
lordievaderGood morning.08:05
mcstr_i have got a big problem in kubuntu with my font roboto since today... it always turns out fat even if set on regular size... worked for weeks before....rebuilding font cache did not help nor did a new installation of the font set.... 08:14
mcstr_that does not happen with oxygen font for example08:17
mcstr_i will have a look if that's the same issue in plasma next or not08:23
mcstr_weird... after login in to project neon where the problem was not there and loging in back to kubuntu the problem seems to have fixed itself 08:33
mcstr_damn the problem remains08:44
mcstr_after a few mins the fonts turn bold again :(08:44
mcstr_gonna file it as a bug08:45
BluesKajHowdy folks09:59
Antisoundhi guys. Can you tell me when plasma 5.0.2 will be in the live image?16:42
sgclarkIt is packaged waiting for testing, but I think everyone is away for the weekend.16:49
Antisoundok sgclark thx ;-)16:51
Mamarokhm, I appear to have a major conflict in my calendar for the LiMux event, looks like I can't come to Munich :(20:03
RiddellMamarok: aww shame :(20:12
Mamarokthe problem is I can on Friday and Sunday, but not on Saturday, and travelling in between makes it pretty impossible20:18
Mamaroksince the Saturday event several people depend on my presence20:19
RiddellMamarok: such happens, only so many days in the year20:24
sgclarkHi Riddell: How was your trip? Still on it?20:30
Riddellsgclark_sleeping: back home now in barcelona20:38
RiddellI had a great time in the mountains20:38
Riddellwhat did I miss here?20:38
sgclarkgosh I am messing about with znc and apparently I am sleeping haha20:39
sgclarkah not much, apachelogger has been very busy with ci and shadeslayer is reading a lifetime sized book. 20:40
sgclarkI have finished all the releases, they need to be tested though and not many around to do so.20:40
RiddellI'm too tired just now I'm afraid but in the morning for sure20:47
ScottKRiddell: Welcome back.  My condolences.20:55
soee_sgclark: plasma 5.0.2 packages are ready ?20:56
sgclarkyep. no worries, i figured. and yeah sorry :(20:56
soee_i see some deps wating in stages20:56
sgclarksoee_: yep armhf is not, qemu segfaults20:56
sgclarkbut amd64 and i386 ready for testing20:57
sgclarkbut running it here and one install was perfect and running well, another , not so much, not sure why. 20:57
soee_sgclark: what tas the problem ?20:58
sgclarkmy desktop, logout/reboot/logout etc buttons don't work. Laptop everything works perfectly20:58
soee_well they sometimes stop to work for me with current installation after some updates21:00
soee_then after reboot they are ok21:00
soee_how can i tets 5.0.2 ?21:00
sgclarkadd https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging ppa21:01
soee_i sthere anything else that can break my system ? :)21:01
sgclarkahh yes. one sec, qml madness21:05
soee_hehe im a bit scred when i read the description form this ppa ? :D21:05
sgclarklol yes. normally don't use it.21:05
sgclarkgood news, I found the problem and fixing. Bad news it will be a moment before it is ready for testing soee_21:17
soee_sgclark: im here next hour, so if it ready just ping me21:17
sgclarkyep, should just be a few minutes21:17

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