
=== gunner_genii is now known as genii
ahoneybunvalorie: ping06:07
valoriehi aaron06:09
valoriehow are ya?06:09
* valorie is still recovering from jetlag+icky cold06:10
MamarokFWIW: all file associations in the inode section that are active have Konqueror as first occurence: http://i.imgur.com/ad1rHYo.png09:02
yofelwhat's the first application in the list shown in system settings > default applications > file manager?09:05
MamarokKonqueror as well09:06
MamarokI installed kde-full, maybe something inside there triggereded it?09:07
Mamaroknot new to Utopic btw, I had that in Trusty as well09:07
yofelcould be, and yeah I've seen that too but I didn't have time to dig deeper09:08
yofelmaybe it's a race condition as dolphin and konqueror have the same initial preference value in the desktop file09:09
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
BluesKajHiya folks13:49
valorielooks like scarlett is over jetlag too!22:10
sgclarkhehe yeah. time for a break though22:47
valoriesgclark: I picked up a nasty cold as well; finally getting rid of that as well22:52
valorieI hope you are well22:52
sgclarkvalorie: yeah I had sniffles and cough first few days but it did not get to bad, all better now.22:54
sgclarkwhat was the program/thing called you use to see irc when you are away?22:56
sgclarkand does it work when offline? my internet seem to have turned to crap and I cut out alot.. during conversations..22:57
yofelif you have a server quassel can do it, otherwise there's IRC bouncers22:57
yofelI use former, valorie latter IIRC22:57
sgclarkOk thanks, I will look into both to see what fits.22:59
valorieI didn't like quassel, so bnc + konvi all the way23:01
valoriefor me23:01
valorieyes, both work as long as they are connected23:02
valorieall bets are off if they get disconnected, which is rare23:02
valoriethere is also screen, which some use instead23:02
sgclarkI just sent a ticket for the kde BNC for now. Thanks you two23:05
sgclarkoff to the store, see you guys later/tomorrow23:13

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