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NotEspyGnome 3.14.0 came out.. today, right?01:35
fancyfetushey guys06:58
fancyfetuswhen I was first setting up linux, I asked the #ubuntu guys if there was benefit to installing ubuntu gnome instead as I was planning to exclusively use gnome.07:00
fancyfetusThey argued with me that ubuntu gnome wasn't a thing at all and that it was JUST ubuntu + gnome07:00
fancyfetusnow that I know otherwise, I'm looking at switching to ubuntu-gnome07:01
fancyfetusI do have a couple of questions, however.07:02
fancyfetusIs there a way for me to "snapshot" my current set up on an external harddrive07:02
fancyfetusand restore that setup if I mess everything up?07:03
mgedminyou're talking about backups07:10
fancyfetusmgedmin, just in case I fail in installing ubuntu-gnome07:18
mgedminbackups are always a good idea -- your hard disk might fail at any moment07:18
fancyfetusyes sir! Thinking of using clonezilla to back it ALL up07:19
mgedminif you've already got an ubuntu install, I don't think there's much point in reinstalling ubuntu-gnome07:19
fancyfetusyou think so?07:19
mgedminyou can migrate from one to the other by apt-get installing metapackages07:19
mgedmin(it's what I did a few years back)07:19
mgedminotoh reinstalling is always a nice way to get rid of all the accumulated cruft07:19
mgedmin(things like packages you've installed and then never used etc)07:19
mgedminI always reinstall when I buy a new hard disk07:20
fancyfetusI'm on a pretty fresh install riht now07:20
fancyfetusand i'm very happy with my setup07:20
mgedminit's also an opportunity to test if your backups are complete :)07:20
fancyfetusMainly looking for a way to update to the latest version of gnome 3.1207:20
fancyfetuscan I just "do that"07:20
mgedminthere's a ppa that contains gnome 3.1207:20
fancyfetusIs there a "stable" ppa?07:21
fancyfetusi've found a lot of gnome 3 ppas07:22
mgedminI've been running 14.04 + gnome3 ppa + gnome3-staging ppa for a while now07:24
mgedminwithout too many stability problems07:24
fancyfetusgnome3-staging and gnome3 are the ppas I go with, then!07:24
mgedminevery time I enable some gnome-shell extensions I end up regretting it (freezes etc)07:24
mgedminbut when I disable them things go back to stable07:24
fancyfetusI have a bunch installed07:25
fancyfetusopenweather and backslide07:25
fancyfetusnot as much as I thought07:26
fancyfetusmgedmin, installing 3.12 now :D07:39
fancyfetusThanks for your help, I'll let you know how it goes07:40
l3ondarkxst, libgweather' branches are ready for review: bug 1370464 (trusty and utopic tested, everything works fine)07:50
ubot5bug 1370464 in libgweather (Ubuntu) "yr.no changed the api version" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137046407:50
fancyfetushey guys08:02
fancyfetusmgedmin, I just installed 3.1208:02
fancyfetusand I'm facing some problems08:03
fancyfetusI don't have a settings app anymore08:03
fancyfetusctrl+shift+t does not open my terminal08:03
fancyfetusIs there a way to fix these? If not, is there a way to revert back to 3.10?08:03
mgedmin(1) what is 'a settings app'?08:04
fancyfetusIt's just the systems settings that comes with ubuntu08:05
mgedminok, can you open gnome-control-center from a terminal?08:05
fancyfetusshould I install it?08:05
mgedminit should be pulled in by ubuntu-gnome-desktop08:07
mgedmindo you have that installed?08:07
mgedmininstall it08:07
mgedminas for (2), I believe ctrl-shift-t is no longer a hardcoded shortcut, but you can define a custom shortcut in the control center (once you've got it installed) and have it launch gnome-terminal08:07
fancyfetusuh oh08:08
mgedminwait, actually no08:08
fancyfetusThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  ubuntu-gnome-desktop : Depends: gnome-control-center but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.08:08
mgedminI don't have a custom shortcut08:08
mgedminand ctrl+shift+t works for me08:08
mgedminfancyfetus, can you pastebin the entire apt-get output?08:08
mgedminto http://paste.ubuntu.com/08:08
mgedminok, I checked my sysadmin diary08:09
mgedminthe packages in the gnome-staging ppa conflict with gnome-session-fallback08:10
mgedminyou should be able to apt-get remove gnome-session-fallback and then apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop08:10
mgedminat least it worked for me08:10
mgedminI'd've warned you if I hadn't forgotten about this speedbump :/08:11
fancyfetushaha, it's alright, no hard feelings08:11
fancyfetusgnome-session-fallback is not installed.08:12
mgedminain't it fun?08:13
mgedminhere's my diary entry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8409134/08:13
fancyfetusthe woes of the linux lyfe.08:14
mgedminthere's a reason ubuntu gnome 14.04 comes with gnome 3.10, and the staging ppa is labeled "experimental" :(08:14
mgedminbut don't worry, this is fixable08:14
mgedmintry removing gnome-session-flashback08:14
fancyfetusflashback was not installed either08:15
mgedminif that's not sufficient, remove unity-settings-daemon and unity-control-center08:16
mgedminthe goal is to have ubuntu-gnome-desktop installed08:16
mgedminyou may want to try aptitude install ubuntu-gnome-desktop -- it tries hard to resolve conflicts and offers you multiple solutions08:17
fancyfetusuninstalling gnome control center now08:17
mgedminI don't like aptitude because sometimes the solutions are "hey let's remove some very important packages, you won't miss them"08:17
mgedminand sometimes the solutions are so complicated I don't understand them :)08:17
mgedminanyway don't remove any important-sounding packages before asking here08:17
mgedmin(some important-sounding packages aren't actually important)08:17
mgedmin"uninstalling gnome control center now" confuses me -- you said you didn't have gnome-control-center installed08:18
mgedmindid you mean "uninstalling unity-control-center"?08:18
fancyfetusyes yes08:18
fancyfetusmy bad08:18
fancyfetusunity control center08:18
fancyfetusit auto installed gnome control center08:19
mgedminperhaps you noticed: did it also upgrade gnome-settings-daemon?08:19
mgedminbecause IIRC it's gnome-settings-daemon that handles ctrl+shift+t -> launch terminal; and this got removed at some point (for 3.8?) and then got added back due to popular outcry, or something like that08:20
mgedminanyway it's likely that if you log out and log back in (to get the new versions of all the gnome components running) ctrl+shift+t should start working again08:20
fancyfetusI had it in 3.1008:20
mgedminit's complicated and I don't remember the details -- I remember having to add a custom shortcut at some point, but I don't have it now08:21
fancyfetusalright see you in a sec08:21
mgedminubuntu might've patched it back08:21
mgedminthe handling might've gotten moved from gnome-settings-daemon to some other piece08:21
fancyfetus_worked like a charm!08:22
fancyfetus_and all of my extensions are still working08:22
darkxstctl+alt+T does work in the ubuntu packages08:34
darkxstboth archive and -staging ppa should have the same patch08:35
darkxstl3on, you need to make the merges against the ~ubuntu-desktop branches08:37
darkxstutopic: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/libgweather/ubuntu08:38
darkxstnot sure about trusty, maybe using the ubuntu branch is ok for that one08:39
l3ondarkxst, why not default lp:ubuntu/libgweather ?08:40
darkxstl3on, in general you can check Vcs-Bzr tag in control file to find the packaging branch for merges08:40
darkxstl3on, that is not the packaging branch08:40
l3onOh .. I see (maybe) because that lib is maintain in Ubuntu (and not merged from debian)08:40
darkxstl3on, all packages maintained by ubuntu-desktop team use packaging branches on bzr08:41
darkxstlp:ubuntu/libgweather is just autogenerated after an upload to the archive (i.e. its not possible to manually merge changes into that without breaking things)08:42
darkxstsome sponsors will merge it anyway, but most will tell you to make the merge against packaging branch08:43
darkxstand I don't yet have upload rights for ubuntu-desktop, should probably get onto applying for that soon though.08:44
l3ondarkxst, bzr push lp:~l3on/libgweather/fix-1370464 is it right ?08:45
l3onto propose lp-merge08:45
darkxstl3on, you will need to rebase on the ~u-desktop branch first08:46
l3ondarkxst, already done08:46
darkxstthey don't have any any upstream files08:46
darkxstok, then just push08:46
darkxstand choose the ~u-d branch when propose merge08:46
darkxstalso we are frozen this week, so might take a week or so for someone to upload it08:47
l3ondarkxst, https://code.launchpad.net/~l3on/libgweather/fix-1370464/+merge/23557408:48
fancyfetus_darkxst, do you work on gnome?08:48
fancyfetus_or ubuntu-gnome or something08:48
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darkxstl3on, looks mostly fine, but normally cherry-picked patches would be name with git_ prefix09:06
darkxstsomething like git_update_yr.no_API.patch would be fine09:07
l3onok, fixing.09:07
l3ondarkxst, done09:13
darkxstl3on, without actually testing, that looks fine to me09:15
l3onI tested both utopic and trusty with gnome-weather and it works again.09:15
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LinDolhi all12:39
monaei used this sudo pm suspend command13:24
monaethe computer went to sleep but after that when i pressed the power button i was not able to come back to ubuntu ,it is showing black screen13:25
meetingologykeseve: Error: "sgo11" is not a valid command.13:33
fancyfetushey guys, I'm running gnome 3.12 on ubuntu 14.0414:16
fancyfetusWhere can I find the gnome software center?14:16
fancyfetusI don't think I have it installed.14:17
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Mrnumber3ismeHello room18:42
Mrnumber3ismeAfter installing, I get error Warning! /dev/disk/by-uuidXXXXX does not exist! then I get dropped into busybox. I've edited fstab, I've added nomodeset to boot params. I've tried installing multiple versions. always the same issue. any thoughts?18:45
Mrnumber3ismeBueller? ... Bueller?18:49
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