
siqueiraboa noite pra geral02:27
UbuntuStudioUserHello everybody!02:38
UbuntuStudioUserI've just come across a few problems after ubuntustudio installation02:39
UbuntuStudioUsernow im logged in02:39
UbuntuStudioUserwith a gnome 3 session installed thru terminal02:39
UbuntuStudioUserI've uninstalled too the default DE02:39
UbuntuStudioUserbut I'd like to revert back02:40
UbuntuStudioUserHow can I do? :)02:40
gkm_bei bildschirm sperren passiert nix08:45
gkm_ich will das der rechner weiterläuft aber passwortgeschützt08:46
gkm_was kann ich tun?08:46
silvestrinohello people16:11
silvestrinohere can write only in english?16:11
holsteinsilvestrino: i can speak only english..16:12
silvestrinook no problem16:13
silvestrinomy english is shit but i can try16:13
silvestrinojust now i am to instal ubunto studio on my computer16:13
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:13
silvestrinobefore i try with the version 64bit but give me many trouble16:14
silvestrinonow i am in try with 32 bit16:14
holsteinsilvestrino: if your hardware is 64bit capable, it should work fine16:14
holsteinyou are likely not having issues with the 64bit vs 32bit at all16:15
silvestrinoi try to search info about my computer is a compaq 32116:15
holsteinyou wont find information, though16:16
holsteincompaq doesnt provide any information for running linux on the machine16:16
silvestrinoi am so lucky16:16
silvestrinook i use 32 is ok16:17
holsteinsilvestrino: i really dont think that was the issue.. but, i would just use what is working16:17
silvestrinothanks so much ....and compliment to everybody can make ubuntu and all work16:17
silvestrinoi am really happy i was try before kubuntu and now i change in this ......really really thanks16:18
holsteinyou can use the studio packages in kubuntu16:18
silvestrinoi change pc so i install again ....so i install direct this version for try16:19
holsteinsilvestrino: they are all ubuntu.. i would use what is working for you, and what you understand16:20
holsteinif you are not doing audio production, there really is no reason for ubuntustudio16:20
holsteinthe overhead of JACK and the jack applications is really not needed16:20
silvestrinoi want learn and try16:20
holsteinsure. you are welcome to16:20
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro16:21
silvestrinothanks a lot for your time and help me have a nice day16:22
holsteinsure.. good luck :)16:22

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