
bradmis there a list of variables we can use in a maas preseed somewhere?  I know we're using $OUTPUT_FSTAB, basically I want the equivalent for the path to where its mounted.00:39
bradmah, or I could just use a curtin in-target command in the preseed, that may have to do it00:46
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
caribouHi, is there a known issue with maas 1.5 that would keep my enlisted VM to get commissionned ?09:09
cariboutftp kicks in correctly the first time, then when I try to commission the VM, virsh starts it but the second TFTP never gets through09:10
cariboubtw, the maas server DO get the TFTP req but maas never acts on it09:12
jtvcaribou: doesn't ring a bell for me.  :/09:16
cariboujtv: k, thanks. I'll try with maas 1.709:17
jtvSo the TFTP client on the virtual node never gets the file it tries to download?09:17
cariboujtv: right09:17
jtvAnd "the second TFTP" is the second file it requests on its commissioning boot?  Or do you just mean the second boot?09:17
cariboujtv: I looked at all the logs in /var/log/maas & didn't see anything obvious09:17
cariboujtv: no, that's when I hit "commissionning" in the MAAS UI09:18
cariboujtv: the virsh start works fine & the VM comes to life, but the TFTP request never completes09:18
jtvIt should make several TFTP requests, that's why I'd like to make sure I understand.09:18
cariboujtv: I don't want to waste your time on this; let see what I get from maas 1.709:19
cariboujtv: the maas 1.7 is in the cloud-archive:tools PPA right ?09:22
jtvI don't know about the cloud-archive PPA; we use the ones on https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers ourselves.09:23
cariboujtv: well, cloud-archive is not supported on trusty anyway09:24
caribouok I'll look there09:24
=== allenap_ is now known as allenap
rvbaallenap: could you please have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/fix-power-query/+merge/235442 ?11:36
gmbrvba, allenap: Can one of you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/prob-mscm-power-params-testcase/+merge/235444 for me?11:43
rvbagmb: approved (but I think you need to update the test, see my comment inline.)11:45
gmbrvba: Noted; good point. Thanks.11:45
allenaprvba: Sorry, I was away.12:46
gmballenap: Did you get chance to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/add-poweraction-registry/ at all?13:17
allenapgmb: A little. Do you want to talk about it?13:19
allenapgmb: I can do an in-progress review if you want?13:20
gmballenap: An in-progress review would be great, thanks.13:24
gmb(Just catching up on emails 'n stuff)13:24
gmballenap: I'll be happy to talk properly later on, though.13:24
allenapgmb: Okeydoke.13:26
rvbaHi roaksoax, I'm testing the daily PPA and it seems we have a permission problem with the new maas-proxy service: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8403372/13:50
rvbaallenap: you available for a review?14:13
rvbaallenap: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/fix-power-query-error/+merge/23546214:13
allenaprvba: On it.14:30
rvbagmb: Oh, and since I know you're a Javascript (recovering) addict: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/check-power-state/+merge/23547016:13
gmbrvba: Thanks (!)16:24
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob

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