
=== gunner_genii is now known as genii
=== Eu is now known as Guest95210
halvors1I have a setup with BIND9 and DHCPD and i'm trying to update reverse dns records from dhcp.00:39
halvors1But i get the following error on the DNS server: client rndc-key: updating zone '10.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN': update failed: not authoritative for update zone (NOTAUTH)00:39
halvors1And on the dhcp server: Unable to add reverse map from to halvors02.crew.infected.no.: not found00:40
halvors1I have no idea why this doesn't work.00:40
sarnoldwhy is a client on 192.168.x.x updating a record for 10.x.x.x?00:40
halvors1192.168.0.118 is the DHCP server and is the DNS server. They just have communication via another network.00:43
halvors1And 10.x.x.x because dhcp relay :)00:43
sarnoldokay, so something expected :)00:44
halvors1But i don't fully understand the NOAUTH.00:44
tewardyour bind9 server isn't set as authoritative for that zone00:44
halvors1Does it mean my rndc-key is bad? I've checked and it is excactly the same configuration as the forward zone.00:45
halvors1teward: How do i set it authorative?00:45
sarnoldhalvors1: this guide makes me think you can make it authoritative by adding "recursion no;00:46
halvors1sarnold: I don't get the: client rndc-key: updating zone '10.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN': update failed: not authoritative for update zone (NOTAUTH)00:50
halvors1Anymore, but i still get the: Unable to add reverse map from to halvors02.crew.infected.no.: not found00:51
halvors1What confuses me the most is the not found message reported by the dhcp server.00:52
sarnoldhalvors1: ooh, this looks useful: http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/174078-isc-dhcp-and-bind-doing-ddns00:52
sarnoldhalvors1: looks like you need to add another zone nnn.nnn.nnn.nn.in-addr.arpa { } block to your dhcpd config00:53
halvors1I have that zone in dhcpd already.00:55
sarnolddo you need to reload the server to know about it? (sorry, but I've gotta ask :)00:56
halvors1huh? Of course i reloaded both bind and isc-dhcp-server00:56
halvors1Here is a dump of my dhcpd.conf file: http://pastebin.com/G6RKKNNr00:56
sarnoldhalvors1: hmm, looks rndc-key is still in the paste00:59
halvors1yep :P01:01
halvors1But it's just a lan dns server ;)01:02
sarnoldhalvors1: sorry, I'm not spotting it :(01:02
halvors1Basiclly it seems like the issue is that somehow bind is complaining about that zone doesn't exist...01:03
halvors1But cannot figure out why...01:03
sarnoldhalvors1: but the error is coming from dhcpd, right?01:03
sarnoldhalvors1: you could ltrace the thing, you might get lucky..01:03
halvors1I've tried manually with nsupdate01:03
sarnoldltrace is like strace, but shows (some, but not all) function calls01:04
halvors1Here is my zone from bind btw: http://pastebin.com/6YSyQwv001:05
halvors1Seems ok, right?01:05
sarnoldhalvors1: is that leading "0." alright?01:05
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halvors1Is it just zone "40.0.10.in-addr.arpa" { you mean?01:06
halvors1Keep in mind that this is bind configuration not dhcpd.01:06
sarnoldhalvors1: yea, I just don't know bind all so well :)01:07
halvors1The zero seems to be correct.01:08
halvors1sarnold: hmm. I'm gonna need to continue looking at this tomorrow :) Thanks for help so far ;)01:17
sarnoldhalvors1: good luck :) I'd be curious to hear what it is when you find it01:17
Patrickdkthe last time I used bind and dynamic updates like like 10years ago01:18
Patrickdkthe zero is not correct :)01:18
Patrickdkthe 0 would be a dns record (ptr) within the zone01:19
Patrickdknot the whole zone01:19
halvors1Are you sure?01:19
Patrickdkwell, I haven't used bind since like 200501:19
Patrickdkbut I have been serving up zone entries since 199801:20
sarnoldthis looks like no zero .. http://www.zytrax.com/books/dns/ch3/01:20
sarnoldPatrickdk: hrm, that includes the 0 :)01:21
Patrickdkno it doesn't01:21
sarnoldzone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {01:21
Patrickdk3 places01:21
Patrickdknot 4 :)01:21
sarnoldme fail reading01:21
sarnoldthat's unpossible!01:21
Patrickdkwait till you start learning about sub/24 ptr forwarding :)01:21
Patrickdklike when an isp needs to give you reverse for a smaller than /24 block :)01:22
Patrickdkor for that matter, anything not on a Class A/B/C boundry01:22
halvors1It is /24 subnets i'm gonna provide reverse dns for :)01:23
Patrickdkno, the end person, doesn't matter :)01:23
Patrickdkit can be *too* large, without sideeffects01:23
Patrickdkit's when you have to correctly forward that info, it gets interesting01:23
Patrickdkenough they wrote rfc's for it :)01:24
halvors1Ah, excellent.01:25
halvors1Now got it actually working over here :D01:25
halvors1Thank you very much all of you :)01:26
halvors1The problem was the 0.01:26
sarnoldPatrickdk: nice :)01:26
halvors1My zone in bind now looks like: http://pastebin.com/yrvB0sRW01:26
halvors1agh, have to remember that for future installations :)01:27
Patrickdkhmm, I wonder if I can ban more ips now :)01:28
Patrickdkbeen having that *issue*01:29
Patrickdknot enough to really even be noticable01:29
Patrickdkbut well, bruteforcing shouldn't be allowed01:29
halvors1YEah :)01:30
sarnoldPatrickdk: heh, crazy, they don't include firewalling :/01:33
Patrickdkwouldn't that block the ability for people to use wordpress then? :)01:33
Patrickdkheh, makes me really happy though that I'm on debian/ubuntu01:33
Patrickdkapparmor is so much useable than selinux to lock down this crap01:34
sarnoldPatrickdk: dropping packets from login-bruteforcers is unlikely to upset too many legitimate users :)01:35
Patrickdksarnold, tell that to my users :)01:35
PatrickdkI had it dropping packets after 10 logins per minute01:35
sarnoldPatrickdk: oh they try to log in as admin a few hundred times without the right passwords? :) hehe01:35
PatrickdkI dunno why users where hitting up the login page so often :)01:35
Patrickdkthe other part that annoys me :)01:36
Patrickdkis the wordpress ajax script01:36
Patrickdk*NORMAL* users hit that up like 3 times a second01:36
Patrickdkthat totally triggers all my anti-dos protection01:36
Patrickdkwhere anti-dos is set for, same url, same ip, loads same thing, >100 times in 5min01:37
Patrickdksounds reasonable? :)01:37
sarnoldyup :)01:39
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punkgeekhow to install ssl on ubuntu?13:11
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punkgeekListenAddress, is it true in sshd_config ?16:40
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funman___hi folks18:07
funman___who used those?18:07
Patrickdkonly you18:22
funman___Patrickdk: which one do u use?18:22
Patrickdkmy own?18:23
funman___its cost alot to colo18:23
Patrickdkplace order, receive server, install software, buy datacenter, install into datacenter18:23
funman___buy datacentre?18:24
funman___u mean colo space?18:24
Patrickdksure :)18:24
Patrickdkwell, if your small18:24
funman___but I just want 1 server :P18:24
Patrickdkit's cheaper to own the datacenter18:24
funman___how come?18:24
funman___it cost millions18:24
Patrickdkand how much would it cost to *rent* a datacenter?18:24
Patrickdkatleast 4x that price18:24
Patrickdkwhy does everyone want to get *bigger*?18:25
Patrickdkcause you can save more money, when your larger18:25
Patrickdktill you become management heavy18:25
funman___I want to rent 1 to 2 boxes18:25
funman___surely cheaper to rent?18:25
funman___datashag got some cheap enough18:26
Patrickdkthose are a strange collection of *desktop* machines18:26
Patrickdkthat is why those are cheap18:26
Patrickdkit's just a normal desktop18:27
Patrickdkmost of them don't even have ecc18:27
Patrickdkbut it all depends on your requirements18:27
funman___i want it cheap18:28
funman___and big18:28
Patrickdkwhat is *big*?18:29
funman___32 MB ram18:29
=== Guest95210 is now known as knoxy
funman___so you start also offers anti ddos18:33
funman___for free18:33
Patrickdkthere is no such thing as anti-ddos18:33
funman___they claim they offer it18:34
Patrickdkwhat they claim, and what it's called, are going be two totally different things18:34
funman___means site will stay online18:34
funman___how come?18:34
Patrickdkhow can it stay online?18:34
funman___they absord extra BD18:34
Patrickdkextra bandwidth?18:35
Patrickdkwhat about your cpu? what about your server?18:35
Patrickdkand what about all those ligit clients attempting to access you?18:35
Patrickdkabsorbing bandwidth costs != site is still usable18:35
Patrickdkjust means you won't get a huge bill18:35
Patrickdknot that things will work18:35
funman___what about All OVH servers will benefit from automatic anti-DDoS mitigation by default in the event of an attack (reactive mitigation).18:36
funman___ Anti-DDoS PRO  Subscribing to professional use for your server enables access to permanent mitigation (the permanent settings) and configuration of the Firewall Network.18:36
funman___but how do they perma mitigate it?18:36
Patrickdkdunno :)18:37
Patrickdkhow do they know a ddos from just normal usage?18:37
Patrickdkthe first time your site goes vial, it will be considered a ddos18:37
Patrickdkat the moment you DONT want it to go down18:37
funman___I think thei offer tilera18:38
funman___instant scale of cpus cores18:38
funman___i dont know how they do it but it works18:40
funman___my mate host site that is often ddosed with them18:40
funman___herzner simply nulls IP18:40
Patrickdksee, I do it the other way18:43
PatrickdkI just have enough servers to not be ddos18:43
Patrickdkand will block on a needed bases to stop abuse18:43
Patrickdkbut I don't want stuff to be blocked incase of a spike18:44
funman___well say u got 1 box18:44
funman___then its tricky18:44
funman___do u also offer hosting?18:44
Patrickdknot for a private server18:45
funman___for what then?18:46
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
blackdev1lhello after i uninstalled nginx from my server i can't use the port 80, i stopped the service and rebooted, what am i missing?20:50
funman___apt-get purge20:50
funman___also u missing apache20:50
funman___or some webserver20:50
funman___to serve http on port 8020:50
funman___or run ls20:51
funman___or lsof -l20:51
funman___something like that20:51
funman___to see ports20:51
blackdev1lfunman___, i'm using a node.js app, if i change port it works .20:51
blackdev1lsomething is blocking the port 8020:51
blackdev1land other than nginx i can't thing other things20:52
funman___run some command to list all ips and ports20:52
funman___then u know for sure20:52
blackdev1li did, nothing is runnign on 8020:52
Patrickdkheh? that seems hard to figure out20:53
Patrickdkwhy not just use, netstat -antp20:53
funman___netstat -lnptu20:53
blackdev1lhttps://gist.github.com/blackdev1l/1ce488497280fca4d0da funman___  Patrickdk20:56
Patrickdkyou are running it as *root* right?20:56
* Patrickdk has no idea what a single letter means, you can talk right?20:57
blackdev1l....it's not like you can't think what y mean while you type it on terminal uh?20:57
funman___w u s?20:57
blackdev1lyes btw20:58
Patrickdky? sounds like why? but could be short for yes? but then I don't even know what your thinking so who knows20:59
Patrickdkand I shouldn't have to FORCE myself to deciver your encryption20:59
Patrickdkthat is taking free support, too far21:00
blackdev1lor maybe you can be just a little less pedantic and expect more a yes to a "yes/no" question21:00
blackdev1lbut, whatever, thank you for the support21:00
PatrickdkI expect answers, not letters21:00
Patrickdkthis is not a scantron test21:00
blackdev1lsomeone has an idea about my prior question ?21:01
funman___netstat -lnptu pastebin21:03
blackdev1li did funman___21:05
blackdev1lhttps://gist.github.com/blackdev1l/1ce488497280fca4d0da funman___21:05
blackdev1li know that something is blocking the 80 port because if i change to default one it just works21:05
funman___ok try reboot21:06
funman___that can fix it21:06
blackdev1li already did :( i'm so lost with this problem21:07
Patrickdkheh, there are only 3 possible things it could be :)21:07
Patrickdkand reboot is never an answer21:07
funman___it is21:08
Patrickdkif reboot is the answer, then it was a program running, and that program *failed* to restart21:09
Patrickdkso really, you ahve two more issues, ontop of your issue :)21:09
funman___blackdev1l: rebot and see21:10
blackdev1ldoesn't works21:11
funman___and kill all proccesses u dont know21:15
funman___what they for21:15
blackdev1li think i'll give up and use apache21:16
blackdev1land do some proxypassReverse21:16
Patrickdkfunman, won't help21:19
Patrickdkthat isn't the problem, already confirmed using netstat21:19
Patrickdkusing apache, likely will work around the issue21:19
blackdev1l:\ kinda bad though21:19
Patrickdkthat you don't know what to fix?21:20
Patrickdkguess so21:20
SP33Dlittle question23:03
zeroNoneshey guys Im trying to copy files from my local computer to a remote server but I need to copy them to a root owned directory via my user. Is there a way to request sudo on transfer?23:31
zeroNonesI have scp www_example_com.csr ubuntu@"/etc/nginx/ssl"23:32
pmatuliszeroNones: is this a one-off thing?23:52
pmatuliszeroNones: if so, you can scp to a directory the ubuntu user can write to, ssh to the server, and use sudo to copy that file under /etc/nginx/ssl.  if not, the make the /etc/nginx/ssl directory writeable by user 'ubuntu', or his group23:54

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