
silverliongood evening17:12
pleia2silverlion: hey17:16
silverlionpleia2, that's coincidance17:16
silverlionI just sent that tweet seconds ago17:17
pleia2I'm replying to your tweet ;)17:17
silverlionpleia2, I got a couple of questions regarding that Ubuntu Book that you wrote17:17
pleia2ask away17:18
silverlion#1: If I understood that right, it's written every 2 years right?17:18
silverlion#2: The Work is done on LaTex, right?17:18
pleia2every 2 years is the plan, but with publishing you never quite know (in fact, they weren't sure the 8th edition would happen at all)17:18
pleia2no, it's done in .doc17:18
pleia2we use libreoffice to edit17:19
silverlionok, who do I have to talk to if I want to become Co-Author of the next edition?17:19
pleia2I don't know, I'm friends with the author so he and I worked pretty casually together, he put me in touch with the editor and I submitted my published works (published articles, etc) for review17:20
pleia2you might ask jose how get got involved17:20
silverlionok, who is jose?17:22
pleia2one of the contributing authors17:22
pleia2he's usually on IRC17:22
silverlionright now he seems not to be online or he goes with a different nick17:22
pleia2yeah, he ping timeouted aout a half hour ago17:23
pleia209:54:52 -!- jose [~jose@ubuntu/member/jose] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]17:23
pleia2he'll be back though :)17:23
silverlionkk. I'll give him a ping if I see him17:23
silverlionbecause I think with more authors the workload becomes a lot easier, am I wrong with that?17:24
pleia2and we get paid less ;)17:24
silverlionso you don't want help?17:25
pleia2I don't really know how it's decided how many authors a book has, 4 is a lot, but there's always a chance some of them won't come back17:25
pleia2it's not my decision17:25
silverlionthanks anyway17:25

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