
dsamzabuyenas tasder noche00:09
wxl!es | dsamza00:09
ubottudsamza: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:09
wxlde nada00:10
dsamzaes que soy nuevo en esto de IRC wxl00:11
dsamzapor eso ando bien perdido00:11
wxlhablo espanol un poquito! lo siento!00:11
wxlianorlin: no, just desktop00:34
Py331I just installed Lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS from USB and I'm getting a kernel panic not syncing. no init. Any ideas? I've googled but haven't found anything that helped. I just did a normal install.03:26
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ianorlingrr one of my machines needs a bios update and I don't have a windows liscense for it16:54
ianorlinand the bios updater only runs from dos or windows16:55
Unit193What brand?17:00
ianorlindimension 3000 and the guide says use windows or dos17:01
testdrianorlin: check grub - that is the boot-manager used from ubuntu too - and it has bootable iso-files to use as FreeDOS-Boot-Disks, that are booted from the grub-manager. Can be used on usb-sticks too and you only need to add the bios-update-exe from the download17:01
holsteinwhy do you need to update the bios?17:01
ianorlinto see if a suspend resume bug still is a problem17:01
ianorlinnot that suspend is that useful on a dimension 300017:01
Unit193ianorlin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellBIOS17:01
Unit193I used the hot swap method, worked for me.17:03
testdrianorlin: What is "suspend" for you? Using swap as storage or keep RAM with power alive? (suspend-to-ram or suspend-to-disk)17:03
testdrianorlin: one example for grub to boot FreeDOS: https://wiki.debian.org/DualBoot/FreeDOS17:06
ianorlinhmm bug 1362555 seems to be reported in the wrong place but I am able to reproduce the behavior in utopic but this bug should be agianst xfce-notificationd right?17:46
ubottubug 1362555 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "notification dialog has horizonal bars" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136255517:46
wxlianorlin: well you're right it shouldn't be lxpanel17:48
wxli don't remember what we use for notification though. we don't use xfce's do we????17:48
Unit193Last I knew, but you should check what you have running as you can change it.17:50
wxloh wow you're right ianorlin17:50
tacomasterI was wondering, Lubuntu doesn't run really badly per say but it is still slow. I have a pentium 4 3.2GHz with HT and 1GB of ram. I feel like this should be a little bit faster than it is. Every thing takes forever to load and browsing the web is really slow as well.17:53
testdrtacomaster: "takes forever to load" - you should check your harddisk-performance. Maybe your hardware is nearly broken and this is only the first sign you notice before its breakdown.18:09
tacomastertestdr: smart status shows the disk as good. Memtest86 shows that the memory has no erros (ran for over 6 hours)18:10
testdrtacomaster: then give the transferrate from hdparm.   Check manpage for hdparm and the command is (needs root-rights):  hdparm   -tT   /dev/sda   and do this too for your root-partition18:11
testdrtacomaster: if this dropout from channel is normal for you - you may have network problems too.18:12
tacomasterNo I am still getting used to lubuntu. in ubuntu you can close the main program and it closes to status bar but if you close it in lubunu is terminates the program18:13
tacomaster Timing cached reads:   1422 MB in  2.00 seconds = 711.34 MB/sec18:13
tacomaster Timing buffered disk reads: 172 MB in  3.03 seconds =  56.84 MB/sec18:13
testdrtacomaster: that is an older harddisk - but i have seen much older ones with only 30MB/sec18:14
tacomasterWell yea its an old computer18:14
testdrtacomaster: only to show you the difference, i have: cached reads 2217.40 MB/sec and disk reads 188.44 MB/sec18:15
testdrtacomaster: but like i said - you have to check the root-partition too. You get it in the terminal with "df" for "/" - maybe /dev/sda3 or something else18:16
tacomasterI had blackbox on gentoo with this machine and it ran pretty fast but I hated the compile times of all of the programs. I am not sure if it is just because of blackbox being lighter or if there is just more background processes in lubuntu18:16
testdrtacomaster: run please (in terminal) command "free" and give the line with "-/+ buffer/cache"18:17
tacomaster-/+ buffers/cache:     296044     72056018:18
testdrtacomaster: and last - you should need a swap-part for a computer with only 1GB ram18:18
tacomasterI have a 2GB swap partition18:19
testdrtacomaster: this looks nice - no big memory waste and therefore the reason is not only the small mem of 1GB18:19
testdrtacomaster: the free-command shows how much is used of your swap. What is used?18:20
tacomasterI think it is just the difference between using a window manager vs a desktop enviroment18:20
tacomaster24172 used of swap18:20
tacomasterout of 201313618:21
testdrtacomaster: that is not much - now check running programs - you know "top"?18:21
tacomasteryea I have been using top and I am not really maxing out the cpu at all. The biggest tax is when im using the flash plugin and that takes up about 30% of the cpu alone18:22
wxlew flash18:22
wxlthere's your problem :)18:22
tacomasterlol :D18:22
* wxl sinks back into the shadows18:22
testdrjo - flash the old waste18:22
tacomasterIt is required for work website18:23
wxlyou should tell your work they're doing a disservice to their customers :)18:23
testdrtacomaster: you should check top more often - maybe even let it run in a terminal and you can see what programs may suddenly pull down your cpu-performance (doing things you dont know).18:23
testdrtacomaster: you know how to change the time-period for top? Change it to 1 second. And check how much cpu top then wastes.18:24
tacomasterI have never changed the time-period for top but I'm sure its not that hard. Its probably listed in the man page some where18:25
testdrtacomaster: for the performance of your network/internet connection you should (without any other programs running) check the download-speed when you are doing the ubuntu-software-updates. Those download nearly run with full speed18:26
testdrtacomaster: in running top - its press key "s"   and then enter 1 for a 1 second timeout instead of the default of 3 seconds18:27
testdrtacomaster: and - like i said - you should run it constantly to get used to it and what programs are shown and what uses your cpu to notice if something else is consuming the cpu-performance18:28
testdrtacomaster: if you do more internet-browsing - you should consider to do it most times without animated images,  without flash enabled and without java/script enabled (and without cookies stealing some packets too).18:30
wxlthe first thing would be identifying where the problem is. is it memory, cpu, io, swap, etc?18:31
testdrwxl: we have done:  memory, harddisk-performance, swap,  now with top its the cpu thing.18:31
wxlsorry i guess it sounds like you got it under control testdr :)18:32
testdrnp wxl18:32
wxlthere's also the question of network, too18:32
tacomasterI think it is just me not used to being on a slow machine. My normal laptop is an i7 processor and cuts into everything I throw at it with out stutter18:33
wxlyeah well that's the question, too: your reference point18:33
testdrnetwork - thats what i said about the time when he is doing ubuntu-software-updates and he should check the network performance there, because those server (from ubuntu) are quit fast and dont use flash or javascript..18:33
wxllubuntu makes old machines run well, it just doesn't make them perform magic :)18:33
testdri did a lubuntu install on an old laptop with windows-xp. The laptop had only 256mb ram and a 20GB-harddisk. win-xp used 20 seconds to boot and lubuntu was the same. It can do no magics - but it runs with uptodate-software and it was nice to see games like "frozen-boobles" run in full-screen and see the wlan-chip working.18:36
testdrtacomaster: games? Ever tried those to check the performance? For example like frozen-bubbles (with sound and a lot of eye-candy).18:37
tacomastertestdr: No I have never really tried any games on this computer. I am trying to make this computer so I can devote to nothing but work on this computer18:45
tacomasterI don't need much just a no frills fast light weight distro18:46
john_ramboHi, I disabled the lxpanel to try Cairo-dock ...now I have removed it and restored the lxpanel but the desktop right click menu has changed and files which are the desktop are not visible. I can see them only via pcmanfm https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30630174/Selection_001.png19:11
john_ramboI wan to restore the default right click lubuntu menu19:12
zy3pDMenu→settings→desktop settings19:13
zy3pDi don't know the english names exactly19:13

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