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charlestedg, I think both options are pretty ugly :)00:25
charlestedg, how would creating two actions work?00:26
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charlesif they both have to hold the track info state, they'll need to stay in sync00:26
charlesthat's probably less work / less wart than doing it at the gui level00:27
Nothing_MuchIs the WellsFargo app on Ubuntu official? :D00:40
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slangasekogra_, stgraber: sorry, missed those highlights earlier... yes, I think waiting until Colin is available tomorrow to help is a better choice01:36
slangasekogra_, stgraber: (which I think is de facto what you're already doing, given the time of my reply ;)01:36
stgraberslangasek: yep01:37
stgraberslangasek: I've got a ppa ready and ogra_ will coordinate with cjwatson to get a test image produced tomorrow morning01:37
slangaseksounds good01:38
tedgcharles, Yeah, pondering the same thing.01:48
tedgcharles, Hopefully we can split the greeter and go back to the good solution at some point.01:49
jiechicI compile the ubuntu touch for my phone (LG P990),but i see fastboot didn't work for my phone.In the past,my phone was flash by nvflash ,hao can't i flash ubuntu-touch rom by nvflash,and flash ubuntu rootfs01:54
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ahoneybunpopey, the Nexus Status page should reflect the missing APN settings as that relates to Mobile Data03:01
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lotuspsychjemorning to all04:41
lotuspsychjenew RTM article: http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/linux/Ubuntu-Touch-Review-459511.shtml04:55
lotuspsychjepaultbeck: hi05:06
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eexphi, how to take a screenshot, i use nexus 5. phablet-screenshot and mirfbdump all fails.07:04
popeyhow do they fail?07:05
eexpphablet-screenshot says, can not found device. i had used -s switch.07:05
taiebotHI devel proposed is broken black screen on start up and i cannot log in adb shell07:05
taiebotAfter this morning update07:06
popeyeexp: so "adb devices" shows it or not?07:06
eexpmirfbdump this script not support nexus 5, and i modify the script. but the result png show mess.07:06
eexpadb devices show it.07:06
eexpi allow debug function.07:07
eexpand -s i sure i use correct serial number. for i copy it from dmesg07:07
eexpperhaps i use multirom. so mirfbdump fails?07:09
popeywhen my phone reboots I'll try it here07:09
popeyunfortunately my nexus 4 has been sat at the "installing update..." screen for 10 mins which worries me07:09
taiebotpopey: devel-proposed seems broken trying to access adb to reflash to a more stable channel but cannot as adb requires to give the password. Is my phone completely useless?07:12
popeythe password is your phone passcode07:12
popeytrying to debug it now07:12
taiebotyeah but but i am keep getting Expecting the device to expose an adb interface...07:13
* popey pokes ogra_ ^07:13
popey2014/09/23 08:13:28 Error while querying free space for : no such file or directory07:13
taiebotOk got it via recovery mode. Flashing again ... pffu :P that was worrying that i could not gain access to adb when my phone was completely broken07:17
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Restless Legs Awareness Day! :-D08:25
seb128mpt, hey, do you know if we have design recommendation on the "order of actions/buttons" for the phone ui? like validation/ack of changes on the right08:46
mptseb128, I understood that it’s affirmative on the right when horizontal, and on the top when vertical08:47
mptBut I don’t think we have that written down anywhere08:48
seb128mpt, thanks, so gallery in import mode seems wrong? the header has "check - cross" on the top right, e.g the validation is on the left08:48
seb128I just keep hitting the wrong one because I'm used to have the validation on the right08:49
seb128that's a valid bug report?08:49
mptseb128, what’s “import mode”?08:49
seb128mpt, go to settings->backgroud, click "add image"08:50
mptseb128, oh, yes, that is wrong08:50
seb128mpt, thanks08:50
seb128mpt, btw I opened bug #1372822 as well08:51
ubot5bug 1372822 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "Import mode not obvious to use" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137282208:51
seb128the control in the header made the validation really non obvious08:51
seb128especially if you scroll down the list of photos and the header gets out of the screen08:51
seb128you get let out without any control to validate your selection08:51
mptseb128, agreed … This is a problem on iOS too <https://twitter.com/lukew/status/468432888162037760>08:52
seb128mpt, right, I bet that iOS keep the control visible on screen when scrolling at least though? ;-)08:53
tsdgeosguys i'm getting08:54
tsdgeos2014/09/23 10:49:10 Rebooting into recovery to flash08:54
tsdgeos2014/09/23 10:50:22 Failed to enter Recovery08:54
tsdgeoswhen trying to flash my nexus408:54
tsdgeosany idea?08:54
tsdgeosnow the screen says "Download mode Do not unplug the device until the process is complete"08:55
tsdgeosthat's new :D08:55
mandelElleo, are you around?09:02
mandelElleo, shall we try and test the branch I made for udm?09:02
Elleomandel: okay :)09:09
mandelElleo, here is the MR09:10
mandelElleo, there is a deb there, if you look at the qml binding you now have  a Metadata object that you can use to set diff metadata09:10
Elleookay, looks good09:11
mandelElleo, so, something like Metadata { deflate:true } would do the trick09:11
mandelElleo, it will return the path in the finished signal already deflated09:12
Elleothe path to individual items, or to the directory its deflated in?09:13
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mandelElleo, the dir09:19
tsdgeosso i'm not the only one having boot problems with image 25209:20
tsdgeosogra_: ↑ any idea if it's known to be broken ?09:20
Elleookay, I'll get content hub to walk through the dir and create content items for things when deflate is set09:20
ogra_tsdgeos, known, seems lightdm cant start (havent debugged further yet)09:23
tsdgeosogra_: can one use --revision=251 to get image 251?09:24
tsdgeosok, will try to get that, tx09:24
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ogra_cjwatson, hey for bug 1332538 ...stgraber developed  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8404456/ for right after debootstrap and http://paste.ubuntu.com/8404457/ at the end of the build ... neither stgraber nor slangasek nor me were sure how to test that and agreed that i should ping you with it today ...09:44
ubot5bug 1332538 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "No UID checks on rootfs updates" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133253809:44
ogra_cjwatson, seems stgraber has a PPA ready we could use for a test build but neither of us knew exactly how to do that09:44
ogra_<stgraber> ogra_: anyway, I'll get back to doing the work I'm supposed to do now. If you can catch cjwatson tomorrow morning, ask him if he can trigger a touch build with ppa:stgraber/experimental added to it. I've got the updated live-build and livecd-rootfs in there.09:45
Bharat_is there anyone who can help me install ubuntu touch on xperia z ultra09:48
mandelElleo, any luck?10:03
Elleomandel: just compiling a modified version of content hub now10:05
mandelElleo, awesome, I saw that the reply headers had everything as we expect it from the server side so everything should work10:06
Elleomandel: okay, cool, will let you know as soon as I have something working10:06
cjwatsoncwayne,jdstrand: you should definitely check the mtime of the symlink, not the mtime of what it points to, because otherwise things go wrong in the event of a symlink needing to be adjusted due to say a package reverting to the version in a lower database layer.  if I'm understanding your question correctly ...10:09
ogra_ARGH !10:10
ogra_ARGH ! ARGH! ARGH !10:10
ogra_ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches$ adb shell ls -lh /var/log|grep -c usermetrics10:10
ogra_so that is why 252 doesnt boot then :P10:10
cjwatsonstgraber: for one-off tests: must be a devirt PPA; then you can run a build with EXTRA_PPAS=owner/name in the cdimage environment10:11
ogra_perfect example of the bug stgraber has the fix for10:11
cjwatsonstgraber: I suggest doing it with DEBUG=1 so that it doesn't publish anywhere and then you can just look at the log or whatever.  not doing this right now since this is probably better done when you're at the wheel to inspect the results immediately10:11
cjwatsonogra_: oh, just catching up - is it enough for you to just look at the build log after the build and confirm that it's doing the right thing, or do you need to inspect image contents?10:13
ogra_cjwatson, yeah, we just want to be sure the build doesnt fall over on any maintainer scripts that do evil things with user credentials10:14
cjwatsonstgraber's PPA is a virtualised one, so we're going to need to copy that to a devirt PPA10:14
* cjwatson creates one for himself10:15
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/ubuntu/devirt2/+packages in preparation10:17
ogra_cool, thanks10:20
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seb128who worked on click for scopes?10:32
seb128is the format of the "scope" key used in the hook defined somewhere?10:32
seb128        "_directory": "/usr/share/click/preinstalled/.click/users/@all/com.ubuntu.scopes.youtube",10:33
seb128                "scope": "youtube"10:33
seb128$ ls /usr/share/click/preinstalled/.click/users/@all/com.ubuntu.scopes.youtube/youtube/*.ini10:33
seb128 10:33
seb128that's not very handy10:33
seb128would be nicer if the scope value was the filename like it is for desktop entries10:34
Elleomandel: looks like you aren't registering Metadata as a QML type10:36
Elleomandel: should just need something like "qmlRegisterType<Ubuntu::DownloadManager::Metadata>(uri, 0, 1, "Metadata");" in backend.cpp10:36
mandelElleo, oh! I completely forgot about that, give me a sec10:36
cjwatsonogra_: I guess you just started a build for something else?10:38
ogra_cjwatson, yeah, rtm10:38
ogra_oh, did i step on your toes ?10:38
cjwatsonogra_: the requested test is for RTM too, right?10:38
cjwatsonogra_: well, not particularly, I can just wait, hit a lock10:38
mandelElleo, changes pushed10:38
ogra_yeah, but i delayed the result :)10:39
ogra_cjwatson, eventually rtm too, yeah10:39
cjwatsonogra_: oh, in the first instance I'm supposed to test this for utopic?10:39
Elleomandel: okay, thanks :)10:39
ogra_cjwatson, well, as you like, we need to fix both in the end10:39
cjwatsonok, running for utopic in parallel10:39
ogra_cool :)10:39
cjwatsonogra_,stgraber: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-touch/+build/7522 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-touch/+build/752310:40
cjwatsonimage output won't go anywhere particularly interesting10:40
ogra_right, we just need to know if a) lifecd-rootfs/live-build still cope ... and b) if there are any offending maintainer scripts10:41
seb128cjwatson, hey, do you know about scope/click/hook (the question I asked a bit earlier) or who worked on that?10:41
cjwatsonseb128: don't know about it myself, can't think who worked on it - look for the file under /usr/share/click/hooks/ and track that down via revision control?10:42
seb128cjwatson, do you know what project is shipping those? or where there is a vcs?10:44
cjwatsonseb128: should be findable pretty easily with dpkg -S?10:49
cjwatson$ dpkg -S /usr/share/click/hooks/scope.hook10:49
cjwatsonlibunity-scopes3:amd64: /usr/share/click/hooks/scope.hook10:49
cjwatsonso that's unity-scopes-api, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-api/trunk/view/head:/debian/libunity-scopes3.scope.click-hook10:50
cjwatsonseb128: that points to mhr310:52
seb128cjwatson, thanks, I was looking at  /usr/share/click/preinstalled/.click/users/@all/com.ubuntu.scopes.youtube/10:52
seb128cjwatson, yeah, I feared it would10:52
seb128who is the new mhr3? ;-)10:52
seb128pete-woods, ^?10:52
cjwatsonstgraber: looks like you haven't installed lb_chroot_early_hooks or something.  Happy debugging :)10:53
ogra_oh man10:53
pete-woodsseb128: hi! I don't quite understand the question. the scope hook is owned by unity-scopes-api, yes10:55
seb128pete-woods, see this channel log from 10:32 utc10:56
seb128pete-woods, do you know who decided of the format of the hook-scope and of the filename/layout?10:56
pete-woodsseb128: ah, the hook points at a "scope" directory. i.e. a dir with a .so and a .ini in it10:57
seb128pete-woods, and if it's documented somewhere10:57
seb128pete-woods, the "desktop" hook uses e.g 'desktop": "com.ubuntu.calculator_calculator.desktop"'10:57
seb128pete-woods, that makes easier to write a parser, I'm not even sure how to reconstruct the .ini name in the scope case10:58
pete-woodsseb128: it's documented in http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/sdk-14.10/index/10:58
seb128pete-woods, could be have "scope: youtube/com.ubuntu.scopes.youtube_youtube.ini" rather than "scope: youtube"?10:58
pete-woodsseb128: but it's the directory that represents a scope, not just an ini file, there's also a NAME-settings.ini file10:59
seb128pete-woods, do you know how I can compute "scopename"? is that the "name" of the hook?11:00
seb128        "name": "com.canonical.scopes.bbc",11:00
pete-woodsseb128: yes, it's PACKAGENAME_SCOPENAME_VERSION.ini11:00
seb128pete-woods, those infos don't seem to be available in "click list --manifest"?11:01
seb128pete-woods, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8409925/11:01
seb128how do I find that the .ini is "com.ubuntu.scopes.youtube_youtube.ini"11:02
pete-woodsseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8409933/11:03
pete-woodsI think that's correct11:03
seb128pete-woods, no version?11:03
pete-woodsseb128: yes, sorry, I was wrong about that (just looked at the youtube scope)11:04
seb128pete-woods, thanks11:04
seb128I wonder if I'm just not going to do a "list *.ini in the dir, pick the first one"11:04
seb128pete-woods, btw that's for bug #136892011:05
ubot5bug 1368920 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Icons for scopes are not displayed in the storage list" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136892011:05
seb128getting the icon to display in the installed apps list11:05
seb128(that shouldn't be that difficult :/)11:05
Laneystill more problems there?11:07
seb128Laney, "there"?11:07
Laneywith finding icons11:07
seb128Laney, well, they defined a new file/format for scopes11:08
seb128some .ini using DisplayName instead of Name=11:08
Laneygo figure11:08
seb128Laney, so the parser needs to be updated, which I'm doing11:08
Laneyseems unfortunate11:11
Laneybut cool11:11
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ahayzenrsalveti, ping11:28
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Elleomandel: the deflate property is read-only: Q_PROPERTY(bool deflate READ deflate NOTIFY deflateChanged) <-- needs 'WRITE setDeflate' as well11:48
mandelElleo, did I make such a stupid mistake?? I'm so embarrassed11:49
Elleomandel: no worries, easy thing to do :)11:49
mandelElleo, done11:50
Elleomandel: thanks :)11:50
mandelElleo, I even had the set methods there..11:50
mandelrev 34411:50
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gcollurasorry guys, what's the phablet's password? it used to be phablet, but the device keeps refusing it11:53
ogra_whatever you set11:53
popeyor that11:53
ogra_0000 only in the emulator11:53
ogra_on devices there is no pw set by default unless you did set one in the UI or during u-d-f11:53
gcollurainteresting, thanks :)11:55
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nerochiarodoes anyone know what the error messages that keep getting printed in the log of applications mean ? like this: libust[13740/13764]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:886)12:20
nerochiaroogra_: popey ^12:20
ogra_nerochiaro, i think ubuntu-app-launch uses lttng ... talk to ted12:21
mterryogra_, we can't boot?  :(  anything related to me?12:21
ogra_mterry, lol, no12:21
ogra_at least i doubt it12:21
ogra_related to anything on http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/252.changes i guess12:22
ogra_or to an android rebuild that came in with the same iamge12:22
ogra_we see u-s-c die12:22
ogra_(and lightdm respawn forever)12:22
nerochiarotedg: do you know what the error messages in the log of apps are about ? like this libust[13740/13764]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:886)12:23
nerochiarotedg: there is a continuous stream of them. besides being very annoying i also worry about the overhead12:23
ogra_nerochiaro, yeah, we need to definitely quieten that before final release12:24
nerochiaroogra_: agree. and potentially by fixing whatever is causing them12:24
ogra_that too12:24
joachimvdaHi, can I ask some user questions here?12:30
joachimvdaI have installed Ubuntu-for-devices on my nexus4 over the weekend12:31
joachimvdaBut I have some problems. How can I install extra apps? The store doesn't seem to show an install button.12:31
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popeyjoachimvda: login to ubuntu one in system settings -> accounts12:34
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davmor2joachimvda: click on the app you want to install, it then gives you the overview page, there is an install button then.  If you don't have an account setup it will then point you at how to set one up12:40
jdstrandcjwatson: hey, on bug #1342858, do you need more info from me? I was thinking about manually cleaning up but won't if you'd prefer not12:41
ubot5bug 1342858 in click (Ubuntu) "old click packages are not always cleaned out" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134285812:41
cjwatsonjdstrand: We have a fix queued for our next upload; I was rather hoping I could ask you to test that once it's ready to land12:42
jdstrandsure, that's fine12:42
cjwatsonjdstrand: Probably this week12:42
jdstrandI'll be patient12:42
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Elleomandel: getting an "Unexpected object assignment" error when setting the metadata property, this is enough to reproduce it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8410573/12:47
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Elleomandel: alternatively creating the Metadata object separately and passing its id results in: "Unable to assign Ubuntu::DownloadManager::Metadata to [unknown property type]"12:48
Elleomandel: its not something I've bumped into before, can't see anything obvious in your property creation that should cause issues12:49
mterryseb128, I'm not seeing the same Mir error when running the wizard12:50
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joachimvdapopey: I am logged into Ubuntu one - I think12:59
joachimvdaI can now only see one account in the accounts configuration and am not able to add other accounts or verify that the login worked12:59
joachimvdadavmor2: I never saw an install or setup button13:01
nik90ogra_: erm, I get mako not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed when trying to flash phone13:03
davmor2joachimvda: so if you goto the Ubuntu Store, click in the search icon and type in dekko then click on the icon that appears, it should take you to the about app page that is the one that should have the install button on13:03
davmor2nik90: current image is broken anyway13:03
nik90davmor2: well I upgraded to r251 and now it doesnt boot13:03
joachimvdaI am on 24313:04
davmor2joachimvda: yeh the store still works the same way.13:04
davmor2nik90: 252 surely is the broken one13:04
nik90davmor2: I was on 250, and told it to update the phone. So I guess it went to 252 or whatever was latest on devel-proposed. So it could be that13:05
ogra_did anyone even test 251 ?13:06
davmor2nik90: do devel-proposed --revision=251 --bootstrap  but you'll need to drop the phone into bootloader first13:06
gcolluraogra_, I'm on 25113:07
davmor2ogra_: yes I did 251 worked here13:07
ogra_gcollura, on mako (N4) ?13:07
gcolluraeverything is fine13:07
ogra_better dont upgrade ;)13:07
joachimvdadavmor2: I see the app details page but no additional buttons there13:07
davmor2joachimvda: can you phone the phone into your pc keep it on that page, open a terminal on the pc and do phablet-screenshot dekko.png and then put the image on web somewhere please13:09
nik90davmor2: is it possible to boot into bootloader with adb?13:11
nik90nvr mind I just tried adb reboot bootloader13:12
davmor2nik90: otherwise on mako you can hold vol-up + vol-down + power to get into bootloader :)13:12
nik90ah ok13:13
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nerochiarojhodapp: hi, I've been digging in the hybris source for a while looking for a place where to set timestamp metadata, but it appears that it's not a kind of metadata that the underlying layer supports. android will always do whatever it wants when creating the EXIF tags for the timestamps. so i'm thinking of using exiv2 or some other library to change the EXIF tags as soon as i receive the jpeg data buffer13:25
nerochiarojhodapp: does it seem reasonable ?13:25
davmor2nik90: you sorted now dude?13:25
nerochiarojhodapp: or adding exiv2 as a dependency of qtubuntu-camera isn't such a great idea ?13:25
nik90davmor2: no idea..it got stuck at http://paste.ubuntu.com/8410792/13:26
jhodappnerochiaro, exiv2 being a binary, right? so you'd use it to modify the jpeg file itself?13:27
nik90davmor2: I think I am going to stick with devel from now on..13:27
davmor2nik90: hahaha13:27
nerochiarojhodapp: it's both a library and a binary. i'd use the library13:29
nerochiarojhodapp: and use it to modify the jpeg in the buffer i receive before saving it to disk13:29
jhodappnerochiaro, ah ok cool, I don't have a problem with you using that library13:29
jhodappnerochiaro, if it works and is reliable and there really isn't a way to do that on the Android side, then I'm all for it13:30
jhodappnerochiaro, one other idea would be to use gstreamer to do it13:30
jhodappnerochiaro, because then I could move that into the media-hub service once I move all of the rest of the camera functionality there13:31
nerochiarojhodapp: well, there isn't a way to do that as far as i can see. the real question i have is why our android layer returns the timestamp as UTC in the exif tags, while other phones i see save their jpeg with local time in the exif tags13:31
jhodappnerochiaro, you mean other phones that also use the same Android code, right?13:32
nerochiarojhodapp: good point. no. just other android phones13:32
jhodappnerochiaro, that's what I mean though...they should be using the same Android side code, so that means there is a way to do this on the Android side13:33
nerochiarojhodapp: there might be a way, but i haven't found it in more than half a day of digging13:34
jhodappnerochiaro, ok...it's also possible that the Android phones are doing that at an application level too13:35
nerochiarojhodapp: i thought about it but seems unlikely. in any case i don't have the android sources, so i can't see what android really does between when we ask it to shoot a picture and when it callbacks with the jpeg data buffer13:35
jhodappnerochiaro, ok, so you simply want to be able to set the timestamp data format that gets written to the jpeg file as part of the EXIF data...right?13:36
nerochiarojhodapp: yes, the two timestamps DateOriginal and DateDigitized13:37
jhodappnerochiaro, ok, I can dig a bit in between my long running video tests13:37
nerochiarojhodapp: i think in the meantime i will go ahead and see if i can change the exif using exiv2. i trust exiv2 more than gst when it comes to this job, it seems with gst i would have a lot more overhead13:39
jhodappnerochiaro, sure, that's fine with me13:40
nerochiaroand exiv2 does one job and does it well, where gst... well, we know13:40
jhodappnerochiaro, shouldn't be much code13:40
jhodappyes, gotta love gst13:40
mandelElleo, ok, looking13:46
Elleomandel: thanks13:47
mandelElleo, got it (I think)13:48
Elleoah, cool13:49
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loolHi folks, does anyone have boot issues on nexus devices lately?13:55
Elleolool: there was a post on the mailinglist about a problem with image 25213:55
Elleolool: I'm not sure what the details were, but sounded like boot was failing for some people with that image13:56
Elleolool: so can probably be avoided by just reflashing with 25113:56
stgrabercjwatson: thanks for running the test, looking at it now13:57
Kebabfishmy boot is failing too, and I need some help to reinstall ubuntu on my nexus 7 (2013). Is this the right channel to get help?13:58
Kebabfishused the devel - channel (v251 or 252)13:58
seb128artmello, hey13:58
seb128artmello, you are working on gallery right?13:58
seb128artmello, https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/trunk/+activereviews  has quite some changes "ready to land" since july which didn't land yet, do you know why?13:58
stgrabercjwatson: doh, executable bit :)13:59
loolElleo: ack, thanks13:59
mandelElleo, looks like QML + namespaces in property are a problem, the qml compiler is utter crap14:06
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Elleomandel: odd, will be interested to see your fix for that so I know for future reference14:11
ahayzencyphermox, ping14:13
mandelElleo, Qt QMetaObject system expect string types. and "Foo::Bar" != "Bar", so the QPROPERTY macro needs the exact same "string" used in the qregister call14:14
mandelElleo, while cpp does not care14:14
cyphermoxahayzen: hello14:14
ahayzencyphermox, I have a question/issue with bluetooth are you best to talk to?14:15
cyphermoxshoot, I'll try to help :)14:15
ahayzencyphermox, I've been playing about with a bluetooth speaker testing the music-app. I've been playing music for the past 2hr 30mins or so and suddenly the music stopped. The speaker said that nothing was connected and when I went to system-settings nothing appeared when it scanned, I had to restart my device to get connected again.14:15
ahayzencyphermox, This is a log around the time, note "Sep 23 14:48:55 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[2120]: HCI dev 0 down" http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8410966/14:15
ahayzencyphermox, i can provide more logs if that helps...i just don't know which ones to look in ;)14:16
cyphermoxahayzen: do you have more logs before that?14:16
ahayzencyphermox, yep i'll go back a few more minutes...14:16
cyphermoxit looks like maybe the driver crashed14:17
mhall119hey guys, how does a community contributor submit a new keyboard layout? https://plus.google.com/u/0/+TuranMahmudov/posts/WyxwS7Z5n7y14:17
ahayzencyphermox, thats a further 10mins back http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8411103/14:18
Elleomandel: ah, interesting14:19
ahayzendoesn't seem to be much going on before14:19
mandelElleo, fix pushed14:19
Elleomandel: thanks14:19
mandelElleo, the qml compiler is utter crap hehe14:20
ahayzencyphermox, and thats a grep bluetooth of syslog for today http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8411114/14:21
cyphermoxahayzen: actually, it would be more helpful if it wasn't just bluetooth14:22
Elleomandel: did you double check with security about this approach? since udm is unconfined whilst doing the actual extracting?14:22
mandelElleo, no, but the trusted helper will be unconfined too, right?14:22
ahayzencyphermox, which time period do you want?14:22
cyphermoxjust a few minutes earlier14:22
ahayzencyphermox, note it was around 14:18:55 that it died14:22
cyphermoxthan what was already in your log before14:22
mandelElleo, also, we are using the default behavior of qnetwork.. if it is a problem.. well we have a split in every app using it14:23
ahayzencyphermox, this was 10mins before http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8411103/14:23
cyphermoxthere's a hit of something happening on wifi, that's related14:23
mandelElleo, I'll check nevertheless14:23
ahayzencyphermox, ok i'll take it back a bit further...14:23
Elleomandel: not sure, jdstrand's comment talks about having a confined helper on the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/136599314:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1365993 in webbrowser-app "Support download of albums as zip files from 7Digital" [Critical,In progress]14:23
Elleomandel: not entirely sure how that would work14:23
cyphermoxahayzen: that's good14:23
cyphermoxahayzen: I have everything needed14:23
ahayzencyphermox, cool14:23
mandelElleo, yep, I saw his comment, I wrote something in the bug late at nigh (with lots of typos :-/ )14:23
* ahayzen wonders what happened to his WiFi14:24
Elleomandel: ah, didn't spot the new comment14:24
ahayzencyphermox, let me know if u need any other logs/info14:24
Elleomandel: I'd have thought as long as the qt stuff can be trusted not to write anything outside of the specified directory there shouldn't be any issue14:26
Elleomandel: but I'm probably not aware of every possible security issue14:26
mandelElleo, same here, I'll ping them and will have a chat, having said that, we are doing the same with the click scope (in the sense that we trust udm)14:28
Elleomandel: okay, cool14:29
fundieshow i fix?14:32
mandelogra_, you might know fundies problem14:33
fundiesi tried clean cache and rm -rf /cache/*14:34
fundiesno help14:34
ogra_fundies, looks liek adb isnt running on your device ?14:35
fundiesi can adb shell14:35
mandelElleo, I have tested the code you wrote in the pastebin, I run it with qmlscene and everything is ok14:36
fundiesogra_, List of devices attached14:36
mandelElleo, please let me know if you can confirm it is fixed14:36
ogra_fundies, adb reboot recovery ...14:37
Elleomandel: okay, cool, just waiting for jenkins to finish rebuilding and then will give it a go14:37
ogra_fundies, then try again (and use the --device option for ubuntu-device-flash14:38
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fundiesogra_, seems to be downloading14:40
fundiesat 30kbs :'(14:40
fundiesI can use wifi hotspot with stable image right? I just need some sort of bash script?14:45
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mptkenvandine, I just tried installing silo 1 using “citrain device-upgrade 1” and I got an error: “need the remote password (-r) for package operations”15:05
mpt-r is not mentioned in “citrain -h”15:05
gcollurais it better to use ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed or devel-proposed?15:13
ogra_rtm gets a lot more QA15:14
ogra_but is also slightly behind15:14
gcolluraok thanks ogra_15:15
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mptHmm, I installed a system update and now my phone won’t start up15:23
ogra_mpt, yes, known and just being fixed15:23
kenvandineugh... bit by image 25215:25
kenvandinempt,  you have to re-flash specifying revision=25115:26
ogra_or wait 2-3h15:27
mptmako not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/devel15:28
ogra_fix just got uploaded ... once it got promoted into the archive we'll build a new image15:28
ogra_mpt, reboot to recovery and try from there15:28
mpt…Pressing and holding Volume Down, then pressing and holding power, makes it restart but still gives only a black screen15:34
Elleomandel: just tested and the zip doesn't appear to get unzipped, I'm wondering if deflate actually works on things like that or if its purely aimed at gzipped resources (e.g. webservers serving css, html, etc. gzipped)15:35
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mpt(Hurrah, cyphermox fixed it)15:37
mpt2014/09/23 16:37:57 Failed to locate image 25115:38
ogra_weird, i just installed it here15:39
ogra_must be your broken network over there :P15:39
mptubuntu-device-flash --wipe --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel --revision=251 # Is that correct?15:39
kenvandinedevel-proposed ?15:39
ogra_if you are in recovery you want --device too15:39
kenvandinempt, and you don't need wipe15:39
ogra_unless you want :)15:40
mpt“Device --wipe not found on server” 🙈15:40
mptThanks :-)15:41
jgdxkenvandine, hi, could you take another look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/wifi-connect-is-not-dialog-fix-1366006/+merge/234842 ?15:42
davmor2mpt: --wipe at the end normally,  ubuntu-device-flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel --revision=25 --wipe15:43
Damian_Anyone got a tut for nexus 5 install?15:43
kenvandinejgdx, sure15:43
jgdxkenvandine, thankyou15:44
mptjgdx, got a screenshot? :-)15:44
jgdxmpt, right!15:49
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jgdxmpt, http://imgur.com/a/GFrEt#015:58
stgrabercjwatson: took a bit longer than it should have to fix that issue, I also had to rebase the livecd-rootfs change, anyway, new packages are in ppa:stgraber/experimental as I'm still waiting for webops to set me up with a devirt ppa...15:58
jgdxmpt, there are multiple bugs filed against the Dialog element, in case you're wondering why the spacing is weird.15:58
mptjgdx, that was my first question. :-) Excellent work otherwise!15:59
jgdxmpt, awesome! Debs here if you wanna test it: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-utopic-armhf/6313/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip15:59
cjwatsonstgraber: ok, copied to my PPA16:00
mptjgdx, is the odd outline of the OptionSelector one of those bugs?16:00
jgdxmpt, it's the same through all of uss I think. Not sure how that got introduced or how it is fixed.16:01
cjwatsonstgraber: when they show up as fully built and published on https://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/ubuntu/devirt2/+packages, feel free to run "DEBUG=1 EXTRA_PPAS=cjwatson/devirt2 for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-preinstalled --live" as cdimage@nusakan to try again16:02
fundiesogra_, http://paste2.org/VmcYCEdV it failed16:03
mptjgdx, where else does ubuntu-system-settings use a collapsed OptionSelector?16:03
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jgdxmpt, was looking for the same, but look at any selector16:05
mptjgdx, oh, true16:06
stgrabercjwatson: ok, will do16:08
mptJMulholland, I reported bug 137301116:09
ubot5bug 1373011 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "App icons appear slowly in Dash on first use" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137301116:09
ogra_mpt, "on first use" ?16:09
ogra_thts surely all the time if you just scroll around a bit16:10
jgdxhas the pass phrase dialog changed to a text field?16:10
mptogra_, true. :-) Fixed.16:12
JMulhollandthanks for the heads up MPT!16:12
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elopiodobey: following our previous discussion about testing with non-production servers, pitti pointed to this: http://cwrap.org/16:26
elopiolooks really good. I'll play a little to see what we can improve from our current approach.16:27
* genii squints16:29
geniiOh, cwrap, not crap16:30
mandelElleo, should work like that, let me debug16:30
mandelElleo, do you have the header form the reply?16:30
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stgraberdoh, forgot about the timestamp in /etc/shadow... will have to work around that one a bit...16:33
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stgrabercjwatson: new copy of livecd-rootfs, can you copy it to your ppa?16:53
dobeyelopio: that would be helpful, yes. i was actually thinking of starting a similar project a while back, but never got around to it16:59
Elleomandel: sorry, got distracted by a different bug; here are the headers I get from a transaction via chrome for the file: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8412245/17:19
Elleomandel: or do you want the specific headers udm was sent? if so are they logged somewhere by default?17:20
popeydbarth_: jdstrand latest facebook webapp got automagically bounced by the store... security_policy_groups_webapp (webapp-facebook.json):17:32
popeyfound unusual policy groups: accounts, contentexchangesource, push-notification-client17:32
popeyI've overridden this in the past, are we okay continuing to override?17:32
jdstrandI think I should change accounts now that webapps cn more easily use accounts17:33
jdstrandpopey: can you give me either the click or the full output of click-run-checks?17:34
jdstrandwhat is the deal with content_exchange_source? is it normal for a web app to be a content-hub source?17:35
dbarth_popey: yes, those didn't change17:36
popeyactually i cant17:36
popeybeuno: we have a workflow issue here. store bounced a click (facebook webapp) so now I can't get to the new click version in the store, the url is hidden from me17:37
jdstranddbarth_: can you comment on my content_exchange_source question?17:37
dbarth_jdstrand: it is; it means you can upload photos to facebook17:38
dbarth_it's been there for a bit now17:38
popeybeuno: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/90/ is the link - i can see the published version 1.0.20 but not 1.0.2117:38
jdstrandpopey, dbarth_: fyi, I adjusted the review tools to not flag accounts there17:38
beunopindonga, ^17:38
jdstranddbarth_: upload to facebook. shouldn't it just need content_exchange and not content_exchange_source?17:39
pindongabeuno, popey right17:39
jdstrand_source should be used if the user is interacting with facebook to do the pushing to somewhere17:39
popeythanks jdstrand17:39
jdstrandkenvandine: can you confirm that ^17:40
pindongabeuno, popey I guess we'll want to display download urls for both the latest approved and the latest uploaded files?17:40
gatoxseb128, can i have a review here? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-system-settings/display-errors/+merge/23503717:40
popeypindonga: yeah.17:40
pindongapopey, ack, will work on that fix now...17:40
kenvandinejdstrand, dbarth_: i should just need content_exchange17:41
stgrabercjwatson: looks like we've got a webops vanguard again so I should have a devirt ppa of my own pretty soon17:41
jdstrandkenvandine: thanks17:41
dbarth_jdstrand: well, not the way content hub works afaik: alexabreu can you reply to this one ^^?17:42
* jdstrand encourages kenvandine to listen to alexabreu's explanation17:43
kenvandinejdstrand, i don't even recall why we have content_exchange_source :)17:43
jdstrandkenvandine: content_exchange_source is the source of the echange and content_exchange is the target17:44
kenvandinejdstrand, but why do they need to be different?17:44
kenvandinefrom a policy pov17:45
jdstrandkenvandine: so, the camera would have content_exchange_source if it wanted to be able to share with facebook, which would have content_exchange17:45
alexabreukenvandine, jdstrand dbarth_ it shouldn't use source ... only content_Exchange17:45
alexabreuunless something changed17:45
alexabreukenvandine, right?17:45
kenvandinethat makes more sense17:45
jdstrandkenvandine: I can't recall the specific conversation that supported splitting them. I recall it happened and that I executed it17:46
kenvandinejdstrand, understand :)17:46
alexabreukenvandine, jdstrand dbarth_ I could MR an update, and test if things are still ok w/o the _source17:46
jdstrandand it's been there for a while now :)17:46
kenvandinei'm sure i was involved :)17:46
jdstrandkenvandine: most probably17:47
jdstrandalexabreu: can you point me at the trunk branch so I can see the security policy?17:47
jdstrandthe last one is push-notification-client17:47
dbarth_for a while yes17:47
dbarth_i will push a corrected version without the _source17:47
jdstrandcause that needs discussion17:48
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dbarth_which is used by account-polld17:49
alexabreujdstrand, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~webapps-team/webapps-core/trunk/files/head:/webapp-facebook/17:51
jdstranddbarth_, alexabreu: why does facebook-webapp need push-notification-client when facebook-webapp-helper exists?17:52
jdstrandI ask because push-helpers use push-notification-client, and as such, the push-notification-client has an explcit deny to access the Mir clipboard dbus interface17:54
jdstrandin other words, including that in the webapp-facebook security policy means that the webapp will be denied access to the mir clipboard17:55
* jdstrand notes this is future breakage-- mir hasn't moved the clipboard to a dbus interface yet, but it is coming soon17:56
dbarth_jdstrand: meanwhile, i have a branch for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~dbarth/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic.add-signon-apparmor/+merge/23568517:59
dbarth_jdstrand: if i was to drop the policy_group, would the push-client still be able to deliver PNs to our helper ?18:00
jdstranddbarth_: that branch has a lot of conflicts18:01
jdstranddbarth_: as it was explained to me, webapp-facebook-helper should have it, webapp-facebook should not. they can communicate with each other via some other means. tedg, can you comment? (see scrollback for ~~10 minutes)18:02
jdstranddbarth_: also, that may be better reviewed by a member of the release team18:03
jdstrandthough, maybe once the conflicts are all sorted out, I could read it better18:04
popeybeuno: pindonga also, I got a mail saying the facebook app was published, which is a lie, it was rejected.18:05
ogra_stgraber, hmm, do you knwo if that switch to the PPA was a permanent thing cilon did ? seems we didnt get a build for the last triggered image https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-touch/ shows the last build failed18:05
stgraberogra_: it's a temporary override given on the command line, so it shouldn't18:08
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ogra_stgraber, well, did you build one or two images ?18:08
jdstranddbarth_: maybe the easiest thing is install the click, adjust /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/..._webapp-facebook_....json to remove the policy group (be careful to remove the comma on the previous line!), run sudo aa-clickhook -f, and see if it works18:08
stgraberogra_: two so far, third is on its way18:08
ogra_iso tracker also says re-building18:08
stgraberwell, they all failed obviously18:08
ogra_canceling that doesnt work either it seems18:09
* ogra_ resorts to nusakan then18:09
ogra_oh, wow18:10
ogra_seems i got a stale lockfile there18:10
ogra_rsalveti, ^^ doesnt look like we can get a new image quickly or easily :(18:11
pindongapopey, that's odd.. will check18:13
cjwatsonstgraber: ok, the package doesn't seem to be in your PPA any more so I assume that's being sorted18:15
cjwatsonogra_: it was not permanent18:15
ogra_cjwatson, ok ... well, it seems they share a lock file or some such18:15
cjwatsonogra_: yes, I expect so18:16
cjwatsonogra_: there's an image build running from a shell owned by stgraber, started eight minutes ago, which is presumably why your build attempt failed18:16
ogra_for-project just slapped me in the face with a traceback :)18:16
ogra_cjwatson, right, but yours did too ...18:16
cjwatsonogra_: can't fix this now, just wait for stgraber's build to finish18:17
dbarth_jdstrand: this one is better: https://code.launchpad.net/~dbarth/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic.add-signon-apparmor/+merge/23569318:18
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jdstranddbarth_: approved and merged18:23
popeypindonga: want me to forward the mail to you or anything?18:24
pindonganah, I'll check the whole flow in local/staging18:25
pindongathe app *is* published, but the upload was rejected18:25
dbarth_jdstrand: thank you18:25
pindongawith that I can figure out the rest18:25
pindongapopey, so, as you can see automatic rejects on already published apps are now working :) (for the demo)18:26
pindongabut a few quirks still need to be ironed out18:26
dbarth_jdstrand: sorry i have missed the last 10 minutes; did tedg confirm it was fine to remove the other policy_group for the webapp?18:26
jdstranddbarth_: he did not18:26
jdstranddbarth_: though I said this:18:26
jdstrand13:08 < jdstrand> dbarth_: maybe the easiest thing is install the click, adjust /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/..._webapp-facebook_....json to remove the policy group (be careful to remove the comma on the previous line!), run sudo aa-clickhook -f, and see if it works18:27
jdstrandie, adjust the webapp security policy (not the helper policy) and see how it goes18:27
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dbarth_jdstrand: right, agreed18:28
dbarth_and yes, i won't touch the helper policy, which is the one now obviously requiring the permission18:28
dbarth_sorry if that takes a bit to settle down18:29
stgraberogra_: making some progress, it failed because of an unexpected change to gshadow, suspecting a false positive though18:50
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tedgjdstrand, dbarth_, back19:12
tedgSo I'm not sure what push helper gives access to.19:12
tedgThe helper should, generally have the same permissions as the app modulo it shouldn't have networking.19:12
tedgSo it should be able to set and clear notifications the same as the app.19:12
tedgChipaca would probably know more of the history though.19:13
tedgI imagine that's only for the clear dbus command today, and the app should be able to do that as well.19:13
dbarth_right now the helper has only the push notification permission19:14
dbarth_so i guess that's fine19:14
dbarth_i was lacking proper network access this hour, but will test in a bit19:14
stgraberogra_: I'll be running another test build in about 20min19:37
hackerhi guys, i just updated today my ubuntu touch proposed-dev channel and my phone isn't booting anymore19:37
stgraber(which will fail too, but with debugging this time around so I can know what was added to /etc/gshadow during image build)19:37
stgraber(the hooks now print diffs on stderr so that'll make it much simpler to figure out what happened)19:38
hackerit stuck while booting19:38
hackerI have a Nexus 419:38
hackerafter booting I get a black screen and then nothing19:39
hackerit gives a blink every few seconds19:40
hackerwhen I hook it to my Ubuntu 14.04, I receive this message: Unable to open MTP device '[usb:003,027]'19:43
hackernothing seems to work19:43
Hendrik_I use a dualboot on my mako device....i updated to version 252 but im not able to boot anymore...can somebody help me?19:43
hackerseems i have the same problem as Hendrik_19:44
hackerCould anyone help?19:44
Hendrik_Do you also use dualboot?19:45
Hendrik_Everything worked fine until Version 25219:45
davmor2Hendrik_, hacker: plug your phone into a pc, run ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel-propose --revision=251, if that fails put it into the bootloader and then flasf with the previous command and add --bootstrap19:52
davmor2Hendrik_, hacker: please note bootstrap will wipe everthing19:52
Hendrik_Is there an official Description of this Problem? is this a problem just with dualboot?19:55
Hendrik_davmor, thanks but this is not really a solution....also i use a dualboot so wiping everything and flashing an older version would be not really good :)20:01
davmor2Hendrik_: ah in that case on daul boot just revert to the image before or devel rather than devel-proposed.  It looks like some packages were no longer required so were removed unfortunately there was a dep that got removed that was required.20:01
stgraberogra_: ok, so the failure is currently caused by phablet getting added to gshadow but not to group or to anything else, doesn't make a lot of sense to me...20:04
stgraberogra_: nevermind, that's because the adduser hook is wrong, I'll fix that, that should do the trick20:05
Hendrik_so there is no official statement?20:07
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ogra_stgraber, phablet needs to be in extrausers only20:26
ogra_not in any of the system files20:27
charlesToyKeeper, ping20:27
charlesToyKeeper, I'm not able to reproduce the bug you were seeing in https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-location/+bug/124897320:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 1248973 in platform-api (Ubuntu) "The location and gps check box don't stay checked" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:27
stgraberogra_: right, which is the problem, currently it's not20:28
stgraberogra_: your extrausers trick is incomplete, phablet was still ending up in /etc/gshadow triggering the test I've got in my new code20:28
ogra_nsswitch not set up properly ?20:28
stgraberI've now fixed your hook so that it also handles gshadow which should fix the failure20:29
ogra_mterry, ^^20:29
* ogra_ must admit he never noticed pahblet in gshadow20:30
mterrystgraber, ogra_: ah yes, me neither.  Thanks, stgraber20:30
stgraberhopefully this will be the last test image and I can upload those packages to the archive proper in a bit20:30
ogra_stgraber, was inbetween an utopic image built ?20:30
stgraberogra_: I guess, it didn't complete about any existing lock anyway20:31
ogra_this is slighly urgent since people out there currenly get an unbootable one20:31
charlesdavmor2, ToyKeeper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-location/+bug/1248973/comments/1120:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1248973 in platform-api (Ubuntu) "The location and gps check box don't stay checked" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:33
ogra_charles, i think thats long gone20:35
ToyKeepercharles: What ogra_ said.  I think that was re-fixed again quite a while ago.20:37
charlesogra_, ToyKeeper, I think so too. Just wanted to get a sanity check before closing the ticket20:38
charlesogra_, ToyKeeper, thanks20:38
ToyKeepercharles: Sorry, I got moved from image testing to silo testing so I haven't had much chance to revisit and update old bugs.20:38
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stgraberogra_: looks like the build succeeded (well, is about to)20:55
ogra_stgraber, cool ... i start to get pinged by people :)20:55
Chipacatedg: jdstrand: what's going on?20:56
ogra_(CI fails and stuff, we need the new image soon)20:56
hackerdavmor2: it worked thanks a lot!20:57
Chipacatedg: jdstrand: (I saw tedg's mention above, but can't find the context he's talking in)20:59
tedgChipaca, dbarth was looking at different apparmor permissions for FB.21:02
Chipacatedg: the webapp?21:02
tedgChipaca, Seems that there is a different one for the push-helper and he was trying to figure out the differences.21:03
Chipacaah. push helper should have just the push helper one, nothing else (anything else will fail validation afaik)21:03
ahayzentedg, ping21:07
stgraberogra_: ok, I'm done with my tests, I'll upload the two packages to the archive proper now21:20
ogra_i'll run a build then21:21
* ogra_ guesses the isotracker is still stuck 21:21
tedgahayzen, Howdy21:21
ogra_yeah, it is ...21:22
* ogra_ starts a manual build 21:22
ahayzentedg, Hi, we've been seeing failures in music-app mocking since #244 and have been trying to figure out what has broken it. ogra_ just noticed that that was when cgroups was reenabled, is it possible that this has broken our CI?21:22
ahayzentedg, bug 1370800 is tracking it21:22
ubot5bug 1370800 in Ubuntu Music App "[music] Autopilot tests are failing to mock home when run on the device" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137080021:22
stgraberogra_: uploaded. You'll probably want to copy those over to rtm at some point.21:24
tedgahayzen, Seems unlikely, but how are you adjusting which music library to use?21:24
ogra_stgraber, right, we need to clearify that first ... rtm is more versions behind21:24
ahayzentedg, we patch the mediascanner2 database21:24
ahayzentedg, its pretty hacky and needs to be improved...however *something* broke it in 244 and we didn't change or ms2 or autopilot so we have been tryig to figure out what21:25
ogra_tedg, sorry, your change was sticking out in the changelog :)  http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/244.changes21:25
tedgHeh, yeah.21:26
ogra_though looking again it could also be thumbnailer21:26
tedgahayzen, I can't think of a way that the cgroups merge would effect that, as it should just be the mediascanner dbus interface.21:26
ahayzentedg, and the other thing is that it works on the desktop (utopic) this issue is only on device21:26
tedgahayzen, Are you running under UAL on the desktop?21:27
ahayzenerm.... balloons does autopilot3 run <tests> use UAL on desktop?21:27
balloonsahayzen, nope21:27
balloonsit's specific to click and the phone21:27
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
ahayzenhmm ok21:28
tedgHmm, not really.21:28
tedgSo it's using xdg-open or something like that?21:28
balloonson the desktop? I mean sure we could use ubuntu-app-launch, but you are probably launching with qmlscene directly21:28
balloonseither local or if installed, a binary perhaps, direct launch21:29
tedgballoons, Is there a way to force it to try?21:30
tedgahayzen, One thing you could try is to grab a 243 image and then upgrade UAL and see if that breaks it?21:30
ahayzentedg, sounds like a plan21:30
ahayzentedg, thanks i'll try that tonight/tomorrow21:32
tedgahayzen, Cool, hope it's not UAL :-)21:32
balloonstedg, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/python/autopilot/api/autopilot.testcase.html is what you have available. So ahayzen I imagine you could try using launch_upstart_application on the desktop instead of launch_test_application21:32
ahayzentedg, :)21:32
ahayzenballoons, ah i see...i'll try it see what explodes21:33
balloonstedg, I know you and elopio had some discussions about ual in regards to reminders21:35
sashko1974Hey! can i install ubuntu touch on a samsung galaxy s2 and Phone and sms works?21:36
balloonsdo you know who worked on the unsigned click support?21:36
balloonsahh, I see it was mvo21:38
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mhall119chrisccoulson: hey, is there a way to get the browser's cut/copy/paste as well as "copy image"/"save image" popovers from the Ubuntu.Web component?21:52
ahayzenballoons, i think it works with launch_upstart_application ... but i'll try flashing back to 243 and then updating manually tomorrow22:02
ahoneybunanyone know how get set APN settings22:14
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
bfillertedg: ping22:30
ahoneybunhey mhall11922:34
mhall119hey ahoneybun22:36
ahoneybundo you have tmobile>22:37
ahoneybundo you have tmobile mhall11922:42

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