
ahayzenpopey, works for me as well :) \o/00:00
robruthat's odd...00:11
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 254 building (started: 20140924 02:10) ===02:10
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 59 building (started: 20140924 03:10) ===03:10
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 254 DONE (finished: 20140924 03:40) ===03:40
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/254.changes ===03:40
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Whenever you're around, it looks like silo rtm/landing-009 (media hub) needs more attention.  After installing it, I can't get *any* videos to play.04:10
AlbertAToyKeeper: which image #?04:12
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Krillin rtm 58.04:12
ToyKeeper59 is still building.04:13
AlbertAToyKeeper: ok I tried earlier in the day with #56....I'll check again...04:13
ToyKeeperAlbertA: Fortunately, it's a relatively quick thing to test.  I haven't tried it on 56 though...  seems like something big must have changed since then.04:14
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 59 DONE (finished: 20140924 04:15) ===04:15
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/59.changes ===04:15
ToyKeeperHah, speaking of which...04:15
* Mirv updates04:44
AlbertAToyKeeper: yeap something changed...I can't get it to play videos with landing-009 either...04:47
AlbertAwith #59 rtm04:47
AlbertAToyKeeper: this may be it....I'll check it tomorrow...http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/57.changes04:49
brendanddbarth, good morning06:57
seb128fginther, hey, do you know what's going on with CI on merge requests? e.g https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/4858/console08:00
seb128+ adb-shell sudo -iu phablet env '|grep' UPSTART_SESSION=unix08:00
seb128initctl: unable to determine sessions08:00
seb128Failed on 'adb-shell sudo -iu phablet env |grep UPSTART_SESSION=unix' after 5 retries08:00
seb128+ exit 108:00
ogra_seb128, looks like image 25208:01
seb128ogra_, are the devices in the CI pool bricked or something?08:01
ogra_(which couldnt start lightdm due to a wrong alterneative in the image)08:01
seb128is anyone working on restoring service?08:01
ogra_sorry, i dont know08:02
seb128ogra_, do you know if the calendar app is supposed to still be there on rtm krillin?08:03
seb128ogra_, it went away from my dash since at least r5808:03
seb128still not there with 59 this morning08:03
ogra_right, it was removed08:03
seb128how do I turn off alarms for events that got synced from my google calendar?08:04
ogra_ask mgmt :P08:04
seb128I don't want the phone to ring at 3am because there is some stuff from the ue calendar08:04
seb128who decided on that?08:04
ogra_i think the plan is to have it back, we're all moaning08:04
seb128was it discussed somewhere?08:05
seb128I don't care much what they do, but we need a way to be able to turn off alarms08:05
seb128that's ridiculous08:05
ogra_it definitely is08:05
brendandogra_, if we're going to pull out everything that isn't of best quality...08:06
sil2100We were as much frustrated as you seb128 ;/08:06
brendandseb128, i think calendar might still be in the store - it should be anyway08:18
brendandno reason for it not to be08:18
brendandyep it is08:20
seb128brendand, the dash search doesn't find it08:20
ogra_the store search should though08:20
seb128brendand, also the phone should be able to edit alarms it creates without having to install a 3rd party app from the store08:21
brendandseb128, oh i definitely agree08:21
seb128ogra_, right, that UI is confusing, it lists a store icon but when clicking on it it wipes the search filter08:21
brendandseb128, just trying to help :)08:21
seb128brendand, thanks ;-)08:21
ogra_seb128, haha, talk to design :)08:21
ogra_(i fully agree)08:21
brendandseb128, wipes the search filter?08:22
seb128brendand, go to the dash, tap the search icon, type "calendar", click on the store entry, it opens the store without filter08:22
brendandseb128, not for me here on RTM. are you on utopic?08:22
ogra_it wipes the entry08:22
seb128it should keep the "calendar"08:22
seb128since that's the context you are in/come from08:22
ogra_if you type "c" again it will show up in the list though08:23
ogra_but yeah, thats surely a design bug08:23
ogra_hmm, did anyone upgrade to 59 yet ?08:24
brendandseb128, but are you using RTM?08:25
* ogra_ wonders if apparmor just takes long or if the device hangs :/08:25
seb128brendand, yeah, rtm 59 on krillin08:25
seb128ogra_, I did08:25
ogra_ok, then there is hope08:26
ogra_3min so far here08:26
seb128ogra_, I though it might bring my calendar back after it went away in 58 :p08:26
brendandseb128, strange. me too08:26
seb128ogra_, yeah, I though it bricked my device first08:26
seb128it stayed on the bq logo for ages08:26
seb128I even powered the device down and tried again08:26
seb128then I moved to IRC and when I looked at the phone next it was on the unity lock08:26
ogra_the fixes for pre-generated apparmor profiles in custom tarballs is still pending08:26
seb128brendand, do you go on the app lens, click that icon, type calendar, pick "store" in the dash and it opens the dash with a search on" calendar" active/only the calendar apps listed?08:27
ogra_yay, finally08:27
ogra_5mins ...08:27
mzanettiwhat does this message exactly mean? "Migration: One package at least is not available at the destination"08:28
seb128brendand, for me it it sends me to the click scope but without any active search08:28
seb128mzanetti, that one of the packages in the silo didn't migrate out of proposed08:28
ogra_mzanetti, "its not landed yet"08:28
ogra_mzanetti, it could just say "wait ..."08:29
mzanettiis there manual interaction required?08:29
mzanettiogra_: right... because it says like this for >12h now08:29
ogra_but it sounds more geeky that way08:29
brendandseb128, yeah, app lens -> click search -> type calendar -> see a big orange icon for the store with text 'search for calendar in store' -> click the big orange icon -> check the search field08:29
sil2100mzanetti: which silo is it?08:29
ogra_mzanetti, aha, that sounds like it got stuck in proposed08:29
mzanettisil2100: rtm/00408:29
sil2100mzanetti: normally it's a normal thing to see, as it means the package is migrating still08:29
brendandseb128, and you're saying at that point the search field is empty?08:29
sil2100mzanetti: will look at it after the meeting08:30
mzanettisil2100: cool, thanks08:30
seb128brendand, correct08:30
ogra_mzanetti, ^^^^^08:30
seb128brendand, the search entry is not even displayed, it sends me on the click lens like if I had swipped to it08:30
seb128brendand, showing all the icons, starting with riddling, dekko, etc08:31
Mirvit's popey's fuuuu time08:32
ogra_mzanetti, is that yours ?08:32
mzanettiogra_: sort of... its bregma's but unity8 landings depend on it08:41
ogra_mzanetti, i have the strong suspicion unity7 isnt in rtm ... at least not with all its deps08:42
mzanettiogra_: we need unity-schemas. that is in rtm, but we need this update to it08:42
seb128unity is in rtm08:42
ogra_seb128, but not all of its deps it seems08:43
ogra_see the excuses page above08:43
seb128well, that would be weird, the previous version wouldn't have migrated out of proposed then08:45
seb128or is that a case of binary copy from utopic where utopic has some newer shlibs or something?08:45
* seb128 tries in a pbuilder08:45
ogra_seb128, i think it was an initial binary copy08:46
ogra_to fulfill deps for ubuntu-touch, but nothing else08:46
seb128ogra_, mzanetti, so yeah, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/unity-greeter08:50
seb128it's not in rtm08:50
seb128I guess the initial rtm creation didn't go through britney to check installability08:51
seb128same for the scope08:51
ogra_cjwatson, could we get that in ^^^ ?08:51
seb128those probably need to be imported to the rtm08:51
ogra_seb128, FYI, there is no human intervention needed for your test issue from above, a re-run automatically flashes the latest image08:52
ogra_https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/4868/console should be fine again08:52
seb128ogra_, k, since when is the fixed image up, because we were still getting errors some hours ago08:53
seb128nobody put changes up since the u.s went to sleep though08:53
ogra_there were two imaes with fix already08:53
seb128let's see if the next run works then08:54
seb128or let me just do a retry on one of the mps08:54
cjwatsonseb128: well, it didn't have to go through britney, but indeed there's a known bug in the derive-distribution script that I only found out about weeks too late - specifically, it doesn't follow the "extra" seed08:54
cjwatsonogra_: I'll work on it08:55
cjwatsonI guess it's easiest to just copy those and find out what the next layer of complaints is :)08:55
cjwatsonfirst layer copied08:56
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: vila | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins.
seb128cjwatson, thanks08:58
ogra_cjwatson, i assume you synced lifecd-rootfs into rtm too yesterday ?09:01
ogra_stephanes changes are in utopic, i think we want them in rtm too09:02
cjwatsonOK, that looks like it was sufficient09:03
cjwatsonogra_: you assume wrongly, rtm is a massive hassle09:03
cjwatsonogra_: I can't sync it because a previous change is blocked on rtm silo 17, which is blocked on mvo reviewing my changes09:03
ogra_oh, hmm09:03
cjwatsonoh, maybe not blocked, apparently I have mail :)09:05
ogra_mvo, cjwatson, btw, doesnt python-apt already know what distro it is on from sources.list ? (as bad as relying on system-image-cli but at least self contained)09:05
cjwatsonogra_: copied/pasted into mail09:07
ogra_cool !09:07
ogra_thanks :)09:07
* ogra_ has never written mail via IRC before :)09:08
mzanettiogra_: so do you know how we should proceed with the unity issue?09:09
ogra_mzanetti, see above, cjwatson solved it for you09:09
cjwatsonmzanetti: it's already done09:09
cjwatsonmzanetti: 10:07 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Silos: ubuntu-rtm/landing-004 (bregma) Migration: All packages are in destination. You can Merge and Clean now. (unity)09:09
mzanettiah. wasn't sure if that conversation was about that...09:09
sil2100mzanetti: it's solved now :)09:09
mzanettithanks cjwatson09:09
* mzanetti goes for moar silo testing09:10
mzanettiah, do we even need the merge-and-clean? I suspect there isn't an rtm branch to merge to then09:11
cjwatsonyou need something or else the silo remains in use forever.09:12
mzanettisil2100: should I check the ONLY_FREE_SILO box?09:13
cjwatsonI think the merge bit is a no-op for sync silos but I'm not current on this.09:13
sil2100mzanetti: no no, just press a normal publish09:14
sil2100I mean, m&c09:14
sil2100mzanetti: since there are no merges assigned to the landing, the free silo will just free the silo, but register it as 'landed'09:15
mzanettiack. done09:15
pete-woodstrainguards: hi. could I get silo 007 reconfigured please? (dropping one of the MRs) https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-007-0-reconfigure/build?delay=0sec09:22
Mirvpete-woods: sure09:23
Mirvpete-woods: done09:24
davmor2sil2100: 46 has videos \o/ let me add some local ones to be sure they show up now09:28
sil2100davmor2: uh09:30
davmor2sil2100: interestingly brendand still has videos on 59 after signing in09:31
sil2100davmor2: ok, but we still don't know if it was the issue you saw on 5709:31
davmor2sil2100: so it seems completely random09:31
sil2100jibel: you also had issues with video scopes on your krillin RTM, right?09:32
jibelsil2100, yes, it's completely empty09:32
brendandjibel, davmor2 - you're both crazy09:34
jibelbrendand, ?09:34
sil2100davmor2: do you think the issue yo usaw on 47 was the same that you saw on 57?09:35
davmor2sil2100: no I think that was the api change issue09:44
brendandjibel, are you running -proposed on RTM?09:44
mzanettisil2100: I'm afraid I need your help again09:54
mzanettisil2100: trying to test silo rtm/006, I notice that the packages version in the silo are lower then the ones already one the phone09:54
jibelbrendand, no, 14.0909:55
mzanettisil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8416939/09:55
brendandjibel, i mean are you running the promoted image?09:56
jibelbrendand, I'm running ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09 #109:57
jibelbrendand, with all updates applied09:57
brendandjibel, ah ok09:57
brendanddavmor2, see ^09:57
brendanddavmor2, so it's not a regression09:58
brendanddavmor2, so stop wasting your time! :P09:58
davmor2brendand: yes it is it might of been one of the update that caused it :P09:58
brendanddavmor2, to the scopes you mean?09:58
davmor2brendand: could be that the youtube scope is a click package09:59
brendanddavmor2, ahhh yes09:59
sil2100mzanetti: hey! Let me take a look09:59
brendandmystery solved09:59
sil2100davmor2, brendand, jibel: so, the suspect is the youtube scope itself, hm?10:00
brendandsil2100, jibel has a different issue to davmor210:00
davmor2let me see what happens if there is an update10:00
brendandsil2100, jibel is affected by the scope issue from last week10:00
brendandsil2100, davmor2 is just crazy :)10:00
sil2100Right, as he's only running promoted, which didn't have the API bits10:01
brendandsil2100, exactly!10:01
sil2100I know! But that crazy dude iz blocking promotionzzz!10:01
brendandsil2100, but he'll still get the new broken youtube scope10:01
brendanddavmor2, yeah get outa the way!10:01
mzanettisil2100: mystery solved. I messed up. sorry for the noise10:02
brendandsil2100, #44 was promoted right?10:02
sil2100mzanetti: it looks like you're trying to test it on the wrong device/distro10:02
brendandsil2100, just to make sure10:02
mzanettisil2100: exactly10:02
sil2100mzanetti: ok, good that it's all cleared up!10:03
sil2100brendand: yeah, I'm sure it was that... I need to prepare a document for that for quick access10:03
sil2100brendand: since now promoted images have their own image number10:03
ogra_seb128, would you mind reviewing (and top-approving) https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubuntu-system-settings/system-settings-fix-devmode-page-refresh/+merge/235778 ?10:05
seb128ogra_, sure10:05
ogra_cool, thanks !10:05
davmor2sil2100, brendand: so on 46 if I update the youtube scope everything breaks but that is expected, I'll now install 48 which has the fix and see what happens there10:06
brendanddbarth_, are you going to unblock us on silo 12? we'd like to land it for you10:08
sil2100davmor2: ok10:15
dbarth_brendand: yes, i was updating my phone to rtm, now i can test the branch on that release10:17
davmor2sil2100, brendand: so on 48 I get videos and I can login in and still get videos,  So now I'm going to start bisecting till I get to an image that doesn't for me have videos10:24
brendanddavmor2, i'm nearly sure you won't reproduce it10:24
sil2100davmor2: ACK! Thanks, I guess we're getting close...10:24
brendanddavmor2, you might as well go straight to 5910:24
* sil2100 prepares his PROMOTEIT stamp10:24
brendanddavmor2, but probably better to be safe than sorry10:25
* Mirv keeps on dputting to wrong PPA:s, preparing 3 different Qt PPA:s...10:39
Mirvmulti-tasking is meant for computers, not humans10:39
davmor2brendand, sil2100: so on 59 fresh install everything seems to be working just doing a reboot to confirm10:40
nik90sil2100: Is there any thing blocking silo-001 rtm from being QA-tested and published? I need it for the clock user location detection. It is already in utopic and missing in rtm.10:48
sil2100nik90: the author of the silo didn't set it to tested yet10:49
sil2100So we assume it wasn't tested for RTM by the lander10:49
nik90sil2100: ah, since tvoss is on vacation, can anyone else take that up?10:49
Mirvmaybe QA could consider starting its testing?10:51
Mirvas the functionality is quite needed10:51
sil2100That, or we poke kgunn to see if he has anyone that could take care of it10:51
sil2100QA doesn't look kindly to testing without it being tested by the lander first :)10:54
* ogra_ hugs Laney 10:59
mzanettisil2100: again me... the problem now is, that unity8-private depends on unity-schemas >= 7.3.1+14.10.20140915, however, 7.3.1+14.10.20140915~rtm is to be installed. is there some easy way to fix this or do I need to chage the depends?11:00
sil2100mzanetti: hm, damn11:00
sil2100Ok, so it seems the reversioning bit us here11:01
ogra_a bit11:01
sil2100mzanetti: let me think of an easy way to get out of this situation11:01
mzanettiback in 5 mins11:01
ogra_sil2100, while you think ... line 74 :)11:02
* sil2100 is unable to do 2 things at once, sorry11:03
sil2100That's why when I'm breathing, I don't think11:03
ogra_geez, that must be hard11:03
sil2100I know...11:03
ogra_always a blue face when reading things11:03
davmor2brendand: the local media fix did that land in 59?11:03
Mirvogra_: landing-00911:04
* ogra_ hugs Mirv 11:05
Mirvor, soon11:05
Mirv(conflicts with 001)11:05
Mirvnow 009, ignored conflicts11:05
Mirvogra_: so ken has a landing but I guess he only built it for now and can rebuild when his day starts11:06
ogra_Mirv, yeah, ken wrote he wants it for design feedabck11:06
ogra_i'll wait with the final bits til he is up and i can ask him11:06
ogra_as long as it lands before tomorrow evening i'm fine i think11:07
brendanddavmor2, which local media fix?11:08
brendandMirv, nik90 - we're reluctant to do that because it circumvents the process11:10
brendandMirv, nik90 - we already had an incident in the past where doing that bit us11:10
davmor2brendand: you were on about it in the incident reports,  I'm wondering if the lack of displaying local media was causing a race issue on the video scope,  In 59 I see local videos and youtube, in 57 I saw no local video and I wonder if that was what was blocking the vidoes being displayed in the youtube scope11:11
Mirvbrendand: ok then. I agree it's a bit same than with me being put to upstream someone else's Qt patches, also with bad experience and "not going to do again" :)11:11
sil2100davmor2: so you're basically saying that it's fixed on 59?11:12
davmor2sil2100: yeap but it is definitely flakey in 57, first boot there were videos, rebooted and it is blank11:13
davmor2before I rebooted I added local videos11:13
sil2100mzanetti: so, sadly there doesn't seem to be one perfect easy solution here ;/ I guess it will be best if we change the deps... but this will bite use back later, so let me check one more thing11:14
sil2100davmor2: ok, so maybe we could take 59 as a promotion candidate?11:14
davmor2sil2100: reboot again and now there is video11:14
sil2100davmor2: or do you think 57 is good enough?11:14
davmor2sil2100: I'll re flash 59 and run the same tests there11:14
brendandMirv, by the time it's been marked tested we can be reasonably sure it's the right version etc and that any dependencies have landed too11:15
sil2100davmor2: 59 has some more things in it, such as the new mir etc.11:15
davmor2sil2100: so if 59 doesn't break videos then I can promotion test that and we can look at promoting that11:16
sil2100davmor2: sounds like a plan :)11:16
sil2100bfiller: hey!11:20
brendandooh a new silo11:29
dbarthbrendand: sorry, i'm still fighting with adb devices since i moved to image #5911:37
dbarthbrendand: if you want to tackle silo 12 i could mark it tested to unblock; just that i haven't physically been able to verify on an rtm device yet11:37
brendanddbarth, let me know any problems you're having11:38
brendanddbarth, we should be able to fix them11:38
dbarthessentially adb devices says there is nothing at the other end of the cable...11:38
dbarthi'm in developer mode, pin code enabled; rebooted; and updated my 14.04 desktop to latest phablet-tools packages11:39
brendanddbarth, what does adb kill-server && adb start-server do?11:40
dbarthbeen there, done that unfortunately :/11:40
dbarthstill no device11:40
brendanddbarth, but does it output anything?11:40
dbarthyes: daemon started successfully11:41
dbarthi can see another device (running utopic) with adb11:41
brendanddbarth, hmm that's not good11:41
dbarthjust not my rtm one11:41
dbarthyeah, i can't think why it's this way11:42
dbarththe device shows up as a mass storage one, here no probs11:42
dbarthand i added the update to get the dev ids in adb and adb+mtp mode, according to the changelog in11:42
dbarthso i'm banging my head on the wall right now ;)11:43
brendanddbarth, in the terminal app 'android-gadget-server status adb'11:43
brendanddbarth, in the terminal app 'android-gadget-service status adb'11:43
brendandsecond one11:43
dbarthyeah, haven't thought about the terminal11:43
dbarthlet me try11:43
dbarthadb disabled11:45
dbarththat explains11:45
dbarthok enabled now11:46
dbarthgosh, adb devices still doesn't want to see it11:46
dbarthshould we move to #ubuntu-touch?11:47
mzanettisil2100: any outcome?11:55
sil2100mzanetti: so, we have two possibilitie11:58
sil2100mzanetti: we can either re-release unity7 with the proper version to RTM11:58
sil2100mzanetti: or you would have to modify the deps, but you would need to change that on both sides11:59
mzanettisil2100: define "on both sides". like doing a version bump in unity7?11:59
mzanettisil2100: we had that at first, but bregma didn't want that. so I guess if re-releasing it without ~rtm is possible, that would be the easiest12:00
sil2100mzanetti: ok, but you would have to make sure that the re-release at least works properly - could you do that? If yes, I'll prepare a sync of unity712:01
mzanettisil2100: sure12:01
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins.
sil2100mzanetti: I'll assign a separate silo for that since I don't want to change the already existing sources in your silo12:05
mzanettisil2100: thanks12:06
mzanettisil2100: I guess that'll take an hour until ready for testing. if yes, I'd go for a run before12:06
jdstrandogra_: fyi, cwayne told me that the pregenerated apparmor in custom landed already. not sure why it wasn't used, didn't work, something else12:10
ogra_jdstrand, well, it definitely didnt in todays rtm upgrade12:11
ogra_my post OTA boot took 5min12:11
cwaynethe tarball itself needs to get past qa12:11
cwaynethat has the apparmor profiles/clicks included12:11
ogra_though i also have about 30 extra click packages installed12:11
ogra_so it didnt land yet :)12:12
cwaynewell, the rootfs bits did, but yeah :)12:12
ogra_sil2100, hmm, seems the spreadsheet lost my corrsponding rtm line for line 6712:15
sil2100mzanetti: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-002 <- the unity packages are there already (I mean, they should)12:15
sergiusensMirv: was this an accident? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-007-1-build/43/12:15
ogra_(i had added both)12:15
sil2100ogra_: uh, was that a line for the sync? Was that assigned?12:15
mzanettisil2100: ah, awesome12:15
sil2100mzanetti: make sure those install well on ubuntu-rtm phones12:15
ogra_sil2100, not assigned, i wanted to test the utopic silo first12:15
ogra_i left it in "MP not ready" state12:15
sil2100ogra_: ok, let me re-add it, I noticed some problems with the spreadsheets12:15
sil2100ogra_: you want a silo for that now?12:16
Mirvsergiusens: yes, sorry, doing watch only build now. I assigned a silo and kicked wrong silo to build.12:16
ogra_sil2100, well, not sure if i step on kenvandines toes ... theoretically yes ... practically he has a sileo with u-s-s too (but that says it is for design tests)12:17
sil2100hm, too bad Ken will be only around later12:18
seb128hum, some CI run still fail with "I: Unlock failed" errors :-/12:18
seb128sil2100, what about u-s-s?12:18
ogra_sil2100, well, if i can trust his comment ...12:18
ogra_sil2100, "Fixes several bugs in the update panel, for now this silo is to get design feedback" ... not sure if he wants to block all u-s-s fixes til design reacts12:19
seb128fginther, hey, do you know about "I: Unlock failed" CI errors?12:19
seb128ogra_, what's the issue?12:19
ogra_seb128, that i'm not sure if i shoudl land my silo or not12:20
seb128ogra_, you shouldn't12:20
seb128is that your devmode change?12:20
ogra_then i'll wait12:20
seb128come on, that has been up for like some hours12:20
ogra_utopic silo is tested and done12:20
seb128we have like 5 other fixes in the queue12:20
seb128we batch changes12:20
seb128your fix is not a line stop one12:21
cwaynejdstrand: FWIW i've verified that our fix works on first boot (with the -customized channel) :)12:21
seb128there is no reason it needs to land now hijachking other fixes that are pending as well12:21
ogra_sil2100, did you click publish on my silo now ?12:21
* ogra_ definitely didnt 12:21
* sil2100 did12:21
ogra_seb128, it looks like someone just pushed it into utopic12:21
sil2100It was marked as ready12:21
seb128ogra_, that's fine, but please just get in line with your fixes12:21
ogra_well, we were talking about it here12:22
seb128we do landing several time a week and we always have a bunch of changes to batch12:22
ogra_seb128, ok, next time then, sorry for that12:22
seb128no worry12:22
seb128thanks for the fix though ;-)12:22
sil2100Well, it was marked as ready when I asked about assigning an RTM silo for you, so it was before the discussions here12:22
seb128sil2100, don't worry, landing it is fine12:22
ogra_well, it was one of my critical bugs to be fixed by tomorrow :)12:22
seb128it's just a bit wastefull12:22
sergiusensMirv: np, just wanted to know if I needed to take action12:23
seb128usually when we do a landing we included all approved/pending changes12:23
sil2100Sorry about that, but good to hear I didn't break the world ;)12:23
ogra_sil2100, yeah, sorry for marking it ready pre-maturely12:23
seb128ogra_, btw I fail to see how that one was so high importance, compared to other bugs we have12:24
ogra_seb128, so should i just leave it alone now and wait for you guys to include it in an rtm landing or should i go forward with rtm12:24
seb128it's only a control in a panel12:24
seb128ogra_, your call, we are going to do a rtm landing soon, including other fixes12:24
ogra_it was critical, rtm-14 tagged and has a milestone for tomorrow12:24
seb128ogra_, I would spare work by just waiting for things to be batched12:24
ogra_as long as it doesnt get forgotten12:25
seb128ogra_, seems our triagers are out of touch with reality12:25
ogra_well, it is security relevant12:25
ogra_tomorrow is deadline12:25
seb128ogra_, having no way to edit events is fine, but having a settings control displayed wrong is a stopper, go figure12:25
sergiusenssil2100: Mirv can I get an rtm silo for 69? seems everything for rtm above this line is for utopic or not ready yet12:34
Mirvsergiusens: done, rtm 01012:38
=== nik90 is now known as nik90|Lunch
* sergiusens waits for the dashboard to reflect the assignment12:39
sil2100davmor2: are you proceeding with promotion-wise testing already?12:49
davmor2sil2100: yeap I'm testing 59, I got caught up in an issue I see with evernote account so I'm just working through that, and then I'll get back on track, but 5 reboots and I have videos still so I'm happy that, that part seems to be working13:01
seb128sil2100, shouldn't the fact that you can't turn off event reminders be a promotion blocker?13:09
sil2100seb128: QA would have to decide on that, since the reason why it's like that right now is by higher-up decision13:10
seb128sil2100, well, higher-up decision doesn't mean we can screw users and not care13:10
seb128they should be taken accountable for their decisions as well13:11
fgintherseb128, that's related to the code to unlock the display, now that you point it out, I see lots of failures13:12
seb128fginther, is that a known issue/being worked on? like half of the settings CI run hit it13:13
seb128who should be pinged? mterry?13:13
seb128sil2100, oh, speaking of higher-up, pmcgowan just joined ;-)13:13
sil2100hah ;)13:13
sil2100pmcgowan: hey!13:13
seb128pmcgowan, hey13:13
pmcgowanhi guys13:13
fgintherseb128, let me look first, we may need get help from mterry as well13:14
sil2100pmcgowan: so, we wanted to maybe bring up the discussion of calendar-app being removed again13:14
mterryseb128, fginther: was about to ask what's up, but I guess I'll wait for fginther then  :)13:14
seb128pmcgowan, can we consider the fact that you can't turn off even reminders as a promotion blocker?13:14
seb128pmcgowan, my google calendar synced up a 3am even and I can't turn off sound ringing anymore since r5813:14
sil2100pmcgowan: since it seems that without it people can no longer turn off their event reminders without installing an 3rd party app (i.e. calendar-app)13:14
pmcgowanseb128, you mean you cant dismiss the notification for the events?13:15
pmcgowanor you cant control them via calendar13:15
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins.
seb128pmcgowan, no, I can't delete the even before going to bed so I'm not going to be waken up at 3am when I want to sleep13:15
seb128pmcgowan, we don't have a calendar anymore13:15
seb128pmcgowan, seems it was decided to drop calendar from the image13:15
pmcgowanseb128, right, thats true reluctantly13:15
pmcgowanseb128, trying to make sure I understand, is it manual control of the events lost due to no calendar app, or are the alarms not able to be dismissed13:16
seb128pmcgowan, you can dismiss the alarm, I just don't want to be waken up at 3am to dismiss the alarm then13:17
seb128I want to delete that event I don't about and have a normal night13:17
pmcgowanseb128, why wouldnt you control that through the web interface for gcal13:17
seb128pmcgowan, because I was not somewhere with online access13:17
* pmcgowan senses seb wants calendar back13:17
sil2100Everyone wants calendar back ;)13:17
seb128pmcgowan, no, I want a way to delete events when offline13:17
* sil2100 wants the calendar back personally13:18
pmcgowanI will take it up with the parties involved13:18
seb128pmcgowan, but yeah, having a calendar would be nice as well13:18
mzanettisil2100: confirming that silo rtm/2 installs fine and that silo rtm/6 installs fine on top of it13:18
seb128pmcgowan, but it's mind boggling that we have events synced and then no way to edit them/dismiss an alarm13:18
pmcgowansil2100, I would say it should not block promotion, anyone doign an update will still have calendar13:18
pmcgowanseb128, right I see that13:19
seb128pmcgowan, no they don't13:19
sil2100mzanetti: excellent - you didn't notice anything broken due to that unity7 installed?13:19
seb128pmcgowan, the calendar was taken off with the 58 update13:19
sil2100mzanetti: (want us to be completely sure, since it's a binary copy)13:19
mzanettisil2100: let me run a test plan. bbiab13:19
pmcgowanseb128, but upgrade will not remove it13:19
seb128pmcgowan, it does13:19
sil2100mzanetti: well, a quick test might be enough :)13:19
pmcgowanseb128, huh?13:19
seb128pmcgowan, it was part of the base image and is not, so it vanished13:19
sil2100mzanetti: (since I want to push it without QA singning-off)13:20
pmcgowanseb128, ok I got it13:20
mzanettisil2100: works for me.13:21
mzanettiindicators, apps, all look fine13:22
sil2100mzanetti: ok, publishing then13:23
sil2100(by principle it is the same thing as what we already have in the archive)13:24
mzanettiyeah... awesome. so I'm proceeding with testing silo rtm/6 now13:25
mzanettihopefully we'll manage to work down the unity8 queue a bit today :)13:25
rsalveticjwatson: hey, ping for software-properties (from yesterday)13:26
rsalveticjwatson: saw you got a silo for that already, is there anything missing to get that into rtm?13:26
sil2100mzanetti: that would be excellent news :)13:27
cwaynedavmor2: sil2100: gentle reminder that we'll need a QA pass of custom today13:27
davmor2cwayne: I can look at it in about 2 hours if that is okay?13:28
=== nik90|Lunch is now known as nik90
cwaynedavmor2: probably, need to coordinate with the device tarball landing anyway13:35
davmor2joc: ^ I didn't think there was one was there13:35
sil2100hm, we asked about that on the meeting and didn't hear anything about that13:36
sil2100john-mcaleely: ^ ? Any new device tarball today?13:36
john-mcaleelysil2100, that seems to change minute by minute13:37
john-mcaleelysil2100, possibly13:37
john-mcaleelysil2100, ok, so latest, super-confirmed news, is that I'd like to build one today13:40
fgintherseb128, mterry, I removed a workaround that was added during the adb user switch that appears to have been causing the problem here. I've retried 3 jobs and they've all unlocked successfully now.13:40
john-mcaleelysil2100, so I think I'll have a new device tarball in about 30-60 mins, ready for a sign off attempt13:40
mterryfginther, oh good!13:40
john-mcaleelycwayne, ^13:41
seb128fginther, mterry, great13:41
seb128mterry, just for the record, the ping was about "I: Unlock failed" errors in CI run, e.g https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/4864/console13:43
mterryseb128, ah13:43
cjwatsonrsalveti: want to get it into utopic first so that I can copy the binaries; Laney was going to review those14:01
rsalveticjwatson: right, do you think this will still happen today? I know it depends on Laney to review14:04
rsalvetijust a wild guess14:04
Laneydoing it now14:04
rsalvetioh, awesome then14:05
rsalvetionce this is done I can sync livecd-rootfs from utopic into rtm14:05
oSoMoNcan I haz a silo for line 71, please?14:09
oSoMoNtrainguards: ^^14:09
sil2100oSoMoN: sadly, we have no ubuntu silos free :<14:10
sil2100oSoMoN: we might one pretty soon  though14:11
oSoMoNsil2100, cool, then please consider this one to fill it when it gets freed, thanks :)14:12
popeypete-woods: move https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/971/ back into needs review and I'll manually do it14:16
sil2100Not sure if pete-woods is around14:16
popeyhe replied to something 20 mins ago14:17
jhodappsil2100, did you back out the media-hub, qtubuntu-media, dbus-cpp mpris change in utopic as well as rtm?14:24
jhodappsil2100, seems like it only got backed out of rtm14:24
sil2100jhodapp: we didn't, sadly reverting it in utopic is a bit more troublesome as there has been a media-hub release in the meantime14:24
sil2100jhodapp: so we would have to revert that too, which would mean reverting an unity-system-compositor landings as well14:25
sil2100So we're trying to first figure out on how to fix it proper14:25
jhodappsil2100, oh no...so I'm not sure what to do then...qtubuntu-media needs libmedia-hub-client1, but libmedia-hub-client2 is installed by default on utopic14:25
jhodappsil2100, so how do I land my qtubuntu-media change in utopic?14:26
pete-woodspopey: how do I do that?14:26
davmor2sil2100: so far so good on 59 :)14:26
popeypete-woods: no idea ☻14:26
pete-woodspopey: one of the store devs is on this :)14:27
davmor2sil2100: I have an issue with evernote that is slightly worse than before, so working through that with webapps while testing but I'm pretty happy except for that :)14:27
sil2100jhodapp: so, first of all we would need to know if we're 100% sure that we do not want to revert this media-hub landing in utopic14:29
sil2100jhodapp: if we'll have a guarantee that this will be somehow fixed instead, then I guess you could just land qtubuntu-media to utopic normally, since as we didn't revert anything libmedia-hub-client2 should be available there14:30
sil2100We only reverted in RTM, so in RTM libmedia-hub-client2 is missing and only libmedia-hub-client1 is available14:30
jhodappsil2100, well but that means I'll have to do a different landing in utopic14:31
sil2100Ah! Right, since you first land in RTM14:32
jhodappand I can only have it one way or another in trunk14:33
sil2100jhodapp: I think for everything going back to normal we would really need someone to actually first fix the gstreamer issue14:33
sil2100Is there anyone looking at it from the gstreamer side?14:33
jhodappsil2100, we think the issue is in dbus-cpp, and that would be tvoss14:34
sil2100jhodapp: tvoss was here in the morning and he said it's likely gstreamer *sighs*14:34
sil2100jhodapp: anyway, people seem to be moving responsibility from one place to another14:35
popeypete-woods: yay14:35
sil2100kgunn: hey! Do you know if we would have someone to help out with this in the end ^ ?14:35
sil2100kgunn: you know, the dbus-cpp/media-hub/gstreamer issue?14:35
jhodappsil2100, lol14:36
jhodappsil2100, it has to be either dbus-cpp, media-hub or qtubuntu-camera since the changeset only included those right?14:38
dbarthbrendand: pong; we re-tested silo 12 if you want to give it a try now14:38
dbarthbrendand: i marked it tested on latest #5914:38
jhodappsil2100, I thought we were able to verify that by landing in utopic first, seeing the issue there, then we tried bringing it to rtm and saw it break?14:39
brendanddbarth, i'm just finishing silo 03. vrruiz may be able to pick it up14:39
sil2100jhodapp: yes, but tvoss and some other people mention that it's broken because gstreamer is broken... even though I tried telling him that his change was anyway built on top of that particular gstreamer issue14:39
jhodappsil2100, we need someone else to verify that then, I still have some critical bugs to attend to so I can't commit to looking into it myself yet14:40
elopioping fginther: could you take a look at this https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-clock-app/xvfb_and_qml_tests/+merge/23568214:43
elopioand tell us if it's in conflict of what you were planning to enable qml tests for apps? They are running during the build on that branch.14:43
dobeykgunn, mzanetti, greyback_: who is testing rtm silo landing-006? it's been "Packages built" for like 5 days now14:44
kgunndobey: i am testing now....and14:44
kgunnwe had a hiccup with unity7 packaging dep14:44
dobeyoh o14:44
kgunnwhich was just now cleared14:44
cwaynedavmor2: sil2100: so the custom tarball will need testing *after* the device tarball lands14:45
cwaynejohn-mcaleely: ^14:45
mzanettidobey: yeah, it had to wait for rtm silo 4 (and then it didn't work so it had to also wait on rtm silo 2)14:45
mzanettidobey: but now we're continuing with those14:45
dobeyit has a fix i made in unity8 for the purchasing flow, so i was curious about it14:45
cwaynedavmor2: btw what testing do you do when you bless a custom tarball? is it documented anywhere?14:45
kgunnsil2100: jhodapp ....can one of you update the bug with exactly what's going on there?14:47
kgunndobey: no prob...typical silo sink time :-/14:47
jhodappkgunn, I'm not sure what's going on with it exactly14:47
john-mcaleelycwayne, davmor2 this device tarball: http://people.canonical.com/~jhm/barajas/device_krillin-20140924-6b397a6.tar.xz :-)14:50
john-mcaleelysil2100, ogra_ ^ new device tarball for someone to please QA14:50
ogra_dropping old cruft !14:51
brendandjohn-mcaleely, i can take that - in about 10 mins14:51
john-mcaleelyapparmor upgrade. no possibility for breakage or regressions :-)14:51
john-mcaleelybrendand, thanks!14:51
ogra_(and new apparmor ... what could possibly go wrong with that :) )14:51
sil2100QA does not believe words like "no possibility of breakage"!14:54
sil2100Not in this order and composition!14:54
fgintherelopio, yes, I'll take a look. If the tests can be run within the build then \o/, that would be my preferred solution. I was under the assumption that doing this during the build phase was just not possible14:55
elopiofginther: well, we are lucky because there are debs being built. When we stop building debs for the apps, we will need the click build to also run make test.14:56
elopiowhich makes sense.14:56
ogra_sil2100, thats just because john-mcaleely phrased it wrong "isolated bugfix" would surely have generated more trust :)14:58
john-mcaleelyogra_, or maybe less :-)14:58
ogra_naaah ;)14:58
john-mcaleelyno regressions were harmed in the creation of this tarball14:59
davmor2brendand: thanks you'll beat me by about an hour14:59
loolhey trainguards, I'd like to land silo 4, NM changes to drop old wifis; however the version number is bad14:59
loolis it ok for me to reupload the same source with ubuntu27 instead of ubuntu27~test2 as version?15:00
loolMathieu will be giving them a final smoke test15:00
* lool goes reuploading there15:05
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins.
sil2100lool: is that an ubuntu silo?15:17
sil2100Ah, ok, I see it15:17
sil2100lool: sure, feel free to just reupload - I remember uploading that one for tvoss since he said it's 'test only'15:18
loolsil2100: yup; thanks15:18
loolsil2100: so will test the ubuntu27 binaries from there, then publish to utopic, then repeat for rtm; is that ok?15:18
sil2100lool: sounds fine, just give us a sign when to assign an RTM silo for you15:19
loolack, thanks15:19
cjwatson^- feel free to ignore that, it'll go away when I'm a bit more patient before starting the watch-only build15:22
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
sil2100bfiller: hey!15:29
bfillersil2100: hey15:29
sil2100bfiller: did you guys had a moment to look at the ubuntu-rtm smoketesting failures in camera-app?15:29
sil2100bfiller: e.g http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch_stable/mako/54:20140924:20140923/10673/camera_app/15:30
bfillersil2100: will take a look15:31
bfillersil2100: we haven't rev'd camera in quite a while so something dependency must have changed15:32
bfillersil2100: what channel is the image from?15:45
bfillersil2100: for the failed smoketest15:45
sil2100bfiller: from ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed15:46
bfillersil2100: thanks15:46
Laneydo we know what's up with the autopilot tests (for u-s-s)? e.g. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/4858/console15:59
ogra_Laney, looks like the device was running 25216:00
Laneythat's some kind of code I don't understand :)16:01
Laneyis it what the topic says?16:01
ogra_Laney, image 252 had driver issues and couldnt boot the session16:01
ogra_"initctl: unable to determine sessions" shows the system fell back to the adb emergency shell after lightdm stopped respawning16:01
Laneyare the devices being fixed?16:01
ogra_the devices get the latest image flashed before every test16:02
ogra_from when was that test run ?16:02
ogra_image 252 was superseded tonight16:02
Laney+ echo = Tue Sep 23 16:46:34 EDT 2014: SKIPPING phablet-flash AS REQUESTED16:02
ogra_Laney, yeah, then that was 25216:03
ogra_just re-trigger the test16:03
Laneyok, ta16:03
bfillersil2100: what is up with the low silos in ubuntu? do we need to ask people to test faster? seems there have only been 1 or 2opened for quite some days16:17
bfillersil2100: I have 4 requests in the sheet that I'd like to get in :)16:17
kenvandinesilo 1 can be freed16:17
bfillerjhodapp: can you test and confirm silo 3?16:17
kenvandinei should stop hogging that :)16:18
kenvandinempt gave up on trying it :/16:18
bfillerkenvandine: great, yes please free16:18
looltrainguards, as discussed above finished testing of silo 4 (NM), now copying over16:18
Mirvbfiller: not approved https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1371341/+merge/23545216:18
jhodappbfiller, I can't yet, I'm blocked by an issue16:19
bfillerMirv: done16:19
Mirvbfiller: thanks16:19
bfillerjhodapp: that silo has an issue you mean or a different issue?16:19
jhodappbfiller, it has an issue that needs to be resolved in utopic before I can land it16:20
bfillerrsalveti: has silo 10 been tested yet?16:20
bfillerjhodapp: ok, thanks16:20
jhodappbfiller, the media-hub mpris landing needs to happen first16:20
bfillerjhodapp: what about silo 13?16:20
jhodappbfiller, oh sorry, silo 13 is the one I mean16:21
jhodappbfiller, silo 3 is up to ycheng-afk16:21
jhodappbfiller, it should be ready, we just need to see if he tested it on utopic16:21
looltrainguards, have added rtm sync for NM changes in row 76, would you mind assigning a silo?16:22
sil2100lool: sure, we have a few rtm silos free16:22
sil2100One moment16:22
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
davmor2sil2100: so it looks like import of contacts might just be a glitch, after a reboot and retriggering it is working fine.  So I'll ignore that one.  The evernote bug is already written as part of another bug and is actively being worked on by dbarth 's team. So I will whitelist it for this image and revisit it at the next promotion, hopefully though it will be fixed then16:36
davmor2sil2100: let rip with image 59 it'll make jibel happy16:36
davmor2sil2100: and I'll get you the bug number for the evernote issue16:37
davmor2sil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/account-plugins/+bug/1349975/16:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1349975 in Online Accounts: Account plugins "OAuth based plug-ins appear to crash under poor network connectivity" [High,New]16:38
davmor2jibel: ^^^ just waiting on sil2100 now not to put any pressure on him what-so-ever :D16:39
loolsil2100: do I have to ping someone to get packages copied from ppa reviewed in unapproved?16:44
sil2100ogra_: can you promote krillin #59 and it's mako counter-part? ;)16:45
sil2100And all other counterparts I guess16:46
sil2100lool: hey! You mean network-manager now?16:46
sil2100lool: the release team should be generally poked - in case that's a bugfix of course16:46
cwaynedavmor2: was that with the new device tarball or no?16:47
brendandsil2100, are we promoting?16:47
sil2100brendand: yesss16:47
sil2100cwayne: no, not yet, it's the image before the device tarball16:47
sil2100The tarball is still in testing16:48
* sil2100 puts pressure on ogra_ 16:48
cwayneagh okay16:48
loolsil2100: yup16:48
cwaynesil2100: just cus i  need an image with the new device tarball before we test the custom tarball, and that really needs to land today16:48
bfillersil2100: just changed all my requests to rtm as there are free silos, can you please assign silos for line 60, 61 and 72 please?16:48
cjwatsoncopying some more stuff into rtm to see if I can do something about the big pile of uninstallables16:49
davmor2cwayne: no brendand is testing that now16:50
brendandcwayne, what kind of bribe are you offering?16:50
cwaynebrendand: beer and high fives16:51
cwaynethat's all I got16:51
brendandcwayne, well - i suppose it's better than nothin16:51
davmor2cwayne: dude we are QA we only care about beer and fixes, you fail !16:51
cwaynedavmor2: high fives fix everything16:52
kenvandineogra_, line 69 says sync:9 but my settings build is in silo 9 now :)16:54
kenvandineogra_, i guess that should be updated to a sync from utopic16:54
sil2100bfiller: so you will land to RTM first?16:54
ogra_sil2100, ^^ can we do that ?16:54
bfillersil2100: yes16:55
sil2100kenvandine: yeah, to do a sync from utopic just do `sync:ubuntu,utopic package_name`16:55
ogra_kenvandine, happy to landd it standalone though if it causes any issues ...16:55
sil2100bfiller: ok then! Let me take care of that in a moment16:55
bfillersil2100: thanks16:55
kenvandineogra_, i'd rather you go ahead and land it, my landing has a pile of bugs :)16:55
ogra_sil2100, so please assign me an rtm silo16:56
kenvandineogra_, i updated the spreadsheet16:56
ogra_sil2100, line 6916:57
kenvandineogra_, lets get that cleared out before i land mine16:57
ogra_should be quick ... bugfix only and just 5 lines of QMl changes16:58
loolsil2100: can we asign silo 4 for the qtubuntu-sensors? osomon wants to land it, but there was no free utopic silo so far16:59
robrulool: 14 is about to free up17:00
robrulool: but what's going on with 4?17:01
sil2100bfiller: ok, so just a notice - in this case, when you build, please check the DO_NOT_APPEND_RTM_TO_VERSION17:01
sil2100bfiller: this way it won't append the ~rtm (I might make it default soon I guess)17:01
bfillersil2100: ack17:02
loolrobru: network-manager is in unapproved17:02
robrusil2100: what is the purpose of teh ~rtm tag? can we just rip that code out?17:02
loolI pinged on #ubuntu-release17:02
kenvandinei think we want the ~rtm if there is a delta17:02
robrukenvandine: i've yet to see a single case where there's been an rtm-specific delta. *everything* is parallel landings17:03
loolrobru: silo 14 >> that'd be for line 7017:03
kenvandinerobru, indeed... for now17:03
kenvandinerobru, but might change17:04
robrulool: ok, it'll be free soon17:04
kenvandineso the ~rtm probably shouldn't be default17:04
robrukenvandine: sil2100: ok I can turn ~rtm off by default in a bit17:04
sil2100robru: now it doesn't make that much sense, as mentioned I'll switch it off and if it doesn't have much use then I'll remove it completely - it makes sense in case someone wants to have 2 separate branches, one for rtm and one for ubuntu17:04
sil2100Or when he wants to do a safe source rebuild during sync17:05
kenvandinesil2100, so now the sync won't rebuild right?17:05
kenvandineor do we need to check something to keep it from rebuilding?17:05
sil2100kenvandine: no, synces no longer rebuild since a few days17:05
kenvandinejust confirming :)17:05
sil2100kenvandine: by default synces are now binary copies (as per ML annoucement ;) )17:05
sil2100But the ~rtm is still appended by default when you build your MRs for ubuntu-rtm17:06
kenvandinei read that, but didn't remember if it was already that way or coming soon :)17:06
ev__sil2100, robru: I've heard through the grapevine we're short on silos17:08
ev__is this true? If so, can you educate me on what's going on?17:08
=== ev__ is now known as ev
sil2100ev__: yeah... so, it seems that we sometimes lack silos, maybe it's time to increase the number17:08
robruev: well, there aren't any available.17:08
robrujust gave the last one to lool17:09
sil2100ev: we only have 20 per distro17:09
robruat least for utopic17:09
evsil2100: makes sense to me. What's preventing us from doing that now?17:09
robruev: nobody remembers how? ;-)17:09
sil2100I know how to do it from the CI Train side, but we need someone to set up the PPAs ;)17:09
robrusil2100: don't forget, the dashboard needs to be updated for extra silos, the jenkins backend needs to be updated, and also the spreadsheet contains knowledge of the silo numbers.17:10
evsil2100: set up the PPAs as de-virted, or literally create the PPAs?17:10
AlbertA2sil2100: you can release ubuntu-rtm/landing-009 it's useless now with the dbus/media-hub reverts...17:10
sil2100robru: jenkins updates itself once the citrain gets updated during deploy, so it should be ok there17:11
sil2100ev: someone to create them and also de-virted17:11
robrusil2100: right but the python code that is itself running on jenkins needs to be told how many silos we have in order to even create those jobs.17:11
evcreating them should be feasible from your end17:11
robrulool: 14 is ready for you btw17:12
evde-virting them just requires asking #webops17:12
loolrobru: thanks17:12
robrulool: you're welcome17:12
robruev: sil2100 so what, should I create 10 new silos then?17:13
evrobru: can I ask that you ask #webops what our capacity is for de-virted ppas17:14
evI'm inclined to say yes, 1017:14
evbut they'll have a better ideas of how much space we have17:14
robruev: oh, should I ask webops before I even create them?17:15
robrukeep in mind the distros need to be synced (lots of code assumes that), so really 10 new silos = 20 new PPAs17:16
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins.
robruugh, no vanguard in #webops17:16
sil2100Well, 10 more per distro?17:16
robrusil2100: ev so we'd have landing-000 through landing-030 for each distro17:18
sil2100robru: yeah, we'll need slangasek to create them though17:19
sil2100Since we have no admin power over the team owning the PPAs17:19
sil2100It's just asac and slangasek17:19
sil2100Both are travelling from what I heard17:19
evrobru, sil2100: sorry, my laptop just ate itself. If there's no vanguard in #webops, please file an RT for it and cc CI-engineering-private@lists.launchpad.net17:19
sil2100slangasek: are you around?17:19
robruoh i hadn't heard slangasek would be travelling today17:20
evWebops have superpowers. They can create what you need.17:20
evJust please be descriptive in the RT of what ppas need to be created and where.17:20
sil2100We also need someone to modify the whitelist on snakefruit, but that can be done by any archive admin17:21
sil2100robru: I heard from asac that they're somewhere or something IIRC17:21
* sil2100 checks what that was about17:21
sil2100Yeah, so asac said slangasek will be back on Thursday17:22
sil2100So let's wait with that till tomorrow17:22
robrusil2100: well I'll file the RT17:23
sil2100robru: just be sure to mention that the PPAs still need creating ;)17:24
sil2100ogra_: btw. did you press the promote button? :)17:27
ogra_sil2100, err, it said "ready to build" not "ready to promote" ...17:27
ogra_i just obeyed to the dashboard17:27
Ursinhasil2100: hey, I have some suggestions for you in https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro/cu2d-binsynctests/+merge/235666 :)17:28
robruev: sil2100 https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=75308&results=a465129ecc1196a491a89f1ee85e5074 filed17:28
sil2100Ursinha: \o/ thanks! Yeah, I'm still a noob in what is good from the pep8 and overall point of view ;)17:29
sil2100Let me fix some of those soon17:29
sil2100robru: thanks17:30
sil2100ogra_: what said? :)17:30
Ursinhasil2100: nah, that's completely understandable... it took me a while to get those and still gets me sometimes :)17:30
sil2100ogra_: I mean, what do you mean?17:30
ogra_sil2100, the dashboard17:30
ogra_sil2100, the dashboard said "ready to build packages" so i clicked build :)17:31
sil2100ogra_: which one? I mean image promotion ;p !17:31
sil2100ogra_: as per my request above we want to promote an ubuntu-rtm image ;)17:31
sil210018:45 < sil2100> ogra_: can you promote krillin #59 and it's mako counter-part? ;)17:32
sil210018:45 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- trainguards, please assign line 60 for bfiller17:32
ogra_you asked one line below the bot telling me my silo is ready :P17:32
sil210018:46 < sil2100> And all other counterparts I guess17:32
ogra_i'll do the promotion, gimme a bit17:32
ogra_sil2100, i'll promote the emulator alongside this time (this will be one version behind though)17:38
sil2100Ursinha: most of the changes you pointed out would even make me happier! I probably misunderstood the idea of listing big number of function arguments one after another17:38
davmor2sil2100: no don't promote utopic17:38
sil2100ogra_: ok, yeah...17:38
sil2100davmor2: no no, only RTM17:38
slangasekrobru: wat, I'm sure I told everyone in the weekly meeting :-P17:39
slangaseksil2100: what am I creating?17:39
Ursinhasil2100: that's fine, it's a bit of an abstract concept but once you grasp that what you want is readability it gets easier17:39
ogra_discussions about travelling ? :)17:39
john-mcaleelybrendand, did I miss news on the device tarball, or still going?17:40
sil2100slangasek: we would need some additional PPAs created for our silos17:41
sil2100slangasek: as per the RT here: https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=7530817:41
slangaseksil2100: I guess nobody has a script for batch creating these through the API, hmm?17:43
slangaseksil2100, cjwatson: I don't see an interface for creating PPAs for ubuntu-rtm, nothing asks me for a distribution on either https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-021/+edit or https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+activate-ppa17:45
sil2100Not that I know of...17:45
sil2100slangasek: yeah, I used the LP API for that always17:45
sil2100Like lp-shell17:45
slangasekok, so remote hands me please :)17:46
sil2100slangasek: I guess you can use this command to create a single ubuntu-rtm silo for us in lp-shell : lp.people['ci-train-ppa-service'].createPPA(distribution=lp.distros['ubuntu-rtm'], name='landing-xxx')17:48
sil2100(untested, as I have no power over ci-train-ppa-service)17:48
sil2100For ubuntu of course the same can be used17:48
slangaseksil2100: do you haev a guess as to the attributes for display name and description, so I can do this all at once?17:49
slangaseksil2100: also, AttributeError: <launchpadlib.launchpad.Launchpad object at 0x7f06fc0b2290> object has no attribute 'distros'17:51
sil2100slangasek: yeah, so just pass description= and displayname= params17:51
slangasekok, it's 'description', 'distributions', and 'displayname'17:51
sil2100slangasek: hah, distributions instead of distros ;)17:51
* sil2100 's mind just shortened it up17:51
slangaseksil2100, robru: ok, ppas done; I'll let one of you follow up on the RT wrt getting them devirted17:53
sil2100slangasek: thanks!17:53
sil2100slangasek: btw. just to confirm my info - you travelling today still? :)17:53
slangaseksil2100: not "traveling" today, but am away from home at a business meeting17:54
sil2100Ah, ACK17:54
robruslangasek: oh thanks18:00
robrusil2100: well hot diggity. should we wait for the devirt to happen or should I start hacking citrain to recognize the new silos?18:02
robrusil2100: (eg, how horrible is it if citrain offers to let people build in virtualized ppas?)18:02
sil2100robru: it's bad, really bad18:03
sil2100robru: since we do binary copies from our PPAs to the archive directly18:04
sil2100robru: so we need to make sure that silo PPAs have the very same builders as the archive18:04
robrusil2100: btw I'm not sure if you know this, but when you're hacking on lp:cupstream2distro, I cleaned up the testsuite so you can just run 'nosetests' (with no arguments) in the branch root and it'll run all the tests. so eg you don't need to push the branch and wait for jenkins to give the test results, you can get the test results faster locally and18:04
robruiterate faster.18:04
ogra_=== Image RTM 14.09 #2 promoted ===18:06
ogra_(that is: krillin 59, mako 54, generic 50 (actually 1 on the server), generic_x86 50 (actually 1 on the server))18:07
robruI see we've given up on image numbers ;-)18:08
ogra_well, i try to at least keep the promoted ones in sync now18:08
robrumaybe we could use timestamps instead? those'd probably stay in sync better18:08
ogra_we'll need one extra promotion for the emulator though18:08
ogra_robru, that wouldnt help ... actually an image number is: $ID:$ROOTFS-TARBALL:$DEVICE-TARBALL18:09
ogra_where ID is what system-image adds ...18:09
ogra_but $ID gets bumped every time you have a nnew device or rootfs (or custom) tarball18:10
ogra_not only if you have a new rootfs ...18:10
brendandjohn-mcaleely, i've just observed that it's taken absolutely ages for me to get a 3g connection18:10
ogra_in the past we relied on the latter18:10
john-mcaleelybrendand, hmm18:11
john-mcaleelybrendand, yuk18:11
ogra_but since we have separate device tarballs now ... and separate custom tarballs ...18:11
brendandjohn-mcaleely, let me see how it looks without the tarball18:11
john-mcaleelybrendand, I wonder if that's the apparmor changes. are there denials in the log?18:11
john-mcaleelybrendand, thanks18:12
jdstrandfyi, we don't confine indicator-network, ofono, urfkill or network-manager18:13
sil2100robru: yeah, I noticed that ;) I was actually running just nosetests in the root dir when working on the unit tests today18:13
sil2100ogra_: thanks \o/18:13
ogra_sil2100, if anyone needs it on the nusakan host (cdimage) in my home dir i keep "rtm-promo.log" for the number mapping18:14
brendandjohn-mcaleely, without the tarball it did seem to come up a lot more quickly18:20
brendandjohn-mcaleely, but i didn't catch the syslog before18:20
brendandjohn-mcaleely, i'll have to reinstall with the tarball18:21
* brendand should go and make dinner too18:21
john-mcaleelybrendand, thanks18:21
john-mcaleelybrendand, and yes, you should18:21
ogra_brendand, just making sure, bugfix only doesnt need QA signoff for rtm silos, right ?18:25
sil2100ogra_: just to be sure - what was the mako version number that got promoted today?18:26
ogra_<ogra_> === Image RTM 14.09 #2 promoted ===18:27
ogra_<robru> #2?18:27
ogra_<ogra_> (that is: krillin 59, mako 54, generic 50 (actually 1 on the server), generic_x86 50 (actually 1 on the server))18:27
brendandogra_, well..18:27
brendandogra_, *isolated* bug fixes only18:27
sil2100ogra_: ;)18:27
* ogra_ looks for some duct tape to wrap around the bug 18:27
brendandogra_, which i think is a decision not to be made by the lander18:27
ogra_brendand, by whom then ?18:27
* brendand gives ogra_ the evil eye18:27
brendandogra_, landing team or qa18:28
brendandogra_, bribe sil210018:28
ogra_well, the fix is super trivial ... https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/ubuntu-system-settings/system-settings-fix-devmode-page-refresh/+merge/23577818:28
ogra_and tested successfully in both distros18:28
kenvandineogra_, that's isolated :)18:28
* ogra_ publishes then :) 18:29
sil2100ogra_: yeah, as per management recommendation, isolated bugfixes (;p) (the real ones!) can go through if requested by the lander18:29
ogra_whoops, you guys are always faster than me :P18:30
brendandogra_, okay. as long as sil2100 confirms that your landing just contains that18:30
brendandogra_, or you know what? i trust you dude18:30
brendandso yeah, ok18:30
ogra_brendand, well, while we had this discussion it seems someone already promoted18:30
ogra_see the bot above my duct tape comment :P18:31
robruyeah while you guys were talking, I saw a silo that says 'you can publish' so I hit publish.18:32
* ogra_ notes down to clearify the QA status before setting the silo to testing done18:32
kenvandineogra_, your branch was fine though :)18:33
ogra_kenvandine, well, it was my first bugfix-only landing ... :)18:33
kenvandinemine should get QA to test the changes to background selection18:33
ogra_will we actually get sane backgrounds in PIN unlock etc ?18:34
kenvandineogra_, that isn't up to me :)18:34
ogra_ah, i was hoping thats what you ship :)18:34
kenvandinethis landing lets you choose backgrounds from more than just gallery18:34
kenvandineso you can use the camera, etc18:34
kenvandinerobru, can haz silo for 74?18:35
robrukenvandine: ok you got rtm818:39
kenvandinerobru, thx18:39
robrukenvandine: you're welcome18:39
brendandjohn-mcaleely, apart from the tarball i have a strong feeling there are some big issues around 2g - do we have any recent results testing 2g specifically?18:41
john-mcaleelybrendand, very few - we have poor ways of preventing 3G just taking over18:48
john-mcaleelybrendand, some concrete bugs there would be helpful18:49
brendandjohn-mcaleely, well the second slot is 2g only. and you can specify 2g only in system settings18:52
brendandjohn-mcaleely, but i need to compare and contrast with mako18:52
brendandjohn-mcaleely, and i'm afraid there's definitely a problem here18:52
slangasekrobru: you absolutely must not start using the ppas before they've been made devirt, because that breaks the ability to *make* them devirt18:53
davmor2brendand: what's up?18:53
brendandjohn-mcaleely, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8420114/18:53
brendandjohn-mcaleely, without the tarball i get a connection in a few seconds after unlocking18:53
brendandjohn-mcaleely, i'm still waiting for one now18:54
robruslangasek: oh, well alright then18:54
slangasekrobru: (in addition to the fact that no, binaries for the archive absolutely must not be built in virt ppas)18:54
john-mcaleelybrendand, hmm. ok. well, there was an update to hybris that might impact wifi, which might impact networkmanager.  I will try to repro18:54
brendandjohn-mcaleely, those errors keep popping up18:55
john-mcaleelybrendand, what SIM is that?18:55
brendandjohn-mcaleely, it's an o2 one. i could try a different sim, let me see18:55
brendandjohn-mcaleely, ahhh18:56
robruslangasek: what's so horrible about virt PPAs? i don't understand in what way the binaries would be any different. isn't the whole point of virtualization that you can fake the real thing without being able to tell the difference?18:56
brendandjohn-mcaleely, it's talking about ril118:57
brendandjohn-mcaleely, but i told it to use ril018:57
sergiusenswhat's 67?18:59
brendandjohn-mcaleely, do you have o2 payg?18:59
john-mcaleelybrendand, I do. not running that device tarball yet19:00
robrusergiusens: "pepe phone MMS bugfixsergiusenssync:10ubuntu/utopic"19:00
robrusergiusens: so you should probably land that, but there's no utopic silos available19:00
john-mcaleelybrendand, (we didn't trust the 2G ui switches when we thought through our test plan. some time ago...)19:00
sergiusensrobru: oh, I won't work on that today, so don't worry19:00
brendandjohn-mcaleely, finally the connection has appeared19:01
brendandjohn-mcaleely, that took about 10-15 minutes19:01
john-mcaleelythat's horrific19:01
brendandjohn-mcaleely, maybe awe can help19:02
brendandjohn-mcaleely, after rebooting it was quite fast19:04
rsalveticjwatson: it seems software-properties is still stuck in rtm proposed19:04
john-mcaleelybrendand, I'm flashing that tarball onto the device I use with my O2 sim19:05
davmor2sil2100: http://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahjewell/can-you-guess-how-old-these-kittens-are?bffbuk#4g9h0q8 distraction alert19:08
john-mcaleely2014/09/24 20:09:10 Cannot cleanup /cache/recovery/ to ensure clean deployment19:09
john-mcaleelyWhy on earth would  a device being --bootstrapped fail like that ^19:10
john-mcaleelygrr. doesn't it format the cache?19:10
slangasekrobru: virt PPAs exist outside the security fence required for all official Ubuntu builds19:12
brendandjohn-mcaleely, the log is talking about ril1 for some reason, it's supposed to be ril019:13
john-mcaleelybrendand, well, that might explain some of it's difficulty :-)19:15
brendandjohn-mcaleely, wow my adb connection just got murdered19:21
robruoh, security. ok19:22
elopioplars: ping. The subunit file is still missing: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/592/?#showFailuresLink19:26
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins.
sil2100davmor2: DAMN YOU!19:29
john-mcaleelybrendand, so, fwiw, my o2 just established a 'H' connection pretty much instantly19:30
davmor2sil2100: but but but cute kittens19:30
john-mcaleely(rtm/59+ the new tarball. one o2 sim in slot 1)19:30
brendandjohn-mcaleely, nothing in slot 2?19:30
john-mcaleelybrendand, correct, empty19:31
brendandjohn-mcaleely, and i guess your sim was not locked?19:31
john-mcaleelybrendand, also correct, unlocked sim19:31
brendandjohn-mcaleely, ok so either of those could a factor19:31
davmor2john-mcaleely: I can install here and see what I get I have ee sims that are locked here19:31
davmor2brendand: ^19:31
brendanddavmor2, yeah see if you can reproduce it as well first19:32
davmor2brendand: right let me do a reboot and time sim1 and sim2 on standard 59 first then19:32
brendanddavmor2, no need to time them19:34
brendanddavmor2, the difference is huge19:35
davmor2brendand: I like to do it :P  so sim1 3.5secs sim2 33.4secs19:37
plarselopio: did you see my response on that? I'm not sure what the difference is between that job and the other one that I did change, but I see the subunit show up in the other job associated with the mp19:42
plarselopio: look at the generic-mediumtests job19:43
plarselopio: I'll look at this one too though19:43
cjwatsonrsalveti: yes I know I'm working on it19:44
brendandjohn-mcaleely, hmm okay. now i'm seeing the same issue with the previous tarball...19:45
cjwatsonrobru: I can do the silo devirting if you want19:45
cjwatsonslangasek: ^-19:45
rsalveticjwatson: great19:45
cjwatsonrobru: ok, I see the RT, I'll take care of it19:49
elopioplars: oh great, I see the file on that job.19:51
plarselopio: does that have what you need?19:52
elopiooh wait19:52
elopioplars: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-utopic/3749/19:52
plarselopio: if not, I should be able to get it into the other one19:52
elopiothe subunit file attached there is for system_settings.19:52
elopiothe job is for gallery.19:52
plarselopio: is that the one pointed to by your mp?19:53
plarselopio: the xml results there are also for system settings19:53
elopioplars: that's linked from my MP, yes.19:53
plarselopio: strange19:54
davmor2john-mcaleely, brendand: sim1 up in 6 seconds19:54
davmor2john-mcaleely, brendand: sim2 up in 54.219:54
brendanddavmor2, how can both come up?19:55
davmor2roughly twice as slow19:55
brendanddavmor2, we're talking about getting a data connection19:55
brendanddavmor2, not just connecting to the network19:55
brendanddavmor2, it has to show the H/3G symbol19:55
brendanddavmor2, wifi off19:55
davmor2brendand: showing a H19:55
davmor2brendand: same as on 5919:56
robrucjwatson: Ooooooooooh thanks a ton19:57
davmor2brendand, john-mcaleely: hmm I have a feeling the H might lie just opened the browser and it is really slow, it's working but that is no way 3g19:58
robrucjwatson: ping me when it's done and I'll start making the train see those new silos19:58
brendanddavmor2, john-mcaleely - and at the same time i'm getting this issue without the tarball now19:58
brendanddavmor2, john-mcaleely - so it could be an existing issue19:58
davmor2brendand: I didn't have it on 5919:58
brendanddavmor2, yeah i mean it might be to do with my SIM/coverage19:59
davmor2brendand: this has been loading a single page for about a minute now, it's a big page, planet.ubuntu.com but it didn't take this long before19:59
davmor2brendand, john-mcaleely: there is a definite issue here20:02
brendanddavmor2, i think it's using the second sim20:03
davmor2brendand: can't be, that is my payg sim it has no credit20:04
davmor2brendand: so it must be using the 1st sim20:04
davmor2guys I need to call it a night I still need to partially dismantle my office tonight ready for the demolishers and electricians to come in Friday and Monday20:05
cjwatsonrobru: done20:06
robrucjwatson: you rock20:07
cjwatsonI should compare my new script against ci-airline for reference20:09
brendandjohn-mcaleely, can we sleep on this tarball?20:13
brendandjohn-mcaleely, if you forced me to make a decision now it would probably be a very hesitant ack, but very very hesitant20:13
cjwatsonrsalveti: I think I have the last copy done now, so I'll check back in a bit to make sure it worked20:14
rsalveticjwatson: great, thanks!20:15
robrucjwatson: i don't know enough about launchpadlib to really comment on that script. Thanks again though20:16
cjwatsonrsalveti: the operative word is "think" :)20:16
cjwatsonyeah it was just better to paste it here than only have it on my disk20:16
cjwatsonI'd already run it so wasn't really asking for review ... :-)20:16
cwaynebrendand: so no device tarball promotion then?20:47
cwaynejohn-mcaleely: ^20:47
cjwatsonrsalveti: ^- there you go20:50
robrucjwatson: is there a way to check if a PPA is virt or devirt? I don't see any indication on the PPA page20:53
cwaynelool: ping20:54
john-mcaleelycwayne, nope :-(21:05
rsalveticjwatson: awesome21:05
rsalvetiogra_: still around to kick an rtm image?21:05
brendandjohn-mcaleely, i could be swayed perhaps21:07
brendandjohn-mcaleely, just ran a few more tests with different sims and starting to feel a bit more confident21:07
robrugentlemen... https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/deploy-citrain/303/console we now have 30 silos.21:09
robrugotta update the dashboard.21:10
loolcwayne: pong21:10
john-mcaleelybrendand, lets do it in the morning. sleeping on it is fine21:11
cwaynelool: the espoo bits are all the same on all RTM images and then on all utopic images right21:11
cwaynei.e. there's nothing device-specific there21:11
loolcwayne: there's nothing device specific, however it's architecture specific and right now there's a match between rootfs contents and custom tarball contents21:11
loollike, if you try to run the custom tarball from utopic on rtm, it wont21:12
john-mcaleelycwayne, lool don't forget that mandel has some pending commits on the krillin gerrit. not sure when they are important21:12
looljohn-mcaleely: link?21:12
cwayneright, but so there's basically an RTM and an utopic one21:12
cwaynelool: where do the utopic bits live?21:12
robrualright, who's around? we got 11 free silos in utopic and 17 free in rtm, let's release some stuff!21:12
john-mcaleelylool, messaged21:13
loolcwayne: hmm which part?21:13
cwaynelool: the custom tarball21:13
loolcwayne: it's pulled by system-image from people.canonical.com/~platform/.../ into system-image; it's built from a bzr branches which itself is fed from various places21:14
loolnotably a PPA build21:14
loolcwayne: but as I mentioned, I'd like to move to the same production process as you use so that we only have one way21:14
john-mcaleelycwayne, last chance to scream if tomorrow is terrible for the device tarball21:14
john-mcaleelybrendand, & I both think we want to sleep on it21:14
cwaynejohn-mcaleely: today would definitely be preferable, but if we want to sleep on it i won't stop it21:15
john-mcaleelycwayne, zzzzz21:15
john-mcaleelyit is21:15
cwaynelool: right, that's what I'm trying to do21:15
cwaynejohn-mcaleely: we *have* to do a custom release tomorrow too then, it's got a few critical bug fixes in it21:15
robrukenvandine: lool tvoss sergiusens mzanetti ogra_ bregma tedg AlbertA kgunn: I see outstanding landing requests from you guys in the spreadsheet. are any of you actually around to use a silo if I give you one?21:15
john-mcaleelycwayne, noted21:15
bregmarobru, if I could have a silo for the Nux crasher fix, it would help me a whole bunch21:16
cwaynelool: so is there one branch that has all the compiled bits ready in a custom tarball format i could pull in?21:16
robrubregma: which line?21:16
loolrobru: nah, better tomorrow for me21:16
robrulool: no worries21:17
loolcwayne: yes21:17
slangasekcjwatson: cheers21:17
bregmarobru line 5721:17
robruslangasek: funny, nobody seems to be around to use these new silos ;-)21:17
AlbertArobru: I'm gated by landing-006...21:17
robrubregma: ok you got utopic 9.21:18
robruAlbertA: no worries21:18
looljohn-mcaleely: there were two reasons we could use mandel's stuff; reason 1 is gone and I dont know whether it really help with reason 221:19
bregmarobru, thanks21:19
looljohn-mcaleely: so I wouldn't push it in right now21:19
robrubregma: you're welcome!21:19
john-mcaleelylool, ack. good to know21:19
kgunnrobru: i'm about21:22
robrukgunn: what lines would you like assigned?21:22
* kgunn checks21:22
tedgrobru, I can be in a few hours, but I'm about to EOD right now.21:23
tedgBoy's night. Probably In-and-Out :-)21:23
robrutedg: no hurry on my end, but if you want a silo they're available21:23
tedgrobru, K, cool.21:23
kgunnrobru: actually all looks ok21:24
robrukgunn: thanks for looking!21:24
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 60 building (started: 20140924 21:25) ===21:25
cjwatson$ lp-shell production devel21:31
cjwatsonIn [1]: lp.archives.getByReference(reference="~robru/ubuntu/lisp").require_virtualized21:31
cjwatsonOut[1]: True21:31
cjwatsonrobru: ^-21:31
cjwatsonit's not in the web UI unless you have the right privileges to look at +admin, but you can see it that way21:32
robrucjwatson: thanks21:32
robrucjwatson: nifty tool21:32
cjwatsonsilos are better dealt with in bulk via launchpadlib anyway; clicking through the web UI is desperately tedious21:33
cjwatsonespecially x6021:33
robrucjwatson: absolutely21:33
robrudobey: you around to use that silo if i give it to you?21:41
dobeyrobru: i can hit build yes21:44
dobeyhopefully the other unity-scope-click rtm silo will get QA approved soon21:45
dobeyalso unity821:45
robrudobey: hm, yeah, that conflicts with unity-scope-click21:47
dobeywell, i'm really /away now then. if the other one gets approved and the new one gets assigned, ping me. i'll probably pop back on a computer at some point tonight and see if i need to tap a build button21:51
* cjwatson sets up NBS removal processing on ubuntu-rtm/14.09 and runs it (i.e. stale binaries no longer built by any source)22:11
cjwatsonI've spot-checked it, happy with the output22:12
cwaynecjwatson: btw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/1371574 goes away as expected if /usr/share/click/preinstalled is removed, so I think we may be able to bump down the priority to high if you'd like22:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1371574 in click (Ubuntu) "After installing clicks to /custom/click, /usr/share/click/preinstalled version are still preferred" [Critical,In progress]22:15
cjwatsoncwayne: hopefully just the subdirectories of that rather than the entire database, but OK, cool22:16
cjwatsoncwayne: fine if that's actually possible to coordinate :)22:16
cjwatson(I do still plan to work on it though, as it's a wart)22:16
cwaynecjwatson: that's what I need to double check :)  it should be though.. rsalveti we can drop the clicks from the rootfs and land a custom tarball at around the same time but in that order, yes?22:17
cjwatsonthey have to be in one step from the user's point of view22:17
cwaynewe definitely cant land one, build an image then land the other, it's got to be all at once22:19
rsalveticwayne: right22:20
rsalvetibut I don't know how images are getting imported by system-image, afaik it's hard to coordinate multiple items for a single image22:20
cwaynethen perhaps that bug is still critical22:25
cwaynersalveti: do you happen to have the features file for manta handy?22:26
rsalveticwayne: they should be all the same http://paste.ubuntu.com/8421300/22:27
rsalveticwayne: hopefully we should have a new rtm image soon22:27
rsalvetiwhich should include the device specific rules at least22:27
rsalvetithen need to wait qa to sign off the device tarball that john-mcaleely pushed today22:27
rsalvetiso we can have finally everything that is needed22:28
cwaynersalveti: i thought .features was device-specific?22:30
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 60 DONE (finished: 20140924 22:30) ===22:30
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/60.changes ===22:30
ToyKeeperkgunn: You around?  I've got some questions about apt's behavior with silo rtm-006.22:30
ToyKeeper(or saviq / mzanetti / greyback)22:31
cwayneah, /me has to go to dinner, bbiab22:31
ToyKeeperkgunn: https://pastebin.canonical.com/117558/  <-- Why would a dist-upgrade want to remove ubuntu-system-settings-wizard and ubuntu-touch?  And, any idea why unity8 was kept back?22:32
rsalveticwayne: it could be, but we try to keep them the same22:32
rsalveticwayne: we the cache can be valid for every device22:32
ToyKeeperkgunn: It looks like the silo depends on new packages from outside the silo.  (specifically, unity8-schemas)22:41
ToyKeeperHmm, that's neither in the silo nor in the regular package feeds.22:42
cjwatsonToyKeeper: which package has that dependency?  no match for unity8-schemas in http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-006/ubuntu-rtm/dists/14.09/main/binary-armhf/Packages22:47
ToyKeepercjwatson: It seems unity8 requires unity8-private, which requires unity8-schemas (which doesn't exist).22:48
ToyKeeperWait, it might exist...  that was just a first look.22:49
ToyKeeperunity8-private : Depends: unity-schemas (>= 7.3.1+14.10.20140915) but 7.3.1+14.10.20140811-0ubuntu1 is to be installed22:49
cjwatsonunity-schemas != unity8-schemas22:50
ToyKeeperOkay, I had an extra '8'.22:50
cjwatsonok, that explains my confusion22:50
ToyKeeperStill, it's depending on a newer version which doesn't seem to be available.22:51
cjwatson unity-schemas | 7.3.1+14.10.20140915-0ubuntu1 | utopic           | all22:51
cjwatson unity-schemas | 7.3.1+14.10.20140915-0ubuntu1 | ubuntu-rtm/14.09 | all22:51
cjwatsonsays rmadison ...22:51
ToyKeeperOr perhaps I had an extra '8' in more than one place.22:52
cjwatsonmaybe try upgrading unity-schemas first?22:52
cjwatsonapt doesn't always follow all the way down the chain22:52
ToyKeeperYeah, that's what I just did.  (what I tried to do earlier except for having a typo)22:52
cjwatsonif you have a self-contained "apt-get install" line that showed you that "but ... is to be installed" output above, then try adding unity-schemas to the end of it22:53
cjwatsonand repeat until you get a more sensible error22:53
cjwatson(this is a judgement call but it's usually obvious when you get to it - an entirely missing package, or a conflicts, or some such)22:53
cjwatsonalso, unity-schemas was only published quite recently from RTM silo 822:54
cjwatsonso it's possible that this will be easier based on the next image22:55
ToyKeeperI simply missed the lack of an '8'.22:56
ToyKeeperThe rest was pretty straightforward.22:56
ToyKeeperThe only unknown now is whether two new packages are supposed to be included: indicators-client unity-scope-tool22:57
cjwatsonindicators-client is Source: unity822:58
cjwatsonas is unity-scope-tool22:58
cjwatsonubuntu-rtm/14.09 currently has older versions of both22:59
cjwatson indicators-client | 8.00+14.10.20140918~rtm-0ubuntu1 | ubuntu-rtm/14.09/universe | amd64, armhf, i38622:59
cjwatson unity-scope-tool  | 8.00+14.10.20140918~rtm-0ubuntu1 | ubuntu-rtm/14.09/universe | amd64, armhf, i38622:59
ToyKeeperLooks like one is for autopilot, the other is for developing scopes.  Probably not intended to be in the default image.22:59
cjwatsonare they in the default image?22:59
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need other help? Ping vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins. robru landed some experimental changes in citrain production, please ping robru if your build job has unexpected errors
cjwatsonthere are no new dependencies on them introduced by this PPA23:00
ToyKeeperI was just double-checking for new packages, since sometimes those don't always get pulled in automatically.  I do see several which are claimed as no longer necessary though...23:01
cjwatsonToyKeeper: they're just other binaries built by the same source package - all the binaries from a given source go together23:01
cjwatsonso they're all in the PPA, but that doesn't mean they'll end up on the image23:01
ToyKeepercjwatson: Yes.  Usually I just dist-upgrade with only the silo enabled and apt figures out the right thing to do.  Since that didn't work this time, I'm double-checking everything.23:01
cjwatsonlooking at the dependency structure I think there's no change there23:01
cjwatsongot it23:01
cjwatsonI think I can confidently answer that you do not need to install those two packages23:02
ToyKeeperI decided the same, after reading what the packages are.  :)23:02
cjwatsonI just perked up in case it was one of the cases of missing dependencies in rtm that I'm chasing down23:02
ToyKeeperDoesn't look like it...  I just autocompleted an '8' which wasn't supposed to be there.  ;P23:03
cwaynersalveti: ah, okay, so features atm is the same for everything then?23:30
rsalveticwayne: yes23:30
cwaynersalveti: ah cool, that simplifies this a bit :)23:32
sergiusensnot again...23:34
robrusergiusens: dunno why the spreadsheet lost that info, turns out it was in silo 1 all along, i just fixed it but not before the bot could ping23:34
sergiusensrobru: somebody might be typoing and undoing and the bot detects that as a change23:36
robrusergiusens: doubtful, because the requestid was completely gone from the spreadsheet, so it's more like "somebody typod, and then didn't think to undo but just deleted the whole cell"23:37
robrusergiusens: I had to grab the requestid from the dashboard and copy&paste it back in the right place23:37
sergiusensrobru: heh, damn spreadsheet23:38
robrusergiusens: yeah it's a mess23:39
robruUrsinha: ^23:39
UrsinhaI promise the nightmare will go away23:52

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