box - now to load office suite, visual studio, and a bunch of windows only games onto it!"03:25
ObrienDaveand then wonder why things don't work very well03:26
james0r2yeah pretty silly03:26
xanguajames0r2: people still today think wine means Windw Emulator03:26
xanguaWindows Emulator*03:26
ObrienDaveit isn't??? ;P03:26
xanguasee ...03:27
james0r2yeah that's the best way they can explain it03:27
james0r2i think it stems from that attitude about "if linux wants to compete with windows..."03:29
james0r2the false premise leads to a bunch of nonsense. heh03:29
thebilgeratYeah, or an unwillingness to adapt, improvise and overcome the lack of their favorite userland app03:30
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thebilgeratplus I think Xubuntu comes with Abiword03:31
thebilgerat...yep there it is03:31
james0r2ya know never used it, had an issue opening an odt file when i first tried and quickly just went back to librewriter.03:32
james0r2i'm glad i don't have a job that requires me to run windows apps03:33
thebilgeratheh - me too.03:34
james0r2i'm able to do most everything natively on linux03:34
thebilgeratalthough I do have to admit to really enjoying visual studio if I'm doing C# stuff03:34
thebilgeratall my work these days is with qtcreator and vim03:35
thebilgeratall in linux03:35
james0r2never used it, i'm just a novice coder and every ide i've needed worked fine on linux03:35
james0r2qtcreator an ide for working with Qt i take it?03:36
james0r2i'm wanting to dev mobile stuff at some point in the future so i'll probably run into a brick wall at somepoint if i work with obj C03:36
james0r2i got Mountain Lion working in a VM but on my i3 with 6gigs of RAM it was pretty choppy. not smooth enough to work in03:37
Vampiприветики :)04:20
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xubuntu54whey guys, i know this is a xubuntu forum, but what's the best ever linux distro for a laptop that prev ran windows vista- 6yrs old?04:32
cfhowlettxubuntu54w, lubuntu or xubuntu.  lubuntu is optimized for older / lower specification hardware.04:34
Unit193xubuntu54w: What's the specs?04:37
xubuntu54wcool. oh it's got like an AMD dual core 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 128mb ATI Radeon04:38
Unit193Either's fine.04:40
xubuntu13whi all. need some help please. running xubuntu, and desktop/taskbar have disappeared. comp running fine, firefox restart/reload page comes up, but nothing else. thanks06:35
elfyalt+f2 -> xfce4-panel --restart06:37
Naphatulhow can i change thunar shortcuts so that my mouse buttons go forward/back ?08:19
priuonI successfully started a guest icewm session on my xubuntu trusty thar installation. Will using my prime useraccount for a IceWM session conflict with the default xfdestop session/config/etc?08:51
counterhi, can someone help me with the "xfce4-mailwatch-plugin" configuration? There is a local maildir option, which folder from my thunderbird folder I need to select to get it working?09:03
deshiputhunderbird doesn't use maildir09:04
deshipuit uses some ridiculous format of its own09:04
counterthat would explain, why it is not working ...09:05
deshipualso, you can configure thunderbird to show you notifications on new mail09:05
counterI receive notification popups, but I like permanent notification icon09:06
priuonmaildir is not the same as mbox is it?09:07
priuonwhat UNIX System did the mbox get introduced?09:08
priuonSysV certainly had it09:09
deshipuchceck the wikipedia page09:11
priuonthe mbox has a wikipediabage. how delightful :)09:12
priuoncan someone please respond to my wm question :"<priuon> I successfully started a guest icewm session on my xubuntu trusty thar installation. Will using my prime useraccount for a IceWM session conflict with the default xfdestop session/config/etc?"09:16
kblinhi folks10:27
kblinit seems like on my T440s thinkpad, my touchpad is randomly stopping to work10:28
kblinthe red thingie still works to move the cursor, but I can't click on anything anymore10:29
kblin 10:30
kblinthe funny part is that if I lock the screen, the touchpad still works there10:31
kblinbut once I unlock again, the touchpad is dead10:31
brainwashkblin: maybe worth a try, run "xfsettingsd --replace" to restart the settings daemon of Xfce10:33
kblinbrainwash: nope, no change10:35
kblinI know that a reboot will fix this, but if I wanted to reboot all the time I'd be running a different OS10:36
brainwasha relog does not fix this?10:38
kblinnever tried.10:41
brainwashnot a nice solution though10:41
kblinI can do "sudo reboot" without a mouse, I can "xflock4" without mouse, but I'm not sure how to relog10:42
kblinalso a reboot is almost as fast. :)10:43
kblinbut the main reason really is that I don't know how to just log off10:43
brainwashxfce4-session-logout --logout10:43
brainwashor sudo restart lightdm10:43
kblinok, hang on10:43
kblinok, so the xfce4-session-logout --logout didn't do anything10:48
kblinrestarting lightdm sort of worked...10:48
kblinthat is it killed the current session and failed to tstart up again10:50
kblinbut I could restart the session with another service lighdm start10:53
brainwashok, did you already search the web for an existing bug report?10:54
brainwashthe buggy behavior could be caused by xorg10:55
brainwashand I have no clue why xfce4-session-logout did not work for you10:57
brainwashI assume that no error or warning message has been displayed10:58
kblinI got an error about the session being busy when re-running the xfce4-session-logout10:58
kblinbut initially I got no message whatsoever10:58
brainwashthat's a bug10:59
brainwashsometimes the session is stuck due to unknown reasons11:00
brainwashI suspect that there is some conflict with logind11:00
brainwashyou could try to run "sudo restart systemd-logind" next time it happens11:01
kblinok, I'll try that the next time11:03
counterhm, how is login data encrypted by the xfce4 mail notification, with the login password? I use a master password at thunderbird, if not it would decrease security11:23
alexj212Loving xubuntu 14.04 lately with some updates my mouse (logitech wireless) has started getting lag where should I start looking14:28
mawildid you changed the battery, i had this problem several times ...14:30
alexj212its a rechargable one with the charger wire plugged in14:31
alexj212i had this with a real old mouse (wireless) I updated mouse and it was great for last few months14:32
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sargaswhy would sound stop working after plugging an external monitor?16:09
holsteinsargas: hdmi?16:09
sargasholstein: 1st with HDMI, then with VGA too16:10
holsteinwho knows.. i would look at my graphics drivers probably first..16:11
sargasholstein: in alsamixer, the default sound card was hdmi, i changed that to analog16:12
holsteini would also try "pavucontrol" for routing..16:12
sargasholstein: but do i check my graphics drivers?16:12
holsteinsargas: im saying, i would check and see if there are other drivers available.. proprietary graphics drivers..16:12
holsteinif its, for example, nvidia hardware16:13
sargasholstein: I'll check, this machine has an integrated one, and an AMD one16:15
sargasholstein: so maybe the OS messes up which one to use?16:16
holsteinsargas: maybe.. test and see16:16
sargasholstein: if I only knew how to ...16:16
sargasholstein: I'll check for AMD drivers first16:16
holsteinright.. then, you can try a vesa driver.. just isolate and see what causes the behavior..16:17
sargasholstein: can't seem find a linux driver for AMD Radeon TM HD 8750M16:30
sargasholstein: tried a couple of downloads I found, but they fail saying their are not supported by the system16:31
holsteinsargas: well, they likely never promised you one.. they = amd or the device manufacturer16:31
holsteinsargas: the proprietary drivers are in the repo16:31
holsteinthe ones in the repos are usually the "best" to try first, but, as i tell others, this is *not* a fix, so dont waste time on it if you are having issues16:32
holsteinyou are basically using a device that has been promised will work with another OS.. a team of experts were hired to make sure the hardware works, and drivers are provided, and updated.. they didnt promise that for linux, so that burden can fall to you, since, not many folks may have your exact hardware16:33
sargasholstein: that's true, this is a business grade laptop that I didn't ask for at work16:34
holsteinsure.. im just suggesting to have realistic expectations.. i like using live CD's to test..16:34
holsteinthe proprietary graphics driver is a good first step.. you should be able to click on "sources" in the menu, and find a tab about "alternate" or "extra" or "proprietary" drivers.. the system will search for ones that are available, and should describe them16:35
superkuhI don't know who did it, but the latest xubuntu updates seem to have stopped my constant Thunar/gmain/Caja crashes due to memory corruption in the gslice magazine allocator. Thank you!16:38
holsteinmaybe the contributor is listed in the bug report.. or, a config was refreshed on your end..16:39
sargasso I found my driver listed as 8***16:41
sargasholstein: at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver16:41
holsteinsargas: you can find one in the repos.. try the GUI i mentioned16:42
sargasholstein: But is it going to work on Xubuntu (or rather, with xfce)?16:42
holsteinsargas: xubuntu *is* ubuntu16:42
holsteinsargas: nothing about xubuntu or xfce will prevent that driver from working.. though, i would read about manually removing it from the recovery console in case..16:43
sargasholstein: I know it is... what GUI?16:43
holsteinsargas: in the menu, "sources". "software sources".. in that GUI is a tab for these drivers.. "proprietary" or "additional".. or "extra"16:43
sargasholstein: there is a guide to remove catalyst from the system before trying an opesource driver16:43
holsteinsargas: you *are* using the open driver now.. its in the kernel16:43
sargasholstein: oh! That's right... good thing you are helping me man16:44
holsteinyou can open a terminal and run "lspci -v" and find your graphics device there and look at the driver/module in use, to be certain16:44
holsteinthere is nothing saying that the proprietary driver will "fix" whatever is happening, though16:45
holsteincould be, the sound is being reset.. personally, if i had sound.. then, plugged in a monitor, and restarting applications would give me sound back to them, i would just to with that..16:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:46
holstein^ i would file a bug, though.. or see if there already is one16:46
sargasholstein: in the GUI, it doesn't list any proprietary driver :)16:47
holsteinsargas: sure.. as i said, you are not promised one.. so, there may not be one provided to ubuntu by the device manufacturer for your specific device16:47
sargasholstein: gotcha, thank you for your help!!16:47
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:47
holsteinthere should be options though. but, personally, i wouldnt waste much time with this, since its not necessarily a fix in any way.. just a troubleshooting step16:48
sargasholstein: I just found the correct opensource driver was installed (as it should)16:50
sargasholstein: and sometimes, restarting the computer and not plugging the monitor will make my system's sound work again16:50
sargasholstein: I think I'll roll with that16:50
sargasholstein, ubottu: Thank you for your help again.16:51
holsteinsargas: actually, the "correct" driver would be just the one that works, that fits your needs16:51
holsteinsargas: the open ones are usually quite capable these days, but, they are just that.. open ones.. not provided by the manufacturer, necessarily16:51
holsteinthey are always welcome to get involved, and provide you are driver or provide ubuntu one.. but, they typically dont16:52
sargasholstein: yeah... I won't waste more time looking for one... I also just found out the problem I'm having is a known bug16:52
holsteini would just /join the bug then, and keep an eye out for work-arounds or fixes when/if they materialize16:52
sargasholstein: I will keep an I for the fix, since I don't have to file a report16:53
sargasholstein: :)16:53
sargasholstein: I meant, I will keep an "eye", my English failed me again...16:53
sargasholstein: (not my 1st language16:53
holsteinsargas: no worries.. good luck to you16:54
superkuhWeird. I was wrong about the bug being fixed. Instead I have discovered a strange time correlation in the thunar/caja segfaults. They only occur between 12:00 pm (noon) and 23:59 pm (midnight). There are none of these segfaults between 00:00 am and 11:59 am. (localtime)17:16
rootsandculturehi all17:27
slickymasterWork!hi | rootsandculture17:29
ubotturootsandculture: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:29
rootsandcultureI'm on Xubuntu 14.04.1, the problem is when files or folders are copied to a folder in the hard disk from an CD DVD sets as read only17:31
rootsandcultureThis problem only happens under xubuntu, in a fresh 14.04.1 install. (Didn't tested in earlier versions). No problem at all with any ubuntu version or fedora xfce spin. When I set manually the permision in the propierties panel in Thunar I can make it readable. But its weird to make it with ALL my CD or DVD backups, and ALL subfolders. Any idea?17:31
slickymasterWorkbug 242842 | rootsandculture17:36
ubottubug 242842 in thunar "Thunar overrides the user's umask" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24284217:36
rootsandculturebut tried in nautilus and the same happens17:40
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TravisYay!  I have fixed a problem I've been having by switching laptops!18:47
TravisI am running 14.04.1 on a Panasonic CF-30.  It's working great right now.18:47
Hedgeworkheya, Travis19:01
* Hedgework highfives Travis19:01
TravisI know who you are :p19:01
HedgeworkTravis: If you'd forgotten, I'd be hurt!19:01
TravisI have some hedges that need trimmed.  Wanna do them for me?19:01
TravisSorry, bad pun.19:01
* Hedgework waves a wand in the direction of Travis's shrubbery19:02
TravisNow the house looks bigger.19:02
TravisI am testing a CF-30 on a thumb drive.  I think I may end up having to have it boot from a thumb drive for now.19:03
TravisI don't have a hard drive caddy for one.19:03
HedgeworkTravis: CF-30?  That the same Panasonic you had when I saw you last, or something different?19:06
TravisNo.  This is one I am testing for someone.19:07
TravisThe sad part is, there's about 10 or so more of these.  All without power supplies, HDDs, & HDD caddies.19:07
TravisThe laptop is new enough, that the HDD is SATA.19:07
HedgeworkI'm sure you can find a cheap power supply on Ebay.  We could rig something for a HDD without much effort.19:08
TravisI have a 16v one.19:08
TravisThe voltage required on the laptop is 15.619:09
Hedgeworkcookimon knows more about power supply stuff than I do, check with him to see how much that matters19:10
tonytcan anyone point me to a fix/faq to screen tearing? not habing much luck on google19:12
Hedgeworktonyt: "screen tearing"  <--I failed to parse that19:15
Unit193Hedgework: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/03/Tearing_%28simulated%29.jpg that type of thing.19:17
Unit193tonyt: Does it get less tearing without the compositor?  What graphics card?19:17
Hedgeworktonyt: oh, wow...I've never run into that19:18
superkuhtonyt, what graphics card and what drivers?19:21
Unit193Hedgework: Heh, lucky you!19:22
superkuhI used to have issued but then ATI, erm, AMD released the catalyst 11 drivers and since then OS that support those drivers have a "Tear Free" option in the amdccle configuration menu.19:22
rootsandculturehow do I apply this patch?19:22
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 3532 in General "Thunar mask restrictions on group and other" [Major,Resolved: fixed]19:22
xubuntu62wanybody in there ?19:32
HedgeworkNo, that list of 133 nicknames besides yourself is a clever ruse.19:32
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xubuntu62wI need help19:32
HedgeworkPsychiatry is on the third floor, to the right of the elevators...or if you have a Linux question you could, you know, ask it so we can attempt to help.19:33
xubuntu62wI got a problem installing virtualbox or vmware19:33
xubuntu62wit cannot find the linux headers matching my kernel19:34
HedgeworkWhich one are you installing?19:34
HedgeworkThey are very different products.19:34
xubuntu62wlater VMware and virtualbox19:34
xubuntu62wlatest releases19:35
HedgeworkOkay, start by telling us what versions of Xubuntu and those packages you are using (and where you are getting the packages from), plus *exactly* how you are trying to install and *exactly* what errors you are given.19:35
xubuntu62wdesktop@anakin:~$ uname -a Linux anakin.ipv6forlife.com 3.10.23-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 #1 SMP Tue Mar 18 14:48:24 CET 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux desktop@anakin:~$19:36
xubuntu62wthis is my linux19:36
xubuntu62wdesktop@anakin:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup Stopping VirtualBox kernel moduleslibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:1619 kmod_module_new_from_loaded: could not open /proc/modules: No such file or directory Error: could not get list of modules: No such file or directory libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:1619 kmod_module_new_from_loaded: could not open /proc/modules: No such file or directory Error: could not get 19:37
xubuntu62wcat desktop@anakin:~$ cat /var/log/vbox-install.log  Makefile:183: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. Stop. Makefile:183: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. Stop. Makefile:183: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directo19:38
xubuntu62wthe virtualbox package was downloaded today from oracle19:41
xubuntu62wI hit a similar problem with vmware19:41
knome!pastebin | xubuntu62w19:42
ubottuxubuntu62w: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:42
xubuntu62wI don t understand this weird kernel name which does not match what I have in /usr/src19:42
xubuntu62wthe package I am installing is Virtualbox from Oracle19:47
xubuntu62wwhat else do you need ?19:47
HedgeworkWhy are you trying to install it from Oracle instead of from the repos?  There's a perfectly good virtualbox package already available.19:47
xubuntu62wok I can try it19:48
xubuntu62wI was utse to loda it from oracle19:48
xubuntu62wbut yety apt-get works19:49
xubuntu62whope it will get beetter thanks19:49
xubuntu62wit will not solve the VMware issue which i similar but if it is ok with virtualbox I am happy19:50
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HedgeworkI don't have VMware installed on the Xubuntu side of my machine here, but I do have a license, so I can test that next week if it's important.19:52
xubuntu62wdesktop@anakin:~$ virtualbox& [1] 2878 desktop@anakin:~$ WARNING: The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.  Please install the virtualbox-dkms package and the appropriate  headers, most likely linux-headers-std.   You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed. Qt WARNING: Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host19:52
xubuntu62wit still fails19:52
xubuntu62wbut it says why19:53
Hedgeworkxubuntu62w: That's...odd...given how that package usually behaves.  May I ask how long it's been since you rebooted the machine?19:53
Hedgeworkxubuntu62w: Xubuntu (and *buntu in general) isn't always good about not assuming you'll reboot immediately after a kernel package is updated, so they often leave you with a kernel mismatch between what's running and what's configured to run.19:54
xubuntu62wdesktop@anakin:~$ WARNING: The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.  Please install the virtualbox-dkms package and the appropriate  headers, most likely linux-headers-std.   You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed. Qt WARNING: Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed19:55
xubuntu62wstill Freejack ails19:55
xubuntu62wstill fails19:55
Hedgeworkxubuntu62w: see my last comments19:56
xubuntu62wuname -a gives an image name which is not in /usr/src19:57
Hedgeworkthat's questionable...when did you reboot last?19:59
xubuntu62wlong time ago19:59
xubuntu62wmay be I should19:59
Hedgeworkapt will clean up old /usr/src entries but it can't change your running kernel and won't delete from /boot unless explicitly asked19:59
HedgeworkSo reboot.20:00
Hedgework(note that had you read my comments a minute ago you would already know this)20:00
xubuntu62wok tx20:00
Unit193You can also make sure  linux-generic  is installed.20:00
Hedgeworkerr, a few minutes ago :P20:00
xubuntu63wvirtualbox still refuse20:30
xubuntu63wWARNING: The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.  Please install the virtualbox-dkms package and the appropriate  headers, most likely linux-headers-std.   You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.20:30
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xubuntu63wthe name of my kernel is quite weird20:32
xubuntu63wthis is the reason I guess20:32
xubuntu63wkernel name mismatch20:33
sheaphas anyone had an issue with the logout button from the system tray not working? it prompts for logout but then when you click "okay" nothing happens?20:33
sheapxfce4-session-logout seems to work fine from the command line20:34
sheapbut the system tray logout button seems to execute something different20:34
xubuntu63w I have a linux kernel with aname not matching the linux-headers available21:03
xubuntu63wthis is a problem for virtualbox and vmware21:03
xubuntu63wwho can help me ?21:03
m477I have kubuntu if I install xubuntu-desktop from repo it wont broke in any way anything?21:08
m477Iam asking cuz some time ago I did this with kde and gnome, and they "mixed" each other21:11
SnoopDogghey :DD21:12
bazhangall the apps will mix. thats not 'breaking'21:12
SnoopDogghi, how important is swap space?21:13
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DF3D2how do I stop XFCE from dimming my second monitor when not using it21:15
DF3D2I don't see anything in screensaver settings21:18
SnoopDogghelp guys someone has shadowbanned me from Xubuntu21:18
bazhangSnoopDogg, stop the nonsense21:18
SnoopDoggeverytime i boot up it says do you even lift bro? and just logs me out21:19
SnoopDoggim so annoyed21:19
bazhang!ot | SnoopDogg21:19
ubottuSnoopDogg: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:19
sheapwhat command does the indicator-session run?21:24
sheapsomething is causing the command that 'indicator-session' runs for logout to hang but I'm not sure what it's doing21:27
brainwashsheap: indicator-session is not installed by default. it wasn't tested and therefore might not be compatible with the xubuntu session21:32
dunpealHi. What's the most user-friendly way to check the local HDD for errors?21:32
sheapbrainwash: it isn't? It's on my 14.04 xubuntu box21:34
sheapI feel like it's calling gnome-session-quit but I'm not sure21:35
brainwashit's not21:35
brainwashyou see, it's not working21:35
sheapdo you know what it's doing?21:35
bullgard4dunpeal: Xfce > Applications menu > Accessories  > Disk utility21:36
Unit193dunpeal: Perhaps gsmartcontrol or gnome-disks.21:36
sheapbrainwash: how do you know it wasn't tested or anything?21:36
brainwashit's not part of the default xubuntu installation21:38
dunpealbullgard4: I don't have that one?21:38
dunpealUnit193: thanks.21:38
bullgard4dunpeal: So please install it.21:38
dunpealbullgard4: which package is it?21:40
sheapI don't know why it was installed on mine then21:42
bullgard4dunpeal: gnome-disk-utility21:43
brainwashsheap: did you install xubuntu on top of ubuntu? or did you install anything related to the unity session?21:44
drcsheap: Or maybe an upgrade from earlier version of Xubuntu that did install it?21:46
sheapdrc brainwash I have the ubuntu repos in my sources21:48
sheapwhich according to apt-cache is where indicator-session came from21:48
sheapis there a way to check the dependencies?21:48
sheapI'm not sure why it was downloaded in the first place21:48
DF3D2can someone explain this behavior? I have two monitors setup (seperate desktops) with XFCE when I click from the second monitor back to the first, the brightness goes down 30%. I see no options anywhere in settings to control this.21:48
drcsheap: Then I'd guess you installed something from the ubuntu repos that required it.21:49
sheapdrc: do you know how to check that?21:49
brainwashremove that package21:49
brainwashand apt will tell you which other currently installed packages depend on it21:50
dunpealbullgard4: thanks. this is gnome-disks mentioned by Unit19321:50
sheapdrc brainwash apt-cache policy *pkg* shows the info21:50
bullgard4dunpeal: So this should enhance your confidence.21:52
sheapI guess I'm installing ubuntu and xubuntu on top of that21:55
sheaphow does that even work?21:56
sheapjk found it, tasksel is doing ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop21:56
xubuntu94wI do not understand where 845 GBytes are going in my home dir22:06
xubuntu94wdesktop@anakin:~$ sudo du -h -t 10M 63M./.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-2.10.30 63M./.dropbox-dist 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl 26M./.config/google-chrome 29M./.config 49M./.cache/mozilla/firefox/bmyw4gmc.default/cache2/entries 49M./.cach22:06
xubuntu94wdesktop@anakin:~$ sudo du -h -t 10M 63M./.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-2.10.30 63M./.dropbox-dist 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl 26M./.config/google-chrome 29M./.config 49M./.cache/mozilla/firefox/bmyw4gmc.default/cache2/entries 49M./.cach22:07
Unit193!info ncdu | xubuntu94w22:07
ubottuxubuntu94w: ncdu (source: ncdu): ncurses disk usage viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10-1 (trusty), package size 39 kB, installed size 111 kB22:07
Unit193xubuntu94w: Much better to use a pastebin service.22:07
xubuntu94wplease I dont understand where thes 849 G are going ?22:07
slickymasterxubuntu94w: please use http://pastebin.com/ to not clutter channel22:08
Unit193xubuntu94w: And I'd recommend using ncdu, disk usage with an ncurses frontend.  Helps me a lot clearing out clutter.22:09
slickymaster!hi | mo0p22:09
ubottumo0p: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:09
mo0pQuestion regarding USB 2.0 passthrough with Virtualbox, i cant seem find anything on it, but when i enable usb 2.0 for a VM i get errors22:10
mo0pError says i need Oracle VM Virtualbox extention pack buti cant seem to find it22:10
slickymastermo0p: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html22:12
Unit193mo0p: It's not in the repos, you'll have to get it from Oracle's website.22:12
slickymastermo0p: direct livk -> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html#extpack22:12
xubuntu71wit is inb the repos22:12
xubuntu71wbut it does not work for me22:12
xubuntu71wI have a stupid question22:13
xubuntu71wI see 845G used in my home dir22:13
xubuntu71wand I do not have big file22:13
xubuntu71wcan you help me understand22:13
xubuntu71wwhy the . file is 840G+22:13
mo0pCool thanks for the links, getting it now !22:22
mo0pversion mismatch :( they dont have it for 4.3.10 :(22:24
xubuntu71wplease I really need help22:24
xubuntu71wI have deleted a huge number of file but the memory has not been released on the hdd22:25
xubuntu71wI still have 848G used for nothing!22:25
drcxubuntu71w: You deleted them or merley moved them to the trash?22:25
xubuntu71wI don t get it22:25
xubuntu71wno I deleted with rm -rf22:25
DF3D2is there a keyboard shortcut to move a window to take up "half" the screen?22:26
xubuntu71wthe 840 GB show up in the . file22:26
drcAssuming it's one file or folder, then you didn't rm that particular folder/file.  Earlier you said ", file"...what ". file"?22:26
xubuntu71wno I have deleted a bigf directory22:27
xubuntu71wwith rm -rf22:27
mo0pyou will likely need to use softare to recover the files22:27
xubuntu71wwith rm -rfi do not want to recover22:27
xubuntu71wI want the space back22:27
xubuntu71wdesktop@anakin:~$ sudo du -h -t 10M 63M./.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-2.10.30 63M./.dropbox-dist 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl/ 11M./.config/google-chrome/pnacl 26M./.config/google-chrome 29M./.config 85M./.dropbox/instance1 90M./.dropbox 53M./.cache/mozilla/firefox/bmy22:29
xubuntu71wno big files22:30
xubuntu71wdesktop@anakin:~$ sudo du -h -t 100M 846G. desktop@anakin:~$22:30
xubuntu71wonly one file is bigger thqn 100M it is the directory itself22:31
xubuntu71wthe directory . file did not release the meory22:31
xubuntu71whow can i release this memory ?22:36
xubuntu71wdesktop@anakin:~$ sudo du ./ -h -t 100M22:37
xubuntu71wdesktop@anakin:~$ sudo du ./ -h -t 100M22:37
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