
=== kblin_ is now known as kblin
=== lolz is now known as Guest62712
=== lolz is now known as Guest79667
tdannecyI'm having an issue starting Docky. I'm running Precise. Here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/9PgizJMC14:03
knometdannecy, try asking the docky devs14:07
=== np1_ is now known as nagev
xubuntu65wI'd installed a 32 xubuntu system and wanted to change to the 64... so I got the 64 bit iso, loaded on the USB and rebooted... chose the wrong option (to replace) on the install screen and BANG - my home partition was wiped away too.15:11
xubuntu65wHow stupid is that?15:11
knomexubuntu65w, well it's contrary to the mantra "always take backups before upgrading/reinstalling"15:11
xubuntu65wIs there a place where one can ask for the installation to be a little more *careful* if there already are exisiting / and /home partitions?15:11
xubuntu65wI mean I do have backups, but I'd configured a whole bunch of customized things on my /home partition, which I happily thought will be preserved.15:12
knomexubuntu65w, you can file a bug against ubiquity, but i really don't think that's going to change15:13
knomexubuntu65w, if the developers went that route, there would be a lot to notice the user about, and then nobody would read that list15:13
xubuntu65wI was ready to break a few windows - one click and gone. Dang.. in any case, just wanted to rant, to let off steam, now that the damage is already done.15:13
knomexubuntu65w, that doesn't happen if you *upgrade* from the image15:14
knomewell, in theory...15:14
knomehappy to hear you have backups :)15:14
knomexubuntu65w, but as i said.. you can file a bug against ubiquity and describe the situation15:14
xubuntu65wOk - thank, knome - where do I get to that?15:15
knomerun "ubuntu-bug ubiquity" on terminal or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug15:15
xubuntu65wI will do. at least it'll give help me get peace of mind, by putting out a piece of mind :-)15:16
xubuntu65wThx, and cheers15:16
knomeno problem, and enjoy xubuntu15:16
jarnos"light-locker-command -l && xfce4-session-logout -s" does not work for me in 14.04. Lock-on-suspend is false in light-locker settings and in session settings, but it should still work, I think.15:20
brainwashjarnos: is light-locker enabled and running in the background?15:27
jarnosbrainwash, yes, but the suspend command pops up with dialog requesting password. That does not happen, if I lock by e.g. xscreensaver-command.15:29
brainwashsounds like the suspend action is inhibited. therefore, it requires root privileges to continue15:32
brainwashmeaning your user password15:33
brainwashis there any terminal output?15:34
brainwashfurthermore, can you suspend the system while from the unlock screen?15:35
freezeeedoshello, #xubuntu15:36
freezeeedosempty desktop after login; what's up with that ? :p15:36
freezeeedosI've already tried resetting the config15:37
freezeeedosrunning 14.0415:37
brainwashclean the session cache ~/.cache/sessions and try again15:38
freezeeedosI don't have easy access to the logs, it a friends machine15:38
freezeeedosbrainwash, first thing i tried15:38
GridCubefreezeeedos, press alt-f2 and type: xfwm4 --replace15:38
GridCubeopen a terminal and run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop --reinstall15:39
freezeeedosI'll try that in a tty15:40
freezeeedosfixing a machine via SMS is a pain in the butt15:43
freezeeedosalso, thanks for your suggestions, guys15:45
freezeeedosdidn't work16:00
freezeeedosprobably a useless upgrade that broke stuff16:00
holsteinfreezeeedos: you have a 'friends machine'? and you did an upgrade? and you cannot get to the desktop? and you have cleared the users config? have you tried the guest user?16:02
freezeeedosI don't have the machine with me16:02
holsteinfreezeeedos: you are not sitting in front of the machine? if not, i would just send the friend here16:02
freezeeedosshe's not used to this kind of stuff16:03
holsteinfreezeeedos: sure. and nothing you or i or any volunteer here can make anyone more comfortable.. those are the steps i would take in that case.. test the guest account, then, if the guest account works, remove the user config16:03
holstein11:38 < brainwash> clean the session cache ~/.cache/sessions and try again16:04
holstein^ thats what i would try.. and thats not a "log" to access in any way.. its resetting the configuration that could be causing the behavior you are stating16:04
freezeeedosholstein, I know. As I said, I told her to try that16:05
holsteinfreezeeedos: yes.. and if you cant comfirm that she has tried it, or knows what that means, then, you cant assume its not the "Fix" for the sistuation16:05
freezeeedosI can confirm it16:06
freezeeedosshe sent me a photo of the console16:06
holsteinfreezeeedos: hows is the guest user? is that working?16:06
holsteinfreezeeedos: sudo apt-get update  and share errors..16:06
freezeeedosWe'll try that later. She's got to go somewhere16:07
freezeeedosbut thanks16:07
freezeeedosso, any of you guys encountered this problem personally ?16:08
holsteinfreezeeedos: yes16:08
holsteinfreezeeedos: i run "sudo apt-get update" and deal with errors.. i then run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and deal with errors.. then, i check and see if the issue is system-wide or with my user account16:09
holsteinfreezeeedos: ppa's can break this.. any user config can cause that..16:09
freezeeedosholstein, agreed. I avoided adding any PPAs16:10
holsteinfreezeeedos: i use them if i need, understanding the risks. but, we are not talking about our systems16:12
freezeeedosright. I use them on my personnal machine as well16:12
freezeeedoswe're linux guys. we can't help ourselves, right ;)16:13
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:13
holsteinppa's are a handy way of adding newer packages.. but, they can "break" configs or other things..16:13
freezeeedosindeed they can break stuff. they can break stuff HARD.16:14
xubuntu62wI have hibernation button,but when i try to hibernate it says-"Failed to hibernate session.GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Operation not supported"16:15
holsteinxubuntu62w: AFAIK, its disabled16:15
holsteinpersonally, i never saw an advantage over just shutting down..16:15
xubuntu62wI have already edited this file.It didn't help.16:16
xubuntu62wholstein,well,you don't have to always be watching over your computer.I know that if i leave,it will hibernate automatically16:17
xubuntu62wSo it doesn't waste energy beign suspended16:18
holsteinxubuntu62w: i *still* dont personally see a need for hibernation, and would prefer suspend, or shutdown. but thats not the point16:18
holsteinxubuntu62w: what have you done? did you reboot after changing that config?16:18
holsteinxubuntu62w: so, to refine your statement above, you changed what file exactly? to what? and then you get that error message? was that the same message before you edited the file?16:19
xubuntu62wNo.When i edited file hibernation  button showed up.I did exactly what was told here(http://askubuntu.com/questions/462472/xubuntu-14-04-how-to-enable-hibernate).16:21
holsteinxubuntu62w: so, you edited "/var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla" ?16:22
holsteinxubuntu62w: you can pastebin that file here..16:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:23
holsteinxubuntu62w: i would also try hibernate command via terminal.. see what the exact errors are, and if you are just having a permissions issue16:25
holsteintry sudo pm-hibernate16:25
xubuntu62wnothing happened except my sd card volume remounted16:27
holsteinxubuntu62w: you can run "sudo pm-hibernate" in the terminal, and pastebin the output16:28
xubuntu62wit didn't show anything. sudo pmi action hibernate says-http://paste.ubuntu.com/8404325/16:29
xubuntu62wi tried both16:29
holsteinxubuntu62w: referring to https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-help/power-hibernate.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/Hibernate makes me think it should be working16:32
holsteinxubuntu62w: im thinking it may be something else with your system supporting linux, or config16:33
holsteini would start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/Hibernate#swsusp and probably at this point, be thinking about a workaround, like locking the screen16:34
xubuntu62wi'll read.thank you16:36
xubuntu46w I added perl script to autostart,and after i reboot xfce panel appear for several seconds and the disappear.16:51
xubuntu46wappears for several seconds,and then disappears*16:52
holsteinxubuntu46w: i would try removing the script i added to make sure its the cause, then i would take ths script to a programming channel to make sure its "correct", or share it here or in #ubuntu16:53
xubuntu46wI am not sure that matter is in script.I tried to disable caps lock button,so i added script to autostart,and panel also disappeared.16:55
holsteinxubuntu46w: i would remove the script, and test..16:56
holsteinxubuntu46w: then, i would share the script here, or in a perl channel..16:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:56
xubuntu46wThis one https://github.com/iberianpig/xSwipe/blob/master/xSwipe.pl16:57
holsteinperl, or general programming.. otherwise, i would try http://askubuntu.com/questions/410499/make-setxkbmap-preferences-being-set-at-startup16:57
holsteinxubuntu46w: the creators of the xSwipe code might provide support..16:58
holsteini would try and just do it natively16:59
holsteinxubuntu46w: right. i dont feel i need a github project to work with to disable my capslock key16:59
holsteinxubuntu46w: i would try something with setxkbmap for example17:00
xubuntu46wIt doesn't disable caps lock.I just said that two scripts that i added to autostart crashed my xfce panel17:00
xubuntu46wOne was xswipe,another just disables caps via setxkbmap17:01
holsteinxubuntu46w: sure.. i would just remove them, and see that they a are infact crashing the panel.. if so, i would ask the creators of the programs.. or, if this is a script you have made, i would share it, and see if any volunteer has any ideas17:02
holsteinotherwise, if you want to disable caps lock, i dont think you need a 3rd party application17:02
xubuntu46wi didn't use 3rd party applications to disable caps lock.I added this script-http://paste.ubuntu.com/8404544/-it crashed xfce panel.I fixed it.Some time later i added xswipe to autostart,it also crashed panel.17:05
knomecan we stop telling the same thing over and over again, both?17:05
knomexubuntu46w, if you run the scripts from terminal when panel is running, does the panel crash then or only when the scripts are autostarted?17:06
xubuntu46wno.only when the scripts are autostarted17:06
holsteini might just try sleeping the autostart of it, then17:07
vertzHi! Can i no longer choose to view how much power/time is left of my battery charge?17:56
brainwashvertz: no longer? so it worked at some point, but what exactly does not work anymore?18:01
vertzyou know the battery icon in the notification area18:02
vertzbefore you could show reminding battery % and estimated time18:02
vertznow it shows an icon that makes me believe its plugged in the charger18:02
brainwashbefore? please explain this in more detail18:03
vertzafter i updated to 14.10 beta or whatever it is18:03
vertzbefore as in 14.0418:03
brainwashuhm.. why did you update to 14.04?18:03
brainwashto 14.1018:03
vertzeeeeeeh, i was drunk? :P18:04
vertzwhy shouldnt i?18:04
vertzsomeone have to try it out18:04
brainwashwell, did you file a bug report then?18:05
brainwashyou are beta tester now18:05
vertzno, not yet, not sure if its a bug, since there is no option18:05
vertzfor that specific thing18:05
vertzso just wanted to check with you guys first :)18:05
brainwashthe question is, are you talking about the indicator-power or the new power-manager panel plugin?18:06
vertzthis is not the idicator-power18:06
vertzits the power-manager panel plugin18:07
brainwashok, I suggest that you file a bug report then18:08
vertzbut, if im not mistaken, -believe- it changed icons when plugged-in/unplugged before i upgraded after install18:08
vertzbrainwash: yup, will do :)18:08
brainwashyou can still "fall back" to indicator-power and remove the panel plugin18:08
vertzcept from that, everything seems to be working excellent18:09
brainwashcurrently there don't seem to be many people who test the upcoming release18:09
vertzlove to check out the latest and greatest! atleast on a machine where stability isnt that important18:10
vertzlike this livingroom laptop18:10
brainwashyou should file the report directly on https://bugzilla.xfce.org/18:12
vertzyes sir!18:12
brainwashand feel free to report other bugs too, there is much bug fixing going on currently :)18:13
vertzbrainwash: of course, i'll report what i find :)18:14
vertzthere was one other thing i found last night, but i cant remember what it was !18:14
vertznow i remember, but its not xfce related, but so annoying18:15
brainwashwould it affect a default xubuntu installation?18:16
brainwashthen it should matter18:17
brainwashhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ for non-xfce issues18:19
vertzits not really a bug, but it should be an option18:19
brainwashthat's a feature request :)18:20
vertzlets say you are in workspace 1 and firefox is running on workspace 2 and you open url from a terminal in workspace 1, it starts blinking in the panel on workspace 118:21
vertzsame goes for like skype18:21
vertzif that makes sense18:21
brainwashyeah, not sure if bug or feature18:23
vertzshould be possible to turn it off, steals your focus hehe :)18:25
holsteini would look in the window manager settings18:26
holsteinif i were going to make a feature request, i would try going as far upstream as possible, as well. no need to address anything in general xubuntu that can be addressed in xfce18:26
vertzholstein: yeah18:28
vertzi tried to make a patch last night but, i fucked it up and broke it :P18:30
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:30
vertzholstein: do i not speak in calm, polite english?18:32
PiciPlease no swearing here.18:33
holsteinvertz: if you have a minute, just read the link i had the bot share.. if it applies,it applies.. if not, then disregard.. i was bringing it up due to your last statement18:33
vertzoh, sorry about that18:33
vertzbrainwash: mind if i pm u?18:44
xubuntu021italiani in chat?18:46
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:46
=== lolz is now known as Guest68434
helloillcan someone spare 2 sec for apt command for wayland20:09
bazhang!info wayland20:11
ubottuPackage wayland does not exist in trusty20:11
nomicwayland?  if a package isn't in sudo apt-get20:17
nomiceither its binary20:17
nomicThe following sequence of commands successfully built Weston and XWayland on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS system, on May 23rd, 2014. This system had previously been used to compile Xlib programs, and thus already had some dependencies (such as git, the compiler, and X11 header files) installed.  http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ubuntu12.04.html20:17
ironhoofI was wondering how to purge items from whisker, I removed a few programs, and there is blank items in the menu, they stil have the name, but no icon, and when you go itno menulibre they do not show to delete. Is there a quick way to purge those?20:22
knomeironhoof, you can use the "hide from menus" feature in menulibre for them20:25
ironhoofYea, I read that. they are not listed in menulibre though, so I cant get to any settings for them.20:26
knomeironhoof, they should show up, but if that doesn't happen, i would check where their .desktop files are located on the HD20:28
ironhoofOk, checking...20:29
xubuntu97wwill upgrading from 13.10 to 14.04 change any settings or programs on my desktop.20:33
xanguayour personal settings are stored in your home20:34
knomexubuntu97w, no, settings are kept as they are20:34
knomexubuntu97w, but as always, take backups before upgrading20:34
xubuntu97wwill updating have any affect on my other partition?21:08
ObrienDavewich other partition?21:09
xubuntu97wI have two partitions on my hard drive. if I update xubuntu, will the other partition be affected in any way21:10
ObrienDavewhat is on the other partition?21:11
ObrienDaveso, you have lubuntu on one, and xubuntu on the other?21:11
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ObrienDavei suppose not, but why do you want to do that when it's easy enough to switch DEs?21:12
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ObrienDavewhy 2 separate?21:12
xubuntu97wI didn't know how to switch DE's at the time21:13
ObrienDaveah, seems you could rsync one partition to the other and just use one partition21:14
knomeObrienDave, though that's not the question21:14
xubuntu97wyes but that requires more work21:15
knomexubuntu97w, if they are separate installations, upgrading another won't affect the other21:15
xubuntu97win any way,knome?21:15
knomeno, since they don't share files.21:15
xubuntu97wthank you21:16
xubuntu97wand updating will have no effect on the programs in use either?21:17
recon_lapI used to have wine installed on xubuntu, it appears that an update uninstalled it, I am wondering why?21:26
helloillcan some spare 2 sec for mutt link.Sorry noob here.I need email client22:02
superkuhsudo apt-get install mutt didn't work?22:08
helloillnah i feel like using ff after i get a tutorial22:11
superkuh... k.22:12
helloillQuestion here about replacement for ssh, should i install Mosh on my ubuntu system.NO/yes23:01
knomehelloill, please do not take polls on this channel. ask yourself if you really need the replacement23:03
=== helloill is now known as jlolopez
NOOBstatQuestion here abount replacement for ssh, should i install Mosh on my ubuntu system.YES/no23:37
knomeNOOBstat, hello helloill. still, please do not take polls on this channel.23:37
NOOBstati just literly signed on a second ago....WAT23:38
knomeNOOBstat, no need to play games.23:39

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