ahoneybun | hey Akiva-Thinkpad | 03:32 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: ping ping | 03:33 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, HEY!! | 03:34 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | hows it coming along! | 03:34 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | I'm glad you stuck around :) | 03:34 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: I got my N4! | 03:36 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | O_O already?! | 03:36 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | how is it? | 03:36 |
ahoneybun | sweet | 03:36 |
* Akiva-Thinkpad hasnt owned a phone since the htc dream ;_; | 03:36 | |
ahoneybun | but no data | 03:36 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | dawww | 03:37 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/5-Improved-EventDetails/+merge/235333 | 03:37 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | :O | 03:37 |
ahoneybun | you see it> | 03:37 |
ahoneybun | ? | 03:38 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | Initial design idea , ahoneybun | 03:38 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | :D | 03:38 |
ahoneybun | yep :D | 03:38 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: I have 3 webapps in the store as well | 03:38 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | nice; now you just need to fight with jenkins | 03:38 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ;_; I need to publish my app still. Stupid apl documentation | 03:39 |
ahoneybun | API? | 03:39 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | APL | 03:39 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | gnu-apl to be exact | 03:39 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: I was working on a grocery app | 03:39 |
* Akiva-Thinkpad is a fan of symbolic logic | 03:39 | |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ohhh nice | 03:39 |
ahoneybun | but problems | 03:39 |
ahoneybun | that and I don't fully understand the Components yet | 03:40 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, I have been thinking lately of creating an opensource themed mmorpg, but simple | 03:40 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | something really goofy | 03:40 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | like instead of factions, you would be either a mac, windows, or linux guy | 03:40 |
ahoneybun | that is a deep project | 03:41 |
ahoneybun | lol | 03:41 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | and inside, you can have different classes | 03:41 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | like super user | 03:41 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | sys admin | 03:41 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | programmer | 03:41 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: if you can throw me some help with my app I would be hopefull lol | 03:41 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | fan boy | 03:41 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ( that would be the berserker class) | 03:41 |
* ahoneybun needs to make a mockup for it | 03:42 | |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, did you do it in html5? | 03:42 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | or qml? | 03:42 |
ahoneybun | no simple UI | 03:42 |
ahoneybun | qml | 03:42 |
ahoneybun | mostly nothing really | 03:42 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | yah sure; sounds like fun! | 03:42 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | in october though | 03:42 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | just to prioritize rtm :) | 03:42 |
ahoneybun | of course | 03:42 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | \o/ | 03:43 |
ahoneybun | I would have data when they drop APN support | 03:43 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | do you have a screenshot of the redesigned events page? | 03:43 |
ahoneybun | somewhere I opened it | 03:43 |
ahoneybun | Let me look | 03:43 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | oh it says already merged, | 03:43 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | but that was 8 hours ago so I don't have it. | 03:43 |
* ahoneybun thinks there was a merge problem | 03:44 | |
Akiva-Thinkpad | brb | 03:44 |
* ahoneybun fails to find it | 03:47 | |
ahoneybun | found it | 03:49 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: http://i.imgur.com/dIgFhkZ.png | 03:49 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | !ping | 03:51 |
ubot5 | pong! | 03:51 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | okay I'm back | 03:51 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: wb | 03:52 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ty | 03:52 |
ahoneybun | np | 03:52 |
* ahoneybun admits he flashed android today but flashed back to ubuntu | 03:52 | |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: did you get the link? | 03:53 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | nope | 03:53 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: http://i.imgur.com/dIgFhkZ.png | 03:53 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | thanks | 03:53 |
ahoneybun | np | 03:54 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | That looks MUCH better! | 03:54 |
ahoneybun | yea lol | 03:54 |
ahoneybun | ListItem API is under heavy dev right now | 03:55 |
* ahoneybun wants to make a app so bad | 03:59 | |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: Cannot assign to non-existent property "alwaysExpanded" | 04:04 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, ah | 04:04 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, what component are you doing that to? | 04:04 |
ahoneybun | I just took it out | 04:04 |
ahoneybun | ListItems | 04:05 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, quick tip | 04:05 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | okay | 04:05 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | when you are making a new property, hold ctrl, and press space | 04:05 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | that will give you a list of items you can complet | 04:05 |
* ahoneybun does not understand property at all | 04:06 | |
ahoneybun | I want a app that you can type a list for your grocery shopping | 04:06 |
ahoneybun | like google keep kinda | 04:06 |
ahoneybun | but for shopping | 04:06 |
ahoneybun | I need to put a text field to enter a item, then place that item on the list and have a check box to mark that I got that item Akiva-Thinkpad | 04:15 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, ah | 04:15 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, btw, do you know about the showcase? | 04:15 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, by the way... | 04:16 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | component = MyComponent{} | 04:16 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: yea showcase is awesome | 04:16 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | property = MyComponent{propertyOfMyComponent: } | 04:16 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, you can make your own properties; do you know how to do that? | 04:17 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: can you give me a example? | 04:17 |
ahoneybun | no clue | 04:17 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, yah sure, do you have team viewer? | 04:17 |
ahoneybun | I can get it | 04:17 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | yah would be easy that way | 04:17 |
ahoneybun | is the one in the store ok or do I need to get it from the site? | 04:17 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | site | 04:17 |
ahoneybun | ok | 04:17 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, one thing I am working on after rtm is a pair programming plugin for the sdk | 04:18 |
ahoneybun | oh? | 04:18 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | yah; going to use the libinfinity api | 04:18 |
ahoneybun | downloading it | 04:18 |
ahoneybun | this is all new to me | 04:18 |
ahoneybun | newbie but I want to learn | 04:19 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, great :) | 04:19 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | 648 859 682 is my address | 04:19 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | 2642 | 04:19 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | is the pw | 04:19 |
ahoneybun | right now my app has a text field lol | 04:19 |
ahoneybun | but I want to center it | 04:19 |
ahoneybun | postionAt or something like that | 04:19 |
ahoneybun | file:///usr/share/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/doc/html/qml-ubuntu-components-textfield.html#positionAt-method | 04:20 |
ahoneybun | I'll show you lol | 04:20 |
ahoneybun | I want a "real" app in the store! | 04:20 |
ahoneybun | installing Akiva-Thinkpad | 04:22 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | cool | 04:25 |
ahoneybun | can I show you mine?. | 04:27 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | sure | 04:28 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ahoneybun, lol that was a lot of fun | 05:31 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | anyways do you have a bit better of an idea what you are doing now? | 05:32 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: a bit | 05:32 |
ahoneybun | I'm going to save that code | 05:33 |
ahoneybun | Akiva-Thinkpad: thanks very much | 05:33 |
* ahoneybun wonders what he can remove lol | 05:34 | |
* ahoneybun trys to get it to stop changing the labels | 05:41 | |
Akiva-Thinkpad | hey all | 06:48 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | anybody know how to access the scientific calculator mode in the calculator? | 07:44 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | ah well i'm headed out | 11:14 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | later | 11:14 |
Akiva-Thinkpad | to no one who spoke in the last 4 hours ;_; | 11:15 |
popey | nik90: clock 109 fails click reviewers.... - desktop_Icon (clock) | 12:03 |
popey | 'clock-app' specified as icon in .desktop file for app 'clock', which is not available in the click package. | 12:03 |
popey | http://askubuntu.com/questions/417369/what-does-desktop-icon-mean/417370 | 12:03 |
nik90 | popey: I saw, but I didn't change anythere there, so why the sudden failure? | 12:04 |
nik90 | s/anythere/anything | 12:04 |
* popey tests 109 on his device | 12:05 | |
popey | nik90: something odd here, the 109 build fails to start on my device | 12:07 |
nik90 | hmm let me try | 12:08 |
popey | my device is on ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed 249 | 12:09 |
popey | the click came from jenkins | 12:10 |
nik90 | I am trying on rtm r1 | 12:10 |
nik90 | popey: it works for me. I install 211 from trunk and it opens on my device | 12:16 |
popey | 211? | 12:18 |
* popey tries on his rtm device | 12:18 | |
nik90 | 111 sry | 12:21 |
Festour | Hi all | 12:21 |
popey | hi | 12:21 |
Festour | how enable setup publick key authentification? That button not work | 12:22 |
popey | nik90: 109 in store | 12:28 |
* nik90 updates | 12:29 | |
mzanetti | popey: hey, know what would be cool, if app publishers could subscribe to some email notification service for new comments on apps | 12:30 |
nik90 | + | 12:31 |
popey | +1 | 12:43 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
mzanetti | rpadovani: hey, why did your blog post about Bacon2D disappear again? | 13:11 |
mzanetti | looked interesting to me... would like to read it :) | 13:12 |
popey | mzanetti: i thought the same thing! | 13:21 |
vitimiti | hi | 13:50 |
popey | hello | 13:53 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, again? It disapperead only last monday, that wasn't ready. I think I'll publish it tomorrow morning | 14:13 |
ahoneybun | incoming IGN webapp | 15:30 |
nik90 | popey: hey, for me the alarm doesn't ring in devel-proposed #249. | 15:33 |
nik90 | popey: the indicator-datetime shows the alarms correctly, but when the time passes it dont see any notification and nothing happens | 15:34 |
ahoneybun | nik90: my alarm worked | 15:37 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: are you running image 249? | 15:38 |
* ahoneybun checks | 15:38 | |
ahoneybun | r243 | 15:39 |
ahoneybun | in the about | 15:39 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: yeah you are running the devel channel where 243 is the latest. | 15:39 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: I am running 249 with devel proposed channel | 15:40 |
ahoneybun | only update is from the clock v.3.1.109 | 15:40 |
ahayzen | Anyone have any idea which of these changes could have broken autopilot mocking for music-app http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/244.changes ... strangely it is only broken on device? I've been going through the logs and haven't spotted anything obvious yet :( | 15:41 |
ahoneybun | nik90: I can't stop the webapp from opening a browser window | 15:45 |
ahoneybun | the problem I have it that it goes from m.gotobus.com to search.gotobus.com/ | 15:45 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: sry, I am a QML guy who has never played around with web-apps | 15:45 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: talk to daker when he comes online | 15:46 |
ahoneybun | ok thanks nik90 | 15:47 |
ahoneybun | how do I get the SDK to let me install the app onto the device | 15:51 |
ahoneybun | ? | 15:51 |
ahoneybun | it will not let me | 15:51 |
ahoneybun | nik90: is there any APN settings on 249? | 15:54 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: not sure | 15:55 |
ahoneybun | nik90: ok thanks | 15:55 |
* ahoneybun away! | 15:55 | |
rpadovani | mzanetti, popey http://blog.rpadovani.com/en/2014/09/create-your-first-qml-game-with-bacon2d/ | 16:26 |
ahoneybun | how does one install the RTM image? | 16:44 |
popey | ubuntu-device-flash --channel=foo | 16:46 |
popey | where "foo" is something from the "ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels" output | 16:47 |
ahoneybun | popey: I put a IGN webapp, but I'm still trying to fix the gotobus app | 16:52 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: thanks | 17:06 |
wafflehead | hey there! I was just poking around with ubuntu-sdk. I installed a kit and the whole process went through and created /dev in my root tree. Now, when I try to build a project it ask me to create a kit again. Have you guys had this issue before? | 17:07 |
ahoneybun | wafflehead: I have not | 17:11 |
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=== Acn0w- is now known as Acn0w | ||
ahoneybun | popey: I;m trying to make a grocery list app | 18:01 |
mihir | popey: ping | 18:21 |
mihir | nik90: hey | 18:21 |
* nik90 whispers hey | 18:22 | |
mihir | nik90: heheheh :P everything is good ? | 18:22 |
nik90 | mihir: Almost good, (having a small headache) | 18:23 |
mihir | nik90: ohh okay , my weekend almost got wasted by pathetic internet :( | 18:24 |
nik90 | oh | 18:24 |
mihir | anyway let's talk tomorrow then , get well soon :) | 18:25 |
nik90 | yeah that would be better indeed :) | 18:25 |
mihir | nik90: no issues :) have great week tomorrow. | 18:26 |
nik90 | mihir: you too | 18:26 |
mihir | popey: when you see this , could you please trigger Jenkins on this MR , i am not sure why it is not triggered since yesterday. | 18:27 |
mihir | popey: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/5-Improved-EventDetails/+merge/235333 | 18:27 |
popey | mihir: done | 18:27 |
mihir | popey: ahh that was quick !!! thanks :) | 18:28 |
popey | np | 18:29 |
ahoneybun | nik90: you have exp in html5 or qml? | 18:33 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: late pong | 18:36 |
mhall119 | rpadovani: this game tutorial is fantastic, could we host a copy of it on developer.ubuntu.com? | 18:37 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: I have a few webapps on the store | 20:31 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: \o/ | 21:02 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: like 4 lol | 21:02 |
mhall119 | yeah, webapps are easy | 21:02 |
ahoneybun | IGN GotoBus Broward College and WellsFargo | 21:03 |
ahoneybun | but I want to make gotobus better | 21:03 |
ahoneybun | Exec=webapp-container --enable-back-forward --store-session-cookies --webappUrlPatterns=https?://m.gotobus.com/* http?://search.gotobus.com/search/* \ http://m.gotobus.com %u | 21:03 |
ahoneybun | that is what I put for the new domain | 21:03 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: http://developer.ubuntu.com/pioneers/#com.ubuntu.developer.aaronhoneycutt look at that :) | 21:03 |
ahoneybun | \0/ | 21:04 |
ahoneybun | does that mean I get a shirt? | 21:04 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: if you find alex_abreu in here or #ubuntu-webapps tomorrow he can probably help you with the URL regexes | 21:04 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: yup, too bad you didn't do this at FOSSETCON, I had two on hand | 21:04 |
ahoneybun | damn! | 21:05 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: next time I get a dump of developer names from the store you'll get an email asking you to fill out info for your shirt | 21:05 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: ok I wish I had my laptop | 21:05 |
ahoneybun | any idea about the .desktop mhall119 ? | 21:06 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8398889/ | 21:07 |
ahoneybun | I have my N4 with Ubuntu on it btw | 21:08 |
mhall119 | ahoneybun: sorry no, alex or daker might be able to help you tomorrow | 21:12 |
ahoneybun | ok I read the docs and it says do it like that | 21:13 |
ahoneybun | mhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/5-Improved-EventDetails/+merge/235333 | 21:14 |
ahoneybun | \0/ fixed it!!! | 21:16 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: you have more apps in the store than me :P | 21:16 |
ahoneybun | nik90: webapps dont count to me lol | 21:17 |
nik90 | ahoneybun: make one qml app and you will be in the same boat as me | 21:18 |
ahoneybun | nik90: I'm trying | 21:18 |
ahoneybun | to make a grocery list app | 21:19 |
nik90 | cool | 21:19 |
ahoneybun | *trying | 21:20 |
ahoneybun | lol | 21:20 |
* ahoneybun was kinda taking from the notes-app | 21:20 | |
ahoneybun | I just updated my GotoBus app | 21:22 |
popey | ahoneybun: you need a comma | 21:26 |
popey | --webappUrlPatterns=https?://m.gotobus.com/* http?://search.gotobus.com/search/* should be --webappUrlPatterns=https?://m.gotobus.com/*,http?://search.gotobus.com/search/* | 21:26 |
ahoneybun | yea I fixed that thanks popey | 21:27 |
popey | also, all on one line | 21:27 |
popey | oh, missed that | 21:27 |
ahoneybun | popey: I updated it and I need a reviw :) | 21:27 |
* popey gets beer to celebrate | 21:27 | |
ahoneybun | *review | 21:27 |
* popey reviews before beer | 21:27 | |
popey | right, now beer | 21:27 |
* ahoneybun grabs a blue moon | 21:28 | |
* popey has Doombar | 21:28 | |
ahoneybun | yay 0.2 of gotobus is up! | 21:41 |
popey | ahoneybun: having fun? ☻ | 21:46 |
ahoneybun | popey: yea I'm working on my Grocery List app now | 21:49 |
ahoneybun | was working but now the button is overlaying the list | 21:51 |
Festour | Hi all! | 22:05 |
Festour | What i should do, if i cant enable RW System on my device? | 22:05 |
Festour | Someone? | 22:11 |
nik90 | Festour: why not? | 22:12 |
nik90 | Festour: How did you try to convert it into a RW system? | 22:13 |
ahoneybun | about using rows.... | 22:21 |
rpadovani | mhall119, it would be an honour for me | 22:33 |
rpadovani | mhall119, and of course fell free to fix mistakes / rewrite in properly english :-) | 22:35 |
ahoneybun | *proper english | 22:39 |
ahoneybun | lol | 22:39 |
rpadovani | ahoneybun, exactly what I was talking about :D | 22:40 |
ahoneybun | yea rpadovani | 22:48 |
ahoneybun | nik90: what was the command for proposed? | 23:39 |
* ahoneybun downloads the rtm/devel | 23:45 | |
ahoneybun | mhall119: ping | 23:57 |
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