
tsdgeoslarsu: ping08:39
mzanettigreyback: ping08:57
mzanettigreyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity-api/splash/+merge/233288/comments/57580208:57
mzanettishall we wait for daniel or throw the splash stuff out of the silo and try to get orientationlock landed alone?08:57
greybackmzanetti: I say wait.08:59
larsutsdgeos: hey09:10
tsdgeoslarsu: commented on the bug, emblems was the wrong thing that is missing, is attributes icons09:10
larsutsdgeos: okay thanks. I'll have a look09:11
mzanettidandrader: good morning10:17
mzanettidandrader: can you update this one please? https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity-api/splash/+merge/233288/comments/57580210:17
dandradermzanetti, what should I exactly do?10:18
mzanettidandrader: bump the changelog in unity-api10:18
mzanettidandrader: and then update the version in unity8's debian/control to match that version10:19
mzanettidandrader: example: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity-api/dashActive/+merge/23527310:19
mzanettidandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/async-dashcommunicator/+merge/23527210:19
mzanettidandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/fix-some-lifecycle-bugs/+merge/23408710:20
mzanettiso I guess you need to change the depends in the related qtmir branch too10:20
dandradermzanetti, all done10:29
mzanettidandrader: thanks10:30
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
greyback_dandrader: heya, about the qWarning/qCWarning11:09
greyback_there are some messages that I think should not be categorized, in case there's a filter in place that surpresses all categorized messages11:10
dandradergreyback_, I commented on the mp11:10
dandradergreyback_, you can suppress only the debug messages for instance. like "qtmir.*.debug=false"11:11
greyback_dandrader: sure, but what if we ship qtmir.*=false - which I think is reasonable to do11:11
greyback_since nearly all of our debug/warning output is informational at best11:11
dandradergreyback_, say I want to silence all qtmir messages, *including warnings*, because it's bitching about something I don't care right now as I'm working on some unity8 thingy. I wanna be able to do it11:12
dandradergreyback_, we are only losing flexibility by using qWarning instead of qCWarning11:13
greyback_dandrader: sadly I don't care about you that much :D I'm more concerned with a user's desktop, they tap an icon and nothing happens because the desktop file is missing - I want to be sure that message is printed somehow11:13
dandradergreyback_, we can do less with it11:13
dandradergreyback_, then don't silence qtmir warnings on the final configuration. or make it a critical message11:14
dandraderand don't silence critical messages :)11:14
dandradergreyback_, what if we have -DQT_NO_DEBUG and I want the user to know that a desktop file is missing?11:15
greyback_dandrader: I don't like it, it relies on the right configuration being set, which I think is too easy to get wrong. I think some messages should not be filterable11:15
dandradergreyback_, should we use std::cout for it then?11:15
greyback_dandrader: but we don't set that.11:15
greyback_we have control over the compile flags for our app11:15
greyback_we don't have control over the warning/debug config11:16
greyback_dandrader: shall we ask a third party? To give a deciding vote?11:18
dandradergreyback_, yeah. I don't think your reasoning for using qWarning instead of qCWarning makes sense11:19
greyback_dandrader: who would you like to nominate?11:20
greyback_mzanetti: you have been chosen to enact a peace treaty between myself and dandrader!11:21
greyback_when you've 2 mins, let us know11:21
mzanettigreyback_: shoot :D11:22
greyback_mzanetti: topic is qWarning versus qCWarning - and the Debug equivalents11:23
greyback_I tend to use qWarning for messages that I think are of interest to a final user - i.e. they are messages which cannot be filtered11:23
greyback_dandrader: want to state your case?11:24
dandraderA warning is a warning. The qC version of log messages (debug, warning and critical) give more flexibility as you can filter them by level and category11:25
dandraderwhereas with the original versions you can either install a message handler (thus filtering only by level) or disable all of them (by adding -DQT_NO_DEBUG)11:26
dandraderif someone wants to override any log filtering then it should not use the logging system in the first place.11:27
mzanettiso Imo we want to see real warnings in the logs without messing around with filters...11:27
mzanettiso I guess if we have a default filter that allows some certain category11:27
mzanettithen I would probably align it for qCDebug11:27
mzanettibut really depends on the default installed filter I guess11:28
mzanettithere probably is value to still suppress those warnings if you want to debug something else...11:28
dandradergreyback_ wants to give a message to the *final user*. Is loggging the right medium for it?11:29
greyback_all I want is to be able to print stuff, and be reasonably certain it is actually printed (-DQT_NO_DEBUG and custom message handlers aside)11:29
mzanettidandrader: I guess "final user" is QA in this case11:29
mzanettiif you ask QA to send you a log, what do you want to have in there without asking them fiddle with filters11:29
* mzanetti still didn't fully understand the QMessageLogger filtering11:30
mzanettilooked a bit weird the one time I tried tbh11:30
greyback_I had planned to ship qtmir filtering everything, since nearly all the messages are informational. And just use unfiltered messages for things user would care about11:31
mzanettisounds reasonable11:31
mzanettiwell, either that, or defining a category that is (and stays) enabled11:32
greyback_if you create a category that is always enabled, then why bother making it a category at all?11:32
dandraderI tried to shutdown all the qtmir babbling and filtered out all of it. but the babbling continued, although on a lower volume, because random parts of its logging use the old qMessage instead of qCMessage. so the only way to shut it off was to -DQT_NO_DEBUG it, but that meant recompiling it all11:32
greyback_dandrader: random parts? Have you pastein, I'd like to see what comes out.11:33
dandraderbut them I lost my own logging which I was interested into. So I had to resort to use plain printf () or std::cout ofr it11:33
dandraderfor it11:33
dandradergreyback_, just grep for qDebug, qWarning etc in qtmir11:34
mzanettiwell, we all agree that plain qDebug() should eventually be migrated to qCDebug11:34
mzanettiits really just about error cases in which you are interested always (99% of the cases)11:35
greyback_dandrader: well sure. But I was more interested in the realistic output11:35
dandradergreyback_, I even had a branch to change it all to qCStuff, but for some weird reason it made application_manager test crash on destruction :-/ so will have to get back to it latedr11:35
greyback_that's unexpected11:35
* greyback_ rests his case and awaits the right honourable judge mzanetti's verdict11:36
mzanettiif I have to judge something I guess I'm with Daniel :D better flexibility in the long run. a little more effort to make it clean now though11:37
dandraderaside from losing flexibility when using qWarning instead of qCWarning, we also end up with a heterogeneous logging11:37
dandraderoh, there should be a utf8 char with a judge's hammer11:38
* greyback_ files an appeal11:39
mzanettipopey: is there ^11:39
mzanettiI'm sure popey will figure something :D11:39
greyback_just wish I shouted OBJECTION at some stage11:39
greyback_always wanted to do that11:39
dandraderif someone decides to filter out all warnings it's because he does not to see any warning messages11:40
dandraderif you want to still print out your message even if the user disabled warnings, then your message should not be a warning11:40
popey(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻11:41
popeywe should print that11:41
tsdgeosMirv: how is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/1371472 going?11:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1371472 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Fix crash in QNetworkAccessCacheBackend::closeDownstreamChannel" [Undecided,New]11:41
greyback_dandrader: ok pushed11:43
mzanettigreyback_: now one for you: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/dont-filter-newline/revision/219 vs http://paste.ubuntu.com/8402690/11:43
mzanettigreyback_: first one fails with new tags (e.g. "div"). latter one fails with broken xml11:44
greyback_mzanetti: regexp to parse html is bad practice. Using the XML parser is better IMO11:46
mzanettihowever, it fails with this for example: "<b>So broken</i>"11:46
mzanettigreyback_: while the regexp actually does it right11:46
greyback_mzanetti: is broken input likely?11:47
mzanettihmm... notifications11:47
greyback_if it's broken going in, why should we try fix it?11:47
greyback_crap goes in, crap comes out11:47
mzanettiI tend to agree...11:47
dandradergreyback_, thanks. your thoughts on these: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/qtmir/desktopFileReader/+merge/235223/comments/575368 https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/qtmir/desktopFileReader/+merge/235223/comments/57536211:47
greyback_dandrader: second one I've addressed - I just removed the comments11:48
greyback_dandrader: first one is doing what it's supposed to do IMO - but message is categorized now11:48
* greyback_ doesn't mind noisy tests11:49
dandradergreyback_, ok, will make a separate MP on that subject later. this review was contentious enough already11:50
greyback_dandrader: :D11:50
greyback_always good to have a third party to settle the wa11:50
Mirvtsdgeos: gonna add a landing for it now. should it go to rtm first?11:52
Mirvwell there's zero silos available for either utopic or rtm11:55
MirvI think utopic is frozen at the moment, so rtm first might be the way to go11:58
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kodiak11OK giving Unity a shot (Ubuntu user since 4.10, XFCE user since sundown of Gnome 2.32...) -  Are silly gadgets like CPU utilization and thermal monitors coming to Unity at any point?12:53
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MacSlowtedg, hey there...13:11
tedgMacSlow, Howdy!13:14
MacSlowtedg, I was wondering if you meant gnome-settings-daemon in you comment here... https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/indicator-sound/synchronous-notification/+merge/229061/comments/57510913:15
tedgMacSlow, I think I meant unity-settings-deamon? I mean th g-s-d fork that we did.13:16
tedgseb128, Could probably help with the name ^13:17
tedgIt's u-s-d, not sure what the U is :-)13:17
seb128tedg, name is correct13:17
seb128tedg, https://code.launchpad.net/unity-settings-daemon13:17
tedgMacSlow, seb128 is your hero! ^13:17
MacSlowtedg, just trying to figure out where to look for the notification-relevant code... and compare to see if there are potential issues or not for your described scenario13:17
MacSlowseb128, thx... now that you said it, it seems obvious :)13:18
MacSlowtedg, anyway I will look into it and provide my findings as feedback on the MP13:19
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
mzanettiseb128: hey, here's something for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/ubuntu-system-settings/update-reset-launcher/+merge/23430913:25
seb128mzanetti, they, thanks, adding to my review list13:26
mzanettiseb128: one note: the required change in unity-schemas did not make it to rtm yet13:26
mzanettiseb128: its released to proposed though13:26
seb128mzanetti, we don't publish the launcher config anymore for the greeter/lock screen benefits?13:29
mzanettiseb128: not atm, as we don't have split greeter anyways currently13:29
mzanettiseb128: that will come back, but the main config will stay dconf13:29
seb128mzanetti, "currently"13:29
mzanettiseb128: accountservice will be a read-only copy of the current state inside the user account13:29
seb128right, which means we should still write there no?13:30
mzanettiif you reset dconf, the user's launcher plugin will notice and sync over to AS13:30
mzanettithat's the plan at least13:30
MacSlowtedg, see https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/indicator-sound/synchronous-notification/+merge/229061 and hopefully approve that MP if you're happy with it. Thanks in advance!13:35
tedgMacSlow, Okay, so notify-osd can handle the fact that they're two synchronous ones?13:37
tedgthere are13:37
MacSlowtedg, yes... to notify-osd it just two sync. notifications coming in... and first come first served13:38
tedgMacSlow, K, cool.13:38
MacSlowtedg, btw... volume-notification from those branches at work here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwEYLXNaL0Q13:42
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
dandraderkodiak11, there's indicator-multiload14:04
kodiak11dandrader:  ah - cool - I see I need to add repos - I poked around but was a bit lost14:06
MacSlowmterry, could you take a look at (review)  https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/synchronous-notification/+merge/234476 when you have a free slot?14:09
mterryMacSlow, what is the value hint about?14:10
MacSlowmterry, it's a way to pass a 0-100 number to a notification in order to make it display a indicator-bar (think: volume, brightness etc)14:11
mterryMacSlow, I'll look at it today, sure14:11
mterryMacSlow, it doesn't need a x-canonical prefix?14:12
MacSlowmterry, great thanks... it's one of three related branches... but I don't want to dump all three on one person... they can be dealt with on an individual basis14:12
MacSlowmterry, that has legacy-reasons14:13
MacSlowmterry, if the hint-name would be changed it would break existing apps using synchronous notifications with attached values.14:14
mterryMacSlow, ah ok, this is an old hint14:15
MacSlowmterry, correct14:15
MacSlowmterry, fyi... this is what it looks like when all three related branches are at work... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi-Z2Rn7Fxo14:18
mterryMacSlow, nice14:19
kodiak11dandrader:  I found this and thought it was useful - thanks for the lead!  http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/what-application-indicators-are-available14:20
dandraderkodiak11, yw14:21
mhall119saviq and thostr still on holiday?14:24
dandradergreyback_, a tiny one: https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/optionalTestsBuild/+merge/23546714:30
greyback_mhall119: saviq is anyway14:31
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cwayneCimi: any chance of that card-visual-tweaks branch landing this week?14:43
dandradergreyback_, thanks for the quick review!14:44
greyback_dandrader: does the job :)14:44
greyback_mzanetti: when you get time, I left comment here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/async-dashcommunicator/+merge/23527214:46
mzanettigreyback_: I have to keep the dep to AppManager14:46
mzanettihmm... maybe not14:46
greyback_mzanetti: why>14:46
mzanettibut seems fragile14:47
mzanettigreyback_: because if I connect to the interface when the app is suspended, it'll hang unity14:47
mzanettigreyback_: so I use AppMan to make sure it is in state running14:47
greyback_mzanetti: it should not hang with an async dbus call14:47
mzanettigreyback_: no, but the connect14:47
greyback_lemme try something14:48
tsdgeosmhall119: anything we can help you with while Saviq is enjoying his holidays?14:50
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
tsdgeosmterry: what can we do about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1372515 ?15:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1372515 in unity8 (Ubuntu) ""Sorry, incorrect passcode" doesn't fit in spanish translation" [Undecided,New]15:36
mterrytsdgeos, hrm15:37
mterrytsdgeos, make it smaller seems least intrusive -- I don't want to drop the whole pad down to fit a second line15:37
mterrytsdgeos, or have translators test their translations and get creative to let them fit...  but we can at least try a technical solution first15:37
tsdgeosmterry: you're not going to get translators to test the translations15:39
mterrytsdgeos, :)15:39
tsdgeosyou have to be god to be were a string is15:39
mterrytsdgeos, I know, they just do it in LP15:39
tsdgeosand even if they wanted15:39
mterrytsdgeos, true15:39
tsdgeosunless you know how to code and check the code and try to infer where the string is ending15:39
tsdgeossometimes is a huge amount of work15:39
tsdgeosnot in this case, but15:39
tsdgeosmterry: i think having that "shrink my size label" in the SDK would be a great idea actually15:40
tsdgeosfor cases where not much can be done15:40
tsdgeosand you don't really mind if it's 17px or 15px font size15:40
mterrytsdgeos, yeah... I'm not sure what font metrics info we have available to us to do that in qml, but I'm sure it's possible15:41
tsdgeosmterry: we have the implicitWidth15:41
tsdgeosoyu can try playing with it15:41
mterrytsdgeos, yeah but I don't want to have to set the size, test width, change size, etc.  We'd want to assign size once based on the metrics of the string and width available, right?15:42
tsdgeosmterry: yeap, i am not sure there's something like that available15:42
tsdgeostbh i have some code that does that in kde15:43
mterrytsdgeos, maybe we can change size fast enough that it doesn't matter -- or just keep the label invisible until we settle15:43
tsdgeosand it actually ends up setting sizes and chaging15:43
tsdgeossince fonts are not linear15:43
tsdgeosin point size vs size15:43
tsdgeosit seems to be the only way to do it15:43
tsdgeosman qmluitests have gone all crazy :S15:46
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* greyback_ annoyed unity8-autopilot brings in lots of qt416:15
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* greyback_ eod18:00
kodiak11Is there a quick guide on customizing / making the most use of Unity for new users to Unity but obviously not to Linux18:04
kodiak11Coming from the XFCE world and attempting to give Unity a fair shake18:04
dandraderkodiak11, #ubuntu-desktop is the appropriate channel for that. Here we essentially talk about Unity for phone an tablet18:14
dandraderuntil that new codebase also comes to encompass the desktop as well18:15
kodiak11oh snap18:15
kodiak11when are you giving me a dang phone???  (US Verizon customer_)18:16
racarrHi guys my new hobby is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/132883918:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1328839 in QtMir "The top panel is not restored after toggling full screen off" [High,Confirmed]18:36
racarrso first I am trying to figure out, how a Qt app is supposed to escape this fullscreen state...and it seems like18:36
racarrplatform api is missing a counterpart to18:36
racarre.g. there is no ua_ui_window_leave_fullscreen or ua_ui_window_show_normal or whatever18:36
racarrdoes anyone know otherwise, or know how an app is supposed to leave18:37
yecril71plHello, can I have a non-breaking space under [Shift [Space]]?19:48
yecril71pl1Can I have a non-breaking space under [Shift [Space]]?19:51
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