
lubuntu-Hi do i need gvfs?05:15
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absk007_how to install QT3 Runtime library? And how big is it?09:25
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BuntuTechwhy is it so difficult to change the wllapaer to my own picture14:27
BuntuTechwhy can i not just rt clci kand set to background?14:27
holsteinBuntuTech: you may prefer a "heavier" DE with more options.. lxde is meant to be light, and may have compromises compared to what youa re accustomed to..14:28
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/68742/how-do-i-change-my-wallpaper-in-lubuntu looks like how i would do it14:28
BuntuTechits like doing jumping jacks just to change it14:29
BuntuTechit would not make the distro heavy by doing rt click set as background14:30
holsteinBuntuTech: its quite easy here, friend.. what is your precise difficulty?14:30
BuntuTechi will read your link14:30
holsteinBuntuTech: i didnt mean to imply that in itself would make it heavy.. but, i right click on the desktop as you state and change my wallpeper14:31
BuntuTechi downloaded a linux style desktop background and used gimp to make it into an appropriate lubuntu desktop background then i downloaded it into my lubuntu install in my vm BUT...14:32
BuntuTechwhen i trieed to rt click and make it my desktop...14:32
BuntuTechi could not14:32
BuntuTechthen a long investigation ensued14:32
holsteinBuntuTech: sure.. there can be a learning curve with *any* new technology.. i simply right click on the my desktop, and use the GUI to navigate to the image i want to use14:33
BuntuTech30 minutes later still no success i became so frustrated i removed the distro from my vm14:33
BuntuTechbut i did like it14:33
holsteinBuntuTech: cool.. what are you coming from? windows?14:33
BuntuTechit was using about 170mb ram14:33
holsteinsure.. there are compromises, as i state, to have lower resources.. one must be willing to work with the system to learn to use it, as with *any* operating system14:33
holsteinBuntuTech: are you coming from a windows environment?14:34
BuntuTechi use w8 w7 vista xp ubuntu deepin (puppy live soemtimes-horrible) q4os and of course peppermint linux mint cinnamon fedora14:34
BuntuTechand lubuntu until i noticed i had to recreate the wheel to change desktop wallpaper14:35
holsteinBuntuTech: lubuntu is basically the same as peppermint on this level.. as far as configuration that you mention14:35
BuntuTechnot so cuz in about 11 seconds it let me do my custom wallpaper14:35
holsteinBuntuTech: correct.. and its the *same* in lubuntu, friend14:36
BuntuTechmost ppl are into wallpaper u know14:36
holsteinBuntuTech: sure.. and its *quite* easy to change it.. *exactly* the same as peppermint, actually14:36
BuntuTechi would like to show u my skills i am going to paste my custom wallpaper somewhere  where is a good place for this14:36
holsteinBuntuTech: any of the offtopic channels14:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:37
BuntuTechno i meant i know u use website to paste them14:37
BuntuTechok imgur14:37
BuntuTechone moment14:37
BuntuTechiwill boot that VM and paste it there14:37
holsteinBuntuTech: i linked a site you can use above.. share in the offtopic channel, since its not the topic of the channel.. thanks.. #lubuntu-offtopic ,or the channel i referenced above14:38
BuntuTechi went to imgur and i put a pic of my custom peppermintdesktop there14:43
BuntuTechhow to i show it here14:43
holsteinBuntuTech: im sure imgur has a support page if you dont understand how to use the technology.. but, you simply linke the URL.. i prefer you use the proper channel14:45
holsteinBuntuTech: peppermint is using lxde as well, and is based on lubuntu.. they switched to xfce windowmanager in the recent version, but, setting the desktop wallpaper is the same14:45
BuntuTechnope i just rt clcicked and did it14:46
holsteinBuntuTech: right14:46
holsteinBuntuTech: i understand that.. but, there are other issues, friend.. and if you will please right-click on the desktop, as the link outlines, you will see you can do it the same as you do in peppermint14:47
holsteinBuntuTech: they are the same on this level.. if you are not able to right click on the image, there are other variables at play14:47
holsteinBuntuTech: i assure you it *is* simple, and very similar to peppermint.. kendall and shane use lubuntu as the base for peppermint.. and they live near me..14:48
holsteinBuntuTech: if you want peppermint, use peppermint.. if you want help with lubuntu, this is the place.. please right click on the desktop and use the desktop wallpaper GUI14:48
BuntuTechhow to i find an image i just uploaded to imgur?14:50
holsteinBuntuTech: the URL changes friend.. you upload, then you grab the URL14:51
BuntuTechi have no url for it14:51
holsteinBuntuTech: its the same as the pastebin14:51
BuntuTechi uploaed my image at imgur and now  i cannot find it14:51
BuntuTechima do it again i guess14:52
BuntuTechis pastebin better?14:52
holsteinBuntuTech: "better" is a matter of opinion and use case.. in your use case, pastebin doesnt do images.. only text14:52
holsteinim only referencing if becuase it works the same14:52
holsteinBuntuTech: and again, please use the offtopic channel14:53
BuntuTechcheck it out my linux custon desktop15:44
BuntuTechguess which linux distro it is?15:44
BuntuTechi want t oamke one like this for lubutntu15:48
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GatisHi i have application .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications but why i don't see them in Lubuntu menu?17:41
GatisOk they were hidden. Problem solved17:51
Speckmy lubuntu doesn't have wifi anymore23:46

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