
=== SilverCodeZA is now known as SilverCode
Kilosmorning Vince-0 and others06:53
Kiloshi StonedAlchemist hows the allergies?06:58
Kilosi go let sheep out06:59
Kiloshi HiMaX 07:16
HiMaXhey Kilos07:16
Kiloswhats with nick change07:16
Kilosyou make me think more07:16
HiMaXjust other account 07:17
HiMaXthinking is good :)07:17
Kilosnot for me man07:17
Kilosmy head only likes to see things not have to think about them as well07:18
HiMaXaspecially for you. It adds extra years07:18
HiMaXso the television is to blame :D07:19
tehblazehenHey guys! Anyone else at SFD?07:51
tehblazehenCharl is organiser right?07:51
Kilosna charl is the the netherlands07:52
tehblazehenAh kk07:53
Kilosyou mean karl07:53
tehblazehenYeah, thought they same guy...07:53
Kilosim trying to remember his name07:53
Kiloskarl fischer07:54
* inetpro is at SFD 08:36
inetprodecided to go on the last minute 08:36
inetproamazed to see so many people here 08:37
tehblazehenYeah, over 180 from the facebook page i saw08:37
HiMaXwhat is an SFD?08:38
tehblazehenHeh, like karls humor08:38
tehblazehenHimax: software freedom day08:38
HiMaXtehblazehen: ohk08:38
HiMaXMark Shuttleworth too?08:40
HiMaXhe was here for the court case i think , he maybe would attent such an event08:40
tehblazehenHimax: nah, not here08:41
tehblazehenAs far as i know..08:42
HiMaXtehblazehen: ohk08:42
tehblazeheninetpro: didnt hear 1st time, where do we register?08:52
inetprotehblazehen: at the front there's a qcode with the URL 09:03
tehblazehenKk, ty09:04
tehblazehenHave you still got the url you can paste?09:04
inetprosimply takes you to a simple form which feeds your info to Google Docs 09:04
inetpronow everyone can register without even being here :-) 09:05
inetpronot sure how you'll get your free burger though 09:06
inetprotehblazehen: did he really say we're getting a free burger? 09:07
tehblazehenInetpro: yeah, he did.. :D09:07
Kilosill register get mine too09:08
tehblazehenNot sure how long mcdonalds will take though...09:08
tehblazehenKilos: lol, gonna provide shipping address?09:08
Kilosno the pro can have it09:08
Kiloshe has many hungry kids09:09
inetprohaha 09:09
tehblazeheninetpro: this guy mentioned that this is based on ovirt... Wanna try ovirt at home now09:09
Kilosit says thanks for entering, so what now09:09
inetprohaha Kilos, you really registered? 09:10
inetproai! 09:10
tehblazehenKilos: i guess you share your mail and name, and we receive your burger?09:11
tehblazehenSpeaking about chicken: try playing 7Hz tone at them :D09:11
Kilosthe pro knows that , he borrows my email addy now and again09:11
tehblazehenResonant frequency for skull09:11
inetproRoss Addis speaking at the moment 09:12
inetprolots of advanced stuff here today 09:13
tehblazehenWaiting for the ansible, ELK, and map reduce talks09:13
tehblazehenDocker was interesting09:13
tehblazehenF systemd09:19
inetproWalter talking about privacy now 09:20
inetprointeresting how he uses the browser for his presentation 09:21
tehblazehenFunny how default search is google, considering the topic of the talk09:22
tehblazehenMust be using something like impress.js09:23
inetprocan you see the URL? 09:23
tehblazehenLocalhost:8000 it seems09:23
tehblazehenCant see rest09:24
tehblazehenWhere about are you?09:24
inetproat the back09:26
tehblazehenSame. Middle of the tall chairs09:27
psytabhi tehblazehen09:33
tehblazehenHi psytab09:33
psytabhas anyone seen charl recently?09:33
tehblazehenPsytab: in Netherlands atm09:34
psytabtehblazehen, are you? or do you mean charl? I came to Poland yesterday09:34
tehblazehenPsytab: charl is09:35
psytaboh, I see09:35
psytabI was in the Netherlands for the past few weeks09:35
tehblazehenAh kk09:35
Kiloscharl is most likely touring somewhere again this weekend09:36
psytaband I will probably be going to Ireland soon09:36
psytabhi Kilos09:36
Kiloshi psytab 09:36
psytabyes, that's fine09:37
Kilosyou gonna take the job in ireland?09:37
psytabI think so, yes09:37
tehblazehenInetpro: dont think we getting burgers...09:37
psytabthey just need to decide on the location, I hope it will be Ireland09:37
Kilosgood luck with whatever you decide to do09:38
tehblazeheninetpro: where you at?09:45
inetprotehblazehen: standing at the back now09:52
inetpronice meeting you in person :-) 09:54
tehblazehenSame here:)09:54
HiMaXhave you actually met yet ?09:57
tehblazehenHmm, open access seems nice... Got a few alife articles that id like to read09:57
tehblazehenHimax: yeah09:57
HiMaXtehblazehen: oh , cause inetpro said his standing at the back09:58
tehblazehenHimax: yeah, lol09:58
tehblazehenYeah! Ansible next!10:00
inetprothis talk by the UP is very interesting 10:00
tehblazehenThose profits are REALLY high...10:02
tehblazehenDamn, thats all f*cked up...10:06
psytabhi inetpro10:07
psytabso where are you guys?10:07
psytabat some kind of conference?10:07
tehblazehenPsytab: software freedom day10:08
inetpropsytab: eh 10:08
tehblazehenAt pretoria gautrain station10:08
tehblazehenYay! Ansible!10:08
tehblazehenDamn.. I should watch that10:13
tehblazehenLol, xkcd.. Havn't seen that one that i rembember though..10:16
tehblazehenBeing able to do it all based on tags would be nice.. Eg. Webservers and jabber servers on 1 machine10:19
tehblazehenYeah, way better than puppet IMO...10:24
inetproI'll have to read up on this one 10:26
tehblazehenThese rubiks cubes will be "fun"...10:37
tehblazeheninetpro: you get kilos's burger? Lol10:38
inetprothanks to the sponsors! 10:41
inetproawesome to see so many people who care about freedom 10:44
tehblazehenYeah, IIRC it was similar, maybe a bit smaller, last year?10:44
HiMaXsend pics of the burger :p http://picpaste.com10:45
tehblazehenHimax: youll have to wait for it to digest first...10:45
Kilosinetpro, tell me when you are home and on a pc10:46
Kilosi got a slexy paste that i dunno what to do10:47
HiMaXtehblazehen: oh well, dont want you to burn your cam10:47
Kilosim sure something must be uncommented10:47
tehblazehenHimax: lol10:47
tehblazehenKilos: whats that for?10:47
Kilosto share 3g over direct eth cable10:48
Kilosbut my two machines cant ping each other10:48
tehblazehenKilos: done anything with iptables?10:49
tehblazehenCan your machines ping each other?10:49
Kiloseverything i can find notes on10:50
Kilosnope they cant ping each other at all. something is stopping that function from allowing that to happen10:51
Kilosalmost like the cable is unplugged10:51
tehblazehenKilos: output from "ip li"?10:52
tehblazehenOn both machines10:52
Kilosi cant copy past from the server10:55
Kilosbut here is this machine10:55
tehblazehenip ad ?10:56
tehblazehenip ad output?10:57
Kilosi have done everything that allowed old pcs to share on 10.10 i think it was10:57
Kilossomething in 14.04 isnt allowing all those old commands to work10:59
tehblazehenSeems ok11:00
Kilosthats what makes me think something must be uncommented11:00
tehblazehenNo ping though? What is "ip ro" on both machines?11:01
Kilosall the info on the web says its simple in nm you choose shared to other computers but that doesnt work either11:02
Kilosgave the output in pm11:03
Kilospasting to a bin is lotsa work11:03
inetproAlan McKinnon talking about 11:04
inetproKilos: I suggest you type out every step of your setup how you got to where you are 11:26
inetprothen share that and try to get people to help 11:27
tehblazeheninetpro: had a look at some of his info, think i can help later11:28
tehblazehenYeah... Windows is "POSIX" ...11:56
Squirm'lo all12:01
Kiloshi Squirm 12:01
psytabPOSERIX, you mean?12:19
psytabhi Squirm12:20
Vince-0oh hay16:10
theblazehenHi Vince-0 16:17
theblazeheninetpro: which talk was your favourite today?16:18
theblazehenI assume I dropped out because I'm using 512 MB of swap on a machine with 512 MB of RAM...16:48
theblazehenVPS needs faster ssd16:48
Kiloshi Vince-0 and others17:30
Kilosim watching a series about the pro and i17:30
Kilosbeauty and the beast17:30
Kilosyou decide who is who17:30
theblazehenKilos: ?17:31
theblazehenKilos: ?17:31
Kiloslemme paste what i have done17:31
Kilosare you home?17:31
theblazehenKilos: yeah17:31
theblazehenI'm actually thinking what I was thinking is wrong17:32
theblazehenYou're using static IP's right?17:32
Kiloson 10.10 doing all that maade the pcs pingable17:32
theblazehenyeah, no further help. Sorry17:33
Kilosbut even the dhcp dont connect to the router so nowq im trying direct cable17:33
Kilosi think its something that 14.04 enjoys doing17:33
Kilosdisabling something17:33
Kilosby default, then you gotta find what17:34
Kilosive tried the cables into a switch thing and no change17:35
Kilosdoes this look right17:37
Kilosmustnt some of them things be uncommented17:37
Kilosand must i have dnsmasq installed or not17:40
theblazehenKilos: Think you should try https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Internet_sharing17:41
theblazehenWorked for me few months ago17:42
Kiloslemme look17:42
Kiloson 14.04?17:42
theblazehenor rather https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sharing_PPP_Connection17:42
theblazehenyeah, should work17:42
Kilosok ill try anything ty theblazehen 17:43
theblazehenkk, np17:43
magespawngood evening all17:48
Kiloshi magespawn 17:48
magespawnhow are is it going Kilos?17:49
Kilosgood ty magespawn and you17:49
magespawnyup all good, time at home for a bit17:49
magespawni am trying to find a way to issue a command, have the out put got a file, then have that file date stamped and rotated according to a schedule17:55
magespawnso something like this, ping www.some.website > somewebsite.txt rotate every twelve hours17:57
magespawnor once a day17:57
magespawneach file would then be saved as datesomewebsite.txt17:57
bdukEvening guys17:59
magespawnso ping www.some.website > somewebsite.text does the first bit of taking the ouput of the command and putting it straight into a log file17:59
Kiloshi bduk on a weekend nogal17:59
magespawnhi bduk18:00
bdukdam minetest18:01
Kilosmagespawn, you seen to be winning but if you need help you need clever help18:01
Kilosoh did you see the fly had a female grub18:02
Kilosor miggie18:02
Kilosbduk, whats the problem18:19
Kilosor are you just addicted18:20
Kilostheblazehen, when i try Start the dnsmasq daemon.18:21
theblazehenKilos: yeah?18:21
Kilosi get dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use18:21
Kilossorry im so slow18:21
theblazehenKilos: hmm, and it's not already running I assume? service dnsmasq restart18:22
Kilosya it was running ty18:23
Kilosi give up for tonight19:04
Kilosjust making things worse and worse i think19:05
grembleNot winning Kilos ?19:07
Kilosna ive done so much and all i did was kill my 3g so had to start working backwards to get the=at going again19:08
Kilos14.04 is painful19:08
grembleWhat is broken?19:09
Kilosnow my eth is gone19:09
bdukI'll ask Mazal to give you a windows 8 copy Kilos 19:09
Kilosbduk, how old are you and how old do you want to reach19:09
grembleWindows 9 is about to come out, so just wait :P19:10
Kilossaying things like that is a shortcut to the pearly gates19:10
Kilosi use windows 719:10
bduk50 and i don't care much19:10
Kilosto use up the first 30 gig of my drive that is faulty19:11
Kilosnow echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwardroute -n19:15
Kilos doesnt even run anymore19:15
inetprogood evening19:16
Kiloswhats good about it19:16
Kilostoo cold19:16
Kilostoo late19:16
Kilostoo stupid19:16
Kiloshello inetpro 19:16
bdukHi inetpro 19:17
magespawnhowdy inetpro 19:17
inetpro<theblazehen> inetpro: which talk was your favourite today?19:21
inetprotough question19:21
inetproperhaps the one with the lady from UP was most interesting for me but not most relevant in my line of work19:22
theblazehenYeah, that was interesting19:22
theblazehenI'd probably say ansible, or docker19:22
inetproyeah I go for docker as my 2nd19:23
Kilosinetpro, 19:23
inetproKilos: ?19:23
theblazehenStill not 100% sure how it compares to vagrant, seems like it's similar to vagrant, but uses containers instead of VM's, although vagrant can use a LXC backend19:23
Kiloscan i run a server on a second drive in this pc19:24
theblazeheninetpro: BTW was that your son that was with you?19:24
inetproKilos: why not?19:24
theblazehenKilos: what kind of server?19:24
inetprotheblazehen: yep19:24
Kilosubuntu server19:24
theblazehenah, kk. He also into this kind of stuff then, I assume19:24
Kilosthen i wont have this eth nonsense19:24
theblazehenKilos: yeah, just run virtualbox19:25
theblazehenOr LXC if you want lower overhead19:25
inetprotheblazehen: he was the one to convince me to go19:25
Kilosno man pc too slow for virtual19:25
theblazeheninetpro: ah, nice :)19:25
Kilosthats the whole reason for wanting a seperate server19:25
theblazehenlol, almost the same here too19:25
theblazehenKilos: maybe kvm?19:25
inetproand now he's enjoying fedora19:25
theblazeheninetpro: how does he like systemd?19:25
theblazehenI like the init system part, but not the "everything and kitchensinkd"19:26
Kilosill sommer install 10.10 again19:26
theblazehenKilos: nooo!!1!19:27
theblazehenKilos: Is other machine faster than this one?19:27
Kilos10.10 had small probs that were sorted relatively easily19:27
Kilosno the supposed to be server is a 2.8g single core wit 1g ram19:28
Kilosthis is a dual 3g with 4g ram19:28
Kilosand it dont like virtualbox19:29
theblazehenKilos: use kvm then19:29
Kiloseven running minetest on a virtual goodie is slow19:29
theblazehenAnd if you can, get 5 GB in this machine19:29
Kiloswhats kvm19:29
theblazehenKilos: like virtualbox, but better on linux19:29
Kilosddr3 is expensive19:30
theblazehenmade by red hat19:30
Kilosno ty19:30
theblazehenKilos: yeah, price went up...19:30
Kilosi dont enjoy redhat stuff19:30
Kiloslike centos19:30
theblazehenKilos: runs well on other OS19:30
theblazehenproxmoxVE uses it on debian19:30
theblazehenAnd I use it on arch19:31
Kilosthere isnt data to download a new os and start all over again19:31
theblazehenKilos: will work on ubuntu too19:31
theblazehenGive it a try!19:31
Kilosi already had 3g of archives for 14.0419:31
Kilosall i asked was can i run a server on a second drive on this machine19:32
theblazehenat same time?19:33
Kilosi mean can you run your system on one drive and a serev on a second drive on the same machine19:33
theblazehenyeah, with virtualisation19:33
Kilosyes of course at the same time19:33
Kiloscan i virtualise onto the second drive?19:34
inetprosorry Kilos, theblazehen... busy with multiple things here and not concentrating on the discussions19:34
Kilosdid you give the kids thew hamburger19:34
theblazehenKilos: yeah, you can19:35
inetproKilos: everyone had like three burgers in the end19:35
Kilosaha now we getting somewhere maybe19:35
Kiloshope you lekker dik19:35
inetprothe sponsors were very generous today19:35
theblazeheninetpro: ya know, I actually find it REALLY disappointing how few younger people in SA are interested in FOSS...19:35
Kilosms brainwashing at school19:36
inetprotheblazehen: well that is a very good point19:36
inetproreally sad 19:36
theblazehenLike at the science expo, there were only 3 projects in comp.sci...19:36
theblazehen<1% of all projects..19:36
* inetpro has given up trying to convince others 19:37
inetprosome people are just blind by nature19:37
theblazehenAnd at this one robotics thing some of the people were acting like they're all better than others because they use ubuntu.. Tried to convince me to move to it from windows, lol19:37
Kilosnone so blind as those that will not see19:38
theblazeheninetpro: yeah. My one friend uses elementary on his laptop, and thats all...19:38
theblazehenlol, guys at robotics quickly STFU when I told them that I was running arch on desktop, with debian as VM host :p19:38
inetproideally we should go back to having more regular proper LUG meetings in Pretoria19:39
inetprolike the Johburg guys19:39
theblazeheninetpro: But seriously, only me, and ur son is all the (young) people that I know that are actually into computers 19:39
theblazeheninetpro: I had a look, meets on monday right?19:39
Kilostheblazehen, the prob has time shortages19:40
theblazehenah, thursday ... :/19:40
inetproto be honest, I really don't have the time for this at this stage19:40
inetproWalter used to be very active as part of PLUG19:41
theblazeheninetpro: I can't make thursdays :( AP Math meets then19:41
inetprothe guy who spoke about privacy19:41
theblazeheninetpro: kk19:41
Kilosleibrand? inetpro 19:41
inetpromany years ago we had regular meetings in person19:41
magespawninetpro what talks are these?19:41
inetproKilos: yes19:41
Kiloshow is he19:41
Kiloshe helped me with repos once19:42
inetprolooks like he's doing very well now19:42
inetprotheblazehen: there were many more people than I expected19:44
theblazeheninetpro: at SFD?19:44
inetproso things are not all that bad19:44
theblazehenyeah, think it's a bit bigger than last year19:44
theblazehenDid you go last year inetpro?19:44
inetprothere are many more people involved in open source technologies than we think19:45
theblazeheninetpro: yeah19:45
inetpromany of them just hiding behind corporate structures or too busy to get actively involved in the community19:46
* Kilos looking at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/maverick/19:51
Kilosand drooling19:52
inetprotheblazehen: what most people fail to see is that you can get involved at so many different levels with Linux it's actually quite amazing19:52
inetproyou can be a beginner or you can be the most advanced computer guru of note19:53
theblazeheninetpro: yeah. And even if you don't really contribute, it can still help you learn...19:53
theblazehenHell, I remember before I had a PC, running ubuntu in a chroot on my phone..19:53
theblazehenOccasionally borrowing a PC so I could VNC, and later, SSH into it..19:54
theblazehenDon't really need much, hardware wise19:54
theblazehenKilos: lol, my first was like 8.04 or something...19:54
inetprowow for a young dude like you that's quite an advanced start19:55
Kilosi also started with 8.04 and couldnt get it to connect to the net19:55
theblazeheninetpro: lol, was really interested in it since I first used I knoppix live CD..19:55
theblazehenWas like 10 or something then19:55
Kilosyou too clever man19:56
theblazehenKeep in mind, that I only got a pc in 2012, and I had nothing better to do...19:56
theblazehenKilos: heh, it's actually not too hard. Really easy on android, just use complete linux installer19:56
inetproone of our biggest downfalls is the word free19:57
inetpropeople look at that and have no idea what it means19:57
theblazeheninetpro: Well most FOSS **is** free19:57
magespawnKilos i think i have figured a way to do what i need19:57
theblazehenlike the 2nd October kind...19:58
Kilosyeah well the internet says free then you login and if you want to go further then first pay $4919:58
Kiloswow magespawn thats great19:58
theblazehenKilos: ?19:58
Kiloswhat ?19:58
Kilosfree man free19:59
theblazehenWhat internet is that?19:59
Kilosfree on the net isnt like free beer or hamburgers19:59
inetprothat's why I actually prefer to talk about FLOSS but even that confuses more people19:59
Kilosthe opnly place you get free help is on linux19:59
theblazeheninetpro: yeah.. I wouldn't even try...20:00
inetprothe French word libre says much more than free20:00
theblazeheninetpro: yeah20:01
magespawna lot of people do not even understand what open source is20:01
magespawni still have problems explaining the difference between office and windows, then to throw in Libre office just seems to confuse it further20:02
theblazehenFML, pointer split in 2...20:04
inetprotheblazehen: are you going to the next Free Beer session?20:06
Kilosdont mislead the chillens20:06
theblazeheninetpro: Well seeing as I can't drink...20:06
inetproRed Hat and Microsoft all in one exciting Free Beer Session20:06
inetproit's not abot the beer20:07
Kiloseish then you need lotsa free beer20:07
theblazehenKilos: lol20:07
Kilosso back to business20:07
theblazehenit's on thursday :(20:08
inetprothat debate will be very ineteresting20:08
Kilosif the lights come on by you eth socket does that mean the cable is good?20:08
theblazehenAt school from 6-720:08
theblazehenKilos: think it just means that it sees something on other side20:09
theblazehenis it a crossover cable?20:09
Kilosi have both20:09
theblazehenKilos: How did you set the IP's on both machines?20:09
theblazehenKilos: did you follow the guide on arch wiki?20:09
Kilosthe non cross over used to work if i plgged in into a pci eth adapter20:10
Kilosthen nothing worked20:10
Kilosso went to the first link you gave and screqwed up 3g20:10
theblazehenKilos: what was speed of PCI adapter? AFAIK some 1-gig do automatic crossover20:10
theblazehenKilos: everything working fine now? Possible for me to ssh in maybe?20:11
Kilosya the one im using did it auto before on maverick20:11
Kilosman it didnt work20:11
Kilosi still cant ping each machine20:11
theblazehenKilos: I can probably get it to work, if I can ssh20:11
Kilosto my pc you can maybe20:12
Kilosbut the server needs to see this one before it can share 3g'20:12
theblazehenKilos: yeah. Whats the ip? curlmyip.com20:12
theblazehenYou sharing this to the server right?20:12
Kilosif i could just get them to ping each other then im fine20:13
Kilosi want to share with server but i cant even ping it20:13
theblazehenKilos: got a serial cable? ;)20:13
theblazehenlol, or you can act as a IRC-Terminal adapter :p20:14
Kilosis that the one near the size of monitor plug20:14
theblazehenprobably easier20:14
theblazehenKilos: yeah. But easier to just get you to type I think20:14
theblazehenEasier than starting getty on it, etc20:15
Kilosi dont have a serial cable anyway20:15
theblazehenme neither, lol20:15
theblazehennever used one. Just know how to, in theory20:15
Kilosif its long things to type itlll take forever i have to read then type one word at a time20:16
theblazehenWon't be much20:16
Kilosok we can try20:16
Kilosstuff for this pc i can copy/paste20:17
theblazehenKilos: kk. Can you create a user for me, give me sudo rights, then ip from curlmyip.com20:17
theblazehenGonna be quite a bit on this PC, ssh easier20:17
theblazehenOr that, yeah20:17
theblazehenok, PM then20:17
Kilosoh i must do what?20:17
theblazehenI pretend you a terminal, you pretend I'm a screen20:18
Kilosi cant pretend man20:18
theblazehenCopy-paste what I say into terminal, then copy terminal info to the chat20:18
bdukOffer for windowz still stand Kilos 20:19
theblazehenbduk: Does it come with a shotgun?20:19
Kilosbduk, you cant pay me enough to go backwards again20:20
bdukjust pulling your legs20:20
Kilosi know20:21
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:29

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