
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty Final, Utopic Alpha 2 | Archive: Final Beta Freeze | Utopic Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
knomeisn't beta 1 technically out :)00:38
infinityOh, I didn't change that bit. :P00:39
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty Final, Utopic Beta 1 | Archive: Final Beta Freeze | Utopic Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
knomejust caught my eye00:40
knomeis something specific keeping the ISOs from building?00:40
knomebeta 2 images haven't appeared in the testing tracker, but maybe that's another problem00:41
infinityOh, we literally *just* froze for Beta2/FinalBeta, whatever you want to call it.00:42
infinitySo, nothing in the tracker yet.00:42
knomeright, that explains it then :)00:42
knomeany idea of an ETA for first images?00:42
infinityOnce we get the tracker set up, I'll de-cron the world, and then probably kick off a build of everything before I go to bed.00:43
knomeoki, cheers, and thanks for all the hard work again00:45
ScottKinfinity: While you were in there unmoderating stuff for u-d-a, you didn't happen to see my dmb mail from earlier today, did you?00:54
infinityScottK: I did, and I let it through at the same time.00:54
ScottKOK.  Thanks.00:54
ScottKThere it is.00:55
infinityScottK: What made you so sure I self-moderated? :P00:56
ScottKHow many years have I known you?00:56
infinityLike, more than two.00:56
ScottKPlenty to have guessed that.00:56
MirvLaney: ^ that compiz, no US timezone trainguards caught the ffe approval05:16
mlankhorstinfinity: but I did test kwin06:25
mlankhorstRiddell: I did test kwin, not sure if 4 or 5, just the default of kubuntu desktop in utopic06:26
mlankhorstnever heard of kwin5, to be honest..06:27
infinitymlankhorst: I don't doubt that you tested it, though seemingly not as thoroughly as Riddell did.06:32
elfyinfinity: do you know when beta images are likely to start showing on the tracker? and good day to you :)06:33
infinityI'm going to hit the button to mass build in ~20m.06:38
infinityelfy: So, shortly after that, locking order and luck depending.06:38
elfyok - thanks infinity :)06:39
mlankhorstI'm going to need information from Riddell then since it doesn't match my experience07:04
mlankhorstRiddell: what graphics card do you have?07:04
mlankhorstand 32-bits or 64-bits?07:32
mlankhorstRiddell: and as far as I can tell kwin5 is not part of ubuntu07:58
Riddellmlankhorst: I've intel on amd64 running plasma 5 from ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next08:07
Riddellcan't say I can claim to have tested it thoroughly, only that I've tested it and noticed some problems that I didn't notice before, but then maybe I wasn't looking.  the brekage after the apt dist-upgrade is probably due to that upgrade to mesa I expect08:08
mlankhorstis that going in 14.10?08:08
infinityErr, yeah, if this is the Qt5 kwin that's going into 15.04, that really shouldn't block 14.10 stuff...08:09
mlankhorstfwiw i tested kwin4 again and it worked on radeon/nouveau/intel (ivb)08:09
RAOFFWIW I've been running 10.3 on my haswell, and it's gone swimmingly.08:13
infinityRiddell: So, while I understand the concern that it *might* break things, I'd like to revisit this, testing agaisnt packages that are actually in utopic.08:14
infinityRiddell: Nobody's PPA gets to tell the archive what it can and can't include.08:14
Riddellright, I'd like to testing it as I test beta 2 images08:16
Riddellright, I'd like to test it as I test beta 2 images08:16
Riddellbut that'll still be intel only08:16
infinityRiddell: mlankhorst claims to have tested amd/nvidia/intel, but if you can give him hints about specific things to do/test other than boot, log in, look around for obvious icky stuff, I'm sure he'd be all ears.08:17
Riddellmlankhorst: what did you do for your tests?08:17
mlankhorstmostly on 64-bits, test LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 and see if there is anything obviously wrong, test normal radeon/intel/nouveau, even tested the resizing after your comment, nothing failed08:18
mlankhorstthough 32-bits a little too08:18
mlankhorstfwiw I tend to run mesa snapshots on precise with kwin 4.10.97 currently08:23
mlankhorstdidn't notice any issues with kwin lately08:23
RiddellI've made a testing matrix, will try to fill it in during beta 2 tests today and tomorrow https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KchGJ6d50Knx9hGS7MvSRKhId-yBMOpPpUoihKHyJm0/edit?usp=sharing08:25
mlankhorstRiddell: now add mir / without mir and the various cards and watch your testing matrix explode ;-)08:34
Riddellfortunately I care not for mir, but I ought to for wayland (but well, I'll leave that for another year)08:35
mlankhorstcan you test with what's in the archive first please?08:38
mlankhorstbecause all those things work for me on nouveau/amd6408:41
Riddellqueuebot: spammer08:42
infinityRiddell: Anyhow, I don't want to get in the middle of this any more than I already have, but the reason this is (potentially) landing as late as it is is that I gave mlankhorst a preliminary ACK weeks ago, under the assumption that due diligence was shown, and he went off to test and report back.08:46
infinityRiddell: If we can reasonably prove that it's not harmful to utopic, there are obvious wins (hardware support, and dropping llvm-3.4 on the floor), so I'd like to at least try and see if we can make it happen.08:46
* Riddell wonders why okteta is in ubuntu-desktop08:50
mlankhorstwhy would one not want to have a kde hex editor in ubuntu? ;-)08:55
mlankhorstRiddell: !intel works correctly it seems09:13
mlankhorstI tested those things with radeon and nouveau against 10.3 with i386 and amd64, didn't test kwin5 yet though09:22
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cjwatsonman-db sync is for bug 1370059; also bug 1372673 along the way.09:39
ubot2bug 1370059 in man-db (Ubuntu) "FFe: man-db 2.7.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137005909:39
ubot2bug 1372673 in man-db (Ubuntu Trusty) "excessive debconf use when triggered" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137267309:39
mlankhorstRiddell: hey how do I start kde5?09:44
Riddellinstall kubuntu-plasma5-desktop and log in to Plasma 5 session09:46
mlankhorstoh I did that, but also seems to need plasma-desktop09:48
mlankhorstdolphin draws updates just fine09:50
Riddellyeah that was a curious one off bug I had which I can't recreate now09:50
mlankhorstthe konsole thing seems to be a focus bug, clicking on the other window and back works fine09:52
mlankhorstnot really a mesa bug though09:53
mlankhorstif you click in a certain way it seems that konsole believes it lost focus09:54
mlankhorstbut switching to another window and back works09:55
RiddellI expect it's a general kwin bug, I just need to check if it happens in mesa 10.2 to confirm it's not mesa's fault09:55
mlankhorstthey're focus bugs, it's not like it stops rendering, it just stops believing it has focus09:57
mlankhorstselecting a line in konsole works09:57
mlankhorstsame bug with mesa 10.2.6 here..10:06
Riddellfigures, I'm downloading beta 2 candidates now to test10:07
infinitycjwatson: You should tell your man-db upstream to get on board with our release cadence.10:16
cjwatsonYeah, that guy sucks10:16
infinityHe also talks funny.10:16
infinitycjwatson: So, feel free to let that man-db into proposed, looks sane.  We'll unblock it for the next respin, assuming the current crop isn't found to be completely perfect. :P10:21
Riddellevery iso is beautiful in its own special way10:21
infinityI guess I should try to sleep.10:32
infinityCatch you all "tomorrow".10:32
cjwatsoninfinity: done, thanks10:33
pitti^ there are no effective upstream changes betwen 13.92 and 14.0 (that's rc2 vs. final, often the case)12:40
pittijust some small packaging noise (bumping standards-version), plus getting back in sync12:40
pittiso that's almost zero riskk12:40
pitti^ already in production12:43
pitti(i. e. autopkgtest CI machines)12:43
pitticjwatson, infinity, ScottK, stgraber: ^ notes to whoever looks at unapproved these days/hours12:44
oSoMoNhey, I’ve got webbrowser-app sitting in the unapproved queue, I’d be glad if someone could ack it (it implements security certificates visual feedback, and has been thoroughly tested)13:10
ogra_oSoMoN, do you have a freeze exception ?13:11
ogra_(we're in final beta freeze)13:11
oSoMoNogra_, no, I don’t13:12
ogra_not sure, but you might need one13:12
cyphermoxcould someone please review wpa; it's a small but rather important/useful bug fix13:17
Laneypitti: Don't think there's need to ping per se, people poll the queue13:20
pittiLaney: ah, I didn't mean "do it now", but wanted to leave some information for people who do look at the queue13:21
pittias these are syncs and thus rather inconvenient to review13:21
Laneyfair enough13:21
Laneyat least 'queue fetch' works for those these days13:21
pittiI'm fine with not doing that though, not sure how the unapproved reviews are done today13:21
cjwatsonslangasek: ^- could you review that fairly quickly so that we can unblock the phone?15:11
slangasekcjwatson: seems like this problem would've been caught at image build time if live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/48-setup-env.chroot were set -e; I wonder if an audit here is warranted15:19
slangasek(and accepted)15:19
ogra_slangasek, oh, pretty please15:19
cjwatsonyeah, possibly15:20
slangasekogra_: well, I can just add 'set -e' to all of them, and then when they start failing you know they were buggy :)15:20
ogra_probably not right now ... but i would also like to clean up /etc/environment15:20
ogra_(but that needs some real world testing too)15:20
slangasekyeah, being reminded of that file again is going to require a liberal application of ethanol to reverse15:21
ogra_i guess 80% of it can just be wiped15:22
slangasekSHLVL=1 - yes please :P15:22
ogra_but i also think that will need a day of actual heavy testing each single removal15:22
* slangasek nods15:22
ogra_which eats time nobody has atm15:23
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rbasak^^ missing bug reference bug 1371805. Sorry, noticed just after uploading.15:50
ubot2bug 1371805 in python-django-openstack-auth (Ubuntu) "Please merge python-django-openstack-auth 1.1.6-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137180515:50
zulcan someone reject nova-compute-flex please, i need to upload the changelog16:51
zuler..update the changelog16:51
Laneyaccepted wpa as an unblock candidate17:03
Laneydon't know if we have anywhere to record these17:03
bregmacan I please get an unblock of Compiz in utopic-proposed since the required FFe for #1356981 was approved?17:41
wxlanyone know why there's no lubuntu-desktop release? i wonder if i can just add it18:07
wxlstgraber:  can you tell me where lubuntu desktop went?18:11
elfywxl: you might need infinity for that18:17
wxlinfinity: ? looking for wee lost lubuntu desktop18:18
wxlanyone? :(18:23
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jamespagePlease could another member of the release team review the python-xstatic FFe/sync requests I outlined via email last week; we have a completely broken horizon in the archive right now and I'd like to fix it!18:34
balloonsstgraber, can you confirm https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-product-managers is the manager for lubuntu builds18:43
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stgraberthose two shouldn't affect the beta but will be useful for touch, they've been succesfuly tested in a PPA ^21:34
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
infinitywxl: Err, crap, accidentally build the desktop ISO for trusty.  Looks like someone else fixed it for you, though?23:36
wxlinfinity: i figured it out thank you :)23:36
stgraberwin 5423:53
stgrabergah, works better with a / in front of it23:53

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