hazmat | lazyPower, hmm | 01:04 |
hazmat | lazyPower, that's strange.. normally its about 3m.. but yeah.. making that tunable sounds good, if you have a chance file a bug.. i'm eod, else i'll file tomorrow. | 01:04 |
lazyPower | hazmat: already done. | 01:05 |
hazmat | lazyPower, thanks, just noticed | 01:05 |
lazyPower | I wrapped the video edit about 12 minutes ago, waiting on an export so i can do the voice over. I'll have the assets (both raw, and completed) for you tomorrow. | 01:05 |
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hazmat | lazyPower, you rock | 05:35 |
hazmat | lazyPower, btw if its slow i generally would try beefing up the size of the vm --constraints="mem=2G" is normally what i use for transient envs, and optionally hit up a different region with --constraints="region=sfo" etc. | 05:36 |
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bloodearnest | Trivial review that fixes squid-reverseproxy charm, which is currently broken in the charmstore: https://code.launchpad.net/~bloodearnest/charms/precise/squid-reverseproxy/trunk/+merge/235429 | 08:46 |
Odd_Bloke | rick_h_: I resorted to the GUI (which worked nicely). :p | 08:54 |
bloodearnest | Odd_Bloke: you sprinting? | 08:57 |
Odd_Bloke | bloodearnest: I am. | 09:10 |
Odd_Bloke | Doing OpenCorporates stuff. :) | 09:10 |
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stub | Is there some charm cache the local provider uses? The wrong branch keeps getting deployed, despite what the symlinks in $JUJU_REPOSITORY say | 10:51 |
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Spads | stub: revision number? | 10:53 |
stub | Nah, has to be stuck in a cache somewhere. | 10:54 |
stub | The charm that actually is being deployed has been renamed, so it shouldn't even be deployable (since the directory name != charm name) | 10:55 |
stub | And still stuck. The charm doesn't even exist in $JUJU_REPOSITORY now, and it still successfully installs. | 11:06 |
jcastro | hey marcoceppi, do you know what version of charm-tools is in the ubuntu-cloud archive? | 11:08 |
stub | Rebuilding JUJU_REPOSITORY cleared it. No idea where the errant symlink was, or if that was the case. | 11:23 |
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stub | agent-state appears to stay in 'pending' throughout the install hook run now, juju 1.20.7. | 11:58 |
stub | oic, pending, installed, started | 12:07 |
marcoceppi | jcastro: an older version I suppose? | 14:01 |
fabrice | hi, how do I deploy a charm on utopic ? | 14:42 |
fabrice | in my juju I have uploading tools for series [precise trusty] so how do I get support for utopic ? | 14:44 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: utopic isn't released yet | 14:44 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: and we strongly recommend that people use LTS releases for deployment | 14:45 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: I know I want to test that juju-gui can work on utopic | 14:45 |
marcoceppi | that said, it is possible, what cloud provider are you using? | 14:45 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: just for test so local or AWS | 14:45 |
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marcoceppi | fabrice: so I think you can do it for local, probably not AWS I don't think utopic images are out | 14:47 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: are you on utopic atm? | 14:48 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: no trusty | 14:48 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: try bootstrapping local | 14:50 |
marcoceppi | then deploying the utopic charm | 14:50 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: I get that when I do a juju status after deploy | 14:52 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: agent-state-info: no matching tools available | 14:52 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: hum, I would say --upload-tools but you're not on utopic | 14:53 |
marcoceppi | but, try it anyways | 14:53 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: you mean juju --upload-tools utopic ? | 14:55 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: just juju bootstrap --upload-tools | 14:56 |
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fabrice | marcoceppi: it does change anything :( | 15:15 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: no luck with the upload tools | 15:15 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: spin up a utopic vm, then do --upload-tools after installing juju with local | 15:15 |
marcoceppi | I think --upload-tools only does it for the release you're on | 15:16 |
fabrice | marcoceppi: ok great I'll do that, thanks | 15:16 |
marcoceppi | fabrice: well, let me ask someone in core | 15:16 |
marcoceppi | I'm guessing at this piont | 15:16 |
marcoceppi | natefinch: any way to get a utopic bootstrap going at this point? | 15:16 |
natefinch | marcoceppi: set default-series to utopic? | 15:17 |
marcoceppi | natefinch: doesn't work, gets a "no matching tools" error on deployment | 15:17 |
natefinch | hmm weird | 15:17 |
natefinch | sinzui: do we not have utopic tools? | 15:18 |
marcoceppi | natefinch: would utopic VM + --upload-tools be a way around this? (if no tools avail) | 15:18 |
natefinch | marcoceppi: yep | 15:18 |
marcoceppi | natefinch: cool, fabrice ^ | 15:18 |
jamespage | tvansteenburgh, how would you feel about making the implicit_save in the config charm-helper default to False? | 15:19 |
fabrice | natefinch, marcoceppi : thanks I'll try that and come back to you | 15:19 |
jamespage | tvansteenburgh, its completely playing havoc with out openstack charm unit testing | 15:19 |
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sinzui | natefinch, yes, for 1.20.x and above | 15:21 |
natefinch | fabrice|family, marcoceppi: ^^ what version are you using? | 15:22 |
sinzui | natefinch, and we certified the utopic tools work...and we go further and deploy juju-ci3 with them | 15:22 |
natefinch | sinzui: my guess is they're using 1.18.x | 15:22 |
sinzui | natefinch, ah, 1.18.x doesn't support utopic 1.20.1 does | 15:23 |
tvansteenburgh | jamespage: i'm hesitant to change that now b/c people have come to expect it save by default | 15:23 |
lazyPower | stub: ~/.juju/.deployer-store-cache maybe? | 15:23 |
sinzui | natefinch, sorry. I got confused by juju knowledge of ubuntu, and ubuntu knowledge of juju. Juju 1.18.4 knows about utopic | 15:24 |
sinzui | natefinch, that was a requirement to put 1.18.4 in utopic | 15:25 |
sinzui | natefinch, marcoceppi, fabrice|family , Is this about the local-deploy case? Juju only supports lts for local deploys *except* when the local host is utopic itself | 15:27 |
sinzui | natefinch, marcoceppi, fabrice|family , so utopic can do local deploys of utopic, trusty, and precise, an lts series (such as in vagrant images) can only upload tools for lts | 15:28 |
lazyPower | hazmat: do you want the source files for the video before I archive them? | 15:43 |
lazyPower | i've just syndicated the post/video everywhere i've got access to | 15:43 |
hazmat | lazyPower, no thanks.. but a link would be great | 15:45 |
lazyPower | http://blog.dasroot.net/juju-digital-ocean-awesome/ | 15:45 |
hazmat | nevermind.. just saw the email | 15:45 |
hazmat | lazyPower, oddly enough.. i was just looking at the work for a native provider now that objectstorage is no longer a provider req | 15:45 |
lazyPower | Well, i call out that the provider is still considered beta - so YMMV, which is a fairly good disclaimer | 15:46 |
hazmat | cool | 15:46 |
lazyPower | but if the DO provider keeps growing like it is, we're on par for making that happen. also did you notice we are #1 in APi integration? | 15:47 |
lazyPower | hi5 on that brochacho | 15:47 |
jamespage | tvansteenburgh, right now the hooks helper does not really expose any way to disable the implicit_save | 16:00 |
jamespage | tvansteenburgh, so without stupid patching in unit_tests its going to be trickey to fix this up | 16:01 |
tvansteenburgh | jamespage: could make implicit_save a kwarg to hookenv.config(), and pass it through to the Config constructor | 16:03 |
natefinch | -marcoceppi, jcastro: if you guys have time today, I'd like to talk about the charm-sync feature we're working on and specifically what it solves that charm-upgrade --force doesn't cover. | 16:07 |
marcoceppi | natefinch: sure, I've been meaning to ping perrito666 on that as well | 16:09 |
lazyPower | nice | 16:10 |
lazyPower | +1 on that natefinch | 16:10 |
lazyPower | well, the idea that you guys are going to leverage CH in upgrade-charm | 16:10 |
lazyPower | marcoceppi: when i push these big data bundles, do i wnt to put them in the ~charmer namespace, or bigdata-charmers namespace? | 16:11 |
marcoceppi | lazyPower: depends | 16:11 |
lazyPower | i'm all ears | 16:13 |
marcoceppi | lazyPower: well, do you want bigdata-chamers to maintain it? | 16:13 |
marcoceppi | oh | 16:13 |
marcoceppi | bundles | 16:13 |
marcoceppi | BUNDLESSSS | 16:13 |
marcoceppi | charmers | 16:13 |
lazyPower | ok. I thought so. Thanks :) | 16:13 |
marcoceppi | lazyPower: for the next screencast, put opacity at 100% | 16:15 |
marcoceppi | terminal over webpage is hard to read | 16:15 |
lazyPower | ack. | 16:15 |
lazyPower | i should have upped terminal sizing too i noticed post-facto | 16:16 |
marcoceppi | yeah, but fullscreen is easy enough to see the size | 16:16 |
marcoceppi | also, your battery is about to die and it's making me nervous ;) | 16:16 |
lazyPower | thats on my mouse | 16:17 |
lazyPower | my rechargeables always report < 30% | 16:17 |
marcoceppi | hah, good | 16:18 |
lazyPower | for whatever reason | 16:18 |
roadmr | mouse bat level is borked, mine always says 55% even with a fresh battery | 16:18 |
lazyPower | solaar doesn't give me an option to hide it from display either :( | 16:18 |
lazyPower | its very militant in that regard | 16:18 |
pdobrien | hey folks, got a quick question | 16:30 |
pdobrien | trying to bootstrap juju to a private openstack instance | 16:30 |
pdobrien | when trying to generate the metadata, I get "ERROR unrecognized command: juju metadata" | 16:31 |
pdobrien | this is on a mac, using juju from homebrew | 16:31 |
lazyPower | pdobrien: can you juju version for me? | 16:32 |
pdobrien | it's 1.20.1-mavericks-amd64 | 16:32 |
lazyPower | thats 6 minor revisions behind, interesting. | 16:32 |
pdobrien | hm, I just installed it last week or the week before, but I see there's a new version | 16:32 |
lazyPower | i haven't tested our brew installs in a bit - but i'm not positive thats why you're seeing that issue | 16:33 |
pdobrien | getting the same error with 1.20.7 | 16:33 |
lazyPower | pdobrien: 1 moment, let me fire up my mac | 16:33 |
aisrael | ^^ confirming, I see that as well | 16:33 |
lazyPower | aisrael: same version? | 16:34 |
lazyPower | i have juju metadata on ubuntu 1.20.7 - brew installing juju now | 16:35 |
aisrael | yep, 1.20.7-mavericks-amd64 | 16:35 |
aisrael | juju metadata works inside vagrant, with 1.20.7-trusty-amd64 | 16:36 |
jcastro | natefinch, I'm on the road but generally speaking everything marcoceppi I tend to just blindly nod and agree | 16:36 |
lazyPower | aisrael: confirmed what you see | 16:36 |
lazyPower | let me open a bug so we can track this further | 16:36 |
lazyPower | pdobrien: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1372550 | 16:38 |
mup | Bug #1372550: juju metadata missing from brew juju 1.20.7 <papercut> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1372550> | 16:38 |
lazyPower | can you click " This bug affects me" so you get updates to the bug? i'll bring this to core | 16:38 |
pdobrien | will do, thanks! | 16:43 |
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lazyPower | Hey! I got hackernews'd - go upboat please https://news.ycombinator.com/newest | 18:05 |
lazyPower | errr https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8351651 | 18:05 |
natefinch | lazyPower: upboated :) | 18:09 |
lazyPower | Ty ty :) | 18:09 |
sarnold | lazyPower: nice :) | 18:11 |
lazyPower | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8351651 - i got hackernewsed | 18:11 |
lazyPower | can you upboat plz? | 18:11 |
lazyPower | oh | 18:11 |
lazyPower | wrong channel, haha | 18:12 |
natefinch | haha | 18:12 |
* lazyPower is jazzed | 18:12 | |
lazyPower | i *never* get HN'd, so to see this reposted by someone other than me, oh man. i'm losing my marbles | 18:12 |
natefinch | the guy who upvoted it is evidently Community Director at DigitalOcean - https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=beigeotter | 18:24 |
natefinch | marcoceppi: have time now to talk about charm sync? | 18:25 |
marcoceppi | natefinch: yes | 18:26 |
natefinch | marcoceppi: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=1 | 18:26 |
natefinch | perrito666: you available? | 18:27 |
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sebas5384 | lazyPower: hey! o/ | 19:45 |
lazyPower | hey sebas5384 | 19:45 |
sebas5384 | i'm going to do a training about Drupal, and I was thinking in using Juju | 19:45 |
sebas5384 | and the dns charm comes to my head | 19:45 |
sebas5384 | because the users have mac osx | 19:46 |
lazyPower | sebas5384: its still in the same state it was in | 19:46 |
lazyPower | just deploying a single bind host | 19:46 |
sebas5384 | so i'm going to "vagrant up" the default image of the mac osx workflow | 19:46 |
sebas5384 | lazyPower: ok, but for a locally use, with more than 1 Drupal charm, being related, could the charm be useful ? | 19:47 |
lazyPower | should be | 19:47 |
lazyPower | so long as you add teh DNS Charm IP as your nameserver | 19:47 |
sebas5384 | hmm | 19:48 |
lazyPower | sebas5384: i haven't looked at it in a while though, so make sure you file any bugs if you run into papercuts | 19:48 |
sebas5384 | thinking in how to do this for the mac osx scenario | 19:48 |
sebas5384 | yeah, i'm going to test that now | 19:48 |
sebas5384 | deploying two drupal charms, with diferent domains, and then trying to access those from the mac osx | 19:49 |
sebas5384 | (host) | 19:49 |
sebas5384 | :) | 19:49 |
sebas5384 | i'll keep you informed then! thanks man! | 19:51 |
lazyPower | sebas5384: oh! | 19:51 |
lazyPower | sebas5384: it's tied to a single domain, you'll need 2 copies of the dns charnm deployed in its current state | 19:51 |
sebas5384 | hmmm | 19:52 |
sebas5384 | so its a dns server for each domain ? | 19:52 |
lazyPower | yep | 19:53 |
lazyPower | take a look at the spec doc in the charm | 19:53 |
lazyPower | it gives a really good overview of whats planned, and whats implemented is reflected in the deployment guide | 19:53 |
sebas5384 | can I ask why is that way? | 19:53 |
sebas5384 | ahh ok | 19:53 |
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* mbruzek created an unmaintained-charms group that we will use for charms that are broken. | 20:24 | |
ayr-ton | I'm trying to remove a subordinate service that have "pending" as it status. But without success. The charm is cs:~marcoceppi/precise/zabbix-agent-1. juju destroy-unit zabbix-agent/0 does not have any effect. | 20:29 |
marcoceppi | ayr-ton: hav eyou tried juju remove-relation ? | 20:30 |
ayr-ton | marcoceppi: ERROR relation "zabbix-agent:juju-info mysql:juju-info" not found | 20:31 |
marcoceppi | huh | 20:34 |
ayr-ton | I think its Satan. | 20:34 |
marcoceppi | well it is zabbix | 20:34 |
marcoceppi | that charm was never really finished | 20:34 |
ayr-ton | I will try more debugging. Just a sec. | 20:35 |
ayr-ton | marcoceppi: Theres some way to manual destroy de unit? | 20:41 |
sebas5384 | https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-vagrant.html -> this is updated ? | 20:49 |
ayr-ton | sebas5384: yep | 20:53 |
ayr-ton | marcoceppi: I figure out. | 20:53 |
sebas5384 | thanks ayr-ton | 20:53 |
ayr-ton | marcoceppi: Could I make a merge request for your charm? | 20:53 |
marcoceppi | ayr-ton: of course! | 20:54 |
marcoceppi | or you could jst fork it and use it as a base | 20:54 |
ayr-ton | marcoceppi: ok. I will make some fixes and I will submit (: | 20:54 |
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hazmat | lazyPower, just watched the digitalocean video.. thanks again.. two thoughts.. we should really distribute static binaries (add ppa / apt-get update / install vs. wget )... the plugin on bootstrap and add-machine takes a -v flag which will print progress | 23:48 |
hazmat | lazyPower, also juju docean list-machines shows machine details bypassing juju api just using do api.. (ditto for destroy-env --force though destructivly in that case) | 23:49 |
hazmat | oh.. nm.. still watching ;-) | 23:49 |
* hazmat sees list-machines fly by | 23:52 |
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