
Logan_what is the easiest way to remove a file from the .diff.gz?01:57
Logan_good call02:03
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* mdeslaur learns about filterdiff02:37
pittibdmurray: known issue, duped to bug 136249604:37
ubottubug 1362496 in base-files (Ubuntu-rtm 14.09) "LSB release and /etc/os-release still say "Utopic", needs to be RTM" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136249604:37
pittisarnold: hm, nothing stuck, let me check04:38
pittisarnold: ah yes, I think I see the problem; I'll look into it04:39
pittiGood morning04:39
andrewrkis utopic going to update to the official libav 11 release? current version in utopic is 11~beta105:12
pittisarnold: I'm afraid I need to rebuild the apt-ftparchive db on ddebs.u.c., which takes painfully long :( (about 24 hours); I'm afraid the retracers will stay broken until then05:46
YokoZaroops, I let this sync request stagnate: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcdio/+bug/136104706:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1361047 in libcdio (Ubuntu) "Please sync libcdio" [Undecided,New]06:03
Logan_stagnation is sad06:07
thopre01Hi there06:30
thopre01I submitted a Feature Freeze Exception on 1st September and I was wondering if there is any chance it's going to be processed before the release06:31
thopre01(given the short time remaining before release)06:32
thopre01The FFe in question is for the ARM embedded toolchain: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb-arm-none-eabi/+bug/1363788 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libstdc++-arm-none-eabi/+bug/1363790 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/newlib/+bug/1363791 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-arm-none-eabi/+bug/136379206:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363788 in gdb-arm-none-eabi (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync gdb-arm-none-eabi 6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]06:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363790 in libstdc++-arm-none-eabi (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync libstdc++-arm-none-eabi 4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]06:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363791 in newlib (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync newlib 2.1.0+git20140818.1a8323b-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]06:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1363792 in gcc-arm-none-eabi (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync gcc-arm-none-eabi 11 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]06:33
dholbachgood morning06:59
LocutusOfBorg1hi people07:03
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apacheloggerstgraber: more lxc problems :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/8416404/  <-  this from an unpriv container start done through a daemon (jenkins) that was sudo started from a user other than the one owning the container08:06
apacheloggerthe execution env in both cases is exactly the same except for jenkins job variables, so I am not quite sure why it happens or how to prevent it (short of not restarting the daemon from other users anyway)08:07
cjwatsonandrewrk: Yeah, we always intended to.  I've thrown a sync into the queue.08:49
Laneythopre01: I'll look at thos thanks for the pointer08:50
Laneygremlins ate my "e,"08:51
thopre01Laney: Thanks a lot08:51
cariboubefore I go and make a mistake, now that I have PPU rights for sosreport & my fixes are in Utopic, all I have to do for my SRU is to upload (using dput) to trusty-proposed & subscribe ubuntu-sru to the bug, right ?09:32
caribouand the difference b/w uploading to debian & to ubuntu is that, with ubuntu I upload the *source.changes, no binary09:33
RAOFcaribou: You don't actually need to subscribe ubuntu-sru to the bug; we'll process it from the unapproved queue.09:46
caribouRAOF: ah, ok. Old habbit09:47
caribouRAOF: so just the dput is enough09:47
RAOFOf course, you need to close the bugs from the changelog, but I presume you're doing that anyway :)09:48
caribouRAOF: yep, it was already in the utopic upload09:49
caribouhmm, rejected, no upload rights; looks like it has not been processed yet09:49
pitticaribou: upload rights are configured by release, I figure it was just forgotten to also add you to previous releases09:58
pitti(or maybe that's on purpose/by policy, I'm not sure)09:58
cariboupitti: maybe only because my PPU rights got voted on by the DMB monday & they did not have the time to act upon it09:59
cariboupitti: trying to upload was one way to check that out09:59
cariboupitti: & true, I did not try to upload to Utopic yet10:00
pitticaribou: ah, utopic is usually configured first; I thought the utopic upload worked and the trusty one didn't10:00
pitticaribou: so yes, probably not acted upon yet10:00
cariboupitti: no, it was sponsored to Utopic10:01
cariboupitti: but thanks for the details :)10:01
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smosercjwatson, i had a question for you at https://bugs.launchpad.net/curtin/+bug/1373137 .12:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1373137 in curtin (Ubuntu) "need to run update-grub when grub-install" [High,Triaged]12:31
smoserbasically, after blatting a tarball to disk, is there some way that i can know when i need to run update-grub. it seemed that dpkg-reconfigure would sometimes run it.12:32
cjwatsonsmoser: subscribing me to the bug gives me more chance of seeing the question in mail :)12:37
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smosercjwatson, i realized that i'd forgotten to subscribe you sometime in the middle of the night.12:39
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cjwatsonanswered, anyway12:41
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smosercjwatson, so is just 'touch /boot/grub/grub.cfg' enough to convince dpkg-reconfigure to run update-grub ?13:51
smoseri do suspect that os_prober is what was slow (and i've disabled that when running it). but doing less is nicer if i can.13:51
dholbachpete-woods, everything all right? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to understand "Oh noes. The mod-bot got me!"? :)13:59
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cjwatsonsmoser: err I'm not sure, I suppose so, seems weird but if it produces sane output ...14:02
stgraberapachelogger: can you pastebin /proc/self/cgroup? I suspect that your current user doesn't own the cgroup it's in and so can't create the cgroups required for lxc14:02
cjwatsonit's just a test -e14:02
cjwatsonsmoser: I'm pretty sure os-prober can be sped up, that said :)14:02
pete-woodsdholbach: oh, the auto moderation bot rejected it because of the accounts policy14:03
cjwatsonI made a start on that last week, but I have ninety concurrent things to do so it hasn't got too far yet14:03
pete-woodsdholbach: although I still got an email saying it was published14:03
dholbachbeuno, ^14:03
smosercjwatson, thats fine. this is low priority. i'm worried about saving a couple seconds. not a big deal. thanks for your help.14:03
apacheloggerstgraber: earliest in 12 hours or so, assuming that is the case is there any way to make sure this doesn't happen?14:03
cjwatsonsmoser: it was annoying me because I was debugging a crash so running it over and over again ...14:05
pete-woodsdholbach: I'm hoping you're still able to override the "accounts" failure, like happened the previews few times14:05
dholbachpete-woods, Approved version:1.0.1214:05
dholbachThe last submitted upload (1.0.13) failed review.14:05
dholbachhum hum14:05
dholbachI can't see how to override it14:05
beunopete-woods, I'll take a look14:05
dholbachthanks a bunch14:05
dholbachbeuno, if you'd prefer I ping somebody else about it, let me know14:05
stgraberapachelogger: your best bet is to fix the permissions of the cgroup before dropping privilege to that user, you can do that with something like:14:06
stgraberapachelogger: cgm create all <username>14:06
beunopete-woods, link?14:06
stgraberapachelogger: cgm chown all <username> <uid> <gid>14:06
stgraberapachelogger: cgm movepid all <username> $$14:06
apacheloggerit's a cgroup problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/8418342/14:06
stgraberapachelogger: that'll move the current process (your shell) into a newly created batch of cgroups that are owned by the user you'll be switching to14:07
apacheloggerstgraber: I do wonder, shouldn't sudo su $user adjust the cgroup accordingly?14:07
pete-woodsbeuno: this is app number 971 (youtube scope). it's been uploaded to the store at version 1.0.13 and the auto moderation bot as failed it because it uses the accounts policy group14:07
smosercjwatson, and for this particular use case, my solution of chmod -x is perfectly fine.14:07
stgraberapachelogger: it's something we've been wondering and I believe it'd make sense but I guess that's not happening because sudo doesn't go through the right parts of the PAM stack and so logind never creates a new session14:08
smoseras i dont *want* it to find other operating systems. i just installed the one i want.14:08
pete-woodsbeuno: but dholbach can't seem to override this fail like has happened previously14:08
smoserthanks again14:08
apacheloggerstgraber: I see14:08
stgraberapachelogger: so ultimately that's a logind problem and not one we felt confident working around in Ubuntu as it's probable that some stuff depends on that behavior14:08
pete-woodsbeuno: if you're not familiar, the accounts profile group is only currently allowed for canonical / trusted scopes14:08
stgraberapachelogger: for one thing, if we were to do that, any process you spawn through sudo in your session will not be linked to your session anymore and so will not be killed at exit time (if you have that logind option enabled)14:09
beunopete-woods, right, we're working out the kinks with these auto-reviews14:09
beunosorry about that14:09
beunolet me fix this for you14:09
pete-woodsbeuno: the weird part, is that I still got an email saying my app had been published. even though the bot failed it14:10
beunopete-woods, indeed, that sounds like a bug14:10
cjwatsonsmoser: (GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true in /etc/default/grub or /etc/default/grub.d/foo is simpler, though.)14:12
beunopete-woods, the email bug is known and in progress, I'll figure out why it was left as rejected, and how to approve it while we fix and deploy it14:13
smosercjwatson, and that will work for 12.04 + ?14:14
smoserthen that is great.14:14
cjwatsonsmoser: Yes.  Added in GRUB 1.98.14:16
smosergracias. and do you recommend me doing that in /etc/default/grub14:16
smoseror in /etc/grub/default.d/file.conf14:16
cjwatsonsmoser: s/conf/cfg/, but I'd recommend the latter.14:16
smoserthat is 12.04 also i think .right ?14:17
beunopete-woods, I approved it14:21
beunopete-woods, can you verify for me that the package you get on the phone is correct?14:21
beunoI did something... "innovative" to get around this bug14:21
cjwatsonsmoser: yes14:22
cjwatsonsmoser: (I SRUed that)14:22
smosercjwatson, ok. last bother i promise. do you suggest updating GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub or putting that in default.d also14:24
xnoxargh I hate gnutls =) specifically old gnutls https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls26/+bug/137342214:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1373422 in gnutls26 (Ubuntu) "gnutls fails to connect to https://01.org in trusty" [Undecided,New]14:25
xnoxlooks like gnutls26 decides not to trust if intermediate certificate is not trusted, or some such. Any idea as how to best resolve that issue?14:26
cjwatsonsmoser: if you can keep /etc/default/grub pristine then that will cut down on swearing later14:26
xnoxgiven that mass upgrading trusty to gnutls28 by default is not an option.14:26
cjwatsonsmoser: although for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT I think the scripting is supposed to handle it ...14:26
cjwatsonit's rather fragile though, it's really the one bit of the grub2 packaging I haven't yet summoned the fortitude to understand in totality14:27
smosercjwatson, agreed. i've been through the swearing. and i figure i'll still have more at some point. but thank you for your advice.14:27
cjwatsonsmoser: but d-i updates GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub directly so we have to deal with that in any case14:27
pete-woodsbeuno: thanks, just going to have a look now14:28
pete-woodsbeuno: okay, cool, that looks good :)14:30
beunopete-woods, sweet. We've found the bug (that check wasn't marked as a manual review step), we'll fix it and deploy tomorrow14:30
beunoso it shouldn't happen again14:30
beunoit won't get auto-approved as it requires a special permission14:31
beunoand we haven't gotten to whitelisting permissions14:31
pete-woodssure, that's fine, as long as it doesn't stop the manual moderators from overriding :)14:31
beunojdstrand, I'm going to mark that one as a manual review in the scripts  ^14:32
smosercjwatson, just fyi, this change is going to actually fix my issue with petiboot, i'm pretty sure.  i found about this because there was no /boot/grub/grub.cfg , and i'm pretty certain that petiboot was loading/parsing that file. so it did not know of my installation as that file wasn't getting created.14:48
cjwatsonsmoser: that would certainly make sense14:50
juliankSecurity people, please take a look at the privilege dropping in APT and tell us if you find any error; thank you: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/apt/apt.git/tree/apt-pkg/contrib/fileutl.cc?h=debian/experimental#n217614:54
juliankThat's inspired by tor's switch_id code, but only checks for errors.14:55
juliankand does not log success14:55
juliankWe'll probably also put it in a seccomp sandbox for even more security14:56
juliank(It = The methods fetching files)14:56
RoyKhow can I get bug 1364091 fixed? the solution is there...14:59
ubottubug 1364091 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Possible RAID-6 corruption" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136409114:59
kdeuser56cjwatson: os-prober does not detect ubuntu installs that have a btrfs root file system15:00
kdeuser56cjwatson: regardless if mounted or not15:01
cjwatsonkdeuser56: yes, that's a bug, just not one it looks like I'm going to have time to fix15:03
kdeuser56cjwatson: remeber the bug number?15:06
cjwatsonno, sorry15:06
kdeuser56cjwatson: maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/os-prober/+bug/1294638 ?15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1294638 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "os-prober does not detect ubuntu installations in btrfs subvolumes with EFI partitioning" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:06
cjwatsonI guess15:06
cjwatsonI'm doing about five other things15:06
kdeuser56cjwatson: hm ... someone other with commit access and the skills to fix it?15:06
cjwatsoncommit access doesn't matter, send patches15:07
kdeuser56cjwatson: ok, one question though: did os-prober in ubuntu ever support detecting subvolumes on btrfs partitions?15:07
cjwatsonI'm sorry I don't remember right now15:08
kdeuser56cjwatson: is there one common upstream for os-prober or does every distro develop their own?15:08
cjwatsonI don't have the attention available to think about this15:08
cjwatsonit's developed as part of the debian-installer project, in Debian15:08
cjwatsonthat is the one common upstream15:08
kdeuser56cjwatson: then I guess that fedora patch did never go upstream: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=676324&action=diff15:09
cjwatsonI don't know, did they send it?15:10
cjwatsonthat's a fairly fearsomely large patch15:10
kdeuser56cjwatson: it seems not ... they changed the output format of os-prober (common.sh)15:11
cjwatsonkdeuser56: looks like https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=68833615:11
ubottuDebian bug 688336 in os-prober "update-grub finds only one system on btrfs volume" [Normal,Open]15:11
kdeuser56cjwatson: ah thanks ... the patch is proposed there ... a shame no one integrated it :-(15:13
kdeuser56cjwatson: ok thanks again ... it seems fedora is using the patch already for its last two major releases ... I'll download and test fedora, afterwards report back on the debian bug report, thanks!15:24
pete-woodscjwatson: you're a distro-ish kinda person. so random question here. we noticed that the package libunity-core-6.0-9 is no-longer on the devel-proposed phone images, but it is on the RTM ones still15:31
pete-woodscjwatson: it provides some icons that the scopes use15:31
pete-woodsso now it's gone, it means that some fallback icons (for albums with no art, for example) don't appear15:31
cjwatsonshouldn't you depend on it if you need it?15:32
pete-woodsdo you know how I can find out why / where it went?15:32
pete-woodswell that's a fair point15:32
pete-woodsso we should install-depend on it, and it'll come back then, seems fair I guess15:32
cjwatsonalthough its ABI keeps changing of course; icons shouldn't be in an ABI-versioned package like that15:32
cjwatsonI don't know why it went away; I assume all its dependencies went away15:32
cjwatsonall the packages that depend on it, that is15:33
pete-woodsokay, just wanted to check it wasn't purged intentionally15:33
cjwatsonthis sort of thing is not generally micromanaged, it's controlled by dependencies15:33
cjwatsonI can find out what happened if you really need it but it will take about half an hour to track it all down15:33
pete-woodsno, that's fine, just wanted to check it wasn't on someone's kill list15:34
cjwatsondoesn't work that way :)15:34
cjwatsonlooks like it first disappeared in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20140920/ if that helps15:34
pete-woodsthanks for the info :)15:35
cjwatsonhm, no, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20140919.1/15:35
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cjwatsonpete-woods: actually, you know what, I got curious and that wasn't too hard to find.  It dropped out because of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/revision/127615:40
pete-woodscjwatson: awesome, thanks. turns out that we only need a single icon from that package. so would seem a bit nuts to pull it in just for that. (so we'll probably leave it out)15:46
pete-woodsbut again, thanks for the help!15:46
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infinitypitti: Were those langpack uploads you?17:00
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stgraberpitti: I just posted my updated init scripts patch to the mailing-list now17:17
sarnoldpitti: thanks for tending to the retracers :)17:54
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seb128jibel, I reassigned #1371651 to jodh, that doesn't seem to be a lightdm issue but an upstart/plymouth/udev/... one, I don't think desktop is going to tackle it18:56
jibelseb128, k18:58
seb128hum, the session indicator is listing hibernate for me in utopic, is that a known issue?19:11
seb128slangasek, pitti, whoever knows that stack, ^?19:11
seb128didn't we disable that by default some cycles ago?19:11
slangasekseb128: erm - I thought that was disabled at the level of the indicator itself19:11
slangasekso... it was desktop team ;)19:11
seb128slangasek, hum, I doubt we did19:12
seb128that would be tedious, it would mean patching the indicator, gnome-session, unity, lightdm, etc19:13
slangasekok, I don't know then19:13
seb128didn't we change the polkit rights on the logind/upower actions?19:13
seb128http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/enable-hibernate-ubuntu-14-04/ suggests tweaking the polkit permissions to re-enable it19:13
slangasekI don't know, I wasn't involved19:13
seb128I guess that's one for pitti then19:14
seb128slangasek, just for the record, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/83287567/policykit-desktop-privileges_0.7_0.8.diff.gz seems to be how it was done19:16
seb128there is also a similar change on the logind interface19:16
seb128that file still has19:17
seb128[Disable hibernate by default in logind]19:17
seb128 19:17
seb128I wonder if systemd changed19:17
seb128pitti, ^ I guess you are off for today, but a topic for tomorrow if you have some spare cycles to discuss that ;-)19:18
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xnoxmdeslaur: you win! I owe you beverages of your choice next time you are in London =)22:13
xnoxmdeslaur: if I prepare gnutls update for trusty, would you take that into security pocket or updates only? given that it's effectively false negatives?22:15
xnoxmdeslaur: everything works as expected now, after flipping the certs around.22:15
xnoxbug #137165122:16
ubottubug 1371651 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Daily does not boot into graphical interface after installation" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137165122:16
cjwatsonhallyn: How do I get cgmanager to let go of a mount?  I have a stale half-created schroot session that I want to kill off, whose only reference appears to be in /proc/27583/mounts, where that pid is cgmanager22:35
hallyncjwatson: is that cgmanager one that was started inside the schrot?22:45
hallyncgmanager shouldn't have any references to anyone else's mounts...22:46
hallynjust doing 'stop cgmanager' should be fine, cgmangaer doesn't keep any state22:46
cjwatsonhallyn: I don't think so, /proc/27583/root -> /22:48
cjwatsonbut thanks, will try stopping it22:48
cjwatsonoh I should perhaps mention that pid 1 is currently systemd22:48
hallyncjwatson: /proc/pid/root always says it points to '/' :)22:49
hallyncheck under /proc/27583/root/proc to see if it's the same as /proc22:49
cjwatsoneh, no, /proc/pid/root can say other things if it's chrooted and you're looking at it from outside the chroot22:50
cjwatsonanyway, too late, "sudo systemctl restart cgmanager" has cleared it up22:50
hallynsystemd version 208?22:50
cjwatsonyeah, utopic22:50
hallyn(i ask bc then at lesat systemd didn't make /sys/fs/cgroup ro)22:51
mdeslaurxnox: oh, cool...with the patch, or you got the certs changed on the server?23:07
xnoxmdeslaur: certs ordering got changed on half the servers, so i'm still pondering about the patch. And I don't like the thing posted on the mailing list = the flags constants values are different from 3.x, off by one.23:11
sarnoldit'd be worth fixing the ordering, I understand firefox still enforces proper certificate order23:12
mdeslaursarnold: oh? I didn't think nss cared about cert order23:12
xnoxwhich is dangerous since 3.x DO_NOT_ALLOW_OUT_OF_ORDER, would become ALLOW_OUT_OF_ORDER, if one uses bitmasks/values instead of contants names.23:12
mdeslaurxnox: I see23:12
xnoxand the tests have not been backported as part of that patch.23:13
mdeslauryeah, the patch probably needs work23:13
xnoxsarnold: we are only discussing bug in missconfigured servers vs old-gnutls. I can trivially test with curl compiled against each of the libraries. openssl passed, gnutls passes with 3.x, didn't test nss23:15
xnoxbut i think it handles out of order certchains fine.23:16
sarnolda friend was whinging two days ago about firefox and gnutls26 enforcing order and complained that "everyone else" (chrome, gnutls28, openssl) supported random ordering just fine...23:17
mdeslaursarnold: huh...firefox and chrome both use nss...I was definitely under the impression it was a gnutls26 only thing23:23
sarnoldmdeslaur: wonder why he was upset then :)23:23
mdeslaurusually it's because of git :)23:23
xnoxit is git in my case23:27
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