
joseph__maybe nmaps?00:05
Fritigernjoseph__: I just looked at nmap, but there's no option to plot the nodes on a world map00:13
TheFakeazneD525Fritigern: what was the program called00:22
FritigernI have no idea what the Windows program was called, it's been too long ago. However, i am now playing artound with a Java program from SourceForge, called VisualTraceroute. The jury is still out on that one though00:23
FritigernOkay, forget Visualtraceroute, it does not handle timeouts well.00:28
FritigernAnd then there is TurboTrace, but no Linux binaries, and it depends on wxwidgets. Does that person not live in the 21st century?00:31
naught101has there been something in a recent trusty update that would have broken kde's widgets?  some things are weird, like black on black text at login, and some  ui components looking wierd (like, krunner drop-down has a grey border around the input box)06:03
TheFakeazneD525nothing for me06:06
TheFakeazneD525naught101: try resetting all themes to defaults06:06
TheFakeazneD525and disabling all desktop effects06:06
naught101TheFakeazneD525: is there a simple way to do that?06:07
valorieI do updates daily, and haven't noticed anything like that06:07
valoriebut I use the defaults and no added effects06:07
valoriein systemsettings almost always there is "back to default" choice06:08
naught101Might be that I had a downloaded theme installed, and an update broke something it relied on, or something06:08
TheFakeazneD525Well there is that06:08
TheFakeazneD525naught101: possibly06:08
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lordievaderGood morning.08:05
muhammetWhich salute turkey channel08:15
lordievader!turkey | muhammet08:24
ubottumuhammet: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.08:24
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paradox_hello, can some1 help me09:40
paradox_http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Dynamo+Icons?content=166724 i want to install this theme09:41
paradox_i've downloaded tar.gz and extracted to ~/.local/share/icons09:41
paradox_but how can i select now that theme to use it09:42
BluesKajHowdy folks09:59
denza252BluesKaj: so I just found out shrek.kde.org is real10:00
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shamilhow to configure konversation for google talk?12:54
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anonmanhow to configure konversation to use google talk12:56
kayli79i have a problem with kubuntu13:28
kayli79who could help13:28
kayli79a have graphical surface but can not reach the desktop13:29
lordievaderkayli79: What graphics card and driver do you use?13:30
kayli79it is a laptop13:30
kayli79hardware is fine13:30
kayli79i can activate the kde control window by typing ctrl+esc13:31
kayli79but task menu and desktop are not visible13:32
lordievaderkayli79: Could you answer my question please?13:33
BluesKajkayli79, ctl+alt+F1 to F6,  login then run startx13:33
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kayli79after login and running startx the graphic surface loads but then I have a black screen and I see the mouse arrow13:35
kayli79moving the mouse to the upper left corner a little blue triangle appears13:36
kayli79but i cannot see the original desktop13:38
BluesKajkayli79, well, your hardware might be ok , but it looks like your graphics drivers are not13:38
kayli79i can press ctrl+esc --> and the window system appears13:38
kayli79system control13:39
BluesKajthat brings up system activity13:39
BluesKajso you have no background/wallpaper?13:40
kayli79the background looks black13:40
BluesKajok have you tried rightclicking on the desktop and choosing default desktop settings13:41
kayli79on the black background there is no right or left click menu which appears13:42
kayli79if i go to the system activity and do a right click there is a menu e. g. further actions or activities13:43
kayli79there i can change the settings for the window management13:44
kayli79i guess there is a problems with the settings there13:44
BluesKajtdo the default desktop settings show up in that activities dialog?13:46
kayli79do you mean in the list of the tasks which are running?13:47
kayli79or do you mean within the KDE control modul?13:48
BluesKajno when you click on activities13:48
kayli79there is a button calles "pre-settings"13:48
BluesKajoh , not the same activities13:48
kayli79in the menu before i have follwoing options: activities, minimize, maximize, add as a sub-window, further activities, close13:50
kayli79going on activities i could choose: all activities (highlighted), desktop and new activity13:51
kayli79in the meantime i tried "pre-settings" (KDE control modul) -> there is now a list saying that the program start view is not visible because it is necessary to have openGL13:54
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kayli79how can i figure out if openGL is active?13:58
BluesKajkayli79, alt+f2 type terminal , the run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:58
BluesKajthen run13:58
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BluesKajohman i saw your earlier post as anonman,  there is no method to couple google talk and konversation of which I'm aware.14:01
ohmanthank you BluesKaj14:01
kayli79it says user is not part of sudoers-data. the task will be announced14:02
BluesKajohman, but you could ask in #konversation14:02
ohmanthank you very much BluesKaj14:03
BluesKajkayli79, are you on kubuntu or debian, I recall seeing that on debian but not kubuntu14:05
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kayli79is there a chance to figure out if openGL is active?14:08
BluesKajkayli79, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-add-a-user-to-the-sudoers-list/14:08
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kayli79i have no access becaus of missing rights14:13
kayli79but i found openGL 2.0 as composit type within the kde control modul14:14
BluesKajkayli79, what kind of install procedure did you use14:17
BluesKajfor the OS installation14:18
kayli79you mean in the terminal?14:18
kayli79it is ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/LINUX 3.13.0-32-generic x86_64 pluto tty214:19
BluesKajno when you installed the kubuntu, live media, over the internet or....?14:19
kayli79oh, i belive it was by internet and it ran14:20
BluesKajthe kubuntu OS that is14:20
BluesKajkayli79, did you update and upgrade before doing do-release-upgrade ?14:21
kayli79to be honest it was done by my brother in law14:22
BluesKajhmm, that could account for your problems right there14:23
BluesKajit's a common mistake, and it's not emphasized enough in the net install tutorials14:24
kayli79ok, i will ask my brother in law at the moment i am just between my mother in law and him as a windows user14:28
kayli79poor guy, hm?14:28
kayli79thank you very much for your time14:28
BluesKajkayli79, best to try a clean install if possible14:29
kayli79yes, he had in mind to copy the settings from another user to the actual user14:30
kayli79we will try after dinner14:30
kayli79how can i exit the chat?14:30
kayli79once again thank you very much!14:31
BluesKajin the server text14:31
Richard82how can I please emulate the 3rd mouse button by clicking the right and the left mouse button at the same time?14:39
Richard8210 years ago, I was able to set this in the XF86Config, but times seem to have changed14:39
davls82Hi all15:14
aoahello i have this problem on kubutu 14.04.1 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=107176215:21
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1071762 in xorg-x11-drv-intel "Small black box corruption in firefox" [Medium,New]15:21
aoai go to https://01.org/linuxgraphics and download and install installer intel driver15:23
aoabut when i open installer on kubuntu it say "Distribution not supported"15:25
aoawhy ?15:25
lordievaderYou know the driver of intel is already present in the kernel?15:25
aoaso what i have bug on screen when scroll firefox page ?15:26
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aoaif i update kubuntu this bug must fixed , right ?15:41
anderslwhy do i have an outdated version of digikam installed when a recent one is available in kubuntu-backports?15:59
lordievaderandersl: What is the output of "apt-cache policy digikam"?16:00
lordievader!paste | andersl16:00
ubottuandersl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:00
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anderslwhy does clicking a link in irc open firefox???16:03
anderslmisconfiguration :(16:03
andersllordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8396887/16:04
lordievaderandersl: The version you've installed is from the backports.16:06
anderslwhy do kubuntu select the outdated package?16:06
anderslcan I convince it to pick the recent one?16:07
lordievaderandersl: It's the most recent available in the enabled repo's.16:08
andersllordievader: that must be a mistake!16:08
andersloh no, the versioning is unreadable16:09
andersli give up16:09
anderslbut someone in #digikam said a up to date version should be available??16:10
Antisoundhi everyone.16:18
Antisoundcan anyone tell me when the first plasma 5.0.2 daily live image will be built?16:18
BluesKajAntisound, ask in #kubuntu-devel16:29
lordievaderandersl: Depends on if it is packaged or not, I suppose.16:36
lordievaderAntisound: It's packaged, but I don't know when it will be available in the daily live image. Like BluesKaj said ask around in #kubuntu-devel.16:37
BluesKajAntisound, unfortunately there isn't much activity in #kubuntu-devel today :(16:39
Antisoundok lordievader thx16:40
AntisoundBluesKaj: ok16:40
Antisoundgonna ask anyway ;-)16:42
BluesKajAntisound, that's the spirit :)16:43
andersllordievader: looks like the entry to package dependency conflict hell, so i back out16:55
lordievaderandersl: What?16:56
fuorviatosguys where to report fglrx bugs?17:02
andersllordievader: I addeda repository that contains digikam 4.3, updated and tried to install, but got a warning about holding some package version that somthing. That looks to me like using rpm distros, with a huge system of version conflicts, very scary. So I stick to the official repo for now.17:07
anderslmaybe it will work if I install my current digikam package first17:10
davls82hello my webcam logitech c270 hd webcam runs very slow what can i do?17:10
lordievaderandersl: That's for the best ;)17:17
anderslis there a way to remove dependencies when removing a package?17:24
anderslapt is not so smart, if I ask it to update digikam, it does not consider dependencies. is there a smart cli client in kubuntu, or do i have to rely on muon updater for that?17:33
skinuxAnyone use Wifi Radar? When I press disconnect for a connection, nothing happens.17:39
lordievaderandersl: Apt is actually quite smart. It does consider dependencies, as long as the packager is somewhat capable.17:40
andersllordievader: maybe, but it does not appear to handle them?18:18
lordievaderandersl: Could you be more specific?18:23
anderslwell, after adding phillips ppa, I tried"apt install digikam" and got dependency errors. Installing with the muon updater worked, so it also installed the dependencies, instead of just showing an error.18:24
lordievaderMuon calls apt in the background... Anyhow 3rd party repo's can be tricky.18:28
* denza252 slides lordievader a coffee18:36
anderslthanks for the help, lordievader:)18:37
lordievaderdenza252: Thanks ;)18:40
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KrixvarHey all, having some serious issues with my nvidia drivers after a routine apt-get upgrade (which I didn't even notice was upgrading graphics drivers...). Can't get higher than 1280x1024 even if I add resolutions with xrandr, nvidia-settings doesn't seem to detect that I have a driver installed, and most strangely, I don't have a nvidia-xconfig command anymore21:02
KrixvarI've tried 3 different versions of the driver, including one from xorg-edgers21:02
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douglhow do you connect to krfb remote desktop sharing server?23:00
chocolatechewerAnyone know how I can tell whether an SD card is FAT or FAT32? Preferably via terminal :)23:03
chocolatechewerHow do I know what the name of the device is?23:04
dougltail dmesg?23:05
chocolatechewerI can't find it with dmesg, I don't even know what to look for23:09
chocolatechewerI got the device name with df, which then worked in sfdisk. Thank you.23:16
TheFakeazneD525if rekonq upgrades to the upcoming QtWebEngine could it possibly be reincluded into the ISO?23:24
schoppenhauerhello. is it possible to turn off the ugly "shadow" effect of the windows in kwin?23:27
schoppenhaueri just cannot find the option23:27
schoppenhauerfound it23:36
Dmitry-RasputinI know in kubuntu you can have a global menu bar that works with gtk/qt applications question I wonder though is has anyone been able to have a global menu that also shows the name of the focused window.  Kinda like what Ubuntu's Unity does23:49
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